10 Aliens Caught on Camera in Real Life

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are we truly alone in this universe that is a question that has troubled many people for decades but if these videos are to be believed then we already have the answer that we're looking for on that note today we're gonna be looking at a Lian's captured on tape number one is the most compelling and possibly the most realistic one so watch out for it number 10 I'm ready for my close-up North Carolina's candid critters is a group of people who set in motion activated cameras all over in North Carolina with the purpose of capturing the local wildlife in their natural habitat they regularly post their findings on social media the majority of them are of easily identifiable local fauna just going about their business they aren't in the habit of posting unexplained or mysterious content but one of their photo sparked up quite a bit of controversy let's take a look at the photo and you'll see exactly what I mean this photo was taken on March 2nd 2019 in some undisclosed woods in North Carolina and was posted online with a tag line critter quiz time what species can be seen in the photo below it also followed up the photo shows a haunting close-up of a creature in the dark with hollow black eyes appearing to Pete curiously into the camera many commenters quickly pointed out that it looks like the famous grey alien with a dark bulging eyes and pale complexion although candid creatures did say that the photo was of a curious house cat they never elaborate on how they came up with that conclusion so either way this photo could be taken with a grain of salt number 9 the alien of red gate red gate is an area in western Montana that has been reported to be a hotbed for paranormal activity for the past 50 to 60 years sightings of weird lights UFOs and even unexplained humanoids have been reported in the area however all these trails are based on eyewitness accounts without really any hard evidence to back it out that is until now at least Don Bromley a ranch foreman in western Montana had a habit of setting up hundreds of trail cams in the property where he works mainly to catch photos of the local wildlife and sometimes even trespasses into the property one day captured three night photos that baffled him the first photo showed the blurry image of a humanoid figure with distinct legs undefinable arms and an oddly large head the next two photos were pitch-black which was odd because the trail camera was working fine the figure in the first video caused the camera to malfunction well we don't really know number 8 the Texas UFO UFOs have been spotted in the skies of Texas for decades this next clip is just one of the latest secured team 10 a YouTube channel with more than 350,000 subscribers has published a new UFO sighting out of Texas the footage of the Texas UFO is actually pretty clear the Texas UFO was saucer shape - apparently change speeds according to the man who shot the footage interestingly the Texas man is not a big UFO believer but he noted that there are too many unexplained things out there this is a common theme with many people regarding aliens well it's even more shocking about this video is the fact that the man filming the object was very much a skeptic but the event was so compelling it was enough for him to suspend his disbelief at least for a bit number 7 the dead alien this video has been on the internet for more than a decade now but it still sparks an animated discussion the footage was taken near the village of commands in the Russian Republic virat eeeh this is just north of Lake Baikal it showed what appeared to be a humanoid body less than a meter high with a skeletal big eyed head and thin naked body one of its legs was missing off-screen comments of the body was found a couple of hours before and was clearly very dead the local media reported there was numerous reports of UFO sightings in the area in March some of them later attributed to bombing training at a nearby military range it was later reported of the people who allegedly found the alien admitted to hosting the entire thing they even made the alien themselves and painted it gray but some say that the men were forced by the government to recount their alien story and say that it was all just made-up number 6 bogey at 12 o'clock when the civilian spots a UFO they're quite easy to dismiss as mistaken identities or figments of imagination however when US Navy pilots five of them reported to have seen the same UFO in film its then the story becomes quite compelling and needs to be looked at more closely in 2017 the New York Times published a story that chronicled an in air interaction between u.s. Navy pilots and a strange object near San Diego the pilots had snagged footage of an oblong flying object with their f-18s gun camera on November 14th of 2004 the object appeared dark against the bright daytime sky before according to the pilots suddenly and instantaneously accelerating to the left out of view of the camera sensor at what appears to be an unprecedented velocity the US Navy conducted a thorough investigation regarding the matter but it looks like we won't exactly find out what those flying objects actually were as the US government seems to be very hush about the matter number 5 the ISS incident it's one thing that governments around the world are denying the existence of alien life on earth it's a whole different matter if they're covering them up the thing is no matter how much you try to hide the truth it's going to leak out somehow ironically enough the leak came from NASA itself a couple of UFO experts claimed to have spotted an alien vessel docked on NASA's International Space Station footage of the strange incident was captured by NASA's livestream service images from the livestream clip were first captured by the YouTube channel street cap one according to the owner of the channel the footage was captured by ISS camera that was mounted outside the station it was streamed via NASA's website before the video was cut off street cap one noted that the footage was captured in 2014 weather NASA is hiding something or not we're probably not gonna know number four the Martian bird when we talk about aliens our minds immediately jump to gray humanoid-looking beings or even UFOs we rarely consider the existence of alien fauna however and we should be thinking about alien animals because if this next photo is real they may have proof of life existing on Mars the Curiosity rover an unmanned research vehicle that is currently on Mars takes photos of the Martian surroundings and regularly sends them back to earth and in one of these photos something quite odd can be seen something that cannot be explained fully on the top right corner of the photo you can see a winged creature apparently in the act of flying there is also something reptilian to the creature with the wings looking more like that of a bat rather than a fully feathered bird the creature also appeared in multiple photos which shows movement aside from that basing on the speed in which curiosity takes photos the creature flies with incredible speed we're honestly still not really sure what it could have captured some bats some bird or is the Mars Curiosity rover fate yeah I'll leave that one up to you number three alien or demon if you allow me to paraphrase Forrest Gump here the paranormal is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're going to get that's exactly what happened to a group of paranormal investigators during one of their investigations and kennel Vale woods in Cornwall Mark Davies of foul-mouth investigates evidence of paranormal phenomena in different places in the country he and free friends visited eerie wood canal Vale at Ponson off at about 9:00 p.m. when they made the incredible discovery a video which he shared on YouTube showed a very strange silhouette appearing across a small bridge which leads to one of the derelict mills which stands on the site it then seemed to move in sand in different places the video also shows the various ways in which mark and his colleagues were negatively affected by the entity mark himself felt stabbing pains in his back while one of his female companions felt as she was being choked as soon as the entity appeared honestly this could be either or alien or demon maybe both let's look to doom for this now it's time for the day's best day today we're gonna be looking at filmed Encounters of the alien most commonly seen by man number 2 the grey aliens when people talk about alien encounters the most common image that pops up to mind is that of the grey alien these are small gray skin aliens with large heads and large black eyes but although they have figured prominently in alien encounter stories footage of them is actually quite rare so when a video services that claims to have filled one of the creatures it's going to make waves in the paranormal community the footage you're seeing right now was caught on camera and posted on YouTube by a general called parrot truthers the description of the video reads a grey alien caught on camera January 2015 in South Ford UK the uploaders can glue that this is a grey alien because of how the creature in the video looks and moves there are many skeptics of this video but we take into account the channel where this video was uploaded to was rumored to be shut down by the government and so there may be something to this footage after all I saved the best for last but first I have a quick challenge that takes 45 seconds 53 if you can even like and subscribe within the next 5 seconds you'll get 10 years of amazing luck just try it it really works number one peeping tom we all value our privacy and we don't take kindly to peeping toms but what if someone that's peeping into your window every night is literally from out of this world this short video that you're about to see shows us exactly that an intergalactic peeping tom this video was uploaded to YouTube on June with a title of alien filmed in America and it's quite an interesting watch the clip shows the window being filled from the inside of the house when all of a sudden a large bald head of a strange creature emerges from the bottom of the window it also had large black eyes features that are typical of a grey alien after a few seconds seemingly satisfied with what it is seen it lowers back down out of sight now the creature to your immediately looks like it's made of rubber but then it blends which honestly surprised me but it doesn't matter what I think what matters is your thoughts is this a real alien peeping tom caught red-handed let us know in the comments below which alien footage did you find most compelling let us know in the comments section below want to watch more videos on the unexplained click on any of the videos you see on the screen as always everybody thank you all for watching and I will see you all next time later everybody
Channel: Top 5 Best
Views: 514,359
Rating: 4.7743697 out of 5
Keywords: Top, Best, education, ghost video in tamil, real ghost videos in hindi, demons caught on camera | paranormal, paranormal, haunted, spooky, demons, demons caught on camera science cant explain, caught, camera, real, caught on camera, demons caught on camera in real life, demons caught on camera youtube, ghost, ghost sightings, ghosts, real ghost, ghost caught on camera chills, ghost hunters 2020, ghost caught on camera 2020, ghost caught on camera compilation, ghost caught on tape 2020, 2020
Id: 3ZAgBflHLN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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