10 CRAZY Movie Theater Stereotypes

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have you ever been in a movie theater and someone will just not stop talking or someone accidentally throws their popcorn everywhere well on today's vlog we're gonna take a look at 10 of the most annoying people at movie theaters before we get into this vlog i've been looking at the statistics and over 70 of you guys that watch my videos are not subscribed so click that subscribe button and join the 30 that are subscribed with that being said let's roll into today's vlog [Music] this movie so funny what we got going on here about to start sorry movie's about to start sorry did you just take off your shoes yo this is fire it's down it's the preview right the trailer i haven't been to a movie theater for months this is amazing got back proceeds best thing i've ever paid for my life are you trying to play i'm great actually thank you for asking [Music] this is the best day of my life i'm getting a refund for the movies [Music] [Music] [Music] how is he breathing you're still breathing can you hear [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you're good bro you've sat in every sheet not every seat we're good just enjoy the show just enjoy the show sorry sorry sorry okay now that's just ridiculous i'm trying to watch the movie that was supposed to happen this time that i was supposed to end because i was my shoulder ow [Music] finally dirty commercials it's you guys are just in time movie's about to start what movie is this again it's my baby he's cute what a good start of the movie he's a little sippy sippy you please remove your baby from the movie theater oh you're both crying hold on here here i'm [Music] why'd you do that you know better than that john john are you serious john shhh we're trying to enjoy the movie did you not just see what jacob did to john what about jacqueline no one cares about jacqueline that was rebecca she left in the beginning she changed your name earlier if you were watching you wouldn't notice sorry i'm just not involved you're done is [Music] oh no way he just died i got tweet about this that was my favorite character i know i'm watching the movie you're on your phone that's going on my instagram are you i'm at the movies yeah look it you can see the screen your phone's off are you serious i know i just clicked off are you serious i'm gonna be on your phone we're all trying to watch a movie boop boop boop why do i come in the movies [Music] man this movie kind of sucks bro i feel like i've seen it before is this what we paid for why did that screen just shake uh you know how the maintenance people are excuse me sir yeah can you like keep your feet to your sorry i just need some relaxing room don't mind if i take that for you oh thank you makes a little more comfy you have fun with that i have fun with this yeah i have a man's feet on my head oh i'm well aware you have fun with that well here try this position sir oh it's actually way more comfy no no you have fun with that i i'll try to i'll try to have fun with it um sir so you know like this is my head hey can you sh i'm trying to watch a movie i'm sorry sorry man sorry i lost my shoes over here these things just tend to go flying sometimes oh there it is right on my head um sir could it could you like maybe at least move a seat over to the right and then use that foot yeah bro yeah yeah sir thank you man can you just move over there i'm sorry would you say i can't hear you can you like move your feet right here maybe perhaps oh i was thinking about the other side oh wow okay so recently i prefer more mustard on my hot dogs i know i know the hot dog in the mustard thing can't really do it it's already starting i prefer the ketchup but the relish just really settles it in especially if you sprinkle it on the sides i like a lot of the relish to be like like half relish half mustard not watching anything why are you here we were talking about corn dogs you're talking about corn dogs i was talking about hot dogs yeah i know i switched it because corn dogs are all different they're all really hot and then it's breakfast what about a waffle you could wrap a corn dog in a water you mean waffles and waffles like you guys for the mustard and the squares like that because like the bread is a little bit more soft on the waffle actually the pancakes and then the tortillas don't really fit that category of the meat you know sealed up a waffle with two tortillas and then wrap that yeah you could have mustard and on the other side of the waffle you could have the relish do you hear something there's like a fly in here yeah i know that i think one of those so here's the deal here's the deal this is a new company that i've been planning i've been trying to do this for a couple years think of this keep going a refrigerator that makes you food what's the point of a fridge it just holds the food what if it means even the food whoa how would it make it like it like puts the sandwich together yes like it builds it yes oh yes we got it yes that cuts off that's exactly what i'm saying a refrigerator that makes you money oh let's go do this okay let's go i'll put some let's go i'll invest invest i'll give you 10 what about a freezer let's go [Music] wow is it finally gonna happen it's dude like it's almost the end of the movie the uh i'm sorry i'm i'm a little like the guy peak of the movie right now in this movie sir you are in the way of me watching the peeps wait i'm gonna sit over there excuse me bro my gosh just please hurry up just hurry let's go excuse me let's go why are you dropping popcorn oh man it's over the audacity that's it yeah you just made us miss the whole like this is the end of the movie the main point of the movie now i'm never gonna know if james and gabe got a youtube channel man that stinks this is new merch though should we get out of here it's kind of fresh well i just bought this brand new popcorn you guys want it i also have these pop tarts oh yeah i'll trade you wanna pop there and i'll take that [Music] [Music] sir why are you standing well those were some annoying people at the movie theater let me know in the comment section below if you know of any other annoying people that you've seen at movie theaters thank you guys for watching and if you enjoyed this video and want to see more content like this then leave a like on today's vlog
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 14,101,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: 4_ToBmt8Vho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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