Games That Tell The Greatest Stories - Part 3

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welcome one and all to part three of my games with fantastic Story series I'll put a link to the other two on the end screen and we're going to kick off with a great one spec Ops the Line now this is still trapped physically on the seventh generation I'm sure you can get it digitally on newer things though this came out when there were a lot of third person color Shooters and a fair few squad-based ones as well the game play reminds me a little bit not completely but a little bit of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon however this is completely different and the story on this is absolutely phenomenal I'm not going to give you any spoilers at all I'm just going to say play it through to the end it's not a particularly long game I think it's between 9 and 12 hours and it is so worth it for the twist it's phenomenal the game was actually banned in Dubai because it shows Dubai after it's been devastated and turned into a bit of a war zone a little bit of information and trivia for you but this is superb it still looks great the game play is fantastic and the story it it's got to be one of the best there is a line men like us have to cross now we have an XBox One exclusive Quantum break starring sha Ashmore this was originally planned to be a sequel to Alan Wake back in 2015 however they decided they wanted to develop a brand new IP and they had the idea for this time travel concept which they wanted to flush out and I'm really really glad they did it's a good action game yeah some good puzzles some great gameplay and Graphics but the story here is really one for you big sci-fi fans you play as a character who thanks to an accident involving an experiment on a time travel machine get some time manipulation powers and just so happens that's good because the end of the world is nigh and only you can stop it well you and some companions it's definitely quite a hardcore sci-fi story if you're into time travel and things this is definitely one for you I love this game it's one of my favorite Xbox exclusives other than the obligatory Halos and Gears of War a bit like your favorite TV show you just want to keep binging and playing this game to find out what happens next because it's not always what you expect it's just a closed loop and no matter what I do time ends now we're on to a game in one of my favorite media franchises of all time Ghostbusters the video game who you going to call you're going to call the original cast that's who this is as close as we'll ever get to a Ghostbusters free film starring the full original cast It Is Awesome from start to finish you play as a fifth unnamed rookie you're accompanying the original cast through an original Adventure specifically written for this game it was written with Harold Ramis and Dan akroy using input they had planned for a sequel to Ghostbusters 2 I cannot praise this enough I did give it its own video just play it it's on pretty much every gen and every console starting from the PS2 onwards one for you horror fans out there who like to make themselves so scared they have nightmares made of skur this is a firsters survival game set in 1898 in the scare Hotel on the fictional scare Island you've been invited by your lover to the hotel and ask to uncover the mysteries of the hotel and the family within it definitely has the creep Factor combat is very limited you're mainly trying to sneak and avoid and stealth your way around which adds a nice little layer it's quite a tense game as well with some good jump scares or at least it made me jump anyway influenced by a Welsh folk tale but obviously taken to the m degree to try and make you shake in your booties really good fun game definitely one for you survival horror fans it throws back a little bit to your Classics like Resident Evil evil with some of the sty of the puzzles and also the save system you have to use gramophones whereas in Resident Evil of course you use typewriters similar system just different object they haven't reinvented the wheel here but what they have done is produce a really good tense creepy game ideal for horror fans with a lovely deep story which is twisted and scary and frilling and engaging all in one go [Music] now for something a little bit more light-hearted Star Trek Resurgence this is definitely one for the fans however as with many licensed games you don't have to know VIP you can just like sci-fi or games with good stories and still get a lot out of it it's an interactive movie Style game so where story is everything of course with these games and it doesn't disapp point it stays truthful to the law and Cannon set up for the Star Trek universe you play as one of two officers on a sta leet ship and you get involved in a deadly conspiracy there's a lot of focus on player choices that has massive influence on the story and the ending giving you a good level of replayability as well as the expected quick time events and puzzles definitely one for the fans iteration and the prospect for peace may very well depend on it I do like to throw a bit of retro in these lists and I've done so here with wing Commander 3 this was done when they were obsessed with putting as much full motion videoing games as possible and I've got to say I think it works for this it goes with the style and with the age of the game now I will say that the wing commander games are better played on PC than console however you can get three and four on PS1 which is where I played them I've gone with three just cuz it's the one I've replayed most recently and can remember the most you have a stellar cast here led by none other than Mark Hamill himself there's a real deep selection of mechanics when you're flying the ship it is a space simulator as much as a fighter game when I first played this back in the day I was blown away by just how many different things you could do when it launched it would have the advertising slogan of don't watch the game play the movie and that gives you an idea of how much they put into the full motion video scenes and indeed the story itself any sci-fi fan you'll enjoy this it's much more than just a space shooter dare I say as a series it's one of the best collections of space Shooters of all time let me know what you think in the comments the story does carry over from the previous games but you can play it without having played the previous ones and still have a fantastic time have you ever wished you could find out what it was like to be a cat in a futuristic steampunk style World populated by robots machines and mutant bacteria well fantastic news now you can with stray this came out in 2022 on most platforms I think it's coming to the switch later this year as well and it is a full story game it's got a nice unique premise I can't think of any other games where you play as a stray cat especially in this sort of Steampunk futuristic stroke demolished world you fall into this city and you're basically trying to get back to the surface which as you explore it you'll realize is something you really want to do cuz it sucks down there there's a lot of platforming obviously being a cat it lends itself to that fantastically you also got some puzzles as well yeah to interact with the environment and the robots machines Etc you also have a friendly drone accompanying you along the way but not all of these mechanical things are friendly there's also some Sentinels out there who will kill you if they get the chance I'm really impressed at how they managed to get a great story into a game where you play as a cat which obviously can't talk you have to give credit to the devs they got a unique concept and really made it work Bravo and lastly a game I genuinely didn't expect to like I played the free demo out of blind curiosity and ended up loving it I'm talking about Dave the diver it's not a true Indie but it's from a small Studio that's part of a larger company and it's just absolutely fantastic some would look at it and think it might be just a cozy game and avoid it which I fully understand because I'm not a fan of cozy games myself but it isn't just that it's far more I would say it is an adventure and exploration game with some cozy stroke management simulation elements yes you do run the restaurant and you do have to gather the ingredients and you can Farm them and things in later stages but that's a very small part of it the main part is the adventure which takes place as I'm sure you already guessed underwater there's also a crazy kooky hilarious cast of characters you meet along the way really well flushed out whoever wrote this game or the team that wrote this game did such a fantastic job it is so engaging I was hooked from start to finish and actually disappointed when it ended cuz I just wanted more if there's still a free demo on the eShop please try it you could just discover your new favorite game there's no telling what he may encounter and that concludes part three if I've done things correctly you should be seeing links to Parts one and two here got plenty of other videos on the channel to check out thank you so much for your time and I'll see you really soon [Music]
Channel: BigJimGaming!
Views: 148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OAgmUlolvrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2024
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