Animation Errors in Bluey!

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all right you guys got to check out this animation error in Bluey hey pillar get back here now stay there pillar where the heck is Bandit's tail it's gone the animators forgot to animate it back in what the heck is that even Bandit we're looking at be honest in the previous scenes we actually do see that they didn't forget to include it however in the scene I showed you guys his tail is completely missing this is a big mistake this is an animation error oh my gosh hello hello I'm Gooba wagan man let's get into today's video is this what you have for breakfast yesterday bake beans on wheat TOS now the problem with this scene is that there are crumbs on that plate however in the next shot we see that the crumbs disappear this is an animation error I don't care what anyone says about perspective and zooms those three crumbs should have been animated in this scene it's not too little to draw it back in you guys let's move on to the next next animation [Music] error now this one's Up For Debate but look at Chile we see that Chile's legs are completely visible through the floatable what are those things called again and don't say that this isn't a mistake because we see in the previous shot that this thing is thick you can't even see it through the side angle however under we can see her legs visible that kind of counts as a mistake I'm only saying that this is a mistake because there is contradicting information the animator should have stopped with one principal okay crazy let's move on oh Mrs H oh I don't know about this when chly and her mother are viciously binding down on that dog we actually see one of the biggest animation errors in history take a look at bingo what's going on here do you see her paw it's going straight through his leg ouch that is freaky wa that's probably the biggest one on the list let's move on I should now excuse myself to go tidy the kitchen no you need to excuse yourself from this animation error Bluey because she just phases through the chair guys take a look I'm slowing it down for you bloop her eye just vanishes like a magician I don't know if this is Houdini I don't know if this is David Blaine heck I don't even know if this is Chris Angel probably not Chris Angel because his magic is fake but guys what we're seeing on that clip was just unbelievable what we saw was unbelievable blue just went straight through the cha insane I don't know what Bingo's thinking of this she probably went crazy that's why all the family they went crazy from seeing this whoo whoo whoo and you guys have to admit it looks kind of strange it just looks like something's off you can't put your finger on it but something is clearly off now in my previous videos I asked you guys what software do the blue creators use like I was so confused I had no idea if they used flash or toune boom I have no idea shout out to this commenter for letting Kobi know what they use they use cell action 2D amazing thank you now I know now I know what they use cuz I really didn't know what they Ed so it makes sense why we're seeing these animation errors they're using assets which are reused but it can cause mistakes let's move on PA the jellyfish yeah and the Pelicans and I saw a whole hood of crabs now the mistake here is actually the paint on her face look at it it's clipping Through The Eyes the nose wo wo wo again I just communicated to you guys that the animators are using a software called cell action 2D in that software they can use assets reuse the assets drop and move they don't have to draw it over and over again that we typically see in handdrawn animation however look at what is on screen now I don't say this to mock the animators in fact I love animation ears I love the animators they're doing a phenomenal job even with the errors the reason that this happens is because this is just a split second guys no one can even notice this this isn't even a big deal if the animators made this mistake again and I was watching and checking the episode for mistakes I would give them the approval to go ahead and air that thing publicly because no one's going to notice it's not that big a deal that's just wasting effort to go back in and correct a mistake that no one can even see unless you just screenshot and zoom which is what I do I know it's kind of toxic but it is what it is let's move on [Music] huh hello when you zoom into the bird can't tell you the name we see an animation eror what we see is Bluey with her mouth open why is that an error well look now it's closed it's closed that's not normal that's a mistake okay this is a continuity error maybe it's not the visuals but this is a continuity error the mouth is open you go to the next scene mouth is closed how does that happen blue what is going on stop making these mistakes blue you have to be consistent is your mouth open or is it closed okay big mistake just a continuity error we got to let this one slide it ain't that big a deal I wonder how much people even noticed I noticed it I was like H did she really close it off screen that would be too fast then they keep playing it over and over and I was like yeah you know what this is a mistake let's go ahead and go on ah Sheil look the police lady is coming follow me now blue tail goes through the toy car it goes straight through it I don't know if this is an animation error or not in fact I'm just going to leave this up for debate sorry you heard a notification let me turn that off it looks like it went straight through like clipped but I think this is a perspective difference I think the door is actually open I don't think this is a mistake so let's go on I got to get back to making the bed no Dad wait don't St we have to keep playing now the animation error with this one has to do with Bandit take a look what the heck he has no Shadow when he gets down we don't even see his legs what's going on here is he a floating gat ghost is he what Pokemon is a ghost Gastly is he a Gastly is Bandit a Gastly I don't know I hope not cuz his children are going to freak out when they see a ghost on the cartoon he can't be no Gastly dude we don't even see a piece of his legs it just I don't know and he's not that short you're saying oh well Kobi maybe bandit in that scene was kind of short maybe he was on the other side maybe maybe stop with the maybe bro be honest he should have we should see some Shadow or at least a piece of his toe case remember the truth will set you free okay m'am pay attention to Chile's hand you see those three little paws it's surrounding Bluey however in the shot right now we don't see anything we don't see her hand circumen her uh Bluey we don't see her hand surrounding Bluey that's a mistake we don't see it like holding her do you know what I mean I hope that makes sense like we see her hand grabbing her but in the other scene it just looks like we're just seeing her whole palm and the um what bone is that is that even a bone I don't know what it's called the wrist we just see the wrist we don't see the the the the fingers we don't even see the index nothing thumb nothing we should be seeing some of her thumbs on Blue this is a mistake this is a mistake now guys I hope that some of you guys are learning something from this video I hope you're not saying well Kobi half the things on this list aren't even mistakes fair enough I'll give you fair enough I'll say fair enough but you have to admit that some of these things look kind of off some of them doesn't really make sense let's just go on the [Music] end now the animation error in this has to do with a character you're saying Kobe which one there's like a million look look at her eye or his eye I forgot the gender don't get angry at me I forgot the gender of blue the first time I made a video and the internet got mad they were like Kobi Blue's not a boy I get that but look at the eye dude the Hat just goes straight through it that is a big mistake yo what the heck I can't believe what I'm seeing I cannot believe this now to be fair there's 1 2 3 4 oh dang it the scene changed there's a bunch of dogs in the family yet we're seeing that there's an animation error with one of them 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 okay there seven dogs seven yet we're seeing an animation era how could the animators slip up and mess up man just kidding of course they're going to mess up seven seven uh snow drop that gorilla has snow drop now the animation error in this one is pretty hard to find you're going to have to open up your eyes cuz this is going to get pretty spicy pay attention to chili it has to do with chili It's all about my babe chili Bandit relax I called her babe you sit down and accept it but Chile she has a substance on her face like you know she has like this beige or white color between her you know right between the eyes no drop the problem is she's missing that beige white color between her eyes it vanishes and rishes resurfaces it vanishes and resurfaces it vanishes and resurfaces how is that possible like what's going on here is that supposed to happen I don't think so this is an animation error that you guys probably didn't notice when you were watching Bluey on your television set you say Cobia I don't use television well you were watching it on YouTube then you say I don't use YouTube well you were watching it on your mobile device you say well Cobia I don't use a mobile device well you were watching it on your Wii U you say well I don't know what a Wii U is well you were watching it on your Nintendo switch man come on just you were watching Bluey somewhere and when you look at the mom you zoom into the forehead you notice that she has that thing that stripe of just splatter of paint on her face yet in that scene we don't see it that's a mistake let's move on shall we oh H Greenie maybe you should hold mommy's hat and maybe you should explain the animation error to me bluee but you can't you can't talk to me can you all right the animation error is let's zoom in look at the mouth it has a weird clipping going on I showed you guys this in my previous video some of you guys weren't understanding so look I'm going to zoom even further the mouth it almost looks like they green screened a mouth and just plastered it in and it just looks off it's kind of uncanny extremely easy mistake to make and an even extremely easier mistake to just miss no one could even see this unless you're crazy I'm crazy so I saw it guys ladies Gentlemen people of the planet Earth it's so difficult when they just ignore me yes it is the animation error in this clip has to do with Bluey again the show is called Bluey look at her leg wait wait wait look look look at her right leg boom well I guess that was her left leg but it literally goes through the stomach what in the world am I looking at is that normal is that acceptable guys this is a big mistake that was not supposed to happen that is some sort of mistake I don't know how that slipped through but somehow it got past the production let's move on huh let's move on now look at Chile and you know her daughter look it says a capital B on that bed and now it says lowercase b that's a mistake bro capital B in one shot lowercase b in the other H H strange huh you say well Kobi that is a mistake but this whole video you've been nitpicking h that's a mistake let's move on how in the world did Bingo do that her hand and banana go straight through the rails this is the fence is just morphed through how do you do okay look anyone who tries to do this your hand is not even going to get through that thing okay Bingo apparently has magical powers that allows her to put her hand and banana through the rails this is unbelievable it goes straight through through a perfect slice look what the heck boom bro this is unacceptable the banana should have been sliced into like three pieces the peel should have fell off no way she just did that so perfectly on her first try dude you're not going to convince me that this is not a mistake let's move on I sure hope Bandit brushed that day anyway ways Chile the mom there's a mistake here guys let's pay attention what do dogs have dogs have tails correct she doesn't have a tail in the last scene now what's interesting about this is that her husband has the tail but Chile doesn't have a tail interesting huh look Tail's completely gone they forgot to animate it in maybe because it's just like a wide shot they were like you know what no one's going to notice or they forgot themselves but that is a big animation error some of you guys are saying well Kobi maybe this is isn't a mistake maybe Chile's just shorter sure she's shorter but just because she's shorter doesn't mean she doesn't have a tail her Tail's not that shorter than Bandits there should have been a piece of it shown look bandit has a tail it's shown but Chile no so for this animation error it has to do with Chile again a freaking again look at her eyes you guys there is a mistake and you know what it is I mean that just looks freaky and uncanny I feel like I'm watching a horror movie right now her eye just does this weird glitch out I thought it was a smear frame at first but it really isn't a smear frame because it's just totally whack you don't even see multiple eyes all you see is that big mistake big mistake huge mistake what are we going to do Bandit what are we going to do how are you going to fix your family dog I know but actually I take that back that sounded kind of rude I don't want to be rude to Bandit's family I love that you know he family I love the bluey family let's move on you didn't see anything Tina use your karate again we see an animation error with Chile take a look at her stomach pay attention you see how they have that little white beige thingy on her stomach guys there's a problem in that scene I just showed you let's take a screenshot and look right now where is that Circle where is her stomach it just looks like all one color that's not what her model is supposed to look like granted she is turning around in that scene but again again Chile messed up the animators made a tiny mistake you say what Kobi at re appears what's the big deal she's turning around what's the big deal the problem is it's not consistent with what we saw before it was too turn she turned around too much and we should have seen something it doesn't have to be the old image but we should have seen something man man man man what are we going to do all right so for this animation error we see that there are four to five cans on the floor literally five pay attention to that well actually there's six but when you look at the next frame you see that the positions of the cans move directions like they're all displaced let me actually show you the video real quick now guys there's six can on the floor in one particular position yet in the next scene they're all in different position it just magically moved how did they move with no one moving them yes Bingo tripped over one of them but the other 1 2 3 4 5 they are in different positions I know people are probably going to mock me for me having to count one by one I had a long day okay I'm a very busy person you do not judge me for counting one by one but still this is a mistake a huge animation every again let's move on now the animation mistake in this is pretty small but when you think about it it's like what the heck take a look at the macaroni and the pasta you know on in the jars those are huge do you guys not see the size of that that's a perspective error the animators forgot to lower the size on that thing let me show you so I took a screenshot and I actually put it near you know chili and Bandit that's not chili what the heck heck Bingo and Bandit and you see how big it is it's literally the size of the two yika are they going to eat that once they eat one of those pastas they're already full they're not going to have dinner chili you don't have to cook again that's a huge piece of pasta is it even called a piece of pasta what would someone call like a piece of macaroni is there a word for that like a like a like a can you give me a piece of macaroni that sounds weird doesn't it can you give me a slice no that doesn't make sense either I don't know but I know that that's a mistake I know that that's a mistake it's huge man and it's all the way in the back that must have been some kind of error you know maybe possibly Maybe not maybe I'm wrong on this you know I accept when I'm wrong I'm not going to sit here and say oh this is a 100% an animation Ed no man I'm going to take responsibility if I mess up on a mistake I mess up on a mistake but you guys know that you know I make these videos in honesty dedication good worth EIC move on that was so funny you still got it babe the mom on the cartoon wipes the sweat off her forehead however there is a mistake with the sweat let's zoom in real quick and you can see that the sweat actually Clips in front of her arm that's not how sweat Works does it it should have been below under her arm not in front that doesn't make any sense crazy that I found this look look again look Boop and it just vanishes onto her you know palms and Paws wow wow wow wow this is unbelievable I took a screenshot and freeze the frame and when I freeze that frame we see that her sweat is in front of her arm it's not beneath the arm it's in front not behind it's a mistake it is a mistake oh my my guys it's been a fun video I hope you guys learned something today I hope that you take something away from this video that will help you on your journey through watching cartoons you know as you watch cartoons maybe you might find an animation era in an episode maybe you might see the animation era that I pointed out to you you'll be watching these episodes under a different light a different lens knowing these mistakes You' be like oh Kobi he mentioned that one you know he mentioned that anyways guys we're at the end of the video thank you guys so much for watching have a great rest of your day an animation errors animation errors mistakes and animated cartoon Bluey thanks for watching d video blah blah blah blah goodbye blah
Channel: Calobi Reacts
Views: 554,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Pm6OPKckZ6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2023
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