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welcome back to yet another video about animals there are so many stories to tell so don't be surprised that we always have something new to share with you today we're giving you one of your favorites 10 animals that saved people's lives we'll explore some classic stories you probably heard before but i'll also introduce you to new inspiring stories that'll make you love animals even a bit more we'll be focusing on pets although there are a couple of wild animals that came to rescue some unlucky humans in expected ways number 10. saving a toddler from a snake a 17 month old toddler named charlotte was peacefully playing in her garden in cairns australia when suddenly her doberman grabbed her by the diaper and flung her over his shoulder the parents of the kid were concerned of the dog's aggressive attitude but then they realized the dog was actually saving the girl's life apparently the girl was about to be attacked by a king brown snake which is the world's third most venomous snake the dog had been trying a lot of things to keep the child away from it but apparently nothing seemed to work it was until he grabbed her by the diaper that the kid was finally safe but the family was not happy to see that man least they changed their mind when they realized that their dog was performing an act of heroism the snake went away but not without threatening the life of the dog the dog however was rewarded with an anti-venom shot and he made full recovery sounds like he was ready to give his life for the child number nine the pet goat that saved her family sometimes birthday gifts are quite extraordinary and sometimes parents are not so happy with the gifts their kids receive for such occasions that was the case of abigail bruce who got a pet goat as a gift for her 10th birthday her father was not thrilled about it but abigail was very excited and she even had a name ready for her goat she named it speedy two days after coming to its new home speedy was sleeping with her new owner in the living room and suddenly speedy woke abigail up by jumping on her legs and chest as soon as abigail woke up she noticed there was a lot of smoke all around her she immediately went to call her parents and they realized the garage was on fire things were getting so bad that the family had to escape through a window into their front lawn the fire department showed up and extinguished the fire but sadly the fire had already damaged a lot of things inside the house however the most important thing is that the family was still alive and that was thanks to the help of their new speedy friend number eight the fire alarm some of us rely on fire alarms to let us know when we're in danger however some of us don't have access to that and some of us do but still there are more efficient tools to get us up on our feet when things are about to go down that is what happened to inna farler and her two grandchildren when they were at their mobile home and got woken up by their pet pig named lucky lucky was known for waking up his owners very early in the morning this time however he woke him up at 4 40 am that's when the owners realized that something was wrong when they woke up they realized that their home was smokey and their trailer home was on fire ina the kids and the pig were able to get out of the home safely even though they lost everything they had inside it was definitely a sad loss but it's at least happy to know that they were able to stick together including their little pet pig who's obviously a part of their family number seven motherly gorilla gorillas are pretty intimidating but you'll be surprised to see that they can also be motherly and very caring like in tarzan in 1996 an unlucky three-year-old fell inside the enclosure of scary gorillas but there was a kind seven-year-old gorilla among them her name was binti joao which means daughter of sunshine and she definitely acted like a ray of hope for the poor child as she picked him up and protected him from the other scary animals and she actually did this while still holding her own little baby on the back she then brought the child to an entrance where a staff member of the zoo was able to pick up the child and bring him back to a safe environment now you might remember that there are some people who have been mean to gorillas after incidents like this happen i'm not gonna say names but a famous gorilla died a few years ago due to the ignorance of some people i just hope stories like one of binti duo help people remember that animals can be kind and they can definitely be our heroes even when we're the ones who mess up number six the cat in the box winter can be lonely and it's even worse if you're out in the cold with no one to look after you that was the fate of a russian baby who had been put in the box and was left abandoned in the cold winter of 2015. however the baby was very lucky and he was found by a stray tabby cat who climbed into the box and kept the baby warm for several hours the residents in the area finally found the kid in the box and realized that he was able to stay alive thanks to this cat they named the cat marsha a resident named nadeza makagokaven was the one who found the baby and the cat she says she heard a cat mewing asking desperately for help but the story doesn't end there when she found the cat and the baby she called the paramedics and when they came to help the baby marsha was clearly worried about him she followed the medical team until they left with the baby in her arms she had clearly grown attached to the baby even though they had only spent a short time together [Music] number five the dolphin shield swimming across the cook strait in new zealand can be very difficult the temperature can drop to freezing degrees and your body will likely start giving up after hours of swimming and if that wasn't enough swimmer adam walker also encountered a shark while making his way across the strait however the beast couldn't do much as adam was immediately surrounded by a pot of dolphins that stayed with him for more than an hour making sure that the shark didn't come near him as adam came close to the finish line people were able to see the dolphin swimming next to him he even brushed a tail as he was swimming we're never gonna know what the sharks intentions were but we're happy to know that the dolphins were there to take care of adam number four the loud parrot one of the most impressive things about parrots is their ability to talk or more like repeat words and sounds they hear from their human friends sometimes this ability can be very rewarding for the people living with them that was the case of a parrot named willy who used his abilities to alert his owner about a toddler who was having problems all willy had to do was say the words mama baby for megan howard to come rescue a toddler named hannah who was choking if it wasn't for the parrot megan wouldn't have noticed the little girl was in danger she had already left the room but the parrot's cries for help brought her back to notice the kid turning blue she immediately performed the heimlich maneuver and hannah was immediately relieved for that reason willie was honored by the red cross he knew that a child was in danger and he did what he could to bring the help she needed number three kilo and the burglar we've seen all sorts of pets doing amazing things for their owners but not many would do what kilo did for his friend this pit bulldog threw himself in front of his owner to protect him against the attack of a burglar it all started when kilo and justin his owner were visited by a sketchy fedex delivery guy for some reason he wanted justin to put kilo away this immediately made justin suspicious of the delivery guy moments later the fake fedex guy forced himself into the house and while justin went to get a knife the criminal pulled out a gun this made kilo jump in front of his owner and ended up taking a bullet to his head to keep it from reaching his human friend fortunately kilo survived the event and was taken to the animal hospital where he received the necessary care to fully recover justin will be forever thankful for what kilo did someone who put their life at risk for someone else is truly a friend now it's time for today's best pick [Music] the heroes on this list come in all shapes and sizes we gotta recognize that animals have unique qualities that can save many lives but sometimes these qualities need to be sharpened much like the dogs i'm showing you today these dogs are trained to be able to respond to the first sign of child abductions or other situations that put young lives at risk speaking of trained dogs let's look at a group of dogs that became heroes during one of the most chaotic events of recent history number two 911 dogs we've heard about the firefighters police officers and all sorts of first responders who showed up during the attacks of 9 11 but not many people talk about the dogs who became heroes on this day there were about a hundred of them and they worked hard searching for bodies and retrieving them out of the rubble most of them were labradors and golden retrievers and they spent between eight to ten days searching for bodies and helping them get out but more than the physical help the dogs also provided emotional support a firefighter who was stuck in the chaos was comforted by the company of one of these dogs after all they are man's best friend and it seems like they'll be there for us in the good and the bad even in the midst of one of the worst days in history now let's have a look at a dog that became a hero by following a simple command that every dog owner is familiar with before we move on do me a favor my analytics show that only about 15 of you watching are actually subscribed come on guys what's up with that can you guys please hit the subscribe button you guys watch my videos every day anyway so you might as well subscribe and keep up to date with every video we put out number one the dog at the river brenda owen and penny her labrador retriever went out for a walk by the river when they saw something strange in the water at first brenda spotted a wheelchair and she asked the man and his dog walking nearby if they knew what was going on soon after that they saw a woman in the river who apparently was drowning in the blink of an eye brenda yelled fetch and her dog knew exactly what to do the dog jumped into the river and literally fetched the woman out of the water they found out that the woman was unconscious and she had injured herself brenda immediately put the woman in recovery position and called for medical help obviously brenda would have gone into the water if her dog wasn't around but we're not sure if someone would have been as fast and efficient as penny was i am very impressed by the heroic actions of all the animals on this list especially those that are pets so we should definitely be nice to animals because they're obviously ready to do nice things for us what was your favorite story from the ones we saw today are there any inspiring animal stories you want to share with us let us know in the comment section down below with all that said and done that's our video for the day folks and i will see you all next time later everybody
Channel: Top 5 Best
Views: 607,330
Rating: 4.9284463 out of 5
Keywords: Top, Best, education
Id: sVhOR5nVLAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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