10 Animals Found Frozen In Ice

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we've all seen documentaries with archaeologists carefully using a small brush to dust away dirt from the remains of some long dead creature finding the brittle remnants of an extinct animal is pretty typical in this field but once in a while researchers and tourists discover remains that are so well preserved that they earn a spotlight of their own today we are going to show you ten animals found frozen in ice but before watching the video don't forget to subscribe to our Channel number ten the yuca mammoths though researchers have found multiple specimens of well-preserved woolly mammoths in the past yuca is by far the more strikingly well preserved to date the remains of this 1.8 meter or 6-foot baby woolly mammoth were accidentally discovered in August 2010 in Yakutia a remote region of Siberia the animal was between 6 & 9 years old when it died and it's carcass is estimated to be about 39,000 years old researchers say that yuca was most likely killed by humans since the remains show signs of having been cut open that makes yuca the first woolly mammoth that shows evidence of interactions with humans the animal also has the most well preserved woolly mammoth brain ever discovered with the folds and blood vessels still intact yuca is so well preserved in fact that scientists are seriously discussing using her DNA to clone the species back into existence we guess the researchers didn't learn anything from Jurassic Park number 9 moose it's rare enough to find an animal preserved a nice but rarer still is the apparent freezing of two animals when they're interacting with each other well this is what a couple of hikers found in Alaska in 2016 beneath 8 inches of ice was the stunning sight of two moose fighting each other clearly so engrossed in their tussle that they failed to notice the approaching frost in the fall males tend to be more aggressive towards each other likely due to territorial disputes or to gain the attention of a female and at some point these two managed to get their antlers tangled they probably drowned in the cold water before being frozen over as temperatures fell soon after their discovery the moose were removed from the ice by local enthusiasts who wanted to preserve the unusual find forever number eight fish as a fish living in water ice can be both a blessing and a curse it's the unique property of ice floating on top of water that helps to insulate warmth and allow fish to survive falling temperatures but they aren't always so lucky in 2014 a sharp cold Eastern wind sent temperatures plummeting very quickly around the island of lavond in Norway and instantly froze parts of the ocean unfortunately for a large shoal of fish thought to be attempting to escape a predator at the time there was no chance to avoid the approaching ice and they were frozen in place the ice sheet was so thick that it was perfectly safe for people to walk across and capture these amazing images of thousands of fish frozen in time this event had a major impact on the local ecosystem because birds were unable to find any food so the skies were strangely silent until the ice finally thought number seven Yuka gear bison Siberia is one of the coldest places on earth that has been regularly inhabited for millennia this makes it the perfect place to find frozen animals like the Yuka mammoths and close by there was another discovery in 2011 the mummified remains of a steppe bison the ancestor to the modern bison discovered by a tribe in the Yana in dagger Kol Oland the Bison was remarkably intact with its brain and other organs almost perfectly preserved this is the most complete steppe bison ever to be found and has allowed researchers to extensively study its brain heart digestive system and blood vessels despite it being well over 9,000 years old with no visible signs of injury it is thought that the lack of body fat around its abdomen is a clue as to how it died most likely from starvation as a result of the rapidly changing environment in the area at the time number six cell larrikin pony in 1968 gold miners digging tunnels about 30 feet below the surface of the in digger career in Siberia found something surprising two legs and a tail of a pony sticking through the roof of one of their tunnels experts were called in from the Zoological Institute of st. Petersburg to help recover the full animal which they managed to do apart from its head the body turned out to be that of a presence key horse that nowadays is only found in Mongolia and amazingly this one appeared to have died about 35,000 years ago analysis of the remains suggested that the horses lived relatively similar then to how they still do today the stomach was full of grass sedge herbs and woody plants and because it was full it's believed that it died a quick death the position it was found in perhaps provides the greatest clue as to how it met its end with its four legs stretched out straight and its hind legs pointing downwards it seems as if this horse had managed to get itself trapped in a bog with no way of escaping number five kolima woolly rhinoceros there is more going on in Siberia than you thought in 2007 the receding ice in Siberia revealed yet another amazing specimen this time the remains of a woolly rhinoceros they were once the most common large mammals to roam Eurasia but because they lived about 39,000 years ago it's rare to find a preserved carcass that is of any value this female found about 20 feet deep in the Colima River though has taught researchers a lot of how this creature used to live from analyzing the body they were able to determine that the woolly rhinos were herbivores that had a diet of mainly cereals they were about the same size as a Javan rhinoceros and had long bodies short legs a flattened front horn and very thick skin in fur to help withstand the cold they were quite heavy about 1.5 tons and had much shorter tails and ears than modern-day rhinos it is now thought that the reason the woolly rhinoceros went extinct was in part because they could not adapt to the cold when larger amounts of snow fell than usual the combination of their weight which pushed them deeper into the snow as well as their short legs meant that they would have gotten stuck in snowdrifts quite easily with no way out this is likely what happened to the Kalima rhino and a big factor would have led to the species ultimate extinction number four tardigrade the next animal on this list hasn't made it because of the length of time it's been frozen but more because of the scientific importance involved with its discovery tardigrades also known as water bears are tiny water dwelling creatures that grow to less than one millimeter in size and are able to exist in extreme conditions to do this they slow down their bodily processes or even shut them down completely for long periods of time this makes them uniquely capable of surviving cold conditions and in 2014 they helped researchers break a record after collecting specimens from some Moss plants in Antarctica in 1983 they were taken back to a laboratory where they were stored at negative 20 degrees Celsius or negative 4 degrees Fahrenheit this would be enough to kill pretty much everything on earth but 30 years later they were defrosted and brought back to life the first time anything has knowingly continued to live after such a long period on ice both an egg and a living animal were brought back which laid a further 14 eggs that successfully hatched with no signs of deformities or abnormalities while these creatures have evolved to withstand such harsh conditions the fact that they were able to survive has helped scientists understand the effects that freezing temperatures have on living tissue and will help develop techniques to prolong our own ability to cope with the cold number three foxes it's not just ancient species that get caught in the ice and it seems one creature quite often found frozen in time is the Fox no one's quite sure why they are so prone to becoming entombed in ice but hardly a cold snap seems to go by without a stunning image of a fox doing the rounds it's something that happens during unexpectedly cold weather when animals simply get caught by their rapidly freezing waters this year in Germany for example a German hunter found a fox frozen within the Danube River rather than leaving it be he did what every self-respecting hunter would do and carved the Fox out of the river and displayed the giant ice cube in front of his hotel as a warning to the dangers of cold weather maybe it's to do with the graceful nature of these creatures but they are by far the most common animals seen in ice maybe because they like to pounce so much headfirst they'd probably be better off sticking to warmer climates in the future and with that it's now time for today's subscriber pick today's photo was sent to us by a subscriber if you come across a photo online and want to know more details about it just send it over to us we might even feature it on a future video number 2 the frozen tiger this frozen tiger was spotted by a photographer this is exactly how he found the animal frozen stiff standing up at the side of a glacier the unknown photographer explained that the area had been having temperatures of below 30 degrees Celsius for two weeks during the 2008 winter though the place where this tiger was found is still unknown number one cave lion and once again back to the permafrost of Siberia this time to the Yakutia Republic after exploring an area of thick ice locals found an animal that people knew about only from fossils the Eurasian cave lion even more remarkably they found two of them probably young twins and they were some of the most perfectly preserved creatures of any type that have ever been discovered despite being more than 30,000 years old the Cubs are thought to have died at less than a week old because their den collapsed which explains why one of them has been crushed this species was one of the largest lions ever to live on the planet with a shoulder height of almost four feet they would have preyed on reindeer horses and woolly mammoths that roamed the same area it's not certain why this species ultimately became extinct but the prevailing theories focus on the dwindling food supplies in the region for such large carnivores as a result of the cooling climate and the effects of humans hunting these Cubs were studied before being added to an exhibition of animals that have been found in the permafrost allowing them to continue being frozen in time for generations to come that's all for today folks nature is a badass in case you didn't know and how do we know well you just watch these fearsome impressive animals that people found frozen deep in ancient ice write to us in the comments if you liked the video thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: 50M Videos
Views: 217,504
Rating: 4.8019075 out of 5
Keywords: top, 50m, education, 50m videos, animals, found, frozen, ice, frozen in ice, animals found frozen in ice, frozen in time, amazing, amazing animals, discoveries, discovery, frozen animals, ancient animals, frozen animal, antarctica, top animal frozen in ice, top 5, countdown, hyperloop, frozen lion, frozen tiger, mysterious things, mountains, cold, survive, alligators, turtles, underwater, frozen lake, winter, rescue, buried, discovered, amazing discovery, shocking, ice man, DIScovery
Id: Y0PuqpCYkfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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