The Last Living Dinosaur Could Be Hiding In The Congo

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throughout human history we've been plagued with folklore of mesmerizing beasts roaming the earth a lot of these have been written off or just stories however some have turned out to be more fact than fiction a lot of Legends talked about lost dinosaurs living in remote areas a video that recently spread across the internet may have hinted to this being the truth animal experts and paleontologists have been scratching their heads on what these creatures are could this be a confirmed sighting of the mythical mcElhatton Bembe the monsters of the Congo River or could they be something else something new if dinosaurs were living on our planet there are plenty of places for them to hide one of the prime locations would be the Congo Basin after all it is the second largest rainforest in the world this area is around 1.3 million square miles to give you an idea of that size it's bigger than the whole of India or a little over 10 times the size of Norway as a result there's plenty of places in the basin that Beast could be hiding in due to its size the forests spill into six countries Cameroon the Central African Republic the Democratic Republic of the Congo Gabon Equatorial Guinea and the Republic of the Congo the Democratic Republic of Congo is the largest country out of these six it's over 900,000 square miles it also contains 12 and 1/2 percent of the world's remaining tropical rainforest for clarity the Congo Basin is not the Democratic Republic of the Congo nor the Republic of the Congo even if the names are all confusing the Congo Basin is a separate entity it's the area we are particularly interested in for this story beyond the rainforest the basin also contains part of the Congo River it's the fifth longest river in the world at a whopping 2,900 miles in length the congo basin is said to contain over 1,000 species of birds alone due to the massive size of the Congo Basin a lot of the area hasn't been fully explored by scientists in fact even today some areas of the basin are still unmapped the reason the Congo Basin isn't fully explored is due to a number of factors one is the size of course the other was due to violence and instability throughout the basin region with that it wasn't safe for scientists to explore the untapped area as a result many myths began to take root in the regions such as certain animals wandering about the basin yet as it was a no-go for scientists there was no official confirmation of these strange animals however in recent years those dangerous issues have subsided around the basin and as a result people are able to explore the region for example 6 new species including two new frogs and a bat were found in 2007 researcher Andrew plump Trey said if we can find six new species in such a short period it makes you wonder what else is out there on top of that 10 percent of the plants collected were unidentified and a later study a new species of gorilla was also found one that stands at 2 meters tall and is said to have characteristics of apes and chimpanzees one of the future discoveries could be the mythical mcElhatton Bembe this creature could be a dinosaur that managed to survive in the untapped regions of the basin michaela Bembe means one who stops the flow of rivers this being is mentioned in legends throughout the basin the McKay Layton Bembe is a reptile esque creature that's said to have a long flexible neck and tail so far it sounds similar to the fabled Loch Ness monster for more info on that Nessie check out our video on the critter overall the McKay Layton Bembe is said to be around 35 feet in length however some reports have indicated that it's the size of an elephant at around 7 feet the McKay Layton Bembe is said to have brownish gray smooth skin some reports stated has a horn on its head other documents state the McKay Layton Bembe lives in caves in the basin and then comes out to feed some people have stated that it's an herbivore but its aggressive and will slay crocodiles hippos and elephants the others have said it's a carnivore either way it's a scary Dino to have out in the world there have been a number of reported sightings of the McKay Layton Bembe throughout the years the first sighting of the McCallum Bembe was in 1776 French missionary Levin Bonaventure Pro Yard was near the Congo River at the time he came across huge animal footprints that measured a little over three feet in diameter including the claw outlines making the prints diameter as tall as at gazelles however the creature that left the print was nowhere to be seen bipro it's not the only time humans have stumbled across bizarre footprints either in Bolivia's cretaceous park there's a whole wall with footprints of various dinosaurs pressed into the rock it contains over 5,000 prints in 1909 the autobiography beasts and men was released written by German big game hunter Carl Hagenbeck he describes a story he heard in Rhodesia which is known as in Bob way today about an animal that's half elephant half dragon he likened the description to a brontosaurus he went to search for this monster but was unable to locate it once his autobiography came out the Washington Post ran a story in 1910 it was called brontosaurus still lives with that imagination caught the public's eye about MOCA Leighton Bembe well there's been no concrete evidence of its existence it hasn't stopped people attempting to track down Mikaela in Ben bay in 1980 and 1981 American retired biologist Roy McCall headed expeditions into the Congo to track down the fabled creature McCall had a strong interest in background in cryptozoology the pursuit of creatures mentioned in folklore while McCall never saw them okay Liam Bembe with his own eyes he did collect various stories from locals about the mythical being with all the excitement a Japanese film crew attempted to follow and macaws footsteps they may have done something that McCall couldn't do by recording footage of the living dinosaur burial footage shows some sort of creature traversing through a lake many people believe this is proof of the MOCA lay in Ben Bay yeah it's some speculate that it could be a crocodile or an elephant or someone in a canoe up to 2011 over 50 expeditions had been conducted to find the michaela in Bembe with varying degrees of success much like Bigfoot most of the photographs showing the Mikayla and Ben Bay are blurry and difficult to identify but there's been a lot of claims of first-hand experiences with the beast in an interview with the BBC a man stated I was in a boat on the river when I saw Mikayla in bimbe he began to chase us Mikayla and babay rose out of the water we ran or he would have killed us is this detailed statement proof of the Dinos existence or perhaps a misunderstanding by the interviewee leave European in the comments below the Mackay Liam Ben bay is often compared to the brontosaurus from head to tail the brontosaurus is said to have been 74 feet in length with a weight of as much as 50,000 pounds which is roughly the weight of four African bush elephants this herbivore species was said to have lived around 150 million years ago the brontosaurus lived on land which is in contrast to the mccallion Ben Bay that stated to have roamed in the waters there's no dinosaur that was adapted for only aquatic life but some have dipped their claws into the water for prey with that in mind we can assume that the Michaela and Ben bay is a hybrid almost a cross between a brontosaurus and a Plesiosaurus or that the McKay Layton Bembe could be is a Baryonyx these beasts are said to be the first dinosaurs discovered to be piscivores or a primary consumer of fish the Baryonyx is measured at 33 feet in height that's as long as two average giraffes stacked on top of each other okay so let's go back to the beginning of the video with the mini dinos just look at these majestic beings hands up those of you that believe this is evidence that these supposed extinct dinosaurs are actually alive and kicking today well those of you with your hands up we might have some bad news for you due to the size of these creatures they're unlikely to be actual dinosaurs in fact if we play the footage in Reverse they'll immediately look very different see what we mean it becomes a lot clearer that these mini critters are covered in fur besides not being dinos what they actually are is coat eye these animals are native to Central and South America some rascal reverse the coat I walking to make it appear as though their tails are actually long necks due to the shape and size of their heads they can easily appear as tails on a dinosaur but just because this video is fake it doesn't mean them okay Leighton Bembe is in fact there been a number of times when animals from folklore have been proven to exist for starters the platypus in 1798 England was sent to sketch and a pelt from the platypus in Australia they dismissed the sample instead they thought it was a hoax in 1799 a taxidermy specimen of the platypus was sent immediately the scientists believed it was also faked they searched for stitches as they believed someone had sewn a duck's bill onto a beaver however was we now know platypi exists the same can be said for gorillas for a very long time people were frightened by stories of large human-like hairy monsters attacking camps of explorers it wouldn't be until 1847 when physician Thomas savage and naturist Geoffrey Wyman obtained evidence of gorillas they managed to get their hands and skeletal remains of the primates there some locals in the Congo Basin that fully believed in the Mikayla and Ben Bay's existence they were recorded in an interview as they gave advice for people getting into the water in KCMO kay Leighton Bembe is around if you look carefully you can see something moving in the water behind the two guys could it be them okay Liam been bait popping up with perfect timing with a lack of funding and research into generating suitable tech to find them okay Liam B Bay it's gonna be a mammoth task to prove for or against especially with large portions of the earth still unexplored if there was a large scale scanning technology available to search for evidence than we might get an answer but unfortunately the technology that does exist is expensive time-consuming and smaller in scope some of the current technology has been used to try and locate the Loch Ness monster however the area of Loch Ness is a lot smaller compared to the basin at almost 22 square miles with a lot of dangers out in the basin and a lack of access to clean water it's not the most suitable place for a human especially over long stretches of time more so in large parts of the Congo Basin we're in turmoil for many decades only in the past 15 years is the basement bit more open to exploration however there are still areas of the region we're stumbling into a firefight is still a possibility but as research continues into ways to know for sure eventually we may get our answer if the Mackay Liam Bembe is around and about it might just take a couple more decades to know for sure at least well now it's your turn do you think them okay Liam Bembe is real and just waiting to be found what about other rumoured beasts like Bigfoot the chupacabra or Nessie pop your thoughts down below if you like this video then please give us a like and share it both of those really helped with my self-esteem if you haven't yet subscribe and click that little bell then you'll be notified whenever we post new content we might even have another video draped in folklore finally thank you for joining us today on the richest we'll see you next time
Channel: TheRichest
Views: 3,300,625
Rating: 4.7728686 out of 5
Keywords: TheRichest, Mokele Mbembe, Jurassic Park, Dinosaur, Strange Animals, Brontosaurus, Mythical Folklore, Chupacabra, Bigfoot, Baryonyx, Africa, Coati, Plesiosaurs, Loch Ness Monster, Cryptozoology, scientist, are dinosaurs still alive, last living dinosaur, discovered, found, evidence
Id: oODNDxrHkvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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