10 Jaw Dropping Discoveries Found Frozen In Ice

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[Music] currently 10% of the land on our world is covered in ice yet due to global warming that figure is decreasing over time yet with the ice being thawed long forgotten previously buried items are now being discovered animal fauces plants treasure and messages are all finding their way to the surface after thousands if not millions of years later many of which can tell us a great deal about our earth and human history today we're gonna examine some of the most impressive finds from the Earth's permafrost from all the items one can imagine being found in the icy depths seeds don't usually spring to mind yet in 2012 a group of Russian scientists managed to germinate a flower from discovered seeds the seeds used are from the Ice Age the ice age began around two and a half million years ago and lasted until 11,500 years ago these seeds are believed to be around 32,000 years old this discovery was made in 2007 along the banks of the Kalima river in Siberia the seeds were found in a nest created by an ice age squirrel the nest was almost 30 metres underground the squirrel was likely harvesting food for the harsh winter to come as a result many fruits and various seeds were stored in the Burrow however the squirrels nest and other burrows in the area were buried deep in the ground and frozen to minus 7 degrees Celsius due to global warming causing many glaciers and ice sheets across the world to melt we're now discovering many long-forgotten places of history the ancient seeds grew a small white Tundra flower called Selene Stena phyla however the species is long extinct in the wild the silane Stena phyla is similar to the chickweed flower in today's flora species in 2014 scientists uncovered a massive collection of near-complete dinosaur skeletons some of the samples still had soft tissue on them this amazing discovery happened on some sedimentary rock near the tin dog glacier in southern Chile 46 specimens were found in the area all together as the glacier melted the fossils were exposed for the first time in many many years the specimens were all various species of egg Thea Soares the name means fish lizard in Greek the beasts live during the Mesozoic age if via sources are said to have been rapid swimming marine reptiles they had narrow flippers and long snouts and today's species there's similarities to it feeis oars and dolphins the fossils found in Chile were embryos and adult sized ichthyosaurs the biggest skeleton came to a whopping 16 feet in length all of these creatures are speculated to have perished due to some series of mudslides in the area the resulting deep sea sediment then preserved the remains and then later on ice would further cover the via sores until global warming stripped away the frozen layer snow has a great ability to hide objects in its white blanket in 2013 a climber and the French Alps came across a treasure trove the event happened on mountain blanc a small container filled with around 100 stones was handed over to the authorities a jeweler in the area estimated the value of the precious stones between one hundred and seventy-five thousand to three hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars yet this isn't the only time treasure from the ice has been found in 2020 eighty British Museum showcased some new recently discovered artifacts they were found in the Yana rhinoceros horn archaeological site in Siberia the items are said to be over 28,000 years old among the collection included sewing needles and jewelry made from walrus ivory there's also a beautiful ivory model of a dogsled on display the area of Yana rhinoceros horn is rich in long-forgotten pieces of human history many of these atoms are regularly being exposed to the world as the permafrost melts we wait to see until the next historical artifact is discovered there in 2007 Yuri cootie a reindeer hunter and his sons were on the Yamal Peninsula in Siberia on their journey they came across what would later be called lai Yuba why Yuba is a female baby wooly mammoth she's the best preserved mammoth in existence it's believed that she perished near a riverbank after being engulfed in the mud and clay however while sad that mixture in the area had preserved the young calf all this time why Yuba is estimated to be around 42,000 years old she was only a little over 30 days old when she perished in the icy wilderness scientists even found evidence of some of her mother's milk in a stomach Couty had to go on a mission after lioba's body was missing from where he found her turns out she was taken by cooties cousin and then sold to a local shop owner luckily cootie and the police found lay you but before her body was badly damaged in East Antarctica lies an element that you wouldn't think possible in the frozen landscape a lake lake vostok was originally on the Earth's surface however over time it's now one of the largest subdial lakes in the world there's almost two and a half miles of ice separating the lake from the surface the water and Vostok comes from the surrounding ice melting based on samples taken from the lake there might be a unique ecosystem living in the cold depths so far scientists have found fungi and bacteria in the water definitely showing that life can find a way in the most extreme circumstances the scientists also found thermophiles which love heat sources as a result there could be a hydrothermal vent in the lake that attracts the critter they've even found a type of bacteria that's typically in the digestive system of fish and crustaceans with that evidence more complex life forms could exist in Lake Vostok pop up creatures you think they'll find in Lake Vostok in the comments below most people know what a woolly mammoth is but not everyone has heard of a woolly rhinoceros in 2014 two hunters were exploring near the San Giulio critter in the abyss key district of Yakushi Russia there they stumbled across what would later be called Sasha a seven month old calf Sasha's body was half in the permafrost but half of it had thought out on the surface since then sasha has been put together by a taxidermist to see what it would have looked like when it was alive it's speculated that Sasha's body is around ten thousand years old they're of a similar bill to the white rhinoceros we have today there was another creature that spread across the internet recently a photo of an intimidating frozen meza sore it looks as though it's just about to chomp down on something however this is a fake image of course it's very unlikely that the water would have frozen so quickly did preserve the beast before it realized it today know perfectly found meses or has ever been discovered the concept of finding a message in a bottle brings forth romantic ideas yet in 2013 two scientists discovered a message from an iconic scientist who'd long passed away it had lain hidden for 54 years the scientists that discovered it were Warwick Vincent and Dennis Saracen they arrived at Wade Hunt Island on a whim the uninhabited area is one of the northernmost islands in Canada Vincent and Sarazen found a small plastic bottle under a cairn it was a note from Paul T Walker a 25 year old American geologist and a promising glaciologist sadly Walker passed away in November of 1959 after a stroke the message in the bottle contained instructions for the finder to measure the distance between a cairn and a glacier nearby by Walker's measure in 1959 the distance was a little under 4 feet but when it was measured again in 2013 the retreat meant amount was 333 feet from the grave Walker had proven his theory on glacial movement in the area staying in the realms of Canada we now have a discovery that was made in Fort McMurray Alberta the finder was excavator Sean funk he was working in the mines in 2011 by accident he found the best preserved fossil of its kind however the fossil had to be put together like a jigsaw over many weeks but once together it clearly showed what the creature was the fossil was dated as being 110 million years old it was of a notice or a newly found species the notice source from the family of ankylosaurus the difference between the two species is that notice ores don't have the club esque tail that ankylosaurus have instead they have a flexible tail the notice sores are believed to have existed between the Late Jurassic to the Late Cretaceous period it's believed that the notice or ended up in Canada after perishing in the water it was then quickly covered in sediment on the seabed and preserved after all these years in recent years due to climate change a number of volcanoes have been buried under glaciers and now are being thought out one of the area's mostly affected is Iceland containing 130 volcanic mountains the ice covering the volcanoes increased in pressure on the Earth's surface but that pressure being stripped away the likelihood of magma spilling outwards has multiplied on that if large amounts of water meet the hot magma underground the resulting pressure from the steam can force a volcano to blow this will likely lead to destruction in the area if the pressure builds up for too long in April 2010 the world got a small taste of what it would be in the region of iya follow Joe cool in Iceland there was a number of small volcanic eruptions the amount of ash fired into the atmosphere caused massive air travel problems across Europe the problem wasn't declared officially over until October 2010 though however the effects of the ice melting over the volcanoes is estimated to take a few hundred years whenever living beings are mentioned to be cryogenically frozen most will think of the urban legend of Walt Disney yet in 2018 a group of Russian scientists may have discovered another creature doing just that they found a collection of microscopic worms submerged in permafrost the samples were collected from various Arctic permafrost deposits from there the scientist took the frozen worms to a laboratory and slowly raised their core temperature in a matter of several weeks the worms began to show signs of life and began eating food these worms are believed to be 32,000 years old the microscopic worms are called nematodes or round worms on average they're around one millimeter in length these critters can live all over the planet some nematodes have been located 0.8 miles under the Earth's surface this icy find is the first evidence of multicellular organisms returning to life from their permafrost homes and perhaps and won't be their last and that's it remember to pop your answers to the questions I asked in the comment section down below please we really appreciate it when we get to hear from you all in the comment section you are the bee's knees after all if you enjoyed this video please give us a like and share it on social media it really helps us out with the YouTube algorithm finally thank you for joining us today we'll see you next time riches fans later [Music]
Channel: TheRichest
Views: 1,102,189
Rating: 4.8481064 out of 5
Keywords: TheRichest, Treasure, Dinosaurs, Fossils, Rhino Sasha, Rhinoceros, buried, in ice, frozen, beneath, found, discovered, creature, mystery, solved, rare, ocean, antarctic, scientist, dino, mummy, global warming
Id: 1W_2IV6t9cU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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