10-3-21 | Sunday Worship | 8:00AM

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[Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] lord i love you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lord [Music] you just [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] i just want to say that i love you more than anything this is the day that the lord has made oh and we will rejoice and be glad in it so come on get everything that's everything that is but this is a brand new month this is a brand new week this is a brand new day this is a brand new opportunity to worship god and we will worship god in spirit and in truth let us all praise the lord amen amen [Applause] [Music] let us go to god in prayer [Music] there are names being scrolled on the screen families and friends that have asked us to pray for them please during the week when you have your prayer list would you please add some of these oh god our father the god who hears and answers prayers the only god the awesome god the holy god oh god [Music] we come before you today just lifting you up and giving you praise giving you glory and giving you honor because we have another opportunity to say thank you to worship you in spirit and in truth and that we intend to do god so we just ask you to accept this praise oh god in it as our singer sing god oh let them bless you with their voices as the instruments play god oh except i praise god and god we pray for your children today i pray god that you would give them love that they will be able to love one another and love even the unlovable that you would give us peace god that peace that passes all understanding enjoy god joy no matter what is going on around us and god that you would give us self-control so that we will respond to each other like we're your children oh god don't let us do as people do unto us but let us do as we would have them do unto us oh god ask you to hear your children's prayers today god you know those that are struggling in relationships god oh god give them compassion oh god give him the strength god to hold on oh god and i ask you for those who are having problems with their finances you know that money is funny oh god we know that you are jehovah jireh we know that you are the provider god and so if you will provide oh god just hear prayers and god i just ask you to bless this service oh we thank you for your presence we know you're already here god and so god we just ask you to bless it bless the voices and the singers as they sing god the instruments that as they play and god the preacher god just open up your words and let people hear god speak lord your children are listening today god oh god some of us are going through challenges god but god you know you know everything god so hear our prayers today god deliver god let somebody that doesn't know you to get to know you better today and to call in to say i want that i want god as my father i want god in my life oh god continue to guide us continue to lead us continue to keep that hedge of protection around us so no right home a danger will come up on us oh this is a mean world but we thank you that you are still in control and we thank you for that bless your name god just bless your name god as you speak through us today god thank you god for the opportunity thank you god for this service thank you god for your love thank you god for your grace thank you god for your mercy thank you god for everything in the name of jesus amen amen [Music] for yes god we thank you when we bless you and we praise you how many know there's nobody like jesus hallelujah come on why don't you just lift your hands just begin to tell him how much you love him today lord we bless your name we bless your name oh yes we do god wonderful jesus hallelujah oh oh he touched me [Music] something happened me [Music] something happened to me oh come on i know something happened to me oh he touched me he touched me [Music] will or wherever he touched me it is now time for our scripture reading from first corinthians 11 23 through 34 in the new revised standard version for i received from the lord what i also handed on to you that the lord jesus on the night when he was betrayed took a breath a loaf of bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and said this is my body that is for you do this in remembrance of me in the same way he took the cup also after supper saying this cup is the new covenant in my blood do this as often as you drink it in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup you proclaim the lord's death until he comes whoever therefore eats the bread or drinks the cup of the lord in an unworthy manner will be answerable for the body and blood of the lord examine yourselves and only then eat of the bread and drink of the cup for all who eat and drink without discerning the body eat and drink judgment against themselves for this reason many of you are weak and ill and some have died but if we judged ourselves we would not be judged but when we are judged by the lord we are disciplined so that we may not be condemned along with the world so then my brothers and sisters when you come together to eat wait for one another if you are hungry eat at home so that when you come together it will not be for your condemnation about the other things i will give instructions when i come let us pause for a moment of reflection examine yourselves and only then eat of the bread and drink of the cup amen lord we thank you for your blood this morning we're so grateful for the price that you paid you paid a debt that you did not owe and for that we're grateful today hallelujah bless your mighty name come on let's sing one of my favorite hymns there is there is [Music] [Music] is [Music] that blood [Music] [Music] oh bless the mighty name of jesus we need oh [Music] [Music] may [Music] hallelujah [Applause] this morning we can watch [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] it's oh are you glad about that today [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] like reading yes [Music] oh oh [Music] oh bless the lord come on let's sing this last verse [Music] [Music] my god i will sing [Music] [Music] hallelujah to the lamb of god wheeler wherever this is the day that the lord has made grace and peace be multiplied unto you in the name of our lord jesus christ in whom we have victory over sin death hell and the grave what a joy it is to greet you in that most high and holy name on this lord's day we are wheeler wherever from the east coast to the west coast from the western hemisphere to the eastern hemisphere we welcome you to wheeler avenue baptist church you see from behind me that this is the 10th month of the year and we thank god for breast cancer awareness month and all breast cancer survivors and we raise awareness of breast cancer in this month so we thank god for that reality wherever you are joining from we thank god for you if this is your very first time please let us know if you're available to do so in the chat we want to hear from you and we have a special selection for you on this sunday to you my sister to you my brother we welcome you to the avenue [Music] [Music] our god oh yes we do and we represent our god and all we do is you could have gone anywhere oh but we're so glad you came here [Music] with us [Music] [Applause] we welcome you to praise our god [Music] to the avenue we welcome you we welcome you to the avenue and yes we do yes we do welcome you to wheeler avenue baptist church wherever you may be around the world we are so grateful that you have chosen to tune in with us this morning to share in the celebration of our great god and that's exactly whom we serve we serve a great god who is worthy of great praise the bible says great is the lord and greatly to be praised in the city of our god in the mountain of his holiness that means right where you are you can worship this great god of ours and you can celebrate god's greatness wherever you may be to god be the glory for this first sunday third day of the month of october we're certainly grateful that god has granted us the wonderful privilege to gather together even in a virtual space for the last first sunday of this pandemic we are gathered in a virtual space by this time next month it is our expectation that many of you will join with us in the cathedral of the lord as we worship together at wheeler avenue baptist church per registration oh what a joy it's going to be to worship together next month as we share in that first sunday worship experience certainly want you to register on cert as i mentioned last week we'll get enough information to you and enough time for each of you to register we are modifying uh the amount of people who can gather in the cathedral at one time for safety sake for caution's sake and we'll let you know all of that by this time next week and so we hope that you will be prepared to share with us in worship as we begin our in-person worship next month and i'm so excited about it our leaders will gather later on this month just to make sure that all is right in the worship space amen to make sure that all is correct we'll consecrate that space for a few weeks and then we'll welcome all of the saints onto the church campus thereafter and i'm excited about what god is going to do in the next several weeks and i hope you are as well i've been looking forward to us getting together as the people of god for worship and of course as you have noticed this week uh this sunday our service times have been modified we announced worshiping at 8 00 a.m and 11 30 a.m that will be our routine for the remainder of the duration of our time until another um another uh in another piece of information has been given to you uh but until such time as anything else is warranted we will gather at 8 00 a.m and 11 30 a.m for worship and we look forward to that experience to god be the glory listen we were in prayer this past wednesday and many of you met us in prayer as a matter of fact 2133 people were in prayer with us called in for prayer this past wednesday and we thank god for each of you who made the decision to do that we hope that each of you will continue to do that as the weeks continue to pass we'll be praying together we'll even have some intensified prayer in the days to come as we make our way back to the lord's church and to the cathedral of the lord and we hope that you will be ready for all that will take place over these next several weeks to prepare ourselves for congregational worship one of those things that prepares us is revival we've got to get our spirits intact we've got to get our spirits ready so we might come back worshiping the lord this series of messages we've been attempting to teach and preach over this past month of the month of september and even into this month help us to make steps back to the lord's church that's what the songs of our sense means but in addition to those expectations and those preparations we are excited that four preachers have considered to come and share with us in revival this month and this coming wednesday this coming wednesday we will not have bible study of course at noon or at 7 but at 7 pm we will have worship and we invite you to meet us here in this virtual space as we welcome back to wheeler avenue dr otis b moss iii the senior pastor of the trinity united church of christ in chicago illinois dr moss will bless us on this wednesday and i hope that you will be here in the virtual space to share in that experience of revival we need to be recharged rejuvenated we've been out of the lord's church for a long time we need to make sure that we're ready for our return our spirits are ready our minds are ready and i hope that you will join us this wednesday and the three wednesdays thereafter please help us to celebrate the fact that uh first sermons will soon be preached here in this sanctuary in the virtual space as we welcome four preachers to this pulpit for their first sermons i'm excited about avery johnson felicia solomon isaiah carter and mamie williams all of whom have acknowledged their call to preach and will be preaching their first sermons on october 10th october 10th that will be next sunday october 10th they'll be preaching and i hope that you will pray for them for at the four o'clock hour they will share their messages with us it will be in the virtual space as is our custom and i hope that you will pray that the lord will speak to and through them so that we all will receive a word from god as they proclaim the word of god to us that's avery johnson brother avery johnson sister mamie williams brother isaiah carter and sister felicia solomon all of these ministers in training have completed the necessary uh requirements for the proclamation of their first sermon and i'm excited about what they will share with us speaking of first speaking of felicia solomon that is i've just been informed that today is her birthday and since we're celebrating birthdays this month on this sunday let's celebrate with sister felicia solomon minister in training felicia solomon a and deacon james davis made it known to me that today is his birthday as well and we're excited i'm sure there are others who are celebrating on the 3rd of october but they're brothers and sisters across the congregation who are likewise celebrating anybody in the sanctuary dr barbara williams just jumped up just jumped up to celebrate her birthday and we're so excited about her uh is that dr joseph all right dr deacon joseph is celebrating his birthday as well he's on the camera we can't necessarily see him maybe they'll pick him up but we're so grateful that all of these servants in the lord's church are celebrating and all the members of our congregation are likewise celebrating come on let's sing happy birthday to all of these precious people this sunday morning [Music] happy birthday happy birthday everybody and many more many more amen amen praise the lord dr barbara celebrated and her mother stood up just to say i did that and she did that amen praise the lord mother myrtle moore is there with her her mother and we thank god for her 100 years 101 years of life and dr barbara is celebrating which one is this doc she tells it so i can ask her 78 years of life praise the lord at the end of this month dr barbara will be 78 years of life i even thank god for my own pastor in the ministry my father in the ministry the reverend dr lk curry will be 95 at the end of this month and we're excited about the great things that god is doing in all of these lives to god be the glory well it's offering time in this house and in your house so let's get our devices together and let's joyfully let's cheerfully give back to god a portion of what god has given to us the bible says that the tithe is holy unto the lord and so we bring that holy part back to god's church back to god's house so that god can use it to ensure that great ministry is done here and that we're able to go even beyond this place into all of the world the uttermost parts of the world to do the work of ministry that is that is assigned to our hands so our tithes our offerings are given this lord's day our gifts to the building effort continue to be given and our gifts to missions and mercy help us to make sure that the least the last and left out and the looked over will always be looked upon with favor from this place called wheeler avenue so will you please help us to help other brothers and sisters as we give our gifts unto the lord this day i want you to bow with me as i consecrate these gifts in prayer and then we'll present our gifts as an act of worship unto our god let's pray together gracious god we do give you thanks for your goodness and for your grace thank you that every good and perfect gift has come from you the father of lights in whom there is no variableness neither shadow of turning that's what your word says about you it says that you're faithful you're dependable we can count on you that's why the songwriter said all i have needed your hands have provided great is your faithfulness lord unto us we thank you so much for being a god that we can depend on and so as we give our gifts today we pray that we will always be your people on whom you can depend and we will be faithful to give what you have required of us that's the first ten percent of our increase and we'll be faithful to go beyond it to give an offering unto you that bespeaks our level of appreciation and adulation for who you are and for all that you've done and then we pray oh god that we'll be committed to the building effort we thank you so much that you have helped us as a congregation to construct this edifice for your glory and we pray that you will always be glorified therein we pray that we will continue to commit ourselves to the work so that every need will be supplied and then oh god we pray that you will help us to continue to care for those who are on the margins the periphery of our society sometimes disenfranchised dispossessed even disregarded i pray oh god that we will never disregard those whom you love because they're created in your image and after your likeness so help us to help others as we give through missions and mercy increase our faith in you so that even as we give we can trust you to give back in good measure press down shaken together and running over let no one lack as a consequence of what they give this day but i pray that your people will always abound in everything having all that we need all the time to do the work that you've called us to do and we thank you for victory in our finances in jesus name amen let's praise the name of the lord let's give unto our god and as we give the music ministry will prepare us for worship through the word [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] there's a fountain that's flowing there's a fountain that's flowing there's a fountain that's flowing with precious cleansing blood from the crown of thorns to the nail scar hands coming down from the cross and it's to every man there's a foul that's flowing with precious cleansing blood yes [Applause] [Music] to the next [Music] and it's to every man immanuel [Music] available today never losing and it's available today now [Music] oh yes it is [Music] oh yes it is filled [Music] i'll never be the same oh thank you for that jesus lord is kids yes yes it is [Music] come on thank god for that [Music] the same is yes thank you [Music] is [Music] [Music] from the hymn to that sermonic selection you should hear and there is a fountain that is flowing it's filled with the precious saving blood of the lord jesus christ and we thank god for it today we honor the lord for the precious blood of jesus christ and still covers and cleanses all of our sins somebody ought to be glad about that on this sunday morning to god be the glory listen there's a word from the lord today and if you have your bible i invite your attention to our series of messages on the songs of ascents the songs of ascents and we make our way today to psalm 130 psalm 130 as we continue this exploration into the songs of ascents these songs that are sung as the people of god make their way to the holy city of jerusalem mount zion and as they make their way they sing they pray they communicate one with another and with god and today i want to look at this passage of scripture that speaks to us about the communication between god and god's people from this psalmist who writes psalm 130 hear the word of the lord from the new international version of the holy word of god and this is what it says out of the depths i cry to you o lord o lord hear my voice let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy if you o lord kept a record of sins oh lord who could stand but with you there is forgiveness therefore you are feared hallelujah i wait for the lord my soul waits and in his word i put my hope my soul waits for the lord more than watchmen wait for the morning more than watchmen wait for the morning o israel put your hope in the lord for with the lord is unfailing love and with him is full redemption he himself will redeem israel from all their sins amen praise god for his holy word you may be seated in this house and if you stood at your house he himself will redeem israel from all their sins verse one out of the depths i cry to you o lord out of the depths i cry to you all i want to talk for a little while from the subject deliverance from the depths deliverance from [Music] the depths have you ever been in the depths at murky space it seemed like you could not get any swift release have you been from have you ever been in the depths that space which seemed like you were drowning suffocating could not get your wind could not make any progress many of us today listed my voice know something about the depths for these last 18 almost 19 months the entirety of the global community but especially those of us in the united states of america have been languishing in the depths of the coronavirus pandemic unable to get any relief release unable to be able to move about as we would have liked we're moving about a bit more now but we know what it means to be constricted confined because of this pandemic that has held us hostage as we look at our national landscape president biden seemingly knows something about the depths he cannot seemingly get his agenda through congress he is stuck so it seems trying to make some headway but he seems to be mired in the depths and while he's mired the democrats with their infighting cannot agree on seemingly anything and so they are showing us what it means to have people in your own party go against one another as a consequence finding themselves in the depths all of us know something about the depths don't we we've been watching our haitian brothers and sisters these migrants trying to make a better life for themselves but in the process of trying to make a better life have been have been threatened at the border horses and whips coming against them lassos being threatened are threatened to do to hit them and to make them feel as if they are less than human and all because they wanted to make a better life for themselves and not be limited to the poverty and the depravity of their government the depths many of us know what it means to be in the depths the depths of that place where you just can't seemingly get any way out find any way out you're just stuck the depths when you're looking up trying to find a way to pull yourself up or someone to pull you up out of what you are in the depths many of us today can testify that sometimes when you're in the depths friends and family can't even help you when you're in the depths sometimes you can't seemingly get a song out of your mouth to help you make your way through the circumstance you face the depths all of us know something about the depths maybe for you it was depression maybe for you it was despair maybe for another it was desperation but it's the depths desperately needing something in despair as a consequence of not being able to get something in dismay and disillusionment because circumstances have been wearing you out and you can't get your wits about you the depths or maybe for another it's sickness a sickness that you cannot get away from cannot escape the doctors cannot give you any clear guidance on when it's going to get better or if it's going to get better sickness can plunge you into the depth suffering can plunge you into the depths the sickness that you face the suffering that you have to deal with on an extended protracted basis can plunge you deep in the darkness the mire of the depths and you feel as if you cannot get away somebody listening to me knows what it means to be in the depths somebody wishes i would move on a little bit farther in this message because just thinking about it rehearsing it hurts your feelings breaks your heart makes your mind play tricks on you but somebody needs to hear that the depths can devastate you the depths can be deleterious to your progress the depths can ensure that you are held in a status that you never intended to be in thinking that by this season of your life by this time in your along your journey you'll be much farther along but here you are stuck plunged into the depths of this circumstance and situation you find yourself in the depths are all around us but let's be clear the depths can like by likewise be in us within us desperation devastation despair sickness suffering and according to psalm 130 sin sin can plunge you into the deep depths of discussion of discouragement and and desperation and frustration ah sin can push you into the depths where you never anticipated never want it to be oh i know that it is not always easy for us to talk about our own sin it is not easy for us to deal with the reality of our sins sometimes we'd much rather point the finger than deal with the fact that each of us has a sin issue that we have to wrestle with ourselves but when we get to psalm 130 this unnamed psalmist this unnamed writer some scholars have suggested it was hezekiah but whomever the writer is they they they give to us a picture of the reality that he himself had to deal with his own sin issue he had to come face to face but the fact that he had some sin in his life and he needed some deliverance from his sin have you ever been there i'll ask you now you don't have to testify in public because you are behind that screen right now you're in a space where you can find some safety and you don't have to answer out loud just in case your family is around you but somebody needs to just answer for yourself have you ever had to deal with the depths of sin the depths of sin we may as well be honest about it because as you read your bible you'll find out that all have sinned and come short of the glory of god so you should have had an amen right there you should have gone and testified in the affirmative yes i've had to deal with sin the sin issue that plagues us all the sin issue that bless that we have to wrestle with one and all we were born in sin shaping in iniquity and something that is going on in this writer's life leads him to call out to god because he wants deliverance from the depths of this sin issue with which he is dealing very quickly today i draw your attention to psalm 130 because it seems to me my brothers and sisters that in psalm 130 we find out some things that just might help us to have some some deliverance from the depths of sin watch first as the psalmist gives to us what i call the penitential plea there is a penitential plea that is given to us in verses one and two and even into verse three he says out of the depths i cry to you o lord o lord hear my voice let your ears here it is be attentive to my cry for mercy there's that word mercy he is asking that the lord will hold back his hand of wrath and give to him another chance over the circumstances of life that he has found himself mired by he is asking god to hold on to him even when he seemingly can't hold on to god he is asking that god will be attentive to his plea to get him out of the dis disillusionment that he finds himself in that is as a consequence of his own sin now brothers and sisters what i love about the psalmist is that he goes public with his own reality now i know many of us are not that not at that point just yet where we can go public with our own issues of sin some of us need to maintain some privacy because of the sin issue and what embarrassment it may have caused but whether public or private you need to know this is penitential yeah this is penitential this is a brother who seeks to repent for his sins this is a brother who needs to get it right this is a brother who has said i don't want to stay so stuck in what i've been in that i can't see the sovereign rescuing me from my circumstance he says i'm crying out to you oh god let your ear be attentive listen to my cry for mercy that's when the steadfast love of the lord is lavished in your life that's when god withholds his hand of wrath and gives us another chance to get it right and somebody today ought to thank god on this first sunday of october that the god we serve is still a god who is plenty us in mercy somebody today ought to thank god that the god we serve still has more mercy than we have mess and mistakes that the god we serve still has more mercy to cover a multitude of our faults as a matter of fact rebecca said to god listen lord in your wrath please remember mercy please remember that i need you to give me another chance here it is here it is he asks for the mercy of the lord he he does not point fingers now he does not blame anybody for his sin status he does not blame anybody for the mistakes he's made he takes full responsibility now listen if you come back next week lord willing we'll talk about how others have in hand in some of our sin-stained circumstances but that's not the point of today's message today the psalmist takes all responsibility for himself he does not point at somebody else to divert attention from himself saying look at them and look at him and r kelly did that and somebody else no he's not pointing at anybody else at this point he's saying lord i did this i made this mistake i messed up i need you to show me your mercy isn't it so much easier to point the finger at other people and what they may have done than it is to turn the attention onto ourselves and say lord please have mercy that's what he does he says lord i need you to have mercy you already know what i've done you already know the mistakes i've made and i know something about you because i know that your mercy is so majestic so manifold so magnificent that uh you don't even keep a record of my wrongs he says when you send out mercy in my direction you cover it so that you never have to deal with it and i never have to deal with it again somebody ought to thank god that if god kept the record verse 3 none of us would be able to stand up under the scrutiny of the other situations of sin in which we found ourselves somebody on this first sunday ought to thank god that he didn't keep a record of what you did since this pandemic got started somebody ought to thank god he didn't keep a record of what you did in those years before you really got delivered somebody ought to thank god that he didn't keep a record of what you did since the last time you said you'd never do it again is there anybody in here who is grateful that the lord is plenteous in mercy the bible says oh give thanks unto the lord for he is good for his mercy endures forever [Music] yes lord he speaks to us about this penitential plea and his plea is that the lord will grant him mercy over his misery you can feel the misery in the pathos of his words you can feel the misery as you read these verses of scripture he says lord i need you to listen to me i need you to be attentive to me i'm directing this toward you because i know that you are the god that i can depend on to help me get this situation right i've been in the depths and now i'm looking up to the one who can deliver me i'm looking up to the one who can rescue me i'm calling out to the one who can set my soul free i'm calling out to the one who can liberate and emancipate and give me the opportunity to have a deliverance that nobody else can provide he says out of the depths i cried i was so frustrated by my reality i had to cry out unto the lord have you have you ever felt like that that you knew better you knew better you knew better and you felt badly about what you had done and from that place of pain from that place of sincere apology you said god please grant me mercy that's what he does it's a penitential plea i like it but when you get down to verses five and six he moves from what i call the penitential plea to the watchman's work the watchmen's work you heard me say something about the watchmen in verses five and six he says the psalmist does i wait for the lord my soul waits and in his word i put my hope my soul waits for the lord more than watchmen wait for the morning more than watchmen wait for the morning that repeated refrain there speaks to the poetic nature the musical nature of this uh this psalm you know that musical psalm you those songs of music those lyrics are often repeated to help us stress the point lose all their guilty stain lose all their guilty stain and sinners plunge beneath that flood lose all their that is the repeated refrain to help you understand this is significant this is something that is most interesting to turn turn your attention toward he says as the watchmen wait for the morning mariners understood this language for they knew there was always somebody who would stand guard vanguard the post and they make sure that they just stood and watched out to make to make everything safe and secure until morning came you never knew what was going to happen during those night hours marauders would show up and try to mess up everything that was going on in that peaceful and blessed land and so the watchmen were stationed just to keep a lookout they only had one job all they had to do was look and if something happened then they would report but all night long mostly every night of their watchman's journey they would just wait for the morning they're just looking for the morning they're just looking around for morning to come they're just looking around until morning shows up it's dark while they're working and watching but they're just looking around till morning comes it is my brothers and sisters the responsibility of the watchmen to watch yeah to watch and look for the morning oh the watchman does when you see watchmen in church all they do is stand down here and watch wait for something to jump off and if something jumps off then they'll move but they just stand and watch and the watchmen here in the text texas just supposed to stand there and wait and look for the morning now i like this because in the preceding verse he says my soul waits for you i put my hope in your word that words wait is the word uh that qatar it literally means that i'm going to be patient i'm going to stand here patiently and i'm going to just wait this word hope is a synonym for that word this word hope is you call in the hebrew and it literally means to stand in expectations yeah both words literally mean i'm going to expect that something is going to happen and then he says i'm doing this just like the watchman i stand and watch and expect that morning time is coming ooh child of god i wish you would hear me on this sunday because somebody has been waiting on your god to do something spectacular and amazing one of the things you can always find out about a watchman is that a watchman knew that if he stood there long enough if he waited long enough at some point morning was coming they didn't have to wonder about it they didn't have to scratch their heads as to whether or not it was going to happen the watchman knew that if he stood his post long enough mourning was on the way and child of god this psalmist says i'm waiting on your mercy i'm waiting on your deliverance i'm waiting on you to show me your love just like a watchman waits for the morning and the reason i can stand here and wait for it is because you'd help me understand that in your faithfulness love will always abound and so i can expect it until it shows up oh brother sister i don't know what you're waiting on from the lord but may i please remind you that we serve a faithful god and if you stand there and expectantly wait for mourning i don't care how long weeping may endure the bible says joy will come and anybody believe the bible listening to me today that we can expectantly wait for god to do something that nobody else can do they're making their way to church they're making their way and before they get there they got to get some stuff together this summer says let me get some stuff together and so he talks about the watchmen's work what is the watchman's work to just wait for the morning to watch until morning comes what is your job until your times get better to watch to wait until it happens stop trying to jump out ahead of god stop trying to beat god to the punch let god be god and just watch and wait for him and he says i'm going to do this i'm going to wait my soul is gonna hope watch in your word he says i've learned some things about your word that makes me wait for you oh do you do you hear me my soul has learned some things my inner being has learned some things through your word that makes me wait for you like the watchman waits for the morning i've heard some things about your word and because i know your word i know your will this word davar is the word word this word word and it literally means to talk about to be an accountant of to report the activities of god in the past that may be re resumed in the future to talk about the activities of god that have taken place in the past that are due to be resumed in the future literally suggested you've heard it if he did it before yes yes yes he'll do it again he literally says don't you give up on god don't you throw in the towel on god if you know something about his word you know if he said it he will bring it to pass i need 10 or 12 people who still trust the word of god to help me celebrate on this sunday that god still keeps his word that his word never returns unto himself void but god always accomplishes what he sent his word to accomplish all you got to do is act like a watchman and wait for it look for it cause it's on the way it's on the way it's on the way so he says i'm waiting on you like and i'm trusting in your word i'm going to review your word as a matter of fact while i'm waiting on you i'm going to review your word i'm going to review your word that says my lord my god shall supply yeah all my need according to his riches and i'm just going to review your word while i'm waiting on you to to show me your way i'm going to review your word that says even even even if the weeping endures for night joy is going i'm just going to review your word that says no weapon that is formed against me is going to be able to prosper i'm going to review your word is there anybody in here who's got a word that's whole that you're holding on to that you got it tucked away in your bosom and you're going to believe god to fulfill his word in your life is there anybody who can help me preach and testify i trust his word i trust his word somebody ought to help me preach today say i trust his word bible says the promises of god are yea and amen i trust his word yes lord yes lord and so psalmist says i'm waiting on him yeah i believe he's going to show me his mercy because he's done it before and just as the watchmen waited last night and the sun rose this morning the watchman's going to wait tonight and expect that the sun's going to rise the next morning i'm waiting just like the watchmen wait for the morning i love this child of god and all of us should be encouraged by this message even when you're dealing with the depths when you're dealing with despair and discouragement disillusionment when you're dealing with sickness and suffering and sin yeah the good news is if we confess our sins yeah i'm closing yeah that's his word that's his word that he's faithful yes lord and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness did you hear what i just said i i got most of the saints in the sanctuary rejoicing i need to make sure that everybody heard me this mic's still on i said if we confess our sins the lord is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness may i please tell you that psalm 130 ain't just about sin no psalm 130 is about the sovereign and you need to catch this while i'm making my way to this third point that's why eight times in psalm 130 you get the word lord you only get sin a couple times but it's eight times in the psalm that you get the word lord because the psalmist wants you to know that the sovereign is more powerful than your sin that the sovereign has more authority over your sin than sin has over your future or somebody ought to thank god that the of that the sovereign god of the universe has planned out my future and no matter how much sin has tried to get me in the depths my sovereign is stronger than my sin and the sovereign says i know the plans i have for you those plans are to prosper you not to harm you to give you a future and a hope oh lord i love you so much and so he begins to speak to the people of god while they're making their way to the house of god he says oh israel or wheeler avenue or body of believers put your hope in the lord for with the lord is unfailing love and with him is full redemption he himself will redeem israel from all their sin i like your child of god because we don't just get a word about penitential pleas and the watchman's work but we get a word i love it about how we must focus our attention on the redemptive remedy yeah the redemptive remedy i'm done but you should have heard the word redeem twice when i read that to you i've told you over and over again that the psalmists love to repeat themselves because they like to push the point is put reten repetition for the point of retention and so he pushes the point more and more he says in verse 7 oh israel put your hope in the lord for with the lord is unfailing love with him is full redemption somebody say fool verse 8 he himself will redeem israel from all their sins somebody say oh i love that pada is the hebrew word for redemption it literally means to buy back yeah it means means to deliver from danger it means to recover it means to ransom yeah pay the debt necessary to get your property back did you hear me it means to pay the necessary debt to get your property back and the bible says that the god we serve has such unfailing love for us that he will give us full redemption that your god loves you so much he will redeem us from all of our sin i love it full redemption one translator translates that like this multiple ransoms multiple ransoms he says i know you got multiple issues you got multiple sin debts that need to be paid but the god that we love so much will give you multiple ransoms as a matter of fact he'll pay one price that will secure all the penalty debt that you have one price will be paid but all the penalties will be erased oh my goodness church folk don't know when to shout if you haven't dropped the kitchen sink glass right now a glass in the sink you must have missed your shout cue i said that god will pay one penalty one price to secure all the debt of every penalty you have incurred is there anybody who can help me close this message and thank god that jesus christ paid the ultimate price to secure the sacrifice for our sin he was the one who paid the debt so that we would have full redemption and i love that today i love that that's why i intentionally skipped verse 4 because i wanted to make sure i got all the way to jesus christ before i read verse 4 for you may i please read it in your hearing but with you there is forgiveness therefore you are feared i love it he says with you there is forgiveness i know i messed up but your mercy is bigger than my mistakes i know that i have sinned but since you are the sovereign you are able to clear the debt of my sin i know that i made some irrep i thought it was some irreparable damage to my situation but because you are the redeemer you have a remedy to make sure that the stain of my sin doesn't stay on my record and somebody in church today whether physical or virtual ought to thank god that in the lord there is forgiveness i just told you seven minutes ago that if we confess our sins yes he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and then cleanse us from all unrighteousness and i need to talk to the folk who've been cleansed in here today i need to talk to the folk who've been forgiven in here today maybe i'm just talking to myself i haven't heard any noise in this room i said i need to talk to the folk who've been forgiven i need to talk to the folk who've been cleansed we're not pointing fingers today we're not looking at everybody else's sin today i need you to rehearse your own story and begin to thank the lord that all of your sin didn't go public and even if it did he's still faithful to forgive is there anybody who can help me celebrate the fact that in him there is full redemption in him there is forgiveness as a matter of fact he does not keep a record of our wrongs because if he did none of us could stand up under the pressure but the bible says when you know he's the god who gives full redemption and when you know he has forgiven all of your sin when you know he does not keep a record of your wrongs the bible says that god is to be feared i love that hebrew word another translation says revered but those of us who've been in church long enough you know that word means worship we ought to stand in all of him so now i need the folk who just testified to the fact that you've got a sin list that you're not proud of that you've got some sin stains that you are grateful here erased to help me celebrate the fact that when i think of the goodness of jesus and all he's done for me my soul cries hallelujah i want to thank god for saving me for wiping the slate clean for cleansing me from all inequity all of my wrongs all of my sin and since i know what he did i feel like worshiping him since i know what he did i feel like glorifying him since i know what he's done i feel like lifting him up so let the worshipers now begin to honor your god however you choose wherever you are don't let the fact that you're at your house stop you from genuinely worshiping don't let the fact that you're in your in your job space stop you from genuinely worshiping don't let the fact that you are in a car stop you from worshiping if you're at home lift up your hands open up your mouth and begin to worship him if you're at your job be a little more discreet if you need to go to the restroom slip on in the restroom and tell your god thank you if you're driving in the car keep your hands at ten and two but open up your mouth and tell the lord thank him or pull over to the side of the road and begin to rejoice in the god of your salvation i need somebody to help me glorify god because sin didn't have the last word i need somebody to help me glorify god that jesus descended into hell snatched the keys from satan and gave me access to everlasting life and whom the sun has set free is free indeed anybody knows something about deliverance from the depths anybody knows something about him taking your frown and putting a smile back on your face the bible says he'll give me the oil of joy for the ashes of mourning and somebody can testify when i know what the lord has done for me i got joy down in my soul i got peace like a river that's ever flowing help me thank god for deliverance thank god for snapping us back thank god for paying the price thank god that jesus went to calvary i've done to save a wretch like you and me that's love they hung him high they stretched him wide he hung his head for you and me he died that's love but that's not how the story is cause three days later he rose again that's love and now my theme song is redeemed redeemed my soul has been redeemed is there anybody listening to my voice who can celebrate the fact that the full price has been paid no other sacrifice necessary no other redemption price to be paid jesus paid it all and all to him had left a crimson stain but he washed it anybody glad he washed it didn't he wash it white as snow then left the regime of the lord say so open your mouth bless your god let everything go that have breath praise ye the lord [Music] praise the lord for deliverance from the depths thank you [Music] i'm trying to stop my time is out it's time for the invitation but i was sinking keeping sin far from the peaceful shore very deeply staying within sinking to rise no more but the master of the sea heard my despairing christ from the waters from the waters from the waters he lifted me now stay safe [Music] lifted me when nothing else could help that's mercy y'all that's mercy that's mercy [Music] yes lord yes lord yes but he still gives deliverance from the depths that place of chaos tumult can't get your mind and get your thoughts right a place where you keep rehearsing your sin because you keep forgetting he gave you redemption from it that's the depths but when you cry out to your god he still gives you mercy that goes beyond your misery beyond your mistakes beyond your mess-ups thank god for that today somebody who's honest about some of the foolishness in your past ought to thank god for deliverance yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yeah i know we can sometimes get uncomfortable about sermons on sin but you ought to stay to the end of the message because somewhere around the middle of the message into the end the preacher will tell you that the lord knows how to deliver you yes lord yes lord clean up your mess clean up your mistakes clean up all that stuff in your history that need not be held against you and give you a future that is bright with possibility and hope yeah hope that needs to make us not ashamed and we thank god for that on this sunday now listen somebody's listening to me and you need to be in relationship with the one who still lives who still lives liberates you need to be in relationship with the one who still reaches you in the depths and brings you out toward deliverance if you don't know this great god of ours if you've never given him your life you love your loyalty listen he's done that for you already he gave the life of jesus christ for you that was a demonstration of the love that he has for you and as a consequence he has proved to you his loyalty listen i want you on this this sunday this first sunday of the month of october to give your life to jesus christ if you've never done it before and it's very simple god does not make it difficult for us he says if you confess with your mouth the lord jesus believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead then thou shalt be saved the bible says whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved that's no if ands or buts about doesn't matter what you did that's not the issue you need a call on the name of the lord and when you do that you shall be saved if you don't know exactly how to do that we've got some folks who'd love to help you in that process email us at new members ministry wheelerbc.org and when you email us there we'll get in touch with you swiftly and make sure that you have a relationship with the lord that no one can take away secondarily you say i need a church home and i believe that the lord has led me to wheeler avenue baptist church i want you to email us at that very same address and someone will get back in touch with you very quickly to make you aware of how you might be connected to the family of god that gathers at wheeler avenue baptist church whoever you are wherever you are this invitation is for you and we invite you to say yes to the one who has said yes to you the liberator the redeemer the one who has given us all victory over sin and death there there is someone who needs to hear me now i don't know who's putting up this resistance i feel that somebody needs to hear over and over again doesn't matter what you did in your past doesn't matter how bad the mistake or mistakes were was a word doesn't matter that none of that matters if anyone is in christ that person is a new creature one translation says new creation old things are passed away hallelujah all things become new the old is covered by the blood of jesus it is cleansed is washed washed away the bible says in the book of psalms that he does not keep a record of our wrongs like right then psalm 130 if we did we couldn't stand up under it we couldn't deal with it so i want you to know that the lord loves you unfailing love that's word of text unfailing love he has an unfailing love for you and today this invitation is extended to you make your make your make your email known to us and we'll get right back in touch with you as quickly as we can we're going to sing this great hymn of the church while the leaders are coming to help me serve the lord's church this holy holy meal [Music] jesus paid it all all to him i owe he washed it white you need to hear that again let's all sing it together sing jesus [Music] he watched [Music] many of you have been praying for our founding pastor he has been ill been dealing with a rollercoaster ride of illness but god continues to sustain him and we thank god for that [Music] i want you now to receive our founding pastor although not in the sanctuary he was determined to pray for us today so receive him as he consecrates these elements in prayer let's pray the lord is in his holy temple that all the earth keeps silence before him [Music] so are we privileged to say today [Music] so lord we move into a cathedral that you made possible for us and we thank you that as we come into this month we come into this church here and we also thank you that you have made for us that you have made possible for a us year [Music] you make possible for us what we ought to give thanks for and we do give thanks for all that you have done for us for those that have made us privileged and pleasured and for those that have hurt us and through that pain have taught us now lord we give thanks for our families for those who are close to us and whom we love and who love us we thank you most especially for the one who has died and who is made possible for us our redemption our salvation bless this bread which represents your forgiveness your flesh which was broken for us despite our our sins and this blood which which represents your blood shed for our redemption even the sun even the blood of jesus and that we might remember your flesh and your blood shed for the redemption of our sins in the name of jesus christ amen certainly hope that your elements are prepared and you are ready now to receive symbols of the broken body and shed blood of jesus the blood that jesus [Music] way back way back the blood that gives me strength from day to day [Music] it soothes my doubts my [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh okay oh [Music] is to god hallelujah [Music] is [Music] [Music] we hold these elements in our hands as symbols of the broken body and shed blood of jesus christ these symbols remind us that jesus christ paid the ransom for our full redemption today we hold these elements in our hands to remind ourselves there is absolutely nothing that can separate us from the love of god nothing can take us out of the hands of the one who has redeemed us unto himself so as we eat of this bread today we are reminded that the broken bread is a symbol of the broken body of jesus christ that was beaten battered and bruised so that we might be redeemed and as we remember how his body was made to suffer let us eat together remembering the sacrifice of jesus our savior let's eat together then we hold this cup in our hands as a symbol of the shed blood of jesus christ we've already sung it over and over again in worship week after week year after year first sunday after first sunday what can wash away my sin [Music] nothing but the blood of jesus nothing what can make me whole again nothing but the blood of jesus and so despite the depravity of our sin we're grateful that the savior has redeemed us by his own precious blood and as we remember that on this first sunday of the month of october let's drink this wine in communion and remember the sacrifice of our savior who is jesus christ the lord let's drink together [Music] [Applause] the bible says if they if they're eating the drunk together they sang a hymn and went out into the mount of olives i want to pray for us as we begin the remainder of this month making our way into monday and tuesday and wednesday preparing for revival on wednesday evening i want to pray for us that this month might make us have a greater regard and appreciation for the god who has sustained us through the entirety of this pandemic i want to thank god for that i want to thank god for keeping us we've had some loved ones to fall by the way but in spite of broken hearts despite of grieving spirits in spite of a pandemic god has sustained us and we want to tell him thank you as we make our way into the rest of this month of october god in the name of jesus thank you for loving us enough to make us to become your very own thank you for loving us enough to sacrifice jesus christ to save us from our sin this day we give you praise for who you are and for all that you mean to us this day we pay our vows to you not just with our lips but with our lives and we pray o god that our lives will be representative of people who are sold out to you who love you with an everlasting love because you love us just the same we thank you god as we make our steps back to the house of god that you have kept us in the midst of it all we glorify your name today for what you have done for each one of us by securing our salvation on a hill called calvary and now as we make our way into this new month we pray o god that we will be living sacrifices holy and acceptable unto you that's our reasonable service that's our spiritual act of worship so we revere you we fear you we worship you as we go forth knowing that we've been forgiven of all of our sin and we run as witnesses of your grace and glory both now and forevermore may october be a strong month for us a month that gives glory to your high name and we thank you already for the victory that is ours because we are yours in the precious and perfect the powerful name of jesus the christ we pray with thanksgiving and expectation and all of god's people together said hallelujah and amen now we're going to sing a hymn and we're going to make our way into our various locations wherever you need to go wherever whatever you're going to do this day this week make it a good week make it a blessed week and give glory to the name of the lord jesus christ as you do it because he's already ransomed us and given us an opportunity to give glory to his name come on down at the cross [Music] where my savior come on is i am all right we going on here oh is foreign god bless you have a great week church family i'm jasmine yates and this is your avenue news it's time for the fall edition of wednesdays in the word join us virtually on all of our platforms for a wonderful time of worship as we welcome four dynamic preachers back to wheeler avenue this week we will hear from dr otis moss iii pastor of trinity united church of christ in chicago illinois the rest of the month we will be ministered to by dr gina stewart dr maurice watson and dr lance watson tune in weekly at 7 pm [Music] the wheeler avenue children's ministry has non-stop ministry activities this fall we are indeed wheeler wherever on sundays we invite all two-year-olds through fifth graders to join us for children's sunday school classes on wednesdays we invite all three-year-olds through fifth graders to join us for awana bible study our classes are designed for each specific age group we may be temporarily virtual but our children are still learning and growing in the lord don't let your child miss out on these biblical learning opportunities visit the wheeler avenue website for more information in romans 8 37 paul reminds believers that in all things we are more than conquerors through christ jesus who loves us so why is it that we sometimes feel completely overwhelmed and defeated we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but instead against the dark powers of this world and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms we already have victory through christ and must learn to use the weapons to demonstrate that the battle has already been won in this class more than conquerors through christ strategies for victorious spiritual welfare you can learn how to live victorious amid all kinds of spiritual battles satan's lives will be exposed to empower you to stand with all confidence as an overcomer you will walk away prepared to engage in victorious spiritual warfare because you are more than a conqueror registration is required so don't wait this six week series will run through monday october 25th from 6 30 pm to 7 45 pm nightly look for the registration link on our website or email reverend dr lakisha barnett minister of young adults in prayer at l barnette wheelerbc.org because of the demand we are offering a second untangling relationships group there are already people waiting for the second group to start will you join them do you constantly find yourself in relationships where you feel you must rescue and control others do these relationships cause intense hurt anger guilt or loneliness if so you may be codependent the wheeler recovery ministry presents untangling relationships a 12-week support group that offers a christian perspective on escaping codependency learn what causes a person to become codependent why codependency creates tangled relationships and learn new ways to help and understand people who live and work with unhealthy attachments learn biblical guidance that shows codependence how they with god's help can break free of destructive patterns join us this tuesday october 5th at 6 30 pm on zoom for the first week of support group register now on the website or for more information email the ministry at recovery wheelerbc.org the children's ministry is looking for more volunteers to join our virtual team there are opportunities to share god's word with our children in awana bible study as well as children's sunday school classes if you are gifted in working with children and would like to share those gifts with the children of wheeler avenue please contact sister kim washington at k washington wheelerbc.org [Music] welcome to the brand new media site for wheeler avenue baptist church where you will be able to access all of our weekly live streams along with years worth of worship experiences and other programs to access the site go to www.wheelerbc.media once you're on the homepage you can create a free account by clicking subscribe now you may also download the mobile apps for iphone and android by clicking on their respective icons at the bottom of the screen or by searching wabc media in the app store once you've created your free account click join and all of our online content will be made available to you after you've logged in you will see everything from worship services to black history month programs and more all of our content is separated into categories and can be seen by scrolling up and down the page once you arrive to the category of your choice you are able to scroll and swipe left or right to view the available content in that section if you are looking for a specific moment from a worship service all you have to do is click on the video and you will be able to choose between individual songs from the service sermon only hard of hearing which includes sign language interpretation throughout the duration of the service and as always the full services are available as well when searching for a particular video users can click the search button at the top of the page and type the name of a person song sermon or date if you are logged in you are able to enjoy additional features such as continue watching this allows viewers to pick up where they left off without having to start over each time there is an interruption you can also add content to your list by hovering over the video and clicking add to my list doing this will put all of the videos that the user wishes to view in one spot so that they can go back and watch at a later time make sure you participate in this exciting new way to stay connected and experience jesus christ from anywhere in the world once again download our app wabc media visit our website create an account and worship with us as we continue to be wheeler wherever [Music] there's so much taking place and we hope you stay connected for more information join us on flocknotes facebook instagram or twitter i'm jasmine yates and this has been your avenue news remember we are we
Channel: Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church
Views: 5,376
Rating: 4.9574466 out of 5
Id: VDj2gZxveCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 50sec (6830 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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