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we completely randomized our PCS to random Pokemon Eggs the Pokemon we get from them could be as bad as a Whirlpool or as good as a Mewtwo we have no idea so let's see what they are my egg's about to hatch oh my God I'm gonna give birth Alec I'm gonna give birth okay deep breath in deep breath out deep breath in deep breath out it's working what's gonna be please be bad please be bad please be bad please be bad this is actually crazy please be bad please be bad I've never seen this animation why bro stop what you get I got a Rayquaza no you no actually actually what'd you get I got a Rayquaza I don't believe you like what did you get check that out no way are you actually serious are you actually serious let's go that is actually insane I think you got a hatch yeah well it's about to hatch I'm running around oh how many master balls do you need my Pokemon's action come on put Rayquaza two off murder murder don't stop hitting me murder come on what did you get I ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine Alec are you there uh no yes yes oh my god let's go yeah let's go dude let's go wait throw it out no no I yeah either throw it out or throw it back one of the two all right yo you probably got something garbage no I definitely got something that's gonna counter you incredibly well uh all right bro hey good luck on your next nine eggs you picked them randomly in your PC I don't want to see any snooping in each I don't even know how you could cheat but yeah good luck bro you're not gonna need it all right well anyway it is now time to pick out our first egg and I don't really know what to do oh it's hatching bro mute oh sorry uh mom hatching I'm pregnant again alrighty dude relax let's go oh bro stop actually actually I got something good this is rigged or something I didn't even hatched my second one yet I'm getting out my third for my first pick I'm just gonna close my eyes and click but what did I get did I get one I totally missed okay I'm gonna be in the center all right here we go three two one click oh I got one that was still like dead in the center okay we'll take it though that is C3 C3PO wait oh fail it went this is like a robot Pokemon Bro that could be so sick all right while Alec is busy running around and trying to hatch his eggs I am getting the best Pokemon literally ever I have a legendary and then I have literally I don't even know if you guys have seen this yet I don't think I've thrown it out look at that that is amazing and look at its face it's actually not a bad Pokemon like it looks really cool but I think it's actually gonna do well against Alec in the battle oh here we go here we go it's going it's going it's going come on please pick some on God please please please give me something sick come on oh no I'll take rhodium wait that's actually really good that uh that's solid that is solid come on I wonder do I get steps if I ride on my Pokemon I guess not really on I feel like I became the Pokemon I am now an elephant all right let's go ahead and grab something else out of here I'll do another closed eyes because that one kind of worked as well and there we go we got a b c d e five all right I will take the head now we're gonna RTP into a completely new biome a little bit colder a little bit chillier hopefully this thing has ice in its veins and comes up clutch and gives me something sick that's gonna be Alex face when I beat him later so I don't know if you guys actually know this about Pokemon eggs but the longer they take to hatch generally speaking the better Pokemon that it is normally there's a little animation where it starts to crack a little bit and then eventually that means that it's you know close to hatching but sadly it's not but that actually means that it's kind of happy because it's going to be either like a pseudo legendary or really powerful Pokemon or an actual legendary Pokemon let's see though this is egg number three of ten so we're already making pretty significant progress on the Pokemon that we'll be getting and so far it hasn't been magisterial if you will so we're gonna need some really really good Pokemon here while I'm walking around if you guys have not already make sure you go leave a like on today's video if you are enjoying this content or if you like eggs the more likes that you guys leave on today's video the better Pokemon that's going to be inside of my egg and while you're at it make sure you guys go down to the comments and comment hashtag teambackpro that way you will join my team and my team will be the winning team I need at least one ice Pokemon because I know that he as a Rayquaza so I know like art or no might not be the strongest legendary in the game but I'll take a legendary that is also ice type because it's gonna counter his Rayquaza perfectly okay seriously this egg needs to hatch I clicked on it and it says it doesn't seem close to hatching this thing better be an actual legendary oh speaking about a Kudo there's one right there please be in my egg maybe I could just grab like right under his bunghole to take an egg come here is that other I don't even think that's how that works I don't know maybe he'll poop out an egg it's hatching come on I'm excited are you being serious I am dude I literally I've picked random eggs I swear I can't tell if you're being sarcastic there because sometimes you just lie to make me feel like I'm not gonna win you guys watching no if you guys have not already you guys should go ahead in the comments and comment hashtag team backpro to join my team because like it's over I will say I have an egg right now that I've been trying to hatch for a long time and it's not even cracking yet so I think that this egg might actually be pretty good have you tried sitting on it oh that's I don't want to break it though you know I've been eating a lot of pizza recently I'm a little bit heavy true I'm not trying to break it you know don't break it but you kind of do want to break it that's I'm gonna I'm gonna hatch it though not not break it because then it dies and then I have zero Pokemon Pro dude so true oh there it goes wait wait it's hatching it's hatching attaching come on oh my judging we're like twins what's right that's actually so good that's actually so good what are you getting did you get something good hello oh sorry I think I was muted uh yeah it was okay it was it was only like a pseudo legendary so not really what I was expecting how was that okay how are you not like super happy about that I want legendaries man I just want regular legendaries for my next egg I want you to pick out what what egg so give me give me a column in a row I'm gonna say number 20. okay that's gonna make me can you count that high day five I believe that this is 20 but I'm not double checking all right thank you oh no my egg is about a hatch already that that totally means it's gonna be bad bro yeah I know I get kind of disappointed when it hatches fast oh we forgot what's going oh my God oh my God oh my God I'm always like so nervous though why am I nervous oh mine's going too mine's going too stop copying me bro let's go dude mine's gonna be way better than yours all right we'll tell each other at the same time bro there's no way what'd you get what'd you get I got a a fusion no you did not I swear I got a sizzling [Laughter] this is like not even funny bro can I keep it yeah you can keep it but hey if you guys want to see us do this with a bunch of fusion Pokemon let me know and then just like they did in Jurassic Park we can we can Infuse them with Fusion DNA yeah what what Jack just said also if you guys want to play with Fusion Pokemon or with Alec or with me yeah yeah or with me head on over to play.smashmc.com yeah let's go dude because there are Fusion Pokemon there and they're lit like this guy right here you didn't tell me what Fusion it is though oh um it is a uh you just muted in the middle of saying that also my next egg is hatching I'm not telling him oh God oh it's a phantomime I've never used this before it's a phantom mixed with the um a phantom wait no it's sorry it's a mimikyu fuse with a phantom that was actually strange that the fusion hatched kind of fast maybe the fusions have different levels that they they need to be walked or like they're just so antsy take it out of the egg that they're like oh we gotta get out of here and they're so big and strong okay let's grab another one we'll grab A1 because that I mean first of the best everyone knows that actually first the worst but bro let's go that is so sick so we have one legendary and one Fusion but then we also have Caterpie and sizzlipede Alex she's beautiful get some help dude this is so much fun the fact that it's like completely random what we get oh here we go this makes it dude I don't know dude I'm so excited come on please please please give each other good please I crashed dude that Pokemon was so bad that my entire Game just crashed are you kidding me dude oh my egg is about to hatch go ahead and pop on open for me oh okay all right not the best but we still do get four more eggs to open so there's a chance that my entire team could actually be legendary or our next egg let's pick out this bad boy dude I think my Pokemon are so bad that it's crashing my game I'm gonna be honest your Pokemon are probably yeah they probably don't want to battle me can you pick another number for me what's better than 20. 21. day one is that it I'm going for it oh my ex hatching yeah shut up isn't this exciting bro come on yeah I got it oh I got you oh yeah okay whoa let's go all right let's yeah let's hear it listen everybody round one Applause for me if you're not clapping start clapping dude that Pokemon better be sync you can't hype up your Pokemon like that if they're bad that's how that works I got a Slugma my last Pokemon you got slow Daddy stop it he's giving birth why is this so exciting every time bro okay I'm closing my eyes what there's no I got a Monferno it's Evolution really dude there's no way you just said that what I'm crazy that's how you know you're gonna lose okay well I have one two three four five six seven Pokemon which means I only have three eggs left to hatch and I'm not gonna lie bro I'm gonna need some good ones especially considering your reactions my attaching I can't I can't I can't focus on you right now I'm sorry yeah go ahead that's actually not not bad I I I'm nervous if I can lie it sounds like you're getting some sick Pokemon and I only have three Pokemon left to hatch I've eight this is nine so then I just need one more after this oh I just picked up protein as a pokey loot I'm gonna feed it to my egg can eggs eat okay now it's gonna be a super strong oh here we go it's hatching shot I literally didn't say anything okay shut up oh my God bro that's actually that's probably my bad I didn't mean to mess it up but Jesus where'd you come from this poke I'm I'm just gonna be honest bro this Pokemon is so bad I forgot that it even exists did it took me a second to remember what it was even called I feel like a kid in a candy shop oh bro is it bad I hope it's bad it's kind of cute honestly it's umag oh yeah that is pretty cute did you let's face off of a real a real animal a real tadpole that has like intestines that you can see and that's why there's a squiggly line on it yeah I actually I did know that I've made lots of real realistic Minecraft videos oh okay that's I just don't remember asking us all brace Breeze I farted what I farted all right I'm gonna go but enjoy you and your farts man my last egg bro I still got two left it's about a plus oh my God relax I'm gonna bust hold it in again it's happening hold it in Jack it's happening everyone Embrace brace oh crap bro I got it I got an evolution of a Pokemon I've already gotten mine's hatching too come on oh what did you get oh can't just say words like that and then not tell me okay I have one Pokemon left no it's hatching already no I'm actually so upset oh here we are attaching I'm so not excited for this Pokemon Bro what even is that I just got a spoopa my game crashed I like forfeits I win every time I get a trash Pokemon my game crashes man it really doesn't want you to battle me all right and here we go the ultimate egg battle not the most Fair match up I would say for you because I have ice beam right right okay I died okay that no problemo no problemo actually is that a Pikachu this is a no it's a fusion actually you literally can't touch me you stink bro all right fine I'll touch him with this guy oh um yeah that actually will yeah that's gonna hurt I don't even know who this guy is it's a gen 9 starter oh wow and you know what segma suck my God AKO I never thought I would see the day seriously I got him really upset but when I got him I was really upset is what I meant by that and he he showed me wrong he he proved me wrong suck my nut wait what did you just use U-turn why does a giant elephant get u-turned isn't it crazy that I got solgaleo that is crazy that is crazy like there's what a one in 900 something chance that I can get this yeah I mean I feel like all things considered we both got relatively good teams oh that's a major hit major damage no I can't let that happen that is I cannot let you kill this guy is it your best guy he is definitely really good no I forgot you're super effective against me he tried wrote them go wrote them yeah okay this guy is healing full health baby dude that is so lame I'm about to steal all your eggs yeah Droid you holy cow modem's crazy all right back to my elephant stop you turning bro don't touch me come on Latias do something cool for us here oh you got a lot of us nice dude that's sick good for you good for you oh God this is really bad haha check this out though Mewtwo that's right nerd no that did so much let's go dude just kill me no I gotta finish the job with the right person there we go oh my gosh bro no no g hit that like button click this video click it click click click this video
Channel: Sirud
Views: 435,258
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft pixelmon, minecraft pixelmon server, pixelmon server, new pixelmon server, pixelmon, pixelmon mod, pixelmon download, pixelmon update, kid friendly, no swearing, 100 days, 100 days survived, 100 days minecraft, I spent 100 days, pokemon, pokemon in minecraft, lucky block, pixelmon lucky block, legendary lucky block, minecraft pixelmon lucky block, sirud lucky block, sirud pixelmon, sirud pixelmon lucky block, fusion pokemon, fusion, fusion pixelmon
Id: TXHecD5Ttxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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