1 hour of memes but it goes real quick

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hmm thank you hey can i can i climb that or oh no well i asked   yeah we thought we caught  somebody yesterday look at this   they just returned it 600. wait holy crap holy crap holy oh my god i knew it oh man now that looks good what are you what  are you doing where's the whipped cream going   i don't understand what's happening where not  the peanuts why are you doing this it's a caramel   okay that's okay the caramel we've got  sprinkles and ice cream we're good with that   you're not gonna take the sprinkles away hey how's the burger [ __ ] you've got anything you need we've got  condoms we've got your vibrators there   that's great you need pads that's great maybe a  pregnant maybe you've got an std we don't know   maybe you need self-tan that's whatever we've got  everything we've got batteries for that vibrator   you just bought and also you might be hungry  after masturbating so here's a chunky kitkat oh is not my son she says i am the one it literally says you are such like the video game  sucks everybody on the video game use the word   suds and among us sus that connects and we just  got this is how i'm going to survive this crash   first off i'm in the front of the bus because  we are not in the back of the bus anymore rosa   made sure that bless up rosa all right so i'm grab  everybody around me and form a human meat shield   first impact on the left side people  are gone right side people are gone   friendly people are gone i grabbed the  one behind me put him in front of me and   i'm clinging to him for dear life he's  screaming no let me go we're gonna die   i'm like no you're gonna die and then eventually  i see that we're spinning out of control so   i throw him out of the window to equalize  the centrifugal force first impact i'm gone   broken neck but i'm still alive and then we're  bracing for impact in the water we hit the water   hit the water but i have iron man gauntlets boom  out the bus we're done i'll live i win i win okay foreign everybody's saying it's fake i do  have a car mode like look at me huh   what do you think about that i don't  have a collarbone i'm not an alien what the oh how could she look [ __ ] no i can't fall look so i'm gonna crack my easter egg on my hand it's been in the fridge by the way a second check this [ __ ] out three two one oh [ __ ] hey oh [ __ ] my phone oh zach  zack zack i dropped my phone in the water okay what are you doing nothing are you serious say hello to my little friends it's stuck with water in the tree happy mom oh my gosh so i went to a call of duty tournament oh oh please i'm asking you just show me that  you have a baby go ahead take the blanket   off if you're that sure he's filming you do  this by the way yes he gave him permission   he will take i never gave him permission you said  go ahead and take the blanket off it's a cat it is and it's a lynx not a cat there's a big difference  there's a lynx it's a little like this is it's an emergency service emotional support  animal oh oh religious no that's why wow you be nice man jesus christ   hmm uh ha ha peter go bigger go bigger go bigger come  on go bigger go bigger go bigger go bigger holy wow hello peter what you guys hating when there's  rocks stuck in your freaking tires bro   god i'm so glad i took that off this pisses me off hello that's right my brother ate all the wasabi during dinner yo i just walked in this bathroom right  and i tried to open this stall up right who the [ __ ] threw a boulder at the [ __ ] toy how how am i supposed to swirl my drink men i can't even sit my wig down you know what in life man don't cover the church by oh don't judge the   the cover touch the book i  man don't don't put the cover don't whatever don't do it just don't do it let me just work all night on a my boyfriend took a video of me sleeping  and now i will never be sleeping again this watch out watch out okay oh my gosh yeah i look good at it and sticks it in and then presses it  and we realized it was [ __ ] diesel damn aah so close [ __ ] i thought we were gonna steal  a bus then she really got that bus   everyone vote to get this kid on xbox because  he's just harassing me in fortnite look and he just keeps doing this  to me it's really annoying   and he's making me cry because i'm self-conscious okay oh my god i didn't see that was  there one two one two three four damn son those trunks go dummy hard boy  let's see it let's see a gainer grandpa yahoo new transition hey vsauce michael  here what's normal are you normal be nice oh damn no anyway i'll be right back hey hey hey have you ever seen such raw power oh i got it hey do some skills oh come on oh let's see how my dad reacts to this one again  oh my god but why are you feeling my care again   but it's a different driver altogether why are  you people that's a road walker here i'm coming   i can't enjoy the traffic do you want me to  come down stop stop why are you peeping again why are you laughing the man is waiting  for me i'm laughing what is going on   will you stop look this is why  somebody is crossing the road   i can't do anything somebody look at this  agreement that's a great man look at the traffic   lights this agreement there's nothing i can do my  friend look at the man why are you peeping again hit the rope there you go oh geez oh that literally hit me right in the face good boy come on come on all right let's do this ready three two joshua joshua where you going why did you catch it oh [ __ ] oh no it seems i can't reach the top of my phone there we go much better oh my god what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ]  oh my god he's got a [ __ ] knife if you're not watching the super mario brothers  super show you're gonna turn into a goomba hey dude i didn't see you on  in a long time what happened yo it's been a while you  trying to play some battlefield ready are you watching carryout only no dinan okay face mask required  in the restaurant i got all that no problem   y'all i'm scared i'm scared no man i'm on my way to go smoke some  crack and i got a bag full of guns refreshing and delicious so the lid goes on uh here we go yes hey let's see it let's see a gainer grandpa oh you mt oh my god oh oh oh come here all right oh bro mcdonald's that beat is  crispy this crap is crispy like bruh bruh there ain't no hash in it it's just  brown there ain't no hash in it at all the cocoa powder into the milk it appears to  absorb it however cocoa powder is hydrophobic okay why am i brand new pet five i mean they trying to  say i'm dirty what do you like better jacket on or jack it off one two three four five six seven  eight one two three four five six   seven eight one two three four five  six seven eight one two three four five oh yeah not that he hasn't used it with a hat on stop what is wrong with you   i need to feed my family why would you do that  i need to feed my family either that or we die turn around don't look stop hello  hello how are you how are you doing   check out this cat very cute i like it meow okay abs track it's straight up a six-pack oh my god three two one go get it oh it's a nun on a run in the name of the holy spirit amen okay let's pour this bad boy you  wanna ice or anything no did you put it oh no kickarounds my wig has been fully snatched monkey all right merry christmas gretchen i think that just dripped oil right on her face oh god oh i can't do okay what's up lucky this [ __ ] raccoon tail monkey's  fine lucky no lucky stop lucky lucky stop see it's a screen it's okay it's so warm lucky oh my god stop making it go  closer stop making it look down at him stop making it look at him he's  gonna attack the screen term no no no no no no no no yo let me try this filter on  you let me try this filter this was such a bad idea i can't  take them off i've worked tomorrow my foot stings i put that  right on the stinging nettle   oh and i've got a leg sting my mouth  may be putting your boob today or oh got some oranges oh my god what is that what is that sorry bro i almost forgot all right good  night bro in 1.4 miles take the exit onto ohio turnpike oh uh good job are you still here go away yes i'm a simp sniper monkey so uh yes sir um i'd like to take your statement just got my lashes done in the club oh my god focus focus only your  expectations can slow you down what the [ __ ] you play clash of clans what do you play clash of  clans are you talking to me yeah do you play clash   of clans bro no what are you five hey bro you got  to sit in the back you got to send it back bro   big bro already in the front yo  who the [ __ ] is thank you bye bye   see ya nice oh shoot she forgot  her phone oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh hey back up back the [ __ ] up   mom come get the [ __ ] kangaroo no no oh  my god boo come back oh my god oh my god mom mr three oh famous worldwide back here  again let you know i just can't remind y'all man who's there i am actually pansexual i  am transgender amid the liam i'm with my brothers right now you already know  with my brothers you know i mean we got the same   mother different dads you already know man love  y'all man love you bro it's my brother's right   here man oh hit him my brother come here brother  come here come on come on come on come on brother   come on come on brother come on come on come on  brother i love my brothers man love y'all okay today my god what the [ __ ] my head went between it's called  timing your jump oh my god please don't touch it [ __ ] couldn't just [ __ ] leave it alone y'all my dumbass been sitting here for like  10 minutes scrolling through tick tock just   eating these gummies they're really [ __  ] good they're strawberry flavor right i might not [ __ ] wake up you're gonna let me put in  your butt absolutely not   i don't mean to be [ __ ] up but why  the [ __ ] do you have an avocado   in the middle of your [ __ ] cup holder  bro it's not avocado it's bob ross merry christmas from nonna and marco oh  thank you nona oh there's some money in there some broke dude just put 1.60 1.68 his  tank man he's so broke yeah all right all right bro good night good night all right oh shoot i forgot to get my water yo bro had the best party last night  some sucker left that vape here i'm lonely oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god no what is happening you
Channel: Memecorp
Views: 4,404,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: memecorp, memes, meme, memes compilation, dank memes, dank, funny, dank memes vine compilation, dank memes compilation, rip vine, vine 2, meme vine, try not to laugh, dank compilation, fresh memes, offensive, dankest, best memes, meme compilation, comment awards, fortnite memes, pewdiepie, fortnite funny moments, tiktok, tik tok memes, funny memes, minecraft memes, funny videos, clumsy, clean memes, unusual memes, memes 2021, memes 2022, 1 hour of memes but it goes real quick
Id: xj3IhQxPs78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 10 2022
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