1 Hour Of Daily Dose Of Internet (Part 4)

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[Music] hello everyone this is your daily dose of Internet this friendly seal swam up to this diver to get some pets this is like a Podium powder which is made from the spores of plants this powder is so hydrophobic that this person can stick their hand into water and still be completely dry all now check out what happens when I stick my hand into the Lop Podium spores into the water and my hand still comes out dry [Music] if you want to be a professional rock climber you have to be able to pull off a move like this kind of a joke just skids [Music] over wow CL by nine time this is how we spend our evenings together the leg of this giraffe got tangled up with another giraffe oh get a pek nice pick H are you getting pictures yeah so love a photographer filmed a seal rocking itself back and forth have you ever seen someone unwrap a burger using an umbrella whoever trimmed the branches on these trees should probably get a raise this Bobcat made this super long jump look really easy Kai Jamon which way did he go this person was bringing their laundry upstairs when they dropped a sack the dog was smart enough to notice and brought the sock [Music] upstairs this photographer likes to film the world and make it look super small this dog likes to help out with gardening get okay good good good that that that's it thank you wow wow what this person created a robotic basketball backboard that makes it easier for the ball to go in this is what it's like to release the anchor on a giant ship this person found a super blue butterfly in the Amazon rainforest this guy got a gallon of milk and opened it a few days after it expired to see what would happen all right spoiled milk explosion in 3 2 in three two in three two this sea turtle can move its body really quickly this dog wants this tree branch really really badly this cat will sometimes walk around the house with a slipper on this guy did a backflip every 15 minutes from sunrise to sunset and combined it into one video this girl was dancing in front of her cat and the cat was kind of [Music] confused Oscar Oscar hi hello here is some really bouncy [Applause] sheep here's a graph showing the most popular American television shows from the past 10 years you the parking brakes on a nobody was hurt this dog jumped out of the second story of this house and walked away like nothing happened D I have this poor guy brought a sandwich outside and the entire thing blew away this is a picture of a small corner of the Andromeda galaxy it's a cool picture but once you zoom in it's a bit overwhelming each star you see is a sun and each Sun probably has their own planets and their own solar system like we do it's one thing say a large number like 100 million but to actually see a picture of 100 million Sons is kind of [Music] mind-blowing this house caught on fire and everything burned except for this one bedroom because the door was closed the entire time short hallway only a couple of feet to a closed bedroom door we open the bedroom door we find virtually no damage we had to pull some ceilings and some walls to get at [Music] some this person has some incredible skills with an etcher sketch these guys found a baby owl and decided to become friends with it guys this is me my new boy oliv the owl nobody nobody will ever believe this is a wild owl want no yeah you're too young you're too young no he's too young we can't know he's not going to drink it just this person had a really lucky shot as they kicked the ball right through the window of a car been looking for my cats everywhere couldn't find them for the longest time Hello both of you this man's daughter can't seem to figure out this incredible man magic trick 1 2 3 it did work it work it did look see it's gone you're TR to gone a building was on fire and firefighters were trying to rush over the firet truck couldn't get through because the car was in the way so people gathered to help move it I love animals what oh my God why does your hair feel different as mine cuz I'm a guy and I'm boy this is what happens when you put water on a copy [Music] machine sometimes we just need a little [Music] hug let go an agent found this notebook from some thieves that were trying to sneak in some money the money only appears if you flip the pages in Reverse here's a time lapse of the physical healing process this squirrel wanted to bury his nuts in this girl's hair this person thought turning on their computer was too boring so they made it a little more [Music] interesting hello [Laughter] you can physically see blood pulsing through the body of this microscopic [Music] [Music] worm [Applause] these kids made some glow stick costumes when something a little awkward [Music] happened [Music] this is a spot of tailed qual it might look like a rodent but it's actually a marsupial and it loves to eat small animals like birds here's a new smart way to go longboarding up a hill the home security system detected an intruder and went to investigate [Music] [Applause] come here come here this guy was tired of these children ringing his doorbell and running away so he wanted to give them a surprise come here come here here's a time lapse of fingernails [Music] [Music] growing this is how fast a professional drone can move hi this dog can help out this disabled person with anything from picking things up off the ground to shopping [Music] [Music] this guy was afraid to jump in the pool but got some encouragement to help him out have you ever seen a giant rideable paper boat what you pump up here these are evaporation pools to farm for salt the salty water that is mined is placed into these pools the water evaporates and all that is Left Behind is salt a few days ago there was a massive landslide in Norway that took an entire neighborhood into the water the good news is that people had enough time to evacuate so nobody was hurt [Laughter] this snowboarder stopped themselves from jumping off a huge Cliff they stayed in that position until they were eventually rescued this is funny not funny it's scary it's really pretty here this cat likes to run around in a washing machine this person is showing a cool physics trick where one toothpick can hold the weight of an entire water bottle so now that's hanging here I'm going to put this toothpick in between the Rope like this I'm going to bridge the gap between this toothpick with this toothpick now that those are suspended like that I'm just going to re relieve the weight from the [Music] bottle and that's being held all of that is being held by one toothpick on the table this is not a lake or a river this is actually a valley in Austria Every Spring the snow from the mountains melt into this Valley turning it into a giant Lake that's why you'll see flowers and trees growing in places that are over 20 M underwater there's a type of fish that likes to protect and keep their baby safe inside their mouth [Music] have you ever seen someone take their Goose for a walk dude that's legit the these people wanted to drive a car made of ice they took the skeleton of an SUV and started building with blocks of [Music] ice these people saw a bear that got too close to their car so they tried scaring it away everyone deserves a friend like this this build building is using a giant screen to make it look like it's filled with water they couldn't find any smaller gear for you B you barely fit in that this is a microscopic view of a the type of algae that grows in freshwater [Music] ponds this person attached his wheelchair to a longboard so that he could go for a [Applause] Ry [Applause] [Music] [Music] this person made a golf club that corrects your swing while you're hitting the ball all you need to do is set how far you want to hit the ball and you're good to go it will detect what's going on and then correct the head of the club in real time to make my shot go closer to the desired distance so what I'm doing is I'm sensing where the club is going as well as the speed and adjusting the Loft angle so that the ball goes basically the right distance when there's a wildfire in California large planes are called in to drop a mix of water and fertilizer over an area this is what happens when 9,000 lb of fire retardant is dropped on a car they're C going a jump right [Music] here here's a bunch of curious baby puffer fish this is an old prison in Morocco that was used in the 1700s instead of using prison cells prisoners would stay in these holes in the [Music] ground [Music] have you ever seen a Whirlpool on a Big Lots parking lot well now now you have now you have seen a whirlpool in a Big Lots this is possibly the largest sea turtle nesting site in the world there are over 64,000 sea turtles in this video swimming to a small island in Australia to lay their [Music] eggs this person dropped their ice cream on the ground and it started running away there it goes goodbye yo it's still going here's an infinite marble staircase Mr Krabs bro Mr Crabs Mr Krabs what are you doing now he's distracted no this is a com jellyfish when you shine light on them they glow like a [Music] [Music] rainbow this guy was just driving around when some child threw a stick of cheese at his [Music] [Music] car these people watch the clouds roll over the hills in [Music] Australia [Music] ow [Laughter] [Music] ow this person is walking across this wire in Switzerland without any safety [Music] equipment here's a cool time lapse of what it's like to hike through Zion National Park I love you I love you so much I love you so much this dog works at an airport sniffing bags and looking for anything suspicious today is his last day on the job as he sniffs one last bag before [Applause] [Music] retiring yes best on the on the world this seal got to see a lizard for the first time and couldn't look [Music] away whenever you can't find the cat all you have to do what are you this guy bought an old computer and filled it up with beans and then paid a repair man to fix it it sounds to me like a power supply unit might have gone bad was I don't know what that one is oh my gosh dude po I yeah he say it's a power wait wait wait come here for a minute he say it's power this is like food it's not like to help the computer say cool no no no no someone sold you something with a bunch of beans in it this are black beans this is what you get out a Mexican restaurant and that's not good to for the computer uh [Music] no the tide of the ocean is rising slowly and this rock is still dry you can see the exact moment when the water level finally covers the rock these are mud skippers which is a type of fish that can breathe both Water and Air even though this is technically a fish they spend 75% of their life life on land instead of water this is Buster the squirrel Buster is an indoor pet and would not be able to survive in the wild by himself whenever Buster goes outside he gets nervous so he likes to have his [Music] handheld [Music] scientists have discovered how to eat the meat from a living cow without hurting it what they do is harmlessly extract a very small amount of cells from the cow those cells are then taken to a lab where they grow into large pieces of muscle within 3 weeks you have an actual piece of meat from a cow that is still alive happy and healthy this guy let go of a balloon in a [Music] library this scientist is collecting samples of lava to be studied later [Music] this guy found a pum that was pretending to be dead they just kind of open their mouth and lay there but as you can see he's still alive he's just uh pretending to be uh Dead playing posum as they call it yeah they won't really bite or anything imagine waking up and looking at a view like this every single day [Music] these cows couldn't stop licking this cat these two ants found a ladybug and try dragging it away here's a monkey that sits like this this 9-year-old boy from Cambodia knows how to speak 12 different languages wow who teach you all this I from tourist oh Philippine I can speak also here's some incredible hand fighting choreography that probably deserves its own movie you are better than I [Music] remember but still predictable predict this you ever get that feeling like someone's looking at you here's some incredible sand art [Music] this family bought a school bus and then turned it into their home this is what it's like to go snowboarding in Finland here's a flower field in [Music] Armenia these fishermen were reeling in a shark they caught when the shark suddenly started fighting back you see that watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out oh my gosh the shark eventually Broke Free and swam away hey hey boy what's [Music] up this guy was playing Mr Beast game where you have to leave your finger on the phone for as long as possible to try and win $25,000 the streamer received a donation from someone named hey zi and read their name out loud and lost the game as a result wait did we get any new followers oh hey zi I appreciate the oh my God I don't know what that means have you ever been as tired as this [Music] Pelican this guy was on the cover of a magazine and nobody seems to really care there's a YouTuber that likes to make completely unnecessary inventions taking crack shoes and turning them into crack gloves a tool to help you take your socks off or a really really long phone charger cable this guy went to go get his mail from the mailbox when a wild deer saw him and started following him my God turns out the deer is super friendly and even started munching in some fries on the floor of this car I don't even know what to man that's [Laughter] crazy how [ __ ] crazy I found this guy in the internet that can chug water bottles really really fast first one one done another one all done these four water spouts were spotted off the coat of Southern [Music] [Laughter] Thailand this cat couldn't make it up so Mom came to the rescue you hello sir have a good day actually wait a minute you missed the bug but I got you homeboy hold on [Music] um these guys did a prank of pretending to run away from a dinosaur there's this cool table you can buy that slowly draws art in the sand 24 hours a [Music] day have you ever seen a clam before this couple was out flying when the baggage compartment burst open completely opening the right side of the plane to make matters worse the back end of the plane was damaged in the process and the pilot started losing control the pilot then found a field to make an emergency landing right can I have a phone phone phone fine fine whiskey smile smile [Music] did you hear the chling of the SL that is one of my favorite sounds [Music] of my mom was cutting onions and the cat is sitting there like crying oh you okay darling it's okay this otter doesn't like that this plastic box is getting sprayed no be [Music] sweet it's okay [Music] have you ever seen a baby wombat this is a tripod fish that can be found deep on the ocean floor these fish use their long antenna likee fins as a type of radar to feel for movement in the water while in complete darkness for those of you who want to look at a close-up view of this really cool tripod fish looks like or maybe upside down tripod fish not sure something a little different [Music] this guy decided to take his entire living room and put it up high in the sky on the ground these people try to make friends with some wild raccoons no do it let him pet him let him no do it he just nice he doesn't know no it's okay I'm back they will look he just has to [Music] yeah this plane made an emergency landing on this highway and just missed the wires how would you like to go hiking in the mountains of Germany these girls were having a photo shoot on the beach so their dads decided to make fun of them with a photo shoot of Their Own move [Applause] [Music] Josh here's a time lapse of sea urchins moving [Music] around so I don't know much about cats or how they sleep but uh I could tell you right now that you're doing it wrong like I'm not I don't know I'm not judging but I just know for a fact sleeping like this can't be the right move but I'm not one to judge so this son told his mom that he heard a strange noise when suddenly an old tree came falling down oh my God holy crap oh my God you I almost died the mom reacted quickly and was able to escape unharmed all we're asking for is a little privacy when we're in the bathroom stall stand attention ass if you live in the Northern Hemisphere you should be able to see this bright Comet flying across the night sky from now until July [Music] 23rd this horse was not happy that a chicken was sitting in its food [Music] bucket [Music] mom mama mama mama this cat grabs food from this automatic feeder as if the machine will take it back this lion found this Jackal that was pretending to be dead the lion was eventually fooled and the Jackal escaped from the [Music] situation [Music] [Music] this firet truck was passing by this car when it suddenly burst into flames within a few seconds the fire was completely under [Music] control ready yep three two one yeah buddy these parents wanted their baby to see what they have to put up with this person went to the pet store and found this sad dying fish she took it home and gave it the love and care it needed the fish started to get healthier and happier and began to transform into a bright [Music] orange this cat loves to go on trips in a boat but when they get home the cat can't wait to get [Applause] out h
Channel: JDXGamingZ
Views: 665,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #jdxgamingz, #dailydoseofinternet, #1hourversion, #bored, #news, #funny, #suggested, adefttv, #daily, daily dose of internet, daily dose, #random, daily dose of internet 1 hour, 1 hour of daily dose of internet, 1 hour
Id: yvbElNy1NhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 28sec (3568 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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