1 Hour Of Daily Dose Of Internet *ONE INTRO ONLY

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hello everyone this is your daily dose of Internet here's a really cool device that nurses will use to look for veins on their patients just a disclaimer so I don't get in trouble with YouTube again according to the company that owns this fairy there were no serious injuries a YouTuber named Phil the thrill was outriding when he ran into these people that were upset with them G an idea what can't pleas come over up I don't know what you're saying bro it's two Kens and a Mercedes she said she they can't breathe cuz of the dust or something I don't know w'll let you ride here Joe let me ride here go who jo mama hstor the keyboard keyboard on the hamster hamster on the mouse mouse on the hamster hamster on the desk desk on the hamster these guys wanted to see if it was possible to play basketball but in Reverse no yeah go for a three-pointer dude oh crap this might look like CGI but it's not a photographer captured an extreme closeup of the eye of a gray whale this dog has an overly dramatic reaction when their toy falls off the couch a sister surprised her brother at the airport you got a big gift in there what is this all right breath un breath hi ladies hi hey sweetie isn't he [Music] charm I found a really cool video of a vapor cone forming on a fighter [Music] jet someone recorded this guy at the park grabbing a goose [Music] he didn't really pick it up it turns out they're actually really good friends here's a really cool visual of every single earthquake that occurred throughout the past [Music] year sorry to bother you by any chance do you have a dollar so I can catch the train I'm trying to get back home to Canada oh I got a t I just I just need I think a $150 to catch the train I'm I'm a little less than $2 short thank you so actually instead of giving you $8 I wanted to give you $500 no you yeah can I give you a hug bitey chance can I ask why you going to give me a couple dollars cuz you said you need it you need help this person has a scar in their arm and notice that when they put their scar on the barcode scanner the system thinks that they're a trampoline a police officer arrested a food delivery driver but was kind enough to still deliver the food to the customer no I'm not who you're expecting um but hi the driver got arrested for so I figured I'd complete the door dash for take care thanks let's go this diver figured out a trick to make bubbles Spawn from his hands don't laugh it's not funny this plane just has a lot on his mind right now [Music] this is called Giants Causeway in Ireland many people believe that it should be considered the eighth wonder of the world an incredibly rare volcanic event created these hexagon-shaped columns I found this YouTuber that makes incredible science videos this is a science experiment that can only be seen from a camera if you perfectly match up sound waves along with the frame rate of your camera you can get this really cool effect with water I talked to this person who has some pet turkeys and he told me that the male turkeys basically have a big bag of air in their bodies he told me that you can squeeze their airbags to make them burp and they won't really care if you can help him a little bit you get this sound with gas prices getting more and more expensive some people are driving around with tiny cars [Music] Instead This I found a company that makes a super powerful fabric coating so liquid won't stain your furniture I talked to this scientist and he sent me video footage of him popping pimples on a tree one of my subscribers recorded this video of someone trying to paraglide over the past few weeks a video of a 109-year-old Buddhist monk has been all over social media many people think this video is fake but it's actually real and he's just really really old this giant thing was rolling through a parking lot and somehow went right between these two trucks [Music] what do you think is wrong with this horse make the chicken noise go go [Laughter] ahead one of my subscribers lives in Ukraine and sent me video footage showing her neighborhood and the bunker she has to live [Applause] in this owl just woke up after having surgery and the vet was demonstrating on how to properly put the owl back put their feet flat on the ground so put their feet flat on the ground facing forward and then little plump these guys found a mysterious spinning jar of peanut butter there's demons in the house everyone knows that if you drop a cat they will almost always land on their feet back in the 1960s the US government did experiments to see how cats would react in a situation where there is zero gravity on their feet this automatic reflex action is almost completely lost under weightlessness I think this is pretty cool there's a device that can change the shape of an [Music] egg if you're an actor doing a live performance this is what happens backstage when you need to change quickly the gentle woman come hi go go go just go in his eyesu this snowplow driver is either really bad at driving or trying their best to take out every mailbox they see [Music] all right I know it's been a while that was the [Music] best what age should you give up on your dreams 65 why wa no actually 80 80 oh no actually don't give up on your dreams at all so what's your final answer dog likes to jump every time the harness comes off this is pretty interesting a dust storm from the Sahara Desert in Africa somehow traveled all the way over to London everyone knows about service dogs but what about seeing a service horse going through airport security to get on a plane these wrestlers were in a tournament and are great friends and had to end up facing each other so instead of wrestling they did rock paper scissors to decide the [Applause] winner there's an organization that takes young orphan orangutans and teach them the skills they need to survive for example they will teach them to be afraid of [Music] glass next to some sticky tape to see what these ants would do turns out these ants are smart enough to use the pieces of glass to create a bridge over the [Music] tape some grocery stores in Japan use holographic self-checkout touch screens to purchase [Music] items this is what a mouse trap back in the 1800s looked like we are loaded with powder let's see what happens plant has a really cool way of growing new leaves this person turns into a demon if you try to wake them up got to go to bed please please come and go to bed do not touch me to me let's go to bed cannot see I cannot see I cannot see I can't open her would you rather someone right now that your parents picked out or be single for the rest of your life I'm an orphan a bear tried to eat these pigs but the pigs fought back and scared them away this guy caught an Airline employee putting her knee on the weight scale so that he would have to pay a fine for having overweight luggage and oh she's leaning on it she's giving me the extra L there we go oh look at her try to get me charged we caught him we caught him this is how much gas a typical car uses while driving and this is how much extra gas that same car uses when you absolutely floor it [Laughter] this is pretty cool back in World War II the Royal Air Force had buttons on their uniforms that could be used to make a compass anyone that has ever played with Legos knows that these are the most difficult pieces to pull apart so I found someone that will attempt to separate the pieces using only one hand while also covered in oil yeah good bab are you kidding me what just two guys enjoying the swans what's better than this man nothing man can't beat it can't beat it we got to figure out how to talk to woman I was just thinking like this is getting ridiculous I don't really want to be doing this this is too romantic I mean you wanted to kiss we could but there's a plant that grows leaves that allows you to blow natural bubbles that's amazing that's a few years ago the police in California issued a warning telling people at the beach to get out of the water state parks is asking us to make an announcement to let you know you are paddle boarding next to approximately 15 great white sharks uh they're advising that you exit the water in a calm manner can you h me close never let me go I you I Choose You Yeah a twitch streamer went into his dog's cage and got stuck come on oh my god dude I have people home okay are you kidding me Mom Mom I'm stuck in the dog cage this family went on a 3-hour road trip and the dad refused to put on sunscreen are you serious what I told you I we told you to wear sunscreen oh my go your [Music] [Applause] head a few months ago the most awkward handshake of all time happened at a chess tournament we have the bird's eye view we see a lot of the top players MBL Magnus they've taken the masks off literally and figuratively they're [Applause] [Music] awaiting so this is pretty interesting Burger King just opened their first all vegan restaurant located in London they are the first major fast food company to open a restaurant with zero meat options [Music] why they C oh God a company wanted to demonstrate how strong their pool covers are by driving an ATV over it [Music] [Applause] [Music] is that mayonnaise yeah oh my ran out of wh cream this is called the darvaza gas crater located in Turkmenistan Engineers wanted to dig for oil when they found a giant pocket of natural gas underground they set the gas on fire expecting it to die down in a few weeks but instead it's been burning non-stop for over 50 years there's nothing anyone can do to stop the fire so now it's a tourist site and people like these YouTubers can stop to roast some marshmallows [Music] this is called a rhino rat snake they're called this because they have a little horn likee protrusion on their [Music] nose come here come here go come here come on my this twitch streamer is proof that you shouldn't believe everything you see on the internet I will quickly show you why I have a green screen today I am not making my bet today no we're not doing that no an alligator heard this car engine and wanted to comp for a brief second this guy forgot that his friend has Tourette Syndrome are you talking about [Laughter] me got be very very careful be careful stop Gary Stop what Gary there's a deaf Dalmation in the area oh okay just be careful get out of here if you have an iPad and an iPhone you can do this really cool trick to transfer photos [Music] I found a really cute video of a brave dog that needed a shot from the vet over the past few days this video of the spider has gone extremely viral it's called a demon horned orb weaver [Music] [Music] this guy was kind enough to give his pet pig a blanket have your blanket I have your blanket [Music] blankety good piggy good piggy good piggy you can see the exact moment when the person using the saw realizes that something isn't right is this the most unathletic person of all time this dog was blown away by this magic [Music] trick drop and oh my god oh this guy was working out when the owner of the gym saw him lift 400 [Music] lb did this kid come from he Beall he just ripped 400 lb off the floor was nothing cheese here's a cool device acrobats will use to practice their moves [Music] this tribe in Africa tried pizza for the very first time about the pizza it's good it's like cow blood very nice how long will you stay in your stomach annoying oh now you come thank you thank you for landing right there that's exactly where I wanted you these people tried overinflating a basketball boun it oh Dawn crate Dawn crate Dawn crate a few weeks ago I talked about how dust from the Sahara Desert made its way to Europe so here's some video footage of people in France snowboarding on snow that is covered in sand from Africa I'm out so this is pretty interesting this cat was born with four ears [Music] how many genders are there I don't know I just got here I guess we're living in the future now because this police officer pulled over a car that had no Drive ever and he wasn't really sure what to do the car kept driving away and the police had to keep chasing it down oh my God I have to watch this this guy asked strangers if they could hold his hand while crossing the street all right see you Shanghai China is currently under another lockdown and this is how they are telling people to stay indoors so this is kind of weird one of my subscribers found out that they can launch objects using a muscle on their ankle how would you like to game or watch movies on something like [Music] this hello everyone this is your daily dose of Internet a few months ago the most [Music] [Music] someone ordered pizza from both Pizza Hut and dominoes so there's only one way to settle something like this they want us to fight bro what they want us to do we got to do it brother all right go this guy had to go to court after being accused of stealing a jersey so he showed up wearing what he claims is a different Jersey all right you're charged with stealing a dolphin Jersey H this ain't the one y no no ma these are professionals please do not attempt B yeah buddy it's working yes good yeah buddy mik is open why couldn't this automatic faucet detect his hand but it could detect this paper towel you imagine going like this and that being the size of your head cuz like that size of his head a photographer was laying so still that these Mir cats started climbing over him hello this delivery guy found something in the grass this person wanted to see what their bearded dragon would do if they pretended that they were asleep the police had to go to this guy's home because he failed to show up to court what' I do you miss Court no I didn't come Ono Romain stop all right we're not going to play this with you all right come on bro I'm playing 2K y blinding okay come you're in the let's go let me put on some clothes you doing Police Department search War subcribers has a very unique fingerprint [Music] so this is pretty cool this is a killer te- cell which is in your body right now and here's video footage of someone's killer te- cell destroying a cancer cell poor kid didn't see the drying [Music] cement answerer was hard to perform at a community center for elderly people and the residents wanted to try as [Music] well this dad wanted to teach us son how to drive oh right there oh Jesus Sammy you okay holy yeah yeah that was a good one oh my God collaborate this is what 15 years of professional beatboxing sounds like month [Music] one 10 years 15 years scientists wanted to see how whales are impacted by cargo ships the blue dot is a whale that has been trapped trying to avoid these big [Music] ships have a positive coefficient to X and you're going to open up what I found a video of a very thick [Music] plant this poor lizard was lost and was looking at the map for directions do you need direction sir iy found a self-destruct button at a gas station I came to this pump it's a self-destruct huh it a self-destruct you hit it it says waiting for cashier approval this is what a giraffe looks like when they try to eat off the ground on this YouTuber that figured out that you can pick up a diamond using a laser beam I started by trying sprinkl some of those little diamonds into the laser beam and I couldn't get any of them to stick but when I stuck the diamond powder on a piece of paper and then picked up the laser and uh put that powder in the center of the uh focal point I was able to pick up some of those diamonds there I found a YouTuber with an amazing magic trick do you want to see a magic trick yes all right awesome so pick a number between actually you know what forget about it never mind what that rude that sucked that was a terrible magic sorry hi I love I love your hair hey you still want to see that magic trick what [Music] the I found a tortoise that hate shoes this person was waiting in her car when someone tried to break in the car had tinted windows so the guy didn't know she was inside excuse [Music] you what's your favorite song huh your favorite song I know no bunnies do trick oh B the fact that this wire and bird feeder were able to hold on to a bear is incredible oh my god oh one of my subscribers recorded this video and told me that the garbage trucks in Bolivia play music this guy went to a celebrity meet and greet and tried to sneak a video when no cellones were allowed [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] I found someone who has really stretchy ears and she found out that her ears can actually be pretty helpful are you conscious yes could you can you prove it uh let's start over sorry okay are you conscious no there's a really cool fabric that you can draw on using [Music] lasers a few years ago a dust devil was recorded moving on Mars by one of NASA's [Music] [Music] Rovers The Sea line just kind of took over the pool and then kicked this guy out of his seat [Laughter] [Music] some of you guys have been asking for like a house tour you want to see where I live this is the bedroom it's pretty chill I mean it was hard getting the uh the old bed up the stairs and everything but it's it's not J in case you wanted to know this is how you hypnotize a chicken and you draw a line and you can let them go and that's how you Iz a chicken but to wake him up you just have to rub away the line think I can cover it up yeah yeah this person was lucky enough to record a hummingbird doing a mating [Music] dance this artist wanted to see if he can make the Netflix intro but only using yarn so I went and bought like $30 worth of yarn and built this contraption that would let me string up the yarn and fly it at the [Music] camera it was so windy that this lady couldn't close the door in her car just a quick disclaimer so I don't get in trouble with YouTube again these are professionals please do not attempt do not attempt this bride and groom are both professional stunt actors so after they got married they set themselves on fire he's got his own bus oh my god get back oh my God oh my God this person saved their dog after they jumped out of a window though this girl used a crying face filter on her mom can I have a chip yeah thanks what's wrong do you want the chip back it's funny have it have the chip back want have the chip back these guys try to crush a soda can with their car this is a Black Heron what's cool about them is that they will use their wings to stop sunlight reflecting on the water making it easier to find fish I don't know don't know do artist use stop motion to make wood look like Play-Doh [Music] a few days ago a massive tornado ripped through a school in Kansas and captured this incredible footage nobody was hurt because nobody was in the school at the time but it's crazy to see how easily these cars are being tossed around [Music] [Music] this dog somehow escaped from their crate on the plane and started running around the [Music] airport after a few minutes the dog was eventually captured bear was kind enough to respect this photographer's personal space hey close enough buddy the ancient Romans would have hor drawn chariots but today we have motorcycle chariots this photographer used a stabilized camera to capture Earth's rotation I was in London a few days ago and and noticed many old buildings had windows that were filled in with bricks so I looked it up and turns out there used to be something called a window tax about 300 years ago England wanted to tax people's homes based on the number of Windows they had so in order to pay less in taxes people would permanently board up the windows of their homes for some reason this person's car wouldn't stop farting is it going to explode somebody that knows cars just let me know it starting at me I don't understand what's going on I literally put gas in it like 3 days ago and it never made this sound until I left my work parking lot it will take forever to inflate this bag by blowing into it but it is possible to inflate an entire bag in one Breath by using something called br's principle but we're not going to put our mouth right on the bag and what happens there is as we blow in surrounding air is pulled in as well one big breath this person was traveling in the North Sea when they noticed that they were able to see day and night at the same [Music] [Music] time the this guy had to use the bathroom while he was at the airport so his dog had to just hang around and wait I found this company that makes money by giving out water completely for free they make money by putting advertisements all over their water bottles and then they just pass them out for free we're the world's first free Beverage Company the advertisements on the packaging pay for everything it's kind of like YouTube you watch your quick ad get a free video it's way you get a free water going oh he's going in a circle I found an Incredible video showing a microscopic view of what happens to germs when you use soap the soap destroys the cells membrane causing it to fall [Music] part this is how airports load luggage on an airplane this is how daycare centers pick up kids after school in Amsterdam someone was having a medical issue and went unconscious while driving so a bunch of random people rushed over to help out and one of the random people who helped saved their life just so happened to be a nurse that stabilized their condition until Medics arrived his dog stole Grandpa's dentures and refused to give them back Thomas what are you doing Thomas this guy went and overinflated a [Applause] basketball teacher wanted to demonstrate how safe this equipment is never ask you students to do anything we wouldn't do ourselves holy crap what is happening I didn't know you oh my oh my God one of my subscribers sent me this video and told me that a fox has started randomly bringing their newspaper to their front porch my subscribers recorded this incredible slow motion video of Lightning [Music] [Music] this Wildlife educator realized that he could stop a charging cheetah just by putting his hand up one of my subscribers found out that he has a very thirsty brick wall when he puts water on it it gets instantly absorbed like a sponge I did a video call with his parents but didn't tell them that he was about to skydive okay I I you I talk you a second just to get away okay I can you hear the word what are you saying is he in an airplane or what oh no he's jumping out from an airplane I thought he was in a bus I just photog so my friend is letting me drive his car which I really do appreciate it's just I'm not sure how he expects me to drive with this tent that he has I mean this bus driver refused to let some some wet concrete slow down the route hate people dog yeah too I was in London for the past few days and I learned something new the real name of this clock tower is not Big Ben but instead Elizabeth Tower Big Ben is actually the name of the largest bell inside of this clock tower I found this company that makes a device that can give basically any laptop two extra screens I found an artist that likes to paint on giant pieces of ice using charcoal and water if you open up just a regular ordinary lithium battery you'll find a long thin lithium foil and this is what happens when that lithium foil is placed in water normally it just Fizzles a bunch and maybe lights on fire in this foil form from the battery though it can sometimes be a bit more reactive what people expect me to sound like when I say I'm from Scotland oh a little L hi how you doing oh okayy here we go what I actually sound like oh how you do okay back in 2014 this person suffered from a stroke which made his left arm paralyzed so his family helped make a device that allowed him to hug people for the first time in over 8 years now co go over there come here you can give him a hug a that's so swe so just yesterday this guy right here went up to the Mono Lisa and threw a pie at it the painting had a protective cover on so the monol Lisa wasn't actually affected in any way no way [Music] an alligator attacked this person's kayak and tip them over but luckily the person was able to escape un hared this is what happens at a microscopic level when you give salt water to a plant that drinks fresh water the salt water causes the individual cells to lose fresh water and the cells shrink I found a cool video showing just how incredibly busy the port of Amsterdam can get I found a video of a seal giving another seal a kiss there's a lake in California with strange columns growing from the ground these columns were not made by humans but were the result of strange volcanic activity over 700,000 years ago [Applause] yes y I'm going to see if I can I'm going to see if I can drop this down I'm on floor [Music] 10 I'm not really sure why but this employee at Disneyland interrupted this marriage for proposal and even took the ring [Applause] [Music] box guy was in his lawyer's office and wanted to see what would happen if he kissed a picture of his wife I don't know is she beautiful bro matter with you kissing my wife is your wife who' you think it was and I thought that was like an actor or something get up and take it back take take it back a photographer captured some incredible footage of a drone show in Australia great now none of us can watch TV that's my TV no crap that's why I'm freaking stealing it call on the cops this poor guy was thinking too hard if you take M&M's and put them in water the dye will start to fall off if you leave them in water long enough the M will actually flow to the surface because it's made of paper I found this professional driver that drives using their feet [Music] one of my subscribers was out scoo diving when he learned that some fish actually enjoy getting pets in a hug this person got a little too close to the ape enclosure at the zoo eventually the ape did let go and the guy was totally fine this guy wanted to see if he could purify the nastiest water he could find using these packets so I got a bunch of turd water in there what I've got here is a pury bag and some PNG purifier of water packets want to open that up we put that inside slos it around mix it in real good see how it's already clumping everything up I want to add more product and see just how much more dirt is in here look at how much more it cleaned out with the second treatment there kind enough to save a kitten found on the side of the road someone just oh no it's a whole oh my gosh I can't take you all oh my gosh oh my gosh there's more we got a kitten problem and I'm not able oh my God a YouTuber that made a step-by-step process showing how anyone can make their own engine that runs on [Music] water I found a cool program that can make anyone a skilled artist you just draw some simple designs and the program will turn it into something beautiful this Walmart employee was not in the mood today hey guys welcome back to a new video today we're in a Walmart we're going to be robbing the store this person put aluminum foil on top of their kitchen counter to stop their cat from jumping [Music] up in case you weren't worried enough about your own privacy we now have the technology to see through walls using Wi-Fi dude if you hit 50 hello everyone this is your daily dose of Internet [Music] this is real on absolute demon he's going to get it right now watch watch watch watch watch watch oh my god oh yeah this guy is trying to launch a water balloon hey you ready this person gave themselves a tattoo using a laser beam he what so apparently professional RC cars can go really really fast sorry to bother you is it okay if you can just hold these have a lovely [Music] day this guy almost got hit by a falling tree don't worry the guy was totally unharmed look at this [Music] that is the end of this video I really hope you enjoyed and I'll see you guys again very very soon later I found this guy that likes to collect these forbidden Rock noodles these things are actually the inner fossilized molds of snail shells the snail shells look like this but they get full of sent and then fossilize the shell then breaks away leaving these Rock noodles [Music] this guy found a helpful technique to get that last little bit of ketchup got to hit him with the Twister oh this guy was late to class and the professor tried to catch him off guard by asking him what the correct answer was for this equation you sir what are we solving uh all right that's a good guess because it's correct yeah SL for RS how' you know [Music] that back in 2011 a massive tsunami devastated Japan the Japanese Coast Guard captured this video of their ship going over that same tsunami that was headed for Japan this super Brave dog defended these children from an evil vacuum I'm not going to hurt them stop and their dog was smart enough to use a couch cushion as a shield wow are you serious here's a Google Earth timelapse showing how the coastline of Dubai has changed over the past 30 years I found a jimro that is mastered physics that is the end of this video I really hope you enjoyed and I'll see you guys again very very soon later this guy was kind enough to give his pet pig
Channel: JDXGamingZ
Views: 3,972,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daily dose of internet, daily dose of internet 1 hour
Id: YJsd0GU21us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 23sec (3563 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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