1 Hour Of Daily Dose Of Internet (Part 3)

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[Music] hello everyone this is your daily dose of Internet this person was born with a condition called coloboma someone with this condition can normally see just fine but might have difficulty driving a name this customer was being rude to this cashier and the cashier wasn't having it [Music] [Music] these people were filming a car commercial when they accidentally crashed their cars [Music] [Music] these people saved a baby sea lion that had plastic garbage wrapped around its neck what do you think these turkeys are talking about what you're looking at right now is water freezing melting and boiling at the same time this is called triple point and every known element can go through the same process [Music] this is what is like to go paragliding off the coast of Morocco here's a cat that loves to sit and do a funny thing with its paws this is a baby III which is a type of lemur found in Madagascar this little lemur is only 16 days old and was born at the Denver Zoo many commercial airlines are introducing a feature that allows passengers of you alive camera feed other plane this is a time-lapse video showing a plane arriving in Los Angeles oh well no no sir hey you can't be doing that - Harvey this guy created a giant Olaf snowman that's over 22 feet tall [Music] the Canadian government created a campaign to get cars to slow down at crosswalks [Music] for the past few weeks Australia has been battling some intense wildfires this is what the wildfires looked like from space [Music] here's a graph showing what causes the greatest number of deaths around the world each year [Music] did you remember to water your tortoise today this Hawk landed in a tree and started searching for a squirrel when the squirrel made an incredible escape [Music] this person successfully landed a quadruple backflip using a bike this poor little llama has had a very long day [Music] [Music] this is how fast planets in our solar system rotate compared to earth some planets have days that are much shorter or days that are way longer than us [Music] this dog is super excited to see its best friend this person made a stop-motion animation using fuzzy wool this is what it's like to go snowboarding in the dark of night here's a baby cuttlefish hatching from an egg [Applause] are not this person trained their dogs to remain perfectly still this was a scary moment where these people were walking through a jungle when they bumped into a gorilla an accident the tour guide told them to look away and be quiet and hope that it would ignore them it seems like the most exhausting time of the year for everyone [Music] these people found a wild horse with his foot stuck in the hair around his neck the rescuers helped untangle the foot and the horse was able to walk again a few minutes later there's nothing better than a relaxing day in the beach huh dude here's a box that's more than just a box this cat hates its own reflection this little cuttlefish wanted to say hello to this giant finger this person casually floated down on their parachute when they were instantly attacked by a gang of kangaroos what's up skip Hey kangaroos [Music] [Music] this monkey in this Husky formed a friendship together this person created a stop-motion animation of what it's like to make breakfast using Legos here's a candle that burns around in a circle hey my love there's something serious I need to tell you you're adopted this person tried to drive away and refuse to accept that their car was getting towed this fish was trying to attack this drone check out the lightning-fast reflexes of this frog fish this is what is like to fly straight down in an f-16 fighter jet students in China made a giant jump rope during recess coconut no no no I know what you're doing No [Music] how are you doing that I've got a Nimbus 2000 oh I see her wait is that my longboard Beetlejuice is a nearby star in the night sky that's so big that it would swallow our entire solar system in a few thousand years butyl juice is expected to explode into a supernova the explosion will be so bright enlarged that it would look like this in our sky during both day and night [Music] one good - good good burrito you said here's a way you can turn your bike into a boat [Music] [Music] that might have looked cool but the behind-the-scenes really isn't this wingsuit pilot flew straight through a hole in Iraq if you're feeling stressed out take a moment to relax and enjoy the views from Iceland no no here's a really creepy bird that sounds exactly like a crying baby this is Nico having a temper tantrum getting ready for a show and now she just said why are you crying Nico are you done this is what I go through every day and people think I have a crying baby up here I will show you it's really me go me go you are such a baby yes you are no people are coming in because you were crying [Music] I have a question for you guys who did this this man pranked his wife by putting an egg in her mouth while she was asleep [Music] [Laughter] this person grabbed their dog and brought it over to another dog while waiting at a stop light [Music] this can is giving this dog a really nice massage you can own a personal and customizable self-sustaining ecosystem [Music] here's a cat that has a very flat hand [Music] this person made a mechanical wooden well [Music] [Music] Internet this is what it's like to jump off a foggy cliff in Switzerland this child got a banana as a fake Christmas present but couldn't be happier this is what it sounds like when you drop ice down a deep hole made of ice these guys want ice fishing and found the most unusual fish this is how Northern Lights are created in the night sky the Sun will create a giant solar storm filled with plasma and sent it towards Earth at speeds of over five million miles per hour the magnetic field of the earth forms a type of funnel for the plasma gas from the Sun that passed through the magnetic fields stretch further back and couple together the magnetic rubber band and gas from the solar storm streams along the magnetic lines towards the poles on the night side a huge wave had the surfer flying through the air have you ever wanted to swim with a bunch of rays this Eagle caught a fish and ahead of defendants food from everyone at the waterhole these guys went peacefully sledding down a snowy hill using a wooden table [Music] this person likes to go on bike rides with their dog there's a trend where parents give bananas to their children for Christmas but the kids don't really care [Applause] this is what it feels like to float among the clouds [Music] [Music] this is what a digital sundial looks like every 20 minutes the Sun changes the time and a sundial [Music] this dog enrapt its own Christmas present did you get a puppy this person is a chubby cat that's always begging for more treats no no a few months ago a city in northern India experienced massive flooding everyone on this bus evacuated after a gas stuck and just a few minutes later the floodwaters took it away [Music] this poor guy had a difficult time escaping from these rough waves the bus driver saved a student that was about to walk in front of a car that ignored the stop sign [Music] that was a grab what happened I didn't think this truck was gonna stop either does anyone know how this works as soon as he puts his foot in the water all the bubbles pop many people living in this village in Sri Lanka like to give bananas to this elephant when they drive by as a result this Elfen will stand right in the middle of the road and wait for people to feed at bananas unfortunately some people are in a hurry and can't stop to pay the toll the ink in this pen turns into a completely different color when it dries I bet you've never seen a hole quite like this one here's how quick a jumping spider hunts for food bingo I don't know if I don't even if I caught that don't even know if I caught on camera every tortoise loves a good massage you just need to find the right spot no no this is a Burmese peacock softshell turtle it's a turtle that doesn't have a hard shell and it feels leather and slippery which makes these turtles some of the fastest swimmers a firefighter found a baby kangaroo that somehow survived the fires in Australia baby Joey in the file this is what happens when you put 60 layers of wax on your hands here's a really cool shot you can get with a drone and a flame thrower [Music] Veta now has even more cheese if it were any cheese group with sinh T that was a really quick shot for a pizza commercial and this is how they made it [Applause] does anyone want to go for a walk in the Himalayan mountains here's a behind-the-scenes look of a stop-motion animation here's a really cool cloud front that formed over a town in Argentina [Music] here's a quick trip through some massive baobab trees of Madagascar [Music] Internet this plane was trying to land at an airport in England and had to land sideways because of the strong winds hey Google make a chimpanzee noise this is a chimpanzee here's a really thirsty raccoon there's something called the well of death in India where people drive around in a dangerous circle [Applause] this student jumped in the emergency shower in chemistry class just for fun and the teacher wasn't too happy about it this Kant discovered a surprise underneath his blanket there's a place in Italy that has rock formations that look like they're from a different planet erosion from water and wind helped create these mysterious pillars these fish are fighting over dominance but it looks exactly like they're kissing each other here's a little bird that needed to be pad this lizard is on a level of chill I'll never reach this man phone a bird with his feet frozen to a metal fence the man blew hot air on the feet of the bird until is free here we go a little pretty green Flyway this bird stole some food away from the sea lion peas are this lizards favorite food but I can't decide which one to eat first this photographer stabilized his camera in a way that showed the earth rotating [Music] [Music] this person probably has the most beautiful and perfect handwriting in the world all of her notes from school look like a textbook [Music] [Music] the smoke from this incense burner flows like a river [Music] [Music] mecaenas video hopefully I was able to make your day just a little better and I'll see you guys again very very soon letter a few days ago there is a volcanic eruption in the Philippines that created a lightning storm this is called volcanic lightning and it occurs when an eruption creates static electricity [Music] yeah here's a bird that knows a few tricks he'll raise his foot and give it to me thank you good boy um he also gives kisses give me a kiss he also dances you can make like different sounds like these people help to rescue a sea turtle that got trapped between some rocks another sea turtle was patiently waiting right next to it [Music] this squirrel really wants to play with this Rubik's Cube [Music] [Music] there's a marketplace set up on an active train line so these people have to move their stuff every time a train comes through [Music] this cow was rescued from being slaughtered for meat and got to experience the outside world for the very first time [Music] this dog has some incredibly beautiful eyes that make it look like a Disney character this person found some water that was right in the middle of transitioning into ice this cat tried squeezing through a tiny hole in this chair here's a deer the loves eating bananas this person can take their nose and push it to make it completely flat [Music] Merry Christmas Nigel you want a donut help yourself nice Oh P this is my face five minutes after being outside in Minnesota this is my face 15 minutes after being outside in Minnesota this is my face an hour after being outside in Minnesota this is my face two hours after being outside in minutes or I'm going in here's a dog that looks like baby Yoda this Kant had to go on a trip to the vet hello hello I hear you this person works on a cargo ship and makes time lapses of his travels around the world [Music] this person bought an old plane put it in the middle of forest and decided to make it his home he has a bed a kitchen and whatever you would possibly need to survive on a plane [Music] you these people train their pet duck to play the bongo using its feet this person when gliding over mountain in Switzerland [Music] [Music] [Music] these are striped eel catfish and they swim together as a giant group to protect themselves from predators this person broke their phone in a way that created a constant beam of green light so they turn it into a lightsaber [Music] this guy likes to visit authentic Chinese restaurants and amaze people with his fluent Mandarin this is a picture of every single full moon from 2019 you will notice how the moon appears to wobble this is called Libran which shows different parts of the moon during different times of the year this little tiny house has an organ that's worth over 1 million dollars that were ghen is so big that it takes over several rooms in the house the owner recently passed away he couldn't play but he wanted an organ in his house so he he had it put in we installed this organ in a period of about five and a half years this person found a baby ringtail possum freezing outside and warmed it up and sat his car [Music] these students visited an elfin sanctuary and this elfin slapped a phone away the girl wasn't hurt and the phone didn't break [Music] this person went to BYU which is a strict Mormon University to ask students what their favourite swearword is what is your favourite swearword is that it dang it ding dang it shoot shoot like shoot flip dang it dang it dang it probably dang it fudge fudge fudge I like fudge that's like fudge this Dan has a four year old daughter who's already an expert snowboarder nice God clearly this person caught a raccoon sneaking into their house to steal dog food the so Tiger fur film this incredible sunset of appear in California [Music] there's an island in the Philippines that's inside of a lake that's inside of a volcano that's inside of a lake thus inside of an island that's inside of the ocean have you ever wanted to shave a horse this person walked into the room and found their cat stuck between two curtains this is probably the fastest jump Roper you've ever seen this French TV reporter was doing a news story where she got taken out by a giant wave [Music] [Music] an artist created their own concept of what social media might have been like in the 1990s this guy put on a sumo costume and started doing flips just to see what would happen [Music] here's a helpful guide that explains all the different types of coffee [Music] [Music] there's a squirrel that comes around my parents house and knocks on all the windows until I eventually give in and feed it you want some food you want some food this dog likes to stop by this carwash to get a good rub a few days ago NASA released the clearest and most close-up view of the Sun ever each blob of solar plasma you see is about 800 miles wide a diver found an octopus that changes colors and a mesmerizing fashion Mumbai India has a major car horn problem when people are waiting at red lights they will hit their car horns even though that this is nothing for one day the police introduced a system where people have to wait longer the more they hit their horns [Music] [Music] here's a really wrinkly can this person was walking to their car when they suddenly got run over by a deer luckily the person wasn't hurt and got right back up [Music] [Applause] here's a newborn elephant trying to walk for the very first time that's the end of this video I hope you learned something new and I'll see you guys again very very soon later [Music] [Music]
Channel: JDXGamingZ
Views: 1,467,781
Rating: 4.7336969 out of 5
Keywords: #jdxgamingz, #dailydoseofinternet, #1hourversion, #bored, #news, #funny, #knowledge, #suggested, #education, #subscribe, #comment, #daily, #random, daily dose of internet
Id: _l04INE-ll8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 30sec (3630 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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