1 Hour Of Daily Dose Of Internet *JUST ONE INTRO ONLY

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hello everyone this is your daily dose of Internet get ready to see more and more of these things driving on the roads in the USA the US government just gave the green light to allow these autonomous self-driving cargo trucks to freely move around on roads what's your name and occupation Carl if I can guess the first letter of your name I get your watch first letter of my name yeah I get your watch you going to do it yeah is it C huh is it C no it's not definitely it's not C what made you say C do I thought your name was Carl where did you get that just see it disappear ready the police came to arrest this guy hiding in a hotel room but he had other plans instead you just keep putting your don't don't tense up man don't don't tense up man where are you going in case you didn't know airline pilots need to be careful about using polarized sunglasses the tire on this truck popped off at the worst time get over and around yeah look at that tire that oh my oh my God luckily nobody was hurt because the tire B bounc right over them these people were out in the ocean when lightning hit their boat the incredible thing is that nobody was hurt but their boat did break down and stopped working I found a bug that looks like popcorn with legs this is actually a plant Hopper nymph and this little guy was found in Japan not only did they look like popcorn but they will pop like popcorn if you scare them these people had to set up an elaborate plan to catch their dog to give her a bath I got one this is what happens when he put a wooden ruler underneath the newspaper the atmospheric pressure made it possible for the newspaper to hold the ruler steady let's do it look at this it broke there is about 15 lb of Four Square in what that [Music] means what the dude what are you what are you doing found out that he could dry off his car with water as you can see all the water droplets on the car are being removed by the hose water as proof this paper towel is completely dry and didn't absorb any water what do you guys think is going on here someone was checking out their security footage when they saw guy drive past their house stop and then go in reverse turns out that they love the cars in the driveway so much that they needed a longer look refuses to give out any high fives unless you give him a dollar hey got to give dollar he won't do it unless you give him a dollar I found this guy that can break three baseball bats at once this guy use the sander to make a knife [Music] [Music] disappear I found this incredible shadow puppet [Music] artist this car has a built-in stability control system so it doesn't flip if you turn your wheel at high speeds might do something cool w that's this person was hiking with some friends in the mountains when an avalanche started coming towards them oh dear God I talked to the person who recorded this video and he said that nobody was hurt and were only covered in a small layer of snow hey Dad you were supposed to buy Swiss cheese I found this incredible art program that will make any painting you want based on the keywords you enter for example I wanted to see a painting of Shrek in full samurai gear and after 30 seconds it created this image go put your shoes on now why because I'm going to go fight this girl and if her son comes out I need you to fight him okay so the small County made a competition for children to submit drawings of what they think the next I voted sticker should look like the Winner's design becomes the official sticker to be used for the upcoming election as you can see things seem pretty normal until you scroll to the bottom and see which design is currently in the lead [Music] you need to look really close but which ant do you think is the queen [Music] ant in case you didn't know this is how scientists put tracking devices on whales hey kids can I get a who oh oh thank you this poor guy needed some medical help but don't worry he was totally [Music] fine no it's it's a excuse me my daugh think that you are so cute oh my God stop what's your name will will good to meet you will so someone put a mirror in the woods to see how a bear would [Music] react scientists found this weird uncoordinated frog species that can jump but almost never lands on their feet [Music] Harry Potter The Boy Who Lived come to die this is what a queen termite looks like what makes them so incredible is that they can live for about 15 years and produce about 2,000 eggs every single day [Music] come on come on come on a 25-year-old pizza man was out making a delivery when he saw a house that was on fire he ran inside and was able to save five children that were trapped in the house are you Z everybody Med please tell me that baby's okay yeah we're good yeah she's okay 100% yep you're okay you did good dude okay this is what happens to an ant's body when they drink green nectar I think I found the perfect device for people who want to game and snack at the same [Music] time this guy was trying his best to not scratch car oh I found this really cool video of a Malaysian horn frog I recently found out about the pink dolphins that live in the Amazon and they're pretty creepy these dolphins are actually gray but they get into fights so often with other dolphins that their skin scars into a pink [Music] color I think she might need a little bit more water okay someone found this obscure spot on Google Maps where these two guys on bikes ran into each other so here's a cool fun fact that I learned about snakes when a snake begins the process of shedding their skin their eye will start to get cloudy there is liquid building up between the eye and the eye cap which is part of the snake skin this poor little bug had trouble reaching the other side this guy was asleep when part of the ceiling randomly collapsed on him he was totally fine and unharmed oh a whale breached out of the water and landed on this boat but luckily nobody was [Music] hurt you good this guy was so tired of always forgetting to bring his Loyalty Rewards card when going to the grocery store that he decided to have the QR code tattooed on him instead jokes you work yes it actually works yeah yo what this guy went to a concert wearing a safety vest to see if it would let him sneak through security and get backstage and it worked [Music] this hamster punched someone's hand and then immediately fell [Music] asleep this person was a passenger on a plane when the GeForce made them age 60 years in 6 seconds [Music] this person didn't know that you're not supposed to touch the Queen's Royal Guards or their horses in London not touch the ring back in January 2020 when masks were impossible to find someone in China anonymously donated 500 masks at a police station this cow in Switzerland was being airlifted back to the fields after getting medical treatment all right which one's the full one the white one empty empty full okay all right which one's the full one the red one empty empty full wait what oh my gosh one of my subscribers recorded this video showing the instant a lightning strike knocked out the power in a city [Music] one of my subscribers stuck their arm out of a plane they were flying to see what would happen these guinea pigs are are smart enough to figure out how to close the cage back up back up they don't like a dog they want go to do every time this guy plays a note on his guitar the bugs on the water dance [Music] along I found a baby with a great sense of humor some random guy went to a concert dressed as the weekend and people in the crowd thought it was actually him saying hello before the [Music] [Applause] show so this is pretty cool one of my subscribers found a pizza vending machine [Music] I found an artist with some incredible penmanship these people in China find a weird fish with a human face these streamers are trying to make electronic music without having any knowledge of Music Theory really need you don't need M like this is just like like a like a baby can figure this out over time it's just like blocks like you're finding noises you like and stuff you don't really need Theory pattern it okay I think you need the this person did the highest Urban bungee jump in the world located in [Music] China the squirrel is trying to make a deep roaring sound to try and scare away a bird that she saw here's a great video that shows how smart orcas are this Orca is trying to eat these Birds by using a fish as bait [Music] would you choose money or happiness sleep I found this live streamer that uses instruments to control his movements in video games [Music] this person is a news anchor and she uses her voice to scare away scam callers and go ahead with the number please it's three two one good evening we are live on television right now with an investigation into scam callers we have the FBI on the line they are tracking this phone number as we speak sir what is your full name again this kid tried to ring their neighbor's doorbell and then run away but was immediately caught ma'am have did you just move here yeah there's no a lot of kids playing around here okay have a nice day their friend was sleeping on the balcony so they threw a snowball to wake them up what you do one of my subscribers has a beetle that can glow in the [Music] dark a few years ago a pilot lost an engine but didn't declare an emergency so Air Traffic Control was a little confused we have an engine failure but not an emergency oh not an emergency okay just so an engine failure but you're not an emergency are you over overweight Landing they want to know not at all no not even that not even that no all right one of my subscribers found a bridge in New York City that seems to go right into a [Music] cloud oh wa it's not done yet there we [Music] go these are called Honeypot ants because they like to store honey or sugar water in their butt this security camera thought that this dog laying on the porch was a package that just got delivered [Music] this is what other languages sound like with an American accent at only 5 years old this parent found out that a sun can draw in different text [Music] [Music] FS I just found out that cactuses can grow fruit and they look like little peppers there's an airport in Greece that allows some incredibly low [Music] Landings this Dad saved their dog that was being chased by a bear these guys tried pranking people with a remote control traffic conone definitely has a backup camera yes yes look at her face uh I I could have sworn I moved this and then we just put it right back this YouTuber made a device that allows snakes to walk instead of crawling on their belly this guy tried to get out of a ticket by changing the color of his license plate in Oregon you can't have any covers on your license plates whether they're clear they're blue red whatever okay okay so that's a violation of law as well okay well it's not there it's got a cover on it man I can see the white here's a cool visual that explains why floods are more frequent after long periods of drown the ground is so hard and dry that it becomes difficult for the soil to absorb the water a little sto discovered a trampoline that someone head outside their home please do not attempt as this is a professional this is what happens when you put liquid nitrogen in a plastic bottle what are you going to pray or someone else is going to [Laughter] pray this is a professional so please do not attempt this person is demonstrating what to do if you are approached by a shark it's important to remain calm and not Splash around because otherwise the shark will think your prey by placing your arm on top of their head you can redirect the shark away from you I found a charity that takes hair people have donated Ed to create these giant mats these mats of hair are then used to clean up oil spills because hair does a great job at absorbing oil their car got stuck on the train tracks so everyone safely got out and watched and waited for their car to get destroyed oh my this boy has a crush on this girl and was embarrassed that she saw him like this tap him tap him spooky this little owl heard thunder for the first time and got scared a few days ago this incredible iridescent Cloud was spotted in China wanted to see what would happen if he screamed while his dogs were playing stop it this YouTuber mixed some chemicals together to create a super trippy reaction what's going on here is called a Bella usov zabinsky reaction and it's still one of the weirdest reactions I've ever seen [Music] this Airline wanted him to pay $90 to bring a skateboard on the plane because it didn't fit in the Box here we go this should do the trick all right how's that that was unnecessary sir this person left a punching bag in the middle of the woods to see if any animals would engage with it she was upset because he wasn't playing pretend doctor properly something uh hi have you been to the doctor before yeah I've been to the doctor before no in real life yeah I've been there before I like it please don't do this one of my subscribers spent 2 and 1/2 hours drinking water but only used chapsticks I found a newborn horse that refuses to begin life this horse was just born but didn't realize it and thought they were still inside their mother's womb the farmer shakes and massages the horse to wake them up so they can begin life these Americans visited China and the people there couldn't stop staring at them and taking pictures [Music] please don't do this this is not the time sir boo no nothing you scaring me back in 1988 the US government crashed a fighter jet into a block of reinforced concrete to see how strong it is nuclear power plants are made of reinforced concrete and they wanted to see if these power plants would be safe from an attack like this [Music] billions of people around the world don't have access to an eye doctor so this charity started making the most affordable glasses in the world for only $3 a pair this kit can be sent anywhere in the world to help people figure out exactly what prescription they need for their eyes [Music] [Music] [Music] I think this is the first time I've ever seen an alligator run like this look happier okay I'm sorry it so this guy stopped to help this guy whose car got stuck in a ditch but the thing is he doesn't speak any English let's just disassemble the car piece by piece and then reassemble it on the road oh man for for so this is pretty interesting it's incredibly common for women in South Korea to have their own parking spaces they do this to try to make women feel safer and to avoid bumping into men late at night morning Zoomies as usual [Music] there's a huge music festival called burning man that takes place in the southwestern United States every year here's a view from the sky showing the incredible amount of people that come to [Music] visit this company was trying to test out the reaction time of a fly and this is a professional the world record for the most flips ever set on a trampoline is now at nine this is what a regular smartphone flashlight looks like in the dark it's not very impressive and this is what the most powerful handheld flashlight in the world looks like no no this is why tennis balls on grass tennis courts bounce really well if you throw a tennis ball at grass grow growing in regular dirt it won't really bounce at all but if you try it on grass growing in sand it goes super high just so my wife gets home from work and I think oh we should make out cuz I wanted to kiss her our nose rings got caught together we're stuck dude hold on I can see it in the phone oh my gosh so I think I found my new favorite instrument [Applause] these people were out hiking when they found this Square shaped cloud that looks like it's from Minecraft sometimes a bee will sting someone regret it and change their mind they decide that stinging you isn't worth dying for so they will walk around in circles to remove the stinger and fly away the cool part is that there is no swelling afterwards see you just caressing te get it's really cracking me up what am I supposed to do if I stop this fan got kicked out of the stadium but pulled a fast one on the security [Music] guard these guys went to the grocery store knocked down a ceiling tile and then bought it how do I scan this B there's it's on clearance yeah I just need a few ceiling towels at my house take your seat thank you thank you it's official Harry Potter has been arrested go Harry [Music] everyone is talking about the new iPhone when we should be talking about this new net I just found it's called a call trap and it looks like a Halloween [Music] decoration I found someone that made a toilet for people who don't have access to water it's basically a big litter box for humans [Music] these birds are the definition of a true wingman instead of competing against each other these male birds will work together to try and attract a female this video went super viral last week getting over 25 million views on Instagram this dog absolutely hates eye contact the scientists made some worms that are capable of eating plastic this is only possible because special bacteria was placed in their digestive system this guy didn't realize that hitchhiking is a legal oh God he's stopping ah H this is a weird Uber God [Music] interesting someone sent a picture to everyone on the plane but wanted people to think it was the pilot who sent it out exit please switch off your laptop and place it in your H page you're welcome to use [Music] device I found an artist that makes some really trippy coffee tables this plant is being eaten by a caterpillar and scientists captured how this triggers a defensive response neurotransmitters send a wave of calcium across the entire plant after being attacked no the plant is not in pain it's just a defensive response from the cells of the plant so the owners told me that one dog is clingy and one dog is chill this elderly couple was caught looking very suspicious and taking plants from the mall this bunker in France from World War II had a fake air vent anyone dropping anything into the vent would be in for a big surprise British accent look up say can I please have more sir can I please have more sir yes this squirrel pulled off an incredible escape from this Bobcat did you know that an aurora can explode this is called a substorm which is when the Aurora becomes incredibly bright for a brief period of time this guy holds the world record for most claps in a minute he averages about 18 claps every second [Applause] if you're flying in a commercial plane and it loses electrical power they have a last resort backup plan this is called a rat Ram Air turbine the air flow causes the turbine to move which generates just enough electricity to power the [Music] plane can you tell which Soldier has a good sense of humor [Music] excuse me sir yeah do you have any extra food I don't sorry oh you don't yeah I'm sorry man here you go I'm well I'm good so you you don't you don't have any extra food though well this is what happens when you order a $1,000 goldplated steak at this restaurant hello my two tickets please for what moving there's a company in France that allows people to fly in something called an aerop Plum it's basically a blimp but you can fly in whatever ever Direction you want using [Music] [Music] Wings this poor dog just found out that they're adoped you adopted sir this car decline it's really bad can I start can I just watch the dishes you got to work in two days Le this is a professional so please do not attempt I guess if the police show up to your house and you don't want to answer the door you just need a security system that says this we're not interested wow okay okay wor see you then what this hat chil oh is that what that is what in the tnation thank you this company wanted to show how easy it is to turn the steering wheels on their trucks so they got a hamster to drive it they used a carrot to guide the hamster on which direction to go here we're getting ready to go down to the beach uh we're going to swing by pick up some coffee holy cow oh my God oh my God you see that thing yeah this horse suddenly realized that they forgot something and had to go back you doing [Applause] you know this morning he really pissed me off you know what he did what he opened the door for another girl she was in a [Music] wheelchair I found this holy cat that likes to bless people this diver let the shrimp climb inside his mouth so they could clean his teeth bab are you hungry say G [Music] a diver found this chubby seal that fell asleep I knew getting stuck with a cactus was painful but I had no idea their grip was this strong watch this a few days ago NASA crashed a satellite into an asteroid in an attempt to change its direction the goal is to see if we have the ability to stop dangerous asteroids from crashing into Earth Earth it will take some time to know if this experiment worked or not this building right here is the Army Recruitment Center H are you taking recruitment may I recruit please where you from England Brighton nope so I can't join the Army you can't join the Army why did you join oh I'm busy this person made an incredibly realistic robotic arm [Music] there's a program that teaches your dog how to behave and gives out treats when the dog does it correctly good because it's so safe in Denmark it's totally normal to leave your baby outside and unattended Health officials in Denmark even recommend that baby should nap out side to get the benefits of fresh air so it's totally normal for parents to leave their babies outside while they go shopping or go into a restaurant Florida was just hit by a hurricane and this is a time-lapse video showing how quickly the storm surge rushed in one of my subscribers moved their car into the living room to save it from being destroyed by the hurricane and Florida okay that's [Music] it I had no idea the human body was even capable of doing this gueston my boyfriend just broke up with me will you go out with me looking for the this biker was teasing the cyclist by doing a pedaling motion but didn't see the traffic jam coming up standard ground standard ground [Music] standard these undercover police used a Grappler device to stop the suspect I found a really cool device that uses lasers to make sure all the light Swit is in the room line up there's a tradition in China where if a man gets married random strangers will grab onto their legs and refuse to let go unless they are given some money you for oh my my coach oh my coach a delivery driver crashed into something and scared these goats the technology the police are using is becoming super Advanced the police were following this car and the helicopter camera provides street names house numbers and the officer's location in real time all right they're uh eastbound uh just past 25th Street this is what it's like to fly a plane through a hurricane the US government will send scientists into hurricanes in order to collect valuable scientific data oh I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing but some stores are letting you make purchases using the palm of your hand no there's no microchip or anything like that only the palm of the hand someone recorded a time-lapse video showing the moment the sunlight perfectly hits their toilet causing it to Glow this massive Avalanche came straight through this base camp near Mount Everest the good news is that nobody was hurt but the bad news is that the person holding the camera stopped recording just before it hit this guy got a little too excited and his brain shut down yeah so he swallowed a squeaky dog toy and the hospital staff couldn't stop laughing at him but they were able to eventually get it out hi [Music] in case you didn't know this is how astronauts get rid of their garbage they put their trash into this device and launch it back to Earth where it burns up in the [Music] atmosphere these police officers were trying to break into a home to evict someone but turns out they were at the wrong house but we're here to finalize the eviction EV it was posted a week ago it was posted last week my yes ma'am we I think this is 47 This is 43 huh this is 43 I had no idea something like this was even possible [Music] [Music] this man was very confused when he opened his front door and found a bag of milk taped to it he looked at the security footage and saw that a police officer put it there I'll beit 303 references still the police department released a statement saying that the officer was simply returning the bag of milk to who they believed was the owner you're [Applause] [Music] R were those pants I guess men are very simple creatures because these guys were entertained by a squeaky plant this is the next this is the English gr whistle this cat was really upset that they woke up from their nap what happened do you wake yourself up know you are so very grumpy sent me a video of their old dog that shakes like this whenever they leave the house we're only going to be gone for 15 minutes oh my God I found a really cool website that can help you replace the word very with a more eloquent word I found someone that can make some incredible art using string [Music] hundreds of protesters showed up to claim that birds aren't real and are actually robots controlled by the government birds are [Applause] real get it you might not understand his language but you will know exactly what this guy is talking about the Scottish person breaks their brain when they realize they can't pronounce purple Burglar Alarm there's some Scottish people that kind of say purple burglar pop B pop B Al popol B alarm popol b b this organization opened up a fake store where nothing was labeled what's all this uned stuff it's just regular food how can you tell what's was it don't even have sign it's there salt it's like sugar written on the labels this is the regular shopping experience for somebody who's partially sighted or blind right Among Us Among Us this company thought it would be a good idea to put a slide in their office am I walking you or you walking me oh I'm walking you okay for the longest time these people couldn't figure out where their cat was no no no no no no no no no oh no no no no no no no no in no no in no this Barber wanted to see how his clients would react if he randomly gave them a kiss [Music] [Applause] I had no idea swans were this affectionate with each other the Wii is so much simpler than it looks the sensor bar is just two infrared lights that the remote uses to figure out where the TV is that means you can actually replace this with two candles [Music] some cities in Finland are starting to use underground Waste Disposal Systems when you throw garbage down the Chute a strong air current moves it to a designated waste facility okay guys Roger are you okay yeah what did you do this person went up to beeple who is the third most valuable artist in the world and asked him to draw a stick figure hey people can uh I show you a magic trick okay so can you just draw a stick figure real quick okay not much of an artist okay thanks man after showing the drawing on social media people started messaging him offering thousands of dollars for the drawing of the stick figure [Applause] St imagine seeing this right outside your front door these police officers wanted to raise awareness about violence against women so they walked a mile on high heels bro you recording me bro don't record I guess if you have a paper receipt and a record you can turn yourself into a [Music] DJ it's not uncommon for people in China to have large families live together in one home this particular home has 140 family members living together their home has two buildings that are 11 stories tall with over 60 bathrooms here's a frog and a boat boat that's being powered by a tadpole motor this person was trying to look for meteors but looked away at the worst time this guy lost one of his eyes to cancer but he had a great idea to replace it he created a custom LED titanium flashlight to put in his head some people think this might be dangerous but he has been wearing this flashlight for 2 years and it never gets hot come back in the house the aerodynamics of a plane are very sensitive this pilot sticks his hands outside the window to show how drastic the change is don't talk into the mic win a free hoodie what's your name how old are you do you understand you got to say yes to understand does that work what's your name you [Music] understand okay this is pretty crazy I have never seen a dog shed this much sitting there beating her up this poor little guy didn't see the skeleton until it was too late [Music] so what do you think this bird is doing that is the end of this video thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys again very very soon later this poor guy this poor guy needed some medical h
Channel: JDXGamingZ
Views: 7,917,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #jdxgamingz, #dailydoseofinternet, #1hourversion, #bored, #news, #funny, #suggested, adefttv, #daily, $random, daily dose of internet, daily dose, 1 hour of daily dose of internet, daily dose of internet 1 hour
Id: 4_vN0nzTqaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 56sec (3716 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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