1 Hour of Cash and Nico (Minecraft)

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uh what am I gonna do today imma just go outside of my house um wait a second I see a TV I think I'm gonna go watch some cash and Nico because they're fun to watch let's just go sit in my chair and also guys if you like action Nico you should definitely subscribe to my channel and like this video comment your favorite Nico and cash part of this video Let's just watch some TV now one two look I'm hitting every single one of them oh my gosh I'm so good at this oh my goodness no no price for you what do you mean no price for you you cheat I did not cheat I just I'm really good at throwing these balls no price for you sir why not buy now no price bye I'm not leaving I want the bird prize please that one over there oh but price this right here yes yes give it to me yes you want you want yes please no price for you why not no price for you what you're scamming me I so obviously won that game okay okay what price you want uh the bird one obviously I just told you bird price right here don't know that one okay fine you know what that one's fine no no price for you oh my gosh you're scamming me right now whatever uh you know what I don't even want to play this game anyways you're not being fair I'll just go play this guy's game hey uh what's your name your service no uh so what is this game right here kiddo have you not never heard of basketball of course I've heard of basketball just give me it watch I'll get them all first try here we go one there we go Miss what do you mean Miss what okay here let me try again one two three what do you mean Miss okay I'd like to see you make a shot then okay done hey but you actually went up past the line rule the rules kid you're out what okay fine here give me another chance I'll go again yup first um just just give me the balls already come on oh my gosh all right here now I'll go in and do it I I I what back back what bug what but you went up and dunked him from there let me just go in and toss it in yeah here let me go ah fine rules are rules oh my gosh no one's being fair on any of these games they're all in the water to get a Hoverboard what a hoverboard serious kid you want to play oh my gosh yes please please uh yes did I make that uh sure I guess you did okay and yeah made it man you're the first person to win no way do it does that mean I win the hoverboard yep I guess so give me give me please yes sir no fair no way I actually got my very own hoverboard up who did I just see behind me shady is that you oh what's up cash hey what are you doing here I'm just um on a date with who exactly um I don't want to talk about it Shady did you get ditched no I'm just here by myself my day went Zoe uh wait what uh where's Zoe what is going on hello okay you know what whatever you guys are confusing me now I got all nice and fancy for nothing I'm jumping into the water Shady what oh my gosh Zoe what'd you do that wasn't how it was supposed to go well I told shady I let him go on a date with one of my friends and I kind of pranked him oh what so you just brought him on an empty day and what about Nico that was the prank Nico and JD were gonna go on a date oh my gosh Zoey that is so not funny but anyways did you see the girl that was over here what girl she was over here hosting the prizes and she gave me this hoverboard no way you actually got one of those yeah well I'm surprised you actually won those things are usually scams yeah I know these guys scammed me before what's your name bobert and the merchant guy I'm gonna report you guys to the police yeah um excuse me sir you haven't read the term the service that you explicitly signed me when you played this game what I didn't sign anything and you you didn't give me my bird toy no price for you sir that's it you know what I'm going to the police station and I'm gonna report these guys what you gonna do man what are you gonna do Merchant he ain't gonna do anything I know look at him oh yeah no prize for him I did get a prize look I got my very own hoverboard and this is not a scam whatever hoverboard cheap anyway it'd probably break yep probably stop going to the police station police police we got scammers in the pier officer officer I need to report something what is it listen there's some guys at the pier and they're scamming people out of their prizes you don't have time for that go upstairs and talk about it talk to who the agents uh okay fine gosh are they up here hello is anyone in here no this just looks like a computer room where do the agents go I think they have their own separate office it's probably upstairs here hello agent oh did he bring his kid on the job I can't believe they got to jumbo Josh uh sir yeah I need to report something there's some scammers over at the beach and they're not giving me my toys you really came into my office to tell me that crap yeah they're not they're scamming people what do you mean had it with you kids you guys are so annoying what are you talking about this is a business I really think you need to start doing some detective work we've got bigger situations to worry about not worried about some of your toys like what I doubt you even have any more important situations they killed jumbo Josh jumbo Josh like the the green guy yeah they killed him what who killed him who's they I don't know kid that's what we're trying to figure out ah okay yeah maybe that is more important than this but how can I help in this situation uh you're just a kid you can't help us what do you mean I can't help you look I'm a really good detective myself actually I know a way could help really yeah are you ready yep ah what I have to babysit your kid yep all right little skimper you have fun with uh cashier Daddy's got some important business to attend to wait no way you're gonna leave me here yep see you later what you just oh my gosh thank you hey don't cry listen he'll be back soon but I can't believe he left me here with his kid I wanted to help do some detective work uh did that baby just talk I'm an Asian baby I think I'm going crazy hey baby what are you doing don't call me baby wait you're still talking oh gosh oh I'm an agent baby no not a talking baby I will tell you exactly what you need to do I heard you wanted to get in the jumbo Josh situation uh yeah I really want to do some investigation there I got exactly what you need okay well first I poop myself I need you to change me wait what you pooped yourself okay fine come here let's just go uh this is so disgusting you smell horrible my diapers aren't gonna do themselves oh my gosh just come on okay now that I change your diaper can you tell me how I can find jumbo Josh I would but first you want candy what you want candy I just changed your diaper and you said that you would help me nope candy first all right you know what fine kid I'll get you candy why don't we just go over to Zoe's house ah Zoe I need your help I need the proper sugar in order to perform what cash I need know you had a kid this is not my kid I'm babysitting him for the agent what agent the lady chocolate quick your kid's rude he's not my kid and first of all it's because he's a secret agent too that's why he talks like that secret agent agent baby At Your Service oh that's a good one it's not a joke they do not mess with me oh gosh oh is that a toy here do you want some milkshake not messing me oh okay but dangerous thing oh I told you Zoe oh man what's going on in here hey Clyde oh man I'm just trying to get some candy up in here man Claude you got those tickets for me earlier what in the world did you just talk little man you remember me Asian baby right oh ancient baby I remember you you know him you got those tickets for me uh yeah but back at the movie theater yeah I can give them to you later oh my gosh this is so useless you know what baby I'm taking you back to the agent's office and Clyde I'll see you later okay see you ah don't you wanna know how to solve this case kid I do but you're wasting my time you're asking me to change your diaper get you candy I just don't have time for this uh fine you know what I'll tell you wait you will you know what kid if you really want to know how to find jumbo Josh you must talk to the scientist to the scientist where do I find him he ain't no no more scientist so you got to be careful I don't want to be a part of this but wait what oh I don't even know where to find him hey kid oh my gosh well you know what whatever I'll just find this evil scientist I can't believe that baby fakes being dumb all the time and he's actually a secret agent ah whatever scientist evil scientist are you here anywhere hello are you here anywhere maybe in the water scientist God damn come here is it you yeah does it not look like I'm evil uh yeah you do kind of look evil anyways the baby told me you can tell me where jumbo Josh is don't say that name around here okay uh I won't sorry yeah let's just go somewhere a little more private uh okay all right kid jumbo Josh is over here go really where yeah just down that hole got down this hole there's nothing even down there hey oh oh gosh oh gosh uh where am I scientist where did you take me you're finally awake oh gosh why am I so short what happened to me uh sir who am I ah relaxed kid you'll be fine no I don't think I'll be fine hey get back here oh my gosh I think I got turned into jumbo Josh's friend no am I ban ban oh my gosh this is the worst day ever what am I supposed to do now I want to be a human again uh who was that oh it's me who are you I'm a peel leopard oh well I'm cash no silly you're bam bam what no I'm not ban ban look I used to be a human I don't know why that scientist turned me into this thing oh sure being Ben you're silly what you don't believe me I'm looking at you in your Bam Bam I'm not bad bad oh my gosh listen some scientists hit me down a hole and he dragged me in here and now I just turned into this thing I don't know what happened to me weird all right well listen if you really want to turn back into a human I could help you escape really you can help me escape this creepy place I sure can all right how do we get out then all we had to do is go over here okay I think the clothes is clear we gotta make sure the scientist isn't there yep we're good okay view there seems to be a bunch of cabinets and stuff in here maybe we could find a clue here uh opila bird pillow oh gosh where'd she go opila bird oh no okay you know what I'll just have to do this without her uh I need to find a way to open this door though hmm let's see there's got to be some sort of button or something oh never mind there's a lever in here oh my gosh I can't believe I didn't see that earlier on to the next room oh hey opila finally it took forever uh what do you mean you just kind of disappeared on me where'd you go I went to this room obviously okay well what am I supposed to do here and why is there a bat in here he's my friend and I think all you gotta do is go through here oh is this like some sort of vent or something it sure is okay well can you go first because uh she's gone again yeah she'd be doing that weird stuff in every room wait you can talk yeah oh well she keeps disappearing on me so I guess I'll just go through this next part do you know how to get through here yeah it's pretty easy I'm just fly through the middle but I'm not one block tall I can't do that oh gosh okay you know what maybe I could just flip this trap door then crawl like this okay yeah there we go that's much better and I made it to the other side you did it good job oh you're back again why do you keep disappearing on me what do you mean you keep leaving okay you know what whatever what do I do on this level anyways it seems to be a puzzle a puzzle whoa and there's huge parkour but wait maybe I can land on those magma blocks do you know if they can oh my gosh she keeps leaving Opel a bird whatever you know what I'll just do this thing myself then I guess come on good thing I'm a parkour God come on let's go on to the ladders around here gosh they really need to clean this copper it's starting to turn green all right next block down tier ouch then over here and oh gosh where do I go from here I think I'm supposed to make it all the way onto that ice let's try that out come on let's go yes I made it ah what is this area though maybe this down here leads somewhere there's a button on here but I don't think that does anything most of these things look pretty useless okay you know what I'm just gonna complete this parkour there's nothing here anyways okay let's go hey how'd you get out but because I found my way out what do you want oh gosh are you with that darn bird no I don't know what bird you're talking about yeah you'll never get out of here and you'll never be human again what yes I will hey come back here ah um I'll show him I can turn back into a human gosh I'll complete his parkour really easily because I'm a parkour master and you should never underestimate ban ban I mean uh cash yeah that's my name I'm cash okay next room oh finally you made it hey it's you again what are you doing here oh I was hiding from that scientist oh well why do you keep disappearing on me can you just help me through these levels uh sure you're in luck because I saw the scientists do the key code the key code what kind of key code he pushed a bunch of buttons and the door opened over there really so does that mean we have to do the same thing to get out we sure do okay well which one did you press first I think it was that one up there uh which one I don't really know what you're pointing at right here that one uh okay I think I need to parkour up and boom okay I pressed it all right and I think it was this one next this one okay what's after and then this one okay what next and I think this one got it I think the last one is over here where on the top on the top how am I supposed to reach that you got this you got long arms no no I don't look ah come on duh I can't reach it how about you do this do a little jump yeah that's probably right I could have just done the parkour the whole time fine last lever I'm coming for you got it and let's go I opened the door are you proud of me we both managed to escape um opila bird hello oh my gosh it keeps disappearing ah whatever you know what I'll just go to this next room by myself and there you are I figured out how we're supposed to exit really how do we get out all we need is a key card a key card well where do we get that from uh that's the problem I don't know where it is ah what's going on in here oh no I think he's coming hide oh gosh he's right there what who's in here oh Pila do you hear me I'll peel it oh my gosh did she disappear again I know you're in here what come out oh gosh okay I need to keep sneaking around where's this key card anyways oh he's getting really close to me oh gosh where are you okay you know what I'm just gonna make a run for it over here now God I really hope he doesn't see me okay you can run but you can't hide oh gosh I'm just kidding it looks like you can hide pretty well where are you oh my gosh it was so close to me there for a second okay maybe there's a key card up here somewhere no oh gosh all right I'm gonna go hide up in these trees oh no I think I smell you no you do not smell me okay you know what let's just hide under this slide I'm out of here at least he doesn't know where the key is oh what he's leaving that's good this slide looks kind of weird why are one of the blocks different this one looks like a shulker box hey I knew it looked weird and it has the key card inside I am so silly sometimes okay you know what as long as the scientist is gone I think that means that I can put the key card inside and I think I can activate the door now yes let's go finally you made it what you again hi hi well is this another puzzle room it looks like a maze yeah and it's pretty tricky yeah I know do you know the way out of here I sure do follow me okay uh wait hold on where'd you go opila opila oh gosh I lost her again oh my goodness she said she was gonna help me find the way out and I hate mazes there's no way I'm gonna make it out of here wait I see a chest and it has a lever inside I wonder if that's gonna be used for something hmm maybe not oh gosh who is that Gary did you disappear from around the corner where did he wait he's gone oh my gosh this place is creepy but I think I found the end finally I have the key let's go quick Bam Bam hide wait why the scientist is here what's the scientist oh gosh where is he he's over here oh hey get down from there bird oh Becca of the whole what wait a second huh that red band is in here where are you he knows I'm here oh gosh I can't fit through this thing are you hiding in the fridge come out oh gosh where is he there you are oh gosh no no please don't take me back to the operating room yeah you're not going anywhere hey watch out oh gosh wait jumbo Josh is that you oh yeah it's me you're not dead after all everyone said that you went missing and I thought you died well yeah this scientist captured me oh my gosh he captured me too he captured me too all right guys we need to get out of here fast but wait I need to turn back into a human first how am I supposed to do that all right just follow me okay should be in there wait what this thing just has a door yeah just hop in okay well are you guys coming in with me yeah we're coming okay oh my gosh I think I'm back as a human wait Shady Zoe hold on you guys were jumbo Josh and a peel a bird yeah no way so you guys got captured by the scientist and got turned into that too no we sure did oh my gosh but wait a second if you were the bird and you were the green guy then who was the scientist Nico Nika over here if you want to watch more videos from us then click one on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys bye okay for this round you two have to be The Seekers and me and Nika will go hide oh you guys are going down okay you guys have to count to ten ready Nico come on Mia let's go go we only have 10 seconds this is a perfect spot they'll never see us here never wait what what just happened I don't know they put one is to come out yeah they're trying to distract us I'm not giving up my hiding spot you're freaking at this yeah why are they saying help it really makes me think they're in trouble guys think they're in trouble oh gosh yeah Mia said help we gotta go yeah uh look wait where are they how'd they just disappear wait what kid did you see that Nico what happened I just saw a kid fall through this thing how I think from this but wait what hey what the heck since what was this under the park where are we yeah I took Zoe and Mia for myself what you're the one that kidnapped them yeah they're my beautiful babes now oh my gosh how did you even do that you're like two feet tall well I'm actually pretty muscular watch this hey what hey put me down okay I see how he took them but hey give them back to us you know those are our friends nope I don't think so what can you believe this kid yeah I can't even believe him tell us where they are right now no and guess what I'm gonna have two girlfriends now no you're not get over here kid you better tell us I'll have my guards kill you ah Nico what do we do gosh I think we're just gonna have to comply he kicked up Zoey Mia Nico I have a better idea come over here what do you still have those blank papers from earlier yeah okay and do you have a lava bucket yeah okay just give them to me okay here you go oh well I guess if the kid doesn't want to tell us where our friends are I'm just gonna burn these love letters that Zoe and Mia wrote to him oh hey hey hey stop no no no no give me them they wrote These just for you oh there's another one in the lava no no stop okay then where's our friends uh okay fine so basically you have to choose one to save okay so Choose Wisely wait what you put them on opposite sides of this thing yeah and they're at the very end hanging above lava I'm burning this last love letter no it's not gonna pay for this Nico we can't let this kid get the best of us yeah we can't and who do you think you are trying to oh my gosh Nico he's gone oh gosh where did he go I don't know I'm watching you through cam Dummies Wait what did you just hear him yeah oh my gosh he's talking on the intercom Nico who are we gonna save Zoe or Mia this is obvious answers that were you what no we should probably save Mia she's a scientist she could help us but Zoe but zoeia no but Mia oh my gosh whatever I'm going on this side I'm going on this side oh my gosh wait maybe if we complete this parkour together we can save both of them actually I think so I can't believe the kid built all of this yeah me either this is huge but hey this jump is impossible wait you got an Impossible Jump yeah there's no way I can make this maybe there's some way I could activate it maybe with that button behind you Nico look right there do I press it yes obviously oh my gosh it spawned a big pillar for me I didn't know where to go though oh you don't maybe I could just press this button right here for you actually yeah here we go boom oh there we go let's go cash who's that wait what hey hey you can't give you up here can ya I am so Gonna Get You Nico we have to get this kid can I get Emma get over here what are you even doing I'm just swinging come on I can't reach him come on touch me kid do you have any steak no why would I have steak for you whatever Nico let's just keep going I have another button here for you impressive please okay I got you there you go let's go and now I can press this one for you and now we made it to the end let's go let's get it back up I love you my sugar plum come here what what who was that why is the kid oh she dropped some pie I guess I'll just eat this um Nico I think we're split up oh yeah I can't see you anywhere Kesha are you in a giant painting room yeah oh my gosh what is this place and there's a chest in the middle you see that yeah it has a bunch of blocks in it I see a bunch of blue blocks in mine and I see a bunch of red blocks in mine wait is your Red Blocks concrete wool and Redstone uh yeah oh my gosh I think you have to use your blocks to build my painting what how am I gonna do that uh well I could describe it to you if you want uh sure well okay you have to put three concrete at the bottom yeah and then two L shapes on the side yeah and then three redstone blocks at the top and then fill it all in with wool wait what you got that yeah I got it okay perfect you open the door for me wait really but my door's not open and hey the kid's still here fine I'll help you you can't reach me up here yes I can get over here nope oh my gosh okay Nico just describe your paint what does it look like there's three blue concretes on the top okay and then two on the side okay and then two more on the outsides of the side got it and is there five at the bottom yeah okay got that and then what do I fill it in with and then on the right you fill it with wool okay and then what about the left oh all diamonds okay and is the background just a bunch of quartz yeah okay let me see if this actually works your diamond looks kind of weird anyways but hey wait my door's not open you're supposed to get a key yeah oh wait yeah I did get a key awesome I got a lever for mine me too and are you in some sort of purple room now yeah with the huge question mark yeah all right all right what Nico is there a duck in your room no what why is there a duck here hello who are you uh I don't understand what he's saying Nico can you speak duck wait what I have no idea what you guys are saying Nico what do we do in this room I don't know I don't speak duck oh my gosh uh well I have an apple a feather and a redstone yeah me too what what are we supposed to do with this stuff duck I don't understand what that means are you saying to put this in the item frame I'm confused I have no idea either how is this even supposed to work it's just a room with a question mark I know okay Nico here what if we put the same item in okay let's put Redstone ready three two one go did you put yours yeah oh my gosh it opened the door I think we just have to match our items on these things and if you look at the chest you know what item I like in this one ah yeah I guess I could guess whichever one you're gonna put in just do it I knew you were gonna pick that what about this last room oh I think I know what Nico's gonna pick here uh yeah obviously the cake oh wait what not the cake what what oh wait you chose raw salmon yeah oh my gosh fine I'll put that in geez there wait now we can see each other wait what hey you put the cake in a capital oh my gosh you got me all confused we open now finally do you see a ladder on your side yeah I do I think we're going to some sort sort of other level whoa what is this yeah this thing is huge it looks like some big parkour this is crazy what is that is this rock climbing yeah do you see that on the wall over there yeah wait Nico I see your side oh I can see your sign too I can see you climbing down the ladder okay let's figure out how to get through this side now oh my gosh look at all this stuff I know it looks like some sort of thick wait what what is this there's a Sly block on the floor and I think it's supposed to launch me up here just sneak a look I could see you whoa oh I reached that end cash I think I need a button oh I have a button for you here does this fix it yeah that does work you're welcome okay now let me check out my spot I don't really know how to get up this thing I just see some blocks everywhere oh do you have a button Nico uh yeah right here oh yeah that spawn these diamond blocks that's perfect okay let's go I'll race you to the top wait I have another button do you need it I think so now okay here I pressed it let's go hmm I think I'm like halfway up I'm gonna keep going now okay me too this parkour is super weird I've never done rock climbing before yeah me neither and it's kind of scary what if you don't have a harness and that's we don't have that that would be terrifying but uh wait Nico there's something blocking my path here it looks like you need me I got you oh thank you wait I think I have to be quick it might pop out again oh gosh okay are you good yeah I made it over to another slime block okay nice but I have no idea how to activate this thing okay I'm gonna press my diamond block okay do it oh explode a button for me oh actually yes now I can actually make this job perfect nice and I made it to the top and I have one last button yeah me too but I don't have a button what what the kids on my side oh gosh oh my gosh why do you have those things I don't know you wish you had one didn't you buddy ah yeah I kind of do but give me back Mia nope oh my gosh Nico wait I just saw where he left to I think I found the exit wait what what about the button though should I press it yes please okay there you go did that work let's go I can escape now finally that rock climbing was scary and whoa have you seen this next room yeah do you have two people in your room no why do you always have people in your room I don't know what one's named Steve uh who are you doing Nico he's trying to hurt me that's it come over here I'm sorry but I have to do this oh my gosh all right he's gonna have to climb his way back up Nico I got rid of one of the guys oh that's good yeah but there's another one here oh my gosh is this a baby baby no there's a baby in here it's gonna bother me oh my gosh I just need to get out come here wait that's your sister how is the baby bigger than you be quiet Mister okay whatever let's figure out this level Nico yeah I don't know what I'm looking at it looks like some sort of playground I'm gonna go down these stairs okay me too Nico do you see a chest somewhere on your playground uh yeah I see one too I think it might have something in it walk over to it it's okay it has an iron sword an iron sword what are you gonna use that for I don't know but this other chest says 64 rotten flesh 64 rotten flesh all right send the Army wait what is that the kid hey what's going on Nico there's zombies here what do you mean Sydney Army yeah there's chicken jockeys all over my plot oh get out of here maybe this is how I'm supposed to get the rotten flesh what I don't want to kill the chickens though they're nice oh gosh though one got office chicken oh gosh we why are there chicken I don't know they keep spinning in here and I have to take a while oh gosh just kill them all Nico I have 60 rotten flesh I think I'm almost done what I managed to save a lot of these chickens but some of them are dying yeah wait iron 61. you have 61. hey we're about to finish at the same time hold on let me get Ron flash hold on let's go come on 63 and 64 ah I think you beat me no actually I think so whatever let's just put it in the chest okay okay got it sounds good three two one go and did it do anything for you yeah a door opened up where I don't know look around oh never mind I see it yeah let's go this playground looks awesome though if we weren't trapped by the kid I would play here all the time yep me too huh what is this I can't believe we have to go through this anyways yeah more parkour are you serious at least it's just us two if it was Zoe doing this parkour she would fail every single time yeah I have fun doing parkour anyways yeah but oh wait I have a button probably click it it probably will spot a platform over here okay here I got you there you go did it do something oh that was awesome see it fell off of the roof I saw that okay maybe I'll need a button pressed too yeah soon uh I'm pretty sure this is impossible Nico can you press the button oh my gosh the kid is here too did you press it yet Nico I just pressed it there we go it cleared all these diamond blocks now this is actually possible to do nice cash come on come on ah kid what are you doing I'm just jumping around are you really that bored yeah you guys stink at this what though we're actually going super fast the last time I stole somebody's girl he completed it in like two minutes what you've done this before yeah I'm evil oh my gosh okay I'm coming all right Nico I think we made it to the end of this thing right yeah there's still somewhere to go here I'm gonna press my button for you did that do anything yeah it made a platform we press this so let's go okay now we can actually make it to the end let's go this is so awesome uh wait what do we do from here I just see a ladder I think we climb up it oh yeah and we go through the window here I can't believe I missed that oh gosh here don't worry I'll see if I have a button there did that work yeah let's go and uh I need one too this jump is impossible okay but first you have to admit that the color blue is the best color what no there's no way I'm saying that this whole room is blue and you said it awesome so that doesn't mean I like it better than red okay but you still like it though fine I do like the color blue but Red's way better that's good enough I can't believe Nico made me say that did you make it to the end yeah did you get a button that says press the button yeah do you want to press it at the same time and ready yeah the best color hey press it you pansy oh gosh the kids hurrying me up let's just go Nico what is this place uh what's going on kid where are we no it looks like I'm in some sort of cave or something yeah well you better hope you took boating lessons lessons voting lessons why would I take boating lessons Nico what is this uh I don't know maybe it's a boat water slide oh my gosh okay just go in this is kind of scary honestly I think I'm gonna join you guys this part's the best what no kid you can't come with us I'll even race you bozo oh okay let's go no way this kid's gonna beat me I'm zooming no oh my gosh I'm going so fast I will just hit my head on a log on a log how is that even possible because there's logs everywhere Nico you haven't passed them yet oh yeah I'm just dodging them because I'm a professional hey you know I'm a professional too you're not as good as me though whatever who cares I'm almost at the bottom I think yeah me too what is this thing uh I keep running into walls gosh just be good what I am good wait what who are you oh hey what's up what are you doing down here just doing a bit of research I need to make sure I catch up on all of this stuff research you know this is like the kids Lair the kid wait he put me down here oh my gosh are you serious oh my goodness I fell for his trap yeah well um good luck with that no way oh wait what I'm going through some sort of tunnel now how much further does this go down kid oh wow gosh Nico are you almost done yeah gosh I'm stuck on this ice block get out of here already come on oh well this is my first time playing you know yeah it's my device oh my gosh well you built this thing uh what you're just mad you're not a pro boat racer like me no I am a pro oh my gosh this kid's getting on my nerves and you don't even oh my gosh whatever and you have no money what my name's literally cash you know yeah but how somebody named Cash when they're broke nah I'm not broke I have a very big house and it's growing in value a lot yeah but it actually has a bunker and it's a very nice neighborhood yeah you might have a big house but you're a big loser too hey that's not cool I'm not forget it yeah he's just trying to bother you I'm about to steal her back no you're not why is he talking like that yeah why is he talking like that I don't know but I made it to the end already yeah me too kid your boat race was super easy yeah I tried enjoyable at least uh well then what's this next level I don't know I took a little sneak peek at it since I finished early oh my gosh what this looks great great where are you I still can't see you cash oh my gosh are you serious yeah oh what's in this chest a grappling hook Hey kid how do I use this thing oh someone's a noob isn't he no oh you know what fine just to prove I'm not a noob I'll show them that I'm pretty good at this stuff come on oh gosh you got this cash come on oh gosh I'm struggling too me too I accidentally hit the lava you're hanging on by a thin thread bucko uh no see I made it under the second platform yeah you wish you had a rocket Grappler like your boy well you didn't give me one all you put in this chest was a regular Grappler yeah you think I'm gonna give you the good one Bozo duh whatever he keeps calling me names Nico yeah don't take offense to it Nico you're a bozo too hey yeah gosh she's that way with everyone that was Zoe and Mia though they love me what no they don't they obviously don't like you you just kidnapped them yeah they don't no I was actually smooching them Nico I don't believe him this guy is so weird why do you always lie you're like a pathological liar oh wow actually lying yeah whatever this part's super easy look how I'm making it yeah and I've done this 800 times already bro oh gosh I'm kind of stuck under the glass right now come on yes I made it and now wait is this the last two jumps come on I gotta make this gosh you guys are slow no I'm not I already made it Nico what about you what I made it to the end okay wait give me a second okay okay I made it there we go and um wait what I see you oh my gosh you have some sort of barn on your side I have it to you it's so long I know but I can't believe we're doing all these at the same time yeah I agree we're kind of Masters but my side doesn't have a barn like yours yeah wait what does your side have it looks like the inside of the barn I think yours is a kitchen oh yeah maybe that but I don't know what I'm supposed to do here me neither there's a chest in the middle did you see that yet no I don't have one no it's in the middle here look oh wait what we could both access it wait can you take this rotten flush if I put it in yeah I can oh my gosh okay maybe we could use it to trade items wait I just realized did I put eggs on your side oh uh no behind you what do you mean howdy y'all hey but Juliet what are y'all doing here we're doing some sort of course made by this kid because he trapped our friends hey Julia you're on the wrong side oh my goodness I've made a mistake oh my gosh wait Nico press that button again with the eggs I think it activated oh my gosh yes I've got bunch of eggs you have eggs I have six right now but what am I supposed to use this for well that's where I come in I also have wheat on this side what do we do with these things Juliet I was told that y'all were supposed to make me a cake so I'll be expecting that oh that makes a lot of sense Nico we already have the eggs can you harvest that wheat and put it in this chest yeah I can okay good and then what's the other things we need for cakes sugar and how do we get sugar do you have sugar cane there yeah I do right here oh my gosh you just have one that's perfect put it in the chest here is that and now I think the last thing we're missing is milk buckets uh do you have anything that could lead to a milk Bucket over there nope no cows anywhere yeah I mean either what you don't hey wait Nico look on top of your barn there's a cow up there in the fences you see him yeah I do see him maybe there's a way you can get up there just follow those steps that lead down the parkour I do look I got a ladder good job and then now I could go up here and perfect and remember I need three milk buckets oh I got it I'm getting the buckets okay perfect and uh Nico I think we made a fatal error I'm pretty sure you need two sugar for a cake oh it's okay there's another sugar cane up here oh really yes okay perfect put it all in the chest and we can make this thing okay let's go ah gosh okay three milk buckets yup another sugar cane perfect okay now to make this I'm a master at cooking class I already know exactly how to craft a cake you do yeah you just have to put the milk buckets all on the top the egg in the middle and the weed on bottom boom there you go Juliet what I made you a cake perfect I actually was giving it to my little brother come on in what okay anyways did we complete the level you did I'm gonna give these to him so he can give them to you wait what no just give them straight to me take them brother oh my gosh oh all right here you go they're not cake oh my gosh Nico I got the keys for us okay thank you guys here you go let's just hurry up and get out of here I don't like these people bye y'all bye y'all see ya I'm gonna go ahead and um close this door behind me just so they can't get in okay time to go I want to see my friends already what is this uh more it looks like some sort of Lego room Lego room it's okay we got this do you see this um Nico there's a bunch of lava blocking my path oh gosh cash I got you I'm cooking my button over here oh you have a button yeah okay perfect hey and it's clearing up the lava nope just very slowly yeah it's okay I can wait you keep going okay got it good luck tell me if you need another button press I need a button on your side oh gosh uh oh the lava cleared up okay here I'll go find a button for you just wait a second okay got it got it there you go did it fix anything yeah I got ladders perfect now we can keep going let's go oh gosh this part looks a little hard I have to jump around the walls and whoa this jump is hard too God I made it okay do you need a button yeah I have a diamond wall blocking me there we go perfect and now I can keep going I'm adding a possible jump I need a button don't worry there's one on this guy's eye I just pressed it let's go and now I can make it all the way to the end come on yes me too that one was super easy I'm so used to the button presses yeah I agree and now where are we yeah where are we whoa this looks like some super cool painting area I don't know and look at my side I got ships on roller coasters wait what how are we supposed to do this yeah I have no idea I see you have all the colors of the sheep but over here I have all the colors of just rails rails yeah and in this chest I just get a bunch of powered rails and torches I think it's empty rails oh wait really yeah I have a lot of empty rails okay um can you give me that through this hole uh how okay here Nico I have an idea I'm gonna lead these rails all the way over to the red side and then you can send over the red sheep and put them on there that's good oh I need to use some of these rails as well hold on okay got it let's go this way power all these rails perfect and now make a little turn go up here Nico I'm almost done okay there we go and done okay send over the red sheep okay red Jeep got it and he should make it all the way over to this red side setting over the red sheep oh this is perfect um you need a minecart Nico there we go okay push it push it through uh one second okay I'm pushing around oh gosh okay he's going out of the red side let's go let's go and perfect we did it Nico nice now we need the orange sheep and this should be super easy to connect I could just do something like this boom there we go I'm ready for the orange sheep setting at the orange wide okay oh my gosh I see him coming through come on orange sheep let's go and done boom okay Nico now we need the yellow sheep yellow one okay setting of the yellow wide okay I'm ready for him this is so easy now that we have this path yeah 100 come on in Mr yellow to your nice new home and look it's lighting up the lights every time I push them on nice okay what next the green one yep it's going in the order of the rainbow I know right that's super cool and on this side it has all the blue colors okay done boom there we go okay now I think you can send in the blue on Nico said you get the blue one wait already oh gosh I didn't connect it uh okay there we go I'm done oh that was super close I almost missed it sitting in the next one wait already oh my gosh Nico you're going too fast I know uh come on man connect boom there I got it sitting in the purple eyes wait Nico I didn't even get the blue one yet oh gosh okay I connected it there gosh that was super quick last one wait Nico I didn't even connect the last one oh my gosh it's okay I'm going I placed it what oh that was way too quick wait the walls broke down oh wait really yeah okay well I'm going to save Mia then yeah me too wait what really oh I'm Gonna Save Zoe I mean we can save Mia if you want no no I want to see him down with you wait what there's two buttons here uh what's going on please help uh kid what are you doing obviously they're locked in a cage why did you lock them in there uh Mia Zoe did you really kiss the kid no what I knew he was lying but anyways let our friends go oh you really think I didn't kiss her get away from me come here oh gosh we need to free them Nico okay okay ready three two one let's go let's go I saved Mia we saved both of them you're a lifesaver that's what you get kid oh yeah come here wait why am I scared of the kid we just freed our friends Hey kid yeah what's up get him uh you know what you're getting a taste of your own medicine this time hey Nico get some iron bars ready got it out come on you're coming with me after that whole shenanigan get him cash you put me down no way you're going in this cage now let me go yeah hey no he's trying to get away come on Nico get in there dad Boom place it now that's what you get I just wanted a girlfriend well too bad you can't kidnap people just to date them yeah that's not how you are Utah you guys are meanie hey whatever I don't even care yeah that's what you call some El Riz wait what you have a pickaxe yes oh gosh if you want to watch more videos from us then click on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys oh and the movie's over that was so good uh I want to watch it again Encore Encore the coolest part was when that guy hit that other guy he was like a jam yeah no Nico that's how I went he was like jazz you just broke the movie theater oh gosh let's get out of here uh I can fix it okay let's go guys I wish I was a famous actor in a movie that would be so cool no kidding then you'd have fans at your door like this you're so amazing Nico oh my gosh Shady thank you thank you Sadie I don't think people would be doing that okay maybe they'd be like yes sir Nico you are so awesome oh what oh well I guess I'm never gonna know what that's like I wish I was famous maybe one day I would be able to feature in my own film you go you're talking out loud whatever let's just go home it's been a long day yeah no kidding so I'll see you guys tomorrow all right see you Nico I wish I was famous knock knock Nico oh my gosh such a good night's sleep what who's at my door it's the famous movie star Shady uh why are you at my door and why are you dressed like that I'm just kidding I'm not a famous movie star I'm your bodyguard Nico you're my bodyguard for what why are you acting so weird today you're the famous movie star silly wait I am no yeah hey be careful someone could see you out here oh gosh stay away stay away okay there's nobody what are you doing guys I'm your bodyguard why are you acting silly yet what are you talking about Nico are you improvising for one of your upcoming roles no you're not my bodyguard shady and why are you saying I'm at a movie star whatever we need to get on the set and start filming let's go wait what are you come on oh my gosh whatever all right Nico we're finally here wait what is this place I don't know you're gonna be late but come on oh my gosh I'm so confused you're gonna be late stop Dilly dallying come on late for what uh you're confusing me Shady the movie scene uh the movie scene come on I still don't understand what you're talking about okay and I want you over here you'll be on top of the Moon Rock okay yes of course all right um where's my movie star hello oh perfect you brought him uh you look a lot like my friend cash why is he not in costume oh gosh did we leave it at home do you really not have your space suit on right now what do you mean dude let's go what's going on now we're starting in like 10 minutes you better get him hang on Nico come over here wait what is this place this looks so cool it's like I'm on spacer oh my gosh this is so sick no time to dilly dally hurry up go get dressed go get dressed oh my Shady where are you come on over here at the Wardrobe I'll follow you hello hello I'm the Wardrobe manager the Wardrobe manager wait how do you not know me we've done this many times what do you mean many times I'm so confused uh just hurry up changing realm oh gosh what am I supposed to change in come on just get in there and do it all right I'm changing Gosha oh this is so clanky is this what you want to be what what is this they're looking great already now let's get you on set before the director gets upset wait I think I know what this is um I had a movie set excuse me director uh Nico here's ready oh finally that looks so good on you all right get on set get on set where why is he acting like this right now I don't have time you know I think he woke up on the wrong side of the bed I apologize oh my gosh we've done this multiple times over Nico just get on set and get ready for the scene okay um do I just climb up there oh yes we've gone over this so many times okay you're arriving on the moon and you're gonna go fight some aliens and free the prisoners okay wait what ah he didn't read the script did he ah no hey Nico I'm gonna get out of here so you can film okay good luck okay quiet on set we're about to start uh there's no one on Set uh don't worry about that okay I'm gonna say action and you're gonna make it all the way over to that chest okay got it ready and action I am Nico on so let's go oh my gosh what are you doing what you're supposed to make the jump cut all right guys hold on sorry what am I supposed to do one let's go for a second try you're supposed to parkour up to the chest oh my gosh can I have some steak I'm kind of hungry oh my gosh here you can have one give me a lot of hungry oh my gosh just take it you got me rushing over here I didn't even get to eat breakfast whatever quiet on set take two gosh action okay let's go nice I'm on the moon I don't know what I'm doing um they're open this chest director yes uh I don't know what I'm doing oh my gosh this is harder than it looks okay are you serious yeah I'm sorry I don't know what he's doing today can I have my lunch break then uh yeah whatever take five I said a real extraterrestrial alien oh Nico it's just an actor you know this wait they just went on the lunch break though how are we gonna record because I need to teach you what to do what what's gotten into you recently oh okay just tell me what I gotta do and I'll do it okay here follow me once you climb up that ladder you just need to parkour around this entire thing in the camera will follow you oh okay make sure to grab each chest I think I know what I gotta do you got that are we gonna have any more problems now uh nope I got it it's perfectly it's gonna be fine okay alien get back on set am I really in a real movie set I guess I wish for this and it's actually become a reality this is so so cool corporate's put a lot of money into this so we gotta hurry we don't have much studio time I'm trying all right alien you ready ah off my lunch break all right take three and action okay I got this oh I'm on the moon I'm going to defeat the aliens uh cam are you getting this okay I got a sword a pickaxe and a piece of paper let's go good boy nice I got this oh and it looks like I got a bow and an arrow alien you're going down ah stay away from me I will defeat you and your alien tower now you won't I'll protect it you will not you learn them let's go we'll come over here Ellen you will not just cut what are they wrong uh Alien you're supposed to die oh I was oh my bad oh my gosh you know what whatever that was good enough for a first part let's resume from here ready guys and action alien let's go stay away let's go now I got ender pearls and then the code key one let's go and nice we've reached their spaceship uh okay um director what am I supposed to do here just go through the room and put the code in okay we're at the alien spaceship I got some papers right here three two five one I still don't know what that means so let's go um director what am I supposed to do so I put the code in before the lava gets you wait what oh gosh three uh two five oh got four oh gosh oh no oh my gosh cut um what was I supposed to do you're supposed to get it right first try you don't know how the Scene goes uh no all right reset the lava oh gosh let's run it from the top gosh do we have a rookie on the set or something I'm sorry about that I don't know what got into him I'm trying my best here Eco what's gotten into you man you're like a world-class actor I'm trying okay it's just an off day for me all right everyone back in position I'm letting everyone down and action time to get this alien spaceship end oh it's been red oh gosh I need to add to this go quick three two one okay we're in the next area what day is it oh human uh hello wait where are the cameras uh get over here is this off script uh I'm confused director I'm Gonna Get You get here I'm actually being yelled what are you doing just fight back oh my gosh are you serious Nico what are you doing dude what am I supposed to do here we only have a limited amount of studio time you need to do this first try oh gosh uh okay there seems to be prisoners here do I just free these villagers yes you're supposed to kill us first silly okay fine I got it from the top guys take two action oh human I have come on your spaceship to free ah gosh it's the why are you invincible oh god there you go okay come on villagers Escape I got you I break you all out these aliens will not take over Earth ever again these guys look good okay come on let's go don't worry I'll worry oh gosh uh oh gosh another alien okay Nico remember what you're supposed to do in this scene what am I supposed to do you're supposed to fall in love with the alien because you guys make up wait what it's in the script oh my gosh um you would look so dashing you look beautiful um okay can you free all these Villages for me now director did I do good yes now kiss kiss what do you mean kiss I've never kissed someone before come on oh my gosh okay what is going on with you today I can't kiss the Elliot oh my gosh I'm coming up there Nico you're an actor do you not realize that kissing is a part of all these scenes it's difficult okay it's not that difficult look mwah see not that hard yeah Nico it's acting it's not like we actually love each other what is wrong with you okay do you actually want me to do this yes fine let's just do this are you ready let's go three two one Nico we didn't even start the scene yet what I just started I have to say action okay let me get back in my booth what the heck is going on gosh that was weird hey Alien stop talking to him get back in your position and action uh but Miss Elliot oh just come over here good I guess so I would have liked the longer one but that'll work sorry about that you were supposed to kiss the wife I think you kissed the husband are you sorry about that oh gosh this is awkward uh well what's the next scene it's over here just follow me okay I'm following it all right Nico are you ready this is gonna be the best scene yet uh yeah whoa what is that gosh this is gonna make or break our movie I'm so excited for this uh okay so you're just gonna have a little boss fight with this guy you know not too scary but you actually have to fight him this time okay so whoever wins wins I guess got it director okay we only got one shot at this and if one of you die then uh we'll let your family know you love them wait what all right ready three two one action all right looking good Fred uh I don't like this attack him more come on come on oh gosh come on I will see first and I will destroy you uh director and cut that was perfect Nico wait actually yes uh I'll go send some cards out to his family but that was pretty good we could actually gosh uh yeah it's fine it'll make for a good movie okay okay um what do I gotta do now well you can go home you can get some rest you're gonna need it for tomorrow tomorrow oh gosh what's next being an actor is so tiring but honestly so fine oh today was a tiring day I'm so glad to be home I think it's difficult time to get some sleep Nico Nico wake up nose at my door again huh get out of bed we gotta go we gotta go get that come on come on oh what's going on oh his lights Hurry Up Wait watch out get in your lights oh wait for what the awards ceremony come on the award ceremony yeah you're not even dressed here put this clothes on who's that all right we're just gonna ignore that uh oh no a fan oh gosh what a fan okay I'm just gonna put these coats on okay I got them on all right let's get to your private jet sir come on come on wait where's security don't worry about security we have a free pass you're famous Nico nobody cares okay I guess so let's just get on this flight come on okay uh what is this place hey hey hey chill out chill out buddy chill out uh they're not even doing anything I gotta protect you at all costs come on just keep moving keep moving yay what's this red carpet this is for your award my award what award oh gosh we're late come on uh okay this place is huge is this is a whole Auditorium oh my gosh okay our seat's right here come on just sit down okay settle down settle down we'll get to the awards shortly uh settle down uh no one's no one's listening hey blue boy in the front satellites I'm not even doing anything you're Nico aren't you what do you mean oh my gosh can I get an autograph my bald head no back up back up all right the announcer will be out here shortly so be patient uh Shady can you remind me why we're here again they're announcing awards for the best movie wait this is an award ceremony yeah okay I've got to get out of here this is all you Nico wait what uh Shady you're just leaving me all righty welcome to the Minecraft ceremony from movies Minecraft ceremony how are we doing tonight everybody uh good that's good to hear all right we're gonna be announcing the best movie picture first movie has anyone seen Mia second movie Nico's Space Adventures hey hey why down quiet down and the third movie quiplash Whiplash what's that you've never seen that movie it's amazing ah well whatever okay and the best supporting actor from the movie quiplash blocky Simmons um yes yes wait wait who's that wait I I don't see him there thank you all very much Fletcher wait I know that guy get out of my sight before I demolish you oh he's so funny thank you guys I guess for this award uh I didn't really do much I'm no Eugene O'Neill but I mean I'll take the award if you know what I'm saying anyways I'd like to thank the academy and Schaefer and uh yeah all right thanks dude here's your award sir I'm so confused all righty tough crowd eh it's so funny now we have the best director from the movie Nico Space Adventures can we get a drum roll for cash let's go all right come in take the podium sir oh my gosh thank you guys so much for this award me and my team have worked very hard on this and a lot of sleepless nights and no girlfriend but it doesn't matter because we still got this movie done and even though I may be single for the rest of my life at least I have something to show for it that's amazing that's amazing oh there's a No Award for the director buddy just a little handshake there you go I don't get an award nope just a little pat on the back all right get off the stage and now the award everybody has been waiting for the actor of the year going to actor Nico from Nico Space Adventures all right you can have the stage sir I would like to thank my mom my dad my director cash and uh my loyal fans of course for giving me this award yeah Nico Nico Nico here you go here you go Nico Nico uh where am I oh he's awake wait was that all a dream Nico why do you keep falling into deep sleeps oh my gosh was that not real uh what is he talking about you guys should have seen that did what I filmed a whole me my favorite first actor and we recorded a movie called Nico's Space Adventures yeah well I hate to break it to you but none of that's real yeah that was a dream I was I was out yeah sorry about that Nico well whatever at least you guys knew I was an actor what are you talking to Nico don't worry about it you know it's pretty good catch Adventures they could go on the screen if you enjoyed that please subscribe bye guys subscribe bye
Channel: Nezu
Views: 9,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cash and nico, nico and cash, cash, nico, cash and nico funny moment, cash nico shorts video, cash hacks nico's phone!, cash is done and is quitting minecraft!, cash 2, cash has a fan girl in minecraft!, save cash or shady in minecraft?, becoming void cash in minecraft!, maizen and jj, cash gets what he dreams in minecraft!, upgrading nico in minecraft!, cash vs extreme truth or dare!, saying yes to nico for 24 hours!, cash got married in minecraft!
Id: nMNlcHlq-cI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 36sec (3756 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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