1 Girl, 13 Voices (My Review)

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yeah voice impressions the most important and high-status thing anyone can do the purest form of arts the thing every kid senior aspires to do do you know who was an impressionist Jesus Christ was an impressionist that's right he specialized in Peter Griffin impression Louis my name is Joel from Rome you official I'm somewhat known for singing impressions myself and today we're going to be looking at Jenny marsala's one girl 13 voices first off let's figure out who this Jenny Marshall ace so this is Dennis channel three hundred sixteen thousand subscribers very nice hi my name is Jenny and I am a singer-songwriter from Germany do the seminar wouldn't be here oh my god the German language is such look at our language the only music I can think of that really works with German for me is like Rammstein music like hard stuff because just that food Fulvio she sings really well though I'm excited to hear her voices video hi I'm Jenny Marcela and this is one girl and 13 voices wait wait a sec it was just uploaded 2016 is that just exactly my intro and also this backdrop looks oddly familiar hi my name is roomie and this is one guy 15 voices let's check out hers I mean it's a pretty generic thing to say but hi I'm Jenny Marcella and this is one girl and 13 voices yeah that's pretty much identical so far this is pretty funny I mean he works for me works for her so maybe that's just what you gotta do let's actually this is the day present [Music] bottles [Music] pretty good I like the song impressions videos have made me like this song okay so we listen to another girl version of voices a while back and that impression of Shakira was really really good I just gotta find that again Magnus she's got more than like curtain night sometimes with the precious I feel like the more cartoony it is the more I feel like they're real because you're exaggerating those things that make that person sound like that person right anyway it was a good impression let's keep going Jenny marsala show us what you got [Music] okay so the verse was actually really close apart from the fact that it wasn't out of tune I can imagine that the actual original recording of Katy Perry's verse on that song kind of sounded like that the tone was pretty right but it was pretty pitch cheese's like but that was impressive the chorus not as much Katy Perry's got a very like thick type of shouting voice and she didn't really copy that as well I feel like people always gonna pull up my old impression smell yeah but you weren't that close on this and you know if a private analyst male maybe I should analyze my own video at some point I would probably have similar things to say about myself you know it's very hard to sing like someone else it is really difficult and I think she's doing a great job Oh wonders I've got a thick skin [Music] my bed until you do now I must okay I actually really like the verse of this because once again he was one of those things when she took some CEA's characteristics like the mumbling and all that stuff and she just took it to a hundred ten or hundred and fifty and that actually makes the impression more fun and kinda like more accurate but not really if you get my drift right I really like that in the course not as much but in the verse I really enjoyed that in other impressions I've heard of SIA I've always felt like some of the pronunciations been off the pronunciation is not perfect here but you kind of took it to the place where she's making fun of the pronunciation and I kind of liked it [Music] that's pretty good I think I like the other girls impression of Britney Spears better it seems like Jenny goes for a little bit more push instead of breathy for like the smooth parts which is fine I think it sounds really good it's not exactly like the original singers though I gotta get point that out pretty good still lip sync'd it was pretty obvious crossfade between two takes in here gonna see if I can find it okay so for example here you can see let's lip-sync because she ends with that uh I can make a stay but she doesn't do that ah in the end of the lip-sync yes I also can we just talk about the fact that her watch is on her right arm who wears their watch I'm the right arm no more she's an alien that's what she's good so good as impressions she's pretending to be human but she put the watch on the right hand no one does that come on in a big white room alone my head back for the tears fall down Oh I don't hear any resemblance between that and just a J but I haven't heard that song yes a J usually really nails her ones though which I didn't really feel like Jenny did here let me know the original song quickly it's called big white room okay you guys are not gonna hear when I had to listen because then the video gets super claimed okay I just listened to it I'm gonna listen again to her impression just to be really really nice [Music] okay yeah no it wasn't that [Music] sorry just about to fire there she sings fire both times you know there's two ways to sing fire or say fire it's fire as in one syllable and fire in this impression she chose to do fire first and then fire that's interesting [Music] yes it yeah that was awesome that was the best ellie goulding impression I've heard I really really liked that one I don't know why she saved that for so late in the video that should have been earlier for me that was so good this is photoshopped picture Lady Gaga was just a makeup off I don't know it's just a bad photo probably I would say why would you choose that photo for an impression but I know that people have said the same thing on my video with their photo ID shows for ed Sheeran because apparently it looks like it's Shearer in this bit googly eyed in the photo we chose to so yeah I can't say anything about that but that is a the least I've seen Lady Gaga looked like a lady gaga ever anyway I want you everything as long as it's free I love another just a very obvious lip sync thing there the end of love was very awful what your love as long as it's free i want your love love love love I watch your love [Music] me [Music] okay very good Jenny that was awesome well done I really enjoyed this one they're some of the best impressions I've seen and some real duds in the hill but that's true with all of my stuff that's true with all of the singing impressions videos I've seen it's just you do so many there's bound to be some good ones some bad ones some medium ones anyway guys that is about it for this video I hope you guys enjoy it again check out Jenny Marshall ahead over to her channel she's got more stuff over there we excluded some impressions you can see them in the full video head on over there link in the description and I will see you guys in the next video hi a massive thanks to my top patrons Christian Gabriel sin hashtag Vicky the bully Matthew barczyk Qian Wong Vicky is my Pope Sebastian 707 Ali Engel batoon kept under America Nina fair wag and Chelsea from the bottom of my heart thank you
Channel: RoomieOfficial
Views: 1,549,242
Rating: 4.9158473 out of 5
Keywords: roomieofficial, roomie, 1 girl 13 voices, one girl 13 voices, 13 voices, impressions, singing impressions, voices, 16 voices, 23 voices, sing 17 voices, reaction, 45 voices, reaction video, react, sing, singer, music, review, one girl, 1 girl, 1 woman, one guy, 1 guy 16 voices, 1 guy 17 voices, one guy 43 voices, one guy 54 voices, 54 voices, comedy, funny, shakira, katy perry, sia, jessie j, ellie goulding, lady gaga, taylor swift
Id: 1tcsl2_qSqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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