1 Corinthians 5:1 to 13

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hey welcome back to the cloud Church to Oregon Robert breaker mr. Angeles the Spanish speaking people we've been going verse by verse through the epistles of Paul a we're in 1st Corinthians and we finished up last time chapter 4 so we're beginning in 1st Corinthians chapter 5 in our verse-by-verse Bible study here now so let's get started first Corinthians chapter 5 verse 1 now before I get started almost all of this chapter is dealing with fornication and as you read through the book of 1st Corinthians there's actually a lot to deal with fornication meant much of what Paul's writing about to the Corinthians is the topic of fornication because there's so much porn ocation going on there which we see in verse 1 is reported calmly of their sport occasion among you so why is there a lot of fornication we mentioned this last time Paul is writing to Corinth a Gentile city and in Corinth there were many Gentiles and many idols and connected with idols in the Bible there's always fornication it's interesting how idols and fornication go hand in hand now ancient well not even ancient even modern archaeology has proven how often idols and fornication go together because in cities like Corinth and Thessalonians like that you had the temple to the goddess whatever they say belly thena Jupiter or whatever the the woman's name was Janice that was a guy I think but all these different temples to these gods right next to it was the brothel where there are these so-called vegetable beds but yet the vegetal virgins wink wink or rarely prostitutes so idol worship and fornication go hand in hand in the Bible that's why stay away from idols or what the Bible also calls images now I could go into the gigantic Church in the world today centered in Rome and how it is a church full of idols yet they call them images and how there's big huge scandal of the priests of that church molesting children hmm maybe that has something to do with it as well for vacation I believe personally that behind every Idol is a demon and that demons are behind the idols and so people that worship idols what they do is they're actually worshiping demons and as they sit and they meditate to those idols those demons can actually come into them and as we read in the Bible demons are seducing spirits seducing what is that well that's seducing into fornication so when demons take people first thing they make them want to do is become sensual sexual and want to fornicate so that might help you understand that in the Bible whenever there's something to do with demons and idols excuse me with idols there's almost always fornication connected with that and it probably has to do with demons and demons coming through those idols and getting into people making them colonel and also another thing we need to learn is the difference between fornication and adultery there is a difference in the Bible and something I didn't know I thought everybody knew what fornication was and then I went to Honduras as a missionary and I found out that people today don't don't even think fornication is a sin I had a teacher that was from Spain and he was my Spanish teacher I had four years of Spanish in high school but when I went on Duras I wanted a refresher I want to learn more and I had a man from Spain and for about five months three days a week eight hours each one of those days so 18 816 and another so 24 hours a week I was swift this guy from Spain Tomas was it me and we would talk about things and he would talk about all his sexual conquests that I'd say Tomas as for the Cascione that's fornication and he'd laugh because daugh it's just natural it's just natural unto Him a man having sex with a woman outside of wedlock was just a natural thing I don't know if that's the culture of Spain and Europe today but it seems like it because they're so far away from the Bible yet here in America we're still a culture that has some left people that believe the Bible but yet there still are people in the world today they've never looked in the Bible and they think nothing of jumping in the sack with someone else in committing fornication well I imagine that's what it was like in the time of all they would just fornicate with each other without thinking it's wrong and why is that well because they're gods that's what they believed produce their gods if you look at the old ancient mythology of Greece you have Zeus and Apollo and all these and what do they do they got together with the gods and they fornicated with the daughters of men and that produced giants like Hercules and things like that so all the pagan religion was all about fornication so it was hey we worship the gods let's go fornicate like they did so what is fornication fornication is just merit I just well we'll just call it what it is it's sex outside of wedlock if you go and have sex with someone and you're not married to that person that's sex outside of wedlock that's fornication in that sin now adultery is different Daltry is sex with someone else who's married or who's single but you're married so and I'm not gonna write that up here but in adultery let's say you're married but you go have sex with someone who's not married that's adultery well let's say you're not married but you have sex with someone who is married that's adultery so adultery is sex that should not be truthfully adultery has two things mixing that shouldn't mix you should never mix together with someone who's supposed to be married to someone else and fornication is coming together and having the act of sexual intercourse outside of marriage and when I was younger my mom was a nurse and I remember I was about 14 15 years old and you know young men like looking at women and the hormones inside you well my mom did something dirty to me she brought me home a book about that thick and it said the encyclopedia of sexually transmitted diseases with pictures Illustrated the Illustrated encyclopedia of sexually transmitted diseases and it was that thick my mom says look at it real well and I tell you what that cured me I've wanted to fornicate with women I looked through all those pictures pictures of all the STD sexually transmitted diseases that you can get and I didn't even want to touch a woman I wanted that to happen to me but yeah we've live in a day and age when people just think nothing of just having sex with each other like it's no big deal and because they do it they pay for it they get gonorrhea they get syphilis they get genital warts they get all these different things that can come upon a person because they did that so the best way to live as a Christian is outside fornication never fornicate never adulterate don't do anything with anybody until you're married and stay with them till the day you die that's the way God planned it and the way God set it up so it's fornication there was a lot of fornication going on in Corinth in chapter 5 verse 1 it says and it was reported commonly that there is fornication among you so there are many people in Corinth at the church in Corinth there are fornicators so they have a bad testimony and yet there's one that's worse than all of them he's more than just a fornicator he's an adulterer and look who he is in the same verse verse 1 he's reported commonly that there is fornication among you and such fornication that's not so much as named among the Gentiles that one should have his father's wife so somewhere in that church of Corinth there was a guy that was sleeping with his father's wife that's admit it Paul says that's not even the Gentiles would look at that and go and say that's gross man so yeah the Gentiles read well a bunch of fornicators we're weren't even that bad is what Paul st. what is there well what's interesting is that's not the first time that ever happens or as mentioned in the Bible as a matter of fact in the Old Testament in the book of Genesis we read about Reuben who did this in the Old Testament and Reuben lost his birthright because of it well who was Reubens father he was Jacob or Israel and Israel had the twelve tribes and twelve sons and Jacob or Israel had four wives and Reuben actually came into one them and had sex with his father's wife that's gross well here we see the same thing happening we see a person who's in a church who claims to be saved and we will see as we get down that he is safe even though he was a Christian and saved he's not going to lose his salvation but he will pay in his flesh for what he did you see if you go out and you sleep around with women or if you're a woman you you're a you sleep around with men you will pay for it in the flesh you don't get those diseases you'll get you you'll be sorry that you did but if you're saved you can't lose your salvation but that's not an excuse to go do that you see grace is not an excuse to sin it's an opportunity to serve so it is reported commonly that there is fornication among you and such fornication is is not so much as named among the Gentiles that one should have his father's wife now why did he say named among the Gentiles he's writing to a bunch of Gentiles well because they're saved Gentiles so he says among the Gentiles he's meaning the Lost he meant the Lost Gentiles you see when you're saved you're either a Gentile a Jew and you're lost or you're the Church of God the Church of God is to save people so what is fornication well let's look at some other places that talk about fornication chapter 6 and verse 13 meats from the belly in the bellies for me but God shall destroy both it and them now the body is not for fornication but for the Lord and the Lord for the body you can think about this maybe you're a Christian and you've committed fornication or you're thinking about it if you're a Christian if you're saved you've got the Holy Spirit of God that lives inside of you how could you go and have sex with somebody in fornication in the sin of fornication and gods inside you the whole time you do it almost like he's right there in the room watching I don't see how people could it's just a shame that people could do that chapter 13 let's see also verse verse 16 where chapter 6 and verse 16 what know you not that he which is joined to a harlot is one body for to say thieves one flesh flee fornication every newest without the body but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body and here's what I just told you what no you not your body is the temple the Holy Ghost which is in you which you have of God and you have not of your own for your above with a price so you're a Christian and you're gonna go into brothel you're gonna take the Holy Spirit of God into a whorehouse with you that's horrible don't ever do something like that Christians should stay away from that well how do you stay away from fornication verse 1 of chapter 7 1st Corinthians 7 verse 1 now concerning the things whereof you wrote unto me it's not good for a man touch a woman what does that mean for a man not to touch a woman it doesn't mean to go ooh alright thank you he's talking about in fornication nevertheless verse 2 to avoid fornication let every man have his own wife and let every woman have her own husband so God wants a man and a woman to get married and when they're married then they can come together in the relationship of sex don't do it outside of wedlock that's what he's saying go to chapter 10 and verse 8 first Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 8 again we're looking at fornication in 1st Corinthians 10 8 says neither let us commit fornication as some of them committed and fell in one day three and twenty thousand three and twenty thousand twenty-three thousand people died in one day for one sin the sin of fornication its fornication is sin yes it's a sin that God hates and I don't like the attitude today in the world oh we just love each other and we'll just we'll shack up or oh it's consensual as long as we just both want it it's okay no it's sin to join your flesh with another person outside of men wedlock it's sin and this is talking about in the Old Testament when they came out of Israel and Moses was up on the top getting the Ten Commandments the people of Israel had brought with them some Egyptians out of Egypt and they were out there and they were fornicating twenty three thousand people began to worship what this all ties in with what I just said Aaron had built a golden calf an idol out of gold and they'll run around and worship that Idol and what were they doing when they worshiped they were committing fornication once again the connection to the Bible of idol worship with fornication and when he came down from the top of that mountain he saw them all fornicating and he got angry and God in heaven got so angry he killed 23,000 people for that sin of fornication I'll say that's pretty big sin that's a lot of people who need to die it's a shame that every time a person fornicates God doesn't just kill them on the spot give him a heart attack well I won't be a lot better with it but a lot of people think well that's not a bad scene yeah it is it's a horrible sin you ruin someone for life when you do something like that that's why it's always better to wait until you're married and stay married and only have one partner until the day you die sin Corinthians chapter 12 verse 21 another verse about fornication unless when I come again my god will humble me among you and that I shall be well many which have sinned already have not repented on the uncleanliness and fornication and lasciviousness which they have committed Paul says look you're Christians now stop doing this don't fornicate the Galatians 5:17 tells us what the works of the flesh are and we've gone through Galatians verse by verse in verse 19 says know the works of the flesh are manifest which are these adultery fornication uncleanness lasciviousness lasciviousness is unbridled sex it's giving in to the passions of the flesh outside of wedlock there's a time and place for sex God made sex intercourse but he made it for a certain time at a certain person and if you want it to be great wait and do it the way God wants instead of doing it in sin first that's only it's 4:13 first let's only in chapter 4 verse 13 um-hmm vs. Lily its 413 maybe its second thessalonians no I don't know where I was going that way but there's lots of verses lots of verses about fornication and how God wants us to flee fornication and stay away from it so let's go back to chapter 5 of first Corinthians now and continue first one is reported commonly there's fornication among you well that shouldn't be and such fornication is is not so much as named among the Gentiles that one should have his father's wife and we don't know if that's his actual mother and he had sex with his mother which would be horrible but by the way is what the pagan religions believe and you go back to the pagan religions all pagan religions and idol worship started in Babylon with Nimrod and Nimrod mother was salmon Rama Semiramis and Nimrod had sex with his mother and produced Tammuz so there's your Satanic Trinity mother baby son and a father but it says that he should have his father's wife it kind of implies that he took his his his father's new bride so it would be his stepmother that he had sex with so he had sex with his stepmom which would be adultery because she was married to his father and it says verse 2 it you're puffed up and have not rather mourned that she might that he that had done this deed might be taken away from among you that verse is always bother me you're a puffed up it almost sounds like they're happier than prideful that that happened how could a Christian look at something like that go hey that's cool that's not cool so something's going on here you're a puffed up and have not rather mourned that he might that he had done this deed might be taken away from among you the way I see it as I read through this it appears that the person that did this thing was probably a person of prominence primitive preeminence a prominent person in the in the congregation and so rather than say hey you did wrong you need to leave we're kicking you out get out of here unless you repent you can't come back they were kind of covering it up shoving it under the rug so to speak pretending like it didn't happen yeah that's sad that that kind of stuff takes place but it does even today in churches even today in churches there's preachers that do things like this makes me wonder if they're even safe tell you the truth but they get away with it because people won't stand up against it think for a second now why did John the Baptist get killed John the Baptist wasn't killed because he spoke against what he saw he told heron hey Herod that's Herodias your brother's life you're an adulterer and guess what guy's head cut off for preaching against adultery and yet here in Corinth they're allowing fornication and adultery everywhere pretending like it's not even happening and rather than them mourning and taking away from among them such a person they're allowing it well the Bible says flee fornication and also youthful lusts we're supposed to get away from people verse 11 it tells us but now I've written to you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous or an idolater or a or a drunkard or an extortioner so they're doing the exact opposite of what Paul wrote to them to do and so that's why Paul is so upset and it's like this whatever you don't preach against is what your church will be guilty of I've seen that in many congregations pastors or good pastors but they they don't want to preach on one little sin because most often that's the sin they're most guilty of and guess what that's the sin the whole church becomes guilty of so you gotta preach against every sin as strong as far as you can so Paul is telling them and he's riding from them in this letter at first Corinthians hey I heard that you guys are fornicating and you're allowing it and it's common in your church it's so common that a guy stole his father's wife and as of committing adultery with her he says you're puffed up why are they puffed up probably because they're guilty the same thing he says you need to get rid of this guy have him taken out from among you what we read and the next couple verses is pertaining to this same situation Paul says for I verily as absent in body but president spirits have judged already as though I were present concerning him that had done some that has so done this need so have done this deed it almost sounds like it happened one time it's not continually happening or they can continue yet we don't know but it almost sounds like it's something that happened one time and it says him that so Paul says hey I'm judging this Paul knows what they need to do they need to get rid of a person like that they need to give him out of the church so that people see hey that's not we've that Christians do Christians should not do that and if you do that you can't come to church we don't want to be a part of it you see when a person sins you don't just Pat them on the back and congratulate them you say hey you're doing wrong and I love the fellowship with you but I can't when you're doing wrong that way they feel sorry for their sins well there's no syrup here they're puffed out they have not mourned verse two and he says I have judged already and then it says verse 4 in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ when you are gathered together in my spirit with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ to deliver such and one unto Satan for the destruction of flesh that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus so Paul says take this guy when you all come together on Sunday and the whole church say you're done we're offering you up to Satan for the destruction of the what of the flesh so he's not saying this guy is lost and going to hell he's saying look go do your sin don't come to church you need to get right you need to repent and if you're not gonna repent then in your flesh you're gonna pay for the law of sowing of reaping and reaping that we saw in Galatians whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap and so Paul says I want you to get together on Sunday when you meet and then tell this guy you're out of here you're a sinner you're wicked you're evil you're not coming back until you repent well guess what he repented and in 2nd Corinthians we find out and I believe this is passage here is talking about the same man that the man got right the man got right when 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 had we read in verse three and I wrote the same unto you less when I came I should have sorrow from them of whom I ought to rejoice having confidence in you all that my joy is the joy of y'all for out much of affliction and English of heart I wrote it to you with many tears not that you should be grieved but that you should know the love which I have more abundantly unto you but if any have caused grief he had not grieved me but in part that I may not overcharge you all and this is where it looks like he's talking about this man he's talking about in Chapter five fishing sufficient to such a man as the punishment which was afflict enough men many so that contrariwise he ought rather to forgive him and comfort him less perhaps such a one should be swallowed up with overmuch joy wherefore I beseech you that you would confirm your love toward him for this end also did I write that I may know the proof of you all whether you be obedient in all things so as we read that passage what it looks like happened after Paul wrote first Corinthians and told the church when you come together I want you all to just say to that guy you have no part here you're a sinner you're an adulterer you're wicked you claim to be a Christian yet you're doing this we want nothing to do with you leave and it looks like according to what we read in 2nd Corinthians that the guy repented the guy got right and he apologized and he didn't do it anymore and the church took him back and Paul's writing and saying how great you guys forgive him he says if you forgive him I forgive him and that great there's always forgiveness in Christ Jesus no matter what you do now it'd be easy to judge this guy in 1st Corinthians chapter 5 and say how evil he was but we don't know we don't know what happened maybe he got drunk and on accident slept with his father's wife slim slim chance of that right but maybe it happened well whatever happened it's under the blood it's behind him but yet it's still in the Bible where we remember it today we don't even know the name of the guy do we but you know what things like this happen all the time and unfortunately rather than church is doing what corners did turning against people that are sinners and pushing them out so that the person will feel bad and repent a lot of times they they accept the person as they are and the person continues on unrepentant and many times it affects the church and it sends the church the wrong way alright so he says the first five to Luber such a one that's a Satan for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus Christ what does that mean it means the Spirit is saved means his soul is safe when you're saved your soul is safe what is the thing that the devil can get your flesh so if a man's unrepentant wants to do wrong and live wrong all right let the devil do what he wants with your body your souls go into heaven but your body will be destroyed you reap what you sow verse six your glorying is not good no you're not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump so once again not only does he say that they're puffed up in verse two but it sounds like they were glory they were they were glorying him themselves now what were they glory well maybe how tolerant they were oh we know this guy's a sinner but we we're very tolerant today the tolerance movement is this upsetting people pride themselves today on how tolerant they are of other things and yet Paul is not very tolerant is he he's telling us look you cannot tolerate sin among your ranks why because it's just like leaven a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump and so you can't have that because if it back continues in the church that other people see that and say well if he can do that I can do that if he can get away with fornication than I can fornicate and nobody says anything to him they won't say anything to me so I'll do whatever I want that's a good way to destroy a church verse 7 purge out therefore the old leaven that she may be a new lump as ye are unleavened for even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us Christ is called the Passover why is he called Christ our Passover well because Christ is the Passover lamb when Jesus died on the cross when did Jesus died he died us on the day of Passover and he is the Passover lamb John says hold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world and that is our lamb he died for our sins He shed his blood just as the Old Testament they had to have a blood atonement that's why in first Peter chapter 1 verse 18 says first much as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition of your father's when the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish without spot so the picture here is Jesus Christ the Passover lamb and what did he do he shed his blood to redeem us from all our sins so even in the context of fornication Jesus reminds them they remember the Lamb who died so here he it I said Jesus I mean Paul Paul reminds them hey the blood atonement so a chapter talking and devoted to the evils of fornication reminds you hey the blood atonement pays for all sins so even those sins the blood covers not an excuse to go sin but if you have sinned and have done fornication or adultery you can't be forgiven there is forgiveness the blood of Jesus Christ begins ever since but yeah I've heard people sometimes say well you can't be saved to be a fornicator are you kids to be saved in the dull terrain yeah here's a guy that was so wicked he adulterated with his father's wife and Paul says yeah he's still safe to offer up to Satan for the structure of the flesh but his soul is going to heaven when he dies I hope he repents and as it looks like in second Corinthians he did he repented he got right it says therefore let us keep the feast not with old leaven neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth so what do we need we need the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth get rid of the leaven get rid of the wickedness what was the wickedness in context the act of adultery or fornication I don't run unto you in an epistle not to keep company with fornicators well which epistle was this well this appears to be a letter that Paul wrote that we don't have in the Canon today or it could be the Epistle to the Laodiceans go to Colossians chapter 4 there were some other letters that Paul wrote and we don't have those today but you wish we did I kind of do but that's okay God gave us what he wanted us to have in the Bible 66 books and we don't have every thing that was ever written but what we have is if enough and it's sufficient and it's what God wants us to have Colossians 4 15 and 16 Bible says she loot the brother and which are in Laodicea and nymph us and the church which is in this challenge and when this is epistle is right among you calls it that it also be read in the church of the land of sins that ye likewise also read the Epistle from Laodicea so there's later to see it and there was Kalasha kalasa colossi yeah wherever the Colossians were city of colossi I think it's how you pronounce it and Paul says now I wrote a letter to the people let us see it and I want you to read that letter and I want you to take this letter that I just sent you and have them read it as well so when Paul's epistle was written and said to one church people copied it and sent it to another church and copied it and sent it to another Church and copied it and sent it to another church that's why we have the Bible today because there were so many copies made that's how it was preserved by copies of copies of copies so he says here that he wrote an epistle before well could that be one of the epistles that we have in the Bible written to a different church I don't know or could have been one that he wrote and they read it but it was lost I don't know but there are other other scriptures out there there's an the Bible talks about in the Old Testament is this not what is written in the book of Jasher were you look in the Bible there's no book of Jasher well I've seen copies of the book of Jasher and they sound a lot like the book of 1st and 2nd Corinthians 1st 2nd Samuel so there are other books out there for example the Book of Enoch the Epistle of Barnabas these are all extra canonical books and although they might have some truth in them they're not what God chose for us to have God only wanted us to have the 66 books of the King James Bible so in chapter 5 it says I ruin to an epistle not to keep company with fornicators so we huh we looked at some verses as we started where God commands flee fornication don't fornicate know ye not that your body is the temple the Holy Ghost that's in you you're not your own you're bought with a price so don't fornicate so if you're a Christian God does not want you to commit fornication or adultery God hates that sin so much that at one time he killed 23 people 23 thousand people all like that one time because he hated fornication it's an act of the flesh a work of the flesh and then he says not only does he not want you to do it he doesn't want you to be around people that do it so do not keep company with fornicators this is biblical separation there are times when we as Christians should separate from others look at verse 10 yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world or with the covetous or extortioners or with the idolaters for then you must need to go out of this world but now I have written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous or an idolater or a or a drunkard or an extortioner was such a one no not to eat so if a person claims to be a Christian and they do these things we shouldn't be friends with them but the bursts started off not altogether with the fornicators of this world or ten so that means lost people so if you know people that are lost and they're your friends and you're Christian and their fornication you shouldn't be their friends that's what the verse is saying well you should try to win them to the Lord say hey you know that sin right hey you know what you're doing is wrong right you know that's not what God wants and then take them to verse 7 you know Jesus died for that sin you can be saved you don't have to do that but then if a person claims to be a brother and is doing that you get away from it's sad how many Christians today are fornicators it's sad how many people today they're truly saved but they commit adultery it's something that should not take place someone's not reading their Bible because the Bible tells us not to do that let's go see I kept the solonius 3 6 in 2nd thessalonians chapter 3 and verse 6 tells us there are some times when we need to separate from others we need to separate from others who claim to be Christians when they form Kate well verse 6 of 1st Timothy chapter 3 verse Timothy 3 6 says then we command you brother to the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that you withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly and not after the tradition which is received of us hmm so it doesn't have to be a fornicator he just claims to be a Christian but he's walking Disorderlies he's being a bad example a bad testimony maybe he hasn't gotten so far as commit adultery but if he has a bad testimony even if he's not even doing right don't even be with them withdraw thyself get away from 1st Timothy 5 6 and verse 5 it says well having certain verse 3 first time in 6 3 If any man teach otherwise and it's sent not to wholesome words even the words of our lord jesus christ and to the doctrine which is according to godliness he is proud knowing nothing but doting about questions and strife of words where up cometh envy strife railings evil surmisings perverse disputing ximena corrupt minds and destitute of the truth supposing that gain is godliness from such turn away so we have a list of people that we need to turn away from people that are proud people that like to dispute people of corrupt minds people who think that godliness is gay people I care only about money and then the other verse told us people that walk disorderly and then back to 1st Corinthians it tells us people that are fornicators we should withdraw ourselves from not be around but then it says not only fornicators it says covetous verse 10 first Corinthians 5:10 covetous what does that mean someone that desires to have more someone that loves money more than God extortioners Christian extortioners what's an extortionist someone says I know something about you if you give you some money I won't tell that's extortion that's trying to steal for mother it Sal said anything if you give me some money blackmailing maybe that's something that Christians should never do extortioners but there's also people that claim to be Christians that are extortionists people that say hey you better give an offering and they try to extort it out of you make you force you to give an offering in the church I was in a church one time and the man got up there was the guest speaker and the pastor said now we're gonna have the guest speaker tonight give the offering and so the pastor stood up in the pulpit he is when we need exactly seventeen hundred dollars tonight for such-and-such he said I'm gonna start low who in this church will give $20 toward the offering raise your hand and he took a little girl about seven years old and gave her a little bag and he said honey whenever they raise your hand you go right to him and you take their money I've never seen an offering taking like that I was just like this this isn't good this can't go well well people would raise their hand and then they everyone would look to see who's raising their hand and everyone would see who gave so much and who gave so much they says now who'll give $50 $50 raise your hand well by that time people were saying well I want to be seen I want people to see why I'm gonna get fifty and so I'm gonna take it and then she'd taken to him he pulled out he'd start counting it in front of the church and they said now who'll give $100 the people were kind of like looking around and kind of the richest people in the church they'd like to be seen kind of said put their hand up a little more confidently with a hundred dollar bill in it what does that do well it doesn't the Bible say you're not supposed to let your right hand know what your left hand is doing hmm then the Bible say you should give not of constraint and here this man was constraining extorting people and then get to the end he's like well we only have 1400 so we've got to get another 300 so we're not leaving until we get that so who's gonna give some more it was the most uncomfortable service I've ever been in we've set there I just wanted to get up and walk out I said this is sick you're supposed to give an offering you're supposed to trust God to give you what you need not try to extort people the way this man was doing rose needless to say I've never been to a service with that man again and they never will I don't think he knew God from a watermelon now they seem like all you cared about was money but it says in verse 10 a covetous extortioner or a dollar term what's the dollar turn some of the worships idols but it doesn't have to be a little piece of stone or gold or silver you can make idols out of people and out of other things some people their idols are our television the one-eyed monster other people their idols are fishing or hunting or boating or whatever they put in front of God that's an idol and then verse 11 again it says fornicator or covetous I dogs are a what's a someone that just rails on people just chews people out as angry and yells and screams at others or a drunkard we should stay away from drunkards huh I don't like drunks I was never around drunks near in my life when I went to high school we took a trip to Mexico and in the Spanish club and that was probably the first time in your life I ever saw a drunk just how people act when they drunk is just like wow I don't want to be like that and it was funny I remember eyes looking at this drunk and he'd say the funniest things and I just laugh because it was so funny I was like why that's what it does to you that and then I just was disgusted why do people get drunk it's wrong or a drunkard so we're supposed to stay away from drunkards regulars covetous idolaters fornicators extortioners we're not even to eat with them the Bible says which is what Christians like to do a lot Christians love to go out to eat with one another especially after church that's the first thing they do they go out to eat first well for what have I to do with to do to judge them also that are without do not ye judge them that are within but them that are without God judges therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person now look at that verse 13 that wicked person the whole chapter is about that man doing what he's doing in verse 1 that man who is fornicating and having sex with his father's wife so the whole context of chapter 5 is not only fornication but the act of adultery but he says commonly there's fornication among you and he mentions drunkenness I wonder what wine well we've looked at how idolatry is always connected with fornication but drunkenness as well is connected with fornication people get drunk and first thing they do is start taking off their clothes having sex with one another extortion you can extortion someone have sex with you and sometimes that happens I hope that doesn't happen in the church Railly other things so the whole chapter is talking about fornication adultery and Paul says I'm judging he says here in verse 13 but then then without God judgeth therefore put away from among yourselves that we could person who were they that were without he says but then they're without God judgeth therefore that means the lost people without of the church looking in look into that church in Corinth SEC what a bunch of stinking fornicators you know there's a guy in there that sex with his mom his mother-in-law our stepmom or whatever it was his father's wife that's sick well do you think you'll ever win those kind of people in Lourdes well they're looking at the church going that's I'll think so so Paul's writing is just practical stuff it's just practical stuff hey say hey take that guy kick him out so the lost people look at you and say at least you're decent cuz right now you're protecting a known adulterate ER and the world's looking at you and saying what a bunch of weirdos when they ought to be looking at you is saying wow they hold the key to eternal life they tell us how to be safe so Christ is our Passover he sacrificed for us verse 7 and that's what it all ties back to all forgiveness is through Jesus Christ somebody you're watching this maybe you're an adult stranger or a fornicator if you're saved it's under the blood move on don't do it again when I pastored a church here when I was in Bible School I back to their church for about five or six months and the guy that took over the church after me because I couldn't stay there it was just too hard going to Bible School and being a pastor of a church god it took over a kind of a scary story he years ago cheated on his wife and he got a disease and he came home had sex with his wife and gave his wife the disease as well well I tell you that that would be rough wouldn't it so he had a sexually transmitted disease that he picked up and he transmitted it to his law what a horrible thing well kind of like the exact same story here the church tried to kick him out and they did but he got right with God and his wife I don't know why but she did too and she forgave him and together they both have that disease but together they're serving the Lord but what a testimony I'll never forget that about those people and I'm sure there's a lot of lost people I'll never forget that either he's gonna have to deal with that and live with that for the rest of his life but yet it's under the blood so he can move on and serve God but I'll always be remembered is that one guy that gave his wife the STD just like this guy here in Corinth will always remember it is that one guy who slept with his father's wife so that's why it's so good to flee fornication to get away from sin and don't do it because after you do it that's always gonna be on you Christ might forgive it but the world won't Christ might put on the blood and forget it but the world never forgets so I guess we'll stop there we went through the entire book of chapter a entire chapter of 1st Corinthians chapter 5 and a lot of interesting stuff there and much of it has to do with fornication and adultery so we'll start in chapter 6 next time and it kind of ties in with chapter 5 a little bit of it has to do with a lot of things but it also talks about some other things as well but of course the context is still fornication 613 a body is not for fornication so we'll close there thank you for watching come back next time in the cloud church not Orkut when we go verse by verse through our Bible study and hopefully we'll be able to finish up first Corinthians real soon thank you and God bless
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 10,481
Rating: 4.8585858 out of 5
Keywords: First Epistle To The Corinthians (Religious Text), 1 Corinthians 5, Religion (TV Genre), Bible Study, Pauline Epistles, Verse by Verse Bible Study, 1 Corinthians, king james bible
Id: Q5uza6oQvW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 33sec (2613 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2015
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