1 Corinthians 6:1 to 20

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welcome back to the cloud Church I'm Robert breaker today we're going verse by verse through the epistles of Paul and continuing our verse-by-verse Bible study and we're in first Corinthians chapter 6 so we'll begin in chapter 6 and verse 1 of first Corinthians take a King James Bible with me if you will and let's go through there and we're remembering in context what we were talking about in chapter 5 and in chapter 5 we were talking about the sin of fornication the sin of fornication and in chapter 5 verse 1 we found a guy that was so evil that he was actually having sex with his father's wife he was fornicating with her now she was married to his father that she was adulterating and what she did but he who probably was single was committing fornication with her in fall says setzer one should be taken away from among you I'm looking at verse 2 of chapter 5 and in 1st Corinthians chapter 5 verse 13 Paul says but them that are without God judges therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person so the Apostle Paul is saying look there shouldn't be any fornication in the church not me and there's a man in your church that's not only a fornicator he's so bad that he's sleeping with his father's wife he said separate from that me to kick him out get rid of him well as we trust' start chapter 6 we're gonna see that the context is SIL the context of fornication but it's also talking a little bit more about law and we're gonna see here that it's talking about the Gentile law we do our Christians should not go to law to the secular world and ask them hey judge between us because the Gentile law was a bunch of unsaved people at least in the time of Paul and we'll see in a second that he calls them the unjust so we when were Christians there's something we should never do we should never go to the secular courts and say hey we need you to settle between us I think in fact according to the Bible we are supposed to settle things in the church if a brother has a problem with another bro in the church we settle it we don't go to the lost devils court system world with unsaved people in charge and said hey you settle this you see the Bible is God's Word and we're to follow it one thing that's interesting to me is how you look at Muslims and how they have their Sharia law well it's interesting how they can do whatever they want as long as it's in Sharia law but a Christian oh no you're under our law the world says wait a minute whose law are we under well under the Bible we're not under the law of the Old Testament anymore but we do have the New Testament the New Testament is our book that tells us how to live and as we read chapter six we're going to see it tells us how to judge among ourselves in the church and so it's interesting how the world will look at Muslims and tolerate them and let them do whatever they want under Sharia law but when a Christian stands up well says well I can't do that because the Bible says less and so they say shut up you're under our law why are the Muslims Sharia law an exception shouldn't Bible law be an exception as well why is it they can go out and cut people's heads off and do their honor killings and things like that and and they don't go to jail and yet a Christian can't follow the Word of God I don't understand so it doesn't make sense we have a book that tells us how to judge ourselves and that's what we should do so first Corinthians chapter 6 verse 1 says dare any of you having a matter against another go to law before the unjust and not before the Saints so Paul says why are you going to the lost Gentiles and they rob law what is their law their law was the law of Rome because they were under the Roman Empire which by the way is internet interesting because today we have the International Criminal Court in Rome that claims to be an international law place the time of Jesus and the time of the early apostles there was what's called the Roman Empire and all the laws were Roman laws well here we are at the very end of the church age here's the rapture and guess what up shows the ICC in Rome the International Criminal Court of Rome Rome was in power in the time of Jesus and the Apostles and roms trying to be in power again day so do we go to Rome and say hey you judge over us know when we're Christians we should judge in the church so chapter 6 and verse 1 there anyone of you having a matter against another go to law before the unjust and not before the Saints do you not know that the Saints shall judge the world and if the world should be judged by you are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters matters so here we have something interesting he says that a Saints the Christians shall judge the world well after the rapture and this right here is the rapture we have the time period called the tribulation in which the Antichrist will rule back comes Jesus Christ that Armageddon I think there's two cheese there and then he'll rule and reign for a thousand years in the Millennium when is it that we that are Christians going to judge the world at the end of the millennium the Bible says God's gonna destroy everything and he's going to take you everybody that's in hell and judge them at the great white throne of judgment so when is it exactly that we that are Christians going to rule and and judge the world well when we go up at the rapture up to heaven we get what's called a glorified body when we come down at Armageddon we come down in our glorified bodies then we get to judge and rule on this world there'll be people that make it through this tribulation time and then we'll actually live in this world and they're glorified in their natural bodies excuse me but all the way you are saved and come back with Jesus we'll be in our glorified bodies what will we be doing Bible says we'll be kings and priests will be ruling with him I imagine we'll be judging over these people that are in their natural bodies so maybe that's what it's talking about Saints shall judge the world or maybe they can be talking about the great white throne of judgment when all these lost people give account to God at the final judgment maybe we they're Christians we'll be up there watching and helping God do the judging I don't know but what an interesting statement no you not it says do you not know that the Saints shall judge the old and if the world should be judged by you are you not excuse me are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters so in the church we should judge we should never go to a lost criminal court or even a lost civil court and ask them to judge when we're Christians Christians are so so judge other Christians just like the Muslims Sharia law that's their law that's what they want to do in a lot of times they say well our law Trump's the law of the land many Muslims don't believe in the Constitution of the United States of America and so many Muslims do their Sharia law and ignore the laws of money but yet Christians which ought to be the same our laws the Bible we should follow the Bible no most Christians they'll throw the Bible out and go to the law first it doesn't make sense so let's start over chapter 6 verse 1 there any of you having a matter against brother go to law before the unjust and not before the Saints follow saying do you do you go to this instead of going to the church into the Bible need not know that the Saints shall judge the world and if the world should be judged by you are you not are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters you see we there are Christians we're supposed to judge in the church let's go Matthew chapter 16 here's what Jesus was talking about over here in Matthew chapter 16 Matthew 18 Matthew 18 I said Matthew 16 excuse me go to Matthew chapter 18 and this is Jesus speaking and telling us what should happen in the church you see we as Christians do not need to go to the call the police and go to the court system we need to settle things within the church so Matthew chapter 18 verse 15 it says moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone if he shall hear thee thou hast gained thy brother but if he will not hear they even take with each one or two more that is in the mouth of every two or three witnesses let every word may be established and if he shall neglect to hear them tell it to the church but I think neglect to hear the church let him be unto thee as a heathen man and a publican so when you come together in the church if Christians have something against each other and in Oz you don't call the police you know go to the court and say I thought charges get so-and-so you go to the church you go to him first and say look I felt like you defraud me and such and such and the guy got whatever then you come back with two or three and you talk it over if the guy says no then you say okay we need to talk this out and if you won't come to the church and settle this matter then you're Republican in the heathen you're out of the church we want nothing to do with you that's the way God set it up that the church should rule itself that the church should judge itself not go to a secular unsaved unjust system and say hey will you guys judge between us who's the head of the church God who's the head of this well it's probably Satan my dad used to always call it the devil's court system the devil has unsaved people in the court system and a lot of times there's people that they go to jail that are innocent they haven't done anything there's a lot of abuse and power the old saying is power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely you go in any court system in America and you'll see a woman holding balances and she's covered up her eyes are covered up with a blindfold they call it blind justice why as justice is blind it doesn't always judge correctly so back to first Corinthians chapter 6 in the church Christians are supposed to judge each other according to the Word of God in the church and not go to the unsaved of the unjust that's what Paul's talking about here so he says in verse 2 do you not know that the Saints shall judge the world and if the world should be judged by you are young or early to judge the smallest matters no you're not that we shall judge angels how much more things that pertain to this life did you see that verse says Christians will one day judge angels way back here before the law way back over here was the flood and there were some fallen angels and God locked them up we read about that in Peter so they're down here and the Bible says someday we Christians we're gonna judge angels what'll that be he probably at the great white throne the judgment when God pulls those fallen angels out and so this is down in the heart of the earth it's some day so they're not interesting we they're Christians according to verse 2 who shall judge world we're also going to judge angels so if that's the case then why would we go to a lost secular court system full of unsaved people and ask them to judge us that's what the Apostle Paul is asking in verse 4 if then you have judgments of things pertaining to this life to set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church so the Apostle Paul says take those in the church that are least esteemed don't take the most popular or the richest person in the church and ask them to judge take them guy that sits in the corner then talk much but loves God and knows the Bible the meekest Quietus guy say you come over and you judge almost sounds like a like a jury system doesn't it and it says let him judge verse 5 it says I speak to your shame is it so that there is not a wise man among you no not one that should be able to judge between his brethren but verse 6 but brother goeth to law with brother and that before the unbelievers so Paul says this court system of Rome is full of unbelievers and their unjust and their unsaved he says we do not need this we do not need them to judge over us he says we need the church to judge almost sounds like the Sharia law under Sharia law they don't want anything to do with the law of the land of the country they live in they want to govern themselves under Sharia law ok well that's true that I'm a Christian and I want the same thing I want to govern myself under the Bible and now I have anything to do with the laws around me it's all what the Bible tells me so why is it when a Christian tells well the Bible says this and this and this that they get attacked you know like there's a story in the news not too long ago though about a Christian bakery and the Christian bakery some homosexuals came in and says you have to bake us a cake and they said well we don't want to make a cake we don't believe in homosexuality we have a book that tells us we can't well guess what the law not involved it wants to put those Christians in jail and it's saying you're intolerant you're bigoted you're this you're that well what and yet you to tolerate the Muslims which in their books say you can do honor killings and you can behead people and you can do it doesn't make sense if Sharia law is freedom for them to worship the way they want then the Bible is freedom for us to worship the way we want it's just that simple and according to the Bible we should judge each other in the church it says but brother goeth the law with brother on that before the unbelievers pasa that's wrong now therefore verse 7 there is utterly a fault among you because you go to law one with another why do you not rather take wrong why do you not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded the Apostle Paul says why do you want to go to the unsaved unjust unbelievers and say we want you to rule over us why don't you want God to rule Aviv and that's that's the way it is a lot of people think that's bothers me the most is when people claim to be Christians and yet they'll go to the law I give to another Christians I got a letter in the mail one time by another Christian it was a cease and desist order he went to a a lawyer and tried to use the secular law against me he had no right to do that he actually said cease and desist translating the Bible into Spanish well hey I can do whatever I want I can translate Bible and Portuguese if I knew Portuguese I probably could who was he and tell me that I couldn't do that well he was going and gets the scripture he was trying to go to the lost a nun unjust unbelievers and try to get them to do something against me and and judge so I had to get a Christian lawyer and you know what I never heard anything back he was just a scare tactic scare technique he was trying to steal my work and the work of our church in Mexico so it's just sad though that person claims to be a Christian and then yet they do that another sad sad sad thing it's how a Christian can claim to be a Christian but then go and divorce their husband or divorced their wife the Bible says what God had put together let no man we've got to join together let no man put asunder marriage is for life matter of fact you make a vow when you get married until death do us part so how can a person who claims to be a Christian go to the sick the world and say I don't want to be married to that person anymore that's not their business this should never be divorce and yet Christians are so quick to throw the Bible out and run to the world as long as they get what they want and so Paulo saying this is awful this is why do you rather take wrong why do you not suffer yourselves to be defrauded verse 8 nay you'd be wrong in defraud and that your brother now what is the defrauding here we're going to learn in chapter 7 that there's a defrauding in connection of people being married that frauding themselves from their wives of their husband so this is a different to frauding when I think of this I almost think it means that maybe someone stole something from someone else so if you're in the church and you love other Christians and then another Christian comes along and steals let's say a hundred dollars from you give him a hundred dollars as a loan and then he lies he takes the money he says no he never gave me that well you could go to the secular court system and say this man is a robber but if you do that think about what you're doing he claims to be Christian now the secular world goes all those Christians are horrible they're a bunch of Thieves so you've ruined your testimony in his so what does the Bible say we just read in Matthew 18 you're supposed to go to the church present to the church I gave this guy $100 he lied and said I didn't I believe he's stealing from me and then the guy can either get right saying you're right I'm sorry I apologize what she should do or he can continue to say no I did not I did not I did not and so you come with witnesses and if he to the very end is unrepentant and guess what he should leave the church he should be kicked out and see how everything was taken care of and judge within the church and there's no reason to get the Gentile unsaved court systems involved because they're not of God you see the church has a head what is the head of the church God as actually it's Jesus so if Jesus is the head of the church - the church is to be judged by God so Christians are to judge other Christians in the church why would you come over here and ask unbelievers to judge that's like letting them come into the church and do whatever they want and that's not what God wants so suffer yourself to be defrauded so if somebody stole $100 from me and never gave it back then I say okay well I guess I just suffer myself to be defrauded you know they defraud of Jesus they took everything from him even his very life so I guess a hundred dollars isn't much I'll leave it in God's hands let God judge you you man that stole for me I went to church one time the pastor told me he says we want you to stay longer and if you do I'll pay your ticket and now remember that ticket for me and my wife to stay longer in that church was 300 bucks and I paid for it and to this day I'm still waiting for him to send me a check for $300 for the price of that ticket because he told me from his mouth brother you stay here longer I'll pay your ticket he said you go ahead and buy it and I will send you the money and to this day he has now what should I do should I go and call the police should I ask a judge and take him to civil court and say I want my $300 or should I do as the Bible says suffer myself to be defrauded well I've suffered myself to be defrauded and I looked at that as $300 I'll never see and you don't give account to God someday the judgment the judgment seat of Christ you know for the $300 he was supposed to send me that he never did that's between him and God I just suffer myself to be the front the last thing I want to do is drug in unbelievers and get them involved in something like that per se nay you do wrong and defraud and that your brother yes he did wrong he defrauded me oh well there's nothing I can do about it he's in God's hands now I'll let God take care of it verse 9 now you know not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God be not deceived neither fornicators senior chapter 5 is all about fornication neither fornicators neither idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves with mankind so the Bible's going through here and it's talking about certain sins verse 10 there more but look at the word that was used in verse 9 shall not inherit the kingdom of God we looked at this before but when you are alive in the church age whatever you do for gee you can get an inheritance before so if you do for Jesus then you'll get something for it you'll get some rewards in heaven when you get those rewards will up here it's called the judgment seat of Christ and we've looked at that before so what you do for the Lord you can get rewarded for see a Christian can't go to heaven but a Christian can lose rewards when he sins and so the reason we live for Jesus and do for Jesus is to get rewards in heaven let's look at a couple verses on that and go to Colossians chapter 3 and verse 23 Colossians 3:23 tells us about this inherent inheritance that a Christian can get in heaven Colossians 3:23 what so ever you do you do it heartily as to the Lord and not unto me knowing that of the Lord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance for you serve the Lord Christ but he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he had done and there is no respect of persons so they that of the Lord shall receive the inheritance and it says for you serve so when you serve Jesus as a Christian the more you serve him the more rewards he'll give you in heaven but if you don't serve Jesus Christ then you'll lose rewards now there's a lot of verses that talk about that but let's look let's look at Ephesians chapter 5 real quick one more feed in chapter 5 in verse 2 through 5 in verse 2 and walk in love as Christ also hath loved us and have given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling savour but fornication well that's what we're talking about in the chapter 5 in chapter 6 of first Corinthians it's the first thing mentioned but fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness let it not be met once named among you that becoming Saints neither filthiness nor foolish talking nor jesting which are not convenient but rather giving of thanks from this you know that no whoremonger nor unclean person nor covetous man who is an idolater have any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God now notice if a person is a Christian he does that it doesn't mean that he's not saved he can be saved and do that we looked at that in Chapter five that this man that was sleeping with his mother's wife in for second Corinthians you saw that he got right he repented and we saw that he wasn't lost they gave his flesh over to Satan for the destruction of ice but his spirit is saved his soul is saved so what is it talking about this inheritance well we serve Jesus here we get those rewards in heaven and we're down here in the Millennium will have these rewards some of them will be a crown there's crowns that you can get for serving Jesus gold silver precious stones and in in this Millennial Kingdom you can have things and serve God and it'll be your inheritance so let's go back to 1st Corinthians chapter 6 so what I'm trying to say is the more you do for Jesus the more rewards you'll get in heaven more Vergil having glory and I think people will see them when you're on the money and they'll say wow he served the Lord but the more you do for the flesh the less you'll have in heaven so let's get back to chapter 9 I'll begin at verse 9 first Corinthians 6:9 it says know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God so they'll have no inheritance be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves with mankind now I'm in verse 10 nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God so you can be saved and guilty of those things but if you do you won't have an inheritance you won't have any rewards but you know what you shouldn't do those things when you're saved you don't want to do those things now what are those things well it tells us some sins in verse 9 the first sin is fornication don't be a fornicator well we just saw in chapter 5 there was a guy that was a fornicator but he was still saved so what did he lose he didn't lose his salvation Christian can't go to hell because a Christian has the Holy Spirit inside of them and the Holy Spirit can't go to hell what did he lose well he lost some rewards in heaven when it says neither idolaters if you're a Christian you should not worship idols why because Jesus Christ is God and those little things that they worship weren't idols nor adulterers if you're a Christian you should not adulterate and then it says nor effeminate nor effeminate hmm what is effeminate it's a man acting like a woman there's you know that's a sin in the Bible did you know it's a sin for a man to act like a woman see this isn't exactly talking about homosexuality this is talking about a man just acting like a woman and when you look at a homosexual man that is what it's doing he their sin according to the Bible as the sin of sodomy that God hates but he's also when he goes around talks like a woman you see that homosexuals they have they have the the movements of a woman oh come on and things like that that's the way limp-wristed they call it that's the way a woman would have it why would a man act like a woman there is a sin of being effeminate if you're a man you should act like a man according to the Bible there are men though that dress like women and in Deuteronomy chapter 22 and verse 5 the Bible tells us that dressing like a man dressing like a woman or a woman dressing like a man is something that God hates so a man to be a man in yet dress as a woman is to be effeminate and it's sin it wrongly 22:5 says the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto the woman neither show man put on a woman's garment for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord by God it's an abomination to God for a man to wear that which would pertain it to a woman and vice versa I mean remember after I got saved my friend asked me to to come to his high school and they were having a drag contest at his high school I didn't really know what that is so I went and oh my goodness like eight or ten and the boys of the senior class dressed up like women and the crowd voted on which one of these boys was the best-looking woman and they had on the wigs and the makeup and the dresses and I remember sitting there going this is disgusting this is gross a man should never dress like a woman and a woman should never dress like a man it's confusion it's something God hates and what it leads to is homosexuality eventually now according to the Bible homosexuality is something that God calls an abomination let's go over to Leviticus chapter 20 now once again let me remind you I'm not giving my opinion I'm just reading this book if you don't like what this book says you're entitled to your opinion but this is what God says in Leviticus chapter 20 and let's start at verse 10 versed in the man that committed adultery with another man's wife even he that committeth adultery with his neighbor's wife the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely surely be put to death in the old testament and we are not in the Old Testament anymore the act of adultery was guilty I made you guilty of the death penalty so if you've been adultery that was a capital offense verse 11 the man that live with his father's wife have they covered her neck and if both of them shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them well that's interesting we read of that in chapter 5 of first Corinthians a man laying with his father's wife was he put to death no why because you're under needs of grace in the church age not under the law now there are some things about to read it's not it's still under the law so I don't want you to think that I'm saying you can kill people that do this today I'm not saying that but I am saying like what it is according to the Bible God says it's abomination Leviticus 20 and verse 12 but if a man lied with his daughter in law both of them should Berlitz surely be put to death they have wrought confusion their blood shall be upon them now watch this if a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman both of them have committed an abomination and they shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them so if there's something that God hates and it's called an abomination well if you're wrong you're 20 to 5 we read it was an abomination to God for a man to wear woman's clothing and vice versa it's an abomination to God here for a man to lie with a man or a woman to lie with a woman in a sack a sexual act of homosexuality or sodomy but notice there are two different things being effeminate doesn't mean you've committed sodomy and there are people that commit sodomy that aren't effeminate so they're two very different distinct sins but they are abominations according to Bible Leviticus chapter 18 Leviticus chapter 18 just give me a couple verses here about what the Bible says Leviticus 18:22 thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind it is abomination so this is talking about the sexual act of sodomy and God calls it an abomination if you don't believe that that's fine but that's just simply what this book says so if you want to please God don't do that if you don't care you don't believe in God do whatever you want but according to the Bible it was at one time a capital offense under the law and it was an abomination then under the law it's still an abomination today to God it's not something that God wants people to do verse 23 either she'll die align with any beast and about myself therewith neither shall any woman stand before beasts to lie down there and to it is confusion if I'll not you yourselves an either think of these things for in all these things the nations are defiled which I cast out before you and the land is defiled therefore I do visit the iniquity therefore abundant and the land itself vomited out in her inhabitants so God says not only a person that does such a thing is defiled but even the very land is defiled when people begin to do that that's why there's a lot of people on YouTube today that are saying that the judgment of God is about to fall on America because America elect many other countries in the world is openly and brighte embracing homosexuality and homosexuals well as a Bible believer all I can do is just tell what the Bible says about it you either believe it or you don't and all I can do is personally say I don't want to be a part of that so I have to separate myself now what happens if the law says no you have to do certain things then we've got a problem I have to choose the Bible over the law of the land well thankfully there's no longer land that says you have to partake in homosexual acts you have to practice sodomy and that never happened I don't know what I do I just have to kill myself or leave this country but right now the law is you can't talk against homosexuals or toast hate speech and supposedly the law is hate speech is you attacking them and putting them down and calling them names and such as that now I've called no one a name all I've done is said there is a book that claims to be the book of God called the Bible and it says things about homosexuality and we've looked at the verse and what the verses said so I didn't give my opinion or anything like that about homosexuality all I did was show you what the Bible said about it and Bible does give the opinion of God God thinks it's an abomination that people do commit homosexuality now back to first Corinthians chapter sin chapter 6 first Corinthians chapter 6 and verse 9 may not deceived neither fornicators adulterers adulterers or effeminate these are all things that God hates and he's actually killed people in the Old Testament for committing these sins nor abusers of themselves with mankind the end of verse 9 says some people I've heard take that abusers of themselves with mankind and they say that's the only verse in the Bible it talks about masturbation because it's abusing yourself I don't know if that's what it's talking about abusing themselves of mankind sounds more like homosexuality the sin of committing sodomy so there's some questions about what does that verse actually saying abusers of themselves with mankind but it's there mentioned with sexual sins like fornication adulteration adultery and if being effeminate usually leads to committing that sin of sodomy there's a famous man in the news today I won't mention his name who was a man they actually won Olympic medals as a male Olympic athlete and now he is completely a woman he has changed completely girl his hair out long he looks like a woman talks like a woman and people are congratulating saying hey what what a wonderful man well is that wonderful that's that's effeminate that's what he didn't season that he might not be homosexual he might have never committed the act of sodomy but he's a man who wants to be a woman he's effeminate what does the Bible say about that I think you know verse 10 nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God now verse 9 says shall not inherit the King of God and then verse 10 the in tells us that these type of people shall not inherit the kingdom of God what does that means that means they'll have no inheritance when they make it in here in their glorified bodies that doesn't mean that they're lost verse 11 and such were some of you but you're washed but you were sanctified but you're justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the spirit of our God I love that verse but such were some of you so no longer the the idea is when we're Christians we should no longer do any of these things so what is it we shouldn't do well we're Christians we shouldn't fornicate we shouldn't I'd altar 8 verse 9 we shouldn't worship idols we shouldn't be effeminate we shouldn't abuse ourselves of any kind we shouldn't eat these or shouldn't be covetous we shouldn't be drunkards we shouldn't be revilers it shouldn't be a extortioners 10 different things interesting tens the number of the Gentiles 10 different things that we shouldn't do when we're Christians and you know it's not hard to not do those things that's easy in such word notice the didn't Mitch mentioned lying now revilers someone that talks back to other than yells I don't know stuff but that's easy to not do those things and I don't do those things he's a Christian I don't want to do those things and it says such were some of you so they were that way before but not now and as Christians all that should be past all that behind us it says all things are lawful unto me I'm in verse 12 but all things are not expedient all things are lawful for me but I will not be brought under the power of any back to verse 11 and such were some of you but you are three things you're washed sanctified and just by I like that we are washed we are sanctified we are justified we are washed in what in his blood when you're saved you're washed in the blood you're sanctified what does that mean it means to be made holy when you're saved you're made holy that means your sins all your sins are paid for past present future when you're justified that's just if you've never sinned just if I've never seen when God looks at you he doesn't see sins he sees that blood he shed on the cross of Calvary so it's the blood that takes care of all those sins now there's people today that believe well you can lose your salvation well if you can lose your salvation then I guess Jesus has to die again on the cross and shed his blood over no sir he died once that blood is sufficient for all sins past present and future so Jesus Christ blood paid for all sins now it says all things I'm in verse 12 are lawful unto me but all things are not expedient all things are lawful for me but I will not be brought under the power of any verse 13 meats for the belly and the belly four meats but God shall destroy both it and them so there are things that he can eat but he's and and there's a context here I won't go into this but it's talking about meats for the belly and belly's for me in in those times in the Old Testament they had what they called sacrifices for idols and so back here and the times of the Romans they'd have this little you know little idols sitting there and you go and you put a sacrifice to an idol so you put down food and we'll see and I believe it's in chapter 11 our first Corinthians where it talks a little bit more about the the meat sacrificed to idols make sure I got that right nope to find out I know it's in Romans 14 that talks about that but if you sacrifice meat to idols the question is is that meat good to eat and the answer is yes yes meats for the belly in the village for meeting God shall destroy both it and then you can eat that meat you go to India today they do this they take out good food and they put it before their idols you know what the poor people do the poor people come around at night and grab the food need it so yes you can eat that food and if you're a Christian you can eat food that's sacrificed to an idol especially if you didn't know it was because those are nothing God shall destroy them they're evil now verse 14 I know I didn't finish verse 13 thirteen meets for the belly and the belly for meats but got some books destroy both it and them now the body is not for fornication but for the Lord and the Lord for the body so over and over and over again Paul says don't fornicate fornication is sin you're a Christian you shouldn't do it in Chapter five he says there is fornication among you verse one he says in verse 11 not to keep company with a man or the brother who is called a fornicator now we're here in verse 9 he says be not deceived neither fornicators and in the context he's saying neither fornicators shall inherit no inheritance and then here again he says in verse 13 the body is not for fornication now you have to be blind to not see that Paul is saying don't fornicate Paul does not want Christians to live in fornication so what does he want he wants them to get married and have sex having sex is not sin what is saying is when you do it outside of the way that God told you to and God told you to have sex in the marriage relationship get married to one person for life and only have sex with them and then it's right and you should do right it's fun to do right but if you do it wrong it might be fun but the Bible says it's send for a season I believe it's over in Hebrews it says sin is pleasurable first season it might be fun for a little while but eventually you'll feel bad make sure that your conscience gets you eventually you'll find out you have sexually transmitted disease or you'll have a bastard child that you've got to take it I mean so many things that come along with this sin I've met people at fornicated and I like to ask him are you sorry in 99% of the time all the people have fornicated I always told me I'm sorry I wish I'd done it God's Way and got married and stayed together till death did us part so the body is not for fornication but for the Lord verse 13 in the Lord for the body verse 14 and God had boast raised up the Lord and will also raise up us by his own power so God raised up the Lord so Jesus Christ's body rose again from the grave so here's the grave and Jesus Christ's body was put here well Jesus body rose again and when we die if we die we go down here and our body will be in the grave and guess what at the rapture it will rise again or let's say we live to the very end we don't die then we'll be glorified with the natural body we'll go up to have it so according to the Bible Jesus Christ hath risen from the dead by his own power and I like that Jesus Christ rose again by his own power Father Son first back in John someplace where Jesus says I have power to lay down my life and I have power to pick it up again and that power proves that Jesus Christ is God because only God has that power we in our natural bodies we can't do that only God could do something like that verse 15 know you not that your bodies are the members of Christ shall I then take the members of Christ and make them the members of a harlot god forbid now here we see a word showing up harlot why if you mentioned this word harlot and what is a harlot harlot is the Old English term for prostitute also a a is someone that they'll do it just to do it not even for money but a harlot and a prostitute they do it for money today we have a word ma'am is it right to fornicate no is it right to do it for money a thousand times no according to the Bible God says we should not take our bodies and join them to a harlot but yet according to chapter five and verse one in his reported commonly that there is fornication among you so because he mentions a cartlett it sounds like the fornication take place in this church isn't just a man and a woman shacking up together it's actual so-called Christians going to houses and paying for it Paul says that ain't something that we're supposed to do 15 no you not that your bodies are the members of Christ shall I then take the members of Christ and make them the members of a harlot god forbid god forbid verse 16 what know you not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body for to say if he shall be one flesh so when a man and a woman come together and join their bodies together they become one at that time when they separate they're no longer one but when you're married you become one flesh and you always come together just you to nobody else here one flesh but when you come to a harlot you're joined then you separate somebody else comes to join somebody else you're not married when you have sex I knew someone sometime a famous preacher that says all marriage is just flesh on flesh so according to that famous preacher sex was just people coming together and having sex he called that marriage is that true is that what marriage is with all marriage is just flesh on flesh than fornication is marriage is that true no adultery is marriage because adultery is flesh on flesh is that marriage no homosexuality homosexual act of sodomy is flesh on flesh is that marriage no how about rape is rape marriage are you married to someone when they rape you No Oh what about bestiality is that marriage because that's flesh on flesh no there's the definition in the Bible of marriage is not just flesh on flesh according to the Bible is flesh on flesh in an honorable way and the only way can be honorable is making a vow to God and to each other that this is only us forever with no one else until death do us part in Hebrews chapter 10 papers chapter 10 the Bible says I want to go to Hebrews chapter 10 this is 10 or 11 looking for the verse that says marriage is honorable and all Hebrews 13:4 sometimes I forget the verses Hebrews 13:4 says marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge some mongers what's a whoremonger well a is a woman that puts out for anybody so whoremonger is a man that only lives for going to have sex with other women now what is it Marge is honorable in all and the bed undefiled but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge so obviously adultery and fornication do not make a marriage nor does homosexuality because God called that an abomination and a bestiality God called an abomination so how could that be marriage rape isn't a marriage there was no violent involved one side took from the other what they wanted so these things that are flesh on flesh you can't call those marriage because they're not honorable biblical marriage is honorable act that takes place but it's only when there's been a vow made to God and to each other I've got a book on that McLeod Church or you can go to the I believe we have a bookstore there and find the book what what the Bible says about marriage divorce and remarriage and that is a biblical a book that shows you just from the Bible it's just biblical doctrine this is what marriage is I hope it's a blessing to you so it says or 60 what know you not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body for to say if he shall be one flesh but he that is joined into this lord is one spirit now it's one body when they come together and one flesh but they're not married they're not married but he that has joined into the lord is one spirit so verse 18 says flee fornication every sin that a man doeth is without the body but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body and then it says what I like that verse 19 what know ye not that your body is a temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you which you have of God and ye are not your own for your bought with a price therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are gods so what we have here is the by is your body and we've looked at this before every person has three parts according to first Thessalonians 5:23 we have a body the outward part inside your body is a soul that's what's gonna live forever and either heaven or hell and inside that is the spirit when you're born your spirit is dead there's nothing in it but when you get saved the Bible says you're sealed Ephesians 1:13 with the Holy Spirit of promise so the Holy Spirit comes into you and melds with your soul and you become a new creature of the Bible says now how can that creature go to hell for you to go to hell means the Holy Spirit of God would have to go to hell so when you're saved you're always safe because the Spirit is in you and it's called a spiritual circumcision God cuts the body from the flesh and that new creature is a creature that was going to heaven you can sit in the body but the new creature can't sin that's inside so if you give in to the flesh and do what the body wants God says okay off for the body up to Satan for destruction of the flesh that's why we have to walk in the spirit so we fulfill not the lust of the flesh and what know you not that your body is the temple the Holy Ghost which is in you which you have of God so when you're saved you have God the Holy Spirit inside you so how could you as a Christian with the Holy Spirit living in you go to house and pay money to shack up with a and have sex with her to do that would mean to make God do that because he's inside of you every Christian should think about that that's why a lot of times when Christians commit fornication the first thing I wonder is are they even Christians because the Bible says grieve not the Holy Spirit of God which is in you you see everybody that saved has the Holy Spirit II and when you see things like that when you see a naked woman when you see evil and sin now automatically spirit griefs and it makes you go oh well how could you be Christian and follow through with that there was a man who was a famous pastor actually was the son of a famous pastor and he was a pastor as well and this this young man who was the son of the famous pastor they caught him committing adultery with over 24 women in his church and I say how in the name of God there's a man claiming to be a preacher and saved and yet he's shacking up with 24 different women in his own congregation I don't think a man like that has the Holy Spirit of God I just if he did it once he feels so bad he'd feel horrible probably leave the ministry but to do it over and over and shacking up with 24 different women come on come on that's disgusting so if you have the Holy Spirit inside when you sin you should feel bad when you sin now one thing that's the difference between lost people and save people is that lost people can sin and they don't feel bad about it save people sin I feel horrible because the Holy Spirit inside grieves them it says what know you not that your body is the temple the Holy Ghost which is in you which you have God if you're not your own for your bought with a price therefore glorify God in your body and your spirit which are gods so a lot more stuff we could go into here we talked about what marriage is marriage is honorable I was going to show you some other verses about what the Bible calls the bed of a harlot but note I'm not relating need - according to chapter 6 we saw that it started out talking about don't go to a secular wicked system of law against another Christian but then as we got further into the chapter we saw that in Deen is still talking about fornication in a continuation from chapter 5 so next time we'll look at first Corinthians chapter 7 that I really enjoy and it talks about sex a lot of people what does the Bible talk about sex yeah the Bible has a lot to talk about about sexual intercourse and it tells you when it's wrong fornication and adultery and homosexuality rape and bestiality and it tells you when it's right as a matter of fact in in chapter 7 we're gonna see at first at least the first five chapters he's talking about the right way to have sex and it might be shocking to some people I hope not but if it is it is but there are some rules when it comes to marriage and so Chapter seven are the rules of marriage how you should get married why you should get married and what you should do while you're married and not only does it talk about marriage it talks about a separation and divorce and remarriage so we will look at that next time in 1st Corinthians chapter 7 and I hope this has been a blessing to you I appreciate you coming I hope you come back once again we've got Sunday every Sunday we have a new sermon in English in Spanish we're continuing our verse-by-verse Bible studies and I've started a new series entitled the why I am NOT series why I am NOT a Calvinist when I'm not Catholic well I'm not a Pentecostal go to the cloud church don't work and watch those videos I hope they'll be a blessing to you thank you for watching I'm Robert Breaker see you next time
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 16,987
Rating: 4.645051 out of 5
Keywords: 1 Corinthians 6, First Epistle To The Corinthians (Religious Text), Religion (TV Genre), Bible Study. Pauline Epistles. Verse by Verse Bible Study, 1 Corinthians. king james bible
Id: i9Vgwxd4Jr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 17sec (3077 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2015
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