Job ~ 5:9 to 6:30

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our the book of Job you know I want to show you how good our Father is to us and as much as job he's playing a few I don't want to call it guessing games but you see our Father as you as the as a reader of the book as a student checking out what election means you see he has shown us the supernatural side of what's actually happening I don't want you to lose sight of that because some people if you're not careful you can get off on a poor me baby trip through the book of Job you know what happened Satan came with the sons of God as it was written in the seventh verse of the first chapter in the first two verses of chapter two and Satan was given permission to do everything but take job sole and and God was good wine because God was he loved job and had that much trust in job the job could cut it and I think that you should grow by that it doesn't matter what happens picture yourself in that same position you know that it isn't God that's persecuting job it's Satan and here we got these three buddy buddies that come along and they're they're coming up with all these reasons now job you know God doesn't do something for nothing no God doesn't but Satan will and you you're privy to the fact that it's Satan that is doing it so if you were to lose that thought you'd be in kind of bad shape as as maintaining focus on the subject and the object of this book so just a little pastoral lecture there to begin it's it's it's important that you focus on that you know Satan is causing this and you're going to have friends that are going to approach you and give you all sorts of advice also in life I hope you learned discernment along with tests okay well LFA is he keeps I mean he's ratchet Joe and right along here he does make one pretty good statement in verse eight I would seek unto God and into God would I commit my cause but it's done a little bit as a farce because he said you know God is correcting you why don't you hold still for it repent job hadn't done anything to repent for verse 9 of this chapter were chapter 5 a word of wisdom from our Father let's go with it as this good friend continues dressing old job down trying to find his problems verse 9 and it reads which doeth great things and unsearchable marvelous things without number and God does God there he's got an arsenal of blessings for those that follow him but he happens to be teaching us a lesson here verse 10 who giveth reign upon the earth and send us waters upon the fields man doesn't have to be there man has no part of it that's kind of the way he's opening this up God's in control that part is true but remember also the advantage you have in this generation you are privy to what's happening to job and yet at the same time you're familiar as time and the chronological order of events Christ has given us power over Satan so we don't have to put up with this malarkey today we don't have to call on a bunch of friends we just in the name of Jesus tell him to pack up and go back where he came from period take names and kick dragon so we're fortunate indeed but here we continue listening to something that never quite gets to the point verse 11 to set up on high those that below and that those which mourn may be exalted to safety God can do that but what is actually what does that have to do with Joey hasn't sinned and he certainly wasn't one that was lo he was a very wealthy man verse 12 he disappointed the devices of the crafty so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise I don't have to tell you I hope who he aimed that at I mean he's he's like saying you were really blessed job but you were doing something you might as well admit it there was something crafty here and God stripped you clean well that just isn't the case but again you're privy to the actual facts Satan God is allowing it why because he was so very pleased with Joe and Joe will not let him down Jobe has many things wrong with him job has lost everything but he's not gonna let God down verse 13 he taketh the wise in their own craftiness and the counsel of the froward he carried headlong 14 they meet with darkness in the daytime and grope in the noonday as in the night slippery eels little ol evil people that are always looking to harm somebody sin sin sin 15 but he save it the poor from the sword from their mouth and from the hand of the mighty now that's that's not really a true statement it make a good sermon but if you don't deserve it he won't all right it's what your condition is as to whether God will save you or not whether he'll save you from this that or the other you've got to participate in the IFS I will do that if you see so I mean he's making a good speech and you'll hear sermons preached on it in ignorance but you be wise verse 16 so the poor hath hope and iniquity stoppeth her mouth sin will never stop her mouth as long as you're in the flesh we all fall short Christ was the only perfect one amount around us now verse 17 and we'll summarize this in a moment behold happy is the man whom God corrected therefore despise not thou the chastising of the Almighty what he's saying here is rejoice job you Center you alright he's convicting job and job hasn't done anything now I mean with friends like that who needs enemies what kind of understanding is there in that that's um I mean here he preaches this long sermon and he knows is the way God is it would appear to him the way God has come down on job indeed but you're privy to the fact that it wasn't God it's Satan eighteen for he maketh sore and bind us up he wounded and his hands make hole he corrects it always heals up better than it was before nineteen he shall deliver thee in six troubles yea in seven there shall no evil touch thee you know here we have this numerical set of values mmm and I thought just struck me I think the spirit means we're to go there and if I can have my mind remind me and in Proverbs what what is it in Proverbs [Music] well it kind of escapes me a little bit there but I will will pass on here I think I'll bring it up with a little later point well I'll just I'll just say that it there is a place written that there's six things that God really dislikes those six things and there is seven yet what it is it's that the seventh and the recent seven is brought in if the seven means the one that disallows or causes trouble among the Brethren and here you've got these ratchet jaws that are really causing problems with the Brethren and Dennis is just assisting me here he says that's in proverbs chapter six and we're gonna go to 16 now I'm just gonna read it to you okay proverbs 6 16 because really with that you have the root here of what what's happening alright listen to it in proverbs 6 16 these six things that the Lord hate I said hade the Lord hates it yay 7 or an abomination unto Him the seventh makes the combined with any one of the six makes it in a bomb abomination to God what are they 1 a proud look a lying tongue in hands that shed innocent blood 3 and heart that devises wicked imaginations for feet that be swift and running to mischief 5 somebody just stir in trouble all the time 19 a false witness that speaketh lies boy wouldn't we have some politicians in trouble let me rephrase that we have some politicians that are in trouble God hates a liar and he this is the seventh and this is the one you can combine it with any of the six and he that soweth discord among the Brethren and that's what these three hatchet ratchet jaws are doing is trying they're not helping job one iota why well this is one lesson you want to learn real well God can read job's mind God knows that job is innocent and God can help him these three can't number one they're not even of God's people that they're children of God but they're they're not of Israel basically by that I mean there's certainly not a scholar among them though some are known for wisdom from from one or two of these areas but it's not wisdom of God's Word it's wisdom of the world that won't help you so this falls right back in their lap meaning sowing discord among the brother and a lot of talk and and doesn't solve a problem have you ever listened to somebody talk for an hour and never answer your problem think about it 20 back in Chapter five of the great book of Job the persecuted being the meaning of job in famine he shall redeem thee from death he'll protect you give me something to eat you won't starve and in war from the power of the sword 21 they shall be hid from the scourge of the tongue neither shalt thou be afraid of destruction when he cometh now I'm gonna taste that that's not that's not those are not facts God said you're gonna have trouble I'll quote it from I've first Corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 we're gonna have trouble it doesn't mean that you're gonna be protected from somebody's tongue rattling your cage but that actually he's going to give you a way out or a way that you can withstand alright verse 22 and destruction and famine thou shalt lie at rather destruction and famine thou shalt laugh neither shalt thou be afraid of the beasts of the earth well now stop and take a minute here we're dressing joke down jokes sitting here in sackcloth and ashes so to speak I mean he's lost every child he has he's lost all of his wealth as animals as camels as sheep seven thousand sheep three thousand camels and all of his servants and this guy is saying if you're really with God you'll never have a bad moment come on get with it get a life Elias I mean this this is an insult to job 23 for thou shalt be in league with the stones of the field and the beasts of the field shall be at peace with thee and unfortunately this kind of quote some of the stuff Satan popped off to Christ about when he tempted him in Matthew chapter 4 he has not answered job's problem at all verse 24 and thou shalt know that thy Tabernacle shall be in peace and thou shalt visit thy habitation and shall not sin it's a lie you're reading from the Bible then you call that a lie yeah it's in error that's bad advice but then it didn't come from God let me ask you a question so let's just see how well you have discerned here Satan has been allowed to tear Joe bug so who do you think this vision came from who do you think is leading the words of this entity that's that's I mean cutting job right to the core right to the quick cousin pain I mean he's like saying if if you had followed God like you're supposed to I mean God would have protected you and none of this would have happened well Joe bear still how's that going to help job when job hasn't sinned job if you remembering even pay gave offerings for sins his children might have committed he didn't know whether they had or not but just in case I mean that were not too many people go to that extent to keep themselves and their families pure verse 25 thou shalt know also that this thy seed shall be great and thine offspring is the grass of the earth how do you think that make you sound if you just lost 10 children I mean all at one time how would that make you feel beginning you know what he said he said thou shalt know also that thy seed shall be great well Jobe lost all of his so that means he's not following God's Way but that's not true either so anytime you hear a preacher preaching a sermon on this you know you you you know put Ichabod and ignorant over his head alright if he's if he's saying this is Scripture God will do that as long as you're in the flesh you're gonna fall short otherwise you're gonna some preachers going to turn you into a prideful entity taking a high seat that's headed for a big fall in reality verse 26 thou shalt come to thy grave in full age like as a shock of corn cometh in in his season 27 lo this we have searched it so it is hear it and know about it for thy good we've really talked this over we've come to this conclusion you better listen to us for your own good you better shape up hey job was a ten-time better man than any other job had not sinned Satan's using these and I know some may think I take liberties in making that statement well it doesn't take too bright a person to know what God is using them for and God Himself when he speaks in chapter for deal let you know they're ignorant he says what what are you wasting your time listening to this bunch of fools that don't know what they're talking about is that's plain enough for you God speaks pretty plain so but here they're trying to cram their little we've talked this over and as your friends you'd better listen to it well that's a pretty hard thing to say to a man that's just lost all ten of his children when he lived perfectly I mean you you know put yourself in that position it'd be pretty hard to accept the job did job never renounced God job never said anything bad against God we know it's Satan that's bothering him God has been good enough that he makes us privy to that chapter 6 verse 1 but Jobe answered he's going to give a little answer back here and said oh that my grief were thoroughly wade through Lee Wade and my calamity laid in the balances together there's no greater case or warns I guess he's saying that that my grief if you put it on scales what would tip it the other way I'm sure these three aren't helping it a whole lot okay three four now it would be heavier than the sand of the sea therefore my words are swallowed up it just seems like there is there's nothing that warrants or can give me an excuse for how I feel about my griefs right now well lose ten children and everything you have and be in this shape and know you've really done your best not only have you not sinned or if you did gave offerings for it and your children also and this has happened but let me tell you something what lesson are you to learn from this Satan will do it to you if you let him Satan will tear your life but you don't have to put up with it anymore that's what job is to the the book of Job is for is to teach you though job means persecuted that you do not allow Satan to persecute you or in a sense Christ died on the cross and vain as far as the power and the authority that he placed as far as you're concerned it won't be in vain because there'll be many of us that he has saved and we're sticking with him and we're gonna kick Satan every time we get an opportunity that's one reason Satan keeps his distance he doesn't like warriors that wound him so be careful friend learned the lesson well well I overstate that possibly because we have audiences from brand-new to old timers and I know from experience it's easy to let the mind wonder in listening to the words that you sometimes forget to face reality the facts verse 4 for the arrows of Almighty are within me the poison were of drinketh up my spirit the terrors of God to set themselves in array against me again did y'all do this know do you know who's doing it God is allowing it you didn't why I think it's a I think it's really something that God was so proud of this one man that he knew he knew I mean this is a challenge to Satan he knew Jobe wouldn't crack and Jobe didn't verse 5 death the wild last brain when he hath grass or low Earth the ox under his over his fodder animal creation didn't complain without a cause in other words there's got to be a cause before an animal will complain sex tuck that away can that which is unsavory beaten without salt or is there any taste in the white of an egg can anyone take delight in that that is tasteless and I guess what's going through job's mine I've sure seen some tasteless words coming out of these other mouths verse 7 the things that my soul refused to touch or as my sorrowful meat uninvited Foods in other words this came on me I may not know why verse 8 oh that I might have my request and that God would grant me the thing that I longed for in other words he's lost 10 children his pride and joy aside from the father his quiver is empty he's lost everything he has that I'm sure he feels that his purpose on earth is finished and what he's looking for is death why because he knows that to be absent from this flesh body is to be present with God that's why verse 9 even that it would please God to destroy me that he would let loose his hand and cut me off there's just one thing you got to stay focused on God isn't doing it Satan is and yah expects job to know this he expects job to know it's not God but Satan what does that do it sets you an example today are you a discerner do you know where trouble comes from this is one reason some of you will see me get a little testy sometimes when you say well why did God make me do this God didn't you get your priorities straight or you'll be in trouble all your life verse 10 then should i yet have comfort yay I would harden myself in sorrow a regular little sequel to death okay let him not spare for I have not concealed the words of the Holy One I have not kept the truth of God's Word within me I have used it I have spoken it job is saying and and I haven't said a hard thing against God nor would he good lesson for in eleven hope is my strength that I should hope and what is mine and that I should prolong my life this word for long would be better translated my patience and should my patience prolong my life okay about patience he certainly did you've heard the old saying the patience of Job okay what is this drink to my friend what would keep him from cracking his hope and what is hope hope is the sure and certain knowledge that God will always protect his own he will never leave thee nor forsake thee so you could be patient in that you'll have trouble you will have temptation which means term oh you're gonna have some problems but you can cut it why God knows you can twelve is my strength the strength of stones or is my flesh of brass I'm just a human being verse thirteen some of you when you get down think about this think of these words of Job I mean he got yet a bitter pill not many of you will have to lost this man had thirteen is not my is not my help in me and is wisdom driven quite from me wisdom would be better translated perhaps stability here from the Hebrew and what it's saying here is not my hip my my help within me is like nothing it would sing and but my stability is driven quite from me it seems like there's nothing stable in my life right now there wasn't his children were gone as animals were gone his life was gone and as we learned he was a great one to go out and help people lift them up verse 14 to him that is afflicted pity should be showed from his friend but he pursued for saketh the fear of the Almighty well that are less probably we would be better to say instead of but lest he forsake at the fear of the Almighty I want to read that again to him that is afflicted PD should be showed from his friends his friends are not showing him any pity they're not making any sense at all and job's kind of he's brink coming down on him a little bit here okay they said it friends like you I could I'd be a little afraid that I'd forsake my love for the Almighty with friends like you fifteen my brethren have dealt deceitfully as a brook and as the stream of Brooks that pass away in other words you're like one of these intermittent winter streams that when you really need them and it's hot they dry up and they're gone away that's what you're doing for me he's pretty strong verse sixteen which are blackish by reason of the ice and we're in the snow was hid you know sometimes it's like a desert stream that dries up when you need it most or then it's like one of these that you follow along and it runs underground I mean it disappears many of you that have been out in the desert you've seen it happen a stream will disappear and it goes underground for maybe a quarter of a mile and pop it comes back out or in the wintertime you're like one of those that freezes over and you're no help at all I mean you can't reach the water for 17 what time they wax warm they vanish and when it is hot they are consumed out of their place that's that's the way my friends here are now this is not going to go very well I mean this is pretty pretty powerful medicine so to speak 18 the paths of their way or turn decide they go to nothing and perish what they're saying isn't worth a hill of beans 19 the troops of tema that means the desert looked the company´s of sheba waited for them Shiva being the oaf of 7 or 7 that number again 20 they were confounded because they had hoped they came to the and were ashamed let's say they that trusted even 21 for now we are nothing you see my casting down and are afraid you're like that water course that gets lost and is not fit for anything you see me down and out and you're not doing a thing for me you're like the friend that turned on me as he stated back in in verse 14 20 bring unto me or give a reward for me of your substance did I ask you for anything my friend listen to me Ratchet jaws are always free you know Ratchet jaws are always free and don't you ever forget it and that's one place you can use the word free that there are worth about what they cost which something is free doesn't cost anything so they're not worth anything usually usually but in God's Word when God has given us this letter that gives us both the heavenly in the earthly view you should be wise enough to discern hope so 23 or deliver me from the enemy's hand did I ask you to do that or redeem me from the hand of the mighty did I ask you to do that the question no 24 teach me and I will hold my tongue cause me to understand wherein I have erred see Jobe knew he hadn't done anything wrong this bunch they're trying to teach him all right but it's a bunch of mumbo-jumbo verse 25 how forcible are right words but what does you're arguing reprove question how am I supposed to make any sense out of what you're saying you're like that stream that just when I need you back when I was helping your people and lifting them up and supporting them everything you were really good friends but now that I really need you you dry it you dried up and you don't amount to anything hey I mean this is winning friends and influencing people here friend verse 26 do you imagine to reprove words and the speeches of one that is desperate which are as wind not to be taken seriously boy I guess not I don't know if I could put in any better words but it's a bunch of hot air hey they're not fooling job a whole lot are you beginning to come to that conclusion I mean he's straightening his friends out here 27 yay ye overwhelm the fatherless and you dig a pit for your friend you seem to thrive on the fact that I sit here in this wretched thing and hear your blessing me out twenty-eight now therefore be content look upon me for it is evident unto you if I lie in other they couldn't even look him in the eye they couldn't look at him he looks so bad he said you look me right in the eye and say that my job knew he was innocent that's why verse 29 therefore I'm sorry returned I pray you let it not be iniquity yeh returned again my righteousness is in it let's go ahead and finish the chapter verse 30 is their iniquity in my tongue cannot my taste discern pre verse things what he's saying here is my moral discrimination is unimpaired I am innocent I haven't done anything wrong how can you say those things he cut him down pretty good no God can read your mind you know what you have done and God knows what you have done when you fall short repent and then God's going to take care of you and Satan is you've got to understand Satan does not have a love affair with God's election because they are his enemies indeed he's got everybody else sacked up and he's ready to go to market with them fly away by and by and they just they never study God's Word there just really is gonna come he's got him he's got him sacked and ready for the trip they don't study God's Word to know the chronological order of events that consummate the end of this age so naturally Satan's coming against the elect yeah we can we can handle it but you're still his enemy and I can't think of a better enemy to have than Satan and to have your friend is God not a bunch of Ratchet jaws the lesson is good my friend it is rich and it is given by he from whom all blessings flow so you be wise enough in your innocence to discern what's happening in your life because you will never study a book that will give you more strength in an inability and the ability to surpass the pitfalls of this little flesh lifetime it's a wealth of knowledge when you look behind the doors of that that is said and that the truth spring into your mind giving you the wisdom of God as to how you can evaluate man and yourself but most of all God and then also how you evaluate Satan let your mind as we would say in in aviation when you're flying instruments you learn to scan the panel you can you can almost be hypnotized by oh there's there is the the instrument that tells me my rate of descent and your attitude horizon is right here so you get focused on this one I'm not going up or down and I'm focused on I'm right where I'm supposed to be but when you forget to look at the attitude you might be up on a wing tip so you've got to focus so in life keep your eye scanning the panel people Satan yourself God scan and think for yourself that's kind of what perhaps that's a bad analogy I don't know but it works pretty good for someone that flies I guarantee you but you know what happens if you start focusing on just one thing you got it you got to think you got to watch because your life depends on it well your soul depends on how you scanned in this generation okay hey we'll pick it it we've got a lot more advice coming from man I hope you could handle it because it is ratchet D ratchet D ratchet e but there is a good lesson for you and every one of them because you're going to have experienced or will experience in your lifetime a similar circumstance of where you should discern right from wrong this is not listen of God or of Satan you can discern by scanning all right bless your hearts don't miss any of them I advise you listen a moment won't you please the book of James James is a book that I know you'll enjoy because it is written when you rightly divide it to those that are scattered abroad that's to say the twelve tribes the ten tribes scattered abroad being very specific in your freedom of Christianity the repentance giving much personal instruction as far as controlling our thoughts and finding peace and giving us those parameters we're in Christianity defining those things that come from the Word of God example that bitter and sweet water cannot come from the same spring well from God's Word you should not have both either the practice of healing brought forth in this book of James I know you're gonna like it James that great book alright there we are back again 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from Puerto Rico throughout the US Alaska Hawaii all over Canada if the spirit moves if you have a question you share it please never ask a question about an entity organization our denomination of religion let's just teach God's Word the chips are pretty well fall where God wishes them to and they do a real good job of healing or bringing truth those of you that listen by shortwave around the world at this time always the pleasure hearing from you your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address you've got a prayer request he's your father you are made in his and the Angels image do you realize you look like an angel or an angel looks just like you do why you were made in their image their likeness so that means they also have emotions feeling because the likeness means spiritually as well so God loves you it's the fight more so than Earth Father loves their child because words can't describe God's love for you so let him know that you love him in return and it makes this day father around the globe we come we ask that you lead guide direct touch father and Yahshua's precious name Amen amen thank you Father okay let's see what kind of questions we got and we'll just zip right along here we're going to go with Dorit door adore do it from Virginia what an unusual name I wonder somebody copied that wrong well I don't I only have a part of whatever was written so I'll let it slide at that I have to ask you this question because it's bothering me a great deal please don't be offended you teach that thou shalt not kill does does does not refer to war times I know in World War two many people well in when it is a Christian army and this may have been some but I will say it anyway are an army of God when we're knocking our enemies off that's wonderful alright and it is no sin now anyone that premeditates murdering innocent people that's a different story why is it different because Satan utilizing wicked people in places of power would like nothing better than to destroy the base from which freedom comes there is no accident that this great United States of America is is a superpower of superpowers in these end times the ten tribes that went north left Europe came here in the Americas that's that's no accident and God knows quite well what he's doing and he's in charge and that's the way it is period so if anyone tries to move remove that superpower or destroy it we're gonna kill them we're going to destroy them this is one reason I am very unhappy when I hear people come down on the useless War of Korea and Vietnam and hey men gave their lives in both those conflicts to break the back of communism it is broken it still exists but we wounded it almost the deadly wound will it raise its head again yep but only when the prints of atheists atheism returns so it is right and fitting if one ever travels and were to have to live in one of these nations as a slave then you would understand why that men and women fight to keep this base of freedom because there are some of us that would rather die than live in slavery so there is it is not murder to destroy an enemy period George from Michigan question are the kazars Kenites just answer yes or no if you would why I don't mind I don't mind answering it the kazars what did what was what was the king of the kazars called and within that you have the answer to your question he was called king Kagan K agin ka ji in is the word Kane in Hebrew there is no difference in the J&G their King was king king came and then as much as the key key Knight is a son of Kane well your answer is all built in Pat from Texas I do not doubt that espen as in Daniel 1:3 means horse nose but how do you arrive at its meaning ok number 1 now I'm not talking down to you but you have misspelled it it is a Sh alright a sh p in AZ the reason I could decipher it because a sh - and in the in the end that tongue Hebrew means horse knows everybody's name means something all right like my given name is Arnold it means high flying eagle a lot of people I don't like to use the term make light of the Indian peoples when they're called six shooter or 10 killer or white bear or black bear well are all names have a meaning we only I guess we're a nation weary group of Nations and people that go in for a lot of transliteration rather than translation because some people don't even know what their name means so all names all names have a meaning and in the Hebrew tongue that's what ash pan has means as horse nose I mentioned he was called horse nose for a special reason his face looked like a horse notes okay and he seemed to be have done pretty good even though it did all right Eirene free I mean he was the head quartermaster Irene from Kansas in our Bible study our pastor asked the question what is God what if God hid the treasure and we couldn't find it I don't quite understand the question and the only reference I find to a treasure in the Strong's is in Deuteronomy 28 12 could you shed some light on this Matthew 13:44 okay Matthew 13:44 the pearl of great price and the treasure that God hid if a man if it was hidden in a field is that what he was talking about I really don't know I don't like people that teach throwing stumbling blocks in the paths of people I hope it's that he intends to answer that question at a later time to give you his thought because as a student of God's word I could go several directions with that it isn't good for a teacher to make a statement in a parabolic such a way a proverbial way I should say without explanation you got to help some words if you're or you're not a teacher so I think if you you know try a Matthew chapter 13 verse 44 on him and see what it what he says read it and study it first Michelle from Arkansas how does one know when when they're sinning how does one know when to rebuke Satan's lies toward us and when we think something negative can we rebuke it or have we already sinned well you know there it would be according to what the negative thought is we're capable it isn't Satan that responsible for all of our shortcomings we can get into enough of them I want you to make a note of first John chapter 3 verse 4 and never forget it first John chapter 3 verse 4 will tell you what sin is and then I suppose I'll be like a little bit like that other preacher I'm not going to tell you what it says first John that's the First Epistle of John and near the ulta in the New Testament near the end of the New Testament first epistle of John chapter 3 verse 4 and that tells you what sin is and nobody can get around that alright Wayne from Wisconsin what is the best way to remember Bible verses to share with others well I find I find that understanding God's Word causes verses to be easy to remember in other words to me it's like a novel and I say that respectfully and don't take it as sacrilegious it isn't because it is the story of one man's family and it speaks of that family and all others if they come in contact with that family from the beginning to the end and the more also that you study God's Word the easier it is to remember scriptures but it's also alright to mark your Bible if you have a study going on a certain subject to say like make a little mark and but the next reference you want when you begin I must say a person always learns more teaching than they do any other time I suppose because the teacher must do their homework and a teacher that's worth his or her salt is going to research whereby they know they're right because the penalty of misleading someone has an awesome penalty it's not something I would want to have to answer for so it makes you do your homework and that always helps you remember scriptures all right so if you have the urge to teach start making notes in your Bible use it it is a to write in it if you have sometimes people have a method of if they're going to do a study on the Holy Spirit they will use let's say a circle and if they're going to do a work on genealogies they'll use a triangle with a verse under it that lets you know that that is a symbol that says much more than is written such as a polysyndeton in the Hebrew tongue that will let you go on to through the Bible and then pretty soon you we memorize those verses you don't need the notes but in the beginning you do good luck there is no such thing as good luck you make your own luck all right you work hard and you do more you'll get more Paul from Georgia is it if it is impossible to commit the unpardonable unforgivable sin then why does the Bible say some people have already committed it and that there's no name to pray for them now Paul you're reading something into into the word that just isn't there it just isn't there because what it said and I'm sure you're quoting I believe from where we're by it would say in the New Testament that you should not pray for someone that has has committed an unpardonable sin but that can't be committed until the false one comes if they do then don't pray for them you'd be wasting your time it cannot be committed until or there is only one until those events that are recorded in Luke chapter 12 verse 10 come to pass Luke 12:10 that is to say when God's elect are delivered up before Satan we get to even up the score for old Joe all right and then allow the Holy Spirit to speak through you if you refuse that's unpardonable but I think most people of God's elect kind of look forward to that day a they're ready Anna from Alabama who or what can be tempt who or what can be tempting Christians today if Satan was put behind Christ until he is loosed for five months his spirit he's there but his evil spirits are allowed to tempt on this earth you must separate the body de-facto from the spirit that is able to go to and fro in the earth to today you know one good rule of the thumb in studying god's word for every negative there must be a positive man for every positive there must be a negative because God is fair and if we have the Holy Spirit with us that can touch you then also there must needs be evil spirits because this is a time of a saying the quality of people's hearts and minds their souls whether they can cut it or not all right who they're going to follow because they have free will Martha from Illinois I must add one further thought de facto he shall be kicked out on earth in person we will not be spiritually it will be his spirit body will be with him but it will be in this dispensed [Music] this generation and he will deceive those that can he can convince that he is the Christ only he's the spurious Christ you know that okay Martha from Illinois second Thessalonians chapter 2 verse seven who is the he the he is connected with a transitive verb check your companion Bible what is transitive verb means it means the action must be transferred back to the subject an object of the discussion and you find that in verse 4 where the he is Satan standing in the Holy Place claiming to be God alright well where is he now revelation 12:7 Michael has got him by the gizzard okay I probably shouldn't say that but he's got him held all right so who is the he then that takes him out of the way 12:7 it's Michael all right he is Satan but it's Michael that cast him out okay he who letteth will let until he be taken out of the way that's it okay so simple very simple those of you that have companion Bibles that's explained with clarity there I'm out of time I love you a lot because you enjoy studying our fathers word and more depth but what's most important God loves you for it you know it makes his day when you spend time in this letter that he has written you so let him know that you love him and and we brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that bless God he will always bless you most important though this you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble you know why Jesus Yeshua is the Living Word hearing god's word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying god's word here on the Shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post-office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1 6 grab it Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 3,152
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Murray, Shepherd's Chapel, Arnold, bible, Chapel, Book of, Shepherds, Pastor Arnold Murray, Pastor, kjv, Shepherds Chapel, Holy bible, Job, Book of Job, Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Shepherd's
Id: 4YIJa-4R2bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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