(1-7) This Guy Has A Colony Of Ants Living Inside Him - Manhwa Recap

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in a dark part of town a woman runs away from two wouldbe thugs who Corner her in a dark alley where she cannot Escape suddenly a boy appears behind them and tells them to run but they only wonder what a child has to do with what is happening here he should get lost if he knows what's good for him the boy tells them once again to run away if they don't want to die that is they both think that he is just making fun of them or trying to act tough but still they need to teach him that he shouldn't mess with grown-up business as the boy takes off the Band-Aid that was on his neck neck a few ants start to come out of the hole he was covering and that's when the Thug's friend is ripped in half and the blood sprays all over his face the woman who seemed to be the one in danger and very vulnerable is actually an insector who knew that the boy was going to meddle with her meal so she show her true self to be done with it as the thug runs away scared beyond his wits the boy becomes increasingly engulfed in ants and the woman calls him by his true name the black ant the next day the bug reapers are fast at work analyzing the murder site which seemed more like a battlefield as there are cuts and holes everywhere around the area with the addition of a yet unidentified lower body of a man according to their witness who didn't give them that much information due to his shock there was a boy that was around the area the main researcher pulls out a cigarette and the smoke he unleashes kills a nearby mosquito showing its pesticidal attributes the first sighting of the insector was in 2005 as monsters resembling normal insects started appearing in the entire world everywhere they go they cause harm whether to feed or out of enjoyment but the most disturbing thing about these creatures is that they have seamlessly integrated into society and live among humans without a care these are the insector most people still consider them an urban legend but they are very real so if they ever expect someone to be one they should contact them ASAP signed the bug Reapers this was a pamphlet read by the class head of a certain classroom the teacher congratulated her for reading it so well and he notes that most of them must already know of what happened yesterday in nund daon but it seems that the police are certain that it's connected to an insector so they shouldn't hang about after school ends and go straight home the class head choah is asked by one of her friends bangi Jin if she didn't live in nund daon which she confirms so she asks her friend to go home together as she doesn't feel safe walking alone two guys start discussing the bug people too with one asking if he thinks if these things are really real the other believes it as they have an insect in their class too this guy Kami son who looks like a drone the teacher asks everyone for the assignment he gave them last time but the whole class starts groaning which makes the teachers say that it will be graded even if they didn't do it or not so it will affect their overall grades as all of the students continue to groan and be angry that they didn't do their assignment the teacher tells Cho to gather up every assignment and bring it to him once she is done the Bell eventually rings and after the teacher leaves the two boys tell Cho to not submit the assignments as besides her and some other nerds nobody has done it so they should also sink with the ship and give it up it's just a grade after all they start fighting about it as Cho clearly doesn't want to do it only because they're irresponsible but that's when son stops their argument by putting his assignment in Cho's face and telling her that this is his she thanks him with a blush in her face but as he sits down back in his seat he spots an ant that walks up on his notebook and seees seems to resonate with him somehow out of nowhere one of the bullies that were talking about the assignment earlier crushes it into his notebook killing it instantly he tells him to stop acting like a damn drone as all he knows what to do is what others tell him his face is also strangely annoying and why does he even wear a bandage on his neck he got a hickey or something as son just looks at them Cho asks her friend what a hickey means which makes her immediately start blushing and tell the bullies to stop as it's none of their business even with that they decide to still take it off revealing that he only has a big black spot on his neck this makes one of the bullies mad as why is he even trying to cover up something like this to seem cool or interesting that's when he notices that an ant comes out of that hole and crawls down his neck into his uniform scaring him witless he falls to the ground and swears to his friend that an ant just came out of him making his friend think that he actually lost it JY asks Cho if she actually likes son which makes her instantly blush and deny it but in her head it's only natural for her to like him he is very athletic studious and eats like a bull how can one not like a fine specimen like that later Cho goes to the teacher's lounge and gives their teacher the promised homework with only her and son having completed it the teacher swears at the other students under his breath and says that she and son are free to go home as everyone who did not do their homework must attend the garbage collection after school as Cho walks back she wonders if it's okay to say this to the others as they might get angry if she tells them about it but she also doesn't want to go home alone so she gets the idea to invite son to come with her as he also lives in the nean dong area if she remembers it right when she walks back to class she spots son putting back his Band-Aid in a nearby mirror and she explains what the teacher told her that they are free to go so would he like to go home together with her maybe son apologizes as he cannot do that since he has some urgent business to attend to reluctantly she lets him go and at the incinerator the students start to clean up but the bullies are very mad that they have to stay behind and do something like this jyn tells them to just clean up as they will be done quicker but when someone asks if they will at least get some extra grade credit for it Cho responds with no as she is crouching down and sweeping in quite a sad fashion jyn asks her why she isn't just going home but she says that she's actually waiting for her while also explaining that son rejected her invitation so she has nobody to go home with JY is surprised that she mustered this much courage but isn't that guy just too harsh he could have accepted Cho tells him that she doesn't know a thing he is actually very sweet and cool and a bunch of other colorful adjectives as the others continue their work the bullies go out behind a building for a smoke break while still talking about son and the Ant that crawled out of his neck the bully who saw it promises to mess with him tomorrow as he has not done but it seems that he won't be able to as an insector was waiting for them eager for their flesh he instantly kills the both of them with one of the bullies heads flying directly at a classmate's feet she immediately starts screaming and running away while telling everyone to do the same as there is an insector on the Loose as the insector comes out of his hiding place he repeats the same words I told you he says them again and again while killing everyone who is not fast enough to dodge his Onslaught but even if the students try to get out of his way he just seems too fast for them jyn is suddenly pulled back by one of the male students who is now in full survival Instinct so it's only natural for him to do something like this as she falls she hits her head on a rock with Cho immediately crouching down to her level and telling her to wake up as they have to run away now unfortunately for them the insector is already behind her repeating the same words Cho gets up to defend her friend but that's when the carapace of the insector opens up and out of it comes the teacher's head who notes that he told her to leave after school she is shocked by this but the teacher is extremely mad as he told her yet she didn't do it now he must silence her for good before his mighty attack can Crush her into bits a fast and dangerous line of ants Cuts both of his arms off cleanly saving Cho's life when she looks to see who saved her she sees a person wearing a black suit almost looking like a hero from the comics as the black suit hero stands proud Cho falls into unconsciousness as all of this is too much for her but the hero grabs her before she can fall the teacher asks him why he is killing someone of his own kind as he knows he is the famous black ant but does he really fight for the people this imposing figure seems to actually be sun the teacher starts screaming at him as they are at the very top of the food chain thanks to their endless Evolution they have surpassed all other species on this planet there is no longer a need to protect these insignificant creatures they are not the Bugs Sun responds with a single punch that sends the teacher flying into the nearby building he picks up both girls and gently puts them down somewhere safe while saying that he does not fight for these people he fights for something else it's just like him he is only hunting the teacher asks if he is so malnourished that he would actually resort to eating his own but fine if he wants to do it that way then so be it as he also has a hard time finding food so he will consume him and leave the humans be he charges into sun while in a ball shape which actually manages to hit him and even if he tries to stop the attack it proves to be too powerful so he is sent flying in some trees the teacher notes that even without his arms he can still kill a weakling like him as if he is an ant he should just sit still and be crushed like one he ascends High into the air and launches himself towards Sun who cannot hope to dodge so he is hit with the full brunt of the attack the teacher does this again and again leaving Sun's body utterly crushed under all of the force with him unable to do anything as the teacher prepares one final attack the heaviest of them all Sun tells the ant to prepare for combat as their opponent is coming the teacher does manage to descend on him with full force once again but he doesn't notice the gaping hole that he has in his chest due to son's secret weapon with him in place he uses transformation to remove the ants from his legs and enhance his arms enhancing them into something truly monstrous the teacher tells him to let go and sun does just that as he throws him with full force he doesn't stop there however as he uses the momentum to grab onto him and Pummel him to the ground before the teacher can ask where his power comes from Sun once again raises him in the air and starts crushing him slowly with his increased strength the teacher begs him to stop as he has not has not evolved enough in his life he didn't reach his true form son has no mercy for him however and like a used soda can he crushes him into bits with his objective completed he says that he is quite hungry so he should go and eat but behind him there is another insector who apparently watched the fight go down with great anticip IP ation eventually the bug Reapers appear with tons of students taking pictures and some reporters are also there to talk about the situation the previous researcher and a new one start looking around the area and they notice that this place also looks like a battlefield more than anything perhaps some insects were fighting but why do that since there were people here the other researcher remembers what the thug told him about the kid appearing and notes that it must have been for defense be it territorial or something else one of the bug Reaper workers tells him that the school girl who survived the beetle attack just woke up and said that a man Dawning a black hero suit saved her as they walked to the ambulance they hear that one of the other students who survived gets interviewed he says that he instantly saved all of his friends who could not escape and quickly reported the scene to the bug Reapers he spits out all of these lies with a smile and he even tries to show them the footage that he recorded of the beetle beasts but his recordings are blacked out and most are corrupted the employee says that if that kid really had something the journalists would have been on at first so shouldn't they just get them out of here so that they don't interfere any longer the smoking researcher tells him to ignore it as this is not an urban legend any longer so it's only natural for the media to get into it the scarred researcher asks if this will even be taken seriously as unless one is a victim themselves it is hard to believe in the existence of these things as they arrive at Cho's location who is talking with her mother she puts her respiratory helper back on her mouth as she doesn't like people who smoke at school he puts the cigarette out and says that it's actually an insect repellent but he will stop for her he asks about the situation does she recall anything important she explains that when that monster that was once their teacher tried to kill them a black suited human appeared the scarred researcher asks why she is calling that thing a human which she doesn't really know he just seemed like a human even if he looked different she was knocked out afterwards so she doesn't remember much else but she knows that the guy who saved them was different he protected them the smoker researcher asks if there are any other students besides her that were exempt from doing the cleaning and she says that there is only one son when he gets home son's Grandma invites him warmly and tells him to come and eat as she has prepared all of his favorite dishes today son looks at all of the food with a certain disgust and says that he is not hungry today that's when the grandma notices that he is bruised up and really dirty in some places so she asks if he's fine he confirms it while apologizing once again that he cannot taste her cooking but to her it doesn't care so long as he is healthy she tells him to go in his room and not worry about the food as she is sure that he needs to relax but he still feels guilty about it and says that he will eat it all in the morning after he goes into his room the grandma starts to cry as their Lively little boy has turned into a monoton person who becomes weirder by the day as night falls Sun's ants start carrying pieces of something with them directly to his room as he has left the window open slightly while they do that news about what happened at the high school starts blaring where people around the area say their peace about the insector they are a blight on their peaceful lives and it's very scary that they live among everyone without a care in the world they should all be exterminated at once the ants slowly go back into son's body as he starts feeling the food that they got for him and where they got it from a beetle the next day the police start searching an abandoned building as they believe that it's tied to a series of child disappearances the operation involved three people a captain and two geared soldiers they make it all the way to the third floor where they move swiftly across the stairs until they hear a bunch of strange sounds and they stop the captain slowly moves near a wall and when he Peaks to see what is in the room they hear the noise his eyes widen as there are a bunch of cocoons placed here outside of this building three people sit in a car one of them being the smoking researcher leader one of them a part of the bug leader combat unit Tay says that this operation is rather boring can't they just go there and get rid of everything quickly the other person from the combat unit Sam says that they are both still under review by the government so it's only natural that the police have priority in this investigation that's when the captain requests immediate support at the scene over the radio Taye asks Sam why he is shaking so damn much as he's going to stand outside mostly anyways but the smoking research team leader po tells them to not joke around so much and get going already the policemen inside begin cutting up the cocoons from the ceiling with one of them feeling that they should have waited for the bug Reapers but the captain insists they get out of here as quickly as possible since their opponent is an insector as they start opening up the cocoons and allowing the kids to finally breathe the other policeman is instantly killed through the Cocoon opening as the thing that was hiding in that cocoon was the insector they feared of who asks them to let go of his children now the other policemen immediately starts shooting in an attempt to cover his captain but in a second the insector goes through him the captain is shocked as this creature is faster than anything he has seen before and now it will be his turn to face it before the insector can get to him a single bullet breaks his Sprint and almost rips his pointy needle this amazing shot was taken by Sam who is very far away and Lament having missed the shot as that thing is way too fast the insector asks what they are doing as using bullets might put his merchandise in danger have they no sense he charges the captain once again but this time he is stopped by Tay who wonders why this scum is talking with such a high tone the insector is surprised by his sudden presence so it asks who he is and as he hits it Tay says that he is a bug Reaper as he gets thrown into the wall poo tells the captain to leave with the kids as this is their business from from now on the insector gets mad at him as there is no way he will just let that much money leave him but before he can Dash away poo uses his smoke to fully incapacitate his body for a short while poo explains that he will come with them quietly and spit out everything about the children selling and more the insector removes his needle fully and says that weaklings like them should stay inside as he wasn't looking for them that damn black ant just isn't showing up before they can ask more the insect are un leashes tons of pointy needles at the two poo inhales all of the smoke at once and lets it out while Taye uses his staff skills to deflect the projectiles with this the insector is allowed to escape the building leaving the two to tell Sam to shoot but it's too late as he has been hid already although he is still alive they lament having lost the fly insector but now there is nothing that they can do after the incident involving the students the school was closed for an entire week as memorial for the dead children continued and Sue Young Who first reported the insector was awarded with the brave Citizen Award something which he did not deserve Cho looks at this on her phone while her brother is playing around but he tries to scare her so she gives him a good few thxs to teach him a lesson this makes him run away as he will go and tell their mom which she doesn't give a crap about she hates having to look after her younger brother only because she is not going to school as she isn't in the mood after what happened she hears that he's trying to scare another person but when she looks behind she notices that it was son he was trying to scare who's enjoying some ice cream after this they all start eating some with him as he has bought plenty but Cho can only think how she revealed his identity to the bug Reapers maybe it was a bad idea she asks if something bad happened recently or he was Disturbed but son says that everything is fine which comes as a relief to her her brother builds a pyramid out of the ice cream sticks but that's when he notices a ball and goes to play soccer with the other child that is there Sun begins to bite his ice cream stick even harder as he looks at them making Cho wonder if he didn't have enough already suddenly the kids lose the ball so they both start going after it together through a small rupture in the fence while Cho tells her brother to get back here but he doesn't listen son says that he will go after him which Cho tries to refuse but he does so anyway as he gets through the small rupture in the fence he spots the other kid with a familiar mask who asks him what he's doing while giving him a knowing Cho's brother eventually makes it back to her and explains that her friend told him to go back to her and wait son tells the kid to sit still but he says that he shouldn't be aggressive as they are both Hunters however when he was about to score his next meal he decided to ruin it for him he was already in a pretty bad mood because of some bug Reaper bastards but this just takes the cake he will let him go since he seems like a complete newbie but he will not be so merciful the next time as he will beat him up if he finds him in his territory again Sun pulls his Band-Aid off and as he equips his armor he asks what territory he's talking about the insector is extremely surprised but he is glad as he has finally found the Traer Hunter the black ant he has been waiting for him as there are rumors that he eats other bugs these days so if that's true he must be aiming for him next however he already dared to interrupt him in a hunt so he will eat him and become a super buug the insector transforms into his original form and immediately strikes Sun who just regenerates back his armor the insector is not done however as he keeps moving at Lightning Fast speeds while mocking him for daring to fight someone as mighty as him Sun just scratches his head and with one shut up he puts the insector into the ground with a single punch his patience having run out a long time ago eventually sun gets out of the wooden clearing and notes that he found the ball and took it back home to its owner Cho's brother asks if he can eat more ice cream as it seems to be too much for just one person Cho finds his attitude rude but Sun smiles and says that he can have it all something which surprised her as she has never seen him smile she asks once again if they can have all of this and he confirms it again as he is very full now in the wooden clearing the insector body lies desecrated as the ants eat him slowly but surely after their sudden vacation is done the students go back to school like nothing ever happened with most just chatting about what they did with the week they had and a myriad of other things nobody thinking about the insector and how they are everywhere when Cho gets to her class she notices that her class class 3 is closed for the time being and each student that remains was transferred to another class she wanted to at least respect their passing and hand some flowers over but it seems that she can't and with this she is not the class president any longer when she gets to her new class class 15 she looks at her conversation with jyn which is one-sided as she hasn't responded to any of her messages the reason unknown to Cho she closes her phone and is quite mad that she still ended up in class with that smiley bastard who is recognized as a hero for no reason some students that were already in this class ask him what really happened as they all know he didn't save any of his friends he explains that if he hadn't been Swift he would have certainly passed away as the teacher punches were like Boulders Cho Gnarls in his direction as he explains but a female student near them hiccups one time and then gets up to face them she swiftly walks up to Su young and kicks him right in his family jewels shattering them completely Su young asks what is wrong with her but the student Lee yay Jin says that they are way too loud and they need to be taught a lesson in order for them to shut up the other student that was acting cool with Su young immediately turns into an order receiving Soldier as he does not want to mess with the famous yay Jin he gets out of her way immediately with Cho admiring what she did and how confident she is in herself before she can walk out of the classroom completely however she meets face to face with son who just looks at her before moving beside her to get into the classroom as he enters the classroom Cho invites him to sit next to her and he does just that but as he does it she explains that y Jin is really cool she actually managed to shut Sue young up by kicking him into a world of pain apparently she is also a real deal in this classroom as she keeps yapping about the new class and so on sun just opens up a bag of chips and starts eating it before class starts to appease some of his hunger after the class finishes halfway son tries his best to study but his stomach just keeps growling which is quite audible so Cho invites him to join her for lunch later as he seems quite hungry he agrees but as the teacher explains what will and will not be on the test Sun suddenly feels the presence of another insector which hits him like a truck as all of his senses tingle after class inevitably ends before Cho can even ask him to get going he Sprints out of the classroom making her think that he really is hungry son and immediately jumps the school fence and starts running like his life depends on it while the two bug Reapers taaye and poo discuss whether or not that fly insector is still alive or captured by someone else Pio suggests that perhaps he is dead as it seems that there are other beings that are hunting the insector for one reason or another as they turn the corner sun bumps shoulders with poo making Tay scream at him to respect his Elders so he should at least apologize but sun does not stop running poo tells him to let it go as that kid is is probably just hurrying along somewhere important but taay still feels the need to scold him they both arrive in the teacher's office where they pull Cho out of her class and poo explains that they are here to interview the student who went home when the school cleaning was happening Cho is surprised to see the smoking bug repellent bug again but says that the student they are looking for just bolted home just moments ago perhaps he was really hungry Tay believes that it was that rude student who bumped into them earlier but with their business done po hands Cho a business card and says that she should pass this on to her friend whenever she has the chance to with that they decide to go visit Sam at the hospital while Cho just looks at the card which has a few words of information and a phone number below a bunch of Roads deep inside of some long forgotten tunnels the insector that sun had felt Waits patiently and sure enough he arrives ready to brawl in his full ant suit the insector slowly descends from his waiting spot and beckons him to come forward clearly challenging him to a fight sun is the first to attack but his attack is redirected and the insector uses his other hands to push him away this does not stop Sun however as he moves in to throw another punch making the insector start to wobble and move weirdly this is not because of Sun's punch though as he notices that one of his ants is on a piece of silk that is connected to the insector as a test he summons a bunch of ants in a ball and throws them at the insector which eventually reveals that this insector is actually being controlled by a bunch of silk strings that the ants managed man to cut up leaving the insector lifeless on the ground sun gets closer to analyze the insector but as he picks up the strings the insector seemingly comes back to life and with a final smile CHS out a bomb from his stomach that immediately activates and explodes before Sun can even think of moving after the dust clears two insector stand before sun with one of them noting that he probably didn't expect something like that right but this must be his first time being caught considering the countless murders he already did the silk insect seor asks if he was the one that killed the fly which son doesn't respond to the bomb insector notes that with that damn fly out of the picture they are left in a rather difficult position as customers who were asking for young meat are now yelling at him only because he decided to play the hero what a joke he should know though that he is only killing him now because his hunting is interfering with his work so he should feel unlucky or blame himself for this blunder before he can shoot another bomb the silk insector decides to rip Sun's head off completely with a kick but no blood spills out as she does this as this was just a shell that sun left behind she is surprised when she sees this but the bomb insector who calls her silky says that they have been fooled that bastard got away unfortunately for them Sun did not run away and is now above silky allowing him to hit her straight in the head with a heavy Boulder punch he immediately moves on to the bomb ins sector who despite his rather weak physical condition moves swiftly but not Swift Enough as Suns attacks start to go through out of pure desperation the bomb insector unleashes a bomb that actually manages to hit him but he manages to defend himself with the few ants he has on him and go on the Counterattack once again unfortunately his attack is blocked by Silky who congratulates him for getting the upper hand for a bit but he shouldn't forget that this is a two-on-one he has no real chance of Victory she keeps him tightly in place as she spins into the air resulting in a deadly set of kicks that sends Sun flying but also deplete all stamina that he has left leaving him defenseless the bomb ins sector points his weapon directly at his head and prepares to destroy his entire upper half but sun has not given up and tells the ants that were in the suit to move even if they are Swift the bomb insector is prepared to unleash the attack and says that his Hunt is finally over a large explosion occurs but this happens above them on one of the roads as the bomb insector weapon was redirected by Taye who notes that he has to pay the fine for damaging that road with leaves or whatever insector pay for the bomb insector moves out of the way and from behind them PO says that they actually dared to gather openly like this and start breaking things this is just crossing the line at this point or is it perhaps that they think that humans are weaklings something like this shouldn't happen these damn pests they should just all die seeing that the situation has become like this the bomb insector pulls out a bomb out of his weapon which surprises both Tay and poo but after he throws it it's shown that it was just a smoke bomb allowing him and silky to get away safely taaye has had enough of these flying bugs and poo wonders if they could get some helicopter support one day Taye thinks that it's fine as they at least have this black ant to ask things of but sun is long gone making him scream out as the commander will have their heads for this blunder sun while bleeding profusely slowly but surely makes his way back home leaving pools of blood everywhere he goes when he gets back to his apartment he starts eating all of the cooking that the grandma made for him making her wonder what happened as he came back home injured and with an endless hunger in him just what did he go through now son thinks that he could not devour a single thing so he has to fill this hunger up with something else but even so he is still too hungry after he is done eating he makes his way to his room and closes the door but as immediately as he's behind closed doors the pain starts and the questions of others start popping up in his mind why is he killing his own kind to protect humans that is not the reason he remembers how the fly insector told him that he broke the rules of their world by eating his own kind but that's not it as those rules have no meaning for someone like him he has to eat and eat eat until there is nothing left otherwise he will be the one that is eaten as the ants are doing right now causing him to scream out in pain in a broken down Warehouse a familiar figure pulls three corpse bags around using string eventually arriving at a cooling room where they throw the corpses in so that they are as fresh as possible however one of the corpses is not a corpse as inside there's a living human who begs for salvation the person throws him in with the others and slowly starts closing the door as the man who continues to beg for his life is engulfed in complete darkness forced to freeze with the other lifeless corpses around him somewhere else in the warehouse an elderly man smacked mashes the table as he's extremely mad that they didn't manage to capture the black ant as that would have surely attracted the attention of the Heavenly insects however those damn bug Reapers just decided to come out and ruin their plans if it wasn't for them they could have made something of themselves he tells the familiar figure who is actually Yay Jin to increase the human Supply as what she is bringing in right now just isn't enough she says that she is increasing it already but he should keep something in mind that she doesn't enjoy doing something like this so he should stop saying it like she is lazy or something the now identified bomb insector notices her uniform and walks closer to her as the uniform she has on right now is the exact same as that gu the black ant does she perhaps know who this black ant figure really is she smacks his hand away harshly and says that he has become quite annoying just how would she know that bastard there are countless students in their school as it is she can't just know all of them the bomb insector says that it still doesn't matter as the fact that he is a fellow student still stands so she should easily find him and kill him as he has caused enough damage as it is she is hesitant to do this as she is already doing very difficult work as it is why does she have to do this much work for that bastard before she can say what her goal is the bomb ins sector starts choking her as he says that previously she said that she would do anything but now his orders have come dirty and ugly did she really think that she could work with the prestigious thousand leg could work with only this amount of resolve how pathetic suddenly his dog starts barking uncontrollably at one of the human supplies that is getting away the bomb ins sector looks at this out of the window and then on the cameras noticing that the freezer door is wide open and one bag is empty so he asks yay Jin if she forgot to lock the door but she says that this is not the case even if this does put him at a disadvantage in terms of numbers he will Overlook it as this is a human mistake and she has yet to fully develop as an sector he transforms his hand real quick and says that they should continue their conversation as he will deal with this easily so what did she want to say Yin says that she's quitting as this partnership is way too toxic at this point and she isn't getting that much from it the bomb insector clicks his finger one time making the man outside start to glow and his whole body starts to burn in a fiery glow as the bomb Tucket in his chest activates exploding in a fiery Cloud the bomb insector says that she already knows how he deals with things that try to get out of his grasp so he will say it again only because he is considerate of her she will kill the black ant back at school students line up for the cafeteria after their first class but the lunch lady doesn't want to give the incoming students any more sausages as then the first grades will have nothing to eat then but that's when Sue young who is also waiting in line for his food notices that sun has finished tray upon tray of food and he is still eating much to everyone's surprise even chose who believes that he is eating more than usual just what is wrong with him to be feasting like this sun continues to chug food down his throat but this doesn't stop the ants who are still hungry and are now munching on his flesh once again he starts to shake and wail in pain making Cho asks if everything is all right as he looks rather sick but that's when Sue Young comes next to him and says that he is rather selfish as some people are too poor to even get a single thing from the cafeteria but he just gets unlimited refills when whenever he wants to is he perhaps the son of a banger or something Cho tells him to get off him as he paid for every meal that he has eaten it's not like he gets these for free Sue young finds it amazing that he was able to pay for 10 entire lunches but the food that he managed to gulp down is far beyond human limits is he perhaps an insector this makes the once chatty cafeteria Hall fall silent until Cho starts screaming at Su young for being a jackass but this also attracts yin's attention Cho and Su young continue fighting about Sun as he feels that he is certainly hiding something since he wasn't there on the cleanup day they fight and fight until an ant bites deep into Sun's succulent flesh and his whole world starts to turn upside down as Su young starts screaming that he is a suspicious bastard suddenly Sun grabs him by his jaw and pulls him high in the air but he finds the humanity in him to throw him away into another student and run away as he can't control himself any longer Yin takes note of this while Su young sits defeated with food on his head as Sun walks up the stairs his hunger increases more and more and the Ants who were once dosel start coming out of him as he has lost control over them they come out of him and take control of his entire being while yay Jin who also climbed up the school notes that it seems that he likes to advertise that he is the black ant in front of other insector she apologizes as she has no ill will towards him she could care less that he eats other insector but she has her reasons as she completes her transformation Sun notices an insector in front of his rage-filled eyes so he rushes in to take a bite as that is the only thing that can appease his hunger Yin instantly summons a bunch of silk and blocks his incoming attack will this fight finally reveal son's true identity to everyone else as sun has passed out he dreams of his insides where four large ants are holding him in place while another comes to take his head he asked them how much blood do they want how much Slaughter must he do to appease them has he not done enough already ready as it is the ant slowly makes its way to his head and before eating him it says that it's not nearly enough that's when a red ant comes to his rescue and much to his surprise Slaughters every single ant that stood in his way as it is much bigger than them he can only wonder what this is about as he wakes up in his bed his hunger and pain seemingly subsided he gets out of bed but doesn't remember a single thing about what happened on the roof did the ants manage to kill that girl yayin his grandma says that he is finally awake he should eat something to reinvigorate himself but son refuses as he is quite full the grandma wonders why that is did he perhaps catch any bugs he doesn't remember anything of the sort so he asks how he got back home she explains that a tall girl carried him here the one with yellow hair she brought him here while she was all covered in blood but she was rather suspicious is she of the same species as he is sun says that they are just in the same class while wondering why the ants calm down as if they hadn't eaten her just what appeased their hunger suddenly he feels another insector signal this time from someone else someone is calling out for him the bomb insector and yay Jin sit in a calm and unpopulated field with the bomb insector saying that she made his job even more difficult she says that she tried her best but the bomb insector says that if she did she should have killed him and be done with it but she didn't she gets mad at this as she can see the amount of injuries that she has if he really wants him dead then he can go ahead and fight him that guy is no normal insector the bomb insect's eyes turn vicious as he feels son's presence who is hiding under the train bridge only visible after the train passes they both start to transform as the bomb insector tells her to not be a disappointment now but she tells him to shut up and do his job she rushes into sun with a kick but he easily blocks it and creates a mighty punch that hits her right in the stomach and manages to break some of her carapace armor she feels that he has gotten stronger but instead of of finishing her off son decides to ignore her as his Target is the guy behind her she starts screaming at him as this fight isn't over yet but he says that the bomb bastard will run away if they continue to fight the bomb insector calls her a useless weakling but even with this Yin grabs son's leg and tells him that even if he thinks that way ignoring her like this is too damn ugly if she can't catch him then how could she ever achieve her goal of taking revenge on the celestial insects how can she possibly do that the bomb in sector calls her a useless thing that is crawling on the floor like a true bug but now she can be disposed of without any remorse Yin asks him to stop as they had a deal but the bomb insector says that she doesn't know a thing did she really think that he would help with her revenge who in their right mind would dare to rebel against the celestial insects after everything was done he was planning on giving her to them just as she deserves yet Jinn damns him for all that he's worth as she has endured gruesome things because of him but now she will be put down by him like a sick dog the bomb insector thinks that the end for worthless beings is pointless struggle but she should be happy as she won't go out alone if she keeps holding on to that leg that is before he can fully activate the bomb inside of her sun moves swiftly to get out of his line of sight and attempt a sneak attack but that's when a bomb near Yin blows up making the bomb insector laugh as he has filled this whole damn field with landmines he has no chance of getting to him as he will only die a pointless death Sun summons everything in him to get even more speed more and more he starts to turn blood red just like the ant that rescued him in his dream redder and redder until not even the bombs can catch up to him the bomb insector tries to hit him but he is too Swift something which even Sun recognizes as this speed is otherworldly with this he is able to easily take out the Bomb insector by tearing off his entire head as he stops he wonders where this power is coming from and why his legs have grown to this size Yin watches in awe as the newly transformed sun stands Victorious the redness from himself starts disappearing eventually so he throws the head of the bomb insector next to his corpse and tells the bugs to eat as he turns back to normal as they do that Yin notices that he is approaching her so as he stares deep into her soul she prepares for the worst but he lets her go he just walks past her this makes her mad so she tells him to stop as she has something to ask him why did he save her her does he have a plan or something is he also fighting against the celestial insects that must be it right if that is the case she wants to join son interrupts her and asks a question of his own what happened on the roof of the school when he went berserk she is surprised that he really doesn't remember a single thing as she thought that he would after she started fighting him he proved that he was Stronger even in this demed form she had never seen an insector like this ever before as the ants almost finished her off Sun stopped them with the last of his Consciousness as he will not let these things control him like they own him this act angered the ants so they started to go after him but that's when y Jin jumped into action and stopped them from striking him but why would he even harm himself like this does this monstrous side of himself have a will that's when one larger ant started to Glow in his exposed heart which made him scream out and dispel all of the ants away before falling to the ground she was surprised by all of this as she had never seen anything similar in the entire time she has been in insector but this made her think for a long while does she kill him or should she sell him and make some decent cash that's when she had a thought that perhaps he is the hidden card that can completely annihilate the celestial insects that is why she carried him all the way to his house but from now on he should think carefully about his next move he has become the target of the celestial insects and since this bomb bastard is dead the supply of humans in this area will decrease so they have little time before they start digging deeper into what happens when that happens can he confidently say that he will be the only target his family his friends even humans who so much as dared to brush shoulders with him will be targeted everything he knows and likes will be hunted down however she can help him if they fight together they might actually be able to win against them son asks her help him he doesn't really care about those things at all no matter who or what it is he will devour it not leaving a trace behind he suddenly grabs Edge in and starts filling her mouth with ants which makes her let out a blood curdling scream the next day as school starts the teacher in son's class starts taking attendance he continues to call out people but he eventually gets to Yin who does not answer as she is not here the teacher is quite confused by this as she is not the type of person to just miss a day even if she does Skip classes so he asks anyone if they have her contact in order to see what happened Su Young's friend says that the strange girl has no friends which makes Su young laugh and say that he heard there was a strange incident at nunin yesterday his friend says that it must be her as he has seen her over there a few times if they report this they will certainly become big shots y Jinn suddenly appears and tells them to stop speaking ridiculous things but they should come to her after school ends as she has something that she has to talk with them privately this makes the two smiley dumbasses not smile anymore she confirms to the teacher that she is here and son thinks about only one thing as she does so the celestial in at the sight of their previous battle a bunch of bug reapers are gathered with them only finding a prosthetic leg among the battle site which makes them think that it's probably the insector that their leader talked about a bombarder beetle as nothing else could have caused so many explosions after shaking it a bit they find something in the prosthetic leg a small sealable package with a strange thing inside of it suddenly a large man appears and looks directly in the direction of the prosthetic leg with one of the bug Reaper Searchers trying to stop him from entering this makes the man holding the package look at him but another bug Reaper comes next to the Intruder and tells him to go away as this area is too dangerous for normal people like him not liking the bug repellent that was put right next to his head the man removes the bug Reaper's hand in one Fell Swoop making him scream and reveal that he is actually an insector the bug Reapers that are there immediately get ready for battle and they also try to report to their headquarters that an insector appeared but in an instant the insector punches them like they are butter leaving only the bug Reaper that had the sample he screams at the top of his lungs but he cannot hope to win against this insector after he has done butchering them he calls someone and says that the sample has been secured the man over the phone asks if there were any incidents but he says that everything is fine while looking at what the package contains a certain type of bug as class continues y Jin uses a small amount of her power to throw something to sun which goes past ch as well who notices it sun catches it and it's revealed that it's only a note asking him to come through the back door after class he does just that and they meet behind the school where Yin says that this would be the first time they actually talked at school which feels kind of awkward because it's so normal son asks what she wants from him which makes her sigh as he probably already knows and this time he can't pretend that he doesn't remember she thought that she was really going to die from what he did back when he grabbed her by her jaw and poured ants into her mouth she passed out but when she woke up she started puking out something the bomb that she had inside of her destroyed by the ants the simple fact that he decided to spare her and just left means that he will accept her request for cooperation isn't that right son doesn't know what she's talking about as she seems to be mistaken about something he didn't save her out of the kindness of his heart she's just emergency food ready to be eaten whenever he runs out of targets she feels kind of gross after he said that as it is rather extreme but really he should think about things carefully did he just forget what she said he is now officially the target of other insector in essence all insector have a single- shared purpose to drive humans out from the top of the food chain and become the true apex predators to achieve this they are growing in size and are adapting to anything that gets in their way even so Sun really has no interest as it doesn't seem all that important to him Cho looks at the two of them having a pretty active talk and she feels kind of jealous as she didn't expect those two to actually become friends as she doesn't feel any connection between them that's when she notices two boys looking at the news on their phone where it is shown that a new insector fighting suit has been made and it looks very cool to them in that facility Taye is getting suited up in the suit while poo and Sam watch poo asks how it is which he confirms that it isn't bad but does he really have to wear a thing like this poo explains that very recently they lost four members in an accident he doesn't want the same thing to happen to his team members so if he can increase their survival rate by at least 10% that would be plenty even he might take one and wear it if it works well enough the leading bug Reaper science and technology department leader simply named doctor says that they will see if that is possible for someone of his stature with the preparations done they will now conduct a physical test which Taye doesn't feel so good about as he doesn't have a weapon po tells him to use the built-in dagger that is positioned in his right arm but he should be ready now as they will let the insector in Tay still has more to say but at this point nobody will listen to him they ordered the tiger beetle they captured to transform which makes the insector mad as he doesn't like being ordered around but they tell him that he can go all out and do as he wants this makes him smile as he transforms as it's been a while since he tasted the thrill of a real kill in the second he transforms he disappears from tae's field of vision appearing right behind him and throws a a mighty punch but Taye manages to block it with ease which makes him say that this suit might be worth something yet poo says that it increases his physical abilities by more than 80 times that of a normal everyday human as the insector dashes away once again doctor tells him to be cautious as that thing can reach a speed of 300 kmph or 186 mil the insector attacks him once again but this time he is prepared so he manages to cut him a bit with the blade and kick him with his superhuman Force hor even though he has just been injured the insector smiles as this is extremely fun for him unfortunately for Tay his left arm broke because it was hit two times which they note that this must be the suit's limit currently but the doctor can't help but wonder if it can withstand even more in an instant the insector jumps on him and starts choking him out on the ground but that's when the suit unleashes a large quantity of volts into the insector doctor explains that once he has received some real damage a current of 100,000 volts will go to the insector he is currently facing which makes Taye wonder why he told him Only now with this the test is completed so they pull the insector away from him and send him back to his cell as captured inspectors are valuable for their organization as he leaves the insector turns around and tells taaye that they should play again sometime as this round was quite fun this naturally weird out Tay or angers him or maybe both po walks away from the testing area and thinks about the recent incident where three combat Personnel were killed in the blink of an eye so if the insector is awakened will the suit really make a difference however there is no way that such a situation just happened out of the blue he must go and investigate further and find if there's anything that could help them he goes into a library and starts reading things he reads and reads almost emptying up an entire shelf of books in the end he doesn't find anything of essence from the books just stuff that they already knew so this is a waste of time that's when he notices a book tucked away deep in a bookshelf named the ant Castle Project y Jin is mad that son is still not listening to her after all that she explained but he should know that her real Target is a certain person which poo also finds in the project book named kijima son suddenly grabs y Jin and tells her to repeat the name of that person who was it she says that it's the leader of the celestial insects kijima son still remembers the time when kijima killed his mother who even in her last moment assured him that everything was going to be fine after school is done y Jin grabs son tightly and says that if he doesn't have anything to go today they should go somewhere Sun refuses which makes her think that perhaps he is actually going to go hunting as there might be some insector near but Sun tells her to stop talking nonsense and keep her distance y Jin tells him that it's a real shame that he acts in such a way they could have eaten some meat together in order to celebrate their reunion as normal people son immediately gets mad as he believes that she is thinking about eating humans but y Jin confirms that it's not what she was talking about she hasn't eaten a single human since she became an insector perhaps it's because she awakened as a silkworm but she doesn't feel the need to eat human meat besides she will buy some really nice meat for him so they should go and eat as he hears that sun is already in front of her and tells her to hurry up they go to an all you can eat buffet where they both top their plates with good cuts of meat but sun is rather impatient at waiting for the meat to be done since he could also eat it like this and nothing bad would happen the employee there says to his boss that he might be screwed as they took a lot of meat but the boss tells him to not speak that out loud in front of the customers and that he will teach him how it really is this is how buffets make their money in the first place people take a lot of meat since they are hungry but they can't eat much in the end so they will charge a penalty for the meat that is left over which is where they make their money as he keeps bragging about the genius of the man who came up with this idea the employee tells him to look at them as all of the meat is done they both unhinge their jaws as they slurp down the meat within seconds as they continue eating y Jin asks son how he knows about kijima which makes him think again of his mother but he refuses to tell her she says that it's fine if he wants to keep it to himself as that guy just probably went after his family like he did with hers her mother and father were both killed by him and she can never ever forget the words that he said when he left her alive only they do not kill their own kind but they also don't need these inferior beings any longer so she should awaken and become as powerful as she can Sun continues eating while she explains which makes her order another tray of meat since they have almost run out the owner looks at this and tells the part-timer that he is officially cooked after they are done bankrupting the buffet they go and get something to drink with their orders being quite specific she also asks what he wants as he is at a distance for some reason as he tells her he feels that an insect or is is near he closely analyzes everyone until he notices someone smooth talking a lady into coming to his house as it's better than a cafe since he is an artisan at making coffee she feels that his approach is a bit forward but he makes her laugh by saying that he will eat her up he does manage to make her laugh not knowing that he meant it in the literal sense as this guy is an insector after Yin is done picking up the drinks she notices that sun is shaking and looking at a couple making her wonder if he feels lonely he explains that the guy is an insect so he will be going after him later Cho takes the bus to the hospital where her friend SE Jinn is still hospitalized because of the incident she goes up to her room and asks if she would like to meet face to face but after not getting a response Cho leaves the gift she got from her and a letter as she walks away from her door she notices two people arguing a man who asks how he dared to shave the head of a child that was about to debut and a doctor who says that if they did not take action right then and then she would have been in danger this makes Cho remember that s Jin was very excited that she passed her audition to become an idol that's when a gorgeous nurse walks past her who is smiling for some reason s Jin sits in her bed still thinking about what happened that day but her door suddenly Creeks open making her scream out thinking that it's Cho it is not Cho however it's the pretty nurse who doesn't seem to be a nurse at all if this is how nurses looked I'd pray for being hospitalized she says that she must be really angry at the people that did her wrong but she shouldn't B it up like she has been doing she pulls out the strange parasite thing that we saw previously and says that with this she can have revenge on those annoying humans she gives it to S Jin who is too puzzled to refuse but the second it enters her system she starts convulsing all over the place and she also screams out making the woman laugh as this is exhilarating for her the woman and the smooth talker arrive back at his place which is a pretty big mansion with a pool inside which the woman is pretty surprised by as she has never seen something like this the insector tells her to not be so surprised as it looks pretty embarrassing but she should go ahead and play all she wants in the water he kicks her into the water as he says this but as she starts swimming she says that the water is just too deep for her as she is already tired from it but she can't find him anywhere this is because he is actually below her smiling ear to ear at the prey that he's about to consume seeing that the man isn't anywhere around she decides to get out of the water as is pretty tired as is that's when the man grabs her ankle and pulls her deep into the water before taking her even deeper and knocking her out completely by throwing her at the bottom as she floats the man sits next to her and thinks that this is rather boring he wanted to try something new because he usually just orders for human meat whenever he is hungry but whatever as now he should go ahead and consume her before she decides to wake up as he unhinges his jaw he notices something very strange a black figure that is changing shape right outside his window which is also giv him an all knowing look after sun transforms completely he punches through the glass without any remorse before the insector can even react Sun rushes him with a deadly drop kick that sends the insector flying into the wall this isn't enough to stop him however so he rushes back in and punches son something which sends Sun back a bit as he flies through the air Yin uses a silk technique in order to completely engulf the insector and catch him in a cocoon of silk she also pulls out the harmless woman out of the water who did not suffer any serious injuries yay Jin notes that it was a good thing they decided to follow after them otherwise she might have been minced meat by now the insector is very mad with them and asks what kind of bastards dare to disturb someone else's meal like this they both get in front of him and he asks if they can even handle the consequences of attacking him do they even know who he is son doesn't care as he will consume him nonetheless y Jin tells him to stop as if they capture him he might prove to be useful to them even if he does seem like a bastard the insect finally gets who he is he is that black ant fellow who hunts his own race only he naturally heard the rumors about him but he seems to be more Troublesome than advertised however he is going to devour him him and his little fairy friend as he starts to transform y Jin tells him to not even try it as he can't hope to get out of his restraints now but unfortunately for her he starts doing just that as they have severely underestimated him the two have seconds to move out of the way as the insector unleashes a myriad of scorching hot blades that even manage to hit them but not at full speed which reduces the damage they take after the blades are done flying about and the insector has made some distance between them he explains that they shouldn't have been so confident just because they hunted down some small fries as they cannot hope to defeat him a member of the Heavenly insect their arrogance will be their undoing this is zigana a pwn skater insect he beckons them forward as he wants to see what they are capable of so they both jump at him while unleashing their techniques but zigana smoothly blocks them and uses his twin sword technique to slash both of them in a heartbeat showing just how much power the Heavenly insect group has as sun falls from the air because of the attack that pierces him zigana prepares to unleash another attack in order to finish him off but Yin arrives just in time to get sun out of the way after she lands she wonders how he can get this much speed but seeing that he is able to stand on water it's probably his ability if they go anywhere near the water it will be a Kill Zone as he is very Swift there she thinks that all of the Heavenly insect members are very strong even among other insector but she never thought that it would be to this extent as she thinks Sun just decides to go in once again while telling her to lay some silk thread on the surface of the water she doesn't know what is going on in his dumb head but she does this nonetheless Sun charges in with even faster speeds as he wants to manifest that red Power once again he needs to in order to win this fight as he approaches zigana he cuts one of his antennas off making Sun think that he needs to get rid of his dual swords as these things are the main issue in this fight they continue to trade blows with sun becoming progressively redder and redder as the fights go on with his punches also becoming more deadly however as he tries to go for another punch since zigana is now defenseless his face is suddenly revealed as his face armor is cut in half it seems that the swords that were in his back aren't just for decoration as he put his other sword swords on his legs and is now pulling out the swords from his back revealing his true fighting form with his Newfound speeds he unleashes a powerful attack on sun in the blink of an eye which makes him bleed zigana then notices that there is thread all over his swords something which he did not notice but even so she is too Arrogant with her movements as she cannot hope to injure him enough she uses all of her power in order to cut his head off but his armor is just too strong so he smiles as he strikes the water below him creating an attack that pierces through yay Jin with ease she starts screaming from the pain and zigana thinking that he needs to end her existence in a flashy fashion throws one of his swords in the air which will definitely hit her however before it can do that sun moves swiftly and grabs the sword allowing him to pierce the Arrogant zigana with his own blade he tries to hit son with his remaining sword but he defends himself with all that he can while sending ants through the sword which go and eat zig's inside slowly making him scream out in pain before he can fully kill him the buff insector from before comes around and socks Sun straight in the face sending him flying towards a wall he notices that they actually managed to defeat this dumbass so he throws an invitation card near Sun as strong people are always welcome this card is for a certain club named sixshot a place only for the strong and vicious in a dark alley where nobody dares to go into without a good reason say Jin approaches a fat boy who signed up for a dating app that she is Al a part of he says that they should go ahead and start their date maybe go somewhere to eat first but that's when she suddenly approaches him and says that she wants a kiss which he happily accepts but thinks it's rather straightforward not that he Minds suddenly his insides start to be churned out and his whole body becomes brittle and skinny as s Jin has eaten him up from the inside using her Newfound abilities the Pretty Woman comes around and hugs her asking how her first taste of human flesh is as she licks her lips she smiles as it certainly was very delicious in a random train people are living just like usual with most looking at their phones While others just zone out waiting to arrive at their destination but suddenly a man starts talking to himself out loud apologizing to someone or something as it's hungry but he doesn't know how to feed it that's when he gets the directive to consume and a large tentacle mouth comes out of his mouth and starts consuming anyone that stands in front of him and in such an enclosed space it was easy for him to kill all of them but now he has enough food to feed the thing that was commanding him as Cho walks to school in the morning she notices son so she moves a bit faster to catch up to him but when she finally does she notices that he is all beaten up and pretty swollen leaving her quite puzzled when they walk into school she asks how he got so many injuries with him explaining that he just had a fight that he won but he also lost if that makes sense Cho is surprised by this as he doesn't seem to be the type that gets into fights for no reason but son says that he really couldn't help it at that point when Cho looks in the class she spots sayin who finally came to school she jumps out at her because she hasn't seen her in a long time and also asks if she's fine as she didn't get to visit her at all sayin says that she just didn't want her to see her hair like this but Cho says that it suits her and the bracelet that she is wearing is also really cute Cho notes that son is also in the same class with them and SE asks if someone is sitting in this seat Cho explains that this is the seat of yay Jin the leader of the class and probably the strongest person too in a pretty small apartment that could be considered a storage room for most Yin sits in her makeshift bed as she is still recovering from her injuries she also messaged son about if he is going to school or not because of his injuries but it seems that he is already at school making her wonder what kind of regeneration he has she also thinks that this is the first time she ever skipped school without even going to attendance which is quite weird to say the least back in class Su young spots that San is back but with an entirely new haircut he greets the former Idol trainee and also looks at the back of her head noting that it must have hurt tons when it happened well she just cracked that part of her head so she should consider herself lucky as the other kids died even if they ran desperately just like her in order to survive at least one more day naturally those who are meant to live will most certainly live since she survived in such a healthy manner it's fine if he feels a little less sorry for her right she survived for goodness sakes s Jin has had a enough of his heartless yapping so she gets extremely mad and a red glint appears in her eyes making Sun perk up as he just felt the presence of an insector but before San can do anything Cho gives Su young a punch that almost knocks him on his ass making San calm down from her fit of rage Cho starts screaming at the top of her lungs he's a crazy bastard that doesn't even know how to apologize properly he's a little less sorry how could a bum like himself say that when he was the one that threw her away to save his sorry ass he should a apologize properly now with a rather calm expression Su young apologizes to the both of them but as he walks away he notes that everyone is giving him a hard time because of what happened but they will soon find out that they messed with the wrong person Sun continues feeling this familiar yet unfamiliar energy it is unstable because it resembles an insector but it really isn't and he also knows where it's coming from sain in the same train where the possessed man started eating all of the passengers it seems that he ate enough to not even resemble a human anymore two bug Reapers come to clean the place out younger brother Co and older brother Ro who are both disgusted by what they see Ro wonders if this guy is similar to the insects that were in song Chun but Co says that this larva likee thing and those guys are very different even so Rose says that it's better to take this guy in Back to the headquarters as that old man would surely be very happy about it since he will have a new toy to play with the larvae insector starts screeching and charges into ROP but Co manages to catch it with his knife and start shooting it with his shotgun but as row tells him to keep the damage to a minimum he gets slapped Away by The insector Who uses its tail to throw him into a window naturally Co is worried for his brother but he forgets about that worry once the insector chooses to try and whip him out of the way too unfortunately for the insector co is much stronger when it comes to Pure strength so he grabs the insector and throws it high into the air allowing his undamaged brother to go ahead and Slash the insector neck off roow asks if he really thinks he's that weak but Co laments having killed the thing as he tried to catch him without damage but he just cut off its head with no Rhyme or Reason row notes that it's about time they go back but that's when a really small larvae all to similar to the big one pops out of the corpse which looks at row and beams itself into his head in a split second Co asks where it went as he didn't quite catch it but his now controlled brother notes that they shouldn't worry about it and head back to their headqu ERS eventually they arrive at the bug Reaper B Branch sector B where Co notes that when that old man sees what they got for him he will be so surprised he will die from it Rose says that the old man is already on his deathbed which surprises CO as he didn't expect such a grim comment from him but he doesn't get to ask him about it as taaye and Kim greet them as they heard they caught a pretty large larvae unfortunately for them though they caught something much faster and were the first cootes that if they hadn't stopped on the way they would have been in here first but Taye says that it's their fault since they stopped during working hours also why is the packaging torn did they perhaps try to carry it together because it was too heavy they actually caught theirs in almost perfect conditions except the burnt Parts but this only shows the difference between them without saying a word row bumps into Tay hard and leaves making him wonder why he is like that but Kim thinks that he's just being moody again in the autopsy room the old man gets the news that the roko brothers captured another creature of the the same type which comes as a surprise for him just why are these creatures everywhere from this one he manages to pull the parasite out before it can switch hosts at school the Bell eventually rings and everyone gets up to go home but Cho invites San to an eating spot as they haven't been to one in a long time she agrees and they eventually find a spot that suits their needs but seene is quite confused by son's presence here are they dating or something Sun tells her to mind her own business and Cho becomes flustered as he was just hungry they start staring down at each other creating an atmosphere that even Cho can feel as it's quite tense after the meat is eventually done they start eating and after having a nice meal they get some drinks and start walking around town while San and Cho talk about various things looking like nothing ever happened and life has just gone back to normal however when San gets a phone notification her entire mood changes and she says that the teacher called her back to school but Cho says that it's fine as she had a lot of fun hanging out they say their goodbyes to each other but Sun just looks at her knowing full well how dangerous she has become as they walk back home Cho notes that s Jin is much cheerier than before so they should do this again tomorrow to cheer her up even more son agrees but that's when Cho remembers that she forgot to give San the history handout that they were supposed to turn in tomorrow so she should go ahead and bring it to her she tries to leave but Sun suddenly grabs her arm and says that she shouldn't go San naturally isn't isn't going back to school as she was actually messaged by her next victim who doesn't know that he will become her meal son tells Cho that she was just discharged from the hospital so he assured that the teacher will understand and make an exception for her they should just go home together Cho with a deep blush in her face agrees while walking home Su young and his friend notice that San is getting in the car of some man with his friend thinking that he is her father who seems to be rather Cherry Sue young tells his friend that he is too pure for this world and in the first place that girl doesn't have a dad never had one but this site gave him all of the information that he needed to know she screwed up bad when night arrives Yin decides to go out to town as she wants to try out the club that she and son got invited to but maybe she didn't think things through as clubs usually check people's IDs right she eventually arrives at the six shot Club but she thinks that she won't ever be able to enter as the line extends out to the road just what are people waiting for she starts messaging son to come but he refuses as he is eating so he is currently unavailable she laments having to leave only because of son's stupid gut but that's when a man asks her if this is her first time here a man that she recognizes all too well he notes that her voice is quite similar have they seen each other somewhere else before but he would have remembered her though naturally this is zigana or his human name park because of this Yin thinks that she is extremely screwed right now without much thinking zigana invites her inside and even if she tries to refuse him he insists and insists until eventually he gets her inside where everyone appears to be having a good time and there are tons of sparkling lights something which attracts her greatly zigana asks what she thinks of this place but she is too busy trying to touch the light sources because she is a moth after all and moths are very attracted to light he asks her what she's suddenly doing but even if she wants to grab all of the lights she knows that this isn't the time to be doing that so she returns back to normal and says that the atmosphere around this place is quite nice much better than most clubs zigana says that it's easy for the atmosphere to come to life in these kinds of places as people are here to have fun and forget about their worries Yin does like the constant lights in the atmosphere but this is only a superficial place to get more information about the insector she needs to go all out and show him that card she pulls it out of her jacket and notes that she was actually invited to this place which makes zana's eyes glow red as she is a guest but not from this side from the other side so they should go ahead and enjoy their time properly not like these humans do they start walking down and eventually arrive in a corridor where a gigantic elevator is Yin asks why it's so large and zigana explains that this place is only for VIPs so it should accommodate any and all types of insector be it small or large Yin notes that it's certainly a VIP place as this elevator might be bigger than her room zigana notes that not everyone can get their hands on these invitations she must have some connection to their boss right she says that she's on the noticeable side which makes him ask what she will be after she awakens butterfly perhaps even am mantis she says that she will only be a common Beetle which makes him say that he is already an American giant water Strider but her being a beetle is very unexpected eventually the elevator stops with zigana noting that the boss will be very happy when he sees her as they are probably friends for her to receive the invitation once the elevator doors swing open y Jin is met with the sight of a fight to the death Arena where insector and humans alike are betting to see who will win in the pit the humans that are in the pit eventually overpower the insector and start stabbing him constantly to show that they were victorious this is Lawless Heaven and Earth suddenly a gigantic Goliath beetle appears named Jack who crushes the three humans under her foot with ease making the crowd cheer even more their eyes filled with malice and a sadistic feeling Yin didn't expect something like this at all a battle royale like this between humans an insects with bedding she could have never imagined that there was ever such a place in the entire world this all of this is too disgusting to even look at zigana notes that the enormous beetle is called Queen Jack she is the star of this Palace as with her strength and size she is a match for most species with a few exceptions naturally one of those exceptions punches her straight in the gut an insector called red which the public seems to hate as he always finishes his fights way too fast yay Jin finds this too sadistic is there even any meaning to this constant violence zigana explains that there is as this gives humans excitement and some even pleasure while the insector gain honor from it Yin wonders what he means by Honor so he notes that they basically gain the Envy of all insector the opportunity to become one of the celestial insector however that's just an opportunity as being strong enough is the half of it they must also match ideologies Yin thinks that this means that this guy also became a celestial through this ugly process zigana notes that there is another way to become a Celestial insector is she interested he hands her a parasite but before he can explain how it works someone interrupts him and notes that the boss is looking for him with this opportunity y Jin gets back in the elevator and closes it noting that she has to go to the bathroom urgently after the elevator doors close she slumps over the wall thinking that she will give son the beating of his life for not coming with her tonight zigana notes that he screwed things up with her it seems but the insector who interrupted him insists he visit the boss already due to this zigana cuts his head off and notes that he's going the next day when Yin arrives at school she immediately tries to hit song who just Dodges all of her attacks as he is eating but after she gets tired she notes that she has some very nice information for him so he should look forward to it that's when they both feel that the atmosphere around the class has changed quite a bit and sure enough when Cho and San arrive in the class every everyone starts looking at her and Whispering about what she has done Cho doesn't get it so she asks what's wrong but that's when she hears someone say that even if she is a trainee it's still far too much for her to be involved with an older man like that Cho just doesn't get what they are talking about and Yin notes that something about the atmosphere feels strange like something is a Miss but this school never had a quiet day before so it's probably just that as Sun continues eating his sticks Cho tells sjin that they should just skip class and go somewhere else but Su young stops them and notes that he won't let them go anywhere until she finds out what kind of girl her friend is yesterday his friend said that San got into a luxury car with an older man who he thought was her father but he denied it as San doesn't have a father so just who did she get into a car with he was naturally worried for her safety since they are classmates so he took a taxi and followed them unfortunately he then saw where they were going so it seems that the downfall of the girl who wanted to become an idol is really just too pathetic so her blaming him for not becoming an idol is actually really selfish of her as she was never going to succeed from the start judging by how she acts now Yin notes that she should go over there and teach that bastard another lesson but son notes that he should be the one to do it as he feels that unstable energy again things are about to become really dangerous Cho tries to hit Su young once again but San stops her and tells her to leave as she will be the one to take care of him this time for good with that she closes the door as Sue young says that if that girl hit him again he would have reported her to the violence committee suddenly San starts laughing maniacally as she wanted to enjoy her school days a little bit longer but it seems that something like that isn't possible Su Young's friend notes that he will go and mess with her next so he apologizes for his dumbass friend as he doesn't know how to talk but he also inquires about her Services as he makes a lot of money from deliveries these days that's when San begins transforming into an insector both Yin and son are now on full alert and S smacks Su Young's friend out of the way knocking him out as she does so the classmates naturally start to run out of the classroom but before any of them can get out San stretches out her hand and throws the tables and chairs at the door with one of the chairs even going through the door they are all scared for their lives with Yin asking what they should do but Sun notes that there are far too many people watching they can't transform here San tells Su young to come out which he reluctantly does so San grabs him by the neck making him dropped down the phone he was carrying she tells him that this is all of his fault her dreams were crushed and she ended up like this only because of him and his dirty actions everything that has happened is his fault even this but now he will repent with his own life before her attack can reach him son tells her to stop as how will she face Cho after doing such a thing what is she going to say after she sees that she killed him Cho is now knocking at the door constantly demanding that she open the door Su young begs the others to report this D damn insector already as they will all die because of her but everyone sits in silence not doing anything so he calls them a bunch of useless bystanders and starts to beg son to report her as this bug bastard will certainly kill him he should pick up the phone and call the bug Reapers already San starts speaking with sun noting that this is not going to work out after all and she also asks for his help she slams Su young into the wall and tells him to listen closely everything that has happened the actions he took without a second thought the fame that he got while she suffering constantly in that dimly lit hospital room and the heartless words that came out of his mouth recently make her not feel a single ounce of guilt if she were to kill him today as all of it is entirely his own fault San reaches into her bag and notes that she will never be satisfied with just ending his life so she will have to make him feel the same pain that she felt over and over again son is quite puzzled by what she pulled out but Yin seems to recognize the parasite San forcefully open opens Su Young's mouth and says that in the middle of his pain right when he is the most miserable he has ever been she will take his life and he will thank her for it sue young screams at her to get away again and again but nobody is listening to him so the parasites that San held now all fall into his mouth and she forces him to swallow them while smiling after doing just that Su young starts to convulse all around with his body starting to twist and turn as it transforms his whole appearance changing into that of an insector everyone looks at this with shocked Expressions but y Jin finally remembers where she saw that parasite she was offered one from that guy so this is what that thing was for disgusting as San has returned to her human form she sits on the window and asks how it feels to become the very thing he despised most to him who is literally no different than a measly lying bug there might actually be no difference considering quite expectedly a teacher comes around and screams at them to open the door with Cho becoming increasingly worried about what is happening inside San tells son to say hello to Cho for her but then she decides otherwise as she never wants to see her ever again now she despises humans and everything that they stand for with a final goodbye she jumps out of the window and disappears just in time for the teacher to manage to open the door and to see the newly transformed Su young who is still in pain because of what happened his friend who also just woke up notices who that insector is and immediately pulls out his phone to call the bug Reapers as now it's his time to become a brave citizen it was about time he was going to pass on the torch anyway before he can however Cho pulls his phone and says that he shouldn't do it but he says that there's no other choice it's either this or they will be eaten by that thing as they bicker for the phone it manages to slip from both of their hands and falls right next to sue young just in time for the bug Reaper call to go through the words coming out of the phone seem to trigger something in Su young as he regains his composure and looks in the window one wondering if this is real or a dream but no that can't be him this isn't him as he breaks the window shattered glass Falls all around and he starts wailing his tail around with Yin and Son rescuing people like Cho from his thoughtless attacks he continues that this cannot be happening him a bug never he removes the windows entirely as he runs out knowing that he has to until the bug Reapers get here he notes however that he will not die he will do everything in his power to survive he will survive and have his revenge back in class Sun notices that Cho is extremely hurt by what happened but he doesn't have time to comfort her as he and yayin give each other knowing looks they choose to get out of the classroom and yayin explains that sain is probably somehow involved with that zigana person as the parasite that she gave to sue young is the exact same thing she received from him at the six shot Club he explained that this is another way to become an insector or something similar if that is the case they need to follow they both say at the same time that they attached something to S Jin one planted an ant the other a thread with that new bit of information they go even faster as they can locate her instantly eventually they manag to track her down under a bridge where she seems to be crying they both choose to come forwards and Yin asks her to stop for a second as she wants to ask her something that's when the woman who transformed her asks if they made her cry but she doesn't even let San answer as she says that she hates one thing the most in this world and that is when someone touches something that's hers so how did they dare to touch her precious San Yin notes that they have no clue what she is talking about they just want to discuss something privately with her and leave that's it San tells Hannah to not do anything too harsh but in that moment she disappears completely and jumps out at both Yin and Sun managing to hit sun with her leg and afterwards throws a punch but halfway through notices that Yin is rather handsome so she goes behind her and starts sucking her ear um I'm sorry this scene just confused me so hard y naturally removes her but it seems that Hannah has now discovered that she is an insector something which she didn't expect yay Jin transforms into her bug form and attacks Hannah while noting that sucking someone's ear like that is extremely strange Hannah notices that she's a silkworm which isn't bad but this only means that the boy that was to her is also an insector sure enough Sun jumps at her mid transformation and tries to hit her but she moves swiftly and Dodges his attack completely saying that his clumsy way of moving will never catch her since disappearing in front of his very eyes is somewhat of her specialty Yin asks what they should do as they can't even reach her with their attacks but Sun notes that they should try that thing once more while they talk San is amazed as she didn't know that Yin and Sun were both in sectors after they formulate their attack Sun charges in with his powered up fist which makes Hannah think that they are about to try another useless attack but when she tries to go back she feels a cutting sensation on her neck as y has used a technique called shining star to completely surround her with silk blocking out all Escape she gets mad at this but Suns attack manages to hit although she blocked it with her transformed hand which has an enlarged needle in it using this opportunity she stabs Sun straight in the chest and starts to suck out his blood but that's when she notices that his blood is red is he not an insector or something Yin tries to go and help son from his predicament but Hannah just transforms her other hand and uses her surprisingly long needle to stab her in the shoulder which doesn't seem to affect her at all but as Hannah licks her blood off her needle the places where the both of them were stabbed start to enlarge and once Hannah activates her explosion ability they both explode in their respective places leaving them tired and quite injured Hannah is shocked to see that they are tired just from this as she was just barely getting started this isn't nearly as over as they think it is before she can do anything however San jumps in front of her and says that these two people are actually customers they wanted to know about their Goods so she told them to come here Hannah asks her if that's true and stares deep into her eyes but finds no hesitation in them so she takes that as a fact and notes that she should have just told her earlier as she would have killed them if she didn't well it's fine anyway unfortunately she only has one product left so she doesn't know how to split it son notes that he doesn't need one right now he just wants to know how it works as he heard that it's something pretty interesting Hannah is surprised that he hasn't heard the explanation yet as this thing is quite popular in insector groups nowadays but she will explain it to him this is a type of special medicine if you will that can give insector pretty strong Powers if they were to consume it however for humans it's rather different as once a human eats it it will turn into a mutant larvae and if they as insector consume that larvae fully the effect will be doubled compared to just consuming the medicine Yin doesn't know what to make of this at first but Hannah notices two joggers coming around so she says that it would be better to just show them as people learn much better when they see it in practice she stops the joggers with one thinking that this is a what song You Listening To video as he says the thing he is listening to but Hannah just pops the parasite in his mouth and he starts to convulse as he transforms with his transformation being much more quick as he transforms into a full larvae almost immediately y Jin can't believe she is seeing this disgusting sight once again Hannah explains that they should think of this as a gift for what she did earlier if they eat this they will get stronger than before so they should enjoy it and if they want more and more of it they should ask for hanat at the six shot Club as she will be glad to do business with them San looks at them before leaving with Yin asking Sun what they should do but sun moves to attack the larvae that was about to eat the other human and smashes it into the ground he starts to rip it apart and try to eat it with his ants but Yin tells him to stop it as he is really going to try and eat something so disgusting and vile seriously he should come to his senses as something like this is not right wasn't he against eating humans son says that this is only a test so he sends his ants to eat it son just looks at his ants as they eat with the other jogger wondering what the hell is going on Yin tells him that he's going too far that thing was a perfectly normal human being just a few moments ago he says that it isn't anymore which makes her call him a bastard as she thought he was different but he is just like the other insector vying only for power and not caring for anything else Sun just tells her to watch silently as it will all make sense soon sure enough the once larva likee insector starts to turn back into normal surprising Yin quite a bit Sun explains that he has had this uneasy feeling about this existence ever since he felt it in San the unstable energy actually comes from the parasite that was deep within her body so if he removes it from this guy everything should be fine the parasite makes its way out of the man as it's relentlessly assaulted by the ants Who start ripping it apart bit by bit Yin asks if it's okay for them to eat it won't that just affect him Sun notes that they will find that out once they come back inside he calls them to return and as the parasite Parts start to enter his system he starts tweaking out and he can barely tell yin to stand back the hole in his neck starts to convulse and grow as he starts screaming out in pain at the six shot Club someone tells the boss that Hannah is here so he lets her inside which she is mad about as since when does she need permission to come in huh she is also accompanied by S Jin the B boss the Burly man named Kong says that this is only natural as this place is his business after all but Hannah feels like she deserves to be treated like a boss too he shouldn't act so cheeky as they are equals this isn't a hierarchy it's not what they agreed on as she has a swing of some champagne Khan notices that her arms are bandaged up so he asks what up with them did she perhaps have a fight Hannah notes that it was while she was working because of some feisty insector that didn't know how to speak properly Kong notes that even so that is a bit much but if she likes fighting maybe she should go and promote the Lawless land for a bit Hannah asks why and Kong explains that there is a new guy in there that has been causing them a heap of trouble and their Manpower has become ever shorter as time went on Hannah says that it's not her problem as it was his idea to start that side of the business in the first place Kong notes that she seems to be in a bit of a hurry but she should know that yesterday someone stole a large amount of pills 50 of them to be exact Hannah asks how that could ever happen did they get robbed Kong says that nobody would be dumb enough to steal from them except of course somebody who was working for them already as he gets up he instantly charges s in and notes that she is the culprit the impact is so powerful that some glass breaks on the other side of the wall Kong asks her how dare she steal medicine from him she is just a pet dog but it seems that her master hasn't instilled fear into her yet so he will chew her up and spit her out again and again until there is nothing left of her sorry self Hannah instantly gets on on top of him but Kong's bodyguards immediately put their blades at her neck creating a standoff likee scene Hannah tells him that he must already know what happens when someone touches her stuff but Kong notes that the pills were his in the first place so he has every right to do this he asks sage in where his pills are while he starts crushing her head but even as Hannah stabs him he doesn't stop seeming like nothing will stop him from finding the answer San can't bear the pain anymore so she tells him that the pills are inside of Sue young the bastard who made her in this way she fed them to him in order to get revenge Kong laughs as he already knew what she did with the pills but he expected a more fun answer from her honestly San is shocked when she hears this Kong finally lets her go with Hannah immediately jumping to her side asking if she's all right Kong starts laughing out loud as how did she ever think of such a dumb idea like Master like pet it seems eh both Hannah and San are surprised that he knew with Hannah calling him a rat bastard for it Kong says that it was simple to just have San followed and monitored after he found out about what she did but the thing that ate all 50 of the pills he will be the one to eat it and nobody else somewhere else a group of bug reapers are hunting down Su young who is running for his life they get him eventually and before he can retaliate poo cuts his neck not enough to kill him but enough to put him to sleep he orders his men to capture it but suddenly they start sinking into the ground it seems that this is the doing of an insector that tells zigana that that they should finish this quickly poo who is brandishing his labeled Katana makes zigana wonder who that bastard is as he just sheathed his Katana and is now just smoking did he just give up the fight the other bug reapers are slowly being buried in the dirt with them asking poo for help as this is not the time to just take things easy like that poo wonders what kind of creature they are protecting as it doesn't seem to be like the other larvas they killed but he will find out once he cuts it open the insector who is making the ground sinkable is getting mad at for just standing there like he's a big deal but as the bug Reapers scream out for help po gets into position and before they can even wonder what he's going to do he zaps the other insector incapacitating it for the time being zigana immediately starts transforming just in time for him to be able to block the next attack that poo had charged up but it still manages to get him because it's pure electricity the other bug Reapers stops sinking into the ground and po charges in telling them to retrieve the larvae at any costs as that is their primary target thus he starts trading blows with zigana he is extremely mad at this human as all he knows how to do is play his Petty tricks his arrogance truly knows no bounds he starts using two swords to attack poo asking if these are too much for a lousy human like him he continues to attack poo with an attack eventually going through but poo inhales all of his cigarette all at once and unleashes it on zigana who finds his attitude even more annoying but this proves to be useful as po has has completely disappeared from his eyes before he can even react poo ends up behind him and Strikes him fully with the sword but this isn't enough to take down zigana as he still stands po promises to take him in along with that larvae as they will all be quite useful test subjects that's when he feels the ground beneath him shake and he jumps away but this isn't enough to stop the underground attack fortunately his subordinates protect him from the needles but unfortunately another surprise attack comes right after that one and it drags the bug Reaper straight into the sand without a single chance of survival for him the ground continues to fluctuate and burrow as zigana asks if he's done with playing dead like that as the insector slowly gets up from the ground he asks who that glass's bastard is as what he did is unforgivable this specific insector is an ant lion a species that digs deep into the ground and waits for the perfect opportunity to strike he notes that they don't have any time to play right now they need to take the larvae and bolt out of here with zigana agreeing but he is reluctant to go back to the club with unfinished business po overhears him saying this and the bug Reapers all rush to catch him but they can't because of the ant lion poo also tries to use his Katana in order to strike again but it's out of juice to stop their incessant Advance the ant lion uses a large area of attack in order to close off the area and block the incoming bug Reapers po tells the others to retreat as he charges in with zigana noticing how annoyingly tenacious he can be the ant lion congratulates him for his bravado so as a reward he can have this bastard but he promises when they see each other again he will rip him into pieces and eat him slowly with that both him zigana and the larvae disappear out of the area but this wasn't all for nothing as poo has gained a new bit of information and now has plans to scour all of the clubs in the vicinity it's time for them to turn the tables around and it's time for the hunted to become the hunters in the dead of night when everyone has gone to sleep an insector runs away with all of his might from Sun who seems to be hunting him down for food the insector tries to plead with him as they are both Hunters but that's when another Sun pops up behind him and they slowly start to approach him as he continues to panic before he can even think of even doing anything he is crushed under their combined might and left to be eaten by the ants at school nobody seems to be that sad at Sue young transforming into a monster with his friend not even caring as two of his teeth are missing and need to be replaced everyone has moved on basically Cho overhears a few girls talking about say calling her a monster which she makes them apologize for as she's her precious friend not a monster as they called her Yin is quite surprised at how fast this girl speaks her mind to other people and also asks if she's okay which she confirms but she most definitely isn't Cho notes that she was in the classroom when that incident took place so she saw sain but was she really a monster Yin explains that her friend did no harm to anyone except Sue young so no she wouldn't consider her a monster per se Cho is happy to hear that as she was afraid when she heard what was happening inside of the class and she couldn't look through the windows but San really became an insector she starts crying her eyes out as she thinks that she will never have her friend back but Yin knows that there is a way a way made by Sun in an abandoned building Sun continues to Feast on the insector he hunted down at night but it's not actually Sun as he is just sitting there watching his ants eat this is because after he consumed the larvae the number of ants in his body increased to the point where they were overflowing from him so after repeated failed attempts he managed to create a swarm which hunts for him automatically without him doing much but these ants are still the same as when they don't get full enough they will inevitably attack thankfully he also became stronger so he takes care of them quite easily and puts them in their places after he does just that he suddenly feels the presence of some insector three to be exact so he thinks that this is the perfect opportunity for him to test out his new power he trans transforms into his ant form as he falls and starts sprinting towards the area where he felt the commotion but as he gets closer the energy he feels decreases almost as if one of them just perished so he gets even closer and listens to the commotion another insector is calling red the insector from the arena a bastard as he lured them all of the way here for something Petty like this red notes that he is correct he just wanted to beat them up pretty bad but because of management he wasn't able to do it properly in the matches so they will be his punching bag for today red is also revealed to be a ladybug he tells the other insector to get into his fighting position which makes him matter as his arrogance is too much to just be left alone has he really lost his mind after picking so many fights in the Lawless land or something this is the rhinoceros beetle insector Bara he charges red with his horn ready to end him but he just Dodges and notes that he really messed up this time did he just think that he would have the advantage in this fight only because he has a metallic body as Bara charges him once again red Sid steps and punches him straight in his gut with the attack going through him completely ending him on the spot with his fist full of insector blood red tells son to come over here and go around since he seems to be interested in what he's doing because of this sun gets out of hiding and accepts his invitation as this is what he came for in the first place the constant driving of cars on the bridge they are fighting under seems to hurt the damaged parts of the bridge more and more seeming like it won't last much longer red notes that he looks quite ferocious so he asks for his name but son doesn't say anything which puzzles Red as he would have at least wanted to know the name of the person he is about to kill red throws a light jab in his face as he approaches and demands for his name once again but Sun stops the attack with his abundance of ants and says that his name is black ant but unfortunately that will be the last thing he will hear before he dies red starts to laugh out loud as he must be that guy the person who said that he would personally destroy zigana he has been itching to have a one-on-one fight with him since he heard that he acts like that red throws another punch in Sun's Direction which turns in a multitude of punches but Sun Dodges every single one which angers red as he thinks that he's trying to just test his skills so he chooses to throw a heavy punch to make him attack this does make him Dodge and attack him with a Charged Up punch with red thinking that it will be very light but the second he is hit by it in the chin his lights are turned off the bridge crack starts to show more and more as even on the surface it is pretty visible red slowly wakes up from his day state wondering what that was as he could see that punch coming as clear as day but its speed combined with that power that's something that shattered his expectations completely this bastard truly is pretty strong Sun suddenly asks for his name as he should at least tell him his name before he kills him red notices that this is just a mockery of what he said earlier so he puts his fists together and starts using an ability making Sun try to throw a punch before he can do anything but he is too late as red has already activated his ability he curses at son as he didn't want to use this at all but he can't win otherwise he uses his reflector ability to send Sun flying away but unfortunately this push back is also enough for the bridge to openly crack as a Bus full of people drives on it sun and red take the fight outside with both of them exchanging blows but when the bus starts to fall down Sun notices and uses his ants to create another suit of armor as he uses all of his speed to reach the bus in time he does just that and holds the bus in place as long as he can in order for it to not fall but that's when red calls him in an insolent bastard as he really thought that he could just stop someone like him with a trick like this one he throws the ants that he caught away but instead of taking down sun when he's vulnerable he takes a hold of the bus too and they both put it on the ground in a soft manner the people inside get out and son and red stare at each other with red saying that he is a fool for turning his back on his opponent that will certainly lead to his death one day however now it's time for their second round as red charges in Sun just sigh deflects his attack and slaps him so hard his armor breaks off with that sun has achieved total Victory against red who can only accept his defeat but just as the ants try to consume him Sun decides to throw him away with his reason unknown to anyone as he walks away Sun promises to one day have a rematch as he will not let this be not in the slightest as the sky turns gray Cho is called by her mother who asks where she is with her replying that she's only taking a short walk her mother doesn't believe it however as she knows that every day after school she is looking for sein Cho tells her that even if she wants to find her it isn't that easy she really did just go for a calming walk the mother yells at her to come home as she will end up the same way that girl did if she keeps this up and closes the call instantly with Cho sighing at her mother's attitude suddenly a person who we know is the ant lion asks her if she's talking about Bangin his human name is Young goo is she perhaps her friend he decides to take her to a dark Forest where as they walk Cho asks if he knows knows where San is he replies with yes making her ask how he knows of her GAO tries to say that he's an insector at first but stops himself and notes that he's her senior Cho guesses that he must have said insector senior but she isn't really surprised by it and asks if siin has been doing well these days Gio confirms that she is as Hannah has stuck to her and will not let go almost like a tumor Cho thinks that this means that she's been doing well so she tries to excuse herself out of the conversation as she doesn't want to bother him anymore it also seems like she made some pretty good friends so she is relieved to hear it GAO laughs at the notion of him being her friend it's embarrassing even the reason he walked her to this place is because he was hungry and he wanted to eat some human but if San finds out that he ate her the expression on her face when she finds out will be to die for Cho slowly backs away while guo explains that he never liked that little worm as he fought for his life while eating whatever he could until he finally found his identity as an ant lion and prospered however San doesn't have that as because of Hannah she is living a comfortable life something which is disgusting he notices how surprised she is but says that she shouldn't be but well it would be hard for a human to understand all of this Cho tries to run away with GAO saying that it's too late as she stepped into his territory Cho is dragged into the ground as it becomes soft with the larvae getting ready to Feast on her flesh before they can reach her however a thread of silk Cuts them in half as Yin has appeared to say save her and immediately attacks guo as she descends while also pulling Cho out of the ground guo asks who she is with her noting that a bastard of an old man used to call her silky so they should go with that she lets Cho Down On Solid Ground and tells her to run away as this has nothing to do with her anymore Cho thanks her and does just that with the larvae choosing to attack yay Jin to appease their hunger unfortunately for them she is much more powerful than them so she easily Cuts them up into tiny pieces their blood splashing all around guo asks why she's doing something like this what does she have to do with his hunt does she just want to get buried now Yin finds his threats cute but while listening to his yapping she notices that he is similar to the larvae but at the same time different is he perhaps a part of the celestial insector guo confirms it and says that if she is this knowledgeable it must be that she was one of the ones who took down zigana but they were too will she be okay with just her yay Jin agrees that she's not ready to fight Celestial insector alone but she has a trick up her sleeve she has no choice now but to use the power of this thing guo notices that she has a parasite so he screams at her to put that thing down she isn't deserving of it Yin immediately pops it in her mouth with guo trying to kill her before she even swallows which appears to have worked as he can't see her because of the Dust he thinks that he was worried for nothing but that's when yay Jin Cuts all of his pincers in one swift blow wondering where the hell she got her power from was she not a larva this whole time Yin notes that he will never get to know the power of true insector with her hair being super long and sharp as Yin prepares to attack once again guo asks what she means by true power does she mean that he's a fake before he can even react Yin Cuts both of his hands off with him still insisting that he is not a fake he has been recognized by the boss himself he is the only one who has he tries to grab yin's neck with his parasite tongue but she tells him to just stop as her skin has now been woven with steel threads a week attack like that won't even leave a scratch on her body she grabs the parasite tongue and says that this mistake will be his undoing as she puts thread all over his tongue he wonders if what she said was true is there really a difference between their races but no that cannot be possible he will never accept it he Dives deep into the ground leaving yay Jin with his tongue in her hand as guo digs deep underground he promises to one day have his revenge he is not running away he will grow stronger and stronger until she won't be able to compete with him unfortunately for him yin's threat surrounds him even in the underground and with one measly pull she makes him into minced meat ending his life in a second she thinks that this power is amazing as she finally took down a Celestial her plan is finally coming to fruition after all of this time suddenly zigana appears out of nowhere and says that it's time for round two to start as that fight won't satisfy her right Yin is shocked to see him here but perhaps with her new improved abilities she might be able to take him down Z Ghana says that he knew that he saw her somewhere she was with that ant bastard but where is he now he can still feel the ants that he put inside of him something that won't be fixed if he doesn't kill that bastard Yin says that this is fortunate then as she will personally take care of his pain for good as she attacks zigana tells her to go ahead and try as this is all that she can do unfortunately this was all talk as her attacks kept pushing him if he slips up for as much as a second he will die because the drug power is just that strong however the duration is almost over he continues surviving for 1 second then two then three and at the fifth second he stands still as he knows that this is over in that second Yin falls to the ground as she attacks with her hair disappearing and her power with it that's when she remembers that Hannah told her the duration isn't great she messed up really bad zigana puts his sword at her neck and tells her to come along quietly if she doesn't want to lose her neck that is back at son's apartment he and his grandma are watching a show about boxing more specifically about the National Treasure athlete whose son recognizes as red who explains that he just got injured in a street fight against an insect but not an insector as even he can't fight something like that right as he continues watching son gets a message from Cho who asks when he's coming back to school he thinks that it's too early for that as he isn't able to control the Swarm just yet but he also notices that she said Yin also hasn't been coming to school The Home Room teacher is livid because of this son curious about what she's been up to messages her inside of the Arena Yin is getting her snot beaten out of her as the insector are ganging up on her zigana watches this and finally notices that she's that same chick that came with an invitation how arrogant of her truly he notices that her purse is buzzing and is happy to see that the ant has finally shown himself through a message son excuses himself to his bedroom and says that he won't be going to school tomorrow either his grandma says that he can do whatever since he already missed a week as he goes into his room he gets a message back from yay Jin a photo something that makes him gnarl y Jin's mask with the six shot Club invitation tucked in it at the club Deep Underground where the fighters are kept zigana goes up to yin's cell and asks if she's dead because she certainly looks the part why is she so weak anyway she's making customers angry for no reason Yin tells him to leave as she doesn't have the energy to keep him entertained zigana notes that he really would have given her another pill to boost how she plays but he can't as some dumbass girl stole all of them and use them for nothing however the most important thing out of all of this just what is her Purpose with this what does she want to achieve yay Jin notes that she's a bug exterminator making him wonder if she's an idiot if she wants to live a long life she shouldn't relate herself to those bug Reapers but she should know that they are all the same that's the reason why he spared her in the first place he tells her that the next match will be soon so she should rest while she can as this will be a pretty special match as the announcer enters the arena he Hypes everyone for this next match as it's their main event 10 people enter the ring only one gets out a race or rather Battle Royale that will be nothing short of hell this is the stick in sector Jaa the MC for Lawless land the first Contender for this is also the protagonist of this event then newcomer that everyone loves to beat on silky an opponent will be added every minute so if she can't get rid of them before the 62nd count her chances of Victory become Slimmer and she will be eaten right here right now with that introduction it's time for the second player to enter yin's opponent immediately charges her showing that this will be a tough match for her inside one of the waiting cells red practices his punches with zigana appearing and asking if he's ready as he's the 10th opponent red notes that he doesn't like that he's participating in this dumb game he should have made him the star of the main event if he wanted him to participate zigana says that he is truly arrogant if they did that he would have killed the entire roster and ruined the business red throws a punch close to his face and says that he could beat him right now even that Kong monkey that he calls boss zigana becomes increasingly matter as he would have shown him what true power means right now but he is a player so he is safe for now suddenly zigana gets a phone call with one of the employees saying that the elevator to the VIP area has just disappeared entirely zigana closes the call and tells red to get ready as his opponent has just appeared back in the arena Jaa is amazed at how Yin is doing as she has been dealing with with enemies left and right despite her injuries unfortunately for her luck has run out as Queen Jack has entered the arena and she is ready to smash things to bits she catches yay Jin by surprise and kicks her high in the air allowing her to hit her even harder with a mighty punch that sends her flying as she gasps for breath three more opponents enter the arena which might be considered unfair but they must remember that this isn't called the Lawless land for nothing with this they have reached the climax of the show where y Jin will face the consequences of her actions as the clock ticks one minute away again Jaa tells the next opponent to get a move on already as he can't have the audience waiting like this eventually the next opponent arrives but it's only his head which is immediately crushed under son's foot who seems to have eaten more than one insector zigana looks at him and is amazed that he really dared to come here Yin can barely muster up enough strength to call out his name but Jaa cannot allow unrestricted opponents to enter he must be swiftly dealt with he tries to hit son with a squashing punch but he summons some green power using his ant colony and blasts jaa's arm away with what seems to be actually acid Sun notes that he will not say this twice so they should listen well where is Yin Sun charges up his acid and shoots another beam which hits one of the opponents who was actually close to yayin she can't help but wonder where he got such monstrous power from but now there's no time to ask she screams at him to stop shooting so recklessly as he might even hit her she starts making herself big so that he can see her but that's when zigana descends onto the arena and puts a blade at her neck saying that he has been waiting for the ant to pop up for quite a while son instantly tries to hit him with a beam but zigana asks him if that's wise as he will make sure that he will be hitting them both Sun can't do much of anything against that so the other opponents charge in under zig's command as they must kill that bastard no matter what Sun rearranges his mask and says that this is really cliche he starts blasting again accurately hitting his shots with ease he moves his aim down to Jack who grabs one of the weaklings and throws him in the way of the shot melting him right there and then this gives Jack the opportunity to prepare a mighty attack and she successfully lands it presumably crushing sun on the spot zigana is surprised that Jack actually managed to use her head for a bit so he will reward her once she brings the ant's mangled corpse Jack doesn't move however making zigana wonder what she's doing suddenly Jack starts to convulse and melt as Sun blasts through her belly her blood all on his armor as he walks out zigana can only wonder where he got such monstrous power from did he perhaps eat a larvae too or something Yin is happy to see him Victorious but the public is not too happy that their fun is seemingly running out son tells him to let go of that kid as she's emergency food that he needs to be preserved zigana says that they are just kids that are playing too much but that's when someone from the public screams at him as since he's the manager he should give back the money they beted as he beted 200 million on Jack but he didn't expect a her to be killed by an Uninvited Guest zigana has had enough of these lowly humans ordering him around so he apologizes for the inconvenience they will get their money back but for now they need to shut up and keep on betting this surprises the VIPs but sun doesn't even care as his vision is locked in on zigana who he promises to kill right now zigana tells him to not be so confident in himself as his real opponent is right behind him that's when red welcomes him as he has been waiting for him for a really long time sun asks if he's here for Revenge which he confirms so they should stop talking and get to hitting each other already Sun prepares to defend himself but red moves past him in a split and punches zigana straight in the face sending the bastard flying he can barely stop himself using his sword but this has angered him to no end son asks red why he did that with him explaining that he saw everything from up above and needless to say it was moving so they should go as their friendship has impressed him to no end and their rematch can wait he should go and leave him to this since they are friends son wonders just what he's talking about as Yin can barely hold in her laugh but it's no time to joke as he picks her up and tells her to hold on to him as this will be a bumpy ride he starts sprinting away with her noting that she can't go outside like this and reveal her identity but Sun tells her to shut up as they don't have the time for anything else zigana tells red that all he does is create trouble and he is done cleaning up after him every single time he's not worth it anymore red tells him that he was the one that was keeping him alive all of this time because he was useful but not anymore zigana says that his arrogance truly has no end but unfortunately today will be his end as Sun runs towards the elevator Yin asks how he got a key card to get in this place but sun says that he didn't have one he just broke in or rather broke it that's when Yin notices that the entire elevator is just gone with Yin not even knowing what to expect anymore as Sun climbs up the hole he made Kong comes in with a sound shattering punch and hits son straight in the face he says that they will both take responsibility for the destruction of property and disruption of business since they don't have cash he will have to take their lives instead earlier Kong was getting ready to have the meal of his life the 50 pill larvae he cherished for all of this time one of his girls asks if that man also knows of this thing which he doesn't care about as he's certainly not going to take away his food since he's already at the top of the insector food chain that guy probably can't even evolve anymore with this however he might even grow stronger than him so he should feast and become the Apex of insector before he could even take a bite the whole club started to rumble and an employee came inside telling him that there's an intruder Kong asks if he's strong with the employee saying that the VIP elevator was destroyed and he's currently going to the Lawless land Arena so he is potentially pretty dangerous Kong was surprised that someone managed to destroy that elevator but so what is he ordering him to go deal with that Intruder or something the employee says that it's not that it's just that they don't know of the intruder's power so they need to be cautious Kong crushes his weak skull with one finger as he was too useless for him now but well he isn't mad about the interruption as some premal exercise will be quite nice that's how he got to son who is being held by his neck and is feeling genuine fear something that he hasn't felt in a really long time Kong notices his quivering and says that he shouldn't be scared as he will not eat him he is here to have some fun he punches son so hard he is sent into the wall and then continues with a kick Kong urges him to show him his real strength is this really what he was called here for he can't accept something like that this is not enough for him he needs to show his true power or he will die right now that's when Suns Hive comes from behind and starts to wail on him with whatever it can which Kong finds kind of cute but also pretty annoying as he tries to punch it however yayin stops his attack and wonders how this man can have so much strength in his human form as even if she used all of her strings she wouldn't be able to hold him Kong is surprised that they still have some fighting spirit it's actually starting to piss him off but this is exactly what he wanted they should struggle for their lives as this brings out their true powers back at the arena red looks pretty hurt but zigana looks worse as he is on his last legs he tells red to not get cocky as this isn't over yet but red tells him that whatever he does he won't be good enough to beat him if he's truly that pissed he should get up as it's not in his nature to beat down on weaklings that's when Kong throws son and Y Jin into the arena through a wall with zigana being the most surprised to see his boss down here he tries to apologize for this mess but Kong screams at him to not be weak and apologize as he is the subordinate of the great Kong red and the public are also surprised to see him but red wonders how powerful he is as he seems to have beaten that ant guy without much difficulty Kong notes that he's hungry now since he stretched his body so since they probably haven't eaten yet either they should have a feast and make the public enjoy their time he tells zigana to go and activate the hatch which he thinks that it's not a wise idea but Kong notes that he doesn't like to say things twice so he should open the damn hatch he runs away and does just that with a hatch that is above the arena slowly opening sun and yay Jin wonder what this is but that's when a human falls out of it Kong tells them to not be shy and enjoy these treats as they are in the house more and more humans start appearing that transform into larvae as Kong is indulging himself in some larvae meat he tells the others to dig in too as The larva fully transforms yay Jin and red think that this is truly horrible but Sun thinks of this as a perfect opportunity all they need to do is stop that guy from consuming any larvae as he will take care of the rest y Jin wonders if that's possible but red tells him that he does what he needs to without worry Kong tells them to stop talking and enjoy the food as this is not a chance that they will get again anytime soon as he eats he finds the small parasite noting that this is the best part of the entire meal meal red notices that he grabbed it and as Kong puts it in his mouth red charges in ready to stop him as he does that sun tells yin to run away as he came to save her in the first place so she should go Yin Smiles as she didn't believe he was the sentimental type but he should stop talking nonsense and go and eat as she will help red with the fight Sun agrees and tells the hive to come out and eat all of the larva it can the hive does just that but sun isn't finished yet as he lets his other ants eat too with all that is left of them being one hands worth as red approaches Kong bites his fist and tells him to stop pestering him like a flea while he's eating he throws red into the public but yay Jin catches him with her silk and tells him to use it to jump back at that guy he does just that and uses a barrier charge punch to stop Kong from eating afterwards he unleashes a deadly combo on him using the silk to boost his power exponentially to the point where he sends Kong back unfortunately this wasn't enough as Kong has managed to consume the parasite making its strength grow even further he tightens all of his muscles as he punches the air which red defends himself of something which proves to save him as the sheer force of the punch would have knocked him out if he didn't have the barrier just how powerful can one man truly be Kong says that he needs to finish his meal now but red tries to hit him once again in order to stop him before y Jin can tell him to back away Kong punches him in the gut and kicks him away destroying most of his armor as he does so and knocking him out Yin Falls to her knees as they cannot hope to win against such a monster as he is far beyond anything they have seen up until now Kong continues to eat until he gets to his fifth one noting that this should be enough to fully Revitalize him that's when he notices that the larvae he is holding is convulsing and out of his mouth comes the parasite which goes to Sun as his ants carry it to him with this final larvae sun has eaten a total of 10 something which Kong is extremely mad about he doesn't know how he did it but he will consume him before he can even digest them as he charges in Sun calls all of his black ants back with them forming Colony upon colony and his arm being transformed into a new shape with that he tells the newly formed colonies to consume that man as he is their last Target as sun stands with his army of colonies yay Jin is amazed but Kong is surprised that he is actually using tricks however there are only 11 of him this does not change a thing Sun puts his hand forwards and tells his colonies to go ahead and devour which they all go to do with Kong being extremely hyped up as finally he has a worthy opponent to fight all of the colonies jump him at once and at first he manages to hold them off but they eventually pin him down which makes him scream that he should show more strength as just pushing him around with numbers is no fun he smashes the ground which defeats some of the colonies but the ants gather around another colony and create powerful hands for it which The Colony smashes Kong with at full force Kong is ecstatic as this is what it means to have a real fight when both sides struggle for survival he uses his strength to smash both of the colonies that were holding him in place but that's when he notices that it's not over yet as two other colonies are preparing acid attacks much larger than Sun previously did with his command the colonies both unleash a spray of acid that Kong can only laugh at as he notices that there are others that are holding his feet down this causes the acid attack to hit him fully resulting in a pretty large green explosion at the end which creates a lot of dust yet wonders if it's truly over which son also wonders as he looks closely at the dust but that's when his eyes widen as a much bigger figure comes out of it Kong announces that now they will meet the real him EO the scarab beetle sun is shocked to see that he actually managed to transform while he was hit and Kong explains that he didn't expect him to force his Awakening he is truly amazing so since he has taken quite a liking to him he will make sure that he dies by his hands only Sun commands his ranged colonies to attack once again but as they attack Kong unleashes one punch which besides taking the colonies down it also crumbles the wall behind sun because of the sheer force seeing this sun tries to assemble his ants once again but it's far too late as Kong tackles him into the same wall that he crushed earlier yay Jin screams out for sun but she can't do anything to help him as Kong keeps pushing and pushing he asks son if this is all that 10 larvae are really worth as he is still a weak rat he pushes him through the wall and smashes his head on the ground presumably taking Sun out for good Kong is sad that his toy has broken after such a short while of him playing with it but whatever this guy was a weakling anyways as he died before even fighting properly well at least now he can eat him and get those 10 larvae back suddenly the surprisingly conscious son mutters something under his breath which makes Kong ask him to speak up son says it again eat me Swarm at that moment all of the colonies appear and they start to grab onto him with their mouths damaging him as they do so Kong notes that this is truly pathetic is he really going to take his own life like this as Sun screams the final swarm aims for his head which it eventually engulfs slowly sun is completely covered by the Swarm which assumes a beastly shape as it howls out at the sky Kong laughs as he sees this wondering what this is but it's whatever as he has been dying to fight something more powerful above the normal Arena zigana and one other insector noticed that sun and Kong have left the arena but zigana is more amazed that Kong actually awakened just how strong will that ant become but this isn't the time to think about such things as the situation has surely been reported to the higher ups already meaning that person will most certainly get here soon the executive of the celestial insects hexagon he tells the other insector to take all of the cash and run as far as possible as six shots are done as of today the insector asks what he will do with zigana noting that he will go down and check on the situation but that's when a strange suited up man appears in front of him and asks to come with as he is not used to this place and might not be able to find his way around so he will rely on him for that is that fine the Swarm and Kong continue to fight with none of them seeming to take the upper hand as they are both dealing blows to each other that would kill normal insector eventually Kong manages to deal an even heavier punch to the Swarm which sends it back but before Kong can Relish in his victory the Swarm shoots a beam at his face using its newly formed tail he charges an even more powerful beam and lets it out on Kong who defends himself with his shoulder which is very armored he says that this thing's attacks are rather simple but his attacks are even simpler with that he charges in on the Swarm which causes the acidic beam to go everywhere it even goes outside and creates an explosion Yin is shocked to find out that sun is still fighting but they need to use this opportunity she asks red to get up already who really wants to but as he tries he starts coughing up blood showing that he is in no position to move without assistance at least the Swarm desperately tries to go through Kong's armor but it can't seem to penetrate it making Kong say that nobody can dare to stop him nobody he punches the Swarm in its arm making it just fall off but this creates an opportunity for the Swarm to bite his other arm and try to slice it but it seems that its attacks prove useless Kong tells it that its efforts will be all in vain even if it struggles with everything that it's got he will crush it under his foot the Swarm screams out but Kong just punches its neck off making him think that it's over unfortunately for him the Swarm hangs on by just a thread and slowly recovers its hand and head attaching them back to its body Kong finds this disgusting but fine if it really wants to fight until there is nothing left of it he will do so as many times as he needs to as he tries to attack with his left fist it gets slashed off completely with tons of ants being inside of him and his flesh needless to say he is shocked as he can't believe that this thing actually managed to deal him such a blow but this confusion soon turns into anger as nobody would even dare to think of doing such a thing to him he starts punching with his right arm constantly pushed by his undying thirst for Revenge but try as he might he just can't get the Swarm down completely he feels that something is seriously wrong as even if he punches it constantly and is never on the receiving end of the attacks the more he breaks this thing the more it feels like he's the one that's being devoured he removes such delusions from himself as he is the apex predator he is the one who does the devouring around here as he says that both of his legs just fall off as they are sliced making him scream out in Rage as he will not let this measly creature try and devour him any longer Unfortunately for him he doesn't seem to have a say in this any longer as he feels a strange sensation pressure combined with tension it's just like when he first met that man this feeling it's fear in his last moments he begs for forgiveness but as the swarm's gaping mouth opens slowly son who is still there answers with one word hungry with that the the Swarm starts to consume the now deceased Kong with great hunger but it also screams out at its Victory as it has shown that it's the real apex predator Yin and red eventually make it to where sun is where they see him standing above Kong's desecrated corpse but Yin feels that something is seriously wrong as Sun slowly turns to them it's shown that his eyes are blood red and he only tells them that he is hungry sun says that he's starving actually with Yin being very surprised that this guy actually smirked but red asks if this is really the only thing that she's surprised about right now as his eyes are fully bloodshot he seems that he has lost all sense of self before they even notice it sun moves closer to them with red screaming at yajin to defend herself but she was too surprised by all of this so she does nothing as son grabs her by the neck and also grabs son with a colony to make sure that he doesn't move something which red isn't happy about as Sun holds Yin in place and smiles she asks if it's really him behind those eyes but sun doesn't pay her any mind as he finally found something good to eat that's when red who managed to get out of his restraint punches him this gives Yin the opportunity to scream out at him as he needs to come back to his senses already red asks if this is the end of their tear-jerking friendship it's quite disappointing as they both hit him he doesn't stop smiling and uses a new skill corrosion which makes the ants that are on his attackers start violently eating at their armor eventually covering them up fully as they consume sun looks at this but behind his crazy blood fueled eyes is the real son who is being kept as a prisoner by the ants who seem to be ready to end him for good son completely defeated by everything tells them to go ahead and eat as he has had enough of this world he can't take it they should eat up and get it over with already the ant colonies start approaching him but that's when a screech can be heard and when sun looks up he sees the red ant once again who menacingly stands above him Sun wonders what it's doing here again but he tells it to stop as he is has reached his limit too this is more than enough suddenly the red ant projects a humanoid appearance out of it who tells son to continue on Living Sun is Charmed by its appearance but the other ants don't like it as they are all slowly killed off by the sheer presence of the red ants new form with even Sun being pushed back a bit the red ant tells him that it's absolutely necessary that he lives and starts pushing him out into the real world which he tries to stop as he has something to say to this red figure that seems all too similar but he cannot in the real world Sun screams out as the ants stop attacking Yin and red but Yin is more worried about Sun who is still screaming as he slowly transforms eventually he fully gets out of his ant form and falls to the ground but Yin catches him and tells him to wake up while asking if he's okay that's when Yin feels something wet on her shoulder that being son's tears who finally remembered who the red figure looked like his mother Yin doesn't know what to say at this point as first he acts like a crazy bastard and then starts crying like a baby for his mother son asks what happened to Kong but she says that he needn't worry everything was resolved already red looks at them and notes that it seems their relationship is much more than a friendship not that he's complaining or anything Yin throws son at him telling to go ahead and carry him if he can only think about weird stuff now all they need to do is get out of this place which they try to do but that's when the suited up man appears behind them and says that this is truly an annoying situation y Jin wonders who he is while red wonders how they didn't see him but that's when they noticed that zigana and the two bodyguard girls are also there the suited man asks if this is their doing with red telling yajin to step back and let him handle this situation as he can feel that this guy is extremely dangerous the man says that he wants to leave work early in order to experience the night life of the town so he would appreciate their cooperation before the man can ask them what he wants to ask zigana asks how they dared to touch his boss and charges in with the bodyguards as they can pay for this crime with their own lives the suited man size as he just wanted to go home early as he finishes his sentence he kills both of the bodyguards and puts zigana down he already told them his intentions yet they dare to interrupt him like that it's such a hassle to deal with morons honestly he tells the group to listen up as he has something very important to say from the great gajima this man is hexagon the executive he tells them what gijima told him that they should think of this as a blessing as if they are to inter interfere any longer they will be swiftly dealt with and they shouldn't think of running as they have eyes everywhere even closer than they would think with that the message is done leaving both Yin and red surprised as they can't believe someone would speak of such nonsense but hexagon tells them to not call the Majesty's words into question as someone might end up getting hurt far more than they would expect Yin asks what his deal is in all of this is he a Heavenly insect too red asks if he really came all the way here just to deliver the words of his boss one of the strongest people of the insector world and a part of the six-legged Army hexagon says that he is correct even Mr Kong had the potential to be in that same position but it seems that he is unable to write now Yin thinks that monster was extremely strong are there really people that are much stronger than him hexagon tells them that they will not be reprimanded for this as Kong was about to be condemned anyway as gima has thought of his actions as too rash red asks why would they kill one of their own aren't they supposed to gather as many powerful people in that Merry group of theirs hexagon explains that even if it's true that Mr Kong had formidable power he constantly went against gima's will as insector are the result of a magnificent Evolution that only a few Chosen Few are lucky enough to have such magnificence shouldn't be insulted by trying to replicate it in the grand plan of gajima who seeks to establish the insector as the top of the food chain Kong was nothing but a mere bug that thought of himself as something more the six-legged Army is Waging War on Humanity with the anticipated endgame being the complete annihilation of humanity he would love nothing more than to eliminate them right now so that they won't interfere with their future plans but alas he will give them an opportunity one that they would be foolish to refuse all of them should join the celestial insects Yin tells him to go to hell as she wasn't risking her life for that she aims to kill all Celestial insects even gima hexagon lets out a scream to shut her up and tells her to consider it carefully as there are both merits and demerits in choosing to join them now he would like an answer yes or no both yin and red find his offer very interesting but they both flip him off at the same time and tell him to shove it this makes him mad as he warned them previously to be more courteous red doesn't care about the war neither about the genocide of humanity honestly he doesn't even know what these guys are even fighting for but if he wants to just sell him to the stronger guys it's a no from him as if they are stronger than Kong he hopes to beat them down one day Yin explains that even if this is is just business to him she will not work under the ones who killed her own family she would rather die hexagon strangely starts to laugh as he hasn't heard such nonsense in such a long time are they out of their minds they are such children truly he hasn't laughed like this in a while he doesn't know exactly what they mean by their childish words but well since they made him laugh this hard they can have this worm as he is no longer useful to them y Jin asks how this is supposed to help them in any way but hexagon notes that he heard heard from her majesty that there is a loser among them who needs to eat insector in order to survive he had nothing to do with zigana in the first place so they can do whatever kill him or not it's entirely their choice with that he wishes them farewell while noting that they will be seeing each other again sooner rather than later after he disappears red says that this is just insane as he didn't expect for them to get so much attention from so many important people but well they should just go now as he doesn't want any more visitors with that they start flying away with red carrying zigana but once they arrive on the surface they find that it's strangely quiet with everyone probably evacuating already Yin notices that he grabbed zigana and asks why he did that with red explaining that he just saw him slumped on the ground and thought it would be a shame to let such a fine specimen to rot down below he was actually thinking of using him as a punching bag as he seemed sturdy enough that's when a bunch of bug Reapers appear and Signal the others that they found insector with Kim who is out side telling them to do their best right now as they need to stabilize the chaos that is outside Yin can't believe that they are in trouble again and covers all of their faces with silk as they run away since they want to keep their identities hidden the Reapers try to catch them but Red Blocks their path with a punch that creates tons of debris and this allows them to go outside and fly away Kim tries to shoot after them but there's no way that he can hit them with a pistol from this much distance the bug Reapers manage to catch the unconscious zigana and think that he's the last specimen on the premises but they will double check PO thanks them for their work over the phone but thinks that they are always one step behind it seems how unfortunate he apologizes to the other members of the board for being late but now it's time for the executive meeting to begin at the Supreme command headquarters of the bug Reapers the meeting is taking place with the D branch manager Mr ski wondering why they are holding such a highlevel meeting all of a sudden the department head of the jongi province simply named a says that it doesn't even make sense that they were summoned here by po since they all hold higher rank than him Joe the team leader of the bug Reaper C Branch agrees as hierarchy is essential for a stable system so he must say he is rather disappointed with this situation Min the manager of the E Branch tells them to stop being Buzz skills as even though they have higher ranks than po it does not matter so they should hear what they have to say since they are already gathered here the head of the bug Reaper F Branch says that this isn't just about their position as she heard that there have been lots of incidents in the two areas they are charged with and the loss of personnel has also become higher thanks to them and their uselessness their image has shattered the B branch manager says that he knows what everyone thinks of them and he heard that this is a meeting to advise plans that prevent future useless sacrifices so they should go ahead and begin a asks why the most important thing is to prevent sacrifices as he's certain that wasn't the case when he lost his disciple that was always on his side he isn't even worthy of his title as he just got stung a few times by insects and was promoted in no time because he killed them what a joke he also supported that experiment which could have potentially killed the master he vowed to protect all of them here even po are kicking ass as special agents so he has no right to just brush their concerns off like it's no big deal he didn't do anything to make him treat him like a damn insect in truth isn't he just jealous of his powers the B branch manager says that this has been irritating him for a while now but why are they the ones that are supposed to kill off any bugs they see mingling with this worm who could betray them at any point should he just kill him now and be done with it he is certainly able to he promises that much a feels mad that he used that word once again as he told him not to but the G branch manager tells them to shut up already and get this meeting over with as he is too tired for their needless yapping poo says that he's right they should cut the small talk and get to the point indeed as they said they have been beaten by the insector rather consistently however this Gathering was not made so that they could self-reflect they've gathered here to prepare for the very likely case of the insector launching a full-on Invasion it's time for them to shift things into third gear and prepare for allout war Joe wonders if the bugs aren't doing the same as them since it has come to this poo explains that he is correct recent movements have suggested that more and more bugs are gathering and it would seem like they are just going on about their lives but upon closer inspection ction they have found out that they are all gathering around strong and intelligent insector forming a group called the celestial insector something which is very well organized from their investigations the F Branch leader says that they are gathering in quite suspicious places are they aiming to destroy the Bell Tower or something ski notes that in his time he has faced a lot of bugs headon but it seems like these aren't your average insector as po pulls out a book he says that in order to withstand the attacks of the insector they need something that will rival them in power something that they shouldn't expect he gives them the book with the ant Castle Project with them wondering what it is and who the people inside of it are the B branch manager picks the book up and asks poo what this book is about exactly that's when the old man comes around and says that he will explain that himself and he doesn't know where they got that book but they should stop flipping through it like that as he has a personal connection to it a painful one poo asks if he's the one that wrote it but the old man denies it it's his Apprentice who did po asks how much he knows about the project and what his involvement with it is the old man explains that he was just keeping an eye on it from the sidelines as it was a top secret initiative carried out by the research team before the bug Reapers were transformed into different combat units from the beginning it was shrouded in mystery and confidentiality however the project proved to be a success and three different subjects were created unfortunately one eventful day a mysterious explosion occurred at their holding facility with the fire destroying almost all evidence of anything ever existing there however they were able to extract one test subject from that place poo is shocked when he hears this and so he asks where this test subject is now but the old man says that he doesn't have a clue as at the time it was above his pay grade and Below his authority poo doesn't know what to do right now so the old man suggests that if they want power that Rivals insector they should take the special vaccine he concocted this makes all of the managers fall silent as they look at him with excitement in his voice he explains that he and jyn have been opposed to using it but he should see the result for himself as they are amazing in fact they have already proven it since lucky and his division already had their insector injections made he was the B branch manager jyn's Apprentice before but now he is a top special agent he was already amazing but through the tests he became even stronger even nominated for the department head title as he keeps pushing and pushing this idea further and further jyn's anger grows so he smashes the table completely and tells him to shut up before he will say something he wishes he hasn't a tells him that in the end he is the same idealistic bastard what's human dignity worth if so many people die for that dumb idea he goes next to the old man and tells him to not be discouraged as he is very positive about his research so he agrees on letting his team take some of the vaccines and see how it goes as they all walk away poo goes to jyn and he's quite surprised by his reaction jyn apologizes as the topic the old man was talking about was too touchy but they should go back too now at the B branch of the bug Reapers deep below the Earth the now fully taken over roow who doesn't even recognize CO as the same species as him with a final blow he incapacitates him a burning hunger from within telling him to open that door and awaken as that is his only objective in life he opens the heavily armored door revealing a very large figure who was standing right outside it Rose says that he has been waiting for him all of this time this insector seems to be of the same species as son an ant as the mighty insector comes out of his confinement Ro begs him to not leave him behind and awaken him as a true insector he even bows down the insector puts his hand over Rose's head which he thinks will be to awaken but then in a raspy and loud voice the insector says that a mutant like him who is never an insector to begin with is not worthy of Awakening with that he crushes his head fully and the bug Reapers who were at the facility start mobilizing against the escaped insector when they arrive they see that the roko brothers are both dead so they start opening fire on the thing using their High Caliber weapons but one of them wonders how the hell it managed to get out of confinement was the equipment they put in place faulty or was it opened from the outside the bullets do nothing to the insector not even graze him the insector Wonders where he is and then with a slash of his hand he cuts all of the bug Reapers there in half even hitting a fuel pump that blows up leaving behind him a trail of Destruction and death eventually po Jin and taay arrive at the scene with poo speaking with Co who seems to be barely alive but with the last of his power he explains that the insector have infiltrated their sector so they shouldn't come as it's already compromised jyn asks if his smoke that they have in every containment cell isn't supposed to be the Invincible bane of all insector but PO says that he doesn't have all of the answers right now who knows what happened for it to not activate Tay tells them to hold tight as they are almost there but when they get in front of the ctor a pillar of flame arises and shortly after a giant explosion destroys the entire facility in front of their very eyes Tay dams it all for not being able to make it in time but po notices something even more shocking that the specimen they were holding captive has breached containment jyn tells him to not go they should turn away and leave before he notices them but poo gets out of the car and tells Taye to get away and go back to headquarters as there needs to be someone who will tell everyone about what happened he doesn't want to at first because he can also fight but po tells him that he's way out of his League here he can't face something like this jyn also gets out of the car and says that he's a real piece of work po tells him to step back otherwise he won't guarantee his safety but jyn says that he won't disturb him in his hunt rather he will help him poo tells him to be careful as he's very mad now so he will attack relentlessly but jyn already knew that so they both get into position to charge in the insector calls them a bunch of incompetent fools and thus they legendary fight begins inside of a pretty nice home Yin walks around while admiring the house but also questioning why people like this guy always have such nice Living Spaces yet she has to live in a one by one home that's when she also notices Red's collection of trophies won at different boxing contests with a picture of him saying that he is the lightweight champion of the country red who just came out of the shower explains that he is happy with performing on this stage because it's difficult to avoid blood tests and doping scandals on the bigger ones but now that he's out she should also go take a shower since she's starting to stink she notes that this type of living must be easy on him he probably doesn't know how it is to live in a rooftop apartment since all he does is get money from punching people red says that he puts a lot of effort into faking his Humanity she should also know about that but she tells him to shut up as they should check on son they go to the couch they placed him out with him being passed out pretty peacefully both of them think that he's recovering quite well but red wonders why she brought him here of all places something which makes yay Jin slap him as she treats his wounds she says that this guy lives with his grandma so if she sees him in this condition she will pass away but red still doesn't get why she didn't take him in her house she notes that it's dirty there as she didn't have time to clean up red then changes the subject saying that he is different from other insector as his blood is very red and even the message left by gima was aimed towards him as he looked at him the entire time Yin says that even so she already knew something was up up as when she mentioned gijima for the first time his eyes immediately became filled with rage his past certainly has to do with that monster she is sure of it jyn and poo try to get through gima's defenses but the ants won't even let them pass them allowing him to attack without worry but the two aren't defenseless either as they push away the first attack and then they Dash away from the next jyn finds his ability is amazing and po notes that it's just like how the ant Castle Project file said the range of attack is really intuitive jyn charges up his axe while noting he didn't sign up to fight mere ants and then throws it with poo charging his axe with the energy he had stored up in his Katana the axe hits gajima Square in the chest but jyn doesn't stop there as he also charges in and connects his two axes while hitting dealing a powerful blow to gajima while in this position he asks gajima if he's part of the insector or a rebel gima says that a lowly human like him wouldn't understand even if he tries but jyn tells him to try him with that he pulls his es out once again and moves to slash gajima which he succeeds to do multiple times gajima unbothered by this says that his skills are admirable but he will now show the true Pinnacle of power in one movement he cuts one of jyn's arms and legs off with poo screaming at him to back away however even in his injured State he puts enough strength in his remaining arm to actually cut one of gima's arms which he congratulates him for and apologizes for calling him inferior all of this time unfortunately this is as far as his strength will carry him jyn thinks that this is it for him this is how he's going to die but gajima suddenly moves right in front of Po and says that he must already know about that case poo thinks that if he's talking about the ant Castle Project he may be able to pull out more information from him he says that the case is classified information what is he trying to do with it he shouldn't try to lie as he knows everything about the project since he read it kajima explains that there is someone precious to him connected to it someone that may be able to unify all of the insector kind and make them the right rulers of this world before poo can ask more questions taay smashes the van into gajima and tells him to get lost but this doesn't stop him at all his efforts are without any meaning gajima cuts the van in half with ease but Tay manages to get out and tell poo that he will buy them some much needed time so with it he should go and take care of jyn poo asks him truthfully how long does he think he will last against that monster he is the devil incarnate a being that defies all logic out of nowhere a large bomb appears out of the sky and lands squarely on gajima who blocks it with his arm but the explosion still happens creating a small mushroom cloud this was done by Kim who came by airplane and also apologizes for being late to the party but they should hop on and leave this place as it's not something they want to be caught in with this diversion they managed to get away not because they outsmarted gajima but because he wanted to let them go the next day Yin and Sun are the only ones at school because from the messages with Cho Sun finds out that they were all supposed to go on a trip with their math teacher but since they didn't show up at all the schedule moved up and they went earlier Yin damned it all as she really wanted to go on that trip why does everything fun happen when they are not around to put the icing on the cake she also lost her phone so she couldn't check the schedule but she hasn't given up yet and tells son that they should also go to poang where the trip is being held son asks how they are going to get there in the first place making yay Jin laugh in situations like this one needs to take advantage of their Rich friend also can she borrow his phone for a bit when they go outside she notes that she has found a way for them to get to poong a way that will make them arrive faster than anyone that's when a large engine can be heard coming their way and sure enough a red expensive car Parks right next to them out of it comes red who notes that they are truly arrogant to bother him like this in the middle of the day but they should feel lucky he was in the mood for driving so they should hop in already yayin immediately jumps in the front and notes that it's really nice to have a rich friend with sun just sitting behind puzzled by this whole ordeal he starts messaging his grandma and tells her about the trip with her asking if he needs a ride to poong but he says that it's fine his friends already took care of it he also lets out a small smile but unfortunately things will not be all quiet as a bug is watching them from above its eyes fixated on the blood red car the dragonflies of the land roam about as it is their season after all but some are unfortunate enough to be interrupted from their peaceful lives such a case is happening right now as a senior Soldier is is bragging to the Juniors about how fast his reflexes are but he also notes that since it's their season they are extremely good at eating he will prove it by making SEI eat it SEI a shy and introverted person can only stand still in fear as the senior asks if he's right but when he doesn't answer he asks again this time with a much more dead panned face se he immediately screams out that he's correct the senior grabs him by his jaw and tells him to not speak so loud but what's so good about these dragon flies now say he says that they are jamed packed with nutrients which the senior agrees these are some good soldiers that any Soldier needs so he will allow him to taste it first with that the senior puts the dragonfly in seah's mouth who immediately falls on the ground but the senior tells him to swallow as he will have to eat too if he spits it out okay this sounds kind of sussy as he and the other Juniors walk away while talking about various things say he suffers as he barely swallows the dragonfly his eyes filled with a mix of regret and sorrow later in the day they all play a game of football with se he put as the goalkeeper but he doesn't seem to be doing well as his body is acting up after he ate that dragonfly his teeth are gnawing at each other and his blood runs cold eventually the ball gets to him with the senior telling him to block it but due to his awful condition he doesn't even notice the ball as it flies past him the senior immediately punches him to the ground while calling him a jerk and then starts kicking him while noting that this isn't a game this was something to prove their Excellence but he is clueless a clueless bastard who is worthless as they walk away one of the Juniors wonders why he is so hard on him all the time as it goes to Crazy levels sometimes but the other Junior says that it's just how the situation is he got targeted only because he was the weakest of them all truly a pitiful life When the Roll Call happens the sergeant notices that se is shaky and his movements are stiff so he asks what happened but the senior who is right next to him tells him to shut up if he knows what's good for him say he grits his teeth and as the sergeant asks again he says that it's nothing he bumped into someone while playing soccer the sergeant believes him and continues on since fall is here they should bring out their jacket so that they don't get cold and also if they have any issues they can report them directly to him as he is in his office at all times with that he dismisses them what truly happened going unspoken by anyone when night arrives se he and the senior are left on guard Duty with the senior apologizing for hitting him so hard but seriously he shouldn't have sat around like a dumbass and let the ball go through through like that SEI doesn't even listen to him as the dragonfly he swallowed starts growing the senior asks if he's even listening or does he want another beating the dragonfly grows once again the senior has had enough of his insolence and tries to slap him but say he doesn't move at all even if he is slapped the dragonfly engulfs seah's entire body the senior screams at him as he will write this up as insubordination but that's when he notices that something is wrong very wrong indeed there is Sun's glasses fall on the ground as he is fully transformed into an insector ready to take his senior's life in response the senior has only one word to say [ __ ] the school kids are still on the road with the teachers watching the news about a fire in a club near their City one of the teachers asks the main one how much further with the main teacher of the field trip saying that in about 10 minutes they will arrive Cho doesn't partake in the talking the other kids are doing as she stares out the window but she also noticed that since that eventful day her classmates have been looking at her like she did something the one in front of her asks if she wants a lollipop but in exchange she has to come with him during the trip in response Cho punches the air in his face making him drop the lollipop she tells him to not get riled up for nothing since they will all go on this trip together while he laments going on such a boring field trip Cho bows down to pick up the lollipop but that's when the newly transformed SEI appears and guns down everyone in the bus with the only exception being Cho who was fortunate enough to duck when she looks around she notices her classmates's lifeless corpses but SE is not done here as he opens up the bus vent and looks down on her sun and the Gang fall silent while they drive towards their spot but red tries to break the ice by asking when they first awakened as insector Yin feels that it's kind of a random question but to encourage them to do it red tells him his story first when he started boxing he had a unique way of doing it different from his peers and because of this he became became the champion in no time but once he got in an argument with a guy who was a supposed big shot and when they got to the streets to settle the score things got wild as that guy ambushed him with a bunch of gangsters so he was beaten and basically left to die however he thought that this was infuriating to be ganged on by a bunch of losers so he wished to kill them all that's when his emotions spiraled out of control and he awakened he was surprised by this fact as he never showed signs of it before but the second thing he wondered about was how exactly he became one so when he became a member of the six he asked Hannah who was pretty knowledgeable about it she explained that in their lifespans humans eat over 100 different types of insects or get stinged but when a human eats one it's like some special genes from that entity seep into the body with those infected being none the wiser about their condition they live on like ordinary humans however once a special trigger happens the genes from the insect become their flesh and blood they awaken that's when he realized he ate a ladybug some time ago but he wonders where Hannah is now with that he tells yin to tell her story which she does she was helping her father with farm work but she wanted to peek her head out of the window to feel the wind her father warned that bugs are coming yet she didn't listen that's when a moth flew straight down her gullet and she swallowed it something which her father was very mad about a few months after that gajima came and killed her parents that was the day when she awakened red apologizes for bringing up bad memories but moves on to Sun how did he awaken sun says that it was from when he was young he doesn't remember much though Yin notes that it's very convenient but red says that the memories may come back to him someday eventually they arrive in poong but they notice that there's a line for some reason and some soldiers too something which one doesn't see often a soldier comes to Red's car and salutes red asks if they can go through as he has some students that want to go on a trip but that's when sun feels an insector nearby sure enough the soldier explains that there is an insector issue currently and he can't allow anyone to go through some explosions and gunshots can be heard from afar with Y Jin wondering what to do but Sun tells him to drive not back to Soul but in front as there is an insector there he can feel it with that red salutes the soldier once again but then revs up the engine and busts through their blockade with ease as they surely didn't expect for a maniac to do something like this somewhere far away the soldiers try to take down seah with everything they can man even explosives but he's too Swift in his new form and easily Dodges their attacks allowing him to cut through them like butter with only one soldier remaining who is hiding behind the bushes he calls for backup say he slowly arms himself from the corpses of his past comrades as the soldier warns the others to be careful as the insector has used weapons before and is very deadly as SEI throws a grenade right on top of him he screams out for help as he is too mortified to do anything else unfortunately the grenade pops right in front of his eyes and explodes but the soldier miraculously survives this as two bug Reapers have protected him from the blast the head of the F Branch tells him that everything will be all right he just needs to go back and report to his superiors about what happened they will take care of this guy say he asks why she had to go and ruin his fun but the F Branch head says that she hates the talkative ones well he will not be able to talk in a few moments at least say he points the gun towards the bug Reaper's Direction but the F Branch head tells him that bullets will not work against them sure enough her two guards jump in front of her with their bulletproof clothes and protect her then they jump in while seah is still unloading his mags on them but they suddenly pull out their ranged whip weapons and stab SEI in each of his wings causing a surge of electricity to go through him the F Branch head also charges in noting that it is quite funny for an insector to use guns like this considering they are much more powerful but it wouldn't be of any use anyway as he would still lose as he will do now she charges up her fist to the maximum output of energy and punches seah very hard sending him flying SE sits defeated with two of his hands cut off and an Eye shield broken he still has his fighting Spirit however and tries to attack once again but the F Branch head swipes next to him and gives him a deadly kidney shot allowing her to continue putting him down she raises her fist and tells him that he should have stayed up already something which reminds him of the senior the F Branch head still punches him but then he starts begging for his life as he has had enough he surrenders he also says that he's a soldier and that he does not wish to die like this the F Branch leader looks at him and says that this guy still has some sense in him so they should tie him up however seah starts to convulse and grow as he remembers what the seniors did to him all of the bullying all of the beatings he got he transformed into this thing because of him what did he do to deserve this type of treatment why was he the one to suffer like this the F Branch headguards jump in front of her as they noticed that seah has transformed and is now shooting small insects out of his gaping mouth guns the guard's bulletproof cloaks do nothing against these metal bending insects and their pincers so the F branch manager is bathed in their blood say he tells her that she should have left him alone those bastards deserved it all of them deserved it the F Branch head screams at the top of her lungs that he is a trickster rat say he regenerates his wings and starts flying while also telling his new dragonflies to charge in with tears in his eyes they do just that but the f Branch head is not about to go down easily so she zaps the small insector away but it seems that this was seah's plan as he starts flying away she is adamant on not letting him go so she uses tons of power from her gloves to charge a shot and unleash it on seah which lands squarely on his back but unfortunately it does not stop him as he begins flying away with even greater speed the F Branch leader continues to follow him throughout the forest eventually sun and the group arrive at the incident site where they notice their school bus but it's entirely empty and bloodied up red explains to someone that when they got here the bus was just empty which they find hard to believe even as Yin searches red signals her to stop as it's pointless Sun decided to go on his own through the forest but he is now speaking with yay Jin who asks if he found that insector yet Sun denies it and says that he's moving fast but what about their classmates are they safe Yin says that there's a problem as the kids are nowhere to be seen seeing that they have suddenly poofed out of existence like this there is no doubt that they are being kept as a food source he has that insector before it is too late sun says that he understands and closes the call he takes off his band-aid and charges in with even greater speed as he completely transforms his eyes filled with the thrill of the hunt before the bus was emptied of the bodies Cho couldn't believe that almost all of her classmates were dead but that's when she heard the bus door open as the insector who attacked them just came in she hid behind one of the chairs and waited for him to go away which he apparently did eventually so she decided to call the cops as fast as she could before he could come back that's when spit landed on her phone as the insector who she thought was gone was above her and was salivating at the thought of eating her eventually Cho wakes up with the sight of her classmates's deceased corpse but then notices where she is a warehouse that is filled with corpses not only her classmates but other people too even soldiers she freezes from the fear as the smell of the Dead engulfs her very being but that's when she notices the gaping hole in the warehouse where suddenly SEI arrives so she tries to play dead the best she can he starts to mumble about orders and a bunch of other military keywords but none of it really makes sense until he finally makes it to a corpse as his stomach is empty and he must fill it Cho finally understands what he's doing behind her and she closes her eyes as he starts to eat The Corpse's flesh in a medley of disgusting sounds something which fills him with excitement and joy so he starts eating even faster and bites even bigger he rises in his new form a red dragonfly that seems much more powerful than his Green version he goes to the opening and thinks that it's a bother he has to go in and fight again but he cannot let the bug Reaper bastards find his stash Cho hides her breath and thinks that she needs to get out of here otherwise she will be consumed just like how he devoured that Soldier that's when her phone starts buzzing and say he turns around as he has heard it too Cho wonders who is buzzing her phone and her face lights up when she sees that son she answers but she does not say a word instead he says that he will take her answering as her being okay so she should wait up as she's coming to save all of them he promises with a large thud seah arrives right next to her and she decides to turn around as she knows that she cannot hide anymore SEI is still in his demented State and grabs her by her neck she begs him to let go and get his hands off of her which makes him remember the times when the senior fed him a dragonfly with him begging to be let go just like this girl is doing now so he responds the same as the senior did that time why should he he grips even Tighter and in her final moments Cho begs someone to help anyone even son that's when a black punch goes in seah's face and rips his hand off too son has arrived to the rescue she looks to see who rescued her and is shocked to see another insector but this one has a much more gentle demeanor as seah's arm falls to the ground Cho looks closer at the insector who rescued her and notices that it's the same one that rescued her before SEI looks at him while noting that there's an intruder in the base while regenerating his hand Sun creates a colony and tells it to protect Cho say he has had enough of his insolence and uses his newly made handgun to start firing at The Intruders but before he can do that sun charges in first say he starts firing at them with his new insector bullets and the colony protects Cho with all of its power the bullets going through it as it moves Cho around sun continues to charge in but the insector bullets redirect themselves in his Direction and try to hit him but they are no match for his sheer force eventually he arrives next to SEI and tries to punch him but he Dodges and they start trading blows with great effort with none of them being able to hit each other in any meaningful way eventually Sun gains the advantage and punches his side with great force but this doesn't stop seah as he points the gun straight at Sun and shoots with the bullets going right through him making him bleed out of his mouth SEI rises in the air and uses the mini insector to barrage Sun they move in a circle and then suddenly strike them all at once cutting him clear cleanly in half Cho who is still inside of the colony wonders what is going on outside as she hears a lot of fighting SEI stands over Sun who is now cut in half thinking that the Intruder is done with but that's when the real son appears behind him and prepares to strike with a big claw he succeeds and sends seah through the wall with the force of the attack but he gets up on his feet quick and as Sun comes for him he starts shooting again this time with sun being able to defend himself from the bullets this was just a ruse however as the real attack comes from behind with tons of ants clustering up on SEI engulfing him entirely after the attack is done sun goes to check on the body but only finds one small wing and a leg as SEI is running away with Cho and toe she tells him to let go but he obviously will not listen to her Sun charges in to rescue her but se he flies even faster away Sun calls back his colony and calls it an idiot before telling it to come back as they have to catch that insector no matter what happens The Colony transforms itself into wings that attach on son's back allowing him to give Chase to seah before she can even react seah throws her away and tries to snipe her from the air but Sun catches her and runs away from the gigantic bullet that is now following them but fortunately the F Branch head arrives just in time and takes down seah with an extreme amount of power that is surging through her gloves to the point where it starts to disintegrate him next she moves on to Sun and tells him to let that kid go while she's being nice as she isn't without enough power to kill him too when she first first arrived at the scene she saw when son rescued the girl from certain death making her wonder if that insector purpose as to really rescue the child or for other reasons but she thought of it as impossible insector only think about eating people there is no way they would selflessly rescue someone the charred seah falls to the ground and the F Branch head asks son if he's planning to keep that girl as a hostage but son stays silent and doesn't say anything this makes her think that he is not worth reasoning with so she charges in with a punch which lands and takes takes Cho from him as Sun flies away from the punch she puts Cho down on the ground and covers her with the coat while also picking up one of the badges and activating it making her surge with power with that she goes in ready to rid of this insector and finish her job eventually Cho wakes up and sees that the black insector is now fighting a strange woman a bug Reaper she tries to go through his defenses but she can't as all this insector does is Dodge and block why isn't he attacking her did she miss something she eventually attacks with enough power to send him down on the ground allowing her to ask him what is he trying to do was he really trying to protect that girl son says that he was so they should not be fighting like this and wasting time that's when she says that only yesterday 387 people died from insector including some of her colleagues so did he really expect for her to be fooled and think that he actually is trying to protect a human unfortunately for him she is not that gullible she tries to punch him once again but that's when someone from behind her screams at her to stop that person being Cho who asks her to not hurt that person this surprised both the F Branch head and Son Cho explains that this person was taking down other insector and saving lives with this not being the first time that he did it to her he was her savior twice so she should stop harming him as he has done nothing wrong the branch head grabs her tightly and tells her to listen an insector is an insector no matter what they do that thing behind her has killed and harmed humans constantly and even if he did save her twice how doesn't she know that he was just saving her for later he may be aiming for her family and friends too is he ready to face the consequences if that were to happen Cho can't help but remember the death and horror she experienced at the head of the insector so she waivers as even if she is strong of character things like this drag down even the toughest people the branch head says that her colleagues too were ripped to shreds right in front of her eyes even recently an insector who bargained to be left alive as he will help Humanity survive escaped and is now on the loose Sun believes that they are talking about gima but why aren't they focusing all of their efforts on him instead of coming all of the way here but perhaps kijima found out about his existence and took the actions to get out of his jail this makes much more sense than him just leaving that place the branch head sends Cho away as she doesn't have anything to do in this fight but that's when sun pulls her and says that this is enough slowly he removes his armor noting that he promised to come save her so here he is this situation too she can leave it to him as he will bear all of the responsibility for it in a dimly lit room a person with white hair stands in a chair tied in such a way that they cannot move at all that's when a bluish ant climbs up to them and the person asks what took him so long after the case is closed the F Branch head drives away with Cho in the back seat wondering what to do about this new situation she is facing the branch head calls and says that they have captured the insector that defected from the Army even though he is barely breathing right now but unfortunately they lost two great warriors that will be remembered additionally they have captured the black ant who seems to have ties with the ant Castle Project so they should prepare a place to interrogate him once they arrive at HQ when they eventually arrive the guard there immediately lets them inside but behind them is red and yay Jin with red noting that this would be the last place he thought of visiting ever yet here they are Yin wonders what sun is trying to do as even now she can't figure out how he thinks earlier when she and red were running to Sun's location because he was not answering the phone she suddenly stopped red in his tracks as she saw that sun was captured by the bug Reapers they immediately started getting mad and slowly transform while running towards him but that's when something budges into red who thinks that it was y Jin but she confirmed that she had nothing to do with it that's when they notice a very small Colony standing next to them which suddenly writes them a message using the ants to not do anything harsh and stay away they thought that this is Son's way of speaking to to them without being face to face and sure enough the little aunt told them to follow him wherever he went which confused them at first but they decided to do as they were told when sun and the branch head arrive inside of the facility the employees thank her for her hard work she says that it was nothing and tells them to take care of this little one first as she is the only Survivor and she would like to know if she's fully healthy as the employees start tending to her Cho can only look at son who looks back at her too the branch head tells him that he's coming straight with her to the interrogation room which he obliges with as he does not want to fight them while Cho is being escorted to one of the rooms she overhears someone arguing that someone being jyn as poo has suggested that he gets implants something which he does not like poo Comforts him he knows that this is not the best situation but it's what the doctors recommended it's for his health Cho notices that the old guy with glasses was the same one that asked her questions before and the employee says that Unfortunately they had some casualties but doesn't need to see that now jyn says that he just cannot Infuse himself with something of Unknown Origin he already knows full well why he still remembers the day when his disciples said that he would devote himself to learning even more as there is no real way to protect everyone so he will take the insector injection in order to find a way he told him at the time to stop as it would change him more than he thinks but he did not listen to him not a word even if taking the injection and the implants is the right course of action relying on other powers than that of his own own is trampling on his beliefs so he refuses poo asks if he's really going to fight like this to the end which jyn confirms po expected this but even if he is like this with only one leg and arm he can still be classified as the strongest bug Reaper there is jyn smiles and says that this is only natural a guy like him can be much more helpful in terms of power but these disabilities will not impede him from using that power for the greater good suddenly poo gets a call that when he answers his eyes widen with shock he immediately rushes out of the room and says that there is something he must attend to and when he arrives he looks straight at Sun who looks back at him the F Branch head asks if he's doing well as he was pretty injured when he came back PO says that he is fine he came straight here when he heard what she said but is this kid really the one the F Branch head confirms that it's true he said that he knows the purpose of gijima so he shouldn't be underestimated additionally he is the number one result of the ant Castle Project the one that he has been researching all of this time the three of them go into an interrogation room with a lot of researchers sitting behind the screen to eagerly hear what they have to say Pio looks at son and thinks that previously he thought that the number one subject was the woman but in reality it was referring to this boy for now they can put that aside as it's time to ask him some questions son says that yuima the self-proclaimed Majesty of the insector already knows that he is a product of this experiment making po wonder if he is one of his soldiers or something Sun did that completely he may not have a good memory of his childhood but he knows exactly what type of creature Jima is and he does not want to be like him he is the second project a hybrid creature that combined the strongest insector genes and the Ant Castle Project a true force of nature someone that should not be trifled with poo wonders how he knows about all of this and if he is actually a reliable source of information considering he lost his memory Sun continues saying that Jima is the vessel that will hold everything together together be it insector or humans also his brother is the same the others did not expect for him to have a brother and this gets the other researchers talking po notes that he said previously that he knows his whereabouts so can he direct them there sun says that he already called someone over who's managing all of this stuff something which confuses poo at the entrance of the room a tall man arrives and tells the guards that they are here to meet with sun the researchers are also made to stop the interrogation with po asking what for as they are not done yet all of the researchers stand up together and bow down to the boss who at first seems to be this tall and elderly man but then he tells the real boss that now she can come in that person being Sun grandma she tells them to stop staring around like there's something to see she is just a grandma who came to visit her grandson this woman gim is the founder of the bug Reapers the different researchers are amazed to see the founder in this place with some of them not even seeing her ever before the senior researcher bows down to her and asks how she's been doing she says that since she left things with them she's been able to live a comfortable and easy life but how are they doing these days everything good he confirms everything is fine but he hears that she is here to see who they have captured an insector that could shed light on some things she says that she doesn't care about that she is here to see her grandchild the researchers are stumped for a moment but then they all scream out in Surprise as they did not expect her to say something like that PO and the branch head wonder what is going on and in a panic the Searchers tell them to let go of that boy now before they can do so son is already out of his restraints something he was able to do the moment they put them on him he asks the branch head if he can help him with these which she agrees but she shouldn't try anything while he is free as she can still take him down son tells her to relax as just doesn't want to make his grandma sad eventually she arrives in the interrogation room and is very glad to see him with Suns smiling and crouching down to her level asking if she's been well she asks if he has eaten anything yet and poio wonders what is going on if he is her grandson does that mean the founder also knows about this project just how much involvement does she have in it he also greets her and she greets him back but suggests that they go somewhere else and eat while she explains since this room will just ruin the atmosphere they go to a dining hall and the grandma plates up a table telling them to enjoy what she cooked and also inviting her assistant to it with that they all begin gulping down the food that she cooked in every way possible after they are done the grandma says that she owes them some explanations but first things first she will tell them about how the bug Reapers came to be about 18 years ago the summer was pretty hot and the cicas were buzzing louder than usual and she was the owner of a pretty renowned company her assistant was still with her even then who wanted to give her some reports but she told him to wait as she was talking with her son her son was a police officer who was now talking with her about the food that she keeps sending which he is thankful for as he can survive off of it he also gave some to his friends which they thoroughly enjoyed she was glad to hear that and asked how his duties are going nowadays he explained that soon he will get promoted soon he will be like his father she congratulated him for this and was happy for him but he should take care of his body too right he agreed and said that he will but that's when another officer screamed at him from HQ and told him to quickly get on duty as there is a reported murder case that just came to their doorstep he apologized to his mother and closed the call with her thinking that the signal just cut off the assistant told her that thanks to him she will feel comfortable on the streets but she says that she would rather have him take over her business instead of becoming a cop like his father the assistant noted that it meant that he just respects his father a lot it only shows how well he was raised she told him to stop or she would blush but shortly afterwards they got back to work talking about their overseas exports and relations with other businesses that were sure to bring in more money at the end of the year the cicas suddenly became silent as they started to shed their old skin skin and become a new when her son got to the murder scene the perpetrator was also there but it wasn't any normal criminal it was the first of the insector a being that defied all logic because of how much he consumed just like the cicas he shed his old skin and shines more beautifully the only difference was that this one evolved through the blood of others her son tried to defend himself but he could not win against the thing so he lost his life letting the insector roam free when she heard about it she was destroyed she didn't even know what to live for anymore as he left just like his father did they heard from the man who did the autopsy that the wounds he had couldn't have been man-made no these wounds the way they were made were from a beast a beast that defies all logic she cried as much as she could but those tears eventually turned into anger and sorrow when they got back to the office she promised to find the bastard who killed her son no matter what that's when an opportunity came to her doorstep with two people who were informed about this the assistant told her that they have guests with her denying them entry at first but that's when he said that they have information about her son and his death with that they were LED inside and explained to her that the things that killed her son were bugs the man showed her real pictures while explaining that their objective is to take down these things that they call insector bugs that hunt humans the man introduced himself as gashi CH The Mastermind behind the insector resistance project he came to her doorstep with the hopes that she would support their project as they don't want others to suffer the same fate that her son did and he is sure that she also doesn't want that all they want from her is support on the ant Castle Project they are conducting she said that she really wanted revenge for her son but how was she supposed to believe such a thing with only a few pictures she isn't crazy gshi said that this is only natural and invited that person to come in as the door swung open red ants started to come out and eventually a woman in sector appeared right in front of them she was naturally scared and told her assistant to report to the police immediately but gashi told her to listen first the being they are seeing now is the only one that can save Humanity from certain Doom the Prototype of the ant Castle Project subject zero gami Jinn as the insector introduces herself as gami Jinn the grandma is in shock as she has never expected something like this in her entire life gashi notices the emotions in her eyes and says that if she wants more information she will have to come to his lab as he will wait for her patiently there eventually she mustered up a enough curiosity to go to the lab but when she arrived she asked the assistant if this really is the place as she was not that impressed with the dilapidated building standing in front of her sure enough gashi came out of it and invited her inside as he said in their first meeting he has been patiently waiting for her arrival with that they go inside where the grandma notices the different array of bugs he has taxidermied on the wall which reminds her of the research she has done about gashi he is an esteemed researcher in the entomology Circle globally recognized in fact but among all he is an expert in ants as he apparently discovered dozens of species all on his own as she walks she remembers about jyn and asks where she is located with gashi explaining that she is in standby mode preparing to show her combat skills soon enough eventually they arrive at a big smoked screen where the grandma sees jyn who knows that they are there and gives gashi a knowing look with that he pushes a big red button that opens up a cell from which comes a scrawny and manic man who says that he's in pain and that he will Feast on their flesh when he gets out gashi tells them that now they will see for themselves so they should get started already with that jyn begins transforming into her insector form and the manic man starts doing the same as he will not let himself be killed without a fight now the fight between the ant Castle Project specimen zero red in an upper Beetle begins as the grandma remains shocked gashi explains that what she sees now is the true form of the insector truly vile creatures but the grandma thinks that if they get involved with such monsters their reputation will plummet to the ground jyn and the beetle begin fighting with their armor clashing and bashing against each other but this is up until jyn jumps into the air and with a spin kicks the beetle to the ground but it seems to cause her some pain too as she asks for just a little bit of time the insector starts to launch ranged attacks at her which she manages to dodge with expert movement and launches herself directly at the insector with a punch but she doesn't stop there as she continues to Pummel him into the ground the grandma is too shocked to make any other expression and asks if he really plans on creating this same type of Monster again gashi explains that jyn is pretty different as even though she is similar to the insector she actually hunts them and eats them she is like a host to these ants a queen of sorts only achievable with his creation the anti- insector ant model red which was bred specifically with the strongest jeans before the grandma can ask what he's talking about an example appears in front of her as JY tells the ants to go eat which they do but as she walks away her belly starts to V again and she falls to the ground as a result the grandma asks what's wrong with her and with a grim expression gashi explains that she's not the only one who requires this insect or feed the grandma instantly realizes what he's talking about and grabs his sweater is he out of his mind how can he use a woman as his guinea pig and even if she wants her child to be Avenged how can he do this to someone else's daughter and a pregnant woman too where are her parents can he even imagine what they would feel if they knew about this jyn comes out of the fighting Hall and says that her parents already know and that she shouldn't scold her father so much her husband was killed by an insector and so she decided to participate in this experiment but she did not know she was pregnant she didn't even think to check because of how Revenge fueled she was however she has no regrets about this as the future is more important now she cannot show her child a world where the insector are roaming free they need to keep this project going no matter what so she begs her to support them the grandma clenches her fist and says that she cannot just turn away from a parent who is willing to sacrifice anything for their their child but she has one condition under no circumstances will the child be burdened with anything he will live a normal life Goshi agreed and so the relationship was formed time seemed to pass by as the grandma taught jyn how to cook the assistant was investigating something and gashi was in his usual place researching ants eventually the pregnancy was almost over with everyone eagerly waiting for the baby to come when the pregnancy was finished the grandma instantly went to meet the child who she thought was the cutest thing ever and also asked for his name jyn said that his name is gami son which the grandma really liked jyn also said that there's someone else someone H gashi is holding son's Brother gami Chan they kept growing inside of the facility where they were usually outside playing but one time they hit the grandma in the face with a ball and she started running after them after that was done they went inside of their home where the grandma is tired as it's not easy to take care of 5-year-olds it seems that her age is catching up to her Chan asked her when their mother is coming back and she told them that she will not gone long she will eventually get back so they shouldn't be scared earlier than this the grandma received the news that they found the culprit of her son's death as they have been investigating it for years now the investigator shows her three pictures and says that the wounds made by this insector bear striking characteristics with her son's wounds and the DNA Left Behind also matches up which basically confirms that this is the killer of her son JY came into the room and asked where that insector is with the investigator saying that he should still be on chedu Island she then tells everyone to get ready for departure as they will go there now but the grandma told her to relax as that guy is not any ordinary insector and she also has kids now she can't Hazard herself like this jyn said that this was a long time coming it's time they fulfill the promise they made to her but she shouldn't worry as because of her help her skill has improved tenfold she is in perfect condition she will catch that bastard and come straight home additionally she has something to tell her so she asks her to come and talk somewhere more private they go to a Stairway and the grandma asks if it's a taboo topic or something what happened for her to want to speak like this jyn began explaining not that long ago the kids were watching TV where a cartoon about the tiger man was being televised Chan was very hyped about this and so he started begging her for a tiger blade but she told him that they will go shopping this weekend right now they just can't which prompted Chan to say that she hated him hearing this son said that they don't need to go to the shop as he can make him a blade with ease so their mother doesn't need to be sad as Chon started playing with the toy blade she crouched down to Sun and apologized while crying her eyes out she apologized for everything for inheriting her curse that is the day when they found out sun was an insector to but the grandma is curious about Chan is he also one jyn said that they investigated him thoroughly but nothing was found additionally only her dad and stepmom know about this with her father immediately hugging son when he found out perhaps because he felt guilty for what he incurred on a child the grandma understood their pain and jyn said that if this scares her she will not blame her for not not taking care of the kids anymore while she's gone but the grandma said that this doesn't change the fact that those two are still her grandchildren they are both adorable no matter what all she needs to focus on is to come back safe and sound as she doesn't want to see someone who is like a daughter to her pass away jyn was surprised that she thought of her that way so she thanked her from the bottom of her heart eventually the grandma passes out while taking care of the kids so in their boredom they decide to go and see what their grandfather is doing they went to see how the project is doing and they came right in time as the trial transformation for another ant Castle candidate was just starting the candidate was engulfed in the ants with their integrity falling constantly because they weren't harmonizing enough Sun wondered if he was also going to end up in the same way but after seeing more they both thought that it's not possible as the test continued the ant Integrity kept falling and falling with one of the researchers urging the candidate to visualize his transformation he needs to use his brain in order to succeed as the Integrity fell to 30% gshi told the researcher to revert him back to normal which they did the candidate fell to the ground but he lamented not being able to visualize the transformation as that is the only thing keeping him back the researcher UI said that his ability to command the ants is still in its immature stages so he needs to develop in but that will only come with time the candidate the at the time UFT Champion Choy Sun Wun said that he gave up his successful fighting career to become a hero but all they do is blame him for everything it has been a year with no real changes UI told him to not be impatient the fact that he managed to keep the ants inside of him in the first place is already a huge accomplishment but now with this final stage everything is his responsibility they cannot do anything more to help him as W gets out of the testing area son and Chan were waiting for him as they wanted to play with him he naturally wasn't in the mood to play with some kids but that's when Chan revealed that son can also control ants something which their mother told them to keep secret but Chan insisted and said that they should go and see they went to a dark alley where Sun effortlessly created a tiger blade again won was shocked by this as the kid did something he can only wish to do so he got mad and suddenly grabbed son what did he do to gain this type of power genetics did he inherit it effortlessly through his mother he should spit it out while he is still being nice what the [ __ ] did he do Chon tried to rescue his brother by hitting wound in the knees but that did nothing suddenly tons of field Medics appeared behind them as there has been a serious injury that they need to take care of the kids feared the worst so they went to see what's going on but when they arrived they saw the grandma crying as she felt that she was the reason that all of this happened jyn came back but she was on her last legs as her bleeding was profound and her injuries were severe due to her injuries jyn couldn't keep herself on her legs and fell down but she started getting up on her own and said that she got the bastard she got her son's killer the researchers immediately put him in Chains and yui was amazed to see him the insector who gave the start to all of this the one who killed their loved ones inside of the medical Bay Jin was standing in a healing pod while the grandma and her children stood above her the doctor there explained that her life is not in any danger currently but unfortunately it will be difficult for her to continue her activities moving forward she will probably not be able to fight ever again the grandma kept apologizing while the children cried for their mother and begged her to live the grandma was heartbroken as her constant want of Revenge has inflicted pain on these innocent Souls something which she promises herself to never do again eventually gshi arrived at the Bay and told the doctor to step out for a moment as there's some personal matter to discuss here he looked at his daughter and touched the glass of the healing pod the grandma instantly apologized to him as she let her revenge almost ruin his daughter she doesn't want to see him lose a family member instead of reprimanding or accepting her apology gshi actually thanked her as she is now looking at an unbeatable Force something that the insector world has never seen before the Apex ins sector and it's all thanks to her and her support the Grandma couldn't believe that he just smiled how can he do that when his daughter is in such a state is he just not worried about her Goshi said that he has done enough worrying for her so he will now move on to his next magnum opus one that has much more potential than his daughter ever could gami son the grandma grabbed him away and told him that this kid has no consequence in this he promised to not involve the kids before gashi said that sun is a unique organism that was innately chosen by the ants he will complement what his mother lacked he will be better the grandma wasn't having it and told him that he will not touch a hair Care on this child but gashi kept insisting son will become the hero of humanity who saves everyone from the insector since he is also his precious grandchild he has priority on what's best for him she has another child anyway the one who can just remain with his mother if she lives that is the Grandma fell to her knees and said that she cannot believe that things turned out this way she doesn't even care about her son's killer anymore she just wants everything to be peaceful Chan suddenly spoke and explained that once he heard Grandpa tell son something while giving him a hug that he is the number one he also had a smug grin on his face but he also wants to be number one why can't he the grandma got up and told him to not covet something so hurtful it's agonizing to live with Chan said that he doesn't care as when he will become first he will also be embraced and protected by her everyone will smile at him ever crying will do just fine as now he feels like he's nobody around here with that he runs away but before the grandma can follow him she notices that jyn's ants have become agitated and redder than ever Chan went to Woon who asked if he's just abandoning his family which he agreed with but sea also asked him what he wants by becoming number one does he want hugs too W said that he got plenty of those in his days what he wants is honor or just to become a hero and be popular but with the researchers that keep blaming him for not succeeding it has become increasingly infuriating he tries to form something from the ants once again but he fails once again which makes him scream out and punch the tree right behind them as he cannot believe that a mere 5-year-old has beaten him to this race why can't he do it as he lamented Chan told him to look behind as there were wasps coming in their Direction won pushed Chan out of the way and said that he can at least take care of a few wasps sure enough the Wasps were engulfed by the ants but some managed to get away from his weak control and aim directly for Chan however as the Wasps went to sting him they mysteriously went through him with won wondering if he was just seeing things but that's when they come out of him with a golden hue to them and just fly away but Chun slowly got up and said that something is strange as his heart started to glow from his chest and his eyes glistened the same golden hue won asks if he wants a piggyback ride to the infirmary but Chan refuses as he had plans to go and brag to his grandma about this perhaps with this he can become number one in the research center gshi and yui are testing out son's Integrity with it jumping to a whopping 98.9% something that not even jyn was able to surpass what an amazing gift gshi congratulates him for doing what he just did and as a little gift he has prepared something to him an insector arm starts to come out of the floor and Son felt the urge to let the ants eat it so he did just that with the ants getting to work on the hand while that happens gashi thinks that sun is producing his own ants through his body previously red and blue ants in a forest but these black ants seem to be better in every aspect but also more ferocious as it seems that their hunger won't be so easily satiated now they will not cause any damage because there are so few but once the number of ants increases to the point where son can create a suit the ants will start to eat him if they don't have enough sustenance he cannot let something like that happen he will not let this opportunity wither away with excitement in his eyes Chan began running towards the testing room as now he will also be a hero since their mother is number zero the true hero and son is number one the ultimate Champion he will be number two together they form a family of Heroes he opens the door to the research room and starts speaking to his grandma but there's nobody here which is strange as previously they were all here that's when he hears the loud thud of heavy chains and when he looks behind he spots the insector who is looking at him with great hunger behind the glass the emergency alarm starts to blare out as everyone gets the news that one of the insector is loose something which shakes gashi to his core Chon can't believe that his mother fought something like this but he doesn't notice that the glass starts to break and soon enough the large insector is free and instantly goes to Feast on the morel in front of him but that's when a barely transformed wound comes to the rescue with a punch that pushes the insect back he tells Chan to run for his life as he cannot hold back this bastard for much longer with that he charges in again and begins trading blows with the insector but in his imperfect form he takes more damage than the insector who is protected by his armor the insector tries to use his head pincers to split wound in two but he manages to dodge this attack not so much the next one as he is pummeled to the ground and the insector keeps punching him over and over something which Chan experiences with his very eyes his emotions start to run wild and he screams out as a strange power emanates from him something which the insector is very attracted to so he immediately turns his Focus onto him and prepares to appease his hunger but that's when wound tells him that this is not over yet as round two has just started using his newly found wasp abilities wound strikes the insector countless times and returns to Chan's side telling him to stay put while he takes care of this he charges in once again and manages to throw the insector into the wall with a powerful attack but Chan notices that he's not dead yet so he stands in front of him and using his emotionally driven power he starts taking all of the insector abilities from him gashi and yui eventually arrive at the scene where they see Chan and won shake hands with won smiling with an evil grin Somewhere in Brooklyn the insector go on a rampage as there is nobody there then can challenge them a black van arrives however and the driver asks the passenger if he's ready for combat as one of the insector prepares to smash a few Innocents into pulp wound swoops forwards with his new transformation and kills the insector in one blow that's when he hears someone else ask for help from above as a woman has been kidnapped by a flying insector so he unleashes a mighty ranged attack that does indeed kill the insector but hits the building behind it causing more casualties won rescues the woman but then hears the screams that are coming out of the apartment complex yet he does not move back at the new bug Reaper facility gshi and yui start interrogating wound as 36 people who had no part of the incident died because of his foolishness the media thinks that this this was the work of aliens and the ones who saw what truly happened did not say a word yet gashi says that he sent him there to eradicate the insector infestation yet he dares to cause this much damage how can he call himself a hero W says that with great power comes great responsibility so he chose to sacrifice little to save many two months ago after that escape incident he felt reborn as his power was overflowing better than ever and he ended up in this way because of the grandson he always ignored gashi says that they do not need unruly vigilantes but won says that they can't do anything without him anyway as the world needs him more than ever and with his daughter out of the picture they cannot abandon him he also shouldn't act so high and mighty as his 5-year-old grandchild is doing everything for him at this point back at the now furnished house jyn invites her kids to dinner with son instantly getting there as he has been craving the short ribs that their Grandma used to make but he also asks his mother where she is as she hasn't visited lately jyn can't tell him that the grandma just said that she will continue to support like before but she should at least take care of Chan better as he is far more lonely than she can imagine take care of both of the kids well so that they can become responsible grown-ups she tells son that she's just busy so they should go and visit her next time she also tells him to go grab his brother so that they can eat son does just that and calls him out but that's when he notices their grandpa standing next to Chan who is showing off his new insector powers and asks if he can become a hero too with this gashi did not see a hero in him as his grandson is like a net he always collects the insector abilities of any insect he touches and he can also bestow these Powers upon other humans even if he is his grandon he is a variable he did not expect to see and a variable that needs to be dealt with he suddenly hugs him tightly and starts crying as he is the opposite of what he wanted to do he is his biggest failure these words etch themselves deep in Chan's heart and son saw everything they go back into the house but Chan doesn't come for dinner something which makes jyn worry still the day turns into night and both of the kids are tucked in in a sleep but that's when Chan slowly Rises out of his bed and looms over Sun suddenly jyn who is fast asleep is swung Wide Awake by Sun's screams and when she goes inside of their room she is shocked by what she is seeing as Chan is trying to take every single ant of sons out of his body as he also wants them so that he can be special jyn slaps him away to the ground and asks what he's doing how dare he harm his brother why is he envious of such a thing he does not know how awful it is to have ants inside of his body that are crawling constantly At first she was happy that he was ordinary so that he can live a normal life without issues but Chan says that he doesn't want that he's already special yet nobody seems to appreciate his strength or Powers he's a total failure he tries to leave the house but before he can gashi stops him along with a few guards and says that he will take him he saw everything through the cameras but jyn says that it was just a little fight between kids however gshi doesn't let up as this thing needs to be locked up so that it can't harm his treasure anymore with that they put handcuffs on him and they drag him away from his mother as gashi puts him in confinement and tells Chan something he can't hear the words his grandpa said to him keep replaying that he's a total failure but that's not true he isn't the failure he is the success he cannot see that's when a large insector appears out of the ground behind him ready to unleash Havoc after two weeks of confinement go by jyn goes to gashi and tells him to think about things once more as he can't just leave a child alone like that but gashi refuses as they are still investigating she asks what is there to investigate as that is just a child he can't harm anybody gashi says that since they put him in confinement he has not slept to calculate all of the variables but everything comes back to one future that Chan will someday bring down true Chaos on Humanity she must believe him if he could take away this gift and let him be a normal child again he would she asks what will happen if he can't but he does not answer with jyn's screams being heard even outside where woo notes that the old man is more wicked than he expected but he has more important things to take care of as the ants inside of him have grown bigger and are now feasting on his flesh since they have nothing else to feed on but that's when a large crack can be heard throughout the facility and then an alarm shortly follows with both jyn and wound feeling an insector near them that insector was summoned by none other than Chan jyn tells gashi to sit down as she will take care of this but won is also Swift on the chase as he has to see what's going on but that's when he notices Jin in front of him running like her life depends on it the researchers are pushed back by ch 's protector and it also Shields him from the bullets of the guards who did not see that they were shooting at gash's grandchild seeing that they will not let him go he unleashes his powers on them and son who is inside of their home also feels something strange his mother's aunt Powers jyn eventually arrives at the scene but it's too late as Chan has already transformed two people into insector she doesn't believe that he made them so she tries to transform but because of her injury the ants aren't listening to her Chan confirms that he was the one who made them or is she going to take this away from him too where is her approval the two insector charge and pin her to the ground but she manages to transform somewhat and tells Chan that she naturally believes it as he is her amazing son of course he is special she charges through the insector and hugs him tightly apologizing for ignoring his worries and being a bad mother so he should stop already but that's when the insector who protected him impaled her in the chest something which he did not order it to do he tries to punch it away and succeeds only because wound has come to the rescue and punches in instead the insector doesn't give up and unleashes a bunch of ranged attacks which wound deflects with his ranged ability which also kills the insector Chan goes back to his mother and starts crying while wondering what to do but that's when gashi comes around and sees what has happened as Chan tries to explain what happened a bullet grazes his cheek as gshi tells him to back away from his daughter Chan is now in a complete State of Shock with gshi noting that he cannot believe that he ever considered him anything other than a monster he is a failure he will not live down his entire life as he tries to end him wound jumps in front of him and protects Chan asking what he's doing to a damn child gshi tells him to stay back as that thing is a monster that will cause only disasters that's a [ __ ] order wound doesn't move which makes gshi threaten that he will dispose of him too but W would like to see him try gshi asks if he has given up on being a hero but Woon notes that he would rather protect a shocked child than listen to his orders gashi understands and pulls out a Detonator wondering how to take care of him before he can press anything wound swoops in and as when he planted this into him gashi says that it was after that incident since he proved himself to be a degenerate bastard who doesn't care for Humanity won says that the bomb inside of him won't do anything but as gashi smashes the red button he says that he planted more than that into him Chan remembers the time he went to apologize to won as because of him he became an insector but won said that thanks to him he was basically awakened as a true hero so he shouldn't feel bad as in his eyes he is his hero now Chon feels a certain responsibility for him as the button is pressed the ants inside of wound start to go Haywire because gashi has implanted a few queen ants into him and they are made specifically to attack his entire system so he will die being eaten like the half-baked insector he is if he lost his will to save Humanity he should at least faces death with pride and die like a human as the ants rip into him Chon starts to dumb all of the insector DNA into him as he will not let the man he rescued die this causes a strange transformation but this also changes Chan gashi asks what he did and Chan explains that this is just a true Awakening something that all insector aspire to be their Apex forms as the transformed wound charges in gashi thinks that he needs to blow the bomb inside of him but he will be too late to press the button that's when the injured Jin appears and blocks his attack while telling him to snap out of it but none of them listen somewhere in the facility son searches for his mother as he knows that he felt her power eventually she is defeated by won who stands Almighty above them both gashi tells her to just get sun and run away but she wants Chan too gashi says that he is a lost cause he has become what he feared him to be Humanity's worst enemy that's when Sun appears from behind and stares shocked at what his brother has become asking him what's wrong Chan says that because of his body he is favored but that will no longer be the case jyn tells him to run away as Chan orders wound to pulverize son but that's when gashi shoots him to distract him as they cannot lose Humanity's Last Hope from this Chan gets that he's the opposite he is a Humanity's Destroyer wound Cuts gashi straight in half something which shocks everyone but in his last moments with the last of his will gashi blows up the bomb that was inside of him a bomb that encapsulates the entire room with no means to escape in her last moments jyn tells something to Sun the gigantic explosion occurs and afterwards Sun seems to be the only one left alive as jyn has given up her life and ants to protect her son after the explosion tons of ambulances and firefighter cars appeared at the facility with the grandma and her assistant looking more terrified than ever the firefighters who go in not his son who is now crying over his mother's lifeless body and begging for her to wake up the firefighters quickly assess the situation and see that the child is unharmed Yet the woman next to him has passed away completely one of them notices something else in the distance and later the grandma gets the news that they found another Survivor another child it seems that Woon or rather gajima has protected him from the blast but now he is gone with only a tiny amount of an left here afterwards son is sent to the hospital where he is given the proper treatment the grandma watches him from a window and asks yui who is standing right behind her if he is okay he says that he's more than fine as the ant Castle Project has been successfully completed and they did not incur that many casualties though it is still unfortunate that a few important people died the grandma cries wondering if it was ever worth it and also says that she will take care of the funerals of the people who died with UI agreeing but they need to do an autopsy on Jin first then she will be allowed to bury her the grandma agrees but wonders where Chan is hiding now yui explains that since the situation has become like this they have trapped him in a deep underground facility on the outskirts of Soul grandma is shocked by this how can they do something like this to a 5-year-old child yui says that he let go of his Humanity with his actions he is too dangerous and will probably be kept alive only out of courtesy the grandma tries to search for a person to blame for all of this mess but she comes to the conclusion that she is the only one who deserves the blame so she says that she is done with the ant Castle Project for good she will only help them catch monsters not create them she also offers yui a job since he must be unemployed right now but yui refuses as gash's assistant he now has the responsibility to observe everything in his stad so that nothing goes wrong he will go into the underground facility too and take care of everything so she shouldn't worry about it afterwards the grandma buries the Dead with sun who is right beside her asking if he's all alone now she tells him that he doesn't need to worry his tiny head about that as she will live with him from now on so he does not need to be sad back at the company the assistant is sad that the era of the gold Pearl has finally come to an end but instead of closing down the grandma gives him the company she will only be getting the title of founder as she wants to retire and take care of the only grandson she has left that is how the bug Reapers came into existence but she apologizes if this was too much much poo says that it's fine as he never expected such a story to exist and the branch leader cries her eyes out under her Hood but son remains silent po finally gets why gajima is rumaging around every cell he's looking for Chan but where is he kept captive now the grandma notes that she came here specifically to answer that question or rather to deny them any answer as nothing will change if they get that information will they just start experimenting on him poo tells her that they have no such thoughts but the grandma tells them to listen to to the wise words of an old woman sometimes things are Best Kept locked up far away so that nobody will suffer because of them poo says that just letting things slip through his fingers like this is not his style at all if they keep ignoring gima's advances the entire bug Reaper Association will be utterly destroyed the grandma says that there is no other way unfortunately but that's when son says that he will do it with the grandma being surprised but the branch leader asks if he really plans on getting rid of his brother with his own hands sun says that it's not that he can get rid of his ability as he has previously healed artificial inspectors back into humans so if he can find out how to make the ants eat the insector genes in Chan's body he can save him he's sure of it red and Yin continue to wait outside of the bug Reaper facility with red becoming increasingly bored at waiting for so long so he wonders what's going on outside is son getting tortured or something perhaps Yin tells him to stop thinking about ominous things all they need to do is trust him and wait for the interrogation to be over as she is sure that guy will find a way out of this suddenly a strange looking man appears in front of the facility annoyed that he has to work overtime again he starts making some bubbles with his fingers noting that he wants to finish this early but that's when y Jin finally remembers who he is hexagon he blows the bubbles towards the facility with the guard there being weirded out by this but then tells him that if he can't be here and pulls pranks like this he may get fined as soon as the guard touches one of the bubbles and it pops he feels that something is not right and sure enough the bubbles start to explode throughout the entire facility with ease the two rush to fend off hexagon who says that he really wants to go home inside the facility sun feels the presence of an insector as soon as the explosions start to happen with alarms blaring throughout the facility everyone being either scared or ready to fight the imminent danger Sun tells the others not to worry as the two that are there are his friends which will do no harm he also tells poo to head over to where Chan is as he will follow after them when he's done with the bastard that's outside hexagon is surprised to see these two near him without son did they perhaps have a change of heart and want to join their insector cause Yin notes that they already refused his sorry ass and red asks why he's attacking here all of a sudden hexagon notes that he is an insector so does he really need a reason to attack the ones who are hunting insector naturally though he is not here just for this he was sent to recover his Majesty's arm kima's arm and also confirm where Chan is located red wonders who this Chan figure is but yay Jin couldn't care less as this is not the most important thing right now hexagon explains that besides him there are six members of his group that are hunting for him and now they are all going around and crashing bug Reaper facilities one by one y Jin is surprised that they are so bold with their actions and red asks if they really plan an allout war with the humans as that will incur a lot of casualties hexagon doesn't answer him and instead looks at the time as he rushed her to get this work done fast but it seems that there are all kinds of low lives just waiting to stop him from going home and chilling so they should all get lost he releases tons of bubbles in their Direction which they Dodge but as they do that red notices that there are some small bombs inside of the bubbles and tells Yin this who can now easily take care of them and zoom away from the explosion the bug Reapers aren't so fortunate and get absolutely destroyed by hexagon who is tired of them interfering with his plans so much they both get to him and try to end this fight with one attack but hexagon covers himself with bubbles and they back off as they think that these are about to explode the newly transformed hexagon says that they are annoying in their persistence but from now on they won't be able to attack as there is no way for them to break through the protective bubbles red tells Yin that she will take care of it so she can leave which makes hexagon jump directly at him and say that he cannot allow that they will both attack him as that will save him some time red starts attacking him and says that he better not regret it but hexagon immediately goes behind him and says that he must be confused at what kind of insector he is since he didn't scream it out like the other dumb insector red tries to turn around but he doesn't make it before hexagon gives him a powerful kick and then continues to Pummel him into the ground he says that the more wild an insector is the more they tend to repeat Words which does not apply to him at all red tells him to shut up and uses a barrier punch to hopefully deal some damage but hexagon blocks it with the bubbles and is quite annoyed that he interrupted him him so he kicks him in the gut he continues saying that he has no real insector name but that must go for everyone as he is a red beetle because he's red and the girl above seems to be a silk moth so he should also come up with a name for himself that will fit him perfectly he Ponders this a bit before coming up with the name bubble that is what he will be known as from now on he has many abilities and talents but he has one that's his favorite as he says he jumps to Yin who tries to fly away but bubble is much faster than her he notes that this is his leap the ability to leap over the highest mountain and Skyscraper with ease his most treasured skill but one that also charges up power in his legs to show her an example he kicks yay Jin straight into the ground with red cursing it all to discover the extent of his ability he chose the path of a warrior and in the human world he became an unbeatable Beast that cannot be challenged but his insect form is too weak he thinks that it's because of his hard shell so he starts taking it off as he does not need to be protected any longer he is a fighter an infighter bubble falls to the ground and thinks that he should finish y Jin off once and for all but as soon as he kicks the ground with his charged up leg she is nowhere to be seen and two small beetles start attacking bubble who is quite annoyed as it seems he will go home late once again the newly transformed red tells him that he won't be going home at all as this will be a one- round match and the loser will have to die when he was still a fighter in the pits red asked Hannah if one really could become stronger by eating those weird parasites which she confirmed was something that she made after all red said that they are a bunch of dopers trying to find the easy way to gain power but Hannah told him that he should try it as even though the taste is not great she can guarantee that he will get a lot of power he told her to get lost as he wants to become stronger on his own Merit not through shortcuts Hannah told him that they are almost at their limits anyway if they push Harder They will eventually go over the edge they are now what can be classified as juveniles and it is true that these little things are a temporary drug that gives strength without hard work however when his desire for power reaches the summit again he will shed his weaknesses and emerge much stronger than ever before that is what they call a second Awakening something that red has achieved right now he cannot believe that it was this easy but bubble notes that even though he is interesting he is still far too weak to compete with him red gets into position as he says that it feels like he took off some training weights he's lighter than ever with with that they started their vicious fight eventually y Jin also wakes up and is surprised by the Light Show going on in front of her and also by the new form of red who Dodges and Ducks bubbles every attack and even when he can't defend himself his Beatles defend him allowing him to take the attack and actually damage bubble he has had enough of his insolence so he charges up again and jumps onto red who instantly appears behind him with his new wings and says that he has no chance now he punts bubble into the ground who manages to get get out of his grasp and say that he should not be arrogant just because he molded once he will now show him what a truly awakened insector can do he removes his legs and uses them to unleash countless attacks on red who just blocks them with the Beatles as he stretches out of sheer frustration bubble throws one of his legs in his face which he just grabs and says that his attacks were not worth dodging but he better Dodge his attack as he will die if he doesn't with that he rushes to Bubble with a windup Bunch which bubble tries to defend himself against but he is far too weak as red has completely gone through his defenses and is now coughing up blood red tells him one more thing before he dies the way he chose his name is too boring and old-fashioned with that bubble blows up and red stands Victorious as he has finally ground past his limits Yin can't believe that he actually managed to defeat that guy but that's when sun comes around whom she is quite glad to see but he came too late as red completely took care of that guy Sun tells her to get up as this is far from over when she looks behind her she sees an entire Legion of insector who are ready to jump them the tired red also sees sun and wonders what he's doing here as the match is already over but that's when someone impales him from behind and says that he has finally awakened through his own merits this person is none other than Hannah who seems quite sad to see him as the legion looms over Yin wonders what they are all doing here as there's no way to mobilize so many insector but Sun tells her that they are not insector they are actually those transformed caterpillar humans that were only considered food only now have they been transformed into these perverted forms that's when a bunch of explosives start flying towards the swarm with the bug Reapers starting their attack as they have 65 combat ready Personnel ready to fight Tay asks where their reinforcements are but one Reaper reports that not a single region is able to come help as they are all in the same situation as them the insector have launched a combined attack on all of their headquarters Taye feels that they won't stand a chance against so many but suggests that they should hold as many as they possibly can in order for the others to finish moving the patient Taye explains to everyone that the three insector in front of them are allies so except for them they have the clearance to seize any other insector they see with that the bug Reapers charge in with guns in hand which makes y Jin think that it would be better to let them do their job as they have done what they could and from the looks of it red is already fully passed out it seems like his form takes a lot of energy to use sun says that they can't do that as there are important people inside the facility including his grandmother and Cho who were also dragged here because of the incident Yin can't believe that they are so caught up in this but at this point they have no choice but to fight and hold the line as best as they can with that the insector start to attack and Y Jin tries to hold them off with her diamond formation but even if they die the insector continue to push and push without care for their well-being and they eventually get through but that's when the ant's son used to communicate with come and protect her he uses his commanding abilities to summon all of the ants who help the bug Reapers fight off the gigantic Army of insector inside the facility the nurse escorts Cho out of the way but jyn looks at them as he feels that something is a Miss eventually Cho and the nurse arrive at their location but when the nurse opens the door it is revealed that they are at the storage area where some workers are moving gima's arm before they can do anything the nurse puts them to sleep with her ability and says that she has secured the object so they should go for the other objective without worry as the Grandma's group leaves Hannah spots them and starts tailing them as with this they will know of Chan's location and their plan will finally be successful the nurse transforms back into her true form a newly awakened butterfly San she instantly jumps at the shocked Cho and tells her that she never expected to meet her in this place so they should leave together as nobody can stop them Cho asks what happened to her and sein notes that she transformed into something even prettier but since it will be hard for her to explain exactly what went down to her she will put it into simple words among the larv that were used she was special as she has a unique personality that is why she surpassed her limits and became stronger so with this they no longer need to fear the power of the insects or rely on worthless humans all the time she should come with her as she will protect her no matter what Cho doesn't answer but instead asks her if she's okay as her face is completely filled with desperation before she can answer a piece of medical equipment flies at her but she Dodges and it hits the arm container which starts to spew out juice jyn tells her to stop spouting nonsense about protecting others as insector only know how to eat other people and look out for themselves San uses her abilities to attack him while telling him to get lost as he doesn't know anything but even in his extremely injured State jyn can still push through her attacks like nothing and manages to also attack her first with the blade and then with an electric attack that stuns her enough for jyn to turn around and prepare a deadly blow before he can do that however Cho jumps in front of him and apologizes for what she's doing s Jin is quite surprised by this and Cho tells her to get what she came for and leave as she cannot bear to see her get hurt because of her actions anymore almost instantly s Jin grabs gima's arm and gets out of the facility her objective has been completed but her heart is wavering the fighting outside rages on with the bug Reapers struggling to continue fighting as they are getting increasingly tired something that the insector do not feel additionally no matter how many times they are attacked these insector don't fall easily with not even head shots being enough to fully kill them that's when sun teaches them how to do it as the larvae in their necks are what they need to aim for but they shouldn't destroy them instead they should give them to him as he gains power taaye is quite disgusted by what he's doing but informs the remaining bug Reapers to aim for the neck and leave the larvae alive which they all start doing y Jin is also pushed past her limits already as she has been holding holding back tons of insector from entering the fighting area but nobody can help her as they are either fighting or protecting nobody has enough time to help with her defense So eventually she cannot hold on any longer and her defenses fall resulting in all of the insector pushing through that's when tons of blue silk strings appear and she grabs each of them as Yin has finally awakened her second form something she only got a taste of in the past eventually the group arrives at where Chan is being held a rather simple apartment complex with tons of friendly neighbors who are all greeting the grandma and the others warmly she also greets them and thanks them for their hard work but it's time for them to go home and call it a day that's when everyone's expression changes and they bow down before leaving as they were all paid actors who were paid to do this she tells the others to wait a bit as she goes into the center of the complex and orders her assistant to pull out his pin which they both insert into the ground making the center open up in a large staircase that goes deep below she tells them to hurry up and go and deep down below Chan tells someone that he can feel someone coming and he just might know who it is somewhere else on a large Mountaintop San arrives with the arm while the other insector are feasting on various types of Flesh she bows down and presents it to gajima who is glad to finally have his arm back but says that he is not satisfied with just this so now they will all go after eating to save the one who gave him this power the one who will lead them to the promised land while walking down the stairs poo notes that he did not expect a secret passageway to be in a normal complex like this one but the branch leader notes that she's not really surprised after hearing the story the grandma apologizes for making her carry her like a sack of potatoes but the branch leader says that's fine the grandma explains that this place is the spot where the ant Castle Project lab was burned to ashes they went ahead and built the complex on top of it and that's where her and Son started their new lives but it's also Chan's Eternal prison they eventually arrive at an elevator and the assistant tells them to go on as he will wait outside and meet anyone else who might come here when they arrive at the last stop of the elevator a much older yui welcomes them inside with the grandma instantly holding his hands and asking if he's been well he notes that it's been fine since with her infinite provisions of delicious meals he has been able to Stave off any negative thoughts she says that this is a debt she cannot repay but he tells her that this is not important right now as they should go see that little monster the grandma is reluctant to see him but pushes through and finally looks at Chan who is now much older and decrepit back at the bug Reaper facility Yin uses her new powers to take control of the battlefield and drop the larv from the attacker's necks like flies with sun instantly gobbling all of them up and gaining even more power after he is done he calls all of the ants back to him which start to Rampage about but they all calm down when they feel the will of the red ant with its influence being much bigger than expected Sun thanks y Jin for her help and tells her to follow after him but she tells him that he's dumb as she can't keep up with his speed with that the three leave as Yin also drags red along taay is surprised at their combined power as because of them they manag to survive but that's when everyone notices that the insect soldiers they were fighting are turning back into humans as the larvae from their bodies is gone the grandma sits in silence as she watches Chan who eventually perks up and says that he missed her dearly but why come here now the grandma apologizes for coming so late as she cannot bear to face him most of the time poo can't believe that the boy from the story grew up in such a dark place with Chan also noticing them specifically the blade behind Po's back so he asks if they are here to kill him the grandma instantly shuts down this notion and says that they are just employees of her company they do not intend to do that in any way Chan asks her what her intentions are then why come now she explains that sun will be coming soon as he hopes that he can fix him up and remove his ability Chan is surprised at first but then he starts to laugh maniacally and asks if she lost her damn mind what can a [ __ ] that has been relying on his ants for his whole life even do no matter what this bastard next to her tries his ability will not stop working he has been living like this for years trapped in this tiny room unable to do a single thing even if he was able to do it he would refuse as he does not want the help of someone who was always favored he would rather die the grandma wants to say something but that's when a large explosion happens from the elevator as gajima throws the assistant's body to their feet yui can't believe what he is seeing right now but gajima says that finally he has eyes on the Wonder kid poo tries to defend the others but with one swipe of his arm he damages him enough to make him stumble but the attack wasn't aimed at him it was aimed at the grandma who is now bleeding profusely as Sun continues to fly at very high speeds he feels an ominous energy something much more powerful than he has felt ever before which makes him think of the worst thing so he rushes even faster as he must make sure that his grandma is okay the branch leader is shocked about what is happening now but that's when the grandma starts to cough showing that despite her injury she is still alive gajima throws po around like a puppet but just when he's about to strike him with ease he allows him to dodge as he is aiming for the protective glass that is keeping Chan in the enclosure something that poo swiftly notices that's when two metallic hands pop out of nowhere and a giant robot grabs gajima with the giant robot being operated by yui who tells the bug Reapers to attack seeing that this is a perfect opportunity the branch leader and po both attack with their energized attacks this stuns him only for a little while so UI tells them to take the emergency exit and take the grandma with them as he will stay here and take care of the little freak all they need to do is get out as fast as possible with that the branch leader and po run away with the grandma in hand gajima only able to stare at them as they do so yui notes that he knew there would be a day when he would suffer the same fate as his teacher but at least he won't die alone as he will take them out with them he apologizes to gashi as in the end he was not able to fulfill his wish of rescuing his grandson so he will repent with his death before he can hit the button however his hand seemingly stops in the air as Hannah who was invisible all of this time has stopped it Chan slowly starts to get out of his chair and says that he is not going to say this twice he will no longer be belittled by people like him he tells yui that he has gone through a lot to cure him but this is enough he deserves a break from all of it he starts using his powers on him which slowly starts to transform him into a mosquito insector Hannah looks at this eagerly as this guy possesses the power to create insector with ease this must be why King gajima sought him all of this time poo and the branch leader get out of the facility and she says that he should get a car and bolt to a hospital which makes poo ask what she will do she tells him that she's still combat able so she will keep these guys here and also call for reinforcements that's when Hannah flies over them with the transformed UI and Chan also gets out noting that it's been ages since he has seen this beautiful sky he thought that he would be stuck in that room until he croaks but yet thanks to his hero he was saved he also can't believe that the facility was hidden under an apartment complex truly amazing the branch leader is on full alert with him but that's when he notices that she's holding grandma and asks what happened she explains that the grandma was hit by one of gima's attacks which Chan thinks is unfortunate so since she does not have much time left anyway how about he lets her spread her wings and fly F away into the sky he shouldn't lie to himself though as this is Revenge he uses his ability but the two make it out in time with the attack hitting a bird that upon impact transforms into a grotesque bee likee Beast who instantly starts to attack the two and makes the branch leader drop the grandma allowing the Beast to try and eat her flesh that's when a bunch of dark red ants appear and sun takes the beast's head straight off with both gajima and Chan noticing that he has similar colors to jyn his mother so son crouches down to his grandma and asks if she's fine with the branch leader saying that he needs treatment urgently and po apologizing for not being able to protect her at all Sun tells them to get up and leave right now as he's going to take down Chan and his ability Chon finally gets that this must be sun and gima instantly rushes him congratulating him for achieving his mother's colors son tells him to shut it as he pushes harder and tries to speed Blitz him with a few punches which seems to do nothing to gajima who with one single punch takes down an entire apartment sun uses the Speedy ability of the ants to become even faster and takes kajima by surprise with his attacks but he says that even with this power he is still a weakling he is truly a disappointment he suddenly overpowers him and punches him so hard he goes through several buildings but kajima doesn't stop there as he gets to him in an instant and puts him in the ground with a punch and then starts wailing on him as he says that he really idolized his mother for her actions when he gazed upon her his only wish was to become a hero like her and save people how however he could not become a hero so he will not let him become one either he will make sure that today is the day he dies with that he cuts his head off but that was not his head as son has used trickery to get behind him which gajima notices so he tries to punch him again but Sun uses a very familiar sword to pierce gajima and call out every single one of his dark ants to go and consume gajima which they all start doing slowly but surely they consume gima's ants but they are far too slow to fully take him out just yet so he says that he will will not die from a fake hero and especially from the son of the woman he admired he will keep his promise and kill him now son tries to move out of the way but his body isn't listening to him anymore as he has overused it fortunately for him Chan comes in front of sun and tells him to stop as he has not greeted his brother properly yet he gently touches gima's hand and tells the ants to come back while also thanking him for all that he did and for getting him out of there he is his true hero and he will always be he also pulls out the sword stuck in his chest and remembers it as the tiger man's sword which he remembers playing with as a child he remembers when he made it for him all those years ago son asks why he is in such a state where was he Chan looks upon the sword and says that after the explosion the old man's assistant came and took him away to this place where he was kept underground but he must already know that he suddenly stabs him in the chest and asks how life without him was was he happy he was unhappy it seems that he also took their mother's strength for himself how ugly but now it's time for him to have some fun with it so he will take all of it every last bit like he wanted to when they were kids he starts to consume every single ant of his with them resonating with both of them at the same time y Jin who is still in the air wonders where he is but that's when she notices the gigantic Aura coming from the apartment complex and afterwards an explosion of gigantic proportions follows eventually son wakes up in the hospital with poo explaining that he was rescued by y Jin who was also there son instantly asks where grandma is with poo taking a while to answer but he says that they were also caught up in that explosion and he doesn't remember much after that so Sun tries to get out of bed but his wounds don't allow him to move much po explains that the bug Reapers and the police have joined together to hunt for the insector even the Army is getting involved but he can't apologize enough for this entire situation as they were completely taken by surprise the TV in front of them is on the news channel where a report explains that the world is on full alert with the insect attacks and the Korean government has granted the bug Reapers full clearance so now amidst the chaos That Shook the entire world they are the only ones who can fight back poo says that he knows he's Shameless but in a situation like this they need his strength and even though his Blackness is no longer a part of him they still need him Sun clenches his fist extremely tightly and says that it doesn't matter as long as he finds a way to kill the insector he will do anything even if it kills him inside his neck hole one one ant still stands the ant of his mother somewhere in Korea a man with one arm runs away from a group that is hunting humans with one of the hunters saying that they will all be insects or food soon enough so they should at least take some pride in that eventually the man is also found but he musters enough strength to scream out if one hand is not enough for him with the man brandishing a bug tattoo and noting that it really isn't enough the armless man asks if they are not on the same team since he is still human just what is wrong with him to willingly do something like this the hunter tells him to not associate him with humans anymore as from today's sacrifice of 10 people he will be able to become an insector so yes their pathetic lives are worth sacrificing if it means tasting the joy and pleasure of evolution two years ago after the great explosion at one of the biggest apartment complexes in Soul the world completely changed and the hierarchy was turned on its head the insector who were once made to hide their abilities and feast Behind Closed curtains now roam the streets freely as the apex predators of the world but it's not enough for them as they want to reach even higher where nobody can even dare touch them the Pinnacle of every insector their ultimate Awakening inside a worn down Chapel the hunter presents 10 people to an insector noting that this should be enough for him to hand over that medicine so that he can finally see what being an insector is like the insector who seems to be their leader is called exol who starts to count down all of the people that he has gathered but when he gets to the armless man he puts him as half of a person so he notes that this isn't enough enough the hunter screams at exil as he is using this arm as an excuse even though he was the one who ate it so shouldn't this be considered 10 people in total he demands the medicine right now as soon as he puts his hand on the axe exil takes it clean off and notes that now there are 10 people the hunter screams out in pain as he says that he never should have trusted a low-ranking bastard like him but exral tells him to relax as he keeps his promises always he throws him a crystallized version of the parasite drug and tells him to dig in as this is a privilege given to few he will now feel the power of being the apex predator the man starts to crawl over to it as he smiles maniacally with the two insector near him getting prepared to Feast on the flesh that is in front of them outside of the chapel someone says that this was their old neighborhood 6 months ago but they don't need to think about this right now as they have to go in and complete the mission as the hunter tries to eat the medicine a blue thread stops him and then more appear as the glass window breaks they are all pulled up by none other than y Jin who is one of the dark Reapers the two insector are very mad about losing their meals so they try to go at her but that's when they are shot up by SEI who is another dark Reaper the remaining insector says that he heard rumors about these Rebels how dare they interrupt them without even understanding why they do it he jumps in to kill them but he is suddenly cut in two by none other than zigana who says that this necklace really is stuffy Yin tells him to unleash his powers if he wants them to go off which makes zigana ask if this is a death threat say he noticed is that they are fighting and joins in noting that even if he's at 20% of his power his endurance is amazing zigana notes that he has been waiting to fight her but Yin tells him not to talk back to the leader of the group how arrogant can he be having had enough of their little talk exral charges in and they are barely able to dodge his gigantic attack Yin tells SEI that he is on watch Duty now why didn't he warned them he notes that he got caught up in their conversation so it's their fault but instead of backing away zigana enters into a struggle with exil as from the information that they got this guy has ants in him he is one of many exil confirms this but he should not say that so openly as those who do will suffer a cruel fate but they are all a bunch of rebellious fools anyway so he will take it upon himself to take care of them he pushes zigana back who seems confident but he did not expect this ant bastard to be this strong exil suddenly rushes him with his pincers and manages to impale him but seah comes to the rescue and shoots him a few times before kicking him with a charge up attack before Exel can even turn around Yin ties him up fully and says that the black ant name shouldn't be taken by some weakling like him as the real black ant is 10 times stronger zigana cannot keep his anger inside any longer as even if he can endure other things being beaten by a [ __ ] black ant clone is something he cannot stand Yin moves out of the way as zigana charges in with a bit of his transformation revealed with exil also charging in with great rage but that's when sun strikes both of their blades and says that they are changing the plan as they need to capture this bastard alive exil seems to be excited to see him rather than scared but sun doesn't give him any opportunity to move even a single inch as he cuts him up with his electric sword as exil is engulfed in electricity he notes that he was right all along everything is going according to his plans with that he falls to the ground with sun explaining to the team that their boss wants any useful specimen to be caught alive so they should tie him up and go back to HQ zigana calls him over and tells him to never get in his way again as next time he will really kill him son agrees and turns around with zigana noting that he can't stand that little punk but Yin tells him to be more thankful as son isn't trying to show how strong he is or something the fact is that he exceeded his 20% Awakening limit so if son had not intervened when he did he would have been shocked by the collar and he would be unable to move zigana feels like even more of a loser because of this but that's when seah comes around and tells them to come and check something out as he found a strange pulsating cocoon thing in this room and it's freaking him out they all get in the room where they wonder what it can be as it looks like a pod but that's when sun feels a presence and the Cocoon starts to move around with sun telling the others that it's an insect that's inside so they all get ready to strike it down as soon as it comes out the Cocoon starts to convulse harder and harder with sun feeling that the vibrations seems similar to him but who can it be the Cocoon suddenly starts to crack open and it blinds the team with it its blue lights but the insector comes out without putting up a fight Sun immediately notices who it is and rushes in despite yin's warning he grabs her head gently and picks her up this mysterious insector is none other than Cho who seems to have run out of luck after the Mission Sun sits in the shower as the blood stains on him wash out remembering the moment he found Cho who seemed normal at first and called out to him but in a split second she changed her demeanor and started biting him which caused her to be dragged back to their HQ in silk in Chains y Jin was carrying sun and asked if he's okay son says that he's fine just some slight poison in his system they should check chos condition first that's when poo appeared right in front of him with two bodyguards and said that he must have been through a lot son immediately punched him to the ground much to everyone's surprise and he desperately looked at him as he promised him something that he would keep his loved ones safe but not only did he not find his grandmother he also couldn't protect Cho what is he fighting for now the two bodyguards tell him to step back as their guns are still in working order but that's when the group immediately get on their case and zigana tells them to stop if they know what's good for them po told everyone to stop and he apologized to son for his actions which made Sun walk away the bodyguards picked him up and he told them to drag the girl and the other insector to the doctor as he would take care of them as they walk say he notices that they have brand new weapons inspired by insector quite amazing but zigana did not find them as such more like grotesque as Poo put his glasses back on he noted that his sins are too many for one man to Bear but he still must do it when Yin and son go back to check on Cho the doctor confirms that she has lost her memory of it since they discovered her in a cocoon of sorts it seems that the transformation into a complete other being has changed not only her body but her mind too she probably barely has any old memories of any loved ones he has been researching for a while but this is the first time he has seen something like this suddenly Cho starts to scream out for son with the doctor explaining that his name is probably the only thing she remembers but she probably can't even recognize his voice or his face kind of ironic he must say after sun finishes his shower he walks back into his living room where he sees a picture he has with his grandma something that brings him deep sorrow now that's when Yin walks into his house and says that they should eat as she brought a little something as they prepare them Yin notes that even though he can't eat as much because he has no ants he should still be able to gulp down one bowl of noodles right son agrees but wonders why she brought so many are the others coming too she starts hugging them and says that these are hers so he shouldn't get any weird ideas which he confirms that he won't this housing is protected by a large anti- insector wall that allows the Denis inside to live peacefully y Jin finishes her meal and can't believe that it's been 6 months already with both of them remembering when they found Chaw inside the facility and comforting her through her hard times after she lost her parents and brother she didn't want to join the the bug Reapers but despite being fearful she wanted to fight for others she was one of the most skilled members in the entire team and she was a glimmer of hope inside of this dark and decrepit place but she didn't want to think that she would disappear and become what she wanted to hunt son thinks that it's his fault that he couldn't protect her but y Jin tells him to stop blaming himself as he could have done nothing in this situation but it's just like him to take all of the blame son notes that once he finds that dirty little brother of his he will rip his spine out and then everything will be sorted out Yin tells him to keep that energy for the team as they are a pretty good one but she's going to leave now so they will see each other tomorrow as she gets out she calls him a fool as she sees that he is trying to hold back tears something he's not very good at but she can only wish that he stays strong throughout this inside the Doctor's lab cha starts to scream as he experiments on her with him noting that it's just a genetic test to figure out if she can be useful and what type of bug she is when the results come back he has shown a large centipede which excites him to no end thank you for watching see you next time
Channel: ManhwaAddict
Views: 25,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manhwa, manga, manhua, tower, tower manhwa, viral, trending, summary, recap, recommended, recommendation, fighting, action, adventure, manhwa recap, manhwa recaps, anime, MANHUA, ManhwaCapped, anime recap, recap manhwa, manhwa summary, webtoon, manga recap, manga recaps, webtoon recap, recap manga, anime recaps, recaps manhwa, Monster tamer, manhwas, recap anime, anime summary, recaps, recaps manga, web novel, webnovel, The world after the end, Asura Manhwa Recap, Insector, Bugs, Bug, Insect, Insects
Id: Q0O5vwqZhAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 248min 18sec (14898 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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