(1 - 10) He Was Trapped For 25 Years, then Return As a Strongest Hunter - Manhwa Recap

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inside the dungeon a hero named Spectre encountered the boss known as the frost Queen She taunted him accusing him of letting his comrades die just to reach her but he silenced her a fierce battle ensued between them they exchanged powerful strikes and evaded attacks with quick agility each obstacle he overcame boosted his confidence leading him to deliver a devastating blow to the frost Queen with her defeat a bright light flashed before his eyes and text appeared stating that he was absorbing the frost Queen's power he became encased in ice and entered a state of hibernation until he fully absorbed the frost Queen's nucleus 25 years later in the present day of 2024 everyone still remembered Spectre and his comrades as the five Heroes who had defeated the frost Queen after their Victory numerous safe zones emerged on Earth the heroes were frozen in ice and put on display however one observant child noticed movement within one of the Frozen statues the presenter dismissed it claiming that the reinforced glass wall surrounding the statues was temperature controlled at all times to everyone's surprise the statue of Spectre began to shake the glass wall text appeared congratulating him for absorbing 100% of the frost Queen's nucleus and gaining a new skill called Frost X confused by all that was happening Spectre lost Consciousness Spectre waking up in the hospital is surprised to learn that he was frozen for a quarter of a century and his body feels weak the doctor enters the room and informs him that the president of the player association wishes to meet him Spectre asks if he knows the president considering that he would only entertain the meeting if they were close friends the doctor reveals that the president of the player association is indeed a close friend of his curious about the identity of this friend Spectrum realizes that there aren't many people people who would consider themselves close to him he contemplates the peaceful world he and his comrades had always longed for deciding to remove his mask since he believes that this world no longer needs Heroes the doctor is uncertain about how to respond to spectre's Revelation soon after the president of the player association arrives to provide an explanation Spectre is surprised to see a familiar face and asks if the person is diaku to which the president becomes embarrassed and dismisses everyone else in the room addressing Spectre by his real name Jean ho the president notes that he looks exactly the same as before Jean ho teases the president to which president scolds him and feels stupid for expecting sentimental reunion ganho then inquires about the doctor's reaction and the reason behind the shocked atmosphere when everything should be fine the president proceeds to explain the events of the past 25 years after defeating the frost Queen and receiving a message proclaiming Victory and the appearance of a safe Zone people around the world rejoiced however their happiness was shortlived when another message appeared stating that the second floor had been unlocked revealing that the frost Queen was only the beginning confusion and anger arose among the players leading to a large meeting involving the player association politicians and other stakeholders following extensive discussions an expedition Squad was dispatched to explore the frontier the second floor presented abundant opportunities granting Humanity access to new magic technology resources and knowledge they soon discovered that there were a total of 10 floors ganho recalls that it took them 5 years to defeat the frost Queen and estimates that in 25 years they should have cleared six floors although he acknowledges that the other players were significantly weaker which is why only five of them went to face the frost Queen adjusting his estimate he assumes they should have reached at least the fifth floor he asks the president on which floor they are currently on the president responds with disappointment confessing that in the last 25 years Humanity has only managed to clear the second floor ganho becomes disappointed and angry questioning the reason behind this slow progress the president explains that the third floor is a volcanic region and only a few players with resistance to intense heat can explore it after after an extended period they discovered an altar amidst a sea of lava however this altar requires the frost Queen's nucleus to cool down the environment nervously ganho asks if they found the nucleus the president feeling embarrassed apologizes and reveals that despite searching extensively they were unable to locate the nucleus ganho feels guilty because he had observed the nucleus before he tries to comfort the president offering reassurance subsequently ganho visits a museum where his friends statues reside sitting down he shares with them that the world has become a better place now enjoying a cup of sake with each one as ganho notices dust on his friend's statue he attempts to remove it but a sudden message appears stating with the Frost X he can remove the seal but he has insufficient magic power to do so upon seeing this ganho realizes that he has the ability to bring his friends back examining his status bar ganho realizes that his magic power is currently too low and it will take some time for it to recover however he notices a skill called Frost with an srank indicating that he is likely the only one with a higher rank additionally he discovers a title he obtained after defeating the frost Queen which increases all his stats by 30 each time he advances to a higher floor realizing this he understands that not only can can he return to his original level but he can also become even stronger than before by harnessing the power of the frost Queen this would allow him to bring his team back to life he informs the president of his desire to become a player again surprising him since ganho had always talked about retiring in the past the president hesitates considering the existence of fiends these fiends are players who misuse their awakened powers to commit crimes and murder in pursuit of their own desires they remember that the fiends had wanted to kill Gan ho in the past the only way for him to safely return is by discarding his player name Spectre and change his identity as ginho curious about gin Ho's motivation the president asks why he wants to become a player again Jean ho explains that he wants to reach the 10th floor and reveals that he has a plan to clear the third floor he confesses that he has absorbed the frost Queen's nucleus leaving the president of utterly shocked causing his blood pressure to rise after comaling down the president asks if Gan Ho's decision is driven by his comrades ganho smiles and confirms this they devise a plan to keep gin Ho's identity a secret and address the issue of the Doctor Who Saw His Face Jean ho explains that all his abilities have been sealed reducing his stats to level one he then asks the president to help him obtain a new player's license however the president reveals that the guilds have become more powerful than the player association and have made it accustomed to attend licensing exams therefore ganho can only obtain his license by participating in a public exam on the day of the exam jeano noticed a large number of people gathered to take the test he sat down and used one of his skills to EES drop on the conversations around him finding a peaceful atmosphere as he observed the first examine taking the exam ganho realized that the person was using a spear the other examine believed that the examine would easily pass due to the Spear's long range Advantage however Jean ho knew that a spear is ineffective in close combat consequently the first examine failed as he was beaten by goblins after numerous examinees failed it was Jean Ho's turn the judges were not impressed by the previous applicants carrying a variety of weapons with him ganho entered the exam the judges thought he was just another imitator of Spectre and the president felt that he was showing off too much the exam began and Jean ho skillfully killed every Goblin that appeared when additional goblins approached from behind he swiftly dispatched them with knives some enemies tried to flee but he skillfully eliminated them using a bow as the remaining goblins rushed toward him he showcased impressive swords skills defeating them all however his his body began to ache as he was only at level one and not in optimal shape the judges were Amazed by Jean Ho's use of various weapons and praised his abilities however upon reviewing his profile they noticed that he only possessed a d rank weapon proficiency skill this led them to believe that he was not worth investing in on the other hand the president of the association was happy that recruiting Gan ho would be an easy task he felt bad for fabricating Gan Ho's Prof file in the president's office Gan ho is scolded for making a mess of the place the president then shows him the information on the uncleared gate that Jean ho had requested he asked Gan ho if he plans to enter the gate with his current level ganho explains that gates are filled with monsters and traps that indiscriminately attack humans among them there are Gates that are so dangerous that even the bodies of experienced players are Left Behind These gates are called uncleared Gates and only beginners can attempt to conquer them the rewards and experience points inside the gate increase over time providing a faster way to level up the president asks if there is any safe way to undertake this challenge ganho responds that his friends are waiting for him to free them and he will eventually have to face the fiends there is no time to waste he needs to become stronger quickly understanding Jean Ho's urgency the president searches for suitable uncleared gates for him they choose a gate that appeared 7 years ago and Remains uncleared the only condition for success is to survive until sunrise with this Jean H becomes officially tied to the association and requests permission to stay in the association building the president allows him to stay in a room there and provides him with armor crafted by Quan Noya a legendary Craftsman ginho asks if he can personally thank Quan Noya but the president reminds him that he is no longer known as Spectre and people would become suspicious if he were to do so Jean ho hope puts on his armor and decides to enter the dungeon ganho confidently enters the gate assuming it will be easy to survive until sunrise he studies the data and discovers that the group who entered early in the morning had the longest survival time ganho patiently Waits until the enemies spawn as Undead creatures appear he swiftly eliminates them ginho activates a skill that helps him sense the presence of enemies and he realizes there are many more of them the zombies launch an attack but jean H skillfully defeats each one after the intense battle he takes a moment to rest suddenly ginho hears a voice asking for help he traces the source to a coffin and inquires about the person inside the individual explains that all of his friends have died and he is the sole survivor ganho instructs him to shout loudly so he can pinpoint the exact location following the shout ganho locates the person's head and begins shooting through the coffin he understands why this dungeon has claimed the lives of over a hundred people it is because of the monster called tricker inside the coffin it bursts out exclaiming how did you know without giving it a chance to react ganho swiftly cuts it in half he proceeds to eliminate the remaining zombies and successfully clears the dungeon a message appears indicating that ganho has cleared the dungeon and advanced to level four as a reward he acquires a new C rank skill called confessions of the Dead which allows him to explore the memories of the Dead ganho was excited about future the world was shocked to discover that the infamous novice's grave curse of dawn had vanished overnight the president was elated that the big guilds were being ignored he asked Gan ho once again if he had any intention of revealing himself to which Jean ho replied that it wasn't the right time he wanted to be someone everyone desired but couldn't easily obtain and eventually people would figure out who he truly was ganho dedicated himself to training and improving his stats while looking at the news he came across an uncleared gate called loof's Garden that had appeared 9 years ago with monsters emerging from it the government and Association offered a substantial reward to anyone who could clear the gate but despite many attempts across the country nobody succeeded eventually they had to seek help from other countries and spent a fortune to hire a super rookie from India named tar vishi who was a bow genius however even tar vishi at 22 years old failed leaving everyone without hope ginho decided to be more cautious and prepared for any hidden threats that might lurk within the gate he began using his Frost skill upon entering the gate the condition for clearing it was to defeat All the Monsters ginho encountered a maze and wisely chose to avoid it for now he found a place to rest but as night fell monsters started to appear and attacked him with swift movements Jean ho killed the monsters however he soon noticed that more monsters were appearing and he continued to eliminate them he then realized that they were multiplying as he killed them as Jean runs the monsters launch an attack but he quickly defends himself with his eye Shield skillfully he defeats all the monsters successfully clearing L's Garden however he is left wondering how someone as skilled as tar vishi a super rookie and his teammates couldn't defeat these monsters why did they fail curiosity gets the better of ganho and he decides to enter the maze inside he comes across the corpses of dead players including tashar he recalls that toar possessed the Tempest bow which allowed arrows to fly around in a unique manner among the corpses ginho finds a notebook that belonged to tashar intrigued he picks it up and starts reading in the notebook tashar recounts being commissioned to clear a gate in Korea knowing that he might not return alive however without any hesitation he accepted the challenge tshark girlfriend zya asked him to take her along and they promised to look out for each other in addition to zya one of her friends and one of tushar's friends also joined the Expedition they enter the gate and everyone is Amazed by the beautiful scenery however at night eight monsters appear and they start fighting them to their surprise the monsters multiply to 32 during the battle tragically tushar's friend gets severely injured and they decide to seek refuge in the Maze despite their efforts tushar's friend passes away way leaving a final request for tashar to take care of his daughter before the next wave arrives he prays for Mercy somehow they managed to defeat the fourth wave of 120 monsters with the fifth wave approaching soon tashar remains determined to clear the gate but exhaustion and grief begin to take a toll and they H there won't be a sixth wave during the fifth wave tushar's lover tragically dies breaking his heart shockingly one of his team members attacks him from behind but tashar narrowly Dodges the assault he realizes that the attacker is a fiend the fiend confesses that he was after tshark Tempest bow unbeknownst to the fiend more monsters are spawning behind him tashar manages to escape leaving the fiend to face the Wrath of the monsters he unknowingly attracted tashar hides in the Maze but his injuries worsen and he reaches a dead end he knows his time is limited and writes a diary detailing what happened apologizing to anyone who finds it ganho after reading the diary realizes that the number of monsters scales with the number of players entering the gate he understands that he was able to clear the gate because he entered alone and it would have been much more difficult if he had a team Jean ho takes the diary and tushar's Tempest bow with him making a promise to take revenge on the fiends after returning from the gate the president passed on a message to ganho thanking him for returning to sh's diary to the Indian government and informing them about the families Jean ho felt relieved knowing that the right action was taken the president mentioned the Tempest bow but Gan ho already had it with him and showed it to him the president goes crazy as the bow belonged to the Indian government and Jean ho should have kept it hidden Jean ho assured him that he won't use it carelessly he believed that the fiends were after the bow and their boss would come for it knowing that ganho had cleared the gate the president warned Jean ho about a guy named demon bcal singer known for collecting bows who might come after him however Gan ho was confident that they would come for him at the next uncleared gate despite the president's worry ganho hope planned to use the bow as bait to capture the fiends their discussion was interrupted by a call from the media requesting an interview with ganho after discovering that he cleared Lu's Garden the president wanted to send them away but Jean ho stopped him suggesting they hold a press conference to announce which gate he will go to next luring the fiends into a fight during the press conference Gan ho appeared in casual clothes rejecting the need to dress up like his past Persona Spectre he introduced himself and answered some questions when asked about his choice of the next gate ganho revealed that he wanted to enter the Eastern Sea gate the announcement shocked everyone present after announcing his his next gate the Eastern Sea gate ganho assured everyone that he would win even if he faced with a boss monster the gate was the last uncleared dungeon in Korea and rumors suggested that a powerful boss resided within together the president and Jean hooked through the commission requests he had received they settled on one where a father wants the cure for his terminally ill daughter requiring the core of a cinder Fox ganho recalled battling one before an encounter that nearly cost him his life the president presented the information about the gate revealing that it had already claimed the lives of seven teams Jean ho realized that this Mission would be more challenging than before especially with other teams also attempting it the president disclosed that the one who commissioned the request was his friend Co Choy pill ho of the mango group he introduced ganho to his new secretary and manager Chase Saun understanding that it would seem suspicious ious if the president continued to handle everything for him ganho agreed to take on the request on their way to meet the client Chase Saun explained the family's situation the daughter suffered from nin sance syndrome and one of the potential treatments involved using the core of a fox she mentioned that the person who verified its Effectiveness 29 years ago was none other than Spectre himself which made Jean ho feel embarrassed not revealing his identity upon arrival Cho pill ho personally greeted them bowing and pleading for Jean Ho's help to save his daughter after arriving to meet the client Choy pill ho he offered Jean ho a payment of 15 billion1 and promised to provide everything he needed from his company Chas Saun thought it was a generous offer and believed Jean ho would accept however Jean ho declined immediately and when pill ho raised the amount Jean H stopped him and said that 10 billion one was enough when Yun asked for his reason he replied that he shared the same principles as Spectre believing that one shouldn't take advantage of someone who is trying to save their family after they left chasun asked if ginho had heard the story about Spectre from the president to which he confirmed she then asked if he believed it and Jean ho replied that he did knowing that Spectre had witnessed the death of his own parents and wouldn't want others to experience the same pain later the president took Jean ho to the Vault to choose his weapon for fighting the Cinder Fox Jean H learned that in the last 25 years technology had significantly improved resulting in better materials and weapons he tried several weapons but was unimpressed stating that they would be useless against true Predators however he noticed a sword in the corner and though the president believed it to be useless Jean ho showed him that sword is not useless the next day outside the gate A large group of media people had gathered chasa un informed Jean ho that 27 players would enter the gate before them Jean ho reminded her that after today they would receive lots of commissions as Jean ho appeared the media surrounded him bombarding him with questions other players also discussed him among themselves eventually everyone entered the gate inside one player introduced himself as chamman wo a member of the 13th rank in Korea he proposed that they work together to clear the gate offering a commission while he would claim the core as a clear award the group agreed to his plan but Gan ho walked away and declined the invitation to join them another player beside Min Wu thought that the rumors about ganho being a genius were exaggerated and that fighting alone was a bad decision the cinder Fox was a boss monster that grew nine Tales over a thousand years once it grew all its Tales it would become a millennium Fox gaining the ability to command more soldiers ganho found a spot to Scout and observe the other group meanwhile the other group started getting attacked by firef Foxes they activated their traps and managed to fend off the attackers gaining confidence in their weapons suddenly the cinder Fox appeared enraged by its minions defeat one of the members noticed its nine tals and was shocked Cham men who tried to Rally the team but some were already scared he remained confident in their trap's Effectiveness and believed he would kill the C Fox surpassing Spectre in the next scene everyone lay on the floor injured and defeated Cham minw couldn't believe that none of their weapons or strategies had worked against the cinder Fox he thought it was impossible to defeat the monster the cinder Fox prepared to shoot a fireball to finish off Cham and wo but just in time ginho arrived and sliced the fireball in half ganho told Min wo to take the survivors and leave so that he could properly face the fox the fox attacked ginho with Fireballs not wanting him to get close he blocked some of the attacks with his eye Shield as he was trying to get close Cinder Fox attacked him with a giant Fireball the fox noticed him inside the smoked and attacked ganho dodged by jumping into the air and used his ice as a foothold to get close to the monster and slashed one of its tails off which we can Fox jeho taunted the monster as it was its first time being in pain and it never imagined being the prey as it already killed many players Cinder Fox attacked with a claw and ginho countered by attacking one of its eyes as it was preparing for another giant fire ganho pierced it with a huge eye Spike killing it instantly ganho collapsed after the fight a message showed that the cinder fox has been defeated and he received the cinder Fox's core as a reward outside the gate everyone was excited to see them come out minwoo was carrying Jean ho on his back and the Press assumed that Min wo and his team had had finished the gate however minwu told them the truth about what really happened inside the gate in the hospital ganho woke up with Chase Saun beside him she informed him that they had received a lot of requests while he was unconscious Jean ho wasn't surprised and left the room to find the president Chas Saun tried to stop him concerned that he hadn't fully recovered yet ganho reassured her saying that he had only fainted and would rest after they saw the real patient Choy pel's daughter pelo led ginho to his daughter's room to begin the treatment upon entering ginho realized that the girl's condition was Dire so he had to act quickly he removed the core but he forgot that the core's power could be dangerous for ordinary people he hurriedly sent pill ho out of the room ginho began the treatment and he noticed that the girl's condition was even worse than the previous patient he had cured he attempted to use the Cor cautiously and to his surprise a message appeared indicating that he could absorb Ean energy using the frost skill which would boost his magic stats ginho realized that the frost skill had become incredibly versatile lacking weaknesses in both attack and defense and it could now absorb energy he carefully absorbed the E energy from the girl and remembered that previous patients had experienced significant burdens after core usage however with the frost skill it seemed much safer after after a while ginho emerged exhausted but confident that there would be no side effects assuring pill ho of his daughter's recovery pill ho expressed his gratitude and intended to increase the payment but he knew ganho would decline instead he offered the assistance of the mango group in the future which was the number one company in Korea Choy pilo's eldest son was the Guild Master of the Scarlet Tower ranked fifth in the country ginho thanked him and promised not to tarnish the mango group's reputation on their way back Gan ho expressed his gratitude to chass Yun for a job well done in the president's office ganho presented the cinder Fox core to the president and explained that he hadn't used it on pill Ho's daughter because he had absorbed the E energy using his Frost skill the president was surprised by this Revelation ganho then informed the president that he could absorb being energy from any Target and asked for his assistance in finding artifacts within energy gho also decided to visit the black market to search for such artifacts he entered a theater and used a secret teleportation feature in one of the seats to access the black market upon arriving at the black market ganho observed the liveliness of the place some people recognized him and tried to intimidate him but when ginho told them to move they backed down he was surprised at how easily they yielded inside a shop an attendant recognized him and directed him to the shelves of artifacts jinho spotted some low-level energy items but asked the attendant to show him the room with the best items revealing a cursed item with a frost attribute ginho decided to put it on and observed that it increased speed stamina and Magic it had an intermediate level of frost energy making him happy that he could gain as much magic as last time ginho purchased the item and left he entered a bar to use the teleportation service to return to Korea but he had to wait for 10 minutes three players approached him attempting to intimidate him and ride on his Fame ganho laughed at their attempts referring to them as leeches who bullied weaker players to boost their own reputations he invited them to attack him drawing the attention of others in the bar who recognized him the gang disregarded the crowd's opinion driven by their desire for fame ganho pulled out a knife Jean Hol moved closer to the gang declaring it was ample time to play The Gang mocked him for for his choice of weapon but ginho assured them it was sufficient to deal with pests and that he didn't need his sword one of the gang members attacked him but ganho dodged the strike and delivered a powerful elbow to the guy's face rendering him unconscious the onlookers were taken aback the other gang member a magic user he conjured his magic confidently but ganho swiftly closed the distance breaking the man's arm without hesitation the magic user was bewildered and frightened attacking with magic again ganho revealed his ability to read an opponent's breath deafly parrying the attacks and then impaled the attacker's hand on the wall ginho warned them not to cross his path again and the remaining gang member agreed ganho headed for the teleportation while the onlookers cheered him on ginho found it peculiar that these people were behaving as if they were in a game meanwhile inside a car a group of individuals observed Gan Ho's fight in the black Market one of them known as Princess displayed a keen interest in him on the street ginho grew irritated as fans approached for pictures however one person stood out in the crowd gong yua whom ginho recognized as the keb's princess ganho knew that he was being scouted by the big guilds he was relieved to escape the Cafe's crowd and its attention gona complained about the heat which struck gin ho as odd since she had fire ability ities she explained that she liked cold things which puzzled him and raised doubts about her true identity as the K princess gon yua asked ginho to join their Guild stating that the vice Master had sent her to scout him and he had passed in terms of combat and potential this intrigued her further and she presented the incentives he'd receive upon joining Jee Hol marveled at the rewards but declined citing his reluctance to be tied to the Guild's orders and missions gone yua understood his stance and warned him of the escalating fiend activity even on the first floor ganho thanked her as she departed in the office ginho informed president Duke about gong hua's offer president Duke questioned if ginho would regret not joining a guild that could be more helpful to him ganho expressed his concern about the guild strictness and president Duke was moved by his loyalty offering him an entire floor to stay in ginho also requested that the Eastern Gate Conquest be set for a week from then to bait the fiends news of ginho Ho's impending raid on the Eastern Seagate began to spread caliner watched and ordered his minion to retrieve the Tempest bow from gin ho Cal siner sensed he was being watched an issue that stemmed from sword Saia curious if the fiends would take the bait ginho became suspicious of the Shadow brothers who joined him as Medics he asked Chase Saun for information about them using his Darkness skill to expand its Reach For Better magic training he reviewed the Gates's information discovering it was named the Eastern Gate island of the Forgotten dragon with the clear condition of defeating the nameless Dragon he pondered how to deal with Dragons without flying skills upon receiving information about the shadow brothers from Chas Saun ginho discovered that Vincent and Edward from America were veterans with 200 successful missions both specializing in Shadow skills they admired ginho and sought to help him clear Korea's last unclear dungeon on the day of the raid a large crowd gathered outside the gate in the car president Duke scolded ginho for not focusing on the mission ganho assured him that he had defeated the ice queen and wouldn't be easily killed by the nameless Dragon president Duke worried that the shadow Brothers might be working with the fiends and contemplated calling off the raid but ganho reassured him that he had a plan the shadow Brothers greeted and praised ginho surprised when he replied in English they entered the gate and one of the brothers attempted to attack ginho but missed feeling Gino's Aura and hesitating the brothers planned to find another chance to attack him while searching for the dragon suddenly a massive Shadow engulfed them the Forgotten Dragon boss they realized gin hole had vanished Vincent attempted to distract the boss while Edward went to find ghole suspecting him to be the shadow Edward attacked but the shadow dissipated and Jean ho revealed him himself warning Edward to hide his Scarlet eyes Edward denied being a fiend and ganho explained the consequences of drinking demon blood and the use of Maggie Edward attacked ginho with his Shadows intending to strike his legs but ginho used his night walking skill to disappear Edward was terrified surrounded by Gan Ho's Darkness Vincent struggled with the dragon while Edward fled from the jungle exclaiming that ganho had hidden his strength Vincent scolded him for falling for jho's Bluffs and plan to attack the dragon's weakness the reverse scale the dragon attacked them and Vincent summoned Edward to remove the reverse scale however this enraged the dragon and it attacked them relentlessly Vincent and Edward planned to divert the dragon's attention to ginho but their efforts failed ginho created arrows from Darkness firing them into the sky they rained down on the dragon causing it to collapse immobilized the shadow brothers were astonished and ginho revealed The Tempest bow one of the brothers attacked ginho who swiftly decapitated him the second brother attacked in a frenzy and ganho killed him by stabbing him remarking that they should repent in their next life gho approached the nameless dragon and delivered the final blow he decided to inspect the bodies of the two FS using his confession skill to read their memories he saw their crimes paused as he realized he had killed them too quickly and sought information on the fiends Association his skill couldn't extract complete memories due to its low level but he saw the man who had granted the brothers their powers then he used the skill to read the dragon's memories learning that it had once been a human Emperor ginho felt guilty for killing his ancestor paid his respects and watched the dragon soul Ascend this earned him the title helper of Ascension and a unique item the flute of tidal breath returning from the gate a press conference awaited the media discussed the danger of the gates and the death of the Shadow Brothers ganho cried blaming himself for their sacrifice Cal siner watched and planned to send Watchdogs to the Las Vegas auction at the office junho found himself overwhelmed by the numerous commission requests he had received he felt confused especially since he had mentioned in a conference that the shadow brothers did most of the work to clear the gate chasun one of his colleagues offered some wisdom saying that luck is also a skill and recommended that he get a haircut junho appreciating her advice allowed her to leave early she left with a smile reminding him to get a haircut on his way out as junho walked outside he couldn't help but think that wearing his mask made everything simpler he decided to visit a comic Library where he discovered that there were no other visitors feeling a bit more at ease he removed his mask and prepared to sit at his usual spot however his plans were interrupted when he saw a girl already sitting there and to his surprise it was Chas Saun both of them were taken aback by this unexpected encounter Chas Saun looked at him and reassured him that there was nothing wrong with reading Mana junho playfully teased her about the title of the Mana she was reading which caused her to get a bit irritated she then inquired about his book and junho replied that his choice wasn't any better junho remarked on his surprise at seeing her in a mama Cafe considering she appeared to be one of the elites however she explained her love for the place where she could find Solace and enjoyed the scent of old books junho agreed with her sentiments after a friendly farewell junho couldn't help but be impressed by Chas sa yun's work ethic and decided he should put in more effort as well later junho informed Duke about his plan to go to the United States to find the fiend's meeting place he handed over dragon bones and asked Duke to deliver the rest to Kuan Noya for making a sword as junho lay on his bed he asked chasun to arrange a PL ticket to Las Vegas he looked at his items and stats realizing that it wouldn't be long before he could use sword Aura and Venture into the second and third floors he wondered how strong the top players had become after 25 years upon arriving in Las Vegas junho complained about the tiring plane ride reminiscing about the days when teleportation made travel easier he quickly looked up the fiend's meeting place and resolved to finish his mission swiftly for some well-deserved rest at the meeting place two fiends discussed the Watchdogs and and how they had been responsible for their boss's demise three Watchdogs arrived and inquired about their new orders upon learning that their mission had changed they expressed their disappointment and not heading to the second floor the Watchdogs leader reviewed the orders then burned them to ensure no traces remained as the Watchdogs Departed the two fiends breathed a sigh of relief Arma the skeletal Mage had a notorious reputation including the massacre in Turkey junho arrived and swiftly dispatched the two fiends lamenting their lack of useful information he called Duke and asked for assistance in securing a ticket to participate in the Las Vegas auction junho visited the auction venue to familiarize himself with the surroundings when junho attempted to enter the casino he was initially blocked by the guards but one of them recognized him from when they had tried to recruit him alongside gong yua junho was curious about their presence in Las Vegas and learned that they worked as security for the casino he inquired about the reason for the alarm ringing when he attempted to enter the casino and in explained that players were not allowed on the regular casino floor as their abilities could lead to significant losses for the establishment instead there was a separate Casino for players where the dealers were also players themselves junho surprised to see gang yua how badly she was loosing sat down beside her gong yuo was surprised in questioning whether junho had changed his mind about becoming her underling junho clarified that he was there for the auction and sought to explore the event further gon yua revealed her role as the head of security at the hotel and they chatted while junho marveled at her ability to gamble while working the two engaged in a gambling game where gong yua advised junho not to go all in and to get used to the dealer speed he was curious about why she kept losing despite her familiarity with the game they continued to play and eventually junho's luck turned as he won around and she stated that it was a beginning's luck two players approached them and junho recognized them as Watchdogs members he decided to keep playing to observe and potentially un cover information about the fiends with more players joining the dealer increased the number of cups to five and they continued to play the dealers actions were closely watched but Jun ho and the fiend pointed at same cup and it was right Jun ho thought that the male fiend will be the harder to deal with he shared a mysterious artifact resembling a compass saying that President Duke had lent it to him and it would help him locate specific individuals when using Mana gon yua got curious junho used the artifact and it pointed the direction of the Watchdogs junho acted surprised and excused himself to the bathroom the male Watchdog member believing the artifact allowed junho to track fiends followed him into an alley there junho cleverly lured the Watchdog into a trap then junho broke the compass and fiend was confused and understood it wasn't a real artifact he asked Jun ho if he lured him here and how much Jun ho knew about them junho told him about their schedule tomorrow the fiend attacked junho and junho was surprised that at his speed and wondered if he is an accelerator user the fiend was confident and told junho that he can't Dodge the next attack junho baited him to attack by closing his eyes he attacked but missed the fiend's arm was already Frozen junho mocked him that speed is useless if he was predictable the fiend attacked again and Jun ho froze his other arm and gave the finishing blow and obtained critical information about the Watchdogs plans and schedule meanwhile back at the Watchdogs Hideout the two remaining members discussed their missing comrade their leader Arma showed her a list of players currently in Las Vegas and identified junho as a Potential Threat Arma realized that junho was affiliated with the shadow Brothers raising concerns about his intentions he designated junho as a threat and decided to find a way to eliminate him during the auction junho proceeded to the auction where gong yuo was astonished by the presence of numerous famous figures she found her seat but was surprised to see junho she reminded him that seats were reserved D and he couldn't just sit anywhere junho showed her his VIP invitation leaving her surprised by his apparent connection to powerful individuals she inquired about how he obtained the ticket and he explained that President Duke had arranged it for him gong yua suspected junho might be the president's proxy junho realized Duke's motive for sending him the expensive suit and planned to interrogate him upon his return she emphasized her commitment to her job as a professional their conversation shifted as they observed the auction items gon yuo was actively bidding on cold attribute items junho to remind her of her professional responsibilities she teased him about his reluctance to make any purchases and junho eventually bought a necklace when she probed whether it was for his girlfriend he clarified that he didn't have one she then suggested it might be for his mother but he revealed that his mother had passed away leading to a moment of sympathy the auction continued with an item called the unknown ball which captured junho's curiosity due to his Keen intuition others speculated about the item's mysterious nature as it had remained unsolved for 20 years despite not knowing why his intuition reacted to it junho decided to bid on the item the next item Heaven Breathe peaked his interest and gong yua explained its price would depend on the country leader spending capacity during the auction an unexpected attack occurred causing panic among the attendees one of the bodyguards swiftly created a protective shield saving everyone from falling debris and by the guard's quick reaction junho noted the chaos and speculated which fiend might be responsible for summoning skeletons junho offered assistance and gong yua took command issuing orders to evacuate the audience and protect the auction items as gong yua tried to manage the situation she realized that junho had already left the attendees were in hurry as they attempted to escape through the small doors gongu had decided to create an exit by punching a hole in the wall in the midst of the chaos an unexpected hole appeared and a bullet struck one of her guards causing the protective shield to collapse as she witnessed the arrival of skeletons gong yua engaged in combat demonstrating her exceptional abilities as a special attribute user a member of the Watchdogs observed her incredible power acknowledging her as one of the strongest special attribute users possessing the rank of s as the ruler of flames she decided not to engage gong yood directly Arma inquired if she had obtained the item and instructed her to proceed to point B immediately despite her disappointment at not being able to eliminate junho she suddenly spotted him in the distance filled with excitement she took aim intending to take him out swiftly she utilized her skill to teleport a bullet close to junho's head but to her disbelief he easily dodged it frustrated she took another shot junho observing the portals created by her skill swiftly activated his shadow step ability disappearing from her line of sight she was taken aback realizing that even rankers couldn't evade her attacks she soon noticed the direction in which he was headed but it was too late junho was behind her and froze her legs evoking Terror in a trembling voice she asked him who he was junho replied that it didn't matter as the Watchdogs would vanish tonight amidst the chaos Heaven's breathe went missing gong yua wondered if the skeleton Mage had taken it but gong yua couldn't comprehend how it had disappeared the armor the skeletons wore was identical to those of individuals who had gone missing 3 years prior reminding her of The Disappearance case on the second floor they concluded that the missing players and the skeletons shared a connection meanwhile junho accessed the watchdog's memory to gather insights into their plans and their meeting location following the mission's completion he didn't obtain extensive information about the fiend Association Arma the watchdog's leader had been controlling them junho made a strategy to confront Arma and considered that charging recklessly Into The Hideout with traps might not be the best approach junho noticed the the fiends watch and devised the plan Arma received a message indicating that one of his subordinates was being followed he inquired about the item they had been carrying and the subordinate confirmed saying they hid the item in an alley and left a mark while aware that he was still being pursued he grew curious about the identity of the person following him and decided to check the location mentioned in the message sensing the item in a trash can Arma retrieved Heaven's breathe but was shocked when it suddenly exploded freezing his arm Arma realized he had fallen into a trap Arma summoned his skeletons preparing to face junho however junho spound behind him Swift lib and inflicted a fatal blow with ARA's death the skeletons at the auction vanished leaving bong yua to ponder whether the Mage had recalled them or if he had been defeated junho gained levels after eliminating Arma reflecting on how close he had come to being in ARA's position if he hadn't fallen for the Trap he accessed ARA's memory witnessing the recruitment of the fiends and ARA's rise to leadership within the Watchdogs he also learned about the fiend's ultimate goal which was to dominate the tower but his skill wasn't sufficient to recall all the memories enraged by the Revelation that the fiends turned orphans into fiends treating them as Expendable resources junho vowed to stop them from creating more victims like ARMA he also wondered if the man he saw in the memories was noted Hollow back in the auction Hall gong yuo was frustrated by their inability to locate Heaven's breath she vented her anger lamenting that if it weren't for the fiends she would have been sleeping peacefully a guard approached her informing her that a gift had been left for her by a fan he hinted that the contents of the gift might come as a shock as G yua opened it she initially believed it to be a fantastic replica but the guard confirmed that it was the original item her surprise escalated when she discovered a note within the gift the note revealed that the skeleton Mage and two fiends had been dealt with Heaven's breath had been retrieved and the location of the skeleton M's corpse was disclosed the note was signed by a fan leaving dong yua both bewildered and curious about the identity of this mysterious benefactor she expressed her desire to meet this person to the guard but he explained that they hadn't found any leads from the area where the corpse was discovered he speculated that the individual behind this act might be a professional or at least the ranker junho entered the scene catching their attention she scolded him for leaving during an emergency and he had run away like he did at the casino gong yua informed him about a mysterious gift she had received from a fan who had managed to retrieve Heaven's breath which had gone missing during the attack she was curious to meet this fan and was convinced that they were a powerful individual possibly a ranker as the auction had concluded gong yua asked him why he was still there and he mentioned his intention to pick up the items that he won at auction she mentioned that the next time they crossed paths it would probably be on the second floor She said if he managed to ascend to the second floor within half a year she would reward him with a present however if he couldn't he would have to fulfill her wish junho was well aware that her request would likely involve him joining their Guild but he accepted the challenge they sealed their agreement with a firm handshake he got the two items he bought the unknown ball and the necklace he was still curious why his Keen intuition skill reacts to the ball he used Magic on it but nothing happened he kept it in his inventory and used Magic on it from time to time he arrived in Korea and was picked up by Chas Saun junho was thankful that she came to pick him up she told him that it was part of her job then asked him if they were going straight to the association he remembered something and gave her a present junho said that he didn't know what to buy so he just looked for a book and wasn't sure if she would like it and that it was the only one left she was happy and said she looked everywhere for a copy but it was already sold out junho told her to wake him up when they arrive at the association in the president's office junho told Duke what he found out during his lost vages trip Duke was angered and drank the alcohol he calmed down and Duke told him ju Noya was looking for him he said that the sword that he requested will be finished tomorrow and wanted to give it to him in person Duke assured that with junho's current career there will be no suspicion even if they meet junho agreed Duke told him to go tomorrow junho decided to take a rest junho arrived at Quan noya's shop and thought it was the same as it was 25 years ago he entered and saw Quan noya's grandson on the forge and couldn't believe it was the same kid that he knew back then he leads junho to his grandfather Noya couldn't believe after seeing him as it was hard to see him around junho smiled and said it's been a while the grandson was confused knowing that this was their first meeting Noya asked his grandson to serve agarathi for junho junho praised the grandson's skill but Noya said he still has a lot to learn Jun ho joked that why has he not welcomed him back Noya patted him on the shoulder and said he had already gone through a lot Noya asked him why he came back as a player junho showed him the frost power he acquired ired and Noya knew it was the frost Queen's skill he explained that he can save his teammates with it junho reminded Noya that they made a contract together a long time ago and Nia said with a serious face that his contract was with Spectre not with a newbie named SE junho junho was stupified Nya laughed as he was just joking with him and wanted to see his stupid face since it's been a while junho thought Nya called him there to make fun of him Noya showed him the sword he made Noya says he wielded the hammer for him and Jun ho wields the sword for Noya that was their promise junho held the sword and thought it was perfect Noya explained that he mixed new materials and the durability is better junho checked the sword stat and saw it was called the black dragon Fong a unique great item he compared it with the swords that he used from the association storage and found it was on a different level Noya said he has gotten even better after 25 years and invited him to play Go junho was surprised as nuya had never beaten him before in go Noya shouted saying that he was far better now the tea arrived and Juno was surprised as he hasn't tasted this kind of tea before and asked Nua what is it nuya offered to tell him if he beats him at go junho smiled and agreed after a while Noya was fuming after losing to junho junho calmed him down and reminded him about the Tea Noya explained about the second floor race they are monsters that resembled humans like Orcs And elves he said that they have changed since the second floor opened and that they are intelligent enough to communicate with humans junho asked if even Orcs can communicate with them Nua confirmed but not all second races can do it junho asked why he brought them up nuya said that the AGR came from the elves junho thought if he can get to the second floor then he can get some of the tea Nua scoffed Because unless he finds intelligent elves and make a connection with them he can't get it for even a billion gold junho asked Nua if he knows something about the unknown ball he got from the auction noi scolded him that he is not a sage and doesn't know know everything but he knew it was an Elven item and was sure because he met an elder of an elf drive before and felt the same energy from the ball Nya suggested he goes someplace where he can meet eles junho bid his Farewell the grandson gave him some aured as Nua told him and said his grandfather must really like him in the car chasun informed him about a gate in England where Dark Elves appear the gate is called wild forest and asked if he was interested junho said yes she continued that even players all over the world world are gathering junho asked for the info on the gate and it is located in Grantham England and the goal is to kill the dark elves tribe leader party of capacity of gate is 200 people Cal siner was Furious after finding out that the Watchdogs have been annihilated the minion thinks that were caught in a trap while trying to take care of junho as they were talking nated Halo arrived and asked him if SE junho killed his disciple cerk answer was unsure noted Halo slammed him on the wall as he didn't like his answer Cal begged for a chance and he will bring junho to him not said halo released him and give him half a year to bring junho to him Cal singer reason that he can't bring junho to the second floor as junho needed to be at least level 30 and there was no way junho can do it in 6 months nated Halo warned him that his life was on the line and to make it happen as he disappeared Cal siner asked his minion to look for a Pathfinder a Pathfinder allows him to go down the dimensional elevator while evading the association Cal siner decided to go to the first floor himself meanwhile junho arrived early in England and plans to clear smaller Gates as a warm-up junho thought that if 200 players can enter the dungeon will be extremely difficult and new he can protect all 200 people at the day of the raid strong players gathered near the gate Cham Mino was looking for someone one of his teammate teased him if he was looking for Jun hoe he remembered how junho fought the cinder Fox and admired him he was excited to show him how he has changed they noticed junho and approached him junho thanked Mino for carrying him out of the gate after fighting Des Cinder Fox Mino asked him if he would like to join their party junho agreed as it would be inefficient to go alone after they entered the gate and junho was confused after seeing the other guilds going off on their own Mino explained that they use terminals these days to communicate after entering the gate junho was clueless one of the members teased him about being a time traveler from the past Mino introduced the other members to junho choy P was the Healer and the girl that teased him was SE marry her skill let her see the close future of whoever she look at but it has a long cool down she also needs to tell the target what she saw there will be a penalty if she doesn't she sees junho's future and Amazed by how he killed 10 Dark Elves by himself and thought he's amazing that junho thought that she can tell him about his friends Mary clarified that her skill is only a sneak peek and she can't see far into the future it isn't always accurate as the future is Ever Changing they can use her skill to see if any any danger lies ahead Mino showed Juno other teams location as they communicated that they haven't seen any Dark Elves yet Mary thought the reason they haven't found any Dark Elves is that the dark elves numbers are low junho thinks there is something wrong and that there was no way the enemy's numbers are low as the party capacity is too high and was suspicious as to how they haven't found any Dark Elves junho explained that dark elves are prideful beings that they wouldn't stand by when they are Intruders Juno asked Mary to tell him around what time they were fighting when she saw his future she estimated it was at night junho thought for a while then took out a sleeping bag he said the dark elves will probably make a surprise attack at night Mary said she would notify the other guilds Juno said they might not believe it junho said he will take a nap first and then they will take turns resting night came then we see two players on Watch talking in front of a bonfire the other player said what if the dark elves really made a surprise attack the other player was doubtful and said it was nonsense he mocked the dark elves intellig Ence and how they couldn't resist the temptation of power and that they were incapable of organized attacks they noticed multiple eyes in the darkness and were relieved when they see it was just wall dogs thinking they were afraid of the fire the player who mocked the elves then saw figures in the trees and told the other player to wake the team up as they were surrounded by the dark elves junho suddenly woke up feeling something was wrong Mary told him nothing has happened yet and he could go back to sleep he asked about the other parties and she said Night Watch is posting updates every 30 minutes minutes Mary was confused as to why no one has posted and thought there might be a problem with the communication junho knew they have been attacked as he saw with his Hunter's night skill the dark elves surrounding them junho smiled as he was excited seeing the dark elves making coordinated attacks with trained wall dogs Juno ordered Mary to wake Mino she wondered why as she doesn't see anything as she was talking a wool dog attacked her from behind and junho killed the monster as the dark elf riding the wool dog fell into the bonfire junho thought thought he shouldn't use the sword given to him by Noya to face these small fries junho killed the attacking elves he noticed one elf attacking him but let it stab him in the back junho was satisfied with the armor Quan Nia's grandson gave him as the attack kills every elf but junho intended to let one elf run to the forest so he can use the confessions of the dead and read its memory without his party seeing him one of the elves attacked and junho killed him instantly and told the other elf to run after seeing the elf's memories he comprehended that the dark elves ate the branches of the world tree and gained power in exchange for their intelligence but the leader's intelligence wasn't affected and saw they have 1,000 Dark Elves and the dark Elven Knights the leaders bodyguards junho came back to the party and made an excuse that he chased one elf junho asked how are the other parties Mary said that they can't reach anyone and probably they are in the middle of a battle or may be wiped out junho said they need to save them meanwhile the other parties are overwhelmed by the attacks as one player asks for help as he sees the El attack to finish him junho arrives and killed the elf and the walog the party leader thanked junho saying he was the savior of the blue whale party junho asked how many casualties the leader said they lost five people and blamed himself for what happened junho asked the blue whale party to head north saying they can fight together and minimize their casualties junho estimated that there are at least 500 Dark Elves remaining and they had a chance at winning if they survived the night junho told them to go north and gather the others then come to the east after cleaning up the leader has lost morale after what happened junho told them they have to keep fighting and carry out revenge for their comrade the leader thanked him and decided to follow Korea's new star in the next scene we see a player making his last stand and surrounded by wogs he accepted his death but was surprised to see the attacking wall dogs get killed he saw a man and wonders who it was the player was thankful and if it wasn't for junho they would have been annihilated they survived the night and junho estimated that the elves lost half their forces and probably won't attack them anymore Jun ho thought they should be on the offensive he saw two players arguing about whether they had to clear the gate as fast as possible and send the critical players to a hospital with high level healers the other players reason that it isn't fair for everyone to sacrifice themselves for one person as they aren't prepared to fight junho side seeing this Mino asked him what he thinks junho explained that both options have pros and cons but thinks the best option is to clear the gate as soon as possible and the reason for clearing it quickly is that they would be at a disadvantage the longer it takes a player asked if they assumed that 500 Dark Elves left what about the wall dogs June ho assured them that there aren't any more of them as he saw the size of the wall dogs chasing the last player they rescued and understood that they were pups Dark Elves used the pups as they lost all of their adult wall dogs and they won't be able to attack them at night anymore junho continued that the dark elves May attack their camp with poison arrows until they are tired and then finish them everyone agreed junho approached Mary to look into his future as she saw where the dark elves Hideout is located and also saw a dark elf with an ominous Aura and five Dark Elves with better armor surrounding it junho thought they might be the tri Chief and the dark Elven Knights he was a bit disappointed as he already knew most of the information Mary asked that he was holding something made of ice and asked if it was an artifact junho was surprised and asked her to go back to the camp first he thought the tribe Chief was strong enough for him to use the frost skill and was worried after heading to East they found the dark elves layers and that elves were not guarding the entrance junho stretched and asked if everyone is ready all 147 players were ready as they arrived at the dark elves Lair and noticed that there is only one entrance Jun host said the chief was smart and if there was only one passageway means that if they can't kill all the elves inside they won't reach the tribe Chief they went inside and found the dark elves gathering in a large chamber and saw the tribe Chiefs sitting on the throne everyone was nervous junho raised morale by saying the chief might give some Elixir that can save someone on death's door and the distribution will be based on contribution everyone cheered and charged to the dark elves as junho swept the enemy the other players were astonished and had a hard time following him Mino tried to follow junho but was overwhelmed junho told him to fall back and that it would be dangerous and Mino thought it was crazy to go alone Jun ho told him he does a lot of crazy things Mino knew he can't fight by his side yet and he still have a long way to go Mino thought he won't fall behind next time Juno smiled and anticipated their next meeting the dark Elven Knights blocked junho and he decided to take out the sword Noya gave him these dark Elven Knights before became corrupted they were Elven Knights that protected the kingdom they use sword techniques and borrow the strength of the spirits junho thought he couldn't defeat them normally but since their Spirit contracts are canceled he was confident that he can defeat them one of the knights attacked and Jun ho dodged while analyzing his enemy junho smiled as he was excited about the coming fights he countered and cut the knight's arm off the Elder Knight tried to run away but junho blocked him and then stabbed the dark Elven Knight the other dark Elven Knights watched as junho told them to try harder junho noticed that the players are struggling and starting to get overwhelmed by the dark elves players getting injured and the healers can't keep up the players are getting exhausted but then players see that dark elves running were getting killed by dark Elven Knight as they noticed that June was luring the dark Elven Knights to the dark elves and destroying their formation the players knew junho was helping them Mino rallied the players and attacked junho seing the players take the upper hand and decided to finish the dark Elven Knight chasing him the tribe Chief watched as his minions died the tribe Chief was angered by junho's mocking and was ready to fight the chief took a TR stance and junho was surprised because only elves with the power of spirits can use that technique called Genie amus and the corrupted Dark Elves can't use it the chief attacked and they clashed swords after the exchange Jun hon knew it was an original technique made by the tribe Chief the chief and junho trade blows until junho managed to injure him the tribe Chief seeing his loyal followers dead was enraged and attacked junho he was sent flying before crashing to the wall the chief followed with another attack but junho dodged and thought this was the power they saw in Mary's Vision junho took out a gun but the tried Chief sliced the bullet and attacked junho junho knew he can't win without his Frost Powers but was hesitant seeing there were too many people watching him the tribe Chief landed a kick on junho which sent him flying to the walls jungo was severely injured and can barely move the tribe Chief was in the motion of killing junho but the other players grabbed the tribe Chief stopping his attacks Mino ordered to protect junho the healers came up to junho and found his ribs are broken and it will take 30 minutes to heal him one of the players said that they saw him defeat the dark Elven Knights and push the enemies alone and told him that it was inspiring there were only a few enemies left which is was why they were able to help him junho asked them to give him 10 minutes to recover the players were struggling to hold the trib's chief and doesn't know if they can hold on for that long the chief Broke Free and started to attack the players the tribe Chief was Furious seeing the players not giving up the tribe Chief felt nervous seeing by Jun ho looking at him the tribe Chief went on a killing spree putting the players in desperation junho stood up and thanked the players the tried chief attacked but junho covered both of them with a screen blocking the players outside the players thought it was the tried Chief's skill and was worried about junho junho said that Chief trapped him inside then Chief asked junho if he was hiding his true power junho froze the area while asking if this is what a boss monster feels when looking down on humans junho divided Frost power into three categories first was the utility where he freezes the ground giving him a field advantage and lowering his opponent's stamina the second was intuitive he covers his arm armor and Ice to increase his defense the final is by using the frost skill to attack he covers the watch guard of darkness and Ice saving him Mana the tribe Chief blocked Jan Ho's attack and asked him why he hide his power he answered that he couldn't help it and asked the same question to the tribe Chief the chief explained that his ability allows him to borrow the power of a corrupt spirit and something he can use for a long time then junho told the tried chief that he will only need 5 minutes to kill him the chief laughed but he stopped when he junho displayed a skill similar to a sword Aura junho explained that it was a technique he created which strengthened the sword using his magic and he called it ramet junho attacked and the tribe Chief didn't have the time to react in the next scene we see the tribe chief on the floor with junho's sword eded in his chest the chief requested junho to finish him in one strike junho showed him the unknown ball asking if he knew what it was the tribe Chief was surprised to see that it was a spirit egg and that the spirit can be born wherever there is the power of the world tree the tribe Chief gave junho his necklace which contained the power of the world tree and told him to pour his magic into the egg to hatch it the tried Chief prayed to the Whirl tree to have mercy on his followers as he was dying junho couldn't believe that the ball was a spirit egg if someone make a contract with a spirit they can use powerful abilities without consuming Mana junho remembered feeling jealous when he sees people with a spirit Jun ho wasur was a Darkness Spirit as Spirits make contracts with those who have good Synergy with it then junho hatched the egg with his magic outside the smoke players were smiling that they have defeated the remaining Dark Elves and were waiting for junho to come out they were all worried they then suddenly saw message stating they have cleared the gate they cheered for junho the smoke boundary disappeared and they saw Jun ho walking out the players greeted and thanked him but junho just said he was fine and walked away they thought it was because of the hard-fought battle on the plane junho saw the news of him clearing the gate but he didn't care saying it was all useless he was feeling bad as he didn't get a Darkness Spirit but got a frost Spirit instead and it was the frost Queen she was curious how the planes could fly without magic junho was thinking that she was the one that froze his friends and terrorized people around the world and that he was the one that killed her he wondered why she'd become his Spirit the spirit said that she was called and was the most compatible with junho's magic meaning the element that he was most suited for his fraud junho reason he only used Frost for only 3 months while he used watched art of Darkness for 5 years the spirit told him to stop being stubborn and make a contract with her junho told her that he won't because of the things she had done to the people she asked him what she has done bad Juno stopped because he can't think of anything he said she froze the Pacific but then he thought it stopped global warming he thought of his friend she was the one who froze them the spirit explained she was not the one that froze them and he and his friends were the one who came to kill her in Dungeon her powers helped him melt the ice and insists she didn't do anything wrong and she should be the one angry because that he killed her junho secretly messaged Duke and asked him what the frost did wrong he replied that she froze him and the five Heroes and nothing more the frost Queen saw it and was curious junho asked her why he would want to make a contract with her she offered to be his teacher but junho said that she lost to him she agreed but reason that junho defeated her because she was in a weakened State and swore on her existence that she didn't lie junho knew the oath of existence that magicians use with their life on the line he asked her how weak was she she replied perhaps H hundredth of her power but junho was shocked and asked her swore on her existence again she said no is she do it too often and it will hurt her dignity junho finally agreed to make a contract with her on one condition that she will not endanger the people around him and if she does it'll terminate the contract she agreed and the frost queen spirit and Juno formed the contract in The Association training room June HK equipped the artifact that he obtained in last gate and thought it'll boost his magic stats and he'll easily clear the onear gate by himself then asked Frost Spirit to show her skills she said he knows her powers better than anyone junho said it's different now that she is Spirit Frost Spirit starts demonstration of her powers Jun ho remembers the feeling when he was entering her dungeon however the spirit abruptly stopped her demonstration she said that she is not in a mood and no longer wanted to use her powers junho was surprised for a second and was so angry and he felt a headache coming on the spirit she explained that when she becomes curious about something she loses her concentration junho asked her what she was curious about she said she wishes to explore a human world later we see Jun ho taking the frost Queen outside she was amazed and continually asked junho questions about everything she saw junho became frustrated and asked if others could see her the frost Spirit replied that only if she wanted them to see her then she spotted a cat and asked what is this adorable thing and approached it but cat tried to bite and swipe at her she said that it was a Ferocious Beast and if it all right to wander around streets Jun ho explained that it does not bite humans because they are bigger and only shows its weak side to those who are strong the frost Spirit became angry and promised to show junho her powers in the training room the frost Spirit start demonstrate of her power she summoned various weapons in an instant leaving Juno impressed he thought she could wage war on her own junho told her not bad which angered her and she said she is weakened as a spirit and her true powers are romance junho thought that each one is finely crafted as if made by a Master Plus quality and strength is incredible then June said he can make these things at some point all he need is time and what he really wants form her is something that he can't do the frost queen spirit thought for a while then showed him junho was shocked and excited and the frost Spirit was pleased at the president's office junho asked Duke if he knows what the frost Queen looks like he answered no because only junho was the only one who saw her junho asked the frost Spirit to show herself to Duke Duke was scared and referred her as what's that thing to which she gets off fend and freezes the area junho calmed her down and explained to Duke how he got the frost Queen and said that she will be a big help in battles Duke explained Spritz has a class which goes from low to Arch to which they asked what's her classes the frost spirit said she is obviously an arch Spirit don't ask her rude questions but they didn't believe her thinking she was OV exaggerate herself junho told Duke that he wants to clear a gate that is harder this time to which Duke said the gates before he cleared was already harder junho said he wants to clear one star Gates alone with the frost Spirits help he can do it Duke said that only three one Stargates are left on the Earth located in South America China last one is in Antarctica to which June hold plans to clear next gate name winter castle in Antarctica Duke STS a press conference for next day junho asked the frost Spirit if she knows anything about the dimensional elevator junho thought that if they can find out its Origins they can put an end to everything then she replied that she knows nothing and explained that when she was defeated by Jun ho she forgot everything and can't remember any information about it the frost Spirit assured him that even though her memories disappeared she will be of great help to him in the coming days junho asked her how does she use her power as he knew Spirits don't consume Magic from their contractor she explained that Spirits use their contractor's mental strength and if the contractor's mental strength weakens the spirit would be unable to use their abilities before press conference Chase Saun enters the room where Jun ho was getting ready for conference Chase Saun asked if he's not going to wear pajama in conference like last time he did junho said it's only fun if you do it once Chas Saun said he's looking good in the press conference journalists are gathered people took about Jun Ho's outstanding growth in only 3 months one journalist compared Jun ho with top players and said he won't be surprised if Jun ho announces clearing one star gate but others didn't believe and said that's too much for him junho entered the conference room and surprised that he's not wearing pajamas press conference begins junho answers few questions the one the journalists ask him if he's planning to clear a cave of Trials to which junho replied yes he's planning to clear Cave of Trials Cave of Trials is a gate in a Tibet every time player clear the trial in a cave they are given the choice of either continue the trial or give up where they are unlike other Gates they can leave Gates safely before the conference ends Jun ho announces after clearing Cave of Trials he is going to challenge one Stargate winter castle every person in the conference room gets shocked and ask once again if he's talking about one of the three uncleared gate that has brutal difficulty to which June H confirmed next day news spread across the world Frost Queen was worried about junho as many think it was too early for him to enter the cave of Trials junho explains that generally people enter that gate between 25 to 30 but they F know that if player is low ranker then he'll receives more rewards junho had already cleared Cave of Trials 25 years ago under the Spectre name and Cave of trails do not allow players to enter again once they reive the reward but junho lost all his reward and his stats are now reset so he might be allowed to go in again June was exited to challenge those trials again to meet his friends and to surpass his past self he asked Frost Queen to help him in training when they get back she was excited to become his master and stated that his training will be difficult in the player association building the frost spirit in War junho about his ability to manipulate two elements darkness and frost energy she emphasized that Mastery over energy depended on understanding leading to more refined techniques when asked about his perception of dark energy junho described it as violent and prideful earning the frost Spirits approval however his response about Frost energy being ice cold disappointed her considering he had been utilizing Frost for 3 months the frost Spirit clarified that Frost energy possesses a distinct Elegance compared to other energies wild Darkness fire and wind excel in attack but lack defense water and Earth energies lean towards defense in contrast Frost energy stands out for excelling in both offense and defense it was once renowned for creating one-man armies that dominated battlefields to enhance his control over Frost magic training began yet before the training could proceed the frost Queen requested June ho to craft an exact replica of a sword using his Frost skills junho expressed reluctance stating his disinterest in learning sword making in response the frost Queen insisted that she wouldn't proceed with his training until he successfully crafted the weapon in the next scene we saw junho made a sword similar to original one he asks if is this okay she breaks the sword stating blade is not sharp enough and weight distribution is bad she thought that he's quite impressive after only 34 minutes minutes he can recreate Blade with 62% accuracy she remembered that 25 years ago he was so powerful that she couldnot believe he was a human from Earth she thought that maybe she's creating monster and watching his progress is quite enjoyable in the next scene we see training room is all Frozen and junho breathing heavily after many tries he shows the sword crafted by Frost magic he asked Frost queen spirit how is it to which she replied lied he has finally made something useful but broke the sword again saying she was annoyed she patted Jun host saying this should be enough training for weapon creation and get some sleep once he wake up she'll teach him how to use Frost skill as he desires junho said she's acting suspicious and worried she tells him to make spear this time junho faints and frost Spirit put blanket on junho desire he will become more stronger to protect his precious one few days later Jun ho and frost Spirit reach a plateau in Tibet to challenge gate of Trials where monk welcomes junho and shows the players that have completed the trail before explaining the rules to junho junho enters the cave where come across the gate junho try entering but error occurs stating to enter second time clearances from administrators is needed junho was surprised suddenly a door appear in front of junho from the door administrator of the dimensional elevator named gray comes out junho asks him if he's a god Gary replied that he's just a public servant who has been appointed by them to manage this place administrator says that it been a long time since he have seen familiar faces and refer to him as Spectre surprising junho and congratulated him for his return the queen was also surprised as he could see her too and referred to as Sovereign of the cold Frost Queen the administrator told junho that he already cleared the tri trials 25 years ago and the rules stated that those who already received the rewards cannot enter a second time even if junho changed his name junho reasoned that he already lost the rewards he received from the cave of Trials the administrator analyzed him and found that he is telling the truth while releasing Aura of of administrator June hope felt pressured the administrator said that the problem isn't about breaking the rules but an issue of fairness as junho already knew what trials he will face in the cave and that it will be unfair to the other players junho told the administrator to increase the difficulty to balance it out the administrator asked him if he could handle it Jun ho was confident the administrator agreed and wished him luck while leaving the frost Queen asked why her memories disappeared the administrator answered that he cannot speak of that junho and frost Queen teleported inside the cave of Trials the frost Queen was frustrated that she has no memories related to the floors junho started the trials and completed the level one magic trial easily the queen praised him the frost Queen asked why junho suddenly struggling to move and junho told her that the second trial changes the force of gravity on the body every minute and the following trials are all things considered to be torture he finished the trial and decided to continue Frost Queen was worried and told her to rest first junho thought this would give him better rewards the more he suffers the next was the Phantom trial junho remembered the illusion where he fought to save his parents from monsters and had to remind himself that it isn't real it ended after half a day the Illusions appeared he saw it was his comrades calling him a liar and a traitor Frost Queen told him to not listen to them but junho remembered how they sacrificed and sent him up knowing they would die junho shouted and wouldn't want them to be insulted like this junho knew that fighting them all at once will be suicide he asked the frost Queen to stop skaya and ramet the frost Queen told him that it will take a huge toll on his mental energy junho replied it doesn't matter and how long can she hold them she estimated about 30 seconds junho decided to take out goto and Mio because they have low defense while the frost Queen summoned a giant ice Golems to attack them radet tried to attack junho but the frost Queen froze him and as junho advanced goto aimed and fired at him but he managed to dodge the shot junho was worried that even though it was an illusion gilberto's magic bullet was Flawless and if he gets hit by his magic bullet he'll die Gilbert takes aim at junho but he disappears he was shocked junho appeared behind him using night walking skill and killed him with one strike Mi was Furious saying how could kills his friends and swore to take revenge Jun hon knew it would be challenging to defeat her in a sword fight but he thought he might have an opportunity to attack as she was emotionally affected by gilberto's death she run towards junho to attack but junho dodg it she got careless and gave junho an opportunity to strike and killed her instantly junho sees that ramet was free from Ice meanwhile the frost Queen was at her limits as her Golems were destroyed by ska's Magic one by one skaya attacks Frost Queen but junho came and blocked the attacks and protected the frost Queen he praised her for holding this long rad that attacked while ska supported him from the back line junho knows the two have the strongest Synergy and will have to go all out to defeat them junho used skill to boost himself he attacked ramet but he just took it and was unaffected and attacked junho junho dodged the attack and thought his regenerative power is crazy Sky take aim at junho but he ran away while skaya attacked with magic junho teased ramet to which his got angered and blocked Jun ho ramet punched him so hard that is Brook through his eyes shield and giving internal injures but junho used this opportunity to attack and stabbed him radet was confident the attack won't affect him but junho used skill named law of Life which pierced through his body killing him instantly skaya saw radet die in front of her skaya went berserk seeing him die junho knew he can't win without giving in all he summoned death Sid using Darkness skill to break through the shield that protects skaya death side consumes ton of magic so he can't use it for long she used all of her magic to kill junho but junho swiftly kills skaya he finished the attack and was thankful that it was not the real skaya or he would have lost message appeared stating he has completed Phantom trial and if he wants to proceed or quit he decided to continue in the next scene we saw Frost Queen waking Jun ho he woke up in the restroom she tells him he was sleeping for 30 hours straight she was astonished by the death side's power but knew it aftershocks are quite vicious she asked how many trials are remain junho was unsure because the administrator changed the contents of the trial and the difficulty After exiting the restroom the fourth trial begins and it was the insomnia trial it is a trail in which he can't sleep for 10 days 20 hours past June ho was doing well and asked Frost Queen to help him waking up after 60 hours Juno was miserable and frost Queen throws a ice ball on his face as the she reminded him not to fall asleep 98 hours and he was close to falling asleep but the frost Queen woke him up 24 hours left the frost Queen was cheering for him June ho thought that he need to at least reach the ninth level to save his comrades and to receive the stats reward he remembered them and promised to save them June ho woke up screaming from his thoughts when he heard the frost Queen calling him and pointing to the timer that it was already over he was relieved and lay down Jun hor resta then continued for next trial he entered the sense trials which tested his sense of smell taste sight and hearing next trial was the Stillness trial which combined the sound and silence trial the frost Queen communicated with him using mors Code asking if he will eat he thought she was having fun using it after teaching her junho was determined to finish the all the trials after enduring everything he knew next was the void trials where most of the players give up and he remembered he was one of them it's a nothingness where people losses their five cents and go mad as he finished the Stillness trial a message appeared that the ninth void trial and 10th time trial will happen simultaneously junho was surprised then a warning appeared saying to cancel if he can handle the the trial as his existence may disappear Jun H knew he can be stuck and unable to feel anything even passing time Jun ho signaled to the frost queen that he will be back she wished him good luck and will wait for his return he began the trial and was surrounded by the void junho was wondering how much time has passed and thought if he would give up just like the last time he reminded himself that he made a choice and he refused to die in a place like this junho woke woke up with the frost Queen greeting him he asked how much time has passed and she said it was 10 days junho cursed the cave as he thought he was there for a month the queen noticed that something has changed in him junho checked his body and found that his magic loss rate was at 0% compared to 3% when he was Spectre he was on the same level as skaya who was blessed by Magic this gives him Perfect magic control he summoned a blade and attacked the cave walls there were were surprised and the queen said it was much stronger than the previously he used message appeared stating he has cleared the trails and his rewards is in progress he was impatient to see rewards and wondered why he hasn't received his reward yet warning appeared stating do not fret reward is being calculated junho saw that two of his skill increased by two and while his stats increased by 20 it was double the number of rewards he got in the past he also noticed a new title limit breaker which gives him one random stat every time he levels up junho estimated that by the time he reaches level 130 he would have 100 bonus stat in total increasing the gap between him and the other players the frost Queen interrupted Jun Ho's daydreaming and said she wanted to leave the place outside the gate a monk and a bodyguard were waiting for June Ho's return they were worried that it been a month and he still haven't returned but then they noticed the cave of trial rankings had been updated and SE junho was now ranked number one having successfully cleared the 10th floor the monk was surprised exclaiming that the legend had just been born meanwhile we saw the Mansion where kids were playing Cal siner is seen visiting an orphanage and a blonde man greets him at the entrance the blonde man says that they are doing this for the Heavenly demon Cal siner addresses the man as Milo Torres and tell him to be cautions about casually mentioning that name around children's the blonde Man snaps his fingers and all the children stop what they are doing Torres Milo said they are being trained to become powerful fiends like him he snaps his fingers and the children returned to their previous activity then he invited Cal siner inside in the Italy Rome we see that June ho and frost wandering around the place Frost was excited seeing June ho on TV he reminded her to not to get distracted from Mission few day before we see that Duke was so happy upon Jun Ho's return from from Cave of Trials he was happy because our junho clearing the gate Association got tons of donations after that Duke informed junho that the orphanage they were looking for is located in Rome where Arma the skeleton Mage and other children's raised as fiends Duke showed him a picture of Torres Milo a retired player he was seen walking with children he shows up wondering in downtown once every two months and every time Torres Milo appears in the area a missing person's report was always filed within a week and next week will be exactly 2 months in the present day junho was fatigued and unable to locate the orphanage the frost Queen suggests they return to their lodgings and rest as junho is walking at child collides and was getting away he attempts to steal from him but junho apprehends the child and demands that he return the stolen item the child Returns the watch and junho threatens to call the police he was scared junho then inquires of If the child is familiar with the area to which the child confirms junho treated the child AAL and found his name was Marco he was eating but he remembered his family at home junho asked how many are they in the family and Order take away for them junho found that they don't have parents Marco replied that they don't but there is a priest who visits the family once a month and thinks they are from the Vatican the priest said that to make them clean human beings they take one child at a time to Paradise and said Paradise is where they can study wear clean clothes and eat three meals a day but macro doesn't want to go to paradise because the priest gives off a bad Vibe junho asked if they were able to see the kids that went to Paradise Marco replied that they can't see them but the priest sometimes brings the letter that children wrote themselves junho asked when is the priest's next visit and create a faker story that he lost his sister and maybe the priest could help him Marco told him that he will help him meet the priest and and that he will be visiting them in 2 days after that we see Vatican Pope was walking through Corridor and saw an unknown person it was Spectre Pope was shocked to see Spectre the pope was embarrassed that they were living comfortably while Spectre and the five Heroes fought for peace junho asked Pope if he knows something about Paradise but the pope was unaware junho thought that the people who were impersonating the priest and kidnapping children must be fiends before he left left John ho warned the Pope that a fire may break out in the next few days then he disappears using Darkness skill in Marco lodging junho woke up while Marco was asking him why did he sleep there junho told Marco to guide him to the priest while they were walking the frost Queen noticed that Marco's steps were light so junho asked Marco if he was an aspiring player Marco was shocked asked how did he know he said he was practicing to be a player junho told him it will be hard Marco replied that he will do it to protect his family and remembered the priest said there is a player training course inside Paradise junho thought this must be their way of capturing talented childrens Marco plans to go when the priest next visits and after he receives his license he will be able to earn and enter the gates he intends to become an amazing player like Spectre on their way to the church Marco saw Torres Milo with a child Marco knows the child and calls for her and said she the family two months ago to join Paradise Torres Milo instructed the child to greet Marco with a cheerful demeanor and the child hugged Marco while smiling Torres Milo also greeted Marco junho approached them while pretending to scold Marco Milo was suspicious of jun ho because he was wearing a mask and sunglasses Jun ho introduced himself as sunny as they shook hands Torres noticed his grip and asked Jun ho if he is a player junho confirmed and said he was only level 20 27 which disgusted Torres Milo as he thought to himself that junho wasn't worth his time junho asked Marco if Torres was the one from Paradise Torres was shocked and asked how did he know Marcos said he saw Torres with the priest Torres was confused about how junho found out about Paradise junho told him the fake story while crying that his reason for coming here was to find his younger sibling that was lost 15 years ago and he learned about Paradise while searching for his sibling Torres thought that he can't let Jun hoogo as the existence of paradise might be exposed to the world so he decided to invite him to the orphanage junho thank him they arrived at the orphanage and a teacher welcomed them Torres secretly told the teacher to make sure that no one follows them Torres brought them to the auditorium and showed the children training to be players Torres asked junho if he could teach the children a lesson and introduced him some of the teachers also entered the room room the eyes of the teacher and the children turned red Marco was surprised as junho told him to remember those eyes are proof that Torres is a demon junho asked if he fed the children demons blood Torres mocked him and said some children refused but after killing some of them they rushed to drink it Marco was angered knowing that all of the kids that went were turned into demons he tried to attack Torres but he was stopped by one of the fiends Torres laughed at him as Mark maros said they will be punished by Spectre torus said that he would have believed it 25 years ago and no one will fear Spectre even if he returns junho stepped forward and said to Marco that if he wants to become a player he must hold on to his weapon till the end even when facing an opponent he can't beat junho wore spectre's mask while saying to Marco that he wasn't a player yet so he will help this time Marco was confused if he was really Spectre but he asked him to save his siblings Torres and his min laughed while mocking junho thinking he was an impostor one of the fiend approached him while laughing and said if he was Spectre his head should go flying in the next 5 Seconds junho replied it won't even take 5 Seconds as he attacked and killed the fiend the other fiends were terrified as they recognized the skull Darkness Warden the dark type ability that Spectre uses Torres ordered the fiends to kill junho while thinking that there was no way he was the real Spectre junho snapped his fingers and the two fiends got devoured by the darkness instantly the other fiends tried to dodge junho thought it was useless while feeling satisfied that there was no limit to his magic power he killed the other fiends easily Torres was terrified as he remembered the legend of Spectre killing 100 demons on the spot he ordered the children to grab onto junho to buy time until reinforcement arrives junho stopped the kids by covering them with Darkness Torres ran away but he felt thinking he tripped but he saw his foot cut off junho attacks him with Darkness skill and ask him if he ever considered what it was like for the children to be forcibly turned into fiends he begged for mercy but junho killed him stating it won't be unfair if he dies after hearing his confession of the Dead on Torres he saw how Torres wanted powers and became a fiend in another scene Torres was kneeling to a man called Chief roxan AAR he tasted torres's ability and wondered how to make it taste like it as a reward he told Torres why the Paradise was created 24 years ago the fiend established an organization on the second floor and was scared that the five Heroes will be awakened and kill them their solution was to create paradise and make their own Spectre Paradise is the ingredient Factory to select children who have awakened as demons and the chef takes the ingredients and manufactures them into a new grade then use the ultimate sense of taste to create the same abilities Torres had the ability of Mind manipulation which will help them makes second Spectre as the Spectre June ho also learned that the chief will be waiting for him on the second floor Jun ho felt guilt as he learned that the reason for thousands of children forcibly turned into fiends was to create a second Spectre and felt it was all because of him Frost said it's not his he knew that once a player becomes a fiend they can't become a human again he has no choice but to end the children who have been turned into fiends junho went inside and saw Marco asking him to save his siblings junho told him that it was impossible and explained that if a normal person consumes the fiend's blood they can only adapt and die or become a fiend Anna woke up but she tried to attack Marco junho pulled Marco back and used Darkness magic to hold Anna then a message appeared saying a low level of demonic Energy felt and that he can absorb it using the watch guard of darkness' ability junho was surprised he wondered if they can still be saved Mako stood and said he should be one to take care of his siblings Lings junho smiled and praised the boy saying it was rare to find a player that will wait for others and that he will become a good player but right now there's no need for him to carry such heavy responsibilities after absorbing the Demonic energy from the children junho sent them to the Vatican to be examined a priest came out and said all of the children are confirmed to not be fiends the pope arrived and wants to publicly announce the incident and warn about the dangers of the fiend junho asked the PO to take care of the rescue children as the church has a part in what happened the pulp agreed to provide housing and education to all the children involved Marco thanked him and said he will work hard to be his underling but junho rejected him saying he doesn't take underlings he only accepts comrades Cal siner wake up from his sleep and saw massage from Torres Milo calling for him after learning about the incident from news and how Spectre destroyed Paradise he was enraged and plans to kill him next after SEO junho in that the Players Association Spectre was waiting then hears and noises from the outside he went to take look then he saw that large crowd of people outside cheering and congratulating him for returning and he was surprised on their way to the conference Duke asked juneo what was the announcement about he asked if Duke remembered when he first woke up and thought the world was peaceful but it wasn't and in the absence of the five Heroes fiends Thrive and the weeks suffered and that 25 years ago the fiends weren't able to do it it Duke said it was only because the five Heroes were there to stop them junho said at the beginning he only wanted to free his comrades but now that fiends become more dangerous and he has to remind them of his presence Duke caution saying about the dangers of coming back as Spectre explaining that many people would be targeting him and that people would look to him for answers in any incident that occurs he also stated that he and his comrades have already done enough junho was aware of risks even though though he don't end power but he had influence saying there was no one but him who can do it frost also praised him for his courage dukus was frustrated and also understands his point and asked him what he need to do junho told Duke to increase the volume of the speaker as much as possible at the conference Hall there were so many big guilds gathered to recruit him inho was observing and saw all the big six Vice Masters and team leaders gathered but stopped when he noticed you was not listening uo was excited to see Spectre in person then Spectre and Duke arrived and the conference started reporter asked if he could provide proof that he was indeed Spectre junho stood up and displayed a sword Aura everyone was stunned the reporter then asked after the incident in Rome and if he will be returning to the field Spectre replied that he had originally planned to retire as he believed that the world had become peaceful thanks to him and his comrades sacrifices and felt relieved that they were no longer needed but after seeing the horrors of paradise he realized that he couldn't retire he told them that over the past 24 years 6,000 children have been kidnapped and killed by the Fiend The Press was shocked by the Numbers Spectre continued that it could have been easily prevented if the players the guilds and the association joined hands and make it as the fiends never shows up again Spectre addressed the fiends and told them Spectre has returned in pliers Association junho was laying on the couch and satisfied that the announcement is gaining attention he was startled when the frost Queen screamed when he got there he found that she called him just to switch to second episode of drama he was annoyed and took Revenge by giving her a carbonated drink she thought it was a normal drink and drunk it she went flying around and Jun ho was laughing she was so mad but junho switched her mind by turning TV and she was satisfied as Jun ho was on his way to the training room Duke called him to inform him that all of the leaders of the top six teams had come to see him junho wondered why the big six was looking for him as he asked Duke if they came for Spectre Duke told him that they came for SEO junho he thought about it and understood that the big six were already on the first floor to recruit seio junho Duke warned him that some of the big six are violent and that they rather break something if they can have it junho thought and I junho arrived and greeted the big six and asked what they wanted one of them said they wanted to recruit him as he was ranked first in the cave of Trials the others were there for the same reason Juno apologized and said that he couldn't transfer to another organization one of the big six offered to pay any fees for breaking his contract but junho stopped them by putting specters the demon beheading sword on the table junho explained that Spectre had given him the sword as a token toen of proof and had chosen him to be his official delegate the big six were surprised by this Ula didn't think that junho was this close to Spectre the big six thought Spectre is creating his own Army and if junho and Spectre joins their guilds they will get lots of PR junho continued that Spectre had proposed three conditions first junho would continue his affiliation with the association to avoid bias towards any one Guild second the guilds that accepted the proposal would receive a great amount of information and influence on the second floor and third the guilds that accepted the proposal will provide any information that Spectre requests and in return Spectre will publicly announce the Guild's contribution Ula thought that the big six had no choice but to accept the offer in order to receive his approval as after spectre's conference the guilds were blamed for not doing enough to stop the fiends and were only concerned about filling their pockets and thought thought Spectre is the only one who hold the power the big six said they would need to consult with their Guild Masters junho left saying they should contact him if they made a decision the big six knew that as long as Jun ho is spectre's proxy they wouldn't be able to recruit him and they thought Spectre saw potential in June ho to become as strong as the five Heroes they also knew that Spectre had an eye for spotting potential as he did with goto green who only had one derank skill but everyone ignored him only Spectre saw his potential UA caught up to junho he joked that he wouldn't give her special treatment just because they were acquainted youu had denied it and asked if he was close to Spectre junho told her that it was only a professional relationship she asks if he has meet him for in person which he confirmed she requested that junho get her book autographed by Spector junho reluctantly agreed then she requested to draw a heart with her name on it junho told her that he won't write something so cringe she said she's not asking him to write then she thanked him and left later in the training room June ho reviewed his stats and discovered they were similar to when he was at level 60 in the past he realized that when he will enters the second floor he will be at a disadvantage even with the use of spectre's name and will need information from the big six to succeed June host summon 10 level 100 dummies and decided to relearn all the skills he had used in the past before heading to the second floor he demonstrated his abilities by dodging an attack from one of the dummies and then countering with an attack infused with magic the frost Queen noticed this and Jun ho confirmed that it used a lot of magic energy he remembered a technique taught by Sky called booster and used it to charge and unleash a powerful punch that destroyed the area impressing the frost Queen however after the display June hole was exhausted and explained that even when he was Spectre he could only use the booster technique for 10 minutes therefore he plans to train until he can use it effectively in battle and then challenge the winter castle one week later during training the frost Queen reminded junho that his body temperature was too high and suggested that he used the frost skill to lower it junho replied that he had tried but if he used both the frost and booster techniques simultaneously he couldn't control it he estimated that it would take a few months for him to be able to use them effectively in battle despite this he was satisfied with his training and contacted his secretary cha informing her that he will be heading to the winter castle gate in Antarctica Juno arrived in Antarctica with Duke who was shivering Duke left immediately as his only task was to bring June ho there the frost Queen remarked that Duke was too fragile for the harsh weather junho checked the information and saw that the clear objective was to defeat the lord of the winter castle with a difficulty level of brutal he entered the gate and wondered where the castle was located but the frost Queen directed him to go Northwest and informed him that they were in the ice kingdom of niim the country she used to rule the frost Queen was perplexed as to how the winter castle still existed since she had left it Jun who asked her for any information about the castle such as the number of guards or if there were any secret passages the frost Queen became angry as he was asking her to reveal the country's Secrets junho jokingly suggested that their Destinies were already connected and they would be together forever eventually the queen relented and shared what she knew mentioning that they had initially intended to summon all of her Knights to the previous gate that Jun ho had entered when he was Spectre the frost Queen remembered there were 27,000 soldiers in the winter castle but believed the number to be lower because they were now inside a gate she also mentioned that it might be possible that the only one in the castle was Sir kiss Breman who was the lord of the winter castle and his loyal Knight Juno asked about his strength to which the frost Queen replied that sir kiss would only need one finger to defeat him junho thought that sir kiss was stronger than her but she became angry and explained that she was extremely weakened when they fought junho was relieved as he thought that sir Chris might also be weakened they entered the castle and the frost Queen explained that behind the door there was a hall where 100 Knights awaited and he would have to fight each one to prove his strength junho exclaimed why she had only told him this now she reasoned him that during the proof of Knighthood the fights would be one at a time as he opened the door he saw the knights facing him the door closed and the Knights Drew their swords a knight named horen simus asked him to State his purpose and the frost Queen instructed him to say that he came to prove his Knighthood Juno was doubtful as the Knight repeated his question and warned him that if he did not answer he would be considered a trespasser reluctantly junho said that he came to prove his Knighthood three months have passed and Jun ho is shown sitting in front of a fire eating his bread she recalls what had happened the first night one night stepp forward and pointed his sword at him but junho found the fight to be enjoyable he noticed that all of the knights he fought were strong and if they were compared to players they were at least level 100 their fighting techniques were almost flawless and all of them used weapon aura that is unique to them he wondered if they were more dangerous than players Juno was not aware that sword Aura could have diversity the frost Queen asked him to explain what he meant he explained that the player only uses one type of weapon Aura infusing magic into their blade to create an aura like a flame however the knights use auras like drills are sharp oras like Spears junho asked if there were player systems in nelh and the frost Queen was certain that there were not junho assumed that the knights cannot obtain stats or skills they achieved their level just through training their bodies and magic all their lives the frost Queen asked junho if he had any insight on using his sword Aura to which he replied to create Aura all he needed is enough magic power and understanding the queen said that her Knights found a weapon they could handle well and created an aura that best suited for their fighting style and weapon as a result Jun ho decided to learn more about weapons and make a new sword Aura after training for 3 months Jun ho challenged the knights again the Knight attacked him with a sword wave junho blocked the attack but was still affected by the Aftershock junho used the same technique that the n used and the other Knights were surprised Jun hoose smiled and invited the other Knights to attack after a while Jun ho defeated the knights Heron simus approached him and asked for his name junho introduced himself and upon hearing his name the Knight told him that out of all the knights he had faced junho had left the greatest impression then he gave him a token of Honor a symbol that shows that he has proven his Knighthood the Knight explained that those who have passed the test May request a meeting with the lord of the castle the knights bid their farewell to junho as he leaves to meet the Lord he felt the pressure coming from Kiss Breman as he saw the Lord sitting on his throne upon fa kiss Breman Juno realized that he was a powerful adversary the frost Queen remarked that kiss seemed to know that Juno was a player he agreed as evidenced by the intense Aura of bloodlust emanating from Kiss junho took out his Spear and launched in direct attack against kiss but his strike was effortlessly blocked despite this setback Juno pressed on with multiple follow-up attacks all of which were parried by KISS without even trying hard junho surprised and used skill booster Frost warned him about activating his booster ability too early in the fight but junho knew he couldn't hold back against such a formidable opponent he inquired about the duration of the booster and the frost Queen informed him that he could sustain it for 1 minute and 2 seconds with this knowledge Juno resumed his assault on kiss and the two clashed fiercely however the confrontation ended abruptly when kiss sent June ho flying into a wall shattering his weapon he realized the significant Gap in weapon quality junho switched to his main weapon while kiss activated his ability causing a thick Mist to fill the room the frost Queen informed junho that the Mist was called a shin mist and although it held no special properties but it would impair his vision and make it difficult to anticipate kiss's movements Juno was frustrated by the decreased visibility and decided to deactivate his booster ability and focus on locating kiss suddenly kiss launched an attack from behind but Juno managed to evade did he counterattacked but kiss swiftly grabbed him and slammed him to the ground and attempted to stab him in the head junho narrowly avoided the attack but sustained an injury to his shoulder fortunately the frost Queen intervened and managed to push kiss away from Juno junho acknowledged that he couldn't afford to let kiss continue attacking him and the frost Queen proposed the Ambush strategy however Juno rejected the idea explaining that kiss was too formidable for him to conceal his presence successfully Juno realized that this was the worst possible scenario for him and his mind was becoming increasingly clouded due to the strain of using the booster ability moreover the Mist was causing him additional problems while kiss was taking advantage of the situation and gaining the upper hand junho resolved that it was time to reverse the situation meanwhile kiss was impressed that Jun ho had managed to evade him and remain hidden within the Mist however kiss could sense junho's presence and knew he was close kiss saw an outline in the midst and swiftly attacked but Juno was not there and suddenly kiss found himself Frozen realizing that he had fallen into a trap junho then emerged behind him and explains to kiss that mist is formed by concentrated water vapor and can be turned into ice by lowering the temperature kiss attempted to retreat but Juno froze him and delivered a fatal blow he was surprised to find that kiss was still alive kiss asked for forgiveness from his majesty Juno noticed this and asked the frost Queen why she wasn't revealing herself the frost Queen replied that she didn't deserve to because a monarch must protect their people but she failed to protect the Knights of the winter castle who were also citizens of niim the frost Queen approached kiss and spoke to him stating that this was what it meant to be weak and cry out in Silence with no one to answer junho received a message indicating that he and he has successfully cleared the winter cast castle and received the Armory key as a reward along with an increase in his stats due to the Limit breaker he had also completed the hidden quest of the winter castle resulting in an increase in his weapon Mastery junho was pleasantly surprised by the generous rewards and felt that his 3 months stay was worth it upon arriving at the Armory he was informed that he could only choose one weapon and would be teleported outside after making his selection junho was disappointed Frost Queen is assumed that gray the administrator may still be watching him after analyzing the available weapons junho chose the cruel executioner Halbert which had the ability to recover his stamina he was satisfied with his choices that would allow him to fight multiple opponents while continuously recovering his stamina as they walked out of the castle June Hulk caught sight of a portrait of a woman and was struck by her beauty however upon closer examination he recognized the woman's hair and clothing and began to suspect that it was the frost Queen depicted in the portrait he asked her about it and to remove her blindfold then she became flustered and refusing his request to remove her blindfold and urging him to leave the castle after returning to the association chasun remarked that Jun H looked like a man who was rescued from a deserted island junho asked if he really looked that bad but Chas Saun thanked him for returning safely meanwhile people discussed doubting whether Jun ho was really part of the association they get out of room then chayai Yun apologized to Jun ho for the crowd's reaction upon his return and expressed the association's difficulties during Jun Ho's absence the complaints from sponsors and commission requests had ceased and some even demanded to have their funds returned the president was having a tough time but they could not do anything without Jun ho who had built the association's reputation then junho stated that they don't have to pay attention to people's opinions regardless of the association's reputation Chas Saun expressed concern about the negative attitudes towards Jun ho after only 3 months but Jun ho clarified that he fights for his own goals and not for others Chas Saun admitted that Jun ho is correct and wished she had realized it sooner he then lightened the mood and joked about chai's occasional denseness Chas Saun joked with junho that she was too dense to fulfill her duties such as relaying messages from the big six in the do kabi's office messenger informed skill master shinan that specters has requested to gather information about the fiends and send it within 30 minutes the doya begil master ordered the messenger to compile and send all information below midlevel however the messenger was hesitant and suspected that Spectre made a similar request to the other guilds as he encountered other Messengers from the big six San realized that Spectre intended the guilds to compete against each other he assumed that Spectre knew that the guilds had agreed to limit the information they provided Spectre likely plans to discard those that do not provide valuable intelligence s hin felt that they were all being controlled by Spectre he then ordered to give all information except the classified and top secret ones San opted to make it clear to Spectre about their stance so that the dakibi guild would be the sole Guild he would cooperate with while waiting for the guilds to respond Jun hul reflected on the risk he took by setting a 30 minute deadline for the information request he desired to turn the guild Master's tactics against him junho received the replies from the big six guilds which came in earlier than he expected he speculated that the guilds probably made an agreement to limit the level of information they provide him during the time he was gone however by forcing them to compete with each other he was able to get valuable information that cannot be bought with money junho believes that despite being so-called the big six they still have a lot to learn junho plans to enter the second floor Frontier in 10 days and to prepare himself he decided to memorize all the information sent by the big six however he felt like he was the only one working while the frost Queen was watching TV she explained that she was studying human culture junho estimated that it would take him 4 days to read through all the information the big six have been assimilating themselves into all corners of the empire for the past 25 years there are three main factions silent Moon and aibi are affiliated with the Imperial family Labyrinth and Sky Soul focus on gaining control of other regions and silver constellation has control over the Church of the Sun in addition The halam Guild has founded a new mercenary Guild that covers the most ground in terms of activity and is separate from the three factions Jun ho expresses curiosity about the world of Frontier which he has never experienced before and wonders what kind of place it will be Chas Saun visited Duke and submitted a resignation letter when Duke asked for a reason for resigning Chas Saun reminded him of the day she first came to the association we then see Chase Saun story a few years ago there was a talented healer in the Schumer region on the second floor they called her a saintus she spent her whole life helping others but when she fell into a crisis no one offered a helping hand to her except one she tells Duke that she respects him and Spectre equally but while talking to June ho she started to remember her passion that motivated her in the past Duke congratulates her on finding her own path and Chase Saun requests to return the magic ceiling ring on the day of her resignation Duke allows her to do so and congratulates her on her return in Duke's office Duke expressed concern when junho revealed that he had made the big six compete with each other and shared the resulting information with him upon seeing the quality of the information Duke's side admitted that it surpassed that of the assult Association junho asked about the association's activities on the second floor and Duke explained that they had been recruiting players and restructuring their information Network to expand their influence in Frontier however the association was struggling to catch up to the big six who had already established dominance over the most valuable areas after 25 years leaving the association to the outskirts Jun host suggested making a significant contribution in a war but Duke explained it wouldn't be easy Jun ho then revealed he would be going to the second floor in a week Duke felt ashamed that they couldn't provide more support for Jun ho but junho comforted him saying they had already done enough such as providing him with a new identity player license equipment and lodgings junho expressed his gratitude for everything the association had done for him junho saw Chase Saun at the association and asked why she was still there Chas Saun replied that she was helping the president sort through some documents but junho questioned why he was making her do it and said he would need to discuss it with him he then advised her to go home since it was getting late and bid her good night Duke came out and saw junho who questioned Duke about why he was making Chas Saun work late Duke remembered that Chas Saun asked him to keep her resignation a secret he then changed the topic and gave junho a note with author's address goto's son and suggested that he should find and help him junho was unsure if Arthur would remember him and Duke asked if he would be meeting Arthur as Spectre but junho hadn't decided yet junho went out to buy some food and was unaware that someone was watching him when junho was walking back he was surprised to see someone who he assumed was a highlevel player Cal siner took out his bow final Horizon and suggested they go somewhere else to fight junho was confused as to why an Archer would confront him at close range and questioned if Cal siner had made a mistake Kel siner remarked that Jun ho is wrong stating that the rule only applies when both sides are evenly matched in skills Kel siner then threatened Jun ho with the civilians near them and insisted that he should come with him unless he wanted everyone to die Cal siner and junho moved to a secluded area Cal siner praised Jun ho for not fleeing and gave him two options to put on Magic restraining handcuffs and follow him or for Cal siner to cut off Jun hos leg and drag him Jun ho felt the weight of Cal siger's magic and realized what it was like to face a level 100 ranker junho suggested a third option during their confrontation to bury Cal siner in the area this angered Cal siner who attacked immediately but Jun ho was able to deflect his arrows Cal siner was confused about how rookie like Jun ho could do this junho explained that there are things in the world that go against common sense and that he was just one of those things things Cal siner admitted his mistake realizing he had underestimated someone who had cleared a one-star gate on his own caliner acknowledged that junho had reached a level where no one could go against him on the first floor and that once he reached the second floor he would climb rapidly he realized that junho was much more talented than he had initially thought and that he had the potential to stand on equal footing with the nine Heavens Cal siner felt it was a shame that a talented person like Jun would die by his hands and he fired multiple arrows at Jun ho who struggled to dodge them junho then realized that Cal siner was controlling the Arrows with his magic and filling the area with a thick layer of his magic which was slowing down his movements Jun ho realized he couldn't afford to get hit so he activated booster and destroyed the incoming arrows caliner acknowledged junho's skills and decided to go all out junho sensed the shift in Cal signer's Magic from chaotic to Cal and then Cal siner fired an arrow that destroyed the area where junho had been standing however Cal siner then felt the cold magic surrounding him as junho activated his veil of Darkness caliner was surprised to see that junho had two attributes and he witnessed his own attack being frozen by junho junho revealed that he didn't want to use his Frost skill but had no choice and intended to leave no Witnesses alive Cal siner was eager to discover June true identity and summoned multiple arrows to finish the fight Jun who also wanted to end the battle quickly as he was overusing his booster ability which could overheat his brain so he decided to force close combat to kill kiner junho charged towards kiner who laughed thinking Jun ho was eager to die but he was surprised when Jun ho disappeared and reappeared behind him using Shadow teleport junho landed an attack but caler twisted his body to avoid critical damage and countered pushing junho back junho cursed the Regeneration abilities of a fiend as he saw Cal snerk hand had already returned to normal to become a fiend one must drink a demon's blood however it is difficult for humans to handle demon powers so most people dilute the blood with water before drinking it despite this some people drink the blood undiluted for overwhelming power and the rare few who survived become fiends and gain access to the demon powers Cal siner commented that junho's ability to suddenly disappear must have specific activation conditions since he didn't use it right away ker then vowed to send Jun ho to hell for sure this time ker offered to spare Jun Ho's life if he put on Magic restraining handcuffs but Jun ho refused and launched an attack despite being close to his limits Jun home managed to destroy some of the arrows but some still hit him despite being aware that junho was reaching his limit Kel siner was surprised to see him charging towards him as junho closed in Kel siner managed to catch him but it was only one of jun Ho's abilities junho then appeared behind Kel siner and landed a crucial hit he commanded his watchu to consume Cal siner then Cal singer realized that junho was Spectre while cursing Jun ho and questioning why he hid his identity Cal siner received no response as the Shadows engulfed him the frost Queen was watching TV when she remembered Jun Ho's promise to come back soon wondering where he was junho used his ability to read Cal signer's memories and discovered that Cal siner came to the first floor specifically to kill him despite being pursued by the high blade he became worried that he might get caught up in something due to killing Kel siner from the memories he found out that the fiend Association is located in the Schumer region on the second floor consistent with information he obtained from The dokabi Guild he also saw that his confession of the Dead skill rank had increased but realized that the skill could not be used on a Target whose memory had already been read as junho reached for the final Horizon bow he felt a powerful force crushing him and to his surprise he saw Kim Wu Yun the high blade of the nine Heavens seventh heaven he was amazed by Wu yun's speed considering that he was still on the second floor according to Cal siger's memories wung mistook junho for Cal siner and expressed surprise that he had come down to earth he explained that it was difficult to track Alena scent and the stench of a fiend and the scent of Trace incense would always linger on him he vowed not to let Kel siner go this time junho tried to explain to Wu Yung that he was not Cal siner but wuyung attacked him with an attack that narrowly missed him junho realized that wuyung was not willing to listen to him and thought that things were going to get difficult but he had had no other choice junho admitted to killing Cal siner and called someone later Wu Ying talked with his Guild Master on the phone after the call he apologized to junho junho said it was all right and that he would have done the same thing but Wu Yung still wanted to compensate him for the inconvenience wuyung healed junho's wound using an Elixir junho thought it was wasteful to use a legendary Elixir for a small injury but Wu Yung insisted on taking responsibility for his mistake Wun expressed his curiosity about how a level 30 player like Jun ho could defeat demon bcal siner alone junho agreed to tell him only if he fulfilled his request to announce that he was the one who defeated Cal siner and never to reveal junho's abilities to anyone else he also asked for Wu yong's help in the future if needed wuyung agreed to help but warned junho that if his power strayed from the paths of humans he wouldn't let it slide junho reassured him that it wouldn't be a problem junho showed wuyung his Frost skill wuyung was convinced that it was powerful enough to defeat the demon baow and comparable to an s-rank ability Wu Yung recognized that this was the association's key to calming the heat on the third floor junho stated that this information can never reach the ears of the fiends wuyung agreed and destroyed the ey surrounding them while stating that an hour ago he defeated Cal siner junho returned home looking disheveled and was surprised by the sudden appearance of the frost Queen she questioned him about his whereabouts as he had said he would only be gone for a short while to meet his friend junho replied that something unexpected had happened upon seeing junho's disheveled appearance the frost Queen asked about what had happened junho revealed that he had faced caler a fiend much more powerful than any he had encountered before when the frost Queen expressed her lack of familiarity with Cal siner junho elaborated on the fiend's strength reflecting on his experience junho realized how powerful players have become over the past 25 years and how the truly strong ones reside on the second floor known as the frontier despite his strength junho was impressed by Kim Wu yong's Pleasant personality Jun ho felt that he needed to try harder he knew that there are only eight players on the same level as Kim Wun and one of them is in anime the king of the corpses and noted Halo he is the master of Arma the skeleton Mage and the fiend who ordered Cal siner to capture him although junho had prior knowledge about the first floor he is worried about the unknown challenges that await him on the second floor the frost Queen noticed Jun Ho's worried expression and comforted him by patting his head saying he's been doing well so far junho was embarrassed but laughed it off claiming to be a living legend of the world and junho remembered that he needed to say goodbye to some people before heading up to to the second floor planning to go out early the next day silent Moon Guild Master sun shiwan was questioning wuyung about the final Horizon's whereabouts she was irritated as wuyung wasn't responding she asked if he had caught Cal siner to which he replied yes chian then questioned why he didn't bring back the bow which was his actual Mission and asked if Cal siner was stronger than he expected Wu Yung thought that wasn't the case as he could have easily defeated him but before he could could even arrive junho had already defeated Cal siner on his own he believed that since junho had defeated Cal siner he deserved the spoils and he had already made an agreement with him Wu Yung admits that he accidentally killed caliner before he could take out his bow chiwan is angry and confused about how Wu Yong who is considered perfect could make a mistake Wu Yong apologizes but shiwan forbids him from apologizing further and demands to know the real reason for his failure Wu Yung then reveals that he was able to gain something more valuable than the final Horizon the future junho went to visit his comrades and discovered that his magic stat was still not high enough to remove the seal however he noticed that the message had changed leading him to believe that he was getting closer to meeting the requirements while he was there he saw that the frost Queen was feeling guilty about what had happened to his friends he sighed and asked her if they were still alive she confirmed that they were but that he needed to become much stronger if he wanted to break the seal Jun ho turned around and left the frost Queen tried to convince him to stay on earth a bit longer but he insisted that visiting Duke and Noya before heading to the second floor would be enough as for his comrades he reassured her that he would see them again once they were able to meet properly
Channel: Blaze Monarch
Views: 326,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MHANWA, mhanwa, mhanwacapped, recap, mhanwa recap, anime
Id: AI8jIf1YJ0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 40sec (8080 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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