[1] He Can Be Reborn As A Different Species And Try To Wipe Out Humans Like Humans | Manhwa Recap

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hello everyone today we delve into the world of the Manoa existence where a mysterious creature has existed throughout Humanity's billions of years of History it is not Immortal rather each time it dies this creature reincarnates into another form while retaining its previous memories intact it could be a fish living underwater an eagle ruling the skies perhaps just a small ant following the colony or even a massive dinosaur thus despite Earth's changes or the extinction of dinosaurs this creature has endured for billions of years in an endless cycle throughout this enduring Journey the creatures most despised entity has always been humans the world's natural order dictates that the strong Prevail over the weak so each time it dies or becomes food for stronger creatures it feels normal only humans in its eyes are abhorent beings due to their countless instances of Taking Lives of other creatures not just for survival but for mere pleasure despite its intense loathing for humans it cannot resist them because humans possess diverse and continuously evolving weapons that's the power of the creature at the top of the food chain on Earth how will this creature's journey of revenge against humanity unfold will it eradicate Humanity with the deep-seated hatred accumulated over centuries or will it become a mighty creature protecting Humanity let's explore this journey with koi recap as this chapter unfolds the creature once again meets its demise at the hands of humans taking the form of an elephant despite longing for a permanent death it still endures the pain of reincarnation akin to its body being crushed and the great greater the pain the higher the likelihood that the creature it becomes will Ascend the food chain after countless experiences it has never felt pain like this reincarnation so it eagerly anticipates its new life indeed it reincarnates into the current top predator humans Li is the name bestowed upon him by his mother the first time in countless Millennia he has had a name from birth he did not cry each time his mother attempted conversation gien merely reacted without speaking concerned for her son she took GI for a checkup but the results were not as expected gian's Health was perfectly normal so the doctor advised her to seek a psychologist for him J's mother was Furious directly accusing the doctor of labeling her son as mentally ill in her eyes Jen was the greatest thing in life speaking of Jan's mother her name is yill according to Jan's assessment young shill is ignorant and arrogant she lost her family in a battle and lost her husband once again to war to Young shill this world is too harsh and cruel nevertheless she still has a child to nurture and care for she often carries J on her back while selling vegetables at the market being by Young side for so long although ja inh Harbors a deep hatred for humans and still doesn't understand the love his mother sends to him however through Young's actions and words he feels warmth and doesn't despise her at all JN himself has sensed that perhaps his life will be a bit different in the darkness of night far from Jen's home a group of people is chasing a criminal when they come across ja in standing on a tall Pole they don't understand how a kid could climb up there what unfolds before them astonishes them even more as ja and begins to test his abilities and the timing couldn't be more perfect Jen immediately tests his abilities on those he considers villains thinking of frogs Jen instantly possesses the abilities of these amphibians and leaps down from the pole without any hesitation surprising those around him J doesn't utter a word with the speed of a cheetah and the strength of a dinosaur in the blink of an eye he subdues one person from this moment he verifies the abilities he had never possessed before from all the living creatures he had experienced now GI has reincarnated with all their strengths although he doesn't understand why he possesses this power one thing j in knows for sure is the outcome of this long enduring process ultimately this life will be his last this realization makes him feel relieved because he can finally die contrary to the onlookers witnessing a child killing someone with a single punch which is truly insane a detective unable to maintain composure attacks Jen despite his reflexes Jen still endures the punch to reconfirm his abilities as a result he is knocked down to the ground feeling the pain from the detective's punch helps ja in understand more about his capabilities thus if he doesn't reveal his powers he is just an ordinary human aware of his abilities J prepares to face the next punch from his opponent J manifests the strength of a turtle consequently the detective not only fails to do anything but GI also counterattacks dislocating his hand without giving the opponent a chance to react with the strength of a chimpanzee J almost sends the detective to his demise unfortunately at this moment Jan is shot unexpectedly unable to react to demonstrate his defensive capabilities Jan's human body is pierced by the bullet his vision dims and he quickly collapses thinking he had committed murder the criminal flees in fear the detectives unsure of what to do leave John behind and depart as Dawn breaks there is no one around Jin and it seems unlikely that he will survive with a bullet penetrating his organs however with the Instinct of a jellyfish his wounds miraculously heal GI is alive but he doesn't seem happy about it the immense power he possesses leaves him in doubt looking into the distance he can even hear his mother calling his name with emptiness in his soul he disregards his mother's worries when she searches for him J considers leaving Young's Embrace but when he recalls his mother's affectionate gestures and her cries when she couldn't find him he cannot bear to leave Jen's body is also exhausted as he collapses to the ground it is the moment his mother finds him upon seeing Jen his mother rushes over embracing him tightly while crying this sacred maternal love warms jain's long dull heart for the first time since his birth John finally says I love you Mom meanwhile at the police station the criminal has been captured he attempts to report jain's existence to the police but due to some conspiracy the detective betrays the criminal believing that the criminal is merely fabricating stories to mitigate his crimes the information about Jin's abilities remains undisclosed for Jin after the events of that day every time he goes out his mother tightly holds his hand for a period his mother does everything to protect him from threatening to beat up bullies who Target jaah into confronting gossiping neighbors daring to speak ill of her son or even staging protests when others try to take her spot at the market young shill continuously fights against the world to protect her beloved Son as time passes Jin begins to adapt to the human body and way of life he longs to stay by yungel side for as long as possible but with his extraordinary entity being with a normal human could pose a danger to his mother's life and the worst scenario unfolds the only person aware of jain's abilities returns upon seeing jaen still alive he is Overjoyed that he can once again experience the thrill of hunting down the monster that almost killed him years ago finally what had to happen has happened on the day his mother fell ill John lied to her that he was going to school but actually went to the market to sell apples he had picked the tragedy begins here an unexpected encounter with the detective this time turns into a catastrophe he accuses GI of being a spy and arrests him to protect the peace for his family GI closes his eyes and lets them handcuff him although he cooperates the detective pushes him to a corner he tells Jan that if he is a spy then his mother could also be a spy so he sends people to investigate his sick and weak mother this makes Jen lose his composure the only thing that keeps him Tethered to a human life facing danger is his concern for his mother's safety despite being seen as a monster by others in the crowd Gian breaks free from the handcuffs and dashes back at full speed to rescue his vulnerable mother this is also the detective's purpose he falsely accuses a 12-year-old boy of being a spy to serve his own agenda forcing Gian to reveal his true nature he is delighted now he can begin the hunt he has long awaited however it seems the detective has underestimated jaw in seeing him as nothing more than a regular monster without realizing he's facing an all powerful creature capable of completely eradicating human presence from Earth JN quickly returned home from the market before the detectives could capture his mother unfortunately yungel opened the door and saw a group of strangers trying to take her son away despite being sick she still shouted for Neighbors to come help protect Jen however due to the misunderstanding the detectives deceived by their colleague still believed that Jen's mother was a spy because of this misconception they showed no mercy towards her faced with Young's Fierce resistance they knocked her down triggering ja in's overwhelming Rage with his Superior strength within a few breaths the unfortunate detectives met their end under the hands of a 12-year-old boy although GI was terrified that his mother would see him as a monster like everyone else he did something he shouldn't have done to protect her he couldn't face his mother but to Young shill Gian was always her beloved Son no matter what in the face of the the cruel detectives accusations young shill stood up to protect him even admitting to killing the detectives herself despite not having the strength to eat properly the unconditional love and sacrifices of his mother pierced Jen's heart with unbearable pain for the first time in his life Jen cried he tormented himself with questions of why his mother sacrificed so much just to protect him all these emotions erupted in gian's heart yet the humans before him were now the most precious thing in his long desolate life nevertheless young chill's life was in danger the Twisted detective ordered everyone to aim at Junk's mother Jen stepped forward to Shield her confident in his extraordinary strength he effortlessly blocked all bullets surprising the detectives in a frenzy of fear once again they relentlessly fired at the mother and son this time young shill couldn't bear to see her son doing everything to protect her she sacrificed herself to Shield ja in knowing that death was inevitable for a normal person like her she took her last breath beside her son however with his ex ordinary power Jen briefly connected with his mother there she comforted him he tell her there was no reason for him to live anymore he wanted to die to be reunited with young Shel soon but his mother made him promise whatever happens no matter what he does he must live it was Young's final wish because of his mother's death J believed he could not coexist with humans his presence was chaos for their world joh thought there were only two options either he would be killed or he would have to kill other humans to survive in accord ordance with his mother's last wish he decided to fulfill it by erasing human existence from Earth however to spare his mother from witnessing the Carnage J and fled to lure the detectives to the flower field a place closely associated with his fond memories here he admitted that his existence was something deeply flawed but humans were no different as they had destroyed and devastated much of nature finally J understood why he possessed this power perhaps this planet had birthed him to push Humanity to the brink of Extinction that was the only answer he could provide for his current strength after luring the detectives away from his home Jen swiftly punished the morally bankrupt individuals who had taken away his most precious possessions his power was overwhelming with a single leap from above J charged into the group like a cannonball in the end only the ringleader remained alive barely clinging to life cursing Jen as a monstrous creature in response Jen mocked the adversary proclaiming that because he failed to kill him all humans in this world would suffer his Wrath with that said joh swiftly ended the detective's life and returned to his mother's side he simply held his mother in his arms and walked on without stopping during that Journey all the peaceful moments with his mother flooded back to him John's years with his mother were fleeting compared to the millions of years he had lived but for him that fleeting moment was everything endless love and joy existed only when his mother was there but now she was dead because of him no life or death caused J more pain than this nevertheless he had to continue the path his mother in trusted to him which was to continue existing indefinitely he arrived at a strange place where he encountered a hunter when the hunter shot and killed a bird Gian intended to kill him but when asked about his parents he hesitated upon hearing that Jan's mother had passed away the Old Man became concerned and gave jaah in his coat to wear taking him to his home there only an elderly mother awaited her son's return they treated him kindly and their affection for him was wonderful thus Jen's dwindling trust in humans was rekindled once again however life for the two of them was very difficult so they couldn't care for J and well the next morning the old man took J to town to find a better place to care for him on the way to their new home GI was curious about the Hunter's mother why couldn't she speak or hear anything yet the hunter spoke to her every day the hunter explained to Gian that even though his mother couldn't hear or speak she understood everything he wanted to say that was the bond of maternal love this made Jan's mood gradually better but this fleeting Joy was quickly extinguished while walking a heavy rainstorm arrived and both had to seek shelter disaster struck immediately because the recent profit Hungary Enterprises had cut down all the trees a landslide occurred when the Heavy Rain came unfortunately the hunter became a victim of This Disaster he couldn't survive being crushed by the layer of rocks and earth once again in his life John had to helplessly watch someone he cherished die right before his eyes despite feeling deeply saddened he brought the Hunter's body back to his mother as the deceased had wished upon seeing her son's departure and unable to Bear the shock the elderly mother passed away shortly after in gian's heart he truly struggled between two paths whether to eradicate Humanity or not he didn't know what to do and feared making the wrong decision however recalling young chill's teachings she had once said that even if he didn't know he still needed to try if he got stuck he should just do what he believed was right making mistakes was okay with that lesson in mind Jen decided to punish the recent profit-driven Enterprise for their greed which had caused the deaths of two innocent people he quickly set out and reached the business's location with his overwhelming power J and massacred them all something he wanted to do at that moment to annihilate Humanity was no simple task but he still believed he could do it with that thought J visited the graves of the two deceased once more before leaving to hone his abilities J possessed the power of All Creatures but the issue was that without active thinking he was just like an ordinary human he needed training to change that As Time passed after the first 5 years he could maintain his ability subconsciously evidence was when he was hit by a train yet he didn't Flinch due to his shell-like toughness in the following year GI could communicate with all living creatures through telepathy through this he realized that most creatures on Earth liked humans which was unsettling for him and so after five more years then ten Jen became a formidable entity a mature human body with Comprehensive strength capable of reacting to any external impact without without actively thinking what's even more insane was that he could communicate not only with living creatures but even with the earth water and trees or in other words the life within those things GI had connected with the Earth which was suffering and dying due to human environmental destruction after 30 more years of training his abilities became Limitless and he could combine multiple powers to do seemingly impossible things now he could Wipe Out All Humans whenever he wanted just by transferring heat into the ground exerting pressure on it and repeating it several times J could cause a horrifying earthquake that split the Earth in two with his current power creating an earthquake that affected all six continents with an intensity was within his reach consequently all six continents would be divided into smaller pieces and half of them would sink into the sea if that happened GI believed there would be no human Left Alive through this catastrophic tragedy GI had planned to do so but he still hesitated because not only humans but people like his mother and the hunter also made him reluct having been lonely for 47 years after some contemplation Jen realized he could do anything he wanted so there was no need to rush so for now J would take the time to observe more about humans before making what he believed to be the right decision however wherever he went there were traces of human destruction witnessing a forest full of flowers being cleared by humans to build roads for traffic Jen became very angry with just a slight exertion of his power he turned the road into a mess initially to destroy everything Jan ignored the driver on the road but when he saw the driver's face resembled his late mother's too much unconsciously ja and rushed to save her unfortunately at that moment he was hit by a stone falling from above while falling he was surprised that he couldn't use his power to defend himself but when he thought of the stranger's face resembling his mother's for a moment he lost Consciousness completely seeing that face couldn't help but make J curious immediately look at that face for further confirmation but but due to the shock he caused the stone accidentally fell and hit his head and when that happened it was feasible for him to be injured like an ordinary human and that was the conclusion of the first part see you in the next part [Music] [Applause] peace
Channel: Koi Recap
Views: 5,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manhwa recap, manhwa recaps, manga recap, manhwa, recap manhwa, recap manga, manga, manga recaps, manhwa summary, anime, manhua, recap, summary, slamming beatdown, anime recaps, existence manhwa, existence manhwa recap, existence manhwa ending, existence manhwa edit, existence manhwa full recap, existence manhwa amv, manhwa existence anime, manhwa live action, existence manhwa full, existence manhwa short, manhwa like existence, existence manhwa review
Id: FVJiCDycjR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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