End Time Revival: What revival really is | Guillermo Maldonado

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so what is revival we let's start defining what revivalism we're gonna go quickly I don't know what the Holy Spirit's gonna start stop so I just want you to be open lift your hands before the Lord and say Holy Spirit say Holy Spirit thank you say Holy Spirit revive my life my relationship with God revive my entire spiritual life give me your life back thank you Lord open my eyes to see and understand the magnitude of your revival Holy Spirit come as a dove and Rhiannon rest upon me say Holy Spirit restored your presence on me father thank you I give you praise I give you honor Lord amen and amen can you put your hands together there's someone come on give a kid giving a big big race like you are Reba hockey revival I want you to get it get get get the the definition of it and understand because what revival means to many is it doesn't means to me what revival means to me doesn't you know we have to see how God and the Holy Spirit the minor God how he defines revival number one revival simply means to bring back to life is to bring back to life why because if that means bring back to life that means it was dead if something needs to be brought to life if because when something dies revival is anything that Church had and lost that's exactly what it is is to what the church had and lost okay so every time you serious a with me ring represents to go back to the original intent what was a rich destined to be every time you see revive the world Reve I means to go back to life or to go back to have life again you are so blessed to be in King Jesus ministry but I I if I tell you I want you to go through in America and go to different churches this is some churches and let's see if you can find life that's my challenge to you because sometimes we never appreciate what we have until we see what they have outside what there is outside so when when I'm seeing revival let's enhance a revival means to uh to revive to revise something that is dead so this is powerful in the book of Acts we see what the church had and lost in other words you see so many things in the church Psalms 85 six so in the book about you see what the church had and lost you see it today in the church in the world I can see what the church had well what did you had it lost so um this is what he said amplified by will you will not will do not revive us again what do you need to be revived if you have life we need to be revived when we dead so I would say and then that your people may rejoice in you and then Habakkuk chapter 3 verse 2 so the church lost the life of God so revival comes to restore that life and all things are dead for example let me give you an example Habakkuk chapter 3 verse 2 let's everybody read it 1 2 3 go but but uni I know I need you to tell me know like whispering I want you to tell me loud like you are revived you're not dead 1 2 3 go [Applause] [Applause] put your hand together so what is revival revival is what the church had and lost in the beginning it requires revival to bring back to life in other words if there's no listen to me if there's no revival it requires a revival of God to bring the Church of Jesus Christ back to life there are so many churches and ministries that alive that are dead there are so many believers they're all dead the dry the dead so we must go back to life so what is revival for revival is to bring back life where there is life there is transformation with there is life there is the breath of God with the breath of God is the Bible says the spirit God is a spirit of life so where it where there is life you will see transformation and the people where there's life you will see deliverance you will see change you will see things are going happen in the heart of the people when the people is revived I wish I can hear an amen on that so it takes revival if God doesn't bring revival the people die the people will stay dead so that's what I'm saying and I'm not talking to over here everybody's alive and and revived but I'm saying over there in Hialeah and Key West ok so I just wanted to mention something and this is what I want you to write it down there is a difference between an outpouring of the spirit and revival say with me outpouring and revival clr please so what is an outpouring of the sphere an outpouring of the Spirit comes from above from from heaven revival comes from the heart from within in the book of Acts we saw an outpouring we saw a great outpouring of the Spirit came upon the people and the people start being touched and changed and transformed but now the outpouring come from the external from outside the revival source a big difference revival starts within why within because in order for you to change the person you don't change it from outside you change it from inside so it starts all revival starts in the heart in other words why with the heart because this is important the heart is the place of the indwelling presence of God in men the heart is the indwelling presence of God in men in other words if you're right your heart is right with the presence your life will be alive but if your heart is broken that we have a lot of people who writes that the hearts are broken their hearts are grieved their hearts are tormented the hearts are hurt and offended if that's the reason the anointing of Jesus said the sphere of the lawyers upon me to heal the brokenhearted in other words because the anointing cannot bypass the heart the anointing the power the anointing is that the oil of God cannot bypass the anointed revival doesn't start with miracles revival starts with the heart because every Bible changed the heart of a person a changed person thing changed a family it changed family can change a city a change City can change a nation a change nation can change the world come on say somebody somebody so what what I'm saying here Sika what I'm here what well what I'm saying to you is this so revival when when that when the church begin the church did not begin with revival the church began with an outpouring because the church was already alive it was already revived so the church began with an out point wasn't outpouring and outpouring of the Spirit is a one-out part the world outpouring means to the gushing streams of the Spirit outpouring being released upon the church and we saw tongues come in on the people now revivals start with the heart I can tell you if you your spiritual life is revived by two things the evidence that you are reviving you're not dead it's number one your relationship with God like I know that you are alive in God and you have you have personal revival if you have a a personal a close continual fiery relationship with God that's honest I know I know number one with the person of God and number two with the presence of God in other words alright let me go that's another stream that I don't want to go because I need to give you the foundation so independent in the day of Pentecost we saw the outpouring coming from above now after in this second wave of revival now it's not the outpouring coming from above only but starts revival starts with the heart changing the heart transforming the heart changing transforming healing the heart after your heart is healed then the presence of God can dwell in your heart can I hear an amen I said they're now reporting so that we see the revival so I all revived or produce write this down or revive will produce spiritual awakening in other words when revival come in the heart of men how does it do it first God cleanse the heart heal the heart restore the heart and the time in other words your heart if your heart is right God has a place to dwell in so what's the condition of the church today so that's my introduction between revival that is coming from outside and in a revival I'm sorry that comes from inside from the heart because it is God's job his assignment in the end time listen his assignment in the end time is changing the heart his assignment is changed in the heart because if your heart is not changed you will become religious if your heart is not changed you will become traditional you will become religious you're gonna have a form of God but had impersonal God powerless God but if your heart has changed your life becomes alive so God so keep it up so God wants to start with your heart touching him and tell him God wants to start with your heart but you need to tell him like you need to wake him up come on so now because we lost revival we lost it most of the denomination that I know Assemblies of God Church of God Baptist Methodist most of them begin in revival their life was so alive the relationship with God the supernatural so what the church what was the church had and lost first what the church had and lost was the presence of God acaba in many places today I can say Ichabod there's no there's no presence there's a good word good motivational messages but there's no presence when you are saying there's no presence God is not in it those are houses of men not houses of God when the presence of God is not in a place is a house of men not a house of God so what as a result the church lost the presence what what else the church lost the church lost the lifting and because the church rejected the Holy Spirit the majority of the church today rejected the Holy Spirit they don't want the Holy Spirit nothing to do with things about the Holy Spirit no miracles not the supernatural as the church rejected this is what happened the church started to become an institution tradition change and then change and become dry and dead big buildings nice buildings you know nice music not Squier nice choir but there's no presence there's no holy spirit life lifted because when the holy spirit lifts from a place why the Holy Spirit lift from a place because we compromise the truth when you compromise the truth the Holy Spirit will lift from your life God will remove your candle because you compromise the truth so ask this condition I'm finishing I only got 22 minutes so the condition of the church now we see the church today and how to revive will look like how a person reviving God look like how a church in a ministry look like in revival I'm gonna go in a minute but before that let me give you the condition of the church because the loss of life the life of God in the church the Holy Spirit the presence of God now we see the condition of the church the loss of revival of the church has cost the church to be in a bad condition and this is what happened so that's the reason the church desperately need revival lift your hands and say I desperately need revival say a louder please so now this is the I want you to see the condition of the church I pray that you're not included in this list the church has become or has become westernized in the name of being civilized so the church is no longer spiritual eyes we one more fleshly things more than spiritual things if we don't understand we reject it because we want to go through reason everything we're gonna screen it the reason can I hear name men people so the church is structure to set and train to question the supernatural the majority of the Bible schools denied the supernatural and and in the church think that the supernatural is no needed is something of the past and is rejected so in some denomination think that the supernatural something mystical superstitious magic something that is not real because Hollywood presented us fiction in that condition that church globally in the USA Europe and all the countries lacks hunger the suspiros spiritual stagnation in the church there's because they compromise it and they compromise the truth so the majority denomination the rejected the holy spirit jex the power God in some churches the absence and the presence and the power of God is normal in other words it's normal to be dead they come to church without any expectation of something supernatural they just come to hear the world I want to hear the world they come late to them to the praise and worship and praise and worship determines how your relationship with God is because a person that doesn't worship the worship is boring for a person that doesn't have any relationship with God so you don't have to tell to God because there's no relationship I wish they can hear an amen on that so the majority of the churches don't see that it's normal to be dead it's normal the majority of the churches don't see the necessity of the Holy Spirit that's what they looking for options some preachers are fill of theory and they don't know the Holy Spirit that teach about God but they don't know God they ditch that they teach the doctrine of excuses why miracles don't happen today the need of the people are pacified in other words if you have any need the doctor said to you you air cancer the doctor said to you well you know you got depression you need deliverance well they don't have it because there's no power to fulfill to supply those need what they do is pacified it what do you mean pacified it's just said God is with you don't worry everything is gonna be okay yeah but say I'm dying you want answers the time is coming the time is coming you see that virus coming right so but the time you will see more and more of those they will become more frequent and more intense there will be comfort ye because we are in the end time you will see the church that is a remnant Church and the church that is seeker-friendly that don't believe in the Holy Spirit in the power of God so we must do make a decision come on come up with your hand together so there's a lot of we can supply the people but when the people have a need they don't have because there's no power to supply the need so Christianity has become a traditional religion so the Lord a Christ has been reduced to a historical figure a legend myth and something of God of the past not of the present so the Holy Spirit's greed is quenched so that's the reason we test for a need a revival one of the reason the church needs revival Awakening is because of what Ephesians said chapter 5 verse 4 Ephesians chapter 5 verse 4 this is what the Bible says and this is therefore let's read together 1 2 3 go therefore he says okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I don't like that okay come on come on okay let's read it out loud one two three go oh wait wait wait wait therefore he says what's the next work away what awakes people revived revival that is the reason revival must come to our wake people of what see the many of you are sleeping you can say it Oh sleeper and arise from the dead come on I rise from the dead and Christ shall shine make up upon come on put your hands together come on come on I'll wait I wait I wait I wait I wake God as an apostle Oh God I carry a movement I carry a move of the Spirit to our wake the Church of a sleepness the church must be awake the families must be awake that young people must be awake that the women must be awake man must be awake so I'll wait so we need revival because a lot of people sleepy don't ever tell him awake awake awake awake awake awake awake awake awake awake away
Channel: Apostle Guillermo Maldonado
Views: 23,182
Rating: 4.8985505 out of 5
Keywords: guillermo maldonado, ana maldonado, king jesus ministry, el rey jesus, the supernatural now, supernatural encounters, erj, kjm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 3sec (1263 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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