08: The Islamic Personality - Shaykh Abu Usamah At-Thahabi

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SMIL r-rahman r-rahim al-hamdu lillahi wa kafa [Music] salawatullahi wa salamu ala nabina and I mean and Mustafa Mustafa Machado and lagna in la la la sharika lah when I shadow and the muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluhu sallallahu why he would sell my he a mother go ahead my man today's Haditha honey is a tremendous hadith as well that sheds light on one of the most important aspects of the Islamic personality we have reverts in this Masjid reversal listening men and women people were born and raised in Islam but they didn't practice at some point and then they came back to the religion and now they're trying to practice this is one of those a hadith that everyone has to again make efforts take it very seriously and do your best insha'Allah as agile as the Prophet mentioned so Allah while he was sending them suddenly doeth audible do the best that you can try to come as close to the bullseye as possible and although your main fall short of the mark here or there and you do it frequently or sometimes whatever the case may be can't give up and we can't throw in the towel can't have the spare as a release to this hadith it's from the genomic and Kadim of a suti that he sold a lot while he was said i'm d'lai me or not may allah be pleased with both of them and what was collected by Imam Bukhari and Muslim he said something a lot while he was sending them back all of you have responsibilities all of you are rotten all of you were shepherds and all of you will be held accountable for those who you are responsible for and he went on to break that down individually and he said that the Imam or the leader of the Muslims he is a shepherd and he will be held accountable and responsible for his sheep and a man is a shepherd and he'll be held accountable yawm al qiyamah for his family and the woman the wife she is also a shepherdess and she's going to be held responsible for her husband's children in his house he says sallallahu Hari was selling them that the servant of a man back then they used to have leaves right now there are servants who work in the homes of certain Muslims in the Arab world in Africa different parts of the Muslim world Pakistan there are people who work as servants for the one who owns the house the family owns the house the Prophet says Allah loved what he was selling them that that had them the serving is a shepherd and the servant will be held accountable yom Okayama for its responsibilities like his master's money the money the property of the one who is responsible for him he said in a man is also responsible for his father's wealth so if a man has a father and his father is very old for an example and he is managing his father's money his estate his well-being he's the one who receives or she receives the money that comes from the father's retirement plan or from the government or whatever the case may be you'll be held accountable for that responsibility so this hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu Adi who said it at me shows clearly and indicates everybody here has a muscle Lia everybody is responsible for something I know most of you young brothers my students here you're not married you don't have your own home some of you are so broke you don't even have telephones even may I help you and I hope you'll pull do I mean do we understand from that that you have no responsibility Kelo Allah he we don't understand from that you're responsible yo mo p.m. in front of Allah first of all for your body parts did you put them in the Haram o of the halal that you take care of them under the authority or in the home of your mother and your father or your father or your mother in their homes you have responsibilities it's your responsibility not to make drama don't bring the Popo to your house don't bring the police to your house don't be the one who causes your mother to take time off of work or from her schedule to go to school too with some problems that you became a part of even if you were good kid you a law-abiding citizen you have good at the good a cloth your student of knowledge but there's some but some bully or a problem in the school a person who is a problem giving you drama give you problem you have to remember you have a responsibility your responsibility is not to put your mother in a hardship not to put your father in this unnecessary hardship you have the responsibility that in this city of Birmingham that you're not the one who the people say so-and-so's daughter she wound up pregnant without being married there's a narration from this that the Prophet says of Lala who are you sending them bara a little denim muscle a new enemy the man who has an animal and his animal he's the one who's the Shepherd is a real Shepherd he's gonna be held accountable for his animals if he used the reason why an animal fell off the cliff an animal was devoured by a wolf an animal was stolen by a thief he's going to be questioned about that and her MA ruddy a lion who if you were to read his history her mother has a lot of maracas and a lot of statements a lot of situations that happen doing his kapha where he looked at being responsible for the Muslims in a serious way if people went hungry he thought he was accountable and responsible for them not eating he said ruddy allahu anhu i'm afraid that if there were a sheep that would have fall off a mountain somewhere and break his leg to get hurt i was going to ask a banal Kitab what happened so he was serious he wouldn't waste the money of the muslims although it was in issues that were very insignificant people don't pay attention to those issues like the oil that he used for his land tend to read things or to light up his house he when used that or you because he felt he was responsible for the wealth of the Muslims the Bata man today people on positions of responsibilities in the countries where we've come from and it's a green light to rob the Muslims blind so I'm looking in the audience and I see will you people come from and I've been to most of those countries if not all of them politicians who are Muslims they take the responsibility that's been placed on their shoulders to rob the country blind so when they get money from the UN when they get money for aid when I get they steal that money not to mention all the other money that's there to help build the infrastructure roads schools hospitals Muslims still all that money so this hadith of the prophets of Allah what he was selling them is a hadith that we need to be reminded of I need to be reminded of this hadith tomorrow I have to get the hook but here in sha allah azza wajal tomorrow be vanilla I have a responsibility to come to this community and talk about a topic that is not going to make fitna and drama because I can choose a chop a topic to make drama and fitna I could choose that top topic but Allah lacks and yo Mookie Amma you're trying to settle scores from the member you're trying to make to each and make agitation of a situation everybody he has a responsibility without any exception even the slave another slam the slave can't get married without the permission of his seed and the Prophet used that word we called them the seed the slave will be responsible for the money of his Sayeda there's a hadith where the Prophet says on Allah why he was sending them a straight year to Allah the seed is Allah so don't call the person sleep but this hadith shows the permissibility of calling someone same yet that that prohibition has and understanding to it so if the slave person is going to be held accountable for his responsibility then what about everybody else that's what this hadith is showing the prophet sallallahu either he was telling them the first person he chose was the Imam for an email for a man rahu a masculine and Righetti they Amman the lead of the Muslims his must only responsibility is not like this slave the responsibility of the people are not the same so the Prophet was responsible for everybody someone love while he was son lemon if we were to look at his Sunnah we will find that when people went missing and he didn't see people for long periods of time he began to ask about those he was responsible for and he was saying where is the black lady that used to clean the Masjid where is that particular man that I haven't seen around for such a such an amount of time and it's emblematic where is your Byung brother I had not seen him around in the streets of Medina and the Masjid did the ma'am a normal mistake almost any mischief any mischief Daddy ma'am doesn't know your name he doesn't know your name doesn't know your name the prophet sallallaahu ID was settled up knew everybody in the community and he thought he was responsible for everyone and as a result of that he sallallahu alayhi wa Adi was sending them when the question was put forward as we mentioned a number of times in this masjid amongst the companions when they were asking themselves who do you think that the Prophet loves the most everyone in the Majid is said he loves me most he loves me most no no he loves me more than you know you're lying he loves me more and they were all arguing where did that come from that came from the fact that he was connected with the members of the communities of Allah Hawaii was sudden forbid Suleiman it's a terrible Eamonn who's not in our muta now in Edina he's far away from us we don't see him we can't talk to him he's untouchable that's not our religion it's not our religion so if people in the community needed money the Prophet SAW a lot he was sending will borrow money to give them money if people were in need the prophets of Allah he would sell him to encourage the people a take care of this person if the slave lady has something to say she would take him to the side of the road and he will listen to her if you came up to him you needed a fuck-boy you needed to say something need to do something you should his hand he would hold your hand son Allah why he was sending them look you in your eye not turn away from you until you were done with your situation and that's why we say as Allah said in the Quran that that kind of like fetal Sunil aji us what tune has in a perfect example perfect example so there are a number for what it and a number of Kauai principles and benefits from this hadith a lot so what I mentioned a few inshallah eyes are gelling then open the door for your questions or your comments inshaallah the first car either that we want to make mention up here if what if allah is the must olia that allah has placed upon people being responsible if a person has a fish Oceana if a person cheats if the person is acting in a way with Lea's Keanu Keanu is when you're not when your treacherous someone has been made responsible for the wealth of an orphan so he changes the paperwork in the names that's cheating that's treachery Amy must all here any type of responsibility that a person has husband wife father mother child Imam even whoever it is if you make fish or Fionna of that much olia is going to lead to the NAR of Jahannam yomu qiyamah may Allah Allah protect us from that he said no authentication sallallahu alayhi wa ala aalihi wasallam I mean I've been yes yesterday yesterday he'll Abra getting well who were you moved younger moot well who was actually right yet ee allah harem LOL a dinner any slave anyone then allah made him responsible for something and then he died on the day that he died and he was cheating in that responsibility anyone who knows does that i was going to make haram for him the general so that's not just talking about the imam and this is something that i think it's from the works of a Shaitaan it's from the tailed beasts of Iblees that we get some of these youngsters who have a nice thing about hey slam b1 and slam but we get focused on these hokum he stood on the money stealing the money he's doing this he's doing that he's gambling he's doing that all that may be true I don't know but what about you what what about you and yet my school Lea right now all you have to do yahi is go to school that's all you have to do and because you don't have to work because your parents didn't put a lot of pressure on you you don't have to go and earn any money you don't have to pay bills you should be an A+ student but you've decided to be a person who's just settle for mediocrity or even worse you drop out what about your muscle Lea what are you doing so any and everyone that Eliza jela has given him a must olia is serious husband wife this mischief whatever the case is we have this thing where people are asking the Muslims donate money and give a to Syria give a to Iraq to a lemon give a to all of these places where the Muslims are need of money sri lankan other than that we give that money we give that money because as part of our religion we love for our brothers what we love ourselves we have sympathy we have empathy the people who are responsible for that money yomo p.m. is a serious issue and either you this idea people were in charge of the monies of the Muslims need to be reminded of this hadith because people still in the money so we get all the money from the community a lot of times with some organizations and some people over half of the money that's collected goes to administrative fees and not to the people we're giving them money for yomo qiyama yomo qiyamah i love me they Jenna Haram now I don't get it mixed up don't get it twisted I'm not telling you to have doubt about any particular organization but this is how it runs so you have to have some level of fik when it comes to as we mentioned the add-on the Salah the soul go into the message a walk to the message a leaving the message a going into the toilet a karma come Allah guys have some v ha sit in the Majlis you had to have some fit when it comes to fit when it comes to a sudden a feasibility laughs and nothi just don't give money to anybody just don't give money just because people say and give money so not taking care of the muscle iya it leads to the a dab of a lawn that hadith goes to show that lose in the muscle leah is a Kabira from the kabocha because the person has been given a ye that is going to go to the Hellfire so those who show us a major sin because we know the thing is I may just send if Allah as messages said it's a major sin or if there's a hut connected to it in the dunya or if or if the description the one who does this Allah is angry with them the one who does this allow him speak to him the one who does this will be raised up with firown' the one who does this is from the brothers of a Shaitaan the ones who do who do this will go to the hell fire so not taking care of the muscle via whatever it happens to be is a major sin from the kawaii' that we want to mention as well is the fact that as we mentioned earlier everybody has a responsibility we don't have this idea this concept in our religion where we have passive participants people who are on the sidelines and their marginal lines then they don't have any input with the community no it's not your job to get the hook but it's not your job to leave us for luck it's not your job to do some of the things that people are responsible for here but there's your job to park in the right way it is your job to pick up things that are harmful that may be lying about outside of inside the mystery there's your job to help keep the bathrooms clean not to use a lot of water so everybody's job to do these types of things that all it's your job is everybody's job everybody has something to do the other issue that twenty from the principle that is really important is you have to look around look at yourself and look and see how much your responsibility is the least amount of responsibility the lesser that you have then make sugar of Allah because the more responsibilities you have the more danger that is going to confront you it's after an hour of them so the Imam he's not like the Sodom or the slaves no they're not the same the married man with a wife three four five kids is not like the one who's not married so you look at your life you look at your life and you may say oh I've been trying to get married this is really difficult I'm living I'm young and this is really really difficult as we mentioned to you I sign you chuckle Shaitan Morehu a hi Runa come it may be that you hate something that is better for you it's better for you to be right now not married because you're still not mature you still not develop if you take on the responsibility of getting married you're gonna crack you're going to be an oppressor so if a person has 5 7 8 9 10 15 children that muscle dia when people hear that they say mashallah but that's a responsibility in front of Allah what is he responsible for some people think the responsibility is just to give them food and to also you know given clothes that's part of its integral part of it really important but also part of that is their protection they ytterbium their learning of the religions many issues many issues this word bravia Karuma in local Akuma school and Righetti all of you are I'm Allah is a honey ism as I mentioned it's a shepherd Rahim he's the one who's taking his flocks from point A to point B and it's his job to protect them from danger this is his job they get him from point A to point B without anything happening to them that's the responsibility of the father responsibility of the mother that's the responsibility of this edad and this messaging and the Eman and so forth so on so every time the circle of the muscle Lia every time it gets wider is more dangerous becomes more serious so you look at yourself if you're one of those young people and all you're responsible for is getting up making fresh get into school on time getting your paperwork in on time meeting those deadlines you should make sense to sugar because it could be much worse it could be much worse than that more severe than that from the Kauai Hawaii concerning this hadith and this was one of the reasons why the setteth of this ummah the abu hanifa the ahmadiyya humbles the malakut analysis the Shafi is of the world rahmatullah a and this is one of the reasons why they used to refrain from being employed by the governing that was one of the reasons sometimes the leaders of the muslims love this land and they love knowledge and they were going to put money in their pocket to help knowledge to grow and they're going to support them but that must alia that responsibility doesn't want that responsibility le mom and amish Sulaiman have in the mir on one of the greatest an imam in a hadith and then we have people in Birmingham soup an Allah wants to make everything Hollow everything has two opinions he comes and talks about this man and this is a double in el Aslam greater than Bukhari Muslim in them he didn't want to be held accountable and Imam and army didn't want to be held accountable for what it was to be a more hadith in a scholar of the people so he used to be antisocial no you can't come to my house and ask me about any questions about Aidid just wait for me in the message it don't come visit me it was an anti sociable person why because if you have bad o'clock you know this one deal you didn't want to deal with the responsibility that comes at the cost of being the mufti the real Mufti so today you can be a Mufti because you go through an e program in the dunya and then after coming out of that musty program well you have to do a say hallo hallo hallo and you're gonna find it a lot of people going to support you now that's the situation with our religion with our community Carlo Cumbre and McCool Akuma soul and right yet ehi that person was speaking on behalf of this Deen l remember gonna tell him he wrote a book he called that book Ellen and Maureen those people who signed their names in their signature on behalf of Allah meaning Lauren Emma hello Haram because of this distance that they're the ones who sang on behalf of a lot person comes today our community our community even people regular people we come today social media everyone has a point of view everyone fills you know Korea's free liberal just give your opinion but the one who was a Mufti the one who's a the one who's understand you have to have some level of water some level of consciousness some are clear with you it's a big responsibility what I duck for my late Sulekha be any don't put your foot in an arena that you don't know what you're doing it's bigger than you as a relates to these principles that honey is really one important one and that is the most awliya or the issue of being responsible it is always connected to the muslimah of the thing or the people that you're responsible for so the e man being awry and responsible he is responsible for the people his responsibility is always connected to what's in their best interests it's not what's in his best interest and this is why everybody is going to be axed yomo qiyamah so if the imam is responsible for the people he's stealing that's in his best interests he's not fair he's not just and he's given priority to his relatives his family that's in his own best interest that's his desires no the Imam his responsibility is this community hook but has to be based upon what's gonna benefit them that's a lot that he prays something happened to the Imam we don't know about it something happened there's a mercy but that hit him somewhere so he wants to get up after Salah 30 shot and they said about the nebesa love love while he was sending them if something deserts disturbed him he immediately turned to prayer something happened to the Amanda local Imam our Imam Lassa Mahalo he gets up and starts reading surah Baqarah with sincerity and he's turning to Allah because of the issue with him his mother his father his baby we're gonna say no no you're responsible for these people so the Prophet told the Imams of the love wati wa salem men solubilized for you huh v for in the men were re al kabir what's a team whether Hodja anyone who leads the people in the prayer let him make it light for them make it easy for them because behind him is the person who was old praying in a chair behind him is a person who's sick but he came to the Masjid but he's not well behind him is someone who has something to do he has to go to work so the car either from this hadith that's on the table all of you who are shepherds you'll be held accountable the muscle aha the benefit is for your kids your decision and you know the crazy thing is honey our mothers and fathers even the kuffar from amongst them they used to be willing to make some serious sacrifices for us they were not the best people sometimes in terms of education or turtle beyond our knowledge or deep but they were ready to make sacrifices where today today you'll find the father his sacrifice is about himself he'll buy a car that pleases him not a car that is the best car for his situation and his children he'll make a decision that's about miyashita he sooo what his nuts want where his desire is his mother does that as well when we get a divorce when we hey you're not thinking about your muscle iya you want to get married again it's Hollow but you have to think about the muscle ahead of the people who you're leaving behind those kids are with you right now and so forth and so on so that's from the important principles in this issue Allah Allah Tala is mentioned in the Quran aligning a command oh you believe Atilla yit Rasul will remain calm obey Allah obey his messenger unconditionally whatever they tell you to do obey them and obey those who have been put in authority from amongst you but you obey them conditionally who are those who have been put in authority the scholar said they are the hokum and they're very lemma that's who this ayat is talking about so the leader of the Muslims they have to understand their position is for the community the owner Martha Muslims have to understand your position is for the benefit of the people and I want you people to remember this aberration or redeem it smile all of you you're giving dowel Allah you're involved in dower to atheists to Christians to whatever your family always remember always remember but that was not about you overwhelming people and beating people up and being a superior than today than they are the Dow was about the guidance of those people so it's not right for the Scala to come just as it's not right for the lead of the Muslims to come steal the money the scholar can't come and make every laugh between their Aria can't do that so it may be that this person murdered someone over them and that person over there he does drugs and that Muslim over there he does something like homosexuality may Allah protect us so they have to be responsible yo Luciana but this person who his dower was dividing the Muslims all over the world that's a serious issue and only Allah knows how everybody is going to be judged my point is honey don't be a person who has something to do with divide in their area students of knowledge making them busy with that was just is a distraction for them from the Kauai the honey and as I mentioned there many is that listen the must olya the responsibility as a tech leaf and is not to Shrieve tech leave is not to Shareef not sure of it stuck leaf it's a responsibility to Shareef means you know you're from Ireland bait is a Sharif he's in a an important position he's a governor he's a minister you know he's high his months up his job his vocation his degree is very high so the person says look I'm a doctor look at me know you a doctor you're gonna be held accountable for the sick people that you're supposed to be treating if you take advantage of them if you don't do the right thing if you're not accessible if you're not dared to give them hitler yomu qiyamah you're going to be held accountable FET so it's a responsibility look what happened with one of the tremendous companions his name is ors kunas albert of the fatty i bethought like a fatty was as a kid he wasn't interested in this dunya he was interested in the hereafter he prayed a lot he fasted a lot he didn't look like money money was not in his heart it was in his hand to the point where he used to make a I'm gonna my roof and an and mukha to the degree where some of the Companions complained to her mother about him you're too tough you're too on top of everybody prophet muhammad o abu learner Rodya law and this is a man who in Mecca when were so long that companions were hiding from the non-muslims having secret meetings for their Dawa this man went to the Kaaba and said a shadow a la ilaha illa-llah what - whoo - Eric Allah why should one muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh wait crash it started giving him dower all by himself that was his strength of personality but the Prophet told him some love love what he was telling them yeah about that Oh a believer do not be responsible for to other people like if you travel in on a trip from medina to Mecca you have to pick an Amir and Amir Lattimore ah ah ah if name you guys are three don't you be the immune let one of them be the Amir and then he said uh - umm salal rusle will add to Ali and I will add to what Lana a tamale a team and don't take responsibility for the money of an orphan that's a Boober that's one honey and another honey if you said to abu dharr la la la guardia cell anemia about in me Erica - aha well in AHA I'm Anna well now how Yama Yama gives you when Adama Allah Adam in another herb bit hot I'll be happy huh Abu Dharr I see you as a weak person as soon as a weak person he said being responsible is an Amana it's a trust it's in a manner and it's going to come no more qiyamah as a cause for sorrow and being lowly yo mo qiyamah except for the one who takes it by the truth so listen - honey listen listen one more time if you don't have to be responsible for that sister don't be responsible for her she's a revert she needs a well you were killed if you can avoid it avoid it you can avoid it avoid it if you can avoid it avoid the responsibilities that Eliza Jenna's gonna ask you about and say what I have is enough what I was enough have my own wife I'm own children and to do this I have to do that why I'm gonna take on board something else but all due respect he says some the love water he was sending him about this Amana not being too Shrieve for being too Cleef tech grief is a responsibility he described it and he said about it someone loved what he was sent him that it is near me more dear to were bit said and fátima he said being in a position of authority and having this thing where you're responsible for an example the guy is the nicest guy in the world you could talk to them you can approach him he's easy but as soon as you put them behind a desk somewhere you can barely get anything you want from him because suddenly the desk makes him a big person you put a uniform on him he becomes a policeman he's a nice guy outside of that Pope old uniform you put that uniform on him he has this arrogance about him he's no longer human being whatever the must alia is this entire prophet described it he said it was some love while he was selling them he said it was an Emma and Nordea it is a blessed suckle vessel and more dia is the woman who has a small baby and she's suckling the baby so being in that position of authority you're still in the money they give you the best seat in the house you don't have to wait in the line you get all of these these you know these perks because of your position it's a good suckling vessel and then he says some of what he was selling but it is also a terrible elf Altima the named Fatima like the prophets daughter saw the light of a sudden fall tema means the lady or the child the lady who took the baby off of the breast the baby who's not breastfeeding anymore the boy is a falcon and the girl is Fatima they will call the child fall team of the Arabs because it's a sign the baby is growing gonna be strong so they gave it that name he said this thing about position is a bad fall tema so the meaning of his hadith saw a lot of a sudden is that when the child is crying it's not well whatever you put him on the breast of the mother crumble come alive starts to drink and it's drunk on that milk is drunk from the milk this is everything is okay drunk from the milk and then after that when you take them off of the breast the baby goes crazy some of them have those hissy fits and they have those Tantrums so that's the way being in the position where people are making money they're going to the front of the line they don't have to pay when they go here they go there you know the perks that people had you enjoy it now but there's a price to pay for it you'll know Keanu from the kawaii the honey of the issue is that the nubby some love love what he was selling them as the hadith just mentioned anyone who makes Keanu to hismus alia he is treacherous towards the responsibilities that he has then he is in fact treacherous towards this institution of an Amana because he told a Bavaro in the ha Amana this responsibility is a trust and a manner and the Amana the trust being lost is one of the signs of you know qiyamah he said some Livadia on Iran even sent him in a man acts to me ro Sula when he's young will qiyamah he didn't answer he asked him again when is llamo qiyamah he didn't answer he came again yeah it was so Lula when he's llamo qiyamah going to be he told the man some love love water he was seldom or other your lawn as mine either dude EIT a Manitou Fanta Larissa if the trust is lost and wait for the hour the trust meaning you give me this to hold for you and when you come to get it I don't have it anymore that's the trust you can barely trust people from our community today especially with money better think five thousand times before you give someone money they said in the Coulee matin fitna well fitna tool material mile every community they have a fitna and the fitting of this community is money so I'm advising all of you brothers all of you all of you all of you think 5000 times before you loan money out before you leave something with somebody try your best because now we're living at the time where the trust has been lost so the man wanted more further elaboration he sang out a solo okay for you bar to her how was the trust going to be lost how listen to what he said Sal Allah what he was selling them God if I will see that Amuro in a radio be huh ola haiti ugly he said if people were not qualified or put in positions of authority when that happens wait for the hour that's yomu qiyamah that's when it's going to be established and that's what we have right now people are not qualified he told us that the hour won't be established and to look I've been to look up he owns the world look I didn't look at is an individual in the Arab folklore of an extremely ignorant person a dumb person a person who's challenged intellectually you look at who's the president now in some of these countries and the way they are how they act they don't have enough common sense in the quorum just to be respectful to people nasty pieces of work nasty people at least you may not be smart but at least have some level of respect and decorum that you can make people feel at least you got some kind of respect know that a man has been lost from the top so if honey the Amana and the muscle yeaa they are together Mama's giving us number of Commandments yeah you'll Edina Amman Latin allaha wa rasuluh what the whole new a magnetic meant to telemundo you believe do not do not be treacherous towards your eminence don't be treacherous towards a lot its messenger and don't be treacherous towards the amana you having a manner your daughter your son isn't a manner your wife is in a manner your husband's house is in a manner and a manner the lady shouldn't allow in the man's house someone he doesn't want her in that house he doesn't want him in his house says up but he goes out he traveled to his country went to work eight hours every day he doesn't know who's in the house she's gonna let someone in this house behind his back because he doesn't know no and then I madam must olya you cannot bring up your children Hayden the father can't do that stepfather must uh Leah you have a responsibility that your children look at their dad in a way of respect despite the fact that he may not have impact it's not the job of the mother to put the father down it's her job to tell the kids a sure dad it wasn't for a lot and then your daddy won't be here that a lot judge him as he's going to judge you guys so it's a serious issue Amana and a man in Malaya Murtaugh come into a duel and I'm an Athena at Leah Allah has commanded you people give me a manner back to the people's take care of the muscley or the responsibilities in computing Iranian as I mentioned there are a lot a lot of issues on the table but the next principle is the principle that the must olya in L Aslam the responsibility in Islam it is Mamun it is built upon or yeah it is built upon advice and justice the Eman is responsible the man is responsible the woman is responsible the Kadhim is responsible the administration he is responsible this Amman is the hot Yves is responsible the Amman lead in the salat response you are responsible the most alia is built upon and no sir well Adam advising people advising people who are under your leadership your super your authority and also also you advising them as well there's some reciprocity in the equation as the Haditha atomy mad daddy is clear to me mad daddy said that he heard that the prophets say sell a lot he would sell him the religion is given advice no see huh three times now see her - who taught us a lot he said giving advice to Allah meaning having a class - Allah being sincere giving advice to his prophet sallallaahu either ascender giving advice to the lead of the Muslims and giving advice as well to the common folk from the Muslims so again again the authority who is in a position of having people under his authority the mother the father you have to give advice to your kids and you have to be fearing just with your kids as those is said in a lie at Morecambe be loudly well it's an well eat a little Cordoba whether Putin fat deal a deal or a parable in Tupperware all of those ayats be fair be just so the father the father he is a rah-rah and responsible I gotta give him advice give him touji turn him that way turn him a freak away from those kids away from those friends put him here take him out of that environment of the school he's being bullied that put him in another situation always looking out for his or her best interests and justice he told the people so Allah why he was something to make the law I do obey a banal daddy come fear Allah and be just between your children bear under your authority don't play favorites yeah you could take into consideration that this is the oldest girl that's the oldest boy this is the baby those are twins this one is paying rent that one's not paying rent this one gets in trouble all the time and because of those nuances and those variables it can cause the parents to deal with them according to what is on the table but just being unfair and unjust the must owe me another slam if you're in that position you have to be figured out to be and you have to be just this mess chick right here is responsible for who gets to Smike reform they can't be on this thing where if they're Pakistanis it was a Pakistanis who started this messages so no you have a responsibility that we keep to the tradition of how this messages started people being exposed to the DAO of the people of hadith the Quran and the Sunna no apologies no apologies the Quran and the Sunnah according to the way those companions understood it brother your law and anybody comes with something other than that this masjid has to say no we don't support that we don't support that so the advice that the Masjid is given the community is going to be the correct teachings of this religion it's going to be balanced going to be a and it writes that when we stand before Allah Yama Yama Allah is not going to hold you accountable for for an example in this environment that we're living in we have to be very careful about what we say how we are I had a baby you gonna name your baby the mother says I want to name the baby jihad it's a beautiful name kid named your baby jihad anymore today if you're in an airport with your wife and your baby runs away you say ga ga you're gonna be in trouble so you cannot name your kid that name today why why because you have to be politically correct in issues like that but we can't be politically correct on steroids where we start to bend the rules and change our religion no they have to be balanced so would that be in the case of wedding shall our each other the call here in this heidi the dow this hadith the teaching of this hadith is take care of your muscle via sit down between yourself and the Lazo jellineck's yourself what am I responsible for and even if you have to ask that question you young people consider yourself blessed when am I responsible for your responsible go to school and clean up your room and don't be heavy on your mother and your father's shoulders easy give it the program I have to pay any bills you don't worry about MOT your laven it comes to taxes you don't have to worry about anything even this issue of going to university gonna take the loan can I take not take the loan it's not even on your shoulders in most instances something your parents gonna have to deal with so take care of the muscle ear and we all have a responsibility for our dollar I died with the cell Afiya the Dawa of the ki Tov and the Sunnah call it with the Companions understood but at one line a.m. that is easy and balanced and it's appropriate for the time every time in every place and every condition of the people so that's everybody's muscle meeow meeow lies or general give us the strength the wisdom the wherewithal to take care of all of our responsibilities and those responsibilities where there's a mile and there's tuck see here and things are not being done correctly male eyes that you'll have mercy upon us and don't hold us accountable for those issues Kulu I mean okay equity feel a few brothers have any questions in sha allah will answer any questions up to a quarter to a quarter after f1 shower Alan do come shame for the that's a good question that he I sent there that's a really good question that's a really good question like I was telling you that the must olya is built upon advice and justice it may be watch it for you to take take take responsibility for something like the Nabi of Allah Georgia Yosef in the Quran so low alkali you said my knee when he said and Atanas said that he said Carla I shall me anna hazare in an other in me half even Alim he the King saw in a dream seven years hmm they're gonna be seven good years of opulence a lot of food and then those seven years are gonna pass and then they're gonna be seven years where they're gonna be a drought and people gonna need people's expertise to get through those tough years they wanted to make yourself really high in the land come sit next to me you're gonna interpret dreams you went through all of this you a truthful come sit next to me he had all of those qualities that may the leader want to give him the keys of his kingdom Yusuf said no put me in charge of the storage of the earth the storage that we have here in Yemen will we safeguard and we saved the food make me in charge of that and he said for verily I am Eileen I'm half Eve Eileen I know what I'm doing and I'm going to guard it so this is a case where persons stepped forward and said I'm the man for the job because the Prophet used to tell the companions and he told us of the lot he was sending them we will not give responsibility to the one who wants it so for five people were about to travel we say okay in order Dean you're going to be the Emir Abu Issa you're going to be the Emir because you're the eldest of the five but Ibrahim right here says now I want to be the Emir Prophet Muhammad said don't give it to him and that's just an example cuz I know Ibrahim is gonna be the last person who wants to be there Amir he said don't give it to him because that person is looking for the opportunity to breast feed from the mussel Leah but it may be be that a situation presses itself where the person has to step forward and that happened to me when I was a new Muslim back in America with these african-americans and it was time to make the salat and no one wanted to step forward to make the prayer I was a new Muslim brand-spanking-new I'm not gonna step forward but the other people nobody wants to step forward and then this guy just stepped forward and he said Allah Akbar Bhishma lyra manna Rahim in the name of Allah the banana tree in fact I'm English right away the salat doesn't count it doesn't count but it was a case of hey you were born and raised as a Muslim man stop standing back to you like that or Noah pious like that you have to get up there meters long don't give that guy a chance to make a fool out of himself and the rest of the people praying but obviously in these types of situations you have to be careful but again you people in those eye socks sometimes if you don't step forward and take that microphone to give the hook but to give the lesson if you don't do it then we're gonna have people up there who are saying crazy things everything is halau everything is okay let's do this let's do that no you have to step forward in situations like that you have to give the hook but you and don't think twice about it because if you don't then the person was going to get the hook bus going to send the people information that is not true and now you're responsible for helping falsehood to spray so that's not a case of being arrogant or a case of going after leadership that's the case of a person being wise and taken the bull by the horns and taking the leadership as it should have been taken in that context and Allah knows best any more questions at honey any more questions it's probably I where you been College shine for them you know the ayat lag you killed a fool ah who Nelson lag you killin a fool I take leave Allah doesn't burden a person he doesn't make you responsible to do something so tech leaf means a can you take this and put some ice make trade it with a cold one that's tech leaf where it's something you have to do now not to Sharif will you become honored as a result of this thing that you're doing it becomes Sharif shut off no burden on your shoulder you're gonna get rewarded for it if you do it the right way but don't pissed off on your shoulder that there's no need for last question long questioning it for the Ali parents cannot do an under my roof and an egg and mukha the hadith of the Prophet is really clear when he when he told the people sallallaahu are you sending them men rah minkum Linkara filming or a guru be ready for Allah Mustafa be Dasani enemy's study for bada ba-da-da a powerful email he said men minkum whoever from amongst you sees the Mucca he didn't say which mother the father which older brother which younger brother which older sister no whoever from amongst you sees a moon car something that's bad then let him change it with his hand and if he could and if you can't let him change it with his tongue and if he can't let him hate it in his heart and that's the weakest of the levels of Eman so everybody everybody has a responsibility to change the Mucca last week I saw the lecture that we had last week and it was about the sin that the person does and my hat was like this no one said to me eh your hat is you have a dunce hat especially the African brothers who know it's not supposed to be like that they was quiet so whoever sees the thing has to say hey and don't be afraid to give advice and don't be afraid the bit that put the best construction to the issue gave knowledge give advice give dower and don't be afraid but the chips fall where they may but obviously we have to know how to give doubt so every Muslim as I told you has a responsibility you have a responsibility the one from amongst you he's not married he has no children he has no bills to pay he has a responsibility to his neighbors he has a responsibility to a street help keep your street clean you and your people the noise pollution and the music and then he'll help help the situation everybody has responsibilities and Dean everybody is an activist last question in finding this person wrote a long question they said are there any people from Island bait alive today aluminum they have people from a little bait alive today some of them are there from all over the world there is a tribe within the Somali is called al Shariff ashraf and there's mentioned they are descendants of Hassan or Hussein Robb Diallo and Huma the grandsons of the prophet sallallaahu either seldom if it's true is it permissible for them to receive charity as a little bit cannot accept charity you answered the question it's now permissible for unlit abate to receive charity they don't get sadaqa they get gifts but they don't get and they don't receive silica only gifts that's it are they still considered a little baked almost 1000 1000 years after if it's true and they are from the grandsons of the Prophet some of my to sender yeah when people from Somalia can be from on ebay Somali is they have Somalis have the air of the Arabs in them they got Arabic blood in them so I could see it as being conceivable some people from Pakistan Bangladesh Afghanistan West Africa different people they say if you can trace your lineage to a little baby from under the bait but you can't be like again a brother who I know oh I knew back in Florida 2530 years ago you say had these dreams and he started saying he was demanding its from Trinidad he's a revert from Trinidad and he said he was demanding and I don't mean this because I don't know what happened to that brother and I don't want him looking at this he may see this and this has a negative impact on him I don't mean it in that way but from what I knew about him because he was one of the best people that I knew in terms of his character but he came from Trinidad and he embraced Islam and he was a hard-working loyal brother nice brother my shallow then people were telling them like me you can't be the Mighty not possible the MACD is from the children of hasson you can't be the Marty impossible he went to Egypt and he found one of those things that have been named the tree of the names and he put his name in that tree and he became a part of Island Beach and came back to our community was telling people we have to make hit run and leave America is why you guys have to think Eliezer journal for and he died especially to the Sunna the great Imam and the Imam Abu Bakr I you Basanti Annie put his name in your Google read about him Abu Bakr a Europe s at the Annie Reilly he said I don't know any Nima greater that Allah can bestow upon a feta or Nagi any other than leading him to an imam of the Sunnah I don't know a greater Nima that Allah can give to a young person 18 19 20 23 years old he wants to get married at the age of 23 left to his own devices he's not gonna make the right decision it doesn't have the experience those other knowledge does not the support group around him and it's even more serious with the sister there's some weak hadith that says youthfulness is a sign of being Majnoon its weak but has some truth to it so that imam said i don't know a greater namma that allah guy is a young person or an agony a person that Eric because if you were Arabic you can just take the Quran and you can read the su-9 you can read the books and you can see what the scholars were saying so you're guided that way and shower but when where I Jimmy we don't speak Arabic we're left to the devices of these groups I went with the American Muslim mission for some time then I went with damata bliss for some time I gotta waste that time I have to waste that time because I man imagine but if a lot guys that young man to an imam of the Sunnah is going to affect him because young people are quickly affected that's why they smoke and do weed and all that because everybody else is doing it why got an iPhone because everybody else got iPhone but an Android would do better for you for your needs your budget and what you need it to do but everybody else is doing it you know we get that all the time why did you do that everybody else is doing it so if everybody else jump off the bridge you're gonna jump off the bridge and maybe just looks at you because that's not a menage that's not an intelligent answer so we said stay on this sooner last thing about this is it possible that people can feel be from a debate 1,000 years later I love him UNAM why not the prophet sallallaahu Adi was selling them kuru Nasir them were high seven leizerman s appeal has to be mocked or no mo ki my left eye is enough all relationships all relationships you know lineage like your own lineage and when you marry into another lineage he said all of that won't be any benefit yo Mookie ah mo come on caught us of a lot each other your relationship where I come from all of that won't be any benefit yama yama accept what was from my relationship anybody was connected to me is gonna get those who are connected to me they'll get some benefit whether they were directly connected to me or they married into my family my mother loved the alarm who based upon that hadith he went and married the daughter pod even had he thought it only califo and he told this hadith to the people I want to benefit from being married to the granddaughter of the prophets allah almighty was selling the great-granddaughter of the nebby sallallaahu idea center and he was already related because his daughter married Hafsah ruddy alone so how is the prophet's relationship gonna benefit you clearly clearly clearly the person give Shahada gets killed Shahi FISA bb-but la in the proper context of lslam the Shaheed in the Quran and the Sunnah not the madness of Boko Haram Isis and Katya and all of that stuff the Prophet says Allah Allah or the son of he'll be able to pull 70 people from his family and to Jenna you think his mother ain't gonna be there his father's not gonna be there his immediate brothers and sisters his clothes auntie's are not gonna be there so you're gonna benefit they're gonna benefit from his his nothi from what he did what about the Prophet in the nebby but that doesn't mean that I will have an Abu jahil and those people are gonna benefit because he died on Kofi even the prophets mother and the father won't benefit from their relationship to him because they died on other than Islam just as Ibrahim father either died an oven Islam just like I see as husband Pharaon died another nice and no matter who you are if you die on other than kill him overthrow he'd be no benefit for you yo more Keanu okay are you gonna call this a day today some lightning from Barack alone fecal matter what a shadow and I either end the stuff for look over - Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato
Channel: Green Lane Masjid
Views: 5,590
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Keywords: salafi, masjid, glm, green lane, mosque, abu usamah, anti isis, terrorism, zakir, naik, arifi, fawzan, sheikh, shaykh, ahsan, hanif, assim, hakeem, wajdi, yahya, ibrahim, peace, tv, saudi, arabia, syria, child, jinn, possession, quran, mishari, taha junaid, mishary, sunnah, emotional, makkah, lecture, refutation, debate, powerful, islamic reminder, islam, allah, muhammad, qadhi, mufti menk, sudais, fiqh, aqeedah, barelwi, sufi, deobandi, nauman, ali, khan, yasir, sami yusuf, nasheed, hadeeth, arabic, bidah, shirk, grave, death
Id: 2ZItMKDdY24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 41sec (3881 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 15 2018
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