Awliyah (Saints) Of Allah & The Awliyah of Shaytaan - Abu Usamah

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bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim and hamdulillah was salat wa salamu ala rasulina he am a bother today insha'Allah so general going to discuss a another very important aspect of the Deen of Allah Azza WA JAL and it is concerning the olia of Allah the Saints the olia the Friends of Allah is a gentleman who's a while' and who's not a MOLLE and what's the correct way that we're supposed to look at this issue like every other issue in the Deen especially the issues that are connected to the leader of the Muslim we have to be in the middle and we have to do our best it is wider plasm is an obligation upon us to understand that particular thing in the way that Allah wants it to be understood we understand that particular thing the way the Prophet sallallaahu I do you seldom intended the way he articulated it the names and attributes of Allah we understand them the way Allah wants us to understand him not the way we want to or this one or that one many ayat of the Quran allahu taala has negated that the religion or the truth is based upon the whims and the desires of any atom or the jinnee he said in the Quran leisa be a mani ye comb what I am a mediator Qatada this religion the truth is not based upon your whims your desires and it's not based upon the whims and desires of a low key table our religion is not based on empty slogans is not based upon how many people are saying a thing of doing a thing is based upon what is supported in the text in the Nestle's the key tab and the Sunnah so in this particular issue the issue of the olia of Allah who is a weddy there's a lot of core effect going on in our community here in Birmingham these days we have chef's that has come from Africa and he's spreading all kinds of and he's spreading coffee and he's spreading innovation and the West African community where he comes from they see that man has been a Willie from the olia of Allah although he's teaching Kaufer he's teaching innovation so when we talk about this when he and the wilayah there are a lot of things that we want to discuss first of all concerning the name wedding wedding what he is one of the names of Allah you are Abdullah well II allies the wedding the protector the one who takes care of something or someone so concerning this wilayah of allah there are two types of wilayah two types the first one is that allahu taala is the wali of everybody muslim kaffir white black the one with taqwa the one without any takwa allah so Jill is the wali of all of Benny Adam he mentioned in the Quran and a number of I had what proves that had either jihad a common note to a fat who rose Aruna well whom now you for adoun tomorrow do in Allah him Allah woman hop Eliezer just mentioned when death comes to one of them Benny Adam when death comes to any one of them a me and every one of them our messengers the angels of death the Angel of Death Comes takes his soul and then belly those angels of death the messengers of Allah they won't fall short of their responsibility and taking his soul his soul is going to be taken when it's supposed to be taken in the way that it's supposed to be taken Allah said after that happens they all will be returned back to Allah the Imola they will be returned to Allah the Imola who was the hawk their wedding so this ayat goes to show the general rely on that Allah is the wali of every human being it's like a large the rubber of every human being the harlot of every human being but then the second type of wilayah of allahu taala is the wilayah that is special the special divine protection that Allah gives to an individual and he only gives that to the people who have a man and the people at taqwa the people who have al Islam as for the other people he don't give he doesn't give them that type of protection he tabara coat Allah mentioned in the Quran allahu wa li ladina ameno you home in a boom a tear and Nordic Allah is the wali of those people who believe he takes them from the depths of darkness and he puts them to the light they he puts them into the light of his lamp so that's the first point that we want to mention honey that in terms of the wilayah of Allah Allah being the Welli he's the wedding of everybody he's the rubble al-amin of everybody he is the raza of everybody but there's another type of wilayah which is the wilayah that is specific he is the protector of those who believes and that's similar to the Maria the Maria of Allah Allah being with someone Allah is with everyone well Who am I come a name I come to him he's with you wherever you are Muslim non-muslim jinn melodica he is with you wherever you are but then there's another Maria that is specific allies with those who have taqwa allies with you in terms like when the Prophet said sha la la you sent him to abu bakr when he was in the cave Latta - la la hermana don't worry Abu Bakr while you in the cave in the core are looking for us Allah is with us meaning with us special and that he's going to protect us and take care of us so that's the first issue that allows the ye and his wilayah specific and he has one that is general second issue about the rely of allow subhana wa ta'ala is that the karana makes clear for us who the olia of allah are he said in the quran in allah in the awliya allah he la khawfun alayhim wala whom yeah alladhina amanu economistic hoon verily the olia of allah they will not be afraid and they not they will not be sad they are those people who they have Eman and they have a taqwa so those are two characteristics that individual has to have in order to be a relief from the OD of Allah he has to have an email and he has to have a tuck Wow and for that reason shameless lab in Brno taymiyah he explained that each and every individual in this room can be away from the olya of a lon this is one of the important things I want to bring to your attention in our community the way we understand this religion some of us think that the saint is some guy who when he speaks nor comes out of his mouth and nor comes out of his eyes and his ears he's glowing in the dark he's a saint that's not a willy well he is not someone special who can fly around in the sky a me and everyone sitting here can be a relief from the olia of allies which and any and everyone the lady the woman she can be a waliya from the Odia of allah so get it out of your head that the willy the saint is someone who has some special clothes in egypt there's a university bear called al-azhar ash-sharif the show you who teach there who graduate from there they wear a special type of phobe coat and so forth and so on when the person sees him they say hey Malaya mamola like he's a welly automatically the wali of Allah he doesn't have any special clothes no special slogans he doesn't have something special in his body the one who has long hair some people understand this if you see a person with long hair it's an indication that he's a Mujahid he's someone he's a welly from the OD of the OD of Allah not like that there any and every individual you mean anyone and everyone has to make it as big this to struggle and strive to be a 1e from the OD avila as opposed to sitting back saying he's the same he's a saint so you pay him money and you ask for his dua from what we have received in the way of revelation from the Nabi Saleh lady who sent him that proves his point is the hadith that's been collected by Imam Bukhari and and and and it's on the narration and the authority of abu huraira ruddy alone I know it's in the 40 hadith of and the Imam and no we for those of you who want to go back hadith number 38 Eliezer JAL mentioned in the hadith Qudsi men idly waliyan for that event to hope anyone who is in opposition and he has a confrontation with one of my Saints with a wali of mine and I have declare war and that individual and then the Prophet said that Allah wanted to describe who the well he is he established anyone who was in conflict with one of a lodge olia then Allah declares war on that individual and then he went on to describe the olia with two descriptions and anyone can be from the olia the hadith said were ma the Carrabba availa Adibi shaitan a hub in a mm of surah 2 ayah he my slave from the olia they don't get closer to me make it the cutter up to come close to me with anything more beloved to me than what I made why Jeff upon him so the well he is the one who does the wedgie bat and then he mentioned the second description allahu taala mentioned well i Azzaro ID at the color abu area hat Abajo whether pepti who come to summer Oh hilarious marubi ha ha buzzer ooh-hoo and leather yup see who be ha where do we let the up tissue be have original who let the MGB ha and if my slave does the nawafil not the wedge it thus women if he does a lot of that the more that he does the closer hoop it to me and then I'll start to love him and then if I love him - I'll become the the hearing by which he hears the sight by which he sees the hand by which he strikes and the foot the feet by which he walks and then the end of the hadith showing the virtues of being a relief from the OD of Allah he said Tabarrok wa ta'ala well inside any loyalty and no ho when in the star the knee lorry then no and that when he if he asks me for something verily I'm gonna give it to him and if he seeks my assistance burly I'm going to a system so very quickly a 20 this hadith scholars were slammed called this hadith hadith and when II if someone said to you the proof of that is the hadith already the scholars used to say time they wouldn't say the whole hadith that I mentioned they just say the hadith of Jabril the hadith ever saw that one must stop the hadith of the Asif so because the Muslim is reading he knows the hadith l1e is this hadith so any mama shokan he came and he wrote a book and explaining this hadith and he called it cut to rally and a hadith already so he explained what is the meaning of Allah becomes the hand by which he strikes in the feet by which he walks and the air by which he hears and the eyes with which he sees when we the marshal Aled Eve we say Allah is not like anything and nothing is like unto Allah but the Prophet says that aloud become as hearing is singing a sophist one those scholars said the meaning of that is Allah Azza WA JAL when the person becomes the one e of Allah Azza WA JAL o Allah will allow him to hear things for the reality the things that he hears Allah would allow him to benefit from those things you can have a Hawaii in the hook / - Duma for an example or a lesson one hundred two hundred three thousand five thousand people sit in their fatigue gives a hole but there are some people will go in there and they come out with nothing there other people who hear that same Kaaba and his Eman is raised up so the Welli allahu taala allows his hearing to benefit him when he hears someone come and he says something that's the truth he appreciates it and he realizes his falsehood a lot allows him to hear it for its reality and the sea is the same way he allows a person to benefit from his eyesight to protect his eyesight from those things that are gonna be a problem for him and so for this one it does not mean by any stretch of the imagination that the individual becomes one with Allah or Allah becomes one with him because as I mentioned some of the people in disturb this issue of the wilayah the Odia the wrong way three groups one too far to the right one too far to the left and one in the middle there's a group of people the Sufi the people of a Sophia who take this hadith of the welly and they understand from the hadith of the woody that if a person becomes a relief from the Odia of Allah then he doesn't make any mistakes because Allah as has seen analyzes hearing analyzes hand a lot of strikes for him and he walks he became like Allah so he's my assume as a result of that the sofie's put the Whammy above the lathe oil the level of the Nabi they say the lowest level is a Rasul and then above the Rasul is the nebby and then above the nebby is the weddi and one of their Welli you can do something crazy but the number the well ii was saying or they believed that the woody he can clearly do something against the religion and the murid saw it and the Mourinho's with his ignorance he knows this thing that you did is wrong this golem gets the deed but the way they teach me was i'm from the olia so I became the scene in the here in the lasso and they had this extreme so those people were extremely as a result of that they make du'a to those people as a result of that they slaughter for those people as a result of that they attribute to those people what they don't deserve that's extreme the other extreme are those people who a person can be from the olia for an example as I told you everyone here we should struggle and try to be from the Odia may Allah make us off from the olia if we can be from the OD of Allah then we have to have personal than with the ranima for an example if anyone's going to be a relief from the Odia then it's going to be a scholar I am NOT establishing share so-and-so as a woody from the ODI of Allah because that's speaking about Allah is religion without knowledge but if anyone was going to be a Winnie more than likely is going to be Lauren Emma a scholar so look at the other extreme when a scholar makes a mistake in his HT had a person may love that scholar but in the issues of jihad for an example HT had the scholar says I don't see this as being jihad or whatever because the person doesn't like that WA he'll take that Willie and say ok he's no good at all he's no good so he going straight they go to the extreme that's just an example someone like the NBN the Russell there from the only of Allah the she I came and they said no they're not from the olia of Allah so we have to be in the middle we have to be balanced we have to establish and we have to believe in the only avala the prophets and the messengers all of them are from the olia of allies which of all of them and their masoom as for regular Benny Adam the prophets companions Allah Lonnie was a lore of the alarm a Jemaine they were from the OD of Allah then the next level after the prophets and the messengers but they're from the OD of Allah but they are not ma soon before we deal with that door I want to shala just mention something about the hadith because it is important the hadith of the Welli the hadith of the Walia when he goes to show from the characteristics of Eliezer Gellin what he does is that Allah declares war against people and Allah will wage war against people because that hadith said anyone who was an opposition and he's fighting a relief for my olia I declare war against that individual and if Allah declares war against individual you know it's a major sin so from the Kabir is to be an opposition to someone who is a wali from the Odia of Allah because the recumbents of it the reward of it the Jews at the Wahb of it is al Haram in Allah he mentioned in the Quran concerning RIBA al-ladhina amanu table was varoom bokkeum in arriba in kuntum mu'minin' for in l'm to follow then be huggable mine'll a little sweet o you who believe fear allah and give up your desire to devour to take interests if you're really believers verily if you don't give up that desire to take interest then beware that allah has the clear war against those people who do that so that helps us to know that interest is a major crime so the point here is from a las characteristics is that he declares war abdullah now Bassam rub the elan who said about that ayat and so total buckin about interests yo mokey Omelas going to be said to the individual who died and he was taking usury go and get your weapons and fight against allah azza wajal so allah declares war on people and also people declare war against allah in Syria the Syrian regime has declared war against a large region the ya'juj and ma'juj they declare war against allah the prophet said sallallahu I didn't tell him that yet jujin mcjewjew are gonna kill everybody on the earth with the exception of Subramaniam saleh loved what he was selling them and the believers were with the e7 America but he said o Maryam he won't have the ability or the power to fight against you Jamaat yuge so what is he going to do he's going to go the other way and make his run and take those people up on a mountain where they're gonna be safe yeah juju ma'juj they're going to say amongst themselves we have annihilated that we killed everybody on the earth so now let us turn our attention to those who are in the heavens and let us kill them at that point Allahu Supanova is going to destroy them so the point is people declare war against Allah and Allah declares war against the people and the declaration of war that Allah will try to declares the people it's not like some new Barossa we're gonna have a duel clearly allahu taala is a co e and he is above the people and might in power it is a threat telling people don't do this particular thing and from those things that would guarantee a person destruction is being in opposition to the olia of allahu subhanahu wata'ala and the hadith of the only is it well a funny important issue about it is if a person wants to become a relief from the old yeah of Allah then he has to do the Farrar it he has to do was wagon he has to do the five prayers every day acid give zakat he has to make Hajj those things that are we're cheap he has to do we say that these people of a tasawwuf they're not from the OD of Allah I can't sit here and say that this share for that share from the good Rama is a welly from the ODI I can't say that cuz I speak about Allah's religion without any knowledge but with knowledge I can say that that man who came here from West Africa he's not from the OD avila because he's spreading shook and cover the hadith said that the slave gets close to Allah by doing the Ferrar it he's getting close to Allah by doing coughing he shook by spreading for a fat by spreading bitter this is not it won't be accepted as Allah mentioned in the Quran Romania petty rival Islam Idina Fairlane yo cobalamin whoa whoa whoa fill our karate men are hustling anyone who chooses other than Islam and what Islam says is the truth and the religion then it won't be accepted from him person doing Kaufland his deeds are going to be rendered null and void also also people want to make jihad jihad that's facade and fitna the is is of Iraq and other people who think like that are blowing up and killing people Boko Haram car either people like this the Shabaab of Somalia these people understand killing innocent people is jihad and you're gonna get close to allies Rogell by killing those people you can't be from the ODI of allah doom was her arm like that the way a person becomes a relief from the Odia of allah is getting close to allah by doing the wedgie back and number two doing a lot of Nawaf him and found in Hawaii that even the practice and Muslims selfie and non selfie the practice and Muslims from whatever group that there from the practice and Muslims a lot of times we have a guru we are like impressed with ourselves a person of Aloha death he should try to do more of the nawafil fasting Thursday and Friday praying the nawafil connected to the five prayers many of us we don't have a lot of it'd be bad that but we look at ourselves and our cronies and we look at each other as being to cut we look at each other as being we're the ones I'm talking about us I'm not talking about somebody else but that is something that hey the people of the sunnah of the pass that nawafil those people upon that issue of doing the nawafil that's one of the ways that a person can become a wali from the Odia of allah subhanho wa taala laser not by just sitting down and just merely making as she are a slogan where the are where the seller fees the hot cos were not like that statements and words are important they're part of Eman you have to say la ilaha illallah you have to say things you have to read the Quran you have to do things with your tongue but again the actions they speak louder than words so concerning this hadith of the Welli it is one of those hadith that is from the Johanna and kill him and that's why Imam and no we rahim allah will Tana put it in his book now i'm concerning this issue of the olia allahu ta'ala he has olya and also a Shaitaan he has only yeah I love without I mentioned many many ayat that established the Shaitaan he has oh yeah he said in the Quran with putting a little mela Akitas Judy Adam aforesaid I do and remember when Allah said to the Angels bow down to Adam they all bow down Allah Iblees except Iblees he didn't bow down Kahneman Elgin for fasiqun Amira B he was from the gym so he disobeyed the command of his Lord and then allahu taala mentioned in the ayat to Benny Adam a Fatah he do know who was the rillette - oh yeah I mean doing evil whom let him I do do you Benny Adam take EEB lease and his progeny do you take a bliss and his progeny as olia instead of me and he's a clear open enemy to you so that iron establishes that people take a Shaitaan as a Welli people not only take Shaitaan by his Veria his progeny the Shia team from the jinn and other than that people take them as protectors as they Odia so they are the Odia of a Shaitaan and they do the bidding of a shape on so many ayahs are given us that understand and alikum a Shaitaan you hope with will olia ah-hoo for that half omaha fuuny and come to me mean verily that is a Shaytan who tried fear in his olia again a Shaytan he has Odia so don't be afraid of the idea of a Shaitaan but be afraid of me Allah if you're truly believers so there are many many ayahs many many many ayahs that establish that those people who spread shitcan cover they fight in the cause and the way of a Shaitaan allahu taala mention that in the quran that the people who believe you try to unify sabili llahi' well lady in a kafir oh you can't even a feasibility table would for cartullo olya a shade Tod indicated shaytani canada Aoife those people believe they fighting the cause of Allah to spread the hot and the truth and those people disbelieve they fighting the cause of a Shaitaan they filing the cause of the target so all of you believers should fight the olia of a Shaitaan because the plan of a Shaitaan is always weak as frivolous is life so those people who spread mischief and they make facade and they make and they spread amongst two people shit-canned Cofer it's not permissible to thinking to believe or to perceive them as being the olya as we mentioned the olya of allies would yell at the saints of allah the Friends of Allah are those individuals who have the proper Emad and it could be anybody and they also have a tuck wha-at up wah from the wedgie back the actions and the DS that an individual can do to become from the OT Avila as I was mentioning before in the hadith of the well II is that is the wedgie back that get people close to Allah the best followed the best magic if you want to get close to Allah the best one is through the salon there's nothing better than that if you know a person who's not praying or lie he he can't be from the only avila if you want to struggle and strive make jihad to be from the OD of Allah or on their way and the best way to do that is the Salah I don't say from the best ways the best way after toe heat the best way is the salon it's the most important physical action that you can do to become from the Odia of Allah Abdullah beauty must all say that a man came in acts the Prophet sallallaahu salamy rasul allah what is the most beloved ds2 allah the Haditha the one he said the slave will not continue to do the nawafil until i love him and if I love him then I become his hand his eyes as FINA so forth so on what is the best deed that Allah loves the Prophet he says sallallahu salamis Allah Arabic dijah make us a lot at his right time Allah loves that and he loves that the slave would do it in sorrow to Allah one of the ayats of the Quran where we are commanded and courage to make sajda and sorrow to up and other Arabs me Rebekah lady Halep towards the end of the sir allahu taala said was good what terrible make such the mix Allah and you get close to Allah the prophet sallallaahu I seldom occur my hakuna nod men rugby or Sajid the closest that the slave is to his Lord the closest that the slave is to his Lord is when he's insistent and the Cente here is talking about the salon so anyone who wants to be a relief from the Odia of Allah then let him be of those people who make the salat let him be of those people make the 5yg back they make the Juma prayer which is wajib a-- and they make the tour it which is watch it and also they do the nawafil connected to that l it's the Hara a Doha the Torah cos of alpha and other than that going into the house all of those things that the properties to do sallallahu alayhi wa ala Adam Sendler also from the yg back there honey that will get a person close to Allah I remind you of this is being fair in just being a person who's fair and just not being a person who is oppressive when things go against your friend you're not fear you're not just the Muslim is accountable for being a person who stands out for justice whether it's against him or for him against the closest people to him his Masjid other than that authentic hadith and they be describe the situation that's going to happen you okay I'm and he said so little of what he was selling them in the look-see team inda llahi and I'm an air beer I mean nor and I mean Iraq man will kill ty a day he Amin alladhina yeah I did wonder if he hooked me him me him well my one low verily the people who are Moxie team the mocks it is the one was fair and justice he's fair like doing the time of the Companions of jihad that they used to do their jihad a lot o those companions lagging hakama wahoo and ladina lemme okatee lucuma Dean well I'm you hurry tjuku mindy i recommand to borrow whom what took c to a layman allaha yuhibbu morsi teen Muhammad Allah has not prevented you he does not prohibited you from being fair and just and to deal kindly with those cough are of Quraish the mushrik or who do not expel you because of your religion like Koresh they don't fight against you because of your religion like Koresh these people were fighting you Allah did not prevent you from being kind and just with them and fair and Allah loves democracy team so in the hadith he said that the fair and the just people they were beyond members remember like in a message of Pope is made of light and they will be on the right side of a rock man they'll be on members close to Allah my slave would not do what his wage if except he gets close to me so what's wide you to be fair and just likes a lot it'll put the person close to Allah and they'll be upon members made of light and the members will be on the right of a rock man and the Prophet said in both of Allah's hands our right hands and they were not to mention they are the people who when they give a ruling their fair and just and their fair and just amongst their family members they have issue with their wife and their mother they know how to balance that out they know when to beyond the wife's I went to be on the mother's side how to be on the wife side how to be on the mother's side they have children they know they're fair between the boys and the girls the eldest and the youngster just the people in general so the point here honey and the share head of all that Quran is that the way of Allah so a gentleman is the one who is doing what's watching and there are many things to do that's wagered whatever is a wedge up from the wedgie back will get you close to Allah and thus is a Sabeel to becoming a woman and add it to that is doing the zyada of the nawafil the zyada of salah psalms sadaqa hajj umrah whatever you could possibly think of in the religion like the niqab then the video doesn't feel like they make copies watch it doesn't have to do it but if the lady puts on the niqab is her jihad and is her attempt in her way of saying I'm going to do this extra thing from the nawafil because Allah said my slave doesn't to the nawafil more and more and more and more until because of that I love him and so forth and so on so the last thing they want to mention concerning inshallah the issue of the olya is that the Odia is not based upon people's designs the Sufis they said akane that people were made known are from the olya Vala someone whose Majnoon he's from the is a wedding so if someone is walking down Coventry Road as we see and he lost his mind and he's speaking in tongues they will look at an individual and instead of looking at him we're like many normal people would say okay watch out don't go to cosa the Sufi will say mashallah but he's a relief from the OD of Allah the Sufis believed that this little kid right here is a what lead from the OD of Allah that kid ain't nobody he may grow up to be a wily and shall i you may grow up he may grow up but right now the Prophet mention salallahu alayhi wasalam roofie I will tell him once the laughs the pin has been raised off of three people there's no pill of that kid and that's why he's walking around no one's saying anything to him because he doesn't know so the well E is the one who has Eman and taqwa the little kitty has no Eman he has no tuk-tuk what meaning he knows what he's doing but Majnoon he doesn't have any man no tuk boy doesn't know he's doing so we don't go overboard and we don't go astray like that the only are the people who they have their or pool they have huckle and based upon that Aqil they do what Allah who taught me wage it before them and upon them and they do a lot of the nawafil as for them being my assume this is not the case and we know that because the Companions of the Prophet sallallaahu Selim as we mentioned they were from the olia but they made mistakes they made mistakes Abu Bakr of the Alon Moreh Lawrence monatti they made HT had and fit they may HD had in fact and in the HT had sometimes they made mistakes and other companions corrected them the position of the Companions was the correct one and des was wrong no going to argue about that some of the other companions they did certain sins that cause the HUD capital punishment to be established upon them they all olia so the wedding a person's a woody if he's not an ABI or oh so it doesn't mean or imply that is my assume so if a person happens to be away from the shield from the ulema from the robot from the soil a him from the muttaqeen we don't go overboard and say that that person is occupying a station that is higher than the prophets and the messengers and based upon the hadith of the one he allows Rogell has come inside of him and this hadith shows and her Lord Allah is one with the Oly and the holy are one with Elijah jail that's not understanding the hadith with the intent that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam explained it so we understand these issues a la mirada LA and we understand these issues ala murad rasool allah sallallahu taala the way allah wanted it to be understood the way the Prophet wanted to wanted it to be understood so we're gonna stop hearing showers with young and if you brothers have any questions concerning what we mentioned today you can put your question in Falun Dafa double I was for the a feeble ah is it conceivable that Eliezer general would allow two of his awliya to fight nam is conceivable is conceivable and the proof of that is with the companions or a yellow onion and the proof of that is that after the death of the Nabi in doing his life some of the Companions used to have arguments Abu Bakr Umar they argue with each other different times during the course of the life of Rasul Allah he saw a lot of seldom but obviously the arguments never went into the realm of cursings we're in and abusing just natural after the death the OD of Allah from the Companions from the side of Adi fought the OD of Allah from the side of a Leah so now the question is was the hikmah in that there's many hikmah sin that one hikmah is it goes to show that the prophets and the messengers are in a higher level because it never happened where the prophets and the messengers were fighting the oda with the prophets and the messages even musa when he came and he grabbed his brothers Lithia he grabbed it because he thought his brother has something to do with something to do with Benny and Cyril worshiping the thing but they weren't fighting like that but the people were lesser degree than the prophets and the messengers Leonia although there olia they still can have some drama between themselves another benefit of that and Hawaii is it teaches us it teaches us is that those mistakes that those companions had made rub the alarm the fact that it shows us what to do and what not to do we look at those other companions who didn't get involved so they become the ones who are they become the ones were the example the Poudre and also with the ones who had got involved it's a benefit how it's a benefit because it's a fitna is a test doing the key laugh of Ali when that fitna was taking place and he sent his son hassan and he sent amar even oh yeah Sarah to Al Iraq because that's where the drama was he sent them from Medina to Al erupt they went into the message of the Iraqi who were agitated and they wanted to fight against Ali with morale we Enda hassan is the son of ali he gives on the top step on the member and ahmad abu yaseen got on the bottom step and between them was one step and i'm hasn't begun to talk one of the two began to talk and he's a people of iraq aisha they're against Ayesha Ayesha is a fitna she's a test for you she's from the people of agenda and she's the prophets wife they supported Aisha they wanted to fight Ali with Aisha so they said Aisha is a test she's a fitness for you she's the wife of the Nabil she's in general but with her Allah is testing you do you obey a line is messenger or do you obey her so that was a fitna so those companions fighting it's also a test it's a test some people fell in the test by getting in there and saying bad things about the whole group or bad things about a little bait or bad things about the people or against a little bait that's where the person who passes the test is the one who says rubber knife Elena will be honey melody nurse of hakuna bill Eman what I touch I'll feel cool ooh being a little early latina Ameno that do are that the people say for the people weren't before oh Allah forgive us and forgive our brothers who preceded us in Eman and don't put in our hearts any animosity or enmity towards those who believe towards those believers so there are a number of benefits from that issue Allah does what he wants to do any more questions equity any more questions out there Yousef you have something no ok then insha'Allah we're gonna stop here next week be there nah I don't know what the schedule is but we encourage you to try to start bringing a person or to our I think every week we should try to bring someone out so that we'll be able to spread our dour more the other thing is planting one of the brothers who attends our program here he has a son and young son his name is ISA ISA has some medical issues some challenges some stuff that's going on with him right now I want to ask you brothers and new sisters not to forget ISA in your dua that you ask Allah Allah to give him the complete and the exact Shiva for his situation and also for all of the Muslims but I'm not saying just right now you say but I still always remember that kid and the Muslims were sick because they're in need of our dua and as I mentioned the dua of the wedding Allah Allah said water is Eleni the octi and know if he asked me for something I'll give it to him if he asked me for something I'll give it to him so if we put the R'lyeh only way certain people and it's not for everyone to raise to be like to raise to be a wedding then we are cheating ourselves because now none of those people are here those special people they're not here with us and we need do our for ASA we need dua and we look at ourselves as being unworthy we're not olya know someone could be a wedding in here but you have to be careful about thinking I'll go Willie don't walk around like that I'm well lucky I'm a Willie don't don't be like that struggle strive try to be already and don't think that you can't be I Willie the Maddy the Maddy the mighty of the Sunnah the Prophet said about him sallallahu wasallam useless who la you sliggoo la fille later to Waheeda allow a rectify his situation in one night le mom had been katheer the Hafiz and imam abu Fidesz Marylebone cthey r-rahim allah he said about this hadith in LBI Wendy hiya he said that the meaning of this hadith according to allude hadith is the Maddie is not always going to be a practice in person she's not always going to be a religious person but in one night Allah will change his situation hermano de Lyonne ho he wasn't always from the OD of Allah wasn't always from them and then he became from the album awliya of allah wa taala mcdoon al anbiya wa russell salawatullahi wa salamu ala main y la Habana be sallallahu alayhi wasallam hada - Allah Todd and you were away yakima maha bua allah assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 13,399
Rating: 4.8490567 out of 5
Keywords: Awliyah (Saints) Of Allah - Abu Usamah Atthahabi, Allah (Deity), Saints, Awliyah, Allah, Quran, Sunnah, Muhammad, Shia, Sufis, sufi, kufr, shirk, bidah, bida, Sufism (Idea), Shia Islam (Religion), peer, peers, Koran, Prophet, Islam, Muslim, Muslims, wali of Allah, wali, Awliyah (Saints) Of Allah & The Awliyah of Shaytaan, Awliyah of Shaytaan
Id: uacu7PKZvk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 8sec (2648 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2014
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