Conversations with Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى-) - Shaykh Abu Usamah

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Malhar oh man over him al-hamdu lillahi wa kafa salawatullahi wa salamu ala nabina mustafa were a shadow and ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lahu wear eyeshadow and no muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh salah whathe why he was salam who ana he a mother as it was announced honey today's dollars is a reminder but we collectively discussed some of the important issues connected to adore adore is one of those issues that many people are negligent in its regard and it's not acceptable for muslim to be negligent in ik and it's a big and massive topic actually with Green Lane Masjid given series throughout the month where they keep continuity and consistency with the topic is one of those topics that we should take three months on for months on half of the year every week in sha Allah given some information about Blythe because that's how wide and that's how expensive it is and that's how important it is from what clearly shows and indicates the importance of a dawn in Ellis time and in the religion that the Prophet brought him what he was on in his Sunnah some Allah while he was sediment is an amazing situation that that a person can claim that he's from under Sunnah or the person can claim and really believe that he loves the Nabi Saleh lining seldom but you'll find that person man or woman negligent and neglectful as it relates to turn into a lies which other endure and the many of the people make the door we make it and we're doing things that will make your door are not accepted or we're not doing things that because of that they make your du'a not accepted but what makes it clear that the door is important as we always mention in these types of lectures is that they're in a marvelous name dealt with writing a lot of books about dois the books of al-hadith have a chat in there about a dog or diorite teaching the Muslims is the Sunnah of the prophets of Allah he will sell them and he used to make at least a Hara and he used to say this before going into the total acronym online he used to say this when he got married he used to say this and on and on and on because it's his life salawatullahi wa sallam Owyhee from the time he woke up in the morning to the time that he put his head on the pillow so the wattle why he was set on money he used to make a block and when we hear his name subtle of why he was selling them it is a block when he will wake up in the middle of the night there was a door for everything connected to his life so those pradana of a hadith especially an imam and SAE and imam abu bakr bin ABI dunya those scholars many of them an Amana knowing and a man even okay Liam Bravo - why I named him ajumma ain't they wrote books about Duan advised in the community and that in and of itself is an important proof that this issue is not an issue to be neglected there are some issues in this religion where if a person were to neglect them maybe it will not harm you that much but to be negligent as it relates to or sub bunny rabbit as it relates to this particular issue alone mubarak huh can the bob of the baby here come get your daughter I said Allah alaikum I thought it was you out here or why I thought it was you she's thirsty hit for them as it relates to may Allah protect and bless her along with all of our children from what shows the importance of the doís and honey is that allows Okinawan Tana as the Imam rate from surah a diet today in the second rocket mama held up to general insa Atlantia doing I have not created the jinn and mankind except the sole purpose of worshipping me that's why we are here when I hear to play playstation so a person is on PlayStation and he won't get off until he's told to get off the one who does that he doesn't understand why he was created if you want to mess about you want to relax you want to have recreation that's okay in Ellis lamb provided that it is how loud but if all the person does is engage himself with his tablet his iPhone and this type of stuff and he never says to herself I had to stop at this point he's not understanding why was he created I have not created the jinn and mankind except for the sole purpose of my ibadah so he said in the hadith sort of love while he was selling them a door who'll be bad he said du'a is le bada ba-da-da is a type of robada he said a dua who wa l robada it is robada because almost everybody from the e by that of al-islam from these forms of worships connected with this issue of good one that hadith goes to show dua is one of those forms of B bada that it should not be separated from the life of the Muslim the new Muslim when he comes into a slam he has to start learning about the doís the one who was born and raised in the slam he's been in slam all of his life all of his life the DA has to fit prominently in his or her life another very clear indication of the importance of the doís and having a discussion as a slave with a large vagina is the fact that many of the ayat of the Quran and hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu Adi who said them they command us to make this dawn many ayat there are certain issues in our religion like a toe heed it is repeated over and over and over in every chat of the Quran and many of the statements of the Prophet sallallaahu are you sellin the issue of and some holding on to the Katahdin Asuna mentioned over and over it's repetition because it's so important the danger of innovating in the religion the importance of following the nibby sallallaahu Iowa Senator not one two three four five six seven eight nine ten aiyah more than that because this thing is important there are certain issues in the Quran that only mentioned one time twice three times but there are those issues that are mentioned multiple times when that happens it's not Eliza just wasting time the repetition shows and it indicates the importance of that particular thing and this is one of those issues a Louisville Todd I mentioned in the Quran further waha luckily seen a level dean make dua to allah and make it to him with sincerity so he commanded us with that in the quran he said in the quran in the salah t when new tsuki wa ma hiya Wilma matically Larabee Lila me my salat some of the scholar says salat here is my door some scholars say a salat that we just made but the meaning of the Salah is a door linguistically that's what it means allah subhanho wa taala mentioned in the quran her father a book on her Unni a stage of local and your Lord has said to you make dua to me and verily I will answer your time just you make it meaning I am well if I said like everybody I need for in me forever oh gee who died with the diary that Donnie yeah I'm halal of what he was selling if my servants ask you about me tell them I'm close to them so let them call on me let them call on me and let them make du'a to me the Prophet said in the authentic Sunday there are many he said sallallahu Adi was selling them at dawn young for me - Allah well my lemons in for a lake me a tree bad Allah be drawn he said making dua will benefit you concerning what has happened something happened and you want to make du'a and the DA will also benefit you for those things that didn't happen yet so therefore servants of Allah he bad Allah make dua many i hadith many i ant commanded us to make du'a and the opposite of that holds true when we talk about the importance of dew on the virtues of the dawn is that we have those ayat and those a hadith that tell us the danger of being a person who is not making dawn you look at yourself you evaluate yourself self-evaluation and being critical having the nufs allah wanna the nufs that criticizes its sahib is owner that is enough that's beneficial not to think all the time that you're practicing not to think all the time that you are better than other people not being judgmental towards other people and ilton intolerant to other people having enough that says no you have to do more i have to do more so in regards to this issue of dois there are a number of time here from the prophet sallallaahu and cinnamon from Elijah vigil in the Lavina yes that be Runa and ebody tea so yet who knowledge on them a death hit him Allah said verily those people who have Kippur and they don't do my rebadow and be bad that here means a draw he means specifically here da as the hadith said adore poor robada those people who refuse to make dawn then I'm going to put them into the Hellfire and they're going to be lowly and they're going to be debased Allah and the Quran in surah al-fatah e mentioned well Maya but will become poor Maya but will become but be lola do i account tell them if it wasn't for your dawn my lord would not pay attention to you he wouldn't consider you and why should he consider you when your person who's not making dua to him subhanahu wa'ta'ala so there are a number of hadith and I at like he mentioned some love love why he was sending the men Lim yes and in that juggle double ilayhi whoever doesn't ask Allah for what he means Allah is angry or becomes angry with that individual the reason for that Armenian is clear and that's because if a person is not making dua something is wrong something is gravely wrong grossly wrong because we know as human beings yeah a UN a sentiment with Allah you people all of you you're a weak and you are in need of Allah you want to get married you have marital problems you want to get the job you have health issues there are so many things going on in our lives that we all have to make blond ok how rich a person is how poor the person is how intelligent how much money they have whatever his situation there's not a single person in this message right now this message it is filled up there is not a single man or woman here except that he needs dua we all have children how much do i did you make for those kids so we have those ayat and we have those a hadith one in people knowing that were weak knowing that we're in need if individual doesn't make dua then Elijah vigil he doesn't pay attention to that individual he becomes angry with that individual because there's something wrong going on he doesn't understand what is his reality and what happens is people like for home they don't make dawn people have a lot of money a lot of times it's about their money it's about the appalling the ability that they had they don't make blog so Allah will tyla's prophets of Allah why do you send them was one of the people in that regard concerning this importance of dry wine and this is important that is we are all indebted to more than one person there's not a single person here except just as he is weak and in need everybody here is indebted we're indebted to more than one person those of us who were married we're indebted to our wives some of them gave us children and even the ones who didn't give us children and it's not their fault what she does and what she brings to the table and the way of helping you out supporting you in your life that's a day our mothers our fathers were indebted this message it right now we're indebted to whoever was responsible for making this masjid a reality going all the way back to where the first original money came from a abdul-aziz of ambass rotten little ahi are they the first people who built this mosque - how has become right now we owe a debt of gratitude to those individuals and on and on and on everybody is indebted everybody the Prophet connected this issue to the door he says sallallahu aleyhi wa ala aalihi wa salem man Sana'a alaikum Martha for Cathy o for in them te do my - Cathy owner who further Allah who had the turtle and knocking katha to move if someone did good to you or by you they gave you something helped you out with something they did something for you then what you should do is repay them in kind your mother gave you birth your father raised you we took care of you someone gave a my roof to you he said repay them in kind so that's what we get that soon as Muslims when the neighbor sends you some food you take that food and then you put some food back in there and you send it back to them it's not magic it's not Lazar maybe you don't have the ability to do it but that's one of the hadith that show that is the Sunnah you don't send an empty plate back if you can help it you send them back a plate similar to what they gave you he said if one of you is in a position where you can't repay the person who did that my roof to you or for you then make dua for them until you feel as if you've repay them because there are people you can't repay we are not in a position to repay our mothers and our fathers for what they did Ken's impossible it is impossible one man wanted to know Yara Sola how do I repay my father for what he did he said if you found your father as a slave and you pay for his freedom you repaint him none of us are going to find our fathers as a slave so in repaying them how do you do that you make du'a for him you make dua for yo Mookie Allah the Father find himself in the highest station then what do you expect it and it'll say how did that happen and it be said to him because of the istic file and the doís of your children for you you just kept rising up because of that so the individuals on the dunya asking Allah forgive them give them this do that so forth is on because you can't repair and I want to make mention of this right now because it's the heart I will never be able to repay al imam al albani never and I never met her in my life and that's because when the doors of the Sunnah opened towards me as salafiyyah they opened towards me face in the direction of Jordan listening to him reading what he wrote and being educated by him more than any other scholar how do I repay you especially right now when the winds of adversity start to blow right now we have all kinds of misunderstandings of a set of fear itself maybe had he not been in the equation I would have been one of those people who sell a figure to me is you don't agree with me I'm going to throw you off of the Sun and I won't be happy with you but his teachers prevent it from that because he taught people principles and he was gentle and he was understanding so I'll never be able to repay him so if there's anybody in this Masjid anybody that you feel you've got new benefit from me I ask you by Allah to make dua for LN bang because I can never repay him ever ever and that's the request that I make for my family members as well I'll give you another example and you look at this through your whole lives there was a student that came from London and he started coming to greening message after being in the streets he's from Gambia his name is Ahmed you don't know him he got his life together and he went to the University something came up and they say you have to pay this money if you don't pay this money we're gonna kick you out he didn't have anybody to turn to and he only had a few days to pay that money he came to me actually and I'm not saying this to get patted on the back because I'm the type of person I don't loan out money because I don't have money that I can afford it to get stolen but he needed that money and he convinced me and I trusted him I gave him five hundred dollars listen five hundred pounds took a chance and I don't do that he stayed in the university he graduated with good grades I have to graduate him he got a job with his degree he got married he had children every child he had he would call me and fight me to his house every time that brother would see me to this very day I don't know that's four or five six years now he would always always I wouldn't say go overboard but he would keep saying to me jazakallah Harry a chef like he does that he would always do that understood and I understand one of the reasons why he did that is because of that hadith he was in a situation that he's in a 23rd hour he doesn't get that money the quality of his life is going to be adversely affected someone steps in at that moment and helps that individual he's going to fill I can never repay that individual and he gave me my money back so he really gave me what I gave him but it was the sensitivity of the issue that's my situation I'm not telling you this because I want you to praise me and look at what I did I understand I understand what that brother is coming from and some of you were in situations like that someone came to your aid in you assistance at a time when it was critical and sensitive yes it could have been 10 years ago 15 20 years ago the Prophet he told us on the love why do you seldom if someone does my roof to you then you make it your business to make dua for that person so the question now is all of us are that individual people did things for us but we haven't made to offer these people in a long time we made dua once it happy that was it and we forgot about it no he said make dua for the individual until you feel you've actually given him back what he gave you that you don't have the ability to make the testis of that issue so that's from the importance of the door honey not to mention is while making to Argos your enemies from the shayateen of the in send the Jin all of us have enemies from the instantly Jing every prophet of e messenger he had enemies from the ends of the shayateen the shayateen of the ends and the Jin you think we're not going to have that so that's why when the Muslims are going to fight in the jihad of al-islam but jihad that has its proper time is place as context it's time is a dad one of the times that the dua is accepted is right before the Muslims fight the enemy so the Prophet taught us at plethora plethora of drama when you have drama with an individual someone who was oppressive someone was going to do you harm going into a city he saw a lot in selling used to say allahumma inni a judoka fiend affording him I put you Ya Allah I'm asking you to be in their necks meaning they want any harm for me I'm asking you to help the situation I have to go to court I have an issue with my immigrations I have some problem at my job there's a drama there's a problem between a co-working myself and we have to sit with these people they're gonna decide keep my job don't keep my job oh Allah ask you to be in the necks of those people allahumma la ila Allah my Allah Ta'ala when they touch a little hasn't me that the sila there is nothing easy except what you make easy and I ask you to make this difficult task that's in front of me to make it easy now as I race adora against your enemy from the ends of the Jin but do I'm one of the issues of on one of the problems that we have is making dua only when you have drama in a problem only only when if that's a person's reality and that's the reality of most people when you have a problem that's when we turn to Allah and Allah even at that time he'll give people but the Prophet as a release of the door I saw Allah while he was selling them he used to encourage people and order people in command people remember Allah doing the good times and Allah will remember you doing the bad times when you are in need he'll remember you and sometimes as well if an individual was negligent as it relates to Eliezer gel Allah without a puts them in these difficult situations to force him to turn to him to learn a lesson but pointings our Sooners should not be I only make dua when there's a problem I only read the Quran when there's a problem I only read the karana do this I'll do that at the particular season of that thing that has presented itself I only fasted Ramadan be the piranha Ramadan read extra solana Ramadan and so forth and so on so all of those issues Akane they clearly show and indicate the importance of the door on the Deen of eliezer each other and there are many other issues that may be doing the Q&A session will touch upon them but we have other things to deal with in regards to the door on being the ebody then obviously has to be done the right way so every Muslim who's worth his weight in salt he has to learn about the etiquettes of a duan the conditions of a dog how to make the dog because as I mentioned a person may be doing something or he may have abandoned and left off something because of that he blocks himself out of the barakah and the proble the acceptance of his door so from those conditions I just want to mention three the first condition is we have to be sure absolutely sure that our dua honey is for Allah and Allah alone the unloved atole the ummah Bellis lamb a group of people who although we make mistakes we shouldn't make this mistake of a shidduch making dua to other than Allah making dua to the prophets of the lava he will sell them to a dead saint making dois through somebody and they go to Elisha Vaghela this shouldn't be the case of people of lslam because again all of those ayat and all of those a hadith that prevent that from happening like the statement of allahu taala as we mentioned federal waha mostly seen Allah who Dean willow Kelly hell Cathy Road make dua to Allah with a glass with sincerity and a class means that it is pure it is void of being mixed up with the pollutants of ship making dua to be seen by people so that they could say you're making dua making dua and you only make dua in front of people or really with sincerity you make door to Allah but you're making shifting you asking the prophets of Allah what he was selling them ya rasul allah ya muhammad ya Ali or whatever it is that people they say so the first condition of that door is for a person to make it with sincerity and sincerity Hawaii is the cornerstone of all of the II Baghdad of Al Islam in surah confirm analyze which I described the servants of Rahman the true servants of Allah he mentioned well Adina Llyod Aruna mala he like him I heard they are those people who don't call on and make dua with Allah and someone else for lighted room Allahu Allahu Allah another I prohibited don't call on any other Allah along with Allah that I previously in the Salah T when new tsuki wa Maya were my mantle inlay la sharika lahu my dua is only for Allah my salat is only for Allah so i'ma tell Islam this issue of a door dois has to be with Allah or for Allah and that's it second condition is that you have to follow the Sunnah of the prophets of Allah why he will send them again people make du'a in a crazy way and because they making that do on that way your dua doesn't go beyond your neck you may be doing something like the wife who is disobedient she makes dua so it's not accepted as it go beyond her neck the individual who loaned someone money and he didn't have that person to write it down and he didn't witness it he makes dua and his dua is not accepted because he's doing something or he's not doing something that makes his do I just go to his neck it doesn't go up it's not accepted so as it relates to following the prophet sallallaahu i do you send them anyone who does an action that it is not in accordance with what he brought is going to be rejected no matter who that person is so we see from our ummah many people from our mothers and our fathers for my auntie's and our uncle's from our neighbors from these messages in this large city in london people make Doron they call on other than Allah people make do on they make dua in the way that's not legislated so as a result of that it is innovation and it will be rejected I know people from the Sunnah you make the mistake right now you make a mistake you have to go to the share in order to make tawba with the share basically with some of our brothers you make a mistake you and I we have a disagreement the chef likes you more than me or he agrees with you and he doesn't agree with me the sheriff tells me I bow you can't give any more talks until you say you're sorry who who who has the right to tell me that I have students in this audience right now some of you come here on Saturday I have a number of students who are here every Thursday when I'm here that student does something and I say to him you keep your mouth shut about dower and till you apologize to that brother you make it right what right do I have to see that where does that come from and those other students believe what I'm doing is okay no you can continue to do Dow it along you do what you're doing but if I said to you you should make peace that's between you and Allah you have the right to stop you from giving Dawa so we have some people who claim the Sunnah the understanding of Islam is like that now and I say again may eliezer each other put imam Schieffelin banging the genital for adults for teaching at OU heating away we even come across as if he is the Don Dada Don Corleone he's the one who has to be listened to and only what he said and if you don't do what he said he's gonna knock you down and knock him down it's not our religion and when the person has a clause and the person has told he'd he's not afraid of the government the police the shear the jinn the criminal the dark he's not afraid of his own thoughts because he's a person of a toe heel when as I Peter's jammed up and it has Shuba hat and has a way of you know the sugar had to shift can bid on things like that it'll be afraid of his own shadow his own shadow make him afraid so the dua or honey has to be in accordance to what the Prophet brought so Allah why he was selling them and those companions or dwama when I lay him they did their job and a responsibility telling us the times that the dua is accepted the places that the Duan were accepted the things that he used to do how he would make dua the things that he would do to show that if you do this thing this is in accordance to the Sunnah this is how you make the door so stay away from introducing in the religion what was not legislating this is a serious issue so serious issue from those conditions as well as honey just the last one is as muslims when we make du'a we have to make dua with that he appeal with the Hakeem he's a student he doesn't know where he's going to get that long from and he doesn't want to go to the bank he doesn't know he feels I can't come to the mission at the Masjid to give me a loan and I can't gather up my relatives and ask them to give me a loan because I'm dead set against getting a loan to go to university with RIBA attached to it but I don't know any other way okay turn to Allah make dua but more than likely it's not gonna happen he fills who can I go to four or five people to get ten thousand pounds fifteen twenty thousand pounds for one year can I go to it's not gonna happen he makes due out to Eliezer jelling he has European that when he makes that drunk or whatever it is Allah is going to give it to him in sha Allah and if Allah doesn't give it to him he has to feel she has to fill that by a lot like giving me that thing that was better for me so when our audience is that couple that's been married three four five sixteen years they never had a baby they want to do IMF they want to do this they want to do that that's okay no problem but where is the drunk he makes dua to Allah and our audience that person who was sick the c-word has come up is entered into the equation cancer may Allah who try to protect us from all little sicknesses cancer I was contacted by a person who she's been told she has cancer and she has the chemotherapy but she doesn't want to do the chemotherapy because she feels chemotherapy as a hustle it's just a hustle because in these capitalistic societies everything is a hustle you're gonna have a baby you got to buy pink for the girl you gotta buy blue for the boy and everything cost a lot of money because they know people are always gonna have babies so they over price everything take advantage of the people it's a hustle so a lot of things connected to the medical fill in the medical world and what the people need it's a hustle ain't even real even when people want to eat healthy vegans vegetarians you want to eat healthy it's a hustle so instead of buying a bottle of water that cause 50 paise sixty pink they'll say okay this bottle of water though it's a bit different and they go and charge your pound and a half and because you're into that you're gonna pay for it and they just lying it's the same water it's the same water I even saw a video recently where people were selling Zamzam water and it wasn't Sam Sam mortar they were just sealing it again and selling people the water so it's a hustle so she wants to know can I just forego this Kimmel 30 Farah pee my hair falls out and they killed you with that chemotherapy and just try to do it this way and I gave my opinion all right people like that it's serious issue it's not a theory hypothetical she has cancer may Allah give us she felt do you make dua and you have your team or lives going to answer it and that's because the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa ala ali was said of them that's what he commanded us to do to make dua to elijah just knowing that all of the treasures are in the hands of allies or jelly does whatever he wants to do and then when we look at the Quran and we look at the stories of the prophets and the messengers and the righteous people sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanting him who were in some serious situations we would tell those stories so that we would take a page out of their lives Yanis being in the well I hope having his situation all of those cases the prophets starting the Dawa out in Mecca so a lot even seldom as if it was right before our very eyes we know how lslam started they were a few people who were being persecuted until they reached al madina and before he died some love love while he was telling them he developed a community that went on to practically rule the world conquered the world and that started off with the duo of the Prophet and Mectizan the love why did he wanna audience and he used to tell her companions I swear by the one who my soul is in his hands a time is going to come this is when they came to him complaining yah Rasul Allah make dua for us Yaris Allah ask Allah to help us he would tell them you people are in haste he would tell them about the people in the past and how they were persecuted he said well Lonnie I swear by the one who my soul is in his hand a time is going to come where a person will be able to travel from this distance to that distance he won't be afraid of anything except the wolf devouring his sheep and he said that statement to his companions solo out the light with ceremony when there was a lot of Islamophobia going on everybody in this messages started making dua to Allah so JAL protect Islam and the Muslims in this country protect Islam the Muslim from these people want to destroy it from inside our community and outside of the community will yaqeen why wouldn't it happen and that's a question that's a question every Ramadan like one is coming right now later to Qatar other than later to Qatar we're fasting every Ramadan the Imam and the Connaught Allah is al-islam oh and mostly me I mean I really slam I mostly mean I mean every day every year Ramadan every day every year and look at the condition of our most of our community the answer we do things that make the do are not accepted we leave all things that make the do not accept it so the point here if one is from the Sharad and the conditions of the dawn is don't make dua and just throw it up and it's just Koran but you make that do I really believe in that Allah so gel is going to help you that is Sahara dua or whatever it is we need that drama we have enemies from within and we are without from the instant legend people are married how are you going to protect your children when you get married there's that dua you have to make and you don't just make it on your lease and the man is about to cohabitate with his wife barik alaa faecal so he may say with his tongue the dawn but he didn't really think about it he didn't really didn't mean it but one has to be made and the person has in his mind in his heart and he prohibited us from being that individual says oh Allah give me this and give me that if you choose he said don't say that you have to have that thing in you where you are sure inshallah I called on Allah called on Allah that's the law is the law but he never gave me so I'm gonna stop you said don't do that don't do that now it's funny we want to shift gears now shoutout to another very important aspect of the door and that is we've been informed that there are places and there are times that if you make that door on that dry in sha Allah is more apt to be accepted and there are many places many many places and many times right the Adhan right the will do when the person is making the event and you say after the m---eleven what he says and then you make the dua for them a common mood for the nebs of the love what do you sell them the profits that I promise you I'm going to give the xi5 for you llamo Keanu I'll give you intercession at that time you make the world oh you make the do after the world oh there are the doors of agenda that open up to have that do I accept it but again the way we are the way we are and I'm not putting anybody down because when I say the way we are I'm from you and you're from me those challenges you have with your children I have with mine we're the same we're the same we are negligent as a relates to this issue of a dawn the dua is truly the weapon of the believer from those times that honey is between the Adhan in between the Akama some of us were in the mischief we heard the event we prayed to raka that do are between that time is a special time and you'll find many people won't take advantage of it and it's a time for the dua to be accepted so as I look in the audience and you look at me everybody here has drama in his life everybody there's a place where the do I can work in your life but we want to sit back and relax on our laurels and just think that it's just gonna take care of itself no you have to get up and you have to make jihad and part of solving the problem is let me make these dua at these particular time not just because this is a problem but because there's something that I've been shown it works it's a formula to it and in addition to that and I'm a cured one more act and susceptible to being accepted by Allah with Allah from those times as well that honey is when it rains I think everybody knows that when it rains was a time with the prophets of the love why he was seldom used to make drunk when he would make sajda says that in the salat he would make more dua and he encouraged the people when he said try to make a lot of such that a lot of doing this edge there because when you're prostrating that's the closest that you are to Allah you put your face on the floor and you're submitting you humbling yourself so open up the door and that's why if the Eman wanted to lead us in the salat and he wanted to elongate this a lot make the recitation long make the roku long make the km long and make this such the long prophet used to do that sometimes so love love why do you send them and sometimes you will make it short depending on the situation sometimes we will pray our mother Aisha may Allah be pleased with a sec It was as if he only read surah through fatiha that's it and other times we would pray the person was praying with him would say I started thinking about something that was evil what was evil that he wanted to get out of the salat with the Prophet and say go you pray by yourself because it was a bit too long for him so he did all of that depending upon what the situation was as it relates to dawn whether it is descent the size of a sugar the sage that of whatever it is the seed of a SOHO may mistakes in the salon you want to rectify that mistake anytime a person makes decision it's one of those times where the door is accepted I know an individual's close to me very very close to me when he was a non-muslim had a lot of drama a lot of problems in his life he was looking for guidance he was in a place that was problematic in the prison he made such that not even knowing there's a system he just from his fitrah went down and started asking god almighty help me out of this situation and I swear I'm going to turn to you and I'm going to change my life it was a stricter letter make sense that something Allah put into human beings to do that thing Allah got him out of that situation he became a Muslim is he a perfect specimen no because Benny Adam is going to make mistakes but that said there that said Judah it is the weapon of the Muslim and if you read about the story of the life of the companions may allah be pleased with them and the life of the son of this ummah they used to use this particular issue against the enemy was well known one of the scholars of lslam wrote a book muster jabu a dog those people who were well known from this Ummah who were known that there do I was accepted you have something with them and you're lying on them and you're trying to steal their money in the court you says your land and you know it's not your land you say ok no problem and from those companions I'll do live in a little bit of the house the men argued with them and the man knew it wasn't his land he wanted to steal the land he said ok may do I'm a sista and the last third of the night a time when your dogs accepted that man was working in the land that he stole from him and he fell in a hole in the darkness in the well killed herself broke his neck drowned to death and they're people like that so when people will press you they don't take they don't give you back the debt they don't give you your money they dog you out they oppress you no problem make dua against them make dua against your enemy but what is going to be the final outcome of the do I win you oppressive towards your wife towards your ex-wife you are oppressive so we're doing things that nullify our do often being accepted you do things or there are things that you shouldn't do or things that you should do as a result of not doing them or doing them you get locked out of the box of your drive being accepted the Prophet told us of love love why do you send them be aware and be afraid of the door out the oppressed person even if he's a non-muslim even if he's a fasiq he may be a Muslim but he's a bad Muslim I was reading recently where one of the controversial leaders of the Muslims he brought a house five hundred million dollars and I got three hundred million dollars so his house in has got almost a billion dollars and he's not even gonna use it yeah you don't live on a yacht 24/7 365 he doesn't even use that so now what we're gonna do is look all that money he's doing and look what he's doing and this is it okay okay but what are you doing is that your business do you know about those things do you know the details of that it may look like that but it's not your business and what's the benefit of you saying those things leaving all of that stuff that man is taking your deeds leave him with a lot now if there's some benefit of you mentioned in that and you're not making heap of the net if there's some benefit no problem but why you saying that why so the hokum of the Muslims for an example the rich people of the Muslims for an example the celebrities from the Muslims for an example the people we know that people become obsessed with look at them look at them this that that that man makes a dua or loss save me from all of my oppressors yo mo P Amma you'll come and you'll be responsible for doing something to that guy and while you in the dunya you thought it was the other way you thought it was the other way my own business and worry about your own self as the Prophet told everybody sallallahu adios LM doing these times he that is embed woof Giada appeared stay in your house and cry over your own sins stay in your house doesn't mean I don't want any of the young people saying I believe Simmons said Russell I said stay in your house oh I'm not gonna get educated I'm not gonna go to the University I won't go to school I'll be a dropout that's not what that hadith means that hadith means take care of your own situation show me a person here one just one just one who his own house is not more than enough for him to handle everybody has more than enough on his plate and he has no time to be looking out talking about other people as for talking about other people and there's a benefit in that and that's another issue so the point of all of that honey is the duas a weapon and there are times and places where that dua is accepted and one of those times is Insecta and such then the last third of the night from the time that the door has accepted a twenty years on Wednesday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Wednesday between salat Aloha and salata Lhasa and there's an authentic hadith that establishes that about the door of the prophets of Allah do sell him at the Masjid of an effect go back and check it out check it out in Google Wednesday especially between Varanasi on Friday on Friday there is an hour when you make a door that our your draw will be accepted there's a brother from Birmingham from the old school we still know him he never sends any text message on whatsapp except on Friday in the last hour before mother it on Friday that's the only text message I have a gift from him and I'll remember him for that as it relates to smartphones the scholars of SLAM they said that the hour in which the door eyes accepted on Friday is the last hour of salat or the our before McRib a certain Margaret that last hour because there's a hadith that the prophet sallallaahu idea Selim had better handle what he himself said this is the time other scholar said you just have to make dua consistently throughout those hours don't let an hour pass by again again who is a person here who he knows the Nabi is the Rasul who told the truth saw the love why do you send them he guided us to all of these things and we all have issues but we're negligent with this issue of doing we're negligent with this issue of dawn from those times insha'Allah is that the Prophet told us of Allahu alayhi wa ala ali was telling them is after the fourth prayer we just prayed mother it we're gonna pray salat in a shower you're gonna pray in shot he used to make dua and he told the people to make dua at that time but it's important that you do understanding this why I wanted to give this advice as well some of us we may read aspects of the religion that we feel that we know like the more knowledge that you get in this religion the more humble you should become and the more tolerant that you should become because you realize we're not really knowledgeable people the most knowledgeable person from amongst us is not a scholar and if he were to sit next to a scholar he's ignorant I know myself and I know if I sat next to some of the ulema that I know the chef's side up to lust a little seining that man is a scholar when you sit next to him you realize you don't have knowledge you may be given dower and talking more than most but you are Jay he'll you have some knowledge relatively speaking I like Bernie used to say all the time Aloha Phil alladhina I'll go out the artena yes Stan zero the bullet is a bird it's a nasty bird I don't even know the equivalent in English what he's called but if you can imagine what's that bird that he eats the dead carcasses was what is he called a raven not a raven man the buzzing huh yeah the vultures the buzz of them ugly nasty birds the ones we can't eat because they eat that carrion and carcasses and stuff if your kid came to you and say hey Dad for there eat I want you to give me a buzz it as a gift you're gonna say a buzzard what's wrong with you buzzing what's wrong with you maybe if he said give me a parrot give me a what's those birds that talk a parrot give me a parrot those are some beautiful birds I saw one he was all black mashallah he pressed me right here on by that bank across the street from that think he was black all black I was impressed another was black and white throw some beautiful birds but the bukata is a ugly nasty bird and a man used to say this statement that the arab says a cliche this nasty ugly lowlife bird in our land he's like a hawk because in our land there are no birds he is the only bird that's here so because he's the only bird that's here if people look at him he can fly they say wow look at that bird because he can do things that other animals can't do it's like saying the one eye man and the land of the blind is a giant so the one who's giving down he's talking a lot or talking more than others you compare him in the UK in America you put him next to a scholar and that's why I honey we got to stay balanced some of you brothers who come from Somalia who come from Syria who come from Egypt Algeria Morocco you come from the Muslim world you've been exposed to real lemma because where you come from and Hum Dil s sometimes those are them I have students who come here and they have knowledge but we have situations where people reverted to the religion people grew up here and they turn to the religion and they started giving dower you're not a scholar relax relax and take it easy just relax in Tahiti so the point as a relates to the issue of a da da the Muslim shouldn't be an individual is given dower not giving dower I do I was something that we all can do to increase our status with Al on our level with a lot and also to solve the problems or many of the problems that we have especially as it relates to our children our children so I'm gonna stop here jazakallah honyaki if you brothers have any questions concerning this issue of Donnie questions we'll take about three minutes of questions if you have something hi Linda come shake the for the I no no no what I said is the hadith of the prophets of allah wahda you seldom Salathe to me at the rune ilaha falaya yes the G below who well that Karim in whom Raj alone can Allah who are a jewel and mal fell mu Allah he will any a tuple three people will make dua to Allah and Allah won't accept their dua three one of them he mentioned is a man who loaned money to another man and when he loaned him that money he didn't get it witnessed as Allah commanded in the Quran and the longest ayat of the Quran in the ayat of a dame okay Felicia Shaheed aim memory jolly come let two men witnessed that day and write it down and you get the paper so if you give someone money and you don't write it down your dua was not accepted the other one he said my man who is married to a lady who has bad character meaning she's out in the streets and she's having relationships with other men and he knows that and he allows it he loves her so much he's easy with it he doesn't want to leave them he doesn't want to lose her so he allows it she's like that with his cousin she's like that with his brothers she's like that with men and the third one is the one who is responsible for the money of a young person like an orphan and Allah has told us in the Quran we'll add two to sue for her and while open a little jalalahu fee half p.m. don't give these people their money and you know they can't handle that money don't give it to him there's a superhot and okay under the money so if you gave him the money and he destroyed the money you're responsible for that for the yahoo and you make die on your own language when you in such the mashaallah you can make drawing your own language some of the ulema said no because the hadith where the Prophet told the people sallallahu wasallam salut camara a two Mooney Oh Sally pray the way you saw me praying and he spoke in Arabic only but when you look at all of those other issues where Allah is the one who gave us these languages like in Surat arrum women IIT and de la fille al cine Takuma l wanna come from his ayat is the differences in your language your tongues in your colors the man came and he said I can memorize all of this what you're saying you're also all these do I I can't memorize what you and more either saying but my Allah said then what did you say in your dua the man say I say o Allah ask you for the good that my Mohammed asked you for I seek refuge in you from the evil that Muhammad seeks refuge in you from he said well that's what I'm saying you got it all another man's a new Muslim he said I can't memorize all of this and learn the salat and say all of these door on the Prophet told him to say sallallahu I didn't settle down and each movement supernal alhamdulillah Allah Allah Allahu Akbar making it easy for him so if a person wants to make the do on his language and Shia is permissible any more questions last questions its last question if anything as I mentioned a nice edge to the hadith is general although it meant let me take that back the hadith mentioned as he says salallahu alaihe salam up horrible Maya : if a rugby what was Sajid for up through fee fie huh adora the closest the slave is to his lord is when he's in sage death so make a lot of dora in it the sedge the year is talking about the salaat so this goes to show if one even do all that's an innovation a person makes a lot with the imam and then the amount finishes and then he says Salam aleikum Ruffy to La Silla monocrop to LA and then he makes not the Prophet didn't make that kind of said you like that although you feel it it know that says that shouldn't be made like that and the point I wanted to make about we're not really a man we have to relax we have to relax be more tolerant everybody doesn't know what you know everybody is not on the level that you're on slow down and get to understand one of the times of the Dwyers I mentioned is after the first prayer after the third prayer so sometimes we see some of our uncle's some of the brothers they raise their hand they making dua and we look at them because they're not doing the vicar or Saul I said that's the time that the doors accepted and one of the things that causes your daughter get accepted is to raise your hands in Allah ie Kareem yes studying your afar I lied to lay your day for your duma sir Frank Otte Bateen Allah is generous and he's shy he's shy for one of you to raise your hands to him and ask him for something he doesn't give it to you so this brother after the prayers raising his hand he's making dua and you look at him you despise him you say it's an innovation don't do that no he can do it sometimes but he shouldn't do it after every prayer but you the student of knowledge stop being so judgmental and slow down pump your brakes take it easy so the sister that this hadith is talking about such that in prayer but I said but it doesn't negate other sister because when you make a sage therefore such do tasajo you made a mistake in the prayer so you I tell you how to belay he was subtle up to a baby go through all of that and then you say Allahu Akbar you don't have to come up right away stay down there make that door there's a profuse to encourage people sallallaahu either said make long real quote make long said you to make more door he wants to do senator shook her his wife is pregnant he got that news my wife finally pregnant after all these years I had a baby I got the job I got the degree he gave me my money make such a - sugar and stay down there make du'a so whatever this edge there is as long as it's legislate legislative you make the door on subhanak Alamo a Bahama dica why should do an ilaha illah stuck through covetable eBay was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato
Channel: Green Lane Masjid
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Keywords: salafi, masjid, glm, green lane, mosque, abu usamah, anti isis, terrorism, zakir, naik, arifi, fawzan, sheikh, shaykh, ahsan, hanif, assim, hakeem, wajdi, yahya, ibrahim, peace, tv, saudi, arabia, syria, child, jinn, possession, quran, mishari, taha junaid, mishary, sunnah, emotional, makkah, lecture, refutation, debate, powerful, islamic reminder, islam, allah, muhammad, qadhi, mufti menk, sudais, fiqh, aqeedah, barelwi, sufi, deobandi, nauman, ali, khan, yasir, sami yusuf, nasheed, hadeeth, arabic, bidah, shirk, grave, death
Id: D52sFHG2uFI
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Length: 59min 27sec (3567 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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