05 - “Following Stars & Spirits” - John Lomacang - 3ABN Winter Camp Meeting 2020

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a great controversy rages between good and evil and humanity is caught in the crossfire Satan has crafted his most cunning in time deceptions but his plans are doomed to fail get ready to anchor your minds in truth as the Bible exposes his lies and prepares us for our soon coming Satan and now live from the campus Hill Church of seventh-day adventists in Loma Linda California we bring you this presentation of the great controversy in time deceptions hello and welcome to three bands winter camp meeting here in sunny Loma Linda California my name is Jill Morricone and we're so glad each one of you are here and we're so glad you have joined us at home our message this afternoon will be brought by my pastor Pastor John low McCain he's the pastor of the Thom Seville seventh-day Adventist Church he's a man of God a man of the word and I know the Lord has an incredible message for us this afternoon through him before he comes to present the Word of God we're gonna hear from some dear friends of the ministry Reggie and ladye love Smith I love it when they sing there is an anointing on them and the song they will be ministering it's great is thy faithfulness after they shall have sung the next voice you will hear is that of our pastor and friend John [Music] they fell not has now has been the forever will so great is thy faithfulness great is thy faithfulness morning by morning new mercies I have so great is thy it [Music] summer and winter and springtime and Harvey a joy with [Music] morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] unto [Music] can we say men again thank you so much Reggie and ladye we are here because God's faithfulness is always great this afternoon I'd like to invite you to calibrate your thinking they've given me the message entitled following Stars and spirits and I'd like to subtitle it Pandora's box but before we go any further let's ask for the Spirit of God to guide and speak through my heart father in heaven this is your opportunity I am your servant speak so that your name may be honored and glorified in Jesus name I pray amen in Revelation 9 the Apostle John introduces us to an unimaginable scene I read Revelation chapter 9 verse 1 and 2 then the fifth angel sounded and I saw a star fallen from heaven to the earth to him was given the key to the bottomless pit and he opened the bottomless pit and smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace so the Sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke of the pit the Apostle John makes it clear in Revelation chapter 12 who this fallen star really is follow God's Word revelation 12 beginning with verse 7 and war broke out where in heaven Michael and his angels fought with the Dragon and the dragon and his angels fought but they did not prevail can you say Amen they did not win nor was a place and for them in heaven any longer he continues so the Great Dragon was cast out that serpent of old called the devil and Satan who deceives how much of the world the whole world he was cast to the earth and his angels were cast out with him John makes it clear that the star that he had seen falling from heaven was none other than the dragon the serpent of all the devil and Satan I Isaiah the prophet chimes in and gives credibility to what John finds Isaiah 14 verse 12 we read how art thou fallen from heaven o Lucifer that means the Morningstar son of the morning how art thou cut down to the ground which diff weakened the nation's and then finally if Isaiah is not enough and John is not enough I pray that Jesus is enough Luke 18 Luke 10 verse 18 the words of Jesus he says I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven ladies and gentlemen allow me to introduce you to palpable darkness SiC darkness this darkness is no ordinary darkness nor is it an incidental darkness this darkness is not the residual after effect of falling rain it's far deeper than that nor is it the production of colliding air masses Isaiah 60 and verse 2 the Prophet says for behold the darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the people you see God predicted that darkness was the pandemic that would accompany the introduction of evil and if you pause and look at our world today God's Word was correct our world is a world of intense darkness if we can only see the world from God's point of view we can conclude what kind of world this is I was raised in the city of New York I go back to the streets of Brooklyn the streets of Manhattan and back in the 70s and 80s it was dark but I have news for you today darkness is not localized to the city of New York come on surviving darkness is not localized to the city of Los Angeles you can even find darkness in Loma Linda God predicted that darkness was the pandemic that would accompany the introduction of evil for you see the eviction of Satan was the introduction of something that I call the proverbial Pandora's box now what is Pandora's box in Greek mythology Pandora's box is an artifact or a golden box with a lid connected to the myth of Pandora according to the myth when Pandora opened her golden box the evils contained in it were released evils that did not exist and were not known prior to the Box being opened as long as the Box remained closed the evils were contained when you go back in the beginning of the great controversy although there was war in heaven evils were not yet released in the world even though Satan is the inventor of every evil device evil could not enter the world until the box was opened and the Bible tells us how that box was opened Romans chapter 5 and verse 12 we read these following words therefore just as through one man how many men one man sin into the world and death through sin and thus death spread to all men because how many of us all have sinned when Adam CIND he had no concept of the seemingly eternal and lethal pandemic of evil that would be unleashed on our world and today all you got to do is turn the news on all you got to do is remember the community you were raised in all you've got to do is look at the movies that are being shown today all you've got to do is put your ear to the radio put your ear to the internet and you'll find that what Adam did not see is prevailing in every corner of the world today when Adam opened Pandora's Box listen carefully every sinfully wicked and morally depraved act was born if he had only known I think his decision would have been different when Adam sinned malicious can I be clear today malicious corrupt debased vile nefarious pernicious and destructive inventions were initiated inventions that would parlay the human imagination were released on the world when Adam sinned every demonic act of Cruelty was conceived every reprehensible despicable and Richard attitude into the world and that's just the tip of the iceberg speaking about evil William Shakespeare said hell is empty all the demons are right here when Adam sinned Satan pounded his chest and victory and disguised himself further today darkness has embraced his light and light is rejected as darkness following the entrance of sin Satan set out to accomplish every claim that he made and his highest ambition Isaiah 14 verse 14 says the following words Satan said I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like together the Most High in his quest to be like the Most High Satan began with a checklist and what a checklist it was you see one of the things that we have to keep in mind is that this is not the world that God intended can somebody say Amen this is the world that's far different from the Garden of Eden if Adam only at known what would happen in our world today just think about it every disease right now we are in the midst of a disease that can become a pandemic every disease every war every act of hatred every violent act every act of rebellion and by the way let me make it clear I'm not gonna polish it today in order for us to understand how much we need to Savior we've got to understand how bad it really is every act of violence every act of rebellion was released when Satan began to go down his checklist look at the first thing he decided Isaiah 14 and verse 13 the Lord said to Lucifer for you have said in your heart I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God the stars of God are the angels of heaven and Revelation 12 verse 4 tells us that when Satan sinned he was successful his tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth so Satan was no longer alone in his campaign against heaven he succeeded think about this perfect angels perfect intellect never knowing sin before if Satan was successful in deceiving them how much danger are we in perfect beings never knowing angel never knowing evil never knowing darkness Satan methodically went from one angel to the next the Bible says by the multitude of his training he traded truth for error light for darkness loyalty for rebellion by the multitude of his trading he succeeded in deceiving one-third of the angel of heaven and the Bible says they were thrown to the earth Satan was no longer alone in his campaign against seven he succeeded and today our world is wrapped in demonic activity cannot be playing today listen carefully just in the UK alone this statistic blew me away just in the United Kingdom alone pagans Wicca druids pantheists heathens witchcraft shamanism animism the idea that plants have souls the occult world and the philemon world in England alone there are as we sit here today and by the way this has startled you as of 2011 what year did I say as of 2011 there were 80 thousand registered witches in England alone but it gets darker than that according to a website called book lucam they published recently a list just released about a week ago a list of the top 50 five books recommended to teach children about witchcraft that's just the top 55 that's not the 238 that they left out just the top 55 let me say something parents when we fail to train our children somebody else will I went even further in my research a major nationwide superstore I won't name what it is now carries more than 1,000 children's books on the subjects of the paranormal the occult and the supernatural you can go to these super stores in any community in any state in any neighborhood and sometimes on different parts of the globe and you can pick from any 1000 books and children today of my wife and I was at a store once buying something for our nieces a number of years ago and we went to the checkout counter and right at the checkout counter we found there were seven books on how to cast spells for teenage girls if you saw somebody had a boyfriend you want here's the spell to cast to get that girl's boyfriend if you didn't like what your parents said here's the spell to cast to get your appearance to allow you to be rebellious now that's just the tip of the iceberg if we can see the world that God sees what a generation would we see we are living in a generation called generation Z from 1995 to 2012 in China this is where it began in China today where this pandemic is now beginning to grab the world where it's beginning to grip the world in China they began to notice that among the young folk of that nation even the communist leaders began to lose a grip on the young people as soon as they got access to their iPhones they began to ignore the beliefs of the Communist society they began to rebel against everything that they began they were taught as young people they began to turn their minds away they chose not to listen they had their cell phones cell phones today my brethren we've got to be smarter than our cell phones devices the generation that forgot God according to one recent research Generation Z the generation born before between 1995 and 2012 they stated that that is the least godly generation in the last 100 years so you wonder why it's hard to find young people that want to live like Christians this is the generation that they said is most likely as the statistics point out one third of that generation does not claim to be Christian at all and the other two-thirds of Generation Z are you listening the other two-thirds of Generation Z they build their Christianity based on the occult world on the dream catchers on spíritus and they said they even set up Harry Potter as their religious icon the generation we live in that's why the Bible said as it was in the days of Noah what happened in Noah's day the thoughts and intents of their hearts were only evil how long continually that's why it's difficult to get young folk nowadays to think about godly things the Bible says in judges chapter 2 and verse 10 and by the way you'll notice in the Bible there is a particular cadence one of the signs that tells me that Jesus is soon to come is the very description that I'm about to read to you in judges chapter 2 and verse 10 if you follow the cadence the first time the world was destroyed was in the pre-flood generation known as the end of the Louvre ian's and the knowledge of God well that was at its lowest point when God called Abraham the knowledge of God was almost completely obliterated from the world then you go fast-forward when God raised up the Jewish nation he gave them the gospel to give to the rest of the world well when Jesus came the servant of the Lord Ellen White says that Jesus came at the darkest point in human history you notice the cadence light increases then darkness comes in light increases again then darkness comes in Jesus the light of the world comes and he finds a generation and darkness a generation hear me carefully that kept the Sabbath had a good diet you can breathe they had all the doctrines correct but they became the victims of the darkness of their generation when Jesus came even some of the stories told in Scripture showed the darkness that began to seep in the generation in Christ day one of the examples you find is when Jesus stayed away for four days before he raised Lazarus the reason why he stayed away for four days is because the belief of the immortality of the soul had already permeated the Jewish society they believed that the soul was immortal and that when a person died for three days the soul tried to get back into the body if it succeeded the person would come back to life after three days so that's why Jesus stayed away for days he wanted to make it clear that there is no life unless we are connected with the resurrection in the life that's why he stayed away for four days they knew that Jesus they said Lazarus was sleeping and his disciple said he's not feeling well if he's sleeping he needs the rest and Jesus then said plainly Lazarus is dead and when he got there and met Martha she said if you had been here my brother would not have died I praise the Lord every body sleeping in Jesus will come forth from the grave one day but there is no such thing as the immortality of the soul and so the question is why does this generation believe that listen to judges chapter 2 and verse 10 the Bible says when all that generation that means when all the godly leaders had been gathered to their fathers when Joshua died and the elders died and the leaders of Israel that held a high standard died the Bible says arose another generation arose after them that they did not know the Lord nor the works which he had done for Israel this is the generation that does not know God you may be shielded here in Loma Linda but even in little Thompson Ville Illinois will we have 550 people we know that even there there's a generation that does not know God the Bible continues you see the fact of the matter is the devil is doing what many parents fail to do and this is a powerful Scripture but understand the two sides of it here's what the Bible says proverbs 22 verse 6 the Bible says train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it now watch this the devil knows that text so what he does he aims at the children so if he can train up a child from young in the way that he should go if he trains a child in evil you don't outgrow evil you don't outgrow righteousness you have to be trained in the way that you should go that's why parents if we fail to do what God has called us to do the devil will do it for us train up a child in the way that they should go the same principle applies to good and evil when we train children I was being raised I remember very well I was raised by a lady that made me go to church whether I wanted to go or not anybody else can say amen to that I didn't get a choice on Sabbath morning whether or not I'm gonna stay home if I was breathing I was going to church she would say to me when the Sabbath is coming and get your suit ready iron your clothes get your shirt together and if I didn't I in my suit I'll be going to church with a crinkle soup but I was going anyway can I get a witness somewhere but nowadays parents say the kids do you want to go to church no no I said years ago if you want to learn how to if you don't know how to raise kids take them to the West Indies or maybe to Puerto Rico you'll get that on Tuesday we got to train our children so that they can be raised in the fear and admonition of the word of God what do you say when we consider what's taking place in our society today witches and warlocks and demons and mediums the Bible forbids all such practices look at Deuteronomy 18 verse 10 to 11 Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 10 to verse 11 notice the word of God and I thank God let me see it again I thank God that we don't have to guess about God's position concerning evil what do you say here's what he says Deuteronomy 18 verse 10 there shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire or one who practices witchcraft or a soothsayer or one who interprets omens or a sorcerer or one who conjures spells or a medium or a Spiritist or one who calls up the dead and what we don't understand the birth of all these dark demonic practices found their inception in the Garden of Eden when Eve had a conversation with a fallen angel described now as the serpent he made a statement then that has been living for the last six thousand plus years as though it's based on God's Word here's what he said to Eve God had told her the day you eat thereof you will surely die but Genesis chapter 3 and verse 4 all these omens and sorcerers and spells and mediums and spiritists are all existing because of this lie here's what he said and I think you know then the serpent said to the woman you will not together you will not surely die do you know that the safest place in loma linda is a cemetery how many of you would like to spend the weekend in the cemetery come on raise your hand with me I will I put my wallet on the graveside I wake up in the morning my wallet will be where I put it from that night before come on somebody some of y'all don't believe that some of y'all Christians still think you know I went to one of my members house once I was I had a I had a head elder that was from Panama and he said Pastor when you come visit me knock three times on my door I said why three times he said because spirits knock twice so I went to visit him my wife and I I knocked twice and I heard him behind the door but he wasn't he wasn't letting on that he was in there so I'm not hard twice again they said who is it I said brother open the door it's pastor he said why didn't you knock three times I said because a spirit is here God spirit come on somebody favor the belief in the immortal soul has given impetus to every genre of evil think about it how ironic it is that the distorted belief about the soul is supported for six thousand for six thousand years in every society in every generation there's some belief that souls that the body has the soul that departs at the time of death and either goes to heaven or goes to hell or Rome's ears this belief has been based on the ideology as Satan said you will not surely die and today even among Christians I did this I put this to the test I was in Jamaica not too long ago and know if you know anything about the West Indies they got all kinds of spirits in the West Indies at least they believe they do and I said to this Jamaican audience how many of you would be willing to spend the night in the cemetery nobody raised their hand I said even among those of you that claim to be Adventist you ought to understand that we can trust God's Word what do you say if God said they're dead they are dead my mother died she never came back to visit me my father both of my father's died both of my mother's died when I took him to the cemetery they never followed me home I never got an email I didn't see no strange things around my house here's the point what you believe creates your anomaly the condition of your mind there's some people that will come visit us in Thompson Ville I remember some people came from New York wants to visit my wife and I they were from Brooklyn New York and from our house to their car was about 18 feet they said walk us to our car it is right there they said but it's dark I said we in the country the worst thing could happen to you might run into a deer they said now could you walk us to our car I said you're from Brooklyn and you're afraid of the country they made us walk them to their car you see the problem is not what's happening around us the problem is what's happening where in us when you allow God's Word to come in it Abed banishes all darkness the engines of God God's Word gives light how ironic that that lie is still existing today let me give you a few examples today people believe that their dead relatives can still contact them others believe that their dead relatives are now their guardian angels I have relatives that believe that I have relatives that are still sending happy birthdays to my grandmother in heaven that's what they say grandma we know you're up there happy birthday and I can't hesitate to tell him that grandma in heaven she's in the graveyard in Saint Thomas in the Virgin Islands not to Uncle my uncle passed away they said I could see uncle now in heaven playing baseball with the Yankees I said the Yankees are in New York not in heaven and as funny as it sounds this is what's creating room for Satan to work some people asked the dead for advice praise God they don't get any responses others talk openly to their dead waiting for answers from the other side some go to the cemetery and talk to the grave as though they are listening and I know for some people that's a point of comfort but my brethren you could do better if you just talk to the Lord some say that they died and throw it above their bodies before returning and there are all kinds of books being written and it's amazing how the devil uses children have you ever noticed that he uses an innocent child or I discovered not too long ago there was a book written by a little boy that claimed to have died and gone to heaven well many many years later he began to sue the network that had aired his story and it was amazing what he wrote he said to the network my father and I made that story up just to get publicity and then he said if you would only read your Bible you'll understand the truth of God's Word and this life could never have lived and I'm paraphrasing that by the way but you look it up you'll see it yourself he said I went to heaven and brought back messages there are those who said I went to hell and God told me everything's gonna be all right because so-and-so is not there I was watching a story once on television one of those court shows and the sad reality in the courtroom the lady that was on trial had killed the wife of the man who was in the courtroom watching the judge read the verdict and there was sentencing this woman and they gave the family chance to say something to the person that was convicted so the so the husband came up to the podium because the woman that had killed his wife was sentenced to death and he said to the woman in the court I cannot wait till you die my wife is waiting in heaven to settle this for some say they died and went to heaven and returned with a message from God others claimed to have the ability to conjure up spirits of the Dead and some say that they have embraced their children when they have reappeared I had a phone call from a young boy was nine years old he said pastor young boy from Florida beautiful little southern accent he said my mama keeps visiting me I said why you afraid he said because my mama died two years ago I said next time you see a spirit that looks like your mom here's what you need to do he said yes sir and he did it and he called me back a few months later and said he never happened again because what people don't know and here's the thing that the devil does he makes us think lord have mercy he makes us think that there is privileged information between you and your relative that he has no access to so he says the medium I see some body now they have on a red shirt their favorite numbers 23 and they like baseball and they want me to tell you that Gerry is going to be okay and they say I watched the I've watches the Long Island medium the devil has the devil has metamorphosized there was a time that Dracula looked like Dracula come on somebody help me you know Bela Lugosi remember that call away up like that nowadays nowadays demonic worshipers look like I do that's why I don't take a person's credit of credibility based on what they look like check it out by God's Word what was my story all about I forgot the point is the point is when I told that young boy not to believe that that was his mom's spirit it never happened again today lies are conveyed with such conviction even among Christians that one would think that the idea that the soul is immortal is taught in Scripture can I share some Bible with you can I'll show you what the Word of God says now the question is how how can Christians and Satanists believe the same thing something is wrong when a Christian pastor and a Satanist is teaching the same thing something is wrong when the pulpits of America and the Pope us around the world are in harmony with demons in witches and warlocks in their beliefs about what happens when a person dies but the Bible describes how Satan seeks to give credibility to false teachings look at Paul the Apostles words in 2nd Timothy chapter 11 verse 13 here's what he says for such are false apostles deceitful workers transforming themselves into apostles of Christ and no wonder for Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light therefore there's no great thing if his ministers also transformed themselves into ministers of righteousness whose end will be according to their works brethren you want safety check everything out by God's Word that's why today you don't hear a lot of Bible in churches anymore it's all about feeling and emotion and excitement they no longer say are you are you believing God's Word they say what was you how was your experience it's not all it's not about truth anymore it's about experience how did you feel when you came to church today I've often asked myself the question how did Jesus feel when he went to the cross it's not about feeling it's about truth truth that never changes in the book great controversy look at this quotation and this is an amazing quotation servant of Lord says as spiritism more closely imitates the nominal Christianity of the day it has greater power to deceive and ensnare Satan himself is converted is what converted after the modern order of things he will appear in the character of an angel of light so today you gotta check out everything you hear by God's Word no matter how long the person has preached no matter the size of their following if it doesn't measure up with God's Word don't swallow it but the main reason why deception is so successful is that truth is often rejected notice the words of the Apostle Paul he makes it clear in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 9 to 12 and he tells you is behind it we are living in an age where truth is rejected and here's what happens he says the coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan with all power how much power all power signs and lying wonders and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish why because they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved and for this reason God will send them what strong delusion that they should believe the lie the lie told in the Garden of Eden the lie that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in what on righteousness it's amazing how many pastors I've talked to I've had opportunity I was a part of a ministerial association once and when I lived in Northern California I live in the mountains of of the Trinity Alps up there in Weaverville anybody know where that is beautiful 50 miles from from reading God's country twenty-five hundred feet above sea level and I was a part of a ministerial Association they had 16 churches in that small town two bars 16 churches every month we got together and talked about different topics in one one one meeting I just couldn't take it any longer because I knew we all had beliefs that we didn't all believe in I know well each one of us had different beliefs and I stood up and said I said my fellow pastors I know as I'm looking at the different denominations represented I know that we all differ on certain beliefs why don't we begin starting next month each one of us present a unique teaching that we embrace that may not be embraced by somebody else sitting at this table and then what we do is we go to the Bible and see if the Bible supports that is that Alright that was in April they never had another meeting until the next year because they they because they because they love not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness there are many people that would rather embrace money and reject truth embrace popularity and reject God's Word so when you try to touch things that may take somebody's money out of their pockets they choose fame and fortune and finances above the Word of God sadly enough but let me make it clear about what the Bible teaches about what happens when you die one way to cancel a lie is to tell the truth ecclesiastical and six look quickly with me the Bible says for the living know that they will die but they did know what thing for they have no more reward for the memory of them is forgotten that means they don't know anything also their love their hatred and their Envy have now what perished never more how often never more will they have a share in anything done under the Sun if somebody is evil it dies with them if somebody is loving it dies with them if somebody if you owe somebody a debt and they die you are free amen my dad got a quick story don't know about my dad when I was going to school I called home to try to get some money from my dad when I was in college and he refused to lend me any money so I asked his wife and she gave me $1,000 and so sadly enough a tragic accident she lost her life and my dad came to me and he said now so what about the thousand dollars I said I said you didn't give it to me and the debt collector is dead I said it respectfully and he smiled he couldn't help but the smiler said wasn't yours he didn't know I said well the one who gave it to me is gone my brother and the Bible makes it clear look at hee Cleese yes T's 9 verse 10 the Bible is clear when we embrace God's word deception cannot find root the Bible says whatever your hands find to do do it with your might for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going is that clear some people say oh they're in heaven singing out there's a great choir in heaven listen to the Bible once again psalm 115 verse 17 the Bible says the dead do not praise the Lord nor any who go down into silence not up into praise down into silence one day we will all go up into praise together when Jesus gets here he said it I go to prepare a place to you and if I go to prepare a place to you I will come again to receive you why is it that the resurrection has been deleted from Christianity the resurrection has been deleted death is now being presented as an alternate route to heaven or hell but I've never been to a funeral where the pastor said he's in Hell now I've never heard it once people have lived the wickedest lives more lies are told at a funeral than any other time that's why it's sad when we adopt phrases that have no scriptural support another lie told is that we're having a homegoing service homegoing who how is she going to here's what the Bible talks the Bible makes it clear what house you're going to job 17 verse 13 let the Bible speak job says if I wait the grave is my house I have made my bed in darkness when we die the grave is where you going to be living that's your address until the Lord returns Montgomery Ward called my house once my mother had gum reward catalog and they call me to said can I speak to Maria llama King my mom I said she's not here they said when would she be back I said never they said where is she I said she passed away she's buried in the Virgin Islands they said do you have a number that we can reach her I said do you think I said do you think I'm trying to avoid a bill by lying to you telling you my mother died if you want to collect that debt go to st. Thomas in the Virgin Islands here's the cemetery good luck or don't call me bad job makes it clear in job 14 verse 11 and 12 I'm moving right along as water disappears from the sea and a river becomes parched and dries up so man lies down the bible says and does not rise how long is he going to be there that the Bible speak till the heavens are no more they will not awake nor be roused from their sleep a Mensa body today's preachers today preachers have adopted the lie you will not surely die there was a time when fortune tellers and psychics and mediums look the part today they have become more stealthier in their appearance on the website women calm in 2018 ladies I pray for you but on women calm they listed but 27 best television shows about witches that are on television right now listen to they said here's the quote women calm which is in television pretty much go hand in hand viewers love watching shows about witches and magic and everything occult to celebrate this awesome trend throughout television history we have gathered a list of the best TV shows about witches women calm but the next thing is horoscopes horoscopes hor o Scop e the SCBA Horr o our scopes a summary on horoscopes many believe that the validity of horoscopes is based on the positions of stars planets and the Sun but dr. Christopher s Baird associate professor of physics at West Texas A&M University he was asked a question can horoscopes make people feel better listen to what he says he said of course it can but it has nothing to do with the horoscope being right horoscopes make people feel better because of a psychological effect known as the placebo effect the placebo effect is when the belief in a useless method actually make a person feel better it is the belief itself not the method that causes the perception you know the placebo effect when they give you a pill and you say I feel a lot better now and there was nothing in it the placebo effect I know what that is I was sitting in the car once surrounded by a lot of young men that was smoking marijuana in South Carolina remember very what the placebo effect very well known and they tried to get me to smoke marijuana I said I refuse I'm not gonna do it the windows were rolled up I was in the car it was full of smoke I said I refuse to smoke I will not do it I refuse to snow I will not do it I will not smoke marijuana somebody once said to me you don't need marijuana my brothers and sisters as we are smiling this afternoon let me make it very clear we got to begin to trust God's Word can somebody say Amen this generation the darkness that exists in this generation is no surprise to God but it need not be a surprise to us either we have been given the responsibility to proclaim an undiluted three angels messages one that will counteract of the counterfeit that's why the Lord impressed me to write this book the three angels messages in summary it exposes Babylon its lies as falsehoods its teachings that have embraced Christianity and as dark in the world but God is calling us to a time that we must now bring the truth back to the forefront we must not even adopt teachings and ideologies that are not found in God's Word can somebody say Amen and the positions of the stars and the position the positions of the stars may be constant but the planets continually move don't base your tomorrow on something that you add in a newspaper don't base it on somebody else's ideology and the whole thing that's behind it it's all about the almighty dollar and people pay for success well merit rather than paying for success if you pray for success God will give it to you if he knows that's what you need the Bible says when the Lord made the planets when the Lord made the planets he made them for an intentional purpose here's what the Bible says in Genesis 1 and verse 14 not for the horoscope not for astrology the Bible says then God said Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and seasons and for days and for what else for years and that hasn't changed but don't base your tomorrow on the deceptive practices of a generation that is coated in a satanic presence it's everywhere you just drive down the freeway get off at the exits look around you begin to be familiar with your surroundings but even more than that parents let me challenge you know what your children are watching I did a series not too long ago if you haven't seen it you should it's called unclean spirits the occult and the entertainment industry Disney World wrapped in a cult beliefs you wanna find cartoons nowadays more of the cartoons today are teaching your children about darkness witches and warlocks and demons so while you're cleaning the house and you put them in front of Disney they're watching Disney and they'll get up dizzy you'll get that on Wednesday their minds are being polluted and you wonder why they have no attention for godly things children come to church and when you start singing hymns they can't even identify because all there all week long their minds are being pounded by words occult words words that are demonic words that a sensual words that a dark words that are polluted words that are corrupting the minds of our young and we buy them cell phones as though it's some kind of act of Liberty over in Europe they're getting wise now I think in some of the Scandinavian countries it's against the law for children 18 years old and under to own a cell phone the young man that the young man that was a part of the development of Facebook I watched the video several times he said I am pained to see what my participation has done to American and world society he refused to give his children cell phones and Steve Jobs when he was a lot he wouldn't give his children cell phones and Bill Gates the founder of Microsoft wouldn't give his children cell phones we give our kids cell phones as though it's some act of Liberty but if we don't curb it my brothers and sisters you open them to a portal that you have no idea like Adams standing in the Garden of Eden you have no idea that you're about to open Pandora's box but I say to you as I close the only good thing about Satan's deceptions is they are about to come to an eternal end Psalm 37 verse 10 the Bible says for yet a little while and the wicked shall be no more come on say mensen body indeed you'll look carefully for his place but it shall be no more and by the way I got to add it right here since I got about an extra minute there is no such thing as an eternally burning hell read your Bible let me ask a simple question is the devil gonna be around forever yes or no well if the devil is not gonna be around forever why were the people he deceived being helburn II for ever he himself will be consumed in the fires of hell but that's another lie he's told I wish I had two more hours that's another lie he's told eternally burning hell the immortal soul you die and go to heaven people in Hell now withering that's a misrepresentation of the character of God one day all these lies will be brought down Satan once said I will be like the Most High let me give you an update can I give you an update the very one that once said I be like the Most High here's the update revelation 12:12 for the devil has come down to you having great wrath because he knows he has a what short what do you say hey I would be like the most high Lord said no you not your time is running out soon every lie will be brought down and every truth that was suppressed will rise eternally the box that contained sin will forever be eradicated and I say this again but I think it fits right here one day sin will be eradicated one day death will be exterminated one day pain will be eliminated and sorrow will be terminated come on somebody say Amen one day war will be assassinated hate will be obliterated sinners will be extricated life will be celebrated Satan will be annihilated and Jesus will be vindicated so hold on in all these lies that have caused us pain and heartache and deception and have twisted Christianity into nothing more than a lifeless pretzel will one day not even be a thought for the form of things will not be remembered nor coming to mind you want to be a star follow Jesus when he comes back we will shine like stars for ever and ever why because we have made the Lord our trust his word our foundation and the truth our shield in our defense keep trusting God's word for one day darkness will end and the truth of God's Word will reign forever god bless [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 21,909
Rating: 4.9287534 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, waring against spiritualism, Can we talk to the dead?, Will I live forever?, John Lomacang, The Great Controversy, End-Time Deceptions, 3ABN Winter Camp Meeting 2020
Id: geE_jY_LT1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 38sec (3458 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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