Isaiah 1:1 to 1:31 ~ Rebroadcast beginning the Book of Isaiah 1:1

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good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our our father's word Book of Isaiah today all fantastic Isaiah means the salvation of Yahweh or the salvation of yah and this is how it happens the Book of Isaiah is written to Judah the house of Judah and Jerusalem as well as the house of Israel and whereas the Book of Jeremiah is written basically to the house of Israel but here we have our Father teaching and Christ himself this is the scroll that he would walk into the synagogue and pick up and read the 61st chapter okay and and bring into being what most people called the gap theory okay we're and it has mentioned 85 times and 61 with specific passages we've referenced in even the New Testament and how fantastic it is that our Father gives us this work that the Lord Himself who is the salvation of yah becomes by who by the Lord Jesus Christ he is the Savior he is Yeshua's Savior so having said that let's pick it up with chapter 1 in verse 1 the book of Isaiah and it reads the vision of Isaiah the son of amos which he saw concerning judah and jerusalem there's your subject in the days of uzziah jotham ahaz and hezekiah kings of judah right here to the house of judah and so therefore giving the title and reference verse to hear o heavens and give ear o earth for the Lord has spoken I have nourished and brought up children and they rebelled against me this is the father speaking that I've got a family out there they won't have anything to do with me they've rebelled they won't pay any attention to my teachings this is your father speaking verse three the oxen knoweth his owner in the asses masters crib he knows where the corn is but Israel does not know my people does not consider they pay no attention wanting to think about me and you know when you analyze this and you look at this day and time where God's name is they try to remove it from everything try to put themselves apart from him we can see a great deal of this nothing new Under the Sun but you can ask today most people that are of the house of Israel the ten tribes that went north they don't know absolutely have no idea that doesn't make father happy okay verse four all sinful nation a people laden with iniquity just loaded down with seed the seed of evildoers children that are corrupters they have forsaken the Lord they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger they are gone away backward they've turned their back on they've separated themselves from God and they continue trying to do so if they just try to remove God from everything you know those people whether they realize it or not as those tribes would migrate god bless them as he promised he would for those that would follow him he's talking here to the ones that just don't care that pervert everything they touch and go away from the Word of God and his advice plank if you don't have God's advice you don't have his blessings and if you don't have his blessings you're in a heap of hurt friend verse 5 why should you be stricken anymore you will revoke more and more the whole head is sick all your leaders are sick they're like children's brains and the whole heart faint they don't have any gumption about them that they have no meaning no no principles they change in a minute for a dime verse six from the sole of the foot even to the head there is no soundness in it nothing but wounds and bruises and putrefying sores that means with pus they have not been closed - neither bound up neither mollified that means softened with with you all of our people olive on just just running puss we're speaking spiritual here this is what God this is how God sees them doesn't want them to touching they will not clean themselves up dress their own wounds sinful lot this is kind of the way God looks at perversion you want to be careful my friend seven your country is desolate your cities are burned with fire your land strangers devour it in your presence and it is desolate as overthrown by strangers I mean your gates aren't protected they swarm in and take over until you you've got nothing no principles verse eight and the daughter of Zion is left as a cottage in a vineyard a Shack a little shanty out there that's all she's got left as a lodge in a garden of puke numbers as a besieged city I mean luck under attack on just a the very provider of cucumbers itself going to waste and that's the way she is verse nine except the Lord of Hosts had left unto us a very small remnant we should have been as sodom and we should have been liken to Gomorrah perverted right to the nth degree but God as he promised in Romans chapter 11 has always had that remnant that has the truth the stability the soundness and are pleasing to Almighty God that bring God's Word fourth chapter by chapter and verse by verse whereby you have the emotions of God do you care anything about our Father do you sense his emotions as he speaks here this is not Isaiah speaking this is God speaking this is Yahweh our Heavenly Father he's not happy he's not happy when he looks around and sees a corruption and people trying to destroy his name and drive his children away from the truth it makes him very unhappy and spiritually they just puss up and have nothing but they don't have God's blessings it makes a disease and filth run amuck polluted verse 10 hear the word of the Lord ye rulers of Sodom give urine to the law of our God you people of Gomorrah you've turned it into that's what he's saying then you better listen to me verse 11 to what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me saith the Lord make sure you understand who's talkin Here I am full of the burnt offerings of rams and of the out of bed beeston I delight not in the blood of Bullock's or of lambs or of the key goats in other words you have your hands all over them and you present them to me and expect me to take it you can forget it you know what you want to remember is what our Father wants from you once from the remnant you can read of it in hosea chapter 6 verse 6 I don't want your burnt offerings I want your love I want you to love me and obey me and go by my will whereby I can bless you and prosper you and you'll be family to me that's what our Father is saying here but he said this stuff that you offer me I I can't I don't want it and certainly we find here that their sacrifices I mean they can play Church all they want to but when you don't to take the highest let's see what he's saying here I'm sick of your sacrifices and many months a well how can you say how can he was it what is he upset about well how would you feel if you set aside if you sent your only begotten Son and they crucified Him and then on the High Holy Day supposedly of Christianity is Pascal which is to say Passover they would change the name of it - Ishtar which was a sexual orgy every spring roll in eggs and quick like a bunny not biblical nothing to do with God keep your hands off of it he will not accept it even though it's written in 1st Corinthians chapter 5 verses 6 and 7 that Christ became our Passover do you know what the Passover blood does it causes the death angel to have to pass over your family it brings God's blessings to your family instead of perversion well it's tradition no it's not tradition it's an era and it doesn't really take a very sharp scholar to go to the manuscripts and understand where it came in fertility rights to make sure every woman is conceived in the spring by no telling who you call that to Grove worship and religion that's what they called it that's where it came from not Passover which was to understand the lamb slain for us he says I don't want your sacrifice and you can understand why verse 12 when you come to appear before me who has required this at your hand to tread my courts who asked you to come with that kind of stuff hip-hop 18 13 bring no more vain oblation incense is an abomination unto me the new moons and Sabbath's the calling of assemblies I cannot away with it is iniquity it's even it's empty even the solemn meaning Christ is our Passover don't ever substitute anything for that and Christ is the oblation his blood took the place of the daily offering if you read Hebrews chapter 10 it is an insult to Almighty God to continue on with anything other than Christ as that oblation you want to get God on your case just go for it try to make some kind of new religion with new moon and certain days of the week when Christ became our everything verse 14 your new moons and you're appointed feast my soul hated you might think about that friend they are a trouble and to me I am weary to bear them I'm sick of it that's what he's saying this is our Father speaking you want to be careful when you set up an establishment to worship Almighty God make sure you're not getting on his toes make sure you're not doing something that is so offensive to him that it's sickening to him well I never thought of it that way well you should that's why you want to study God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse to see what man in his traditions has added that angers our Father with righteous indignation verse 15 and when you spread forth your hands I will hide mine eyes from you yay when you make many prayers I will not hear your hands are full of blood you you you worship if anything the wrong Messiah you can pray all you want to you could raise your hands and praise to me but as if you don't study my word if you don't understand what pleases me I don't want anything to do with you you know our Father is being real straight here you need to really pray about this and think about it if you have come to a place by listening to traditions of men that you're an offense even in prayer to Almighty God you're lost so but I'm religious that that doesn't cut it whose religion certainly not from our fathers word and he's not bashful nor is he ashamed to let you know verse 16 wash you make you clean put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes and cease to do evil let this is not national let there be a personal reconciliation a Reformation let it take place personal convert yourself back to the Word of God listening to what slay of Almighty God not some man for 17 learn to do well seek judgment relieve the oppressed judge the fatherless that's the orphans plead for the widow that's the widow indeed as designated by Almighty God in other words take care of family but you don't take care of family by teaching them trot ok hands on sacred things that doesn't get it with father well what do you mean by that I mean when you start teaching things on the highly hold highest holy days of Christianity and not realize what you're doing is picking up heathenism it's sickening to our Father he's saying you're clean yourself and take care of family verse 18 come now and let us reason together saith the Lord though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow though they be red like crimson they shall be as wool what are you saying is you come to me and my word I'll listen to you I can let's reason together with common sense but don't come to me with a bunch of traditions of men that make void by his word really doesn't have time for it or let's put it a little different way he won't put up with it it's so you know a child can follow the simplicity that is written in our fathers word without picking up a bunch of junk along the way there they're smarter than that the heathenism to draw crowds you don't want to draw crowds unless it's the real thing unless it's truly God's children that care that won't you don't want them if they're troublemakers you don't have room for them in the house of God let's go with the next verse verse 19 if you be willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land oh did you hear that I can eat the good of the land no that's not what it said that's not what it said at all you overlooked that big word if if you be willing and if you be obedient that means first of all your will must be the will of what God would want you to do and obedience studying his word and what he teaches and then if you're obedient to that he'll bless you you'll have plenty you'll be successful you'll be prosperous in spreading the seed of truth if you do it his way not man's way not the traditions of men I what are you singing you do that I'll hear you then when you raise your hands verse twenty and if you refuse and rebell you shall be devoured with the sword for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it I've said it that's that that's it it is written there's no more to it now you might know what the sword of the Lord is if you don't know what the sword of the Lord is you never read even the first chapter the book of Revelation because the first chapter of the book of Revelation in verses 15 and 16 let you know what the sword of the Lord is it's his tongue which is to say the Word of God and it is a sharp not a single bladed sword but a double bladed sword meaning it cuts both ways God's Word is sharp it can cut asunder both the spirit and the soul if they be not accurate God's Word what are you saying here if you refuse I'm going to see that you go down I'm going to see that that word comes after you I'm going to see that it devours you you know and some might say well did you sound angry you know I'm a teacher of God's Word and God is being just a little bit careful here to make sure you understand that his righteous indignation is right on the break he's tired of it so therefore as a teacher I must convey that our Father truly loves those that serve Him but you know something it hurts him terribly when one of the children go astray by false teaching and be misled into thinking they're doing something religious and it's an offense to God he doesn't approve of that that's why the sword of the Lord is so powerful it's called the word the Word of God verse 21 how is the faithful City becoming harlot its Jerusalem opening herself to all it was full of judgment righteousness lodged in it but now murderers said it was it was the fair place that God chose that's his pick the geographical locations Ezekiel chapter 16 documents that you can look at it now this is one especially when the false messiah appears there 22 the silver is become dross by wine mixed with water you know dross silver when you're in a furnace the the silver runs to the sinner but the dross goes to the outside and it's slag it's filled it's worthless and why in itself that in through purification which is symbolic of the blood of Christ when it goes through the stage of purification purification every drag everything that offends is thrown off he says and then you take it and mix the trash back in with water and pollute it and you know you can't win that way you got to do it his way you got it 23 the princes that's to say your little rulers are rebellious they're unruly in command and companions of thieves they like to bed down with crooks your your politicians everyone love with gifts they like to take a bribe and follow with after rewards I've got to rip off the United States of America for all the money I can get to take home to my people to build my name for useless products projects rather it's done every day they judge not the fatherless neither death the cause of the widow come unto them that they don't care about the geographical location of taking care of doing it God's Way doesn't enter their mind it's who I can get off with with the most to make myself import it a bunch of thieves bunch of crooks we have we have a nation and everyone in it as a part of the family and you have to look out for the whole family and especially our protection of not opening the borders whereby strangers take over and that goes much deeper than some might think 24 therefore saith the Lord the Lord of Hosts the Mighty One of Israel ah I will ease me of mine adversaries and avenge me of mine enemies that day is coming you can count it he's ready 25 and I will turn my hand upon thee and purely purge away thy dross then take away all thy sin in other words that product that is no good it's going out we're going to stick with the truth the word I'm going to do away with that that is no good verse 26 and I will restore thy just and thy counselors as at the beginning afterward thou shalt be called the city of righteousness the faithful City that's to say restored future when when Christ returns won't happen until then and then it will be called that righteous City the fateful place where he is there as king of kings and Lord of lords and we get rid of these little politicians that like to rip off people to build their own little castle that's future for him but it's coming verse 27 sian shall be redeemed with judgment and her converts with righteousness that's to say Christianity any way you want to slice it what followers of Christ y'all have a savior that's what Isaiah is about salvation of Yahweh that's how his salvation works 28 and the destruction of the transgressors and of the sinners shall be together and they that forsake the Lord shall be consumed done away with have you ever read Deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 24 do you know what Deuteronomy 24 verse 4 chapter 4 verse 24 says you know what it says the same thing that the very last verse in the New Testament of the 12th chapter of Hebrews says God our Heavenly Father is a consuming fire meaning he is a fire his holy spirit that consumes anything that is evil out of place misfits that has abandoned his word destroys it does away with it it's gone that's the time of restitution it's going to happen our Father promises that he has said it that's that it is written it shall come to pass verse 29 and they shall be ashamed of the Oaks which you have desired Oaks are supposed to stand for string but it's grove worship where they go and practice their row egg rolling and quick like a bunny grove worship and you shall be confounded for the gardens that you have chosen that's to say the places you worship groves in you may think it's an oak and it's the right way to go you may think it's very religious it's not my word guess what happens to it God is a consuming fire verse 13 for ye shall be as an oak whose leaf fadeth and as a garden that hath no water you know what happens to a garden that has no water it blasts it dries up it amounts to nothing Zippo not a but you can partake of the living water that's in the Word of God do you know something he became flesh and was the word of God the Word of God walked among us and you can have that garden you know the oak always symbolizes strength that's what the idiom is and that's why it's used here that place that you call your place of power and strength and stability solid is an oak it's going to amount to nothing when God judges you want to be real careful my friend we're living in that generation of the fig tree and that time is coming closed verse 31 to complete the chapter and the strong shall be as toe number Judah Loew loke is going to be like toe and the maker of it as a spark and they shall both burn together and none shall quince it do you know what a toe is instead of being a big strong oak that you know that you could just put anything against it's going to be like a burned out wick a toe that you know if you touch it after it's burned out it just falls apart nothing to it it burns up but the makers voice will be the spark that sets it off so you know it's best for you to and the maker of it is as a spark is that you listen to the maker and you know who the maker is he made you he created your soul and your soul belongs to him ezekiel 18:4 so you kind of want to listen to him all he's saying here is I'm tired of your trumped up religions that you try to pass off as serving me with offerings then they that you think is going to make me happy and he's I'm sick of it what because you haven't found it in my word to do those things now I know that possibly I offend some but I would rather offend and see somebody burn in hell like that toe if it's not written in God's Word you're playing with fire it's explosive it's not harmless anything that displeases God is certainly not harmless it's very hurtful and the main thing is it's hurtful to our Father and you know he does a lot for us he really does if that big old word that he placed there in that chapter if you were willing and obedient I'll fulfill all these things for you we'll do it you'll be a success but you've got to meet those conditions if you love him if you follow him if you care that's how it is and our Father will see to it that you're blessed again what do you do you do it his way and that's pleasing to him he is kind of let you know and taste a little bit of how his righteous indignation can really come up at you so you want to be pleasing to him not displeasing think about that next lecture we'll pick up this chapter - it's a fantastic chapter and we thank our Father for it and again our Father expressing his inner feelings to us okay so we'll we'll stop there with this lecture bless your hearts you listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD
Channel: Shepherds Chapel Bible Studies
Views: 81,499
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Keywords: Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel Bible Study, Shepherd's Chapel Isaiah, Pastor Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray Isaiah, Book of Isaiah, Isaiah Bible Study, Isaiah 1, Isaiah Chapter 1, Shepherd's Chapel Isaiah Chapter 1
Id: TWkOnanB4Rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 0sec (1980 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 29 2014
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