02: The 10 Nullifiers of Islam: Shirk - Sheikh Abu Usamah At-Thahabi

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I remember him and hamdu lillahi was-salawatu like he was Saddam who I learned and beginning Mustafa while early he was happy his name a bottle Faina higher Quran Karim Allah he will fail who the Buddha or su Leela he sallallahu honey he was sending them or shuttle more Marta fair to her well cool ulama desert in Nevada McCullough be Dayton voila debacle of Ballarat FNR come to the second class of our nullifiers of Alice land and a walk to the palace lamb after the introduction in the last class began with the beginning of the book as the ship began bismillah al-rahman al-rahim they went on to say know that the no author of al-islam are ting so like all of the Marvel Islam the issue of the best Mela a lot of Quran has been said about the best manner and the best manner is bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim we're not going to get deep into that the dramatic importance of it and so forth and so on suffice it to say that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa nani who seldom used to begin his eating with bismillah used to begin with going into the house with bismillah Sun Allah while he was said so bismillah no matter what the ethnic background of the Muslim is he has to know it bismillah eliezer a gentle began the Quran every sort of the Quran bismillah with the exception of surah Tauba the Nabi of Islam some Lala while he was sending them whenever he would send a letter to people doing his time he will begin his letter with bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim an authentic hadith that shows the importance of the bismillah he says of allah alayhi wa ala aalihi wasallam sit through my being at union Jan alright Benny Adam and you're cooler a Hadouken me the Hollow Earth Oh boohoo Desmond laughs the thing that will prevent the shayateen from the jinn from seeing the aura of the son of Adam or the donor of Adam when you take your clothes off what prevents the shell team from being able to see your nakedness is when you say bismillah so this villa honey is important in the life of the Muslim soul the Sheikh begins with bismillah and most an amount who write books are going to start with bismillah you say you should know that the no outlet of al-islam r10 this word no outlet is the plural for the word knotted so for those of you who are studying Arabic and Arabic language is important the more Arabic you get under your belt inshallah hopefully the more you comprehend and you'll understand the religion so he said that the no outlet of lsland and no market is the flow of the word not that which is the small fire in the isthmus 5 anytime you have a a small file for the federal authority it's more fine Sajid dotted all of those are isn't fine anytime you have this new file and it doesn't have an optimum it's always going to be the plural of 4yl like this not that no optic active Hawaiian share it so Eric hi Sahil so I hear it's always going to be so the no akut of al-islam but no waka the honey of those things that move to say that those things that would destroy your Islam so we have them the Walker the boo boo things that destroy your will do the no market of isola things that you do in a prayer you don't do them your salat will be destroyed but no Walker they will hide you don't go the out of that then you don't have a Hajj the Nevada the anger on the no Walker of the hijab many things that people can do and doing those things are not doing other things no art it those things of destruction those things that will destroy the thing that is in the issue that is on the table concerning this word NAWAPA then this idea of the word meaning destruction it comes in the Quran many times and many of them of the pass uses concept of a know opted to talk about destroying al Islam socialist Nam hominem abdullah hob is not the first one from that allah wa taala mentioned in the quran well otoku new Coletti not hustla harming body - wetting and katha don't be like that lady who souls and she knits something like a sweater from beginning to end takes a three months four months don't be like the lady who knits something and then after finishing it she nothing but her she broke it and destroyed it and his ayat is telling people don't make with allah because if you make but allah is going to destroy those things that you're doing this ayat is telling you be careful about being those people be of the people who you're doing the deeds but you may be doing certain things and you may not be doing other things as a result of that you're fast in Ramadan you sir are we all of that jihad of hydrogen Amara is out the window because you may be making because you may be disobedient to your parents because you may old people money because you're an individual who's showing off so many issues so the point is that ayat is using that word don't be like the lady who destroys Hadees in and efforts I wanna mention another ayat of the Quran Allah DNA and code Allah Allah human body me fatty well I am Allah who be and use it well you see do nothing of La Coruna kasi rule those people who they break and they destroy the things that Allah commanded for them to be put together and they make mischief in the earth these are the ones who are the losers so Eliezer gel has ordered us to bring a lot of things together for an example your family ties so the one who helps to break the family tie he's making this knot he's destroying it this ayat is applicable to the unity of the Muslim the people who use the religion other than the religion to divide themselves from the Muslims and to divide the Muslims unnecessarily because of these mother habe because of these JAMA at these different groups because of these different slogans an idea Carew has been be my lady whom Freddie hone everybody is happy with what they had don't be of the people who helped to destroy the unity of the Muslims you in the community don't be a disruptive force in the community so Elijah John has mentioned those people who break and rent asunder the things that Eliezer gel has commanded to be brought together that's the meaning love no oppened as a relates to the book no walk then the walk it of al-islam the nawab did those things that destroy el Aslam some of the scholars of the Seraph used this word and they use this concept and from them is Allah even al-kitab rugby Allah and he said in that famous statement of his everybody heard it before in total totally Islam rotten Ottowa a the inertia of Islam Melanie otic and jahiliya he said verily the institutions of al-islam the monuments of Islam those things that are new has been peculiar to the Muslims like the Masjid like the Adhan like hydrogen Umbra like the Kaaba like the prophets mistress of the law Hawaii who sent him all of those things that Muslim non-muslims know muslims by these things and i said these things are going to be destroyed and he used that word not that they're going to be destroyed institution one after another when people grow up in al islam and they didn't know at jahiliya the wisdom behind that is that Renaud was talking about his condition in the companions may allah be pleased with them and the condition of the people who came after them the Companions knew what it was to live in a JV and the shift of Jamia and the votin of Jamia so when they heard that Dao of the prophets of Allah Jerusalem in the new Alice lamb and the tow he that he was bringing and the life that he was bringing they understood the importance of the names in the attributes of Allah and they got joy out of praying behind the nipi listening to the Kalam of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala they were committed when they heard the affairs where Allah commanded or prohibited they had no second thoughts about practicing those things they were on another level so he said Allah may Allah be pleased with him Islam is going to be destroyed bit by bit when people grow up in lsland and they didn't know exactly it so now I'm the person he really doesn't know jack Elia like my mother named new jaha via mail I'll be proving them so the person today he sells is Islam for miserable price he gets a job and they tell him you can't work you can't work here if you expect to pray or go to Jamaa he says okay I'm not gonna pray I'm not gonna go to John I'm not gonna pray I'm not gonna go to Jamaa I'm not going to wear hijab I'm not going to hold on to my religion so the point here is I'm gonna use this word before his name will be destroyed and he used that word not now alkyd of al-islam Abdullah he not baths as well and what was collected by many of the early ma who gathered those books of the Sun and the assault of a Sunnah a bonobo and jewelry people like that those scholars like Abdullah Abu Ahmed even humble he has a book called kitab Osuna establishing what Allison and hadith people to sell Afiya what they believe in as it relates to issues of al-qaeda and the min hatchet the Prophet brought some of my new self he said that Abdullah grab-ass may Allah be pleased with him said I'll cutter who nagamma at toe he'd firm n why allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala were a mandible cutter but here and orbital woof Poletti lemon fisherman aha well memoir heard allahu subhanahu wa'ta'ala what kept the bubble cutter Nakada a toe he'd he said that the father and believing in cutter is what Islam is all about submitting whether you understand you don't understand how did Allah create everything and decide and decree everything's that happened before that there's not your business just believe in it so the father is the Nirvana of al-islam so anyone who makes Allah one and he believes in the color then this is an order to withdraw in the Quran in surah al-baqarah that allah tala is mentioning at the ayatul kursi and then he went on to mention abdullah bin abbas anyone who makes toe heed of allah and disbelieves in the cutter he destroys his toe heel so Sharon Islam I made a map to a hub and bringing this no outlet of lslam he has the selleth who preceded him in doing that talking about the Nawab that and mentioning these nawafil he went on to say that you should know that the new market of lsland al-islam we mentioned many times the meaning of Allah slams that lslam has three components to you to it it is to slammed and I hit the toe heed and Islam is for a person to submit to Allah with toe he'd not what we find any of the Muslims doing today saying that ilaha in allah but they're making left right and center that's not it slang innovation is not a slam that's something else al it's lamb is a slam innovations and new things that are put in a religion and the Prophet said this religion is free from everything that is invented and introduced in it so it's not it's now how can make this with Elijah Jill be al Islam so al Islam is how can we be Muslims and the way we comprehend what Islam is is wrong where is the Nasser of Allah for a community like that might as well as her mother said as we might say anyone who doesn't perform Hajj and he has the ability and he does it let him die as a Jew a Christian at Oh he'd is more important than and Hajj is no hide without Oh he'd so the people who insist on making with Allah and they reject Kenny mother toheeb but a bass just said from NY Allah Allah anyone who makes a lot one toheeb and not only that not only that he believes in the color for here and over to Ruth Bob it is the hand hold that never breaks at oh he can't even to talk he so anyone who doesn't embrace the ticket let him die is a Jew a Christian al Islam at least Islam little a beat oh he's so many with toe healed what ain't cleared the hoobat are and obeying what he said and what he told you to do where's the Islam of the person who doesn't play where's that Islam he's a Muslim and he doesn't pray and that's a lot of people a lot of people some people don't pray at all some people don't pray half of their prayers some people just up and downs like a game of dice chance maybe a pray that they won't pray today where's that it's nap no he judge no out of application of Allah slang bitter whitey Dame a person knowing a part of my Islam one of the real intricate parts of this religion is respecting my parents but I don't have that respect but I'm a Muslim you're a Muslim but your Islam is DYFS so it is cemented with toheeb and it is doing what we've been told to do and lastly I borrow a two minute with them sugar cane you must free yourself from the mushrikeen you must free yourself from and the mushrikeen that means not worshiping how they worship that means not participating in their holidays Christmas Halloween Easter happy birthday all of that none of that blowing out candles all of that stuff New Year's all of that and it also means and it also means not believing in any of the things that they believe in unless has been supported by our religion so Allah slag is an institution lslam is a foundation the NAWAPA devilish land those things that would destroy nullify your slap just ads will do can be nullified a lot can be nullified that hijab can be nullified you're not wearing hijab probably Mohammed says Allah why he was sitting there gonna come a time when the women will be cassia Aria they'll be dressed but they won't be dressed they will be dressed but they won't be dressed their heads they have on top of their heads like the humps of camels the way they make their hair under the job she has hijab on but you can see everything it just has some clothes on top of it but you see all of the contours so it's no Akkad so the point is if you have the know out that nullifies of all those things then yes a person's Islam can be nullified his Islam can be nullified and that's a refutation against the deviant group that's going to come up last week we talked about the dangers of a takfeer be careful of being like the people go overboard in the takfeer who are affected with the mentality of the cottage the other antithesis of that the other opposite of that are the more jihad who say as long as you say la ilaha illa allah you can do anything in the world and you still are Muslim and you're on the level of a man like Jabril and mikail salawatullahi wa sallam and AHIMA if you take the poor on and you do the things that you can't even mention them there and imaginable and you desecrate and disrespect the poor are and they say your Islam is protected your Islam is protected because when you make sense and mistakes you still are on a high level of Eman no that's not the case your stems not protected your Islam can be destroyed by many things the Sheikh who went on to say the noir pet of al-islam or ten ten and that's not the case he didn't mean ten wanting to make and hustle wanting to make a specific number he didn't mean ten like that I told you before this issue of the NAWAPA the takfeer is a hokum surely this is a ruling someone is an a Muslim that comes from the religion so when you approach it and you embark upon it don't embark upon it and you're not qualified don't talk about it and you're given rulings about takfeer based upon being angry with the person who you're talking about you're overly emotional he did something that you find atrocious and tasteless like the man who saw the other man doing a bad thing and he advised his brother and he said hey you you better stop doing that well law he Allah won't put you in the Jenna and Allah will forgive you and he spoke because what he was doing we was shocked how can you do that in the Masjid you robbed a mystery you set the Masjid on fire you did that enema you killed someone and brought the dead body and left it in the messages bathroom so the person finds out something someone did and his emotions say man you are out of this religion for doing that no it's a hook I'm shutting and based upon that we find many scholars in many Sciences dealing with it as I mentioned to you in those books like I just mentioned the book of an imam abdul i blue acne they've been o humble kitab Osuna pseudo sunni shia sunni they have in those books about apostate and intech fear in the books of al-hadith those books of Hadees Bukhari Muslim and a mammal Bukhari has a chapter in psycho Bihari called it bad it's de tabac and little teddy the chapter of anyone who apostates they are given a chance to make tawba you have to give him a chance to make tawba they apostate come come the ruler says you know what you did why did you do that and they're given an opportunity an imam bukhari he brings a number of a hadith from the authentic Sunna and which his fifth comes from that showing issue of apostate and takfeer and red ducks and the books of hadith all of them and in the books of 5th all of them you have the chapter of a red dots and this is the point in the books of and v honey there is a chapter talking about the Akama the person who apostates and the scholars said that the nawaki the al-islam some of them said a hundred they give different reasons some of them say a hundred some say 419 there are many another way we know that the Nowacki the Valles Lama more than ten is that they shake himself himself in the book as we go on he's going to mention that these are the main ten the most dangerous ten the most dangerous ones the ones that most people fall in to another way we know that the NAWAPA the Valles Lama more than ten is if we look at the NAWAPA the valley below you have will do right now because you just pray and we'll go so can you get up and pray Sunnah prayers yes if you didn't do one of the six seven eight things that destroy your will go so some scholars said that then the Walker Abdul or six some said seven some say eight so you have will do right now as long as you don't go to the toilet and you use the toilet from the front or the back or you pass when urinate defecate or pass when if any of those happen from the no 'aqaq number one from the no Akkad is many or maybe comes out of you semen or the other transparent fluid that comes out before man has relationships if that doesn't come out you okay if it does from the no walk at the villas land if you don't go to sleep I mean you're out really out laying down out you go to sleep no after the violence that you lose your intellect because you ain't crazy because you drink hunger you touch your private part with desires yahuwah if you touch your private party lab will do it breaks you although if you did it with shower if you did it accidentally inadvertently no problem number six if you eat camels meat you have all these camels me scholar says sick sunset seven some say eight i said eight now how is it that and we'll do is a part of his name a small part of his name elbow is a small part of a slam it has only 8 no optic what about the whole religion of lslam and it only has 10 no it has more than 10 but these 10 are the most dangerous ones that he mentions these 10 are the 10 that the Stars have each Mayan no earthly life concerning them Jim Letten he shot a lot these 10 are the 10 that if you look at the ummah of muhammad sallallahu said look these are the 10 that our relatives have fallen into and the people that we know these 10 these are the ten that Schieffelin slam humming up to I have had to deal with in the environment that he was in when he brought the dow alberto he back to negative okay so he went on rahim allahu ta'ala and he mentioned what is the first naka de vil Islam he said the first one is a shitty badet allahi ta'ala Karl Abajo Thailand allaha la fe when you shoot a b-boy your room I dunno Valley Romania shot well Karl allahu taala know who man you should be like but Haram allahu allah hill Jenna wahoo nah were mad at Varley minimun and saw women who at double the rate Allah he commanded by religion need a little cover the first mounted from the no Akkad of al islam is for a person to make a shift in his worship along with Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala Allah mentioned in the Quran in Surat Annisa verily Allah does not forgive that you make with him and he forgives any and everything lesser than that and another IV said whoever whoever no matter who he is no matter who he's the father of no matter who he's the mother of no matter who he's the son of anyone who makes with Eliza Jo Allah has made Haram upon him and Jenna and his resting place is going to be the Hellfire and the vari vari mean they have no helpers but body mean here means the mushrikeen people make because of the ayat of the Quran in this laboum mulazim making ik is a great villain so the people make they have a body moon so the body moon won't have the oppressors will have any helpers against allahu subhanahu wa'ta'ala anyone not to mention an example of this is the person who slaughters for other than Allah like the one who slaughters for jinn or he slaughters for a person in the grave and this is the first not that that he brings as the reason why the Imam brings first honey from the NAWAPA the other slam is because as is the worst sin that people can commit against the lives of a joke it is the UH Tibet era has been established in the Quran and the Sunnah it is the one sin that if you do it you won't get forgiven as a matter of fact if you do all of the sins in the world other this whatever your mind can imagine and you do it multiple times Allah will forgive you for that in sha allah you're under the machine of allah but if you just do can you died and you meet Allah making you're in trouble you go to the Hellfire forever it's the greatest sin so he brought it first Allah mentioned in the Quran will be described the believers when ladina laya de una mala Alana author when I octoroon enough silletti haram allahu allah bellhop those people who don't call on other than allah they don't make with other than allah and after that they don't murder people they don't murder anyone who doesn't deserve to be murdered so the biggest sin as been left the second biggest sin murder unjust murder i'm do love eating my food may allah be pleased with him he said that the prophets on the line he was selling was approached by a man that man say allah so allah what is the greatest sin in Islam he told the mass of love while he was selling them the antidote oh la la he need any more hurt occur that you make for Allah a partner and equal and Allah is the one that created that's the biggest thing that's the biggest thing the man said and then was the greatest sin after that he said and took - what a dick MacArthur telling yep I'm not that you would kill your child at a fee is gonna eat with you so you make an abortion you get an abortion you do an abortion that's the biggest sin at this murder murder so murder has different levels murdering your mother your father the worst murder murdering the nebby is the worst murder he said some of our why he was alderman I said the nasiha Dada yo Mookie AMA Roger lawn cuttin on the bein a cutter be the person who will get the worst punishment yo Mookie I'm is a man who killed the prophet or a prophet kill 10 so murdering someone intentionally is not like murdering him accidentally so here he mentioned as because the biggest sin it's the biggest sense the one that people have to avoid as it relates to sugar Kakori there are three types of Cannell islam emphysema and ship call it a third a city up Sam there are three types of ships all know this the first type of ship is what the share has talking about the ship that is Akbar if you commit this ship you go outside of the fold of understand if you die doing this ship you're gonna go to the Hellfire you're gonna stay in the Hellfire you don't come out of the Hellfire where all the foul people go a ship called up but it's the major one no forgiveness and we have a number of ayat like the ayat that the chef brought Korea ibadiya Lavina Ezra foo other and foo see him light up Allah to Muhammad Allah inna llaha yeah through the Luba Jamie I say to them I made all my service don't give up hope from the wrath of Allah when you make mistakes Allah will forgive any and every sin the only sin he doesn't forgive is a ship palazzo gel so a ship and Akbar major shook you go silent of the there are many many many examples of major ship the chef's brought only one slaughtering for other than Allah right now today there are Muslims who slaughter for the olia who are alive or the olia who are dead they slaughter for other than Allah he slaughters in the name of the ship in the name of ali in the name of a of the caudal Jelani he may slaughter for jinn slaughter for someone and agree irrelevant Jin someone in the green profitable hundreds of Allah do something he slaughters and he says in the name of the Nana B this is for the nippy you go outside of the religion and that's because that's because an individual slaughter it is only full pull in the Salah tea with no sake were my Yaya will my Matty the layer of the lie to me tell them you're my salat and my sacrifice is only for Allah my life and my death to him belongs to praise he has no shariq so to make and honey is making someone or something equal to Allah a Shetty or shet Iike to make partners with Allah to put people with Allah and allows me this as something that is haraam something that the person and people shouldn't do the non-muslims who worship the graves they're going to say yo Mookie amo and faced with the punishment Allah he in kilala feeble R and mu beam it new so we come bigger of Bilad I mean they're gonna say to LA he won't lie he we were a strain when we made you people equal with Allah that's his no so we come there a banana me we made you equal with Allah so it's Haram you're gonna get in trouble a man said ma sha allah was together so luck it is as allah wants and as you want as well Prophet Muhammad said to that man I just an email I he come on Charlotte Oh have you made me a partner along with Allah don't say my shot a lot and what I want say it was as a lot wanted by himself so a lot of gated anyone being equal to him let me I could level cook for one I had no one is like unto Malaysia committee he shape nothing is like him Holly Tyler mother who semi and do you know anyone who was similar to Allah so this is the first not that the big not the second type of core before that as I told you a shift of us got an up butter 20 has a lot a lot a lot they usually circle around or they contain within four things and they are a lot they shook that people make a shake them up but go outside the religion first thing is people make shift in their do i kadala they make door to other than allah that cool akbar la carte arabic allah or the rooney a stage of liquor in the latina stuck below 90 bad that he say at her own agenda Murdock he deep and your Lord said to me said to you call on me alone and I will answer your prayer your dua anyone who doesn't make dua to me I'm gonna put them in the Hellfire with those who are lowly and debates so I do eyes only for Allah nobody should make door to other than Allah they make them do other things that can't help them can't hurt them no so that's the first one shift up but center around four major things people make can do I they make dua to other than Allah to prophet muhammad ya allah ya Rasul Allah ya Ali yeah chef I do card David J 90 and on and on and on second thing is and muhabba people go overboard in their love for people they go overboard we love rasulallah he sell a lot excel him so he is house in nasser he didn't die he knows they're in Malave then maybe you saw the love what he was is Allah reincarnated Ali is Allah reincarnated Jesus is the Son of Allah and muhabba people go overboard women in NASA mania terrible min do Neil a he and died on your Buddha whom Kabila from the people of those people who take partners along with Allah they love those partners more than they love Allah so what do i and and muhabba another thing that's important about life when Cheryl Islam and one of his really important books called alcoa anything about the four principles he said concerning a dog that the mushrik corn during the time of Quraish abu lahab in abuja they main lesser than the people doing his time in our time like right now our relatives and the people who we know they make more can you imagine this then Abu Lahab and Abuja he wrote about this in alkali than Arabic how was that how was that I will Becca elbow laughing I would judge that was on some wild stuff how now he gave the ayat of the Quran where Allah who taught I mentioned for either rocky will feel full doll AHA must be seen a level Dean Fallon managed a human as but ever whom usually called when the non-muslims of Mecca when they were riding in the ocean in the boat was about to crash in the storm in the waves in this rough time that they were having they made dua to Allah with a glass oh Allah save us they didn't say oh lat o essa they said oh Allah save us yeah Allah when they had the tough times you need money Ya Allah you lost the war Ya Allah you lost a baby your wife got a lot in the time of she'd done when you need something the drought Ya Allah difficult times but Allah said in the ayah but when he arrived them to the mainland and they got safe lo and behold they started making Krish so when times were tough with Quraish they made dua to Allah when times were good with Koresh they made now our relatives when times are tough we make door to other than Allah when times are good we make door to other than Allah the time is tough at the passed the exam ya rasool allah i beg of you ask allah to help me to pass the exam or russell why you help me to pass the exam his wife is having a baby yeah yeah oh so Allah help my wife to have the baby doing the tough times so you mentioned that adora and muhabba number three at all a chicken egg butter comes a honey and obedience when people obey other people and disobedience to Allah as the yahood and the nasarah were guilty of doing Allah who taught I mentioned a terrible battle of battle are bad and in doing that they took their priests and their monks as laws along with Allah Allah may something halau their monks and priests made it Haram and they listened and they obey their priestly amongst I love me a Haram in their book first law in the Old Testament don't take anyone along with me and worship they rejected that and they followed the amongst in me a priest that's in the Old Testament that's the old law don't don't drink no that's in the Old Testament homosexuality Haram no no no different interpretation is LBGT time now so their books made many things Haram and the among some priests came and said no is halal RIBA Haram they said knows halau everything everything they may hell out women were not allowed in the Bible to be on the member in the pulpit to be man The Vicar the priest no no no no we're gonna change that and we'll llahi from a benign tumor to lie as he said so a lot of you said them you people are going to follow Ben Ezra ill and everything that they did even if they go into the lizard soul you're gonna go into the lizard soul so the prophets of Allah diverse elements many many things Haram people come from our community and they make them halau and these are the experts in ellis van and they are the individuals who always the experts who are talking about lbc I called that station lbst of a day LBC these experts in Quilliam these types of people know you don't have to wear hijab no women can mary women know the muslim woman can marry a non-muslim man and on and on and on so a cut but you go outside of the religion and your dua in you're doing in your muhabba loving also in obedience the chef tells you do this and you know what's wrong and you do it glorifying the chef and making him have rights over you that only allah has number four and the last one a funny is the obedience or i did say for right adore I thought and what about the fourth one is and me and when you do something and you do it for other than Allah you're doing that particular thing and you're doing it for other than Allah so just in your custom your Nia you fall into that second type of is the - a Oscar and although it's called - ship is still big circle Escarra means those things of that don't take you outside of Islam everything lesser than a ship - at birth the sheriff mentioned he mentioned like this issue of he didn't mention like swearing by other than Allah that Prophet Muhammad Sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam in Kandahar listen fella fella the end know who men had a beer a beer a socket cover a shock anyone who says well why he only use a lodge name don't say well Kaba wannabe don't say that he said anyone who swears let him swear by Allah don't swear by your father's I swear by my father I swear my father's grave he said anybody who swears by other than Allah he has me but what's the ship here a sky another example of ship and a sky is RIA showing off it's not this ship that push you outside of the religion when you pray you want someone to see you praying you give sadaqa because you want people to say you gave Sotherton you read the quran because you want people to say here is a Quran 9 series a Quran a lot as it raised to a shift of us can anyone who meets a lot doing it he's under the mushiya of Allah if Allah chooses he'll forgive him for la juicy openness him but inshallah Mahalo who allege any Shia is gonna ultimately go to Jinnah though a ship and a star in an authentic hadith he said to his companions of Allah while he will seldom ever fool a half why they call I should call a star the thing that I had the most fear for you guys you companions I'm most afraid for is the small ship they said what's the small - ship he said area showing off so he called it a ship and I start showing off you don't go outside of the religion but it destroys your deeds and it's a major sin the third type of shit-canned the last type of and we're done is this ship out of coffee they hit and shook the one that's not easily visible and if the prophets of Allah who are you certain was afraid for Abu Bakr Umar Uthman and Ali in the rest of those olia for showing off if he was afraid for them what is the case with us so don't go overboard as a relates to people who teach you don't go overboard when shakes come here don't go overboard in the Rena of al-islam don't let your religion be shifts on so sedition said that we are going overboard in our ulema all of them available all of the Jamaat even people who claim as go overboard with their shares for muhammed sallalahu Selim was afraid for abu bakr umar uthman ali early enough from the companions mahadeva knew jebin abu huraira even or not anis abbulu mani Aisha those are you no man no style after them was like them may Allah be pleased with them and we exist and here's the Sheikh and I go overboard the chef the Sheikh can be doing things he doesn't get rewarded for because he's showing off the chef is like a Don he's like a Don like the Mafia if you don't take my position I'm gonna bring you down and take you down that way can't be for Allah that can't be for Allah your chef is upset with you if you don't take his position about something he gets mad at you come on shake the issue has more science to it than your position the chef was upset with his student because the students said that Ibrahim the kalila of Allah Ibrahim worshiped the Sun the moon and the star the chef said to the student no Ibrahim he didn't worship them he was saying that he worshiped them to argue with the mushrikeen as if he was saying if the Sun is the big one and if the moon and if but they all set so therefore it doesn't deserve to be worshipped so he was singing that as an intellectual argument against his people and that position is a position that some of the Anabaptist she has said Ibrahim never may shift but the kid the student of the ship he took a position of other scholars some of the scholars said it was Ibrahim father who was saying yes I worship the moon I worship the Sun some of the scholars said it was Ibrahim when he was young before he became a nebby and a proof it was him and he did worship the Sun and the moon and the stars the proof that he did do that when he was young and he was maybe and he was on the religion of his people is in those I and he said if my lord doesn't guide me out be from those who are straight and then Allah guided him to Toki so it's FB life the chef's got upset with the student and asked him how do you take another position they share your position or an M I took it and your students position or nm I took it why you did on data over your student like that are you gonna be the Don like that over your student your dour can't be like that so it's funny don't go overboard and show you that's not to doubt them it absolute abundant to put him down when the B of Islam was concerned about his companions and the Companions existed know where they were in general but saying we don't know where we're gonna go I just want to come you know come and be equal I told you the hadith of the melodica America with all of what they do they told Allah we haven't worship you properly super Hanukkah my Abbott Knocka Knocka rebodied so don't be like that don't be like that except Alaska and I shirt al hafi the Heron ship there's an authentic hadith a little Benny made it authentic in and German a severe and the Imam had been he banned brought it and he saw it as being authentic as well prophet sallallahu said I'm told this Ummah is Kofi Ummah t AF meant the be banality the akin my Ummah is more hitting than the footprints of an end so you can imagine an ant nobody can see his footprints except Allah who can see in here is footprints he knows everything about that end the number of other ants in the world all over the world and he gave the risk to every end and every ant colony so in this authentic hadith he says of Allah while he was seldom a ship Kofi almighty F meant Abib an omelet it is more hidden this is the religion of a toheeb it is more hitting shift huffy hidden ship when the Companions heard that they say Allah so Allah how then are any of us going to be saved because if it's that hidden everybody can fall into it they were concerned that were in like the people today like he has a pass to go to gender to exist on the earth with all of his shortcomings and he's existent as if he's in gender how are we going to be saved from this hidden he said you should make this do I pull I love my India Ljubica men and oh shrek what an issue ik bika when Adam was stockbroker mana Adam o Allah I seek refuge in you for making and I know that I'm making and if I do make I seek your forgiveness forgive me make that door so this proves a number of things the third category of of ship hidden chick with as I come from the hadith shiftiness Ummah is like the footprints of the and the other so life is that hidden any and everybody can fall into it how do we get saved learn this dua alone in me are you become in and Jakob Iike mala an MA or an Adam West Africa mala Allah o Allah I seek refuge in you for committing and what I know I know this is and I seek your forgiveness if I commit and I don't know so those are the three XL mothers we're gonna stop here with that knocketh we'll do the next one next week in sha allah and we'll finish the tending the walk that the evening that in ten weeks so if you brothers have any questions in sha allah concerning the noir that you can put your question for the canon comes from total yeah it further question is about the hadith of the Prophet that was used by sweeten we talked about some issues that should be understood concerning the toe he'd he saw the lining send him salmon Carly actually he kaffir bhai I do not anyone who says to his brother hey new calf here or anywhere similar to that hey you infidel hey you Jew prophet says so the letters and that word will fall on one of them when another narrations say that that word goes up to the Irish of Allah and he shakes the oddish and it comes down and it falls on one of them so if he is a kafir if he is a calf it then he's not your brother he's not your brother and he is a Cathy when sign of Islam because he makes you quit a lot he's slaughter father than Allah he's doing those major things that put him outside of the religion of lslam he's making sajda to all other than Allah so you say catch him so it's true but if he's a Muslim and you said that and he didn't deserve that ruling then it comes back to you meaning that you are Catholic and what's the meaning you're outside of the religion yes if you believe is permissible to go around and you make people go far based upon your desires you think it's Hollow because you're making halal would allow me Haram so you go outside of religion you're gonna come to that but normally it doesn't mean that it means that your character means comfort and Neema you have rejected the nemah you've you've the namma that allow you table has given this man as being a calf and you as almost being a Muslim you as a Muslim you rejecting that and you're throwing it away so it is cooker that's not the level of cooker you don't go outside of the religion but you are making a big sin like the hadith where the prophets Allah seldom said that the majority of the women will be in the Hellfire a lady said why will the majority of the women being a Hellfire he said because your husband's if they were to do good for you as soon as they don't do for you what you want you say I never saw any good of you and also because you make takfeer cover of the nama cover of the nemah means when your husband gives you things you don't appreciate it go for it Dyneema so if allah gives you a nama you make sugar or Cofer so in this case that guy say you calf it to his brother so he's not a calf he's a Muslim it comes back iron he made the cover of the nerman that Allah gave him and Allah gave him and that he's using his cover for this takfeer as a weapon but he doesn't go outside of the religion doesn't go outside of the religion anymore questions of honey from the yeah but individual worth to slaughter and he said bismillah but this is for my grandmother my grandfather bismillah this is for someone that the religion allowed you to slaughter on his behalf then no problem in the malama Roubini act then that deed in an action is going to be judged by the knee and your knee at for it was for the reward to go to that relative so you get a reward because you did it and your knee L is before it to go to them and they going to get the reward no no no problem with that as long as the religion allowed you to slaughter for that person as for the one who wants to slaughter and say this is for Rasool like he solo why he was selling them and read them up ha I'm gonna in slaughter for my family Majid and slaughter an animal for the Prophet no that's an innovation companions didn't do that so don't do it no so this is not talking about that shut bar saying in the name of a lat in the name of bliss like some of these people slaughter for magic and things like that juju and all of that voodoo any more questions for the all of that falls on the Rhea Rhea can be ebody a chicken Akbar is in the names in the attributes of Allah Scheckter Akbar is in the ROE boobie Avalon in the aloo he of Allah Sheikh Asghar Shaku a star and an Oscar is al hafi this shark can be in your bag that and it can be also in your life it can be in the color clothes that you wear the way you wear your clothes a person has trained us two different pairs he wears one right shoe and the other opposite pair for the left shoe to stand out and to be different and to be remembered you with a particular color so that the people can so that he can stand out his car is clothes he's doing it in order to disobey in order to have you know have people to look at him this is showing off and it's also a form of Kibera it's a form of Kippur where the person saying look at me look at me where the golden objective is look at Allah the top beam of Allah every time is honey an opportunity presented itself where the people praise Prophet Muhammad sum of money was sending them sometimes he deserved it and sometimes he didn't sometimes they went overboard in praising him and sometimes they praise them as he deserved every time it happened he never was quiet he made sure that the one who was praising him gave homage and paid homage and acknowledged and recognized Allah and he brought himself down so Allah what he was selling so he was always constantly teaching our men don't be a person who thinks that you are a busy hating you and Jenna and your trick ting you have a rule because of your application well her own fee Dini mechanics of all they were tricked in their religion by their religion because of what they used to do I'm practicing and I come to the Doris and I do some stuff I pray five times a day but there's a lot of stuff going on with everybody things you should be doing that you're not things that you shouldn't be doing that you are doing so nobody is in a position to exist like that so showing off showing off it's from that and it's a form of kid broom any more questions or honey ody Goffe a person does a good deed to please anyone from the creation and he's not doing it for Allah this is an issue that is a problem everything he should be done for a lot but a person can do something for Allah and in doing that thing in doing that thing for Allah it's gonna please other people his parents want him to do something and he doesn't want to do that thing his parents they want him to not get married to that lady and he wants to marry her but the Prophet says of Alliance element Erica Shea and lillahi or what the who my Ohio menu anyone who leaves something for Allah sake Allah will replace what he left with that which is better so he left that idea of marrying the girl please his parents but he did it because Allah told him please your parents listen to them and whatever they tell you to do if you have the ability to listen to them listen to them so he left it for Allah but to make them happy so there's no problem because it was for a lot but if a person he prays like some of our kids go to the message in the morning you come back from the message in the morning while they preparing for school a boy that you praise he he out pray no you didn't pray go in and pray so he goes in there and you think he's praying when you walk in the room he's bad he's doing like this he's praying for his parents that doesn't count he's a kid though he's a kid though so you gotta allow that you got to work on that the big muscular hat is in the MU Seba when the care is 1819 the teenager 16:15 big problem now last question mother carnival ACH Carla now if a person is doing good deeds in the public there's nothing wrong with doing good deeds in the public as long as you have a good meal again the people who gave the Southwark at that time when the poor Muslims came and they looked impoverished and they looked in need so the prophet called the people out and told the people to spend one of the Companions got up very quickly and he came and he put some money or some food he gave went home brought some food he did it quick and he put it in front of the prophet sallallaahu sudden when the people saw him do that it inspired and encouraged them so everybody went to get food until when everybody came out there was a mountain of food and clothes and money in front of the prophet sallallaahu seller so he told the people man son if in Islam is Sunnah and has an a kind of level as you do halwa a gentleman I'm in a Bahaman violent tempest or Jurong say anyone who starts a Sunnah in Islam a good thing and other people work by that good thing he'll get the reward without their reward being taken away so that person did a good thing in public and he did that thing and encouraged other people so he wants to do something that's going to incur so he's the first one to start it off he just has to make jihad that he's not doing it so that people will say look at him look at him he has to make jihad it's like in the measureless he comes inside of the measures for the turtles there's the person who's going to come all the way to the front because he knows the hadith he came to Allah so Allah came to him so he wants a lot to take care of his affairs so he came all the way up because he knows Allah is gonna come there's the other person who says man I'm not gonna go way up there cuz people gonna think people gonna think I'm trying to be special so he was shy of Allah Allah was shy of him so he boxed himself out of the rewards like the one who says I'm not gonna do anything in public because this riad no you have to make jihad you have to struggle within yourself and just do it because she thought and doesn't want you to do it he wants you to make real and if you don't do that he wants you not to help out at all so struggle with you man and do the thing and you'll get the reward of anybody else doing it active and that's what we found what the Companions where they would teach people how to do things like in the famous incident of Hudson and Hussein who saw the man who didn't know how to make will do and instead of going to the older man and saying that's not how you make will do one of them said to the other one you want to see the we'll do that our grandfather taught us and a man can he say yes and he started making will do and the man was watching he made that will do to teach the man but it was full up prophet muhammad saw something down on the member and he prayed to right guys and then he turned to the people says pray the way you just saw me praying he prayed to Allah but he prays so the people can see him as well so you can have that man is for Allah but it's for the people to get more reward not to show out analyze Allah and Adam Heather Wilson allahu wa sallim wa barik ala nabina while ina adi he was homage mean well Santa Monica map to light what about I got
Channel: Green Lane Masjid
Views: 7,481
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Keywords: salafi, masjid, glm, green lane, mosque, abu usamah, anti isis, terrorism, zakir, naik, arifi, fawzan, sheikh, shaykh, ahsan, hanif, assim, hakeem, wajdi, yahya, ibrahim, peace, tv, saudi, arabia, syria, child, jinn, possession, quran, mishari, taha junaid, mishary, sunnah, emotional, makkah, lecture, refutation, debate, powerful, islamic reminder, islam, allah, muhammad, qadhi, mufti menk, sudais, fiqh, aqeedah, barelwi, sufi, deobandi, nauman, ali, khan, yasir, sami yusuf, nasheed, hadeeth, arabic, bidah, shirk, grave, death
Id: iIaEv1dggv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 58sec (3658 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2018
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