$0 To $10,000 Profit In 20 Days With Shopify Dropshipping!

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at the end of july i started a new brand on shopify and within 20 days i was able to generate over ten thousand dollars in profit in this video i'm going to break down exactly how i found the product how i branded that product and how i was able to scale it to that level in such a short time what's up guys it's your boy jordan back with another ecommerce video i hope you guys are all having a great day this video i'm going to be focusing on the journey thus far of starting and scaling my new e-commerce brand this is not a traditional drop shipping store this is a product that i have gone on to fully private label with custom packaging and fast shipping times i'm going to talk about how i got it to that level and how we're able to see such good growth in the beginning phases if you like this type of content go ahead and give me a thumbs up and subscribe for more videos just like this but without further ado we're gonna jump into the computer we're gonna get this video started alright so if you've been subscribed to my channel for a while you might notice that i'm in a new environment just as a little quick update for you guys i actually just recently moved from los angeles california down to miami florida so this is the new space this is where you guys are going to see videos being made out of for the next year or two still coming together as you can see i got my drum set in the back but anyways but this is the dashboard of the store you guys can see uh today we've done about a thousand dollars in sales it's only around noon the conversion rate is nice at a 6.36 percent and the thing that i like the most is that we are seeing return customers almost every day but what i want to verify for you guys to show you the first 20 days that i really started growing and scaling this brand so like i said at july at the end of july i started testing a couple products by the end of july i had found this product that i wanted to scale and in the first 20 days of july well 21 days of july i was able to surpass ten thousand dollars in profit i think it was a good amount more than that actually and you'll see here once this loads up you can see it was ten thousand one hundred twenty six dollars twenty four percent margin and around forty k in revenue and this is not something that i just scaled and then burned and then made this video about just saying that i'm still running to this day as you can see you know today we've done uh about 375 bucks in profit 40 margins which is good and we actually had our best day um on monday which is really exciting and uh we're gonna go ahead and get into the powerpoint right now but i just wanted to verify this so you guys know this is not some little case study some fake thing that i set up for this video this is something that i'm working on each and every day so what we're going to be talking about in this video is three main areas of focus and i'm gonna go ahead and go to this view right here so you guys can see i'm gonna first talk about the product research and testing process then i'm gonna talk about how once i found that product i brought it into this branded phase how i made custom content how i improve the shipping times and quality of the product and then how i transition that into its own branded store then we'll talk about the scaling phase which to be honest with you is the easiest part if you just skip to the scaling phase you might as well just go watch another video because you're going to miss out on the most important things in this video and then lastly i'm going to talk about what's next for this brand going into q4 what's my focus and how am i gonna get the most out of this time so when it comes to the product research method guys i've been making videos on drop shipping for almost three years now there's really nothing new with this game obviously things change but when it comes to finding products it's the same strategy i've been teaching for a long a long time you want to look for products on facebook and instagram that have already gained traction or gone viral why because that means that there is a market for the product and people are interested in buying the product simple and plain there's a couple ways that i like to do this there's an app called drop point which allows you to see ads that have gone viral it allows you to search by keyword and find those ads that have gone viral and you can sort them by the amount of views likes engagement etc it's a great tool and it's the cheapest of the bunch because there's a couple there's one called ad spy drop a spy there's a lot of tools that do the same thing but drop point is the best a drop point is the best priced one out of the batch and it's my personal favorite second would be using your facebook news feed every day you're getting targeted with ads find ads that look like drop shipping stores and engage with them comment on them give them a thumbs up go to the website click add to cart and what this is going to do is it's going to tell facebook that you are an engaged shopper and you want to buy products and lastly viral vault which is a product research system that i created this is not a video promoting that but i did find this product on that tool my product researcher actually sent it to me i just wanted to add that one to the list because it's what i used so once you find those products that have gotten some traction with one of these methods or your own method there's other ways to do this as well you just want to analyze those products and look for room for improvement this is single-handedly the most important thing when it comes to product research and i've touched on this in previous videos finding the products that are trending is not the hard part being able to analyze a product and find the areas that you can improve upon is the challenge and if you can successfully do that you're going to be able to find a winning product because i really believe that the more room for improvement there is with a product the greater opportunity there is to scale that product here's some examples of room for improvement an unbranded general store which is exactly what i found this product on stolen content from youtube once again this product had that so i knew that if i made a better custom video i could crush them an unoptimized funnel with no upsells basically they're not selling anything else related to this product they're just banking off that one sale of the product if you can have a funnel with upsells and quantity upsells you're going to be able to spend more on ads to acquire a customer than them and you're going to be able to beat them out every single time and just the overall bad website ad we've all been on the internet for years we can all spot a website that looks like trash and if you see something like that go at that that's opportunity so how did i test the products well i didn't go straight into a branded store for this what i like teaching people is doing a broad niche store now you can do a general store as well but i found the broad niche stores do much better you can make a store that is just like a general store but it has some branding so that the customers feel trustworthy and that you're a reliable seller so some examples are home goods outdoors tech etc the broad niche store that i tested this on was actually in the home goods niche i had tested about four products in the last two weeks of july when i started this store and honestly all four of them got sales but i was looking for one that was really showing signs to scale and be a home run and the fourth one was the clear winner on the first day of testing it with ten dollar budgets it had ten sales so i knew that this could be something major and there was a lot of room for improvement on my end my cpc my cost per click was very high my conversion rate was low so i knew that if i dug deep i could make this product into something amazing so what's the testing strategy that i use once again guys it's the same stuff i've been doing for a long time you don't have to constantly be switching up your strategies the strategy is not the important part the important part is your product and your marketing but what i recommend you guys do is use this company bands off ads to get a custom video done for your product this is not a paid promotion with them but i do believe that they have the best custom video ad service out there right now or you can just make your own video i made my own video but not everybody watching this has the skill set that i have to edit videos and write copy so just save yourself the headache and outsource it once you have a custom video done for your product you want to set up a purchase campaign on facebook with website conversions on this campaign you want to have 15 ad sets at ten dollars a day you can do more ad sets if you like you can do less ad sets if you'd like you can play with the budget if you can't afford you know 150 a day if you can't afford 150 a day of testing get your budget up because you're going to struggle very much in this game but this is what i did make sure on those ad sets you use broad targeting with single interest you want every single audience to be over 1 million and inside of each ad set you want to create three variations of your ad so what i like doing is the same video with new copy and thumbnail and you want to just include all three of those variations in each ad sets so the one thing that i think a lot of people are missing out on when they're testing products because i work with so many people is that they don't fully know their numbers and they're basically shooting blind when they're running ads so a couple very important numbers to know are your break even point your break even roast if you know these two numbers when you're looking at your facebook ads you can clearly see which ones are having potential or not and the formulas to calculate those are right here down below but i do not believe that this is the most important part of this video the facebook ads strategy because i've made videos on facebook in the past those strategies are already out there what i want you guys to take from this video is the next couple of slides of how i took this winning product and turned it into a brand in a very short time frame this alone elevated my store significantly and increased the value in the eyes of the customers so after i saw attraction with the ad that i had made using content from aliexpress and youtube instantly without any hesitation i ordered the product from amazon to my house and made my own custom video the same day i didn't have to go find some crazy beautiful model with a million followers or get some crazy camera equipment literally shot the video with my iphone in my bedroom and the video follows the same format that all of my ads follow so we highlight a problem we show how the product solves the problem we hit on the benefits of the product and then we give them the call to action to buy the product for a discount i also added a testimonial in there which is something that you wouldn't be able to find well maybe you could find it from youtube of your product but you might get banned for stealing somebody's testimonial so i had my sister use the product for a night or two she really loved it she made a little video for me and i put that in the ad and it really i think helped tremendously and once i launched that new version of the ad my metrics literally skyrocketed my row has almost doubled my cost per link click went down significantly and i knew that now i could really scale this product so after that this is the phase where a lot of people say all right boys like let's eat like they get the forks and knives ready but the truth is you cannot skip this step right here because i've done it in the past i've scaled a store to 300 000 a month without doing this and the store literally blew up and died yeah i made you know a hundred thousand two hundred thousand dollars profit but the store was worth nothing when it died right so in this scenario after i hit that level of a thousand dollars a day around 30 orders a day i immediately contacted my agent and got a quote to get the product shipping faster and product quality up and what i found is that they were able to get the product cheaper than the one i was getting from ali and they allowed me to ship with an express line which cut my shipping time down from 15 to 30 days to 5-10 and just as like an example i have some to show you guys like you can see this one was delivered in five days this is a couple days ago this one was delivered in eight days this one was delivered in seven days you can't see these shipping times on aliexpress and if you do let me know because i'm you put me on game i've never seen that before once i started working with them i also requested some changes to the product because i have so many samples of this product that i know exactly what i was looking for and basically wanted to make sure that we were getting the highest quality version one thing that i want to talk about guys is that with these factories in china you're going to see deviations in quality so you might work with one aliexpress supplier and another aliexpress player and they might have the same exact images for the product but the product that they're shipping to your customer is likely not going to be the same exact one it might be a little bigger it might be a little less fitting it might not have the same tech features something is usually switched with every factory so you need to order a variety of samples to your house get them in your hands feel them and communicate with your supplier exactly what you want so that you can find the best version otherwise in my opinion you're kind of screwing your customers over because you're really just like sending them whatever gets to their house you don't know what you're sending them and i don't think that's a good way to run a business that's like serving somebody food that you never took a bite of yourself and i wouldn't do that so um this is like i said guys an ongoing process and in my opinion there is no end game like you should always be improving your product and making it a better experience for your customers there is no point where you hit and you're like this is it i never have to improve my product ever again like i'm still working on the product to this day and i'm still trying to improve upon it right so the last thing that i did to turn this into a brand was you know branding the store and turning the store entirely around this product now i do not recommend doing this until you've 100 percent validated the potential to scale the product some people might debate me on this there's some people have the theory that you should go straight into a one product store and straight into a brand but i don't necessarily stand by that i think that if you're a beginner you should test a couple products find one that works and then move forward with a brand because otherwise i've seen this happen so much with people that i've consulted with they go all in on this one product store that they saw that they thought was going to crush they spend a month working on it the product dies and they got to start all over again from scratch i don't like that approach so only recommend this if you've already validated the product or there is a competitor that has branded the product and you can confirm that they're doing numbers you can confirm this by the engagement on their ad or if they are really crushing it their numbers will pop up on similar web so this is something that you guys can use basically once i saw an increase in performance from my custom ad i knew that i could scale this so i just went all in and branded the store um i used the impulse theme this is my favorite shopify theme right now i like this one and i like debutify i got rid of the other home good products on my store i made a new logo for this product i bought a new domain and i added products that were similar and complementary to the one that i'm selling and not surprisingly this boosted my conversion rate from four to around six to eight you know you guys see the conversion rate here i'll refresh for you you know it's not bad um 6.14 today we average you know around six percent it's very consistent with that some days it spikes up it doesn't normally dip but below six though and you're not going to see a six percent conversion rate on a general store i i've been running general stores for years i've never seen that in my life so i also saw a 15 boost in my average order value which once again made scaling so much easier i use reconvert and quantity breaks to get that boost in aov and before we go on to the next slide i do want to touch on that in terms of making scaling easier everybody's always looking for the magical scaling strategy on facebook which i'm going to talk about on the next slide it's not magical but i'm going to talk about the strategy the thing that allows you to scale is really having a good product having good content having a nice store with an optimized funnel having retargeting setup basically what i'm saying is since i put so much effort in improving everything else it was so much easier to scale my product and if you do that scaling really is the easy part hence why i put that on the title of this slide literally to crank up my ads from 1k a day to 4 000 a day i set up a couple campaigns with higher budgets and i left my interest testing running these are the campaigns that i set up and this is what i did to scale to that level i'm obviously doing more now and i'm launching more things each day now but in the first 20 days this is what i did to get to that level so tested three to five new interest every day just because i wanted to find more winning audiences i set up retargeting for those variables right there video views view content add to cart initiate checkouts i set up a cbo scaling campaign at 300 a day with my top five interest i also set up cbo campaigns for my look-alikes that i was able to launch because i had the data i'm not talking about the whole look-alike strategy in this video i'm going to put a card at the top of the screen sharing that strategy i made a video on that about a month and a half ago maybe longer i haven't been on youtube for a while so check out that video the strategy is the exact same and i also set up google brand search campaigns for retargeting as well i am no google ads expert i'll go ahead and put a link in the description to the person who taught me google ads maybe you can ask him some questions and work with him so what's next for this brand you know those first 20 days were cool we ended that month of august at around 56 000 in sales this month of september i also averaged around 50 000 in sales but what did i do in this month of september well i focused on getting my product fully branded and getting my logo on the product that is done now we also have fully done custom packaging and in my opinion one of the highest quality versions of the product out of china i literally have 12 samples of this product sitting in my house i've tested so many of them and i found the exact one that i wanted i have five really good quality pieces of custom video content i've worked with models i've worked with friends and i've worked with family to film amazing video content and i don't plan on stopping i also have a major youtube influencer promo that's coming i don't want to say the date i don't want you guys to connect the dots of this brand one day i will share this brand with you guys and i will show you everything that i've done and you can see it for yourself but this promotion is going to drop soon and i think that it is going to shake the room i think that we are going to be doing hundreds of orders a day when this promotion comes out i have two dedicated team members and you know i'm actually excited and motivated to work on this project every day you know i took a small hiatus from e-commerce after making you know my first couple seven figures i really focused heavily on youtube my personal brand living life enjoying my days and working on my software company but to be honest with you guys e-commerce is my passion and for a project like this to come into my life is the perfect time and i cannot be more excited to grow it and share the process with you guys so what's my plan for q4 why i obviously want to keep improving the product because not perfect and i want to get the shipping even faster than it is now i want to get this over to the us eventually there's also a new variation of my product that i've been testing um it's it's like a completely different product but it fits with the the niche and it's like the same type of thing so i want to have two products scaling i want to have my one that i'm selling right now in this other variation when i have them working alongside each other i just want to keep optimizing my facebook and google ads that's a given i do that every day anyways push as hard as i can to get as many big influencers as possible and guys let me tell you when i figure out this youtube influencer space i'm gonna be posting content about it because i don't hear people talk about it a lot i genuinely feel like it's one of the most under valued ways to promote your product and we'll see if i'm right or wrong about that also emails sms you know market market to my existing list and just stay focused and avoid distractions like you know i i'm not even going to get into that topic but this time i just want to stay locked in and i don't want to get distracted and i really want to turn this into something great so thank you guys so much for watching this video if you stuck around to the end i really appreciate it let me know in the comments what it is that you'd like to see me post about next i got a bunch of inspiration and ideas in regards to e-commerce and to close out this video i want to announce the giveaway winner from our last video i'm gonna go ahead and literally do that live with you guys let me all right so in my last video i said i'm gonna be giving away two lifetime access accounts to the viral vault and the winners of that are going to be uh nikoli so we'll go ahead and give him a heart right there and we're gonna go ahead and just pick this at random let's go with v12 con because you can never go wrong with a v12 so v12 khan and nikko leak you guys have won the giveaway that is all for this video i'm going to be doing another giveaway just because i like giving back to you guys go ahead and drop a comment letting me know what you'd like to see next on this channel i'll pick one person in the comments to win a free access account to viral vault and i will see you guys in the next video have a great day
Channel: Jordan Welch
Views: 32,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shopify dropshipping, shopify, dropshipping, hayden bowles, arie scherson, dan dasilva, beast of ecom, jordan welch, facebook ads, shopify tutorial for beginners, make money online, shopify store, shopify tutorial, dropshipping 2020, shopify training, aliexpress dropshipping, shopify 2020, shopify dropshipping 2020, shopify winning products, dropshipping tutorial, dropshipping products, dropshipping for beginners, shopify 2021, dropshipping challenge, viral vault
Id: zuX0ITNIySc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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