How These Brothers Made $200 Million Dropshipping

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I flew all the way to Spain to meet with some of the richest dropshippers in the world and learn exactly how they made their Millions how are you doing brother I'm great bro thank you for having me thanks for the video so two questions for you how old are you and how much have you made with e-commerce oh Brad but I'm 20 and I'm uh but best of all the door Brands I'm very oversharing to Bradley so growing balls but there's been four million euros in one single month as they also 300K in one single day so you made 300 000 in a day at 20 years old selling what it's been everything glow soccer balls have been our best setup but basically I started this brand four years ago when I was 16 still was bad broke but the only thing I had was a burn desire to get rich saw this point we're coming up in uh in USA I saw the opportunity brought them over to Europe scale them over all over the world and I mean last year we're at the World Cup we had Black Friday so the wind went behind our backs and we position yourself to skill this brand to openly in one single month so you made your first million dollars with Shopify while you're still in high school yes how did you find this product I mean like I said before I saw this product was coming up in the USA they already have proof of concept I didn't just copy the brands that did my old spin to it brought it to Europe different markets I thought okay I can do this better but in this country and it worked out well congrats to your success brother let's see who we talked to next so you guys are absolutely killing it in e-commerce where do you guys come from where are you from we are brothers and we are from the Netherlands our parents they come from Iraq so they are immigrants so now after doing this together for a couple years how much have you guys brought in in sales um yeah it totally did like 20 million you told me that you had just started a new store like three months ago right how is that going we just started three months ago and we've already done 1.6 million in uh Revenue this is light though this is you've been doing this now for the assistant time period what was it like when you were first starting was it hard did you guys run out of money what type of challenges did you run into oh like in the first couple of months we were actually losing money we tried to spend money on ads but we don't get any sales at all so I think we lost in total 10 or 15K that was like all our life savings and at the last 300 yeah something happened that we were like yeah making sales and what I wanted to share also my parents didn't know for more than one and a half year because we were both studying we were doing very well on the University like Elvis was even like finished the bachelor as number one of the University wow at electrical engineering so and we keep it a secret till the moment we retired them so the moment we could like retire them which we told them hey it's like you're done uh we're gonna provide for you we have our own company and they didn't believe us for almost a week after that yeah a lot of people gave up in those first three months what made you guys keep going so what's first worked was that we saw online people that were already successful you get inspired from that and that's what would always get this movie what's one final piece of advice you would share to somebody that wants to start their own store the most uh easy clothing let's say is like you're solving a problem for the customer you know or something that's like going viral at the moment just look what other people are doing they try to learn from them try to copy them and then you can yeah you're gonna make your first deal so easy I think it's the best piece of advice that was the thing that changed the game for me and I want to ask you guys weren't the first one to sell these products that made you 20 million right of course yeah yeah definitely we are like especially we got the adventure in the EU market so we were looking what people are doing in the USA I bring it to Au oh congrats are you guys success on to the next one listen before we continue I need to tell you something everything you've heard about Drop Shipping is wrong because it's not what it used to be the days of shipping crappy products from China that take almost three months to arrive are long gone and if you try to do this you will fail the reason why everybody in this video was successful is because they understood this and in fact with the right tool you can drop ship products in under one week and without a doubt nowadays the best tool for this is called Auto DS which is actually the sponsor for today's video Auto DS allows you to drop ship without all the headaches they have a massive library of over a hundred million products that can be shipped anywhere in just one to five days on their app you get direct access to some of the best suppliers in the US and China and can directly connect them to your store in a matter of seconds with just one click the best part is any product that you find on the internet they can Source it ship it and even customize it with your own branding for your business and once you finally start making sales their app will automatically fulfill your orders for you in seconds which will save you a ton of time and allow you to work less and enjoy some coffee in Spain like your boy so look I've actually partnered with auto DS to get you guys your first month on any package for 100 free so if you're looking to start Drop Shipping the right way like all these people you'll see on today's video I recommend doing it with auto DS and you can get access to them for free at the link in the description down below and it's getting hot out here so let's go talk to somebody else so tell the people about how well you've done in your e-commerce and you're killing it yeah yeah I've been killing it and I'm still killing it I changed like the business model I've started like Drop Shipping in 2017 2018 and I did close to 10 million in sales I stopped counting like last year but I did like in 2021 was my best year it was almost 5 million wow congratulations bro it's really insane because he came up to me here at this Resort and told me that he got started with Drop Shipping he was watching my videos at the beginning and honestly they've done over eight figures that's congratulations thank you man thank you thank you very much tell me about the Journey of going from zero to over eight figures what was it like starting for you did you have a lot of money to begin with when I started they froze in my bank accounts I had like literally no money I was in debt 7K in depth I was just like in a very bad place in a very bad place in my life and I had a nine to five job my job was physical therapy so I'm licensed to treat people but that's how I started man I started with like a lot of money and in depth and I was like going to my girlfriend I was like can I borrow some little money for this course because I think this will change my life and this will help me reduce the the depth and she was like okay I will trust him uh covert hit and when covert hit all the physical therapists needed to go down need to go to home because like we were not allowed to work it was six weeks and in that six weeks I did like my first two on the K in Revenue in six weeks and that's changed like my whole life I think I was debt free in like maybe one year so all the debt was gone I stopped working with my nine to five job and that's when I saw like how compounding time is like I got away from a nine-to-five job and I went to like 700k a month in the first month being fully entrepreneur seven hundred thousand dollars in a month what type of products did you look for in your journey what type of products have you had success with and it was like in May 2021 people are starting to go out more outside wearing flip-flops or wearing sandals and I noticed like I had a problem as well callous I believe it is like a device that can remove that that feed grinder everybody knows it the feed grind I was like let's use this angle hey do you want to go outside but you're ashamed of your feet I got your back it's been so viral because people were like ah come on think haha fun for fun and they had the problem and like I I believe I threw up the ads with like 50 Euro Aspen and the first day we did like maybe already 1K with 50 euros and I was like let's bump up the budget and we bumped up the budget to 30k a day like in the next day in ad spend and it was like crazy I've never managed like so much ad spend another in a day so if you're starting all over again is e-commerce the thing you would do and if so how would you do it it would be like just solve a big problem put it in front of the people who have the problem and you will succeed and ask your girlfriend for a little bit of money you know maybe if you're watching I love you all right brother let me uh introduce you to the Top Dogs let's get it what's up boys Steve Evan Welch in the house what's up bro how are you good I got your own I got some questions for you guys so let's have a seat let's get into it all right let's do this join us join us so tell the people how much you guys have done in sales over your e-commerce career over 200 million 200 million so can you share the story of how you guys got started in e-commerce and got to over 200 million dollars of sales all right it started in 2006 with eBay then 2008 started doing Facebook ads and 2009 skilled the store up to about 100K 200k per day sorry not per day per month and after that we transition into Groupon then subsequently get back into Drop Shipping 2016 then from there we start scaling so you've tried pretty much sounds like every single platform over the years was it hard for you guys in the beginning did you have a bunch of money honestly like I went through the normal path right I went to college everything so after college I graduated I was like why not be like me and my brother team London and do something it was relatively like back then they were saying it's a golden age of dropshipping so we started and within I think our second month or first month we managed to hit seven figures and our first uh actually second store wow and yeah I mean back then like most of the people are treating it as a hobby and we started thinking in a long term and start building like teams and structures and scaling it from there how many products have you guys gone through over the years it's probably been hundreds and more than that if I share hundreds probably like testing like at least hundreds a week how are you able to identify the right products and the products that had the potential to scale to 100 million plus dollars I really like gadgets Electronics because there's always new products and it's always something that's usable and people can easily share so one of our biggest winners was actually like the the color chargers for USB okay yeah for the iPhone so you can see a lot of colors so that one really went pretty well when we got started and they kind of gave us the Kickstart to get things rolling one of the biggest Stakes that you see people make when they first start e-commerce nowadays nowadays I think people spend too much time focusing on one product right so for example they are very emotional when the product doesn't work it continues pouring money into it what is one non-negotiable that you have to have to succeed in e-commerce something that if you're going to make it work you have to do this resilience I think um Drop Shipping is a matter of testing products and a lot of people feel like they can find the first winning product at their first goal which is very unrealistic you might be so close to succeeding but you never know you just have to keep pushing Jordan has some amazing content on business like e-commerce so make sure to subscribe to this channel thank you guys for watching foreign
Channel: Jordan Welch
Views: 127,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shopify dropshipping, dropshipping, shopify, dropshipping 2023, dropship, ecommerce, how to start dropshipping, dropshipping for beginners, shopify 2023, dropshipping business, dropshipping shopify, jordan welch, steve tan, evan tan, luke belmar, capital club, shopify store, winning products, dropshipping products, tiktok dropshipping, facebook ads, product research dropshipping, make money online, davie fogarty, the ecom king, ecom, ebay dropshipping, millionaire, money, wealth
Id: HB2lnlGRdZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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