I Spent $1,000,000 On Facebook Ads (What I Learned)

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in the last three years i've spent over one million dollars on facebook ads and in this video i'll be sharing with you the four most important things that i learned along the way these are the things that i wish i knew before i started running facebook ads and if i had known them i would have saved thousands of dollars in testing and found my first success much quicker but first let me jump into my account and show you some proof this is my facebook dashboard so let's take a quick look at how much i've spent over the last couple of years i know you guys don't care that much but i just want to show you this so you know it's all legit on account number one i spent 22 000. on account number two i spent 21 000. on this account i spent 122 000 on this account i spent 268 000 on this account i spent 17 000 on this account i spent 60 000 and lastly on this account me and a partner spent around 1.1 million so i don't know the grand total but i've spent a lot and i've learned a lot along the way so let's get started with the first and one of the most important lessons that i've learned so far this might be a hard pill to swallow but you need to hear it your strategy it doesn't matter there are so many different facebook ad strategies out there and many beginners get caught up in trying to decide which is the best one and if that's you i hate to say it but you are completely focusing on the wrong things out of all the facebook strategies that exist there's one thing that stays constant amongst all of them i like to call it the big three well i guess that would mean there's three things anyways the big three are your product your creative and your offer let's break each one of them down there's simply no way that you can force a bad product to sell on facebook so here are some things to look out for when trying to find a great product find something that is already selling well on the platform you don't have to reinvent the wheel and find the next big thing you can simply look at what's already working and figure out how to do it better try to find products that have been launched somewhat recently so you can jump on the trend as it's happening and not after it's well passed and lastly look for a product that's somewhat evergreen you don't want to find stuff that's only hot for a month you want to find those products that can sell for months even years those are the ones that you'll be able to make millions off of next up is the creative now i can make a whole video about creatives themselves and i actually have in the past so we're not going to dig too deep into this topic but even if you have the best product in the world if you have a bad creative the product is not going to be able to sell at all a great creative can actually save a mediocre product but it doesn't necessarily work the other way around being able to create a high quality video or photo ad for your product is the number one skill that you need to be a successful marketer on facebook or any other platform lastly you need a good offer that allows you to profitably scale your product you can do all kinds of stuff with offers like bundles upsells subscription models but for the most part i try to keep it as simple as possible so it's easy for the customer to understand and if you're able to combine these three things you'll be able to find success with facebook no matter what strategy you're using this brand is called the ocean project and basically all they're doing is selling simple jewelry but because they've combined the big three they're able to scale this product really high the product is really simple it is this turtle necklace but the big selling point is that with every sale you can track a turtle you can help save the turtles and every dollar goes to funding ocean cleanups so not only are they buying the necklace but they're buying the peace of mind that they're giving back to the earth in regards to the creative they've done a good job by keeping it simple and straight to the point they show the product they show the benefits in the actual copy they give a review from somebody that has ordered they give the main features and benefits of ordering from them money back guarantee high reviews 50 000 customers the perfect gift it is really simple but it gets the job done and as you can see it has a ton of engagement people are really pleased with the product let's see here they say i got mine i love it you get the idea here my son bought this as a gift for me people really like this product and lastly i think the best thing they have going for them is their offer so you see that they are selling just one at a time but every single purchase allows you to track a turtle so instead of just saying hey guys we're gonna sell you this necklace that you can wear we're gonna sell you this necklace and allow you to donate money with your purchase and allow you to track a turtle with your purchase so the value of spending 25 has now gone up tremendously making for a great offer let me say one last thing about their offer so as you can see they put it at 50 off and it's 25 for one necklace conveniently they put free shipping over 49 so if you bought two necklaces you get free shipping so what do you think the average consumer is going to do with a brand like this they can target these simplest audiences and run a basic strategy and beat everybody in their market because they focused on what truly matters the most so stop looking for that secret strategy focus on becoming a better marketer and finding a great product that is how you're gonna truly have success with facebook ads let's move on to tip number two here's the truth about facebook the person that can spend the most will always win now wait don't freak out just yet because i'm not talking about the person that has the most money or the highest budget i'm talking about the person that can profitably spend the most to get a customer let me explain we have two stores store a and store b store a buys their product for five dollars and sells it for twenty dollars which means they can afford to spend fifteen dollars to get a customer store b buys their product for ten dollars and sells it for forty dollars which means they can spend thirty dollars to get a customer considering that facebook is an auction based platform if store a and store b are running ads to the same audience store b is going to win all day long they're going to be able to consistently outbid store a because they can afford to spend more money per customer so what can you do to be more like store b well it's it's simple really first find products with above a 25 profit margin this is going to make advertising so much easier let's say your profit margin on your product is ten dollars that means you're going to have to be consistently getting customers for around five dollars which is almost impossible on facebook nowadays secondly use upsells and bundles to massively increase your average order value this will make it so much easier to advertise on facebook because you're going to make more money per visitor that comes to your site just find products that complement the main one that you're selling and use an app like one click upsell to maximize your profits on each sale and no this video is not sponsored by them i actually use their app and it's pretty good and lastly use email and sms marketing to get your existing customers to come back and buy again this is called lifetime value after you run a product for a long time this becomes your most important metric to focus on it's a lot more expensive to acquire a new customer than to just take care and sell more to the existing customers you already have by focusing on these things i've been able to out scale all of my competition and keep my product running longer than any of them and the reason is simple it's because i can spend more to get a customer as more people jump onto facebook and instagram ads they're only going to continue to get more expensive so this is more important than ever before third thing that i learned is that facebook is constantly changing and in 2021 we saw the biggest change to facebook that we've ever seen with ios 14. ios 14 basically destroyed facebook's tracking system which made it much harder for us advertisers to scale our business and right now making sure your ads are tracking properly is crucial to your success it doesn't matter if you're a beginner still testing products or running a brand making over six figures a month you need to be tracking your ads properly so there are many tools that you could use to track your ads some are extremely expensive some cost next to nothing i'll share with you the one that i use first hand and it barely costs you any money so this app is called be profit and i literally check it every single day when i log into my shopify store they give you a daily profit calculator which essentially adds up your cost of goods ad spend and other expenses and then subtracts it from your revenue to tell you exactly how much money you made but the most important thing that has helped me tremendously with ios 14 is their utm attribution once you set it up you'll be able to clearly see exactly how much money you're generating from each platform and ad campaign with extremely accurate data so if you want to check out be profit i'll put a link to it in the description down below so now let's talk about the most important lesson i've learned so i hate to say it but if you're not testing you're dying this is by far the biggest and most painful lesson that i've learned along my journey in the beginning testing is the most important thing it's the only thing that will allow you to find a winning product an ad and finally make some money at the start you have to test as many products and ads as you can it's really one of the only things that matters and the reality is no matter how much money you're making this doesn't change at all you know when you're up and doing well it can just be easy to kick back and let your ads print money all day but i'm telling you this is a critical mistake that i see so many people making and i've been guilty of this as well at all stages of your advertising journey you have to remain diligent and keep testing no matter what even if you're making 10 to 20 000 a day you still need to constantly be testing new ads so that way you can prevent yourself from dying out this is really the secret to maintaining a product for a long period of time i've been able to sell the same two products now for almost two years and the biggest reason for this is that we're constantly testing new ads though in the last two to three months we haven't been testing as much and as a result we've seen a decline in our performance so there is a direct correlation between those two things so moral of the story you must keep testing no matter what stage you're at especially when things are going good because that is when it is the most important by the way trying to learn all this on your own can be extremely challenging you have to learn how to find products create ads write copy launch campaigns as a beginner learning all these things can get really overwhelming so if you're looking for a personal mentorship throughout the entire process i've partnered directly with beyond six figures to provide the best coaching program in the game we'll be taking you through six months of personal mentorship that'll take you all the way from starting to scaling to turning your business into a long-term brand so if you're interested in that there will be more information in the link down below i hope you found this video extremely valuable if you did please drop a like and subscribe i'm dropping new videos every single friday that's all for now i wish you the best of luck in your advertising journey i hope you have a great day and i'll talk to you very soon peace [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Jordan Welch
Views: 93,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: facebook ads, facebook ads 2021, how to run facebook ads, facebook ads strategy, facebook ads dropshipping, facebook ads strategy 2021, facebook ads targeting, facebook ads in 2021, facebook ads shopify, facebook ads for ecommerce, facebook ads ios 14, shopify facebook ads, facebook ads for local business, facebook ads for beginners, jordan welch, how to create facebook ads, facebook ads tutorial 2021, facebook ads tutorial for beginners, facebook ads course, fb ads, ios 14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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