Goth's family house / The Sims 4 renovation

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[Music] [Music] oh hello my dear patrons you decided and i am renovating this god house um if you don't follow me on on my patreon please do that after this video because i'm making a lot of polls out there and asking my dear people what i'm going to build and i wanted to start this video with this statement because i really want to tell my dear patrons thank you thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support for your biggest support i could never like imagine in my life that i will going to have my own dear supporters and that's why i decided to make that pulse and post when you can write me whatever you want me to build and this time i wanted to renovate a house and i asked my dear patrons what i'm going to renovate i added two different houses um the pancakes family and of course this god family and since i really love gothic style i really love dark vibes i was really happy when i saw that the gods manner actually is winning so i was really excited and when i started to renovate this house i was not happy at all just because i didn't know what i didn't know i didn't know what to do with this house because this lot is very small but i didn't want to be a small house and we don't have some kind of a like a backyard or some space to decorate and make some beautiful landscape so i'm stick with the fans and the small like sitting area outside and um the shape of this house is basically the same i only added one more um like room and that attic space i made like a full floor for the parents um the layout it's pretty much similar i only switched the bedrooms bedrooms for the kids are downstairs and the parents like i said have their own floor with the bedroom bathroom office and small terrace oh yeah i also add uh one small terrace on the roof it looks so beautiful um you know you know already which cc i'm using like felix felix felix he is the best creator for this style i have a lot of fun using his sets basically the gothic set mostly for this build i also use some like tudor gym of course always when i'm building something like this jim is always there i'm king falcon and felix those are not the only creators you're going to see everything that i use here and i really try to keep up with this whole theme and idea i really did use same colors even though i'm not a big a fan of a red and purple i don't want to say that i hate those colors but i'm certainly not the fan and everything else is like a black or dark brown um i think i never played with this family guys honestly i don't know nothing about this family i know they are very popular and they are like iconic family in this game and that's why i really wanted to give them a proper house a house that i think that they deserve um i'm i'm really hoping that you are going to agree with me but and let's just leave that for the end of this video you are going to leave me some comment at the end and tell me uh what do you think about this renovation and how do you like it oh yeah i totally forgot to tell you prepare yourself because this is going to be the longest video on my channel yeah but not because of that walkthrough but the actual building because i really did renovate this house because we have a lots of space here inside of the house of course and i use a lots of decoration and i really take my time with this house i honestly have to say especially with the whole outside renovation of this house this all details on this house took me so long time because i really wanted to be perfect because felix has this really unique and beautiful details for this kind of houses and i really didn't want it to i live a single thing i always give back and forth back and forth back and forth just to see what i'm missing and what else can i use for the renovation because i really wanted to make this house to stand out in this neighborhood even though this god's family already is standing out from the rest of the crowd okay but i already know that but just because this is something very close to my heart because this is this specific style i really wanted to give my best and i hope felix is going to watch this video because i'm mostly using his cc so i really love to hear what he is thinking about this and whatever you have a chance to renovate something with this kind of a style i'm always looking forward because i don't know why not because black is my favorite color no um maybe because um sometimes i'm very sick of the white colors nudes and pastels and greens even though oh my god the what's the name of that kid alexander oh my god you guys are going to kill me i don't know their names bella cassandra alexander and what's the father's name something with m oh my god my brain stopped working although i haven't guys don't hate me um my brain just stopped like i said i never used this uh family not ever ever in my entire life of 20 years of playing um this sims game and where was i oh yeah the boys room that's my favorite bedroom the only bedroom that has black curtains but it's not black it's not dark it's so green um with beautiful wallpaper from felix but you are going to see that kid's bedroom because it's very nice for cassandra i use um purple and for this beautiful sexy parents god parents um i'm using red fully red bedroom and of course the groove set by felix somewhere in the middle of this building process felix released his last part of the groove set and i decided to switch those sitting area outside and using this beautiful chair and i couldn't resist i use this chair in the kitchen because if bella is cooking i'll probably go she's going to enjoy here the most by these beautiful gothic windows and i also use this shadows from the same set group set and for this kitchen i use paris yeah in the middle of the goth house i use paris just because i really love this kitchen and i think that this kitchen is really great for this like marble [Music] theme here dark marble theme and with a lot of clutter of course can you imagine me without the clutter but i really didn't exaggerate here not um especially not in a parent's bedroom later when i'm was making that my small like videos for the walkthrough i saw that red bedroom is pretty much empty when i think about this right now when i think about the bedroom right now probably uh i will not change anything i will leave that empty again but me back then was like why this bedroom is so empty but honestly guys now i'm not the same builder anymore when i saw that people actually is downloading my houses i realized that i need my houses to be functional and since that bedroom is really squeezed because is the like the attic space i really wanted to make it really like functional and that's why i basically use like a bed side tables lamps you know the basic things the things that you need for yourself and here on the second floor i made like another let me just call it like sitting area um with this old radio oh i really love this radio i never use this and downstairs you have the piano of course and i forgot one thing to put in here and that is the violin when i was like deleting all things um in this house i saw there was a violin and i didn't i totally forgot to put a violin here again probably someone is playing that violin but if you don't like it you can stick with the radio and the piano but if someone is playing that violin please put the violin again in this house and there's the only one thing that this house does not have it doesn't have tv oh boy uh i did that on purpose believe me i did it on purpose if you want to switch one of those pictures or the mirrors um you can uh change switch that with one tv but i really for some very strange reason i didn't want to put the tv uh seems like it doesn't fit here maybe who knows and we guys came to this beautiful boy's bedroom oh my i really love this and i have to tell you that i'm really happy i never thought that i'm going to use um a couple of things from the how is that new kit called small little campers something like that i use this beautiful like dollhouse this is like a dollhouse and i use those beautiful beautiful separate pillows and i really wanted to look this rear very very realistic and those boys bedroom is very very cute i'm really proud of that uh bedroom because especially with this sitting area that i made like custom uh on that wall and the next bedroom that i'm going to furnish is this purple bedroom this is like girly but like full gothic purple black [Music] like i said purple is not my color i have a hard time looking at this right now when i'm recording my voiceover because oh my god this swatch particular swatch from felix it's very beautiful and this is it this color is the only purple shade that i can watch i don't know why i really love dark colors i love black i really love black and i don't know why i don't i don't not i'm not hating colors why i don't like certain colors i don't love to any anything to scream into my face maybe that is the best explanation and um and my dear people we came to the last floor or the attic space um it's not like small attic you have like a full bedroom bathroom office a one like walk in i don't know what is that i made that a little room um in between the terrace and the bedroom for bella and i just put there like some makeup you know table just because i really needed something for her and it looks cool you can um enter in that room first and then the bedroom and the bathroom in the other side is the office library very small but cute and we came to the end of this video guys 16 minutes of my voice over i couldn't i could never but here i am guys if you really love this video please give it a big thumbs up subscribe to my channel and hit that notification bell i love you guys all so so much see you next time stay for the house tour bye bye [Music] do [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Bojana Sims
Views: 10,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: goth manor, goth's house, historical build, sims 4 renovation, sims 4 goth manor, goth family, sims 4 build
Id: Gz09ei49hkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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