Talking Tom & Friends Episode Collection 9-12

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Let’s see: backpacks, sleeping bags, lanterns… Oh… sunscreen? Check! Cool shades? Check! Hacky Sack? The sack is in the pack. Great, I think we’ve got everything we need for the annual best friends camping trip! Now to pack it all... Hank, I’ll let you get started. I got to take care of the thing with the deal... Wow. How’d you fit all that in? The secret is to roll your underwear into tubes. Woah, woah, woah! Is that a laptop? Nowadays it’s called a portable computer. This is our best friends camping trip! That means me, you, Hank and no laptops! Hi, guys! Oh, and I also invited Angela. If that desert is hiding dinosaur bones, they will be mine! And I invited Ginger. Someone has to teach him about nature! Hold on! Five people on a three-person best friends trip?! What’s wrong with us coming? Let’s see. Five is not three! Don’t worry, Ben. We’re still going to do the same things we do every year. Plus, we’ll get to witness the rarest sight in nature. A half bird, half snake man? Even better... an Ultramoon. That’s when the moon comes so close, it’s like... ultra. I don’t see it. It’s not out now yet. It’s still daytime. Okay, everyone, according to my checklist, it’s time for our first night Hacky Sack session. Tom! Later, Ben, I’m cooking here. Okay, while we wait for you, Hank, Ginger, let’s get kicking... I feel like playing some music. I’m going to look for dinosaur bones! I see... I guess I’m the only one who cares about tradition. Alright everybody, try and guess the song! Oh! I know! “Dance the Night 4 U”! Nope. Here, let me play the hook. That’s the exact same note! Hank, please stop. Everyone knows we don’t play “guess the song” until the second night of the best friends trip! Look! The Ultramoon is rising! Wow... looking at the Ultramoon reminds me of a song. Now that’s “Dance the Night 4 U.” You guessed it! What? Oh, come on! Go ahead, Tom, bring Angela. Sure, Hank, bring Ginger too, why not? Hey, someone should call up Santa and see if he’s busy! At least I have you, smuggled laptop. Let’s see. Wi-Fi? In the middle of the desert? Hi, u up? Am I up? Who is this? The moon. Ha! You’re being funny. Who is this really? Ow! Who threw that?! Wow, that tastes just like a moon rock! Yes, I have a lot of those. Because I’m the Moon. OK. But how am I talking to you? You’re way too far away to get a signal. Usually that’s true, but tonight I’m much, much closer to you. Did you get Wi-Fi just for this Ultramoon? I’ve always had it... I just don’t ever get to use it. Then you have some catching up to do. Wanna watch a funny Internet video? What’s a video? Oh boy, where do I even start? What do you know about kittens? You sign off first. No, you sign off first. I did and I logged back on and you’re still on. What’s going on? I don’t know. I found him like this. Maybe he’s gone desert crazy. Hey, Ben, what are you doing? Oh, just chatting with the Moon. I thought you weren’t going to bring your laptop. You brought Angela. Hank brought Ginger. And thanks to my laptop, I found... The Moon. Wait, is that really the Moon? Of course not. Then how do you explain this sudden eclipse? Yeah, good one, Moon. Did you see that eclipse?! That’s Angela... Remember I told you about how she gets. Hmm, she’s exactly like you described her. Wait! What?! Well, are you and the Moon coming on the hike with us? Oh, can you? I wish! It’s time for me to set. Oh... When can I chat with you again? I’ll be back in 14,000 years. 14,000… Well, it was nice meeting you, I guess. Yeah, I’ll miss you, Ben. Ah, here’s a crazy idea. What if I didn’t set so we could keep hanging out? Yes! You could do that? Then you could go on the hike with us! Okay! I’d love to. Hey, buddy, a little farther and we’ll be at Pleasant Springs... the highlight of every best friends camping trip, right? Ben? What’s so funny? I can tell you. But the Moon doesn’t think you would get it. Really? I’m pretty good at “getting” things, but whatever. Okay... We’re laughing because I meant to send Ben a winky face, but I accidently sent him a kissy face. That was a lucky accident... Oh, so cute, so funny. You make such a good couple. Okay. The Moon needs to go now. I know the Moon is annoying, but she makes Ben happy. Hold on. I need to get a screenshot of this. A winking smiley face?! Vomit. I’ll talk to him. Say "cheese"! Hey, Ben, some of us were thinking maybe it’s time for the Moon to... I don’t know... Set? Who’s “some of us”? Angela? Can the Moon not be a part of this conversation? Anything you want to say to me, you can say to the Moon! Okay, there’s supposed to be a best friend vibe on this trip, but the Moon who I think is totally cool is kinda pulling you away from the group. Don’t let him talk about us like that, Ben-Ben! Nobody talks about my girlfriend that way! Moon, we’re out of here! That Moon is trouble. Yeah, something needs to be done. I have an idea.... And I have a dinosaur bone. So now that we’re alone, was that true, what you said back there? Am I really your girlfriend? Well... do you want to be? Do I want to be? Does this answer your question? Ouch! Moon, you are so hot. Oh, Ben, stop it... Yoo hoo! I’m just a lonely asteroid lost in this desert. If only there were a handsome or, uh, an average looking man to help me. What do you think you’re doing? Trying to save the best friend camping trip. You’re the one who ruined it when you let Angela and Ginger come. Hey! Well, you ruined the hike! You and the Moon! Ohhhhh, I get what’s going on here. You’re jealous because you wish you had the kind of connection with Angela that I have with the Moon! Whaaaat?! This Angela?! What gave you that impression? Admit it, Tom! You wish you could do this! Moon, since the first time I saw you, I’ve wanted to kiss you. Kiss me, Ben! I don’t think the Moon should be this close to the Earth! Whoa... Best camping trip ever! Take cover! Everyone to the tents! Ben! Remember the real reason we came here! Best friends camping trip!!! Nooo! Moon! Stop!! - Ben? - Best friends camping trip... Yes! Us. Best friends! Remember? Wow... I don’t know what to say. I had no idea a relationship with the Moon would cause this much trouble. Yeah. I know it’s hard. But you’re doing the right thing breaking up with her. Ben?! What?! Oh no, that’s not what’s happening here. What?! Take care, Tom. - Well, this is it. Goodbye, Ma! - Where are you going, Ben?! To the moon, Mom! To the moon... Okay! To be continued... Hold on! Five people on a three-person best friends trip? - You’re being funny. Who is this? - The Moon. Is that really the Moon? That Moon is trouble. Nobody talks about my girlfriend that way. Moon, come on, we’re out of here. Where are you going, Ben? To the Moon, Mom... to the Moon. I am so not worried about not having Ben here to run Tom and Ben Enterprises. I don’t need him! I mean, in a way, I’m glad he’s gone. Now there’s no one to say, “No, that’s stupid! No, that’s impossible! No, we can’t make an update that makes your phone taste like chocolate.” From now on, there’s only “yes!” Yes, yes, yes! I can’t believe you live out here. This is way better than Earth! Watch this! Wow, Ben, I didn’t know you could dunk. I’m impressed. Oh, it’s no big deal. Want me to do it again? Whoa, what’s that? Oh, that’s Dale. He’s a comet, and a show off. Yeah… Moon, I’ve never been happier. Me neither, my angel, me neither. I’ve promised my fans an update to the My Talking Tom app and this is what I am going to give them. - Today? - That’s right! Have you even started working on the update yet? No, but that’s not a problem. But Ben’s not here! Exactly! No one to slow us down. Now all we have to do is pick an idea, make it, and release it! Ready? Here’s my first idea. I love it! Not yet, Hank, but I like your enthusiasm! Now here we go... I’m going to give my app something called “The Quackulator”. It’s like a calculator but it quacks! OK, I love that even more! I don’t. That’s just the beginning, I’m also going to add a feature I’m calling “Talking Tom-Tom”. You know, tom-tom, the drum. Talking Tom-Tom! Oh yeah, Talking Tom-Tom. What exactly does it do-do? Well, it takes whatever you say, and turns it into a drum-beat... So, it’s your words, if your words were drumbeats... Talking Tom-Tom! Did I love that idea? Nah. I didn’t even like that idea. But can I be supportive to a good friend? Uh-huh. Okay, so we’re all agreed. Talking Tom-Tom is brilliant! Now for the easy part... computer stuff. Have you ever even done computer stuff before? I can figure it out! Do you want me to turn it on? Yes I do. Benny, that tickles. This must be love. I’ve never felt this way before. I’m sooooo happy! Wait, is that crater shaped like a heart? - Where is Hank? - Talking Tom-Tom. OK, I’ll say something, and you drum it back to me. Not yet... My name is Tom. My partner Ben is on the Moon. So who needs him? Talking Tom-Tom-Tom-Tom. It works! Alright. Now we just have to get this... into there. Hank, stop drumming. Sorry. See guys? We are doing great without Ben. If he were here there’s no way we’d be doing the Talking Tom-Tom. Yeah. He would’ve killed this idea four hours ago. Exactly! That’s my point. Ben only knows how to say no. Right? Angela, remember that time he shut down on your great idea? Oh. I remember it like it was yesterday. When the children eat, the future is gold. Can not sing. Need drink. Angela, no! Those are nails! Wow... By saying no, he kinda of saved my career. Okay. So that wasn’t a great example... But you can’t deny that Ben is just a big no. Yeah! I’ll never forget the one time he told me no. It’s hard. Riding a bike is stupid. No, Ginger. No, no, no. You can’t give up. Get back on that bike. But, Ben… No, I believe in you. I know you can do this. I’m doing it, Ben! I’m doing it! I’m the happiest boy in the world! You weren’t supposed to see that. That’s the wrong flashback. But you get it, right? Ben said no! What? Quit smiling at me!!! I know what you mean, Ginger. Ben’s negative attitude really upset you. I have a story about Ben where he said no... Enough about Ben! We need to focus on getting the “My Talking Tom-Tom” update ready. No more stories about Ben. OK? I kind of miss Ben. No you don’t! None of us do! What? Talking Tom-Tom test? What’s this? Talking Tom-Tom, test run video #8 Hello, my name is Ben, and I wish I was as creative as Tom. Darn. Still stuck in cow mode. OK. This update might be a crazy idea, but it’s important to Tom, so it’s important to me. I don’t know if Tom will ever see this video, but if he ever did, I’d say, “I’m trying, buddy. Give up on my friend? No way!” Well, that was stupid! Right? I got something in my eye! It’s hot in here, and I’m going outside! It is indeed toasty in here. Hi, Ben. What are you doing? Oh, just making an app that lists all the fun adventures we can go on together. Oh! Like flying through an asteroid belt?! Well, that might be a little deadly for me, but, yeah, that kind of thing. I know what we can do right now... Let’s sit back and relax and watch the sunset... Yeah, sunset. That’s a great idea. This moment is perfect. You’re right… it is perfect. Moon, I know this might seem quite sudden, but… What are you trying to say, Benny? Moon, would you be my... Hey, what’s going on here? Jeff? Who’s he?! I popped down to Earth for some groceries and I come back to this? Moon? Oh my goodness... I thought I could run this company by myself, but why would I want to? I can’t even turn on a clackin’ computer without my best friend. I give up. This business is ruined. You can’t have Tom and Ben Enterprises without Ben. I guess he had to go all the way to the Moon for us to finally appreciate him. We didn’t even get a chance to say goodbye... Goodbye to whom? Ben! - Ben! - Ben! Ben! Oh... hugging... this is... happening. Okay... finish up now. What made you come back? I, uh, just knew you needed me so... yeah...that’s the answer. But you and the Moon were so into each other. Hey! Enough Moon talk, right? I say we find a way to give our fans the “My Talking Tom” update you promised them. Yes! That is what I’m talking about! Do you have any ideas? Tons! And you’re going to love ‘em all. How about My Talking Tom Krill Tracker? No! - Pajama Namer? - No! Oh, You’ll love this one! My Talking Tom Stripe Counter! - It count stripes. Riiiiiiiiight? - No. No?! But I even said, “riiiight?!” OK. How about the My Talking Tom-Tom? It takes whatever you say, and turns it into a drum-beat... Huh... That could work... I actually almost have it figured out. You do? Yeah, you just have to take the syncopation of the drum beat and... Previously on Talking Tom and Friends place does in fact have the best burgers in the known Universe. Yeah, especially if you order from the secret menu. Oh, I love the secret menu! It makes me feel so mysterious. You can get Square Bun Style... That’s where the burger has a square bun. Or Double Onion Style... Oddly, that’s triple onions. Or “The Talking Tom”... Which is just a regular burger, but they name it after you. I’m gonna get mine “Free Style”! That’s where you get a burger, and it’s free. I don’t think “Free Style” is a real thing. There’s “Freeze Style”, where the meat is still frozen. And “Freak Style”. Where the burger really freaks you out. Oh. Well, what about on the double-secret menu? There’s a double-secret menu?! No, I made it up. Can anyone give me money to buy a hamburger? What kind of a dirty rotten world do we live in? Where you always have to pay for a hamburger? How is that fair? Hank, I was kind of about to -- I mean, seriously, I already pay for rent, and electricity, and TV theme song downloads. I’m not made of money, Tom! I’m not a tree! I’m not a dog of means. If you’re short on cash, why don’t you try CashKicker? Cash-a-what-now? It’s that web site where you ask people for money, and if they think it’s for a good reason, they give it to you. You think CashKicker campaign could get as much as three dollars? It could, if the video where you beg for money it’s convincing enough. Hi, everyone! My name is Frank! Not it’s not! I need to eat a hamburger. And I need you to help me achieve that lofty and delicious goal. Hold on, I pointed the wrong way. I’m Hank’s tummy! And me want hamburger! Me so hungry. I heard these campaigns go better if I make this personal. So, this message is going out to you, Beth. And you, Kristoff. And Aimee. But not you Mike. Definitely not you. I’m not gonna mention your name, Mike. He doesn't want your loving. He doesn't want no fame. He just wants a hamburger. So please give Hank a hamburger! Live your dreams! I think we got it! Hank’s project is an insult to everyone with a real CashKicker campaign. Like my campaign. I’m perfecting the ability to create hand-held holograms. With this amazing new technology, you can be holding something, and then... Surprise! It was a hologram! Anyway, it’s better than Hank’s burger thing. That guy’s not gonna raise a dime! You raised a million dollars on CashKicker? Yeah, I only needed three. Turns out it was as easy as you said it would be. But... this flies in the face of statistics. And logic. And physics! In no sane world does this happen! What can I say… I guess people just like the idea of buying me a hamburger. Wow. Okay. Wow. This changes everything. We’re gonna have to buy a fancy new car. And then we gonna drive that fancy new car on a boat! Wait, that might ruin the boat. It doesn’t matter, we got a million dollars! Er, about that… We don’t have the money any more, because I spent it all on hamburgers. You what?! Why would you do that? Tom, people gave me this money for one reason: to buy burgers. Still... We could have had save some money for like a helicopter too. You know, something small. Look, your CashKicker idea was super great! I wanted a burger, I got a ridiculous amount or burgers. I made a giant burger mountain in the back yard, and now I’m eating a burger. Everything worked out fine Tom. You want a burger? Congratulations on your big success, Hank! You’re my hero! Well, the secret is asking in a way that makes people want to give. Yeah, and making crazy promises. Like promising you’d eat a burger with anyone who gave you money? Totally stupid! I love it! I said what? That doesn’t sound like me. And anyone who gives me money will get to sit down with me and personally watch me eat the burger. That does sound like me. And it looks like me, too. So, either I have an evil twin... Or I am the evil twin! Hank, I just said you’re my hero, and heroes always keep their promises. And since I contributed one penny to your campaign, I demand you eat a hamburger, now! Well a promise is a promise. So apparently I owe every single one of my million dollars worth of backers some one-on-one burger time. That’s... a lot of burger time. But maybe Ginger is the only one who cares. Maybe most of those people won’t even call in for their reward. You’re calling in for your reward? Remember there are hungry children in the world. So don’t waste any sauce and finish the bun. This is totally my fault. If I hadn’t done such a good job singing, less people would have given money and you wouldn’t be in this position. Aw, don’t say that. There was a lot going on in that video. No, Hank. I was really, really good. And now I have to live with that. Just eat this quickly. I’m sorry I did this to you. Awwww yeah! B-b-b-b-b-burger in the house! It’s Hank eating a burger time, y’all! Oh, I just ordered a small water. I know. But I backed your campaign. So I get to watch you eat this. Dr. Internet Doctor here! If you’re feeling sick, then I’m your pick! Oh hey, Hank! How are you feeling my good man? Uh, hey Doc. I’m not feeling so well. Any changes to your diet. Like, let’s say, adding a ridiculous amount of hamburgers? How did you know? I saw your CashKicker, it’s all everyone is talking about here on the internet. Everyone who contributed is expecting me to eat a burger with them. What I want? That can’t be healthy, right? Well, as a medical professional, I have to agree that eating that many burgers can’t be good. For your own safety and the safety of those around you, I advise you to stop. Oh, that is such a relief! But as a guy who gave 75 cents to your campaign, I’m also looking forward to watching you eat a burger! Well, you are the Doctor. I trusted you! I gave you so much of my attention and time, and this is how you repay me?! Traitor! Villain! Unfair! Ben, buddy! Everything okay here? The CashKicker campaign for my personal hologram app has completely stalled out. I only made ten dollars. Actually less, because some jerk took back his donation. Oh... that was me. I gave it to Hank. I even made a video like Hank, but it didn’t work. I don’t know why? You know what? I don't even want your money! You people don’t deserve my app! All of you should be ashamed of yourselves! Shame! It ends with me just screaming into a pillow. I guess it’s always good to blow off some steam... I’m just frustrated that Hank is so successful with his dumb hamburger campaign! While I’m scrambling to try to get my world-changing app made, he’s living the high life. Did anyone call for me!? Don’t answer that. No one’s in the other room with a burger for me to eat, right? No one’s hiding in the couch disguised as a ketchup packet, are they? Are they? You can run but you can’t hide Ketchup Man. I will find you! What’s going on? Could be a symptom of pickle poisoning. That’s a common side effect of an overdose on burgers. Buddy? You eat too many pickles? It making you brain-crazy? I’m in trouble, guys. I made a crazy crazy promise that I’d eat a burger with anyone who gave me money. But so many people gave me money! That I can’t possibly eat that many hamburgers! That’s what you get for being frivolous on the Internet. I know. I really frivolous’ed things up. You did! Everyone was giving money to your burger campaign, so no one gave money to my hologram campaign, which was way more important. I’m sorry! If I could somehow use my powers over burgers to help you, I would! That gives me an idea! Thank you for backing my burger campaign, Joan! Now I’m going to eat this just for you, Joan! Okay. Set up the next one! Thanks for backing my burger campaign… Boris! Now I’m going to eat this just for you! One thousand hologram burgers, zero calories. Just another seventy-two hours of this and we can get through all the rest of Hank’s backers. What’s the matter, Ben? Well, when you said: “That gives me an idea” earlier, you implied that Hank’s burgers could help me. But all we’re doing is helping Hank. Again. My campaign is still unfunded. That’s true... But at least you proved that your app works! So in a way, this was really a victory for you. But that’s not what I wanted. A victory. No, you see-- Victory! Argh! He doesn't want your loving. He doesn't want no fame. Ok… He just wants to make a hologram. Not really… So help and make a hologram. Okay but technically it is a device that projects a hologram. and the people cheered and sang with joy! Happy Halloween, aka Candy Day, aka, the best day of the year, aka a birthday for candy! Who’s ready to go trick-or-treating?! and that’s when I finally made the switch from drinking cold water to drinking room temperature water. Ohhhh, I see. Yeah, that makes sense. What’s going on here?! Why are you sitting around talking when we could be out getting free candy? Ginger, we’re adults. If we want candy, we can just go buy some. Oh, so you’re just coming with me while I trick-or-treat? I don’t think you understand. Trick-or-treating isn’t on our schedule tonight. But... Wait... Are you saying... Don't touch it! Sorry! Listen, it’s cold, it’s dark, Hank still hasn’t returned my scuba diver costume... That was a costume? No wonder the tag on it said "Do not wear in water"... The point is, we’re not really doing Halloween this year, Ginger. Not... doing... candy? This is outrageous! You can’t NOT do Halloween! What about you, Hank? You’re telling me even you don’t want free candy?! Ginger, I’m a grown-up now. I drink room temperature water. I can’t be out running around with children in costumes. You’ll all be sorry you didn’t take me trick-or-treating! And you’ll be sorry you said such mean things about me! We didn’t say any mean things about you, Ginger. Well I’m sure you thought them! He’s got us there. All right, who’s ready for this year’s Scare-A-Thon TV Marathon?! Woohoo, me! You are about to enter a place beyond a place beyond another place. Some things are the same here, but some are different. Are ghosts real? Do aliens exist? What is the Tooth Fairy doing with all those teeth? Everything isn’t black and white, but this show is. You’ve just crossed over into... the Sundown Sector. Booooooring. Did you seriously pick an old black and white show for this year’s Scare-A-Thon? Why does it matter if it’s in black and white? It's boring! This is Halloween! The Scare-A-Thon should be scary. Au contraire, mon scare... Black and white can be very scary, especially if I use this. The Total TV Immersion app! It makes it feel like you’re in the show. It’ll have you shaking in your Halloween boots. Oh, I’m sooo scared. You will be. Wow! This is real? This is awesome! It’s just like we’re in The Sundown Sector! Maybe we are. Total immersion. Today’s story is about a monster. Not a monster that lurks in the dark. Not a monster with fangs or claws. This monster... is an adorable little boy. Alright, listen up. Because I’m nice, I’m going to give you one more chance: You can either come trick-or-treating with me now... ...or you can suffer the consequences. Ginger, this is getting annoying. How many times do we have to tell you no? No, no, no, no, n-- What just happened?! Where did Ben go?! Let me out! Let me out! Silence! Now... Do you want me to turn you into an app? Or do you want to do exactly what I say? And what do you think you’re doing? We just need a break, Ginger. We’re exhausted from following all of your fun orders. Turn the TV off, Hank. I can’t, the Halloween episode of Bongo and McGillicuddy is about to start! I mean, I can’t do that! The Halloween episode of Bongo and McGillicuddy is about to start! Turn it off now, Hank, or I’ll send you into my phone like I did to Ben! I... can’t... do it... This is your last warning... I can’t, I just can’t! Please don’t punish me! I physically can’t turn off the TV if Bongo and McGillicuddy is on! Anyone else? Come on, Ginger! This isn't funny anymore, let us out! Alright, it’s time to go trick-or- treating. Tom, you’re gonna hold my extra bags! Great! And Angela, you‘re gonna carry me, so my feet don’t get sore. Great idea. Right, Angela? Angela, what’re you doing? I am finished doing what Ginger tells us to do. Excuse me? You heard me. I said I’m not going to listen to you any more! You’re just a little brat who gets mad when he doesn’t get his way, and I’ve had enough-- Look over there! Candy! You have to stop, Ginger! You can’t just push people around and intimidate them into doing what you want! That’s funny, because I actually can do that! Ginger, Ginger, listen. I just want to say that I’m reeeeally sorry for the whole running and chasing and yelling thing. I actually like following your orders! Just give me another one, I’ll do it right away! Sorry, Tom, it’s too late. You had your chance. Ginger, please, nooooooooo! Tom! Oh hey, Tom. What is this? Wait, are we... Yeah. We’re inside Ginger’s phone. And by the looks of it, we’re trapped. Things were pretty bad there for a while, but then the couch and the TV just appeared out of nowhere! It was awesome! Speak for yourself. When the couch appeared, it landed on me. How did that happen? What’s that sound? What sound? Ben! To your left! I meant move to your left! Are you sure we can’t escape? There has to be some way out of here... I don’t even see any doors or walls. It’s like we’re in a totally different plane of existence or something. Well at least we’re not just sitting around the garage. We keep saying we need to get out more, and we finally did. I’m proud of us. You know, this is just like what happened to the characters in an episode of The Sundown Sector. I guess we’ll just have to do what those characters did. Which is? I mean, not like "witches" but "which is?". Give up. Give up? You mean just stop trying to escape? Yep. There’s no way out, so we might as well get comfortable. Are you crazy?! There’s no way I’m giving up that easily. Hey, Ginger! You hear me out there! You’re not gonna get away with this! We’ll escape somehow and when we do, you’ll-- wait, what’s that?! Please stop, Ginger! Ow! We’ll do what you want! Ginger please! Now who's gonna ????? trick-or-treating? That... Was... Terrifying! I told you old things can be good! And scary! You guys don’t think something like that is really possible, right? I mean, I know it’s just a show, but you don’t think that-- Hey guys, I’m back! And I got tons of candy! What’s wrong with you guys? Nothing! Yeah, nothing’s wrong! Everything is great! Juuuuust perfect! Okay, if you say so... Hey, The Sundown Sector! I remember this show! I used to watch it with my parents. They said that I reminded them of some character on there I don’t remember who though. Isn’t that weird? I said... isn’t that weird?
Channel: Talking Tom & Friends
Views: 12,986,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Talking Tom and Friends, Talking Friends, Tom parlante, توم المتكلم الخاص, Konuşan Tom, animated series, sprechender Kater Tom, Talking Tom, Talking Angela, Talking Ginger, Talking Hank, Talking Pierre, Talking Gina, Talking Larry, game, app, gameplay
Id: CKlUCUItd2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 52sec (2632 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2016
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