🚨 UPDATED 2024 🚨 How to Export MARKERS in DaVinci Resolve 18.6.5 (& Make YouTube Chapters)

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today we're talking about exporting markers here in denture resolve 18.6.18 this title as the chapter name in my YouTube video now you could go through and type all these out but I don't want to do that I want to export am out one thing we need to change before we get started here is make sure that our time code says that it starts at 0 by default The Venture resolve starts at 1 hour so if you have your markers already created for example with this one right here it would say 1 hour 8 minutes and 1 second instead of zero hours 8 minutes and 1 second so let's just change that real quick if if you come up to the D Vin resolve menu at the top left down to preferences and then in our user settings here come to editing and right here start time code by default this is going to have a one right here so you want to change that you want that to be all zeros so I'm going to go ahead just delete the one zero hit save and now you're good to go so that way when we export our markers they have the correct time code in them they start at zero and work their way up so here's how we can export out all of our timeline markers first you want to be in the edit tab which is is where I am I'm in the edit tab down here at the bottom then we want to come and open up our Index right here now when you open up your index you're going to see a whole bunch of different stuff in here that we don't need most of it and what we're looking for specifically is the markers so come to the three little dots up here at the top and then we want to come down to show markers now under here we can select just the color markers that we want in my case they're all blue so I could select blue or I could select all in this case I'm just going to choose all so now we see all of our markers here and if I scroll down we can see there's a whole bunch of them and if you want to change the columns here just to be able to see things clear you can right click on the column headings here and just check on the ones that you want although it doesn't matter what you see in this window because all of these columns are going to be exported out when we export out our markers so to export out our markers we're going to come to the three dots again and come down to export edit index resolve is going to pop up a window and ask you where do you want to save this file and you've got the of how you want to save it so first I'm going to name it I'm going to call mine markers from my multi-cam vid because that's what it's for and down here we've got different ways we can save this file out we can use comma separated values or you can use tab delineated values it's up to you whatever you want I'm going to go with the CSV and I'm going to go ahead and click save and just like that all of our markers are now exported so let's go take a look at that file so when I take a look in my project directory here I see my multicam markers vid my CSV so you can use numbers is what I'm going to use here on a Mac you can use Excel or any other spreadsheet program you should be able to open it right up so I'm going to right click open with numbers now when I open this up you're going to see all of the columns that we saw in denture resolve so everything is here it doesn't matter what you saw in denture resolve we have all of the columns here so we're going to do a little bit of quick cleanup here so that we can just easily copy this out and paste it into our YouTube description so that way we can have the chapter markers right in our YouTube video real quick and easy so what we want to do is actually delete out everything that we don't need so the only thing that we're going to need is the record in time or the source in either one it doesn't matter they're both the same you can see uh if I just pick one 211 211 so we can keep either one of those so I'm going to delete everything before that going to right click delete these columns the only other column that I want to keep is the notes column because it has the title of what I want the chapter to be called on my YouTube video so everything else in between we can delete right click delete columns and delete the columns at the end I'm going to go ahead and hit delete so the next thing we need to do is take a look at our record in numbers so when we look at the time here this is 11 seconds and 18 frames so we don't need the very last number there in the uh the record in column because it's not going to help us at all it's actually going to mess it up once we dump it into YouTube cuz YouTube doesn't care about the frames they just want to know the hours minutes and seconds for where you want the chapter to appear so there's a few ways that you can go about doing this or getting rid of those numbers is to go into each one you know click and then delete the number and then you'll be good to go there or you can use this formula that I'm going to put up on the screen here and I can't take credit for this I didn't come up with it but photo Joseph uh came up with it and dropped it in a comment on my old video about exporting markers so here's what you're going to do you're going to add a new column in between column A and B or in between the record in and notes so I'm going to go ahead and add in a column after and just so you know when it comes to YouTube chapters your first chapter or time marker or time codee in your description needs to have all zeros in it so what I like to do and I usually do this in my YouTube video obviously I forgot here but I'm going to add in a row and I'm just going to put in all zeros and I'm going to call it you know multi-cam video or something like that because YouTube needs all those zeros to know oh okay he's going to list a bunch of uh time codes where you want to put the chapters in your video so you're going to go ahead to your middle column here I'm going to hit equals and then we're going to put in this formula that I'm going to put nice and big on the screen here so you can copy it down put it in a safe place and then go ahead and accept that cell and now all we have to do is copy this formula all the way down our list so I'm just going to do that all the way down and now what happened was that formula is going to get rid of those frames for us so now we just have hours minutes and seconds and that's exactly what we need for YouTube to be able to put it in our description so that way it works perfectly and we've got Perfect YouTube chapters now all you have to do is just come in here copy whatever you want copy it jump onto YouTube paste it in the description and you're good to go you'll get those chapters in your YouTube videos so if we jump over to YouTube here real quick you can see in my description boom I just paste that in save it and you're going to get all of those chapters in your video you're good to go and your audience is going to love you because they can jump from chapter to chapter real quick and easy so there you have it exporting markers here inent resolve 18.6.18 all right guys thank you so much I will see you in the next video [Music] peace
Channel: Jason Yadlovski
Views: 3,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Export Markers DaVinci Resolve, Markers in DaVinci Resolve, DaVinci Resolve Markers, davinci resolve markers and flags, youtube video chapter markers, how to add timestamp in youtube video, davinci resolve add marker, Editing in DaVinci Resolve 17, DaVinci Resolve Tips, DaVinci Resolve 18 Tutorial for Beginners 2024, DaVinci Resolve 18 tutorial, DaVinci Resolve 18, DaVinci Resolve YoUTube Chapter Markers, DaVinci Resolve Export Markers, YouTube Chapters from Markers
Id: Qjh2WxA7W8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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