😱 FEAR on CRIB GOCH & The Snowdon Horseshoe!

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right here we go the third and last hike   of the week i'm trying to walk off so legs from  yesterday and we're heading up the pyg track right we have just reached the  junction now you continue on that way   obviously if you want to go snowdon for us  we're heading up there towards Crib Goch all right we are just approaching the base of  Crib Goch it's looking rather intimidating but   from memory i don't actually remember anything  too untoward as long as you pick the right line yes we're just gonna go find our way up  that yeah just a little marker cairn now this is very typical of the  terrain going up Crib Goch. it's not overly difficult but you  just require a bit of concentration   just think out your free points of  contact before committing the next move the handhelds aren't very good so a  good handhold anywhere yeah over here no there's nothing all right you get your comfort zone   challenge zone and your fears on and i'm  probably in my challenge zone at the moment that's i'm just saying she's in  her fears one you've definitely   got a little bit worse over the years may just be your your bad knees well though  you know there's the the Glyders we were yesterday and it looks like the  scrambling starts to ease off it's   just hands-on sort of easy crawling  across and then pick up the ridge   for that guy is there you're nearly  there is it just a an ears holding up where are you from i live oh and just taking a few moments off the scrambling along this bypass path oh now anybody go down the side there just yet right we're on Crib Goch ridge and there's just  a little bit of crest just to negotiate here   and my assistant and colleague anne is showing how it's done or  not she'll slap him in a minute oh i don't like this at all now you're  okay that is where the summit is you okay all right we've got a horrible  little polish bit coming up yeah me too definitely going to move  forward for this oh it's going to be right we've just come off the crest and  there's this sort of bypass path and i'm hoping   it goes through the gap there there's optional  scramble up there i think we're just going to   push on because uh it's quarter to 12.  just took a shed longer than i expected but i can't see there's any way of  not climbing what those guys are doing i don't remember this but at all oh  really geez i am shaking like a leaf here   yeah the girl is fine man just take your  time as soon as i see you i'll show you i've got a little bit unstuck  at the third pinnacle yeah   i could probably climb it i'd be a bit nervous  but there's no way my friend anne can do it so i phoned my friend from wales he's  got me to come down a gullie came in   down i was a bit nervous but it seems  a lot easier coming around this side   oh my heart is racing i feel so stupid all  right sun's gonna come down here and join me   and we're just gonna clamber up there  hopefully and get back on point in the ridge it's frustrating because my advice with ridges  always stick to the crest as much as possible   don't negotiate going into gullies because you  just don't know what you're getting yourself into   and here i am going down our gully  to try and find another route i feel a bit embarrassed yeah right that gully him  back up has got us back on the ridge we want to be breather just need to get  down now it's a bit steep the herring gulls have definitely wisened  up eh yeah food source from the walkers they got a bad place bali here and goes right after the well well-earned lunch we  are back on the move and the next target is   kind of a guy i think is how you pronounce  it please let me know in the comments if i   haven't planned anything right you  can give me a hard time if you want oh we're making a meal of this we then we took  a bypass path just forgot about the scrambling now we're getting there slowly but surely you  can see there we're towering above Crib Goch hey not far now oh jeez oh made that all right so now we're on our way to snowdon  join the crowds get our place in the queue   to touch the summit to be fair it's  a weekday so it shouldn't be too bad   we can see steady flows of  people coming up and down there we go highest baldy man in wales right here folks me and anne have parted company  i'm going to do the classic horseshoe route   we're just going to pick up the watkin path  here and it's going to head down the pyg   so this is my turn off here let's go right well the walking path started off pretty  good it's like your typical staircase now it's   just a little bit more loose i'm just taking my  time here right yo i'm now in the flat section   heading along towards the ridge i hope i can make  up a bit of time on this anne was very insistent   that i did the horseshoe because she's worried  that she spoiled my day just because of the drama   on Crib Goch but you know what these things  happen and she's not spoiled my day at all   yeah mentally it was a little bit more challenging  just worried about anne and obviously i was trying   to concentrate on myself as well so anyways she's  heading down to pyg i'm heading along the watkin   path and i've got this last peak to do the name  escapes me at the moment but uh it's 25 to four so   got a solid four day four four hours of daylight  left so there's no worries so i'm just going   to push on for now and i'll bring you back  and i'll get on to that bad boy over there all right so there's Crib Goch look at this this is stunning some very minor scrambling and  eventually i'll get up this one   right i've literally just left the watkin  path i'm now headed up the last one of the day which i believe has two tops as well i don't  know if you can make it out i've zoomed in   as much as i can that helicopter  is right above creepcock alrighty i think i'm at the top of the first  peak that pull up this rocky slabby nothing   difficult counts to mark your um route finding  but uh wasn't steep just clambering over rock   and my feet are burning right  i'm gonna go over to the next one hey folks just a quick update  absolutely nothing untoward coming down   from that mountain it's really just your typical  mountain path a little bit loose in places some   rock steps but nothing major it took me  20 minutes as well so it's not bad at all   now i've got the last ascent which is going to  take me down towards the pig track so hopefully   this is fairly straightforward as well because i  am tired yeah total swords law i couldn't find the   path coming down so i could see the path below  that i wanted to be on so far to freestyle it   i kind of worked my way through that nothing  too difficult but still a pain in ours so i seem to be on a path now which  will eventually take me over there that's me literally just picked up the miners  track so it's a home straight now back to the   car at pen-y-pass i think it's got another  two three kilometers to go it looks miles   but yeah it's been an epic three days in wales  uh some testing moments at times you know but   nobody lost an eye so i'm gonna wrap this  one up now and i'll catch you next one cheers
Channel: Walk With Wallace
Views: 36,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crib goch, snowdon, snowdonia, grib goch, crib goch knife edge, snowdon horseshoe, snowdon horseshoe route, mount snowdon, snowden horseshoe
Id: AALmYV3p6gE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Mon May 30 2022
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