What did I find hard at Crib Goch?

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my name is Jack and I've climbed the most iconic ridges in the Lake District but you Welsh like in the comments section my last video kindly told me what a soft ass I am and that crib Gog is made of tougher stuff none of these child's player Lake District ridges so here is the Jack of snacks debut of big beautiful bloody Welsh Rock [Music] what is going on guys we're going to Wales the host has messaged me saying that they've popped out and won't be back till five she has said that they've left it open I'm staying well you can see behind me I'm in Lake but I think it's called Shepherd's foot this is Helen and John's Shepherd's Hut in Glen which is between kapulkurig and bettasekoid with just a 10 minute drive from Pena pass Helen even bakes me a fresh loaf of bread on arrival which caught me off guard whilst I was speaking to you guys operate thank you very much I wasn't expecting fresh bread so yeah here you are there's that petty pass okay so this is the roads so you'll go along here yeah when you get into Cavalry which is about two miles along the road you turn off to the left and up this is crib so here we are here okay just go out onto the track go through the farm yard go over there and just follow up and this is the lake this is the lake that John is saying this is the little boat houses at the end here so after having a little explore of the local area before the sun went down I went to bed early as I had a huge day of hiking ahead of me I woke up at 6am and made the 10 minute journey to Pena pass where I started capturing the morning sunrise over the Welsh mountains foreign [Music] so I started my journey on the pig track which has the option of turning off for crib gock route I hadn't seen anyone in my first 40 minutes of the hike it was incredibly peaceful but I kept looking up at the peak of cribgoch almost as if the descending moon was guiding me to my objective for the day it certainly looked menacing from my current perspective and I did have doubts about ascending this immediate wall of rock in front of me the thought of Doubt creeping into my mind frequently especially when I'm not in my local area of the Lake District here's the path let me give you an angle oh man oh so this is the continuation of pig snowden's in the clouds there oh man but we're going up here that looks insane so the thing that I keep telling myself I'm going to be doing all the elevation again all at once I didn't wanna hi bring you back shortly here we are oh it's absolutely glorious oh some God Rays coming in we stay in the obvious but I'm not going to be using this camera when I'm actually navigating crib I've got my GoPro on my chest it's strapped it was underneath this jacket and I've got my drawn I'll put it in follow me mode so it'll stay a locked onto me and I'm gonna get it to follow me across crib guy not really sure where the path is there even this one is it's to be said that anyone that suffers from vertigo isn't going to enjoy this fortunately I don't suffer from it in fact I really enjoy looking over the edge maybe it's a bad habit but there's something about looking over an edge knowing that that's potentially our demise that is just it really locks me into the moment it really helps me appreciate what I'm doing oh I'm really taking it in right now guys absolutely beautiful out here today and with that I made my way to the top of crib dock [Music] thank you all right this is everything I imagined it to be foreign [Laughter] if you like soloing this type of terrain I'd always suggest introducing yourself to someone there so you can be on a first name basis with someone if you need help soloing is amazing and I do it mainly because I have a lot of anxieties around others but I realize the danger that comes with Bean solo which is why I try to Buddy up with another friendly hiker today that body comes in the form of Chris we introduced ourselves and agreed to stay within shouting distance of each other whilst tackling crib just to give us both that peace of mind that rolled in fast but he does I could always use more so you can come here like your own right next to me I've got it in parallel follow me mode I'm totally hands-free it's right there technology is just unbelievable like whilst crib got started off relatively easy it did get increasingly harder than I expected it to I can say with certain that crib is definitely harder than any of the ridges I've done in The Lakes it has a super sharp edge for a considerable distance both sides having sheer drops there were a couple of moments that I sat down and held on for a few minutes whilst I just got my bearings and on top of that this is where my drone started playing funny boogers right when I was on the thinnest point of the ridge a cloud swooped over the Drone and because it's locked onto me it was struggling to see me through the cloud and it lost its subject briefly this caused it to frantically try to fire me again but it didn't quite succeed it started to rapidly moving towards me and then boomeranging back out safe to say I was crapping myself at this point but I tried to stay a calm my controller was in a webbed netting area of my bag I had to remove it to get it out and take control of the Drone again then I had to land it in the palm of my hand looking up at a flying object and Landing it precisely on your hand whilst balancing on a thin rock is brutally disorientating but I managed to do it and get it secured so I've just put the Drone away curiously perched on this Ridge eat the side of us just a little droplet get my gloves back on I'm gonna crack on you know I had the drawing out before and I'm really glad everyone's pestered me to come here and try it after seeing my uh hell villain strident Edge videos oh look the thing you can climb him you can see your way up there there's like a rather large giant staircase I'll have a go we'll never go out the giant staircase this is unbelievable I'm so happy right now my God this path looks bloody precarious scary actually and I always considering jumping around there but I'm not gonna jump where is he who will step over there we go the camera isn't going to be able to put the same perspective for you guys but it's just a straight drop Chris is waiting for us give him a shout hi Chris I'm all right thanks for waiting for us so crib was somewhat of a success I think without the drawing situation I got myself in I would have crossed without any problems I should probably say that if my drone played up any more than it did I would definitely not try to save it if it meant putting myself in any more danger you're seeing a short clip of what happened here but I did assess my options before deciding to land it in my hand and I just felt like I could do it so that's what I went with so let's continue on towards uh with her which is snowden's rightfully Welsh name and get my first summit in for the snowdonia National Park [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] thank you foreign guys I'm making my way back down I hope you've enjoyed the video crib whales Snowden if you've enjoyed it it literally means so much if you leave it a like and drop a comment signing off from snowdonia National Park catch you in the next one guys peace
Channel: jack a snacks
Views: 9,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crib goch, snowdon, stuck on crib goch, snowdonia national park, snowdon summit, wales, wales snowdon, welsh mountains, first time, hiking, wild, most dangerous ridge, uk most dangerous, wales ridge, hiking snowdon, drone, cloud inversion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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