The Snowdon Horseshoe (The BEST Route up Snowdon?)

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good morning and welcome to another video by myself Daniel I'm also known as the board Scrambler today I am in snowdonia it's Wednesday the 26th of April 2023 and I would like you to come along and join me as I go on one of my favorite scrambling routes in all of the UK of course I'm talking about Snowden horseshoe [Music] thank you [Music] foreign taking today starts off at the penny pass car park and it encompasses several exciting Peaks we've obviously got the infamous crib knife edge Ridge I've been making my way after that after Garnet again and there onto the summit of Snowden I was there yesterday and I was the only person on the summit yesterday that was absolutely fantastic I think it's going to be a little bit busier today looking at the weather which is absolutely perfect after I've summitted Snowden I would go down the Watkins path for a few hundred meters and then up under fluid from there I'll head down to the miners track and background to Penny past car park so this is quite a long route today probably going to be out it's half past 10 now probably be out until late afternoon and might even not get back to the car until early evening so we'll see how long it takes so come and join me foreign about 35 minutes into the walk along the pig track I'm just approaching the marker stone with the lakes on the left hand side and it's here that I'm going to take a right at the wall and make my way up to cribcock [Music] [Music] so one of the great things about the approach to Krug because there isn't Just One path leading to the top you've got dozens and dozens of smaller paths all merge near the top so every time I come here I end up taking a slightly different route which obviously adds interest and it's just a great little feature of this approach up to crib Rock and of course as you can see over my shoulder the views are always perfect up here when the weather's on side [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you so as you saw there I've just finished traversing crib got proper really really enjoyable knife edge Ridge walk as you saw there plenty of exposure a little bit of wind today but not not too bad at all and for those of you that are thinking of coming up here for the first time a little tip for you you take a line just a meter a meter and a half to the left you can hold on to the top of the Ridge and it gives you something to hold on to plenty of rocks to hold on to it's probably safer than actually walking on the very top of the ridge itself and as for me that was great really really enjoyed that nice and quiet I'm the only person up here you know it's the end of April it's a nice day today a little bit chilly but not uncomfortable um I'm now going to make my way over to the three Pinnacles and then up to Garnet again and then from there on to Snowden and that's the view so it's all going really well today I've picked a really good day they had forecast for a bit of rain today so I think I've been really lucky so excellent anyway I'm gonna get on [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] up to Garnet again so a bit of a slog so uh I'll see you on the summit well you can probably see Garnet again the summit behind me put the marker and uh over my shoulder in the distance you should be able to see crib Gog as well which is looking absolutely amazing from up here so a great day so far I've got some tired legs but really enjoying it and I'm just going to make my way around to the summit of Snowden and then I'll probably stop and have a late lunch up there so uh onwards and upwards [Music] thank you [Music] say the summit of Snowden was a lot quieter than I thought it'd be only a couple of dozen people up there and not bad at all for the end of April and a lovely daylight today so I'm past the halfway point on the route now I'd say the hardest part is done done crib got done the Pinnacles done Garnet again and made my way up to the summit of Snowden put the drain up as you saw from that lovely footage up there looking just absolutely beautiful today so I'm now going to make my way down the Watkins path and then come off the Watkins path and scramble up uh fluid and then from there I'll make my way down onto the miners track and back to Penny pass car park so well over halfway now and the hardest part's done already so I think I've been going for about four and a half hours but I've spent quite a lot of time flying the Drone and setting up tripods and cameras and so forth and walking back and forth trying to get a nice shot for for you guys and girls so uh I think I'd probably be going a lot quicker if I wasn't filming today but it's still quite a challenging route the Snowden horseshoe as you saw lots and lots of scrambling on there the knife-rated ridge lots of exposure on there um just a really enjoyable day for me today yeah definitely one of the harder routes on Snowden but but well worth the effort in my opinion anyway I'm going I'm getting a little bit hungry so I'm going to get on and come and join me for the rest of the route so the snowdonia National Park has paved the upper section of the Watkins Park so this used to be very notorious having lots of loose stones and screw on there I think there's been a few accidents in the past so as you can see very nice of them to put in a path on the uh on the iffiest dodgiest section so how nice so I've just made my way down from the notorious upper section of the Watkins path now if you've never been here before I will put up a video that I published a couple of years ago just showing you what that route is like when it's a bit cloudy and the visibility is a little bit poor I don't find it that difficult but I've met a couple of people up here that have really struggled on that bit so anyway that's done I've only got one more Peak to go and then I'm on the home straight so it's doing really well feeling great weather couldn't be better I mean look at it it's supposed to be raining today have a look so I got that one wrong oh well what a shame oh this section the final climb is a really nice scramble and not overly easy but not too challenging for me either windy to finish off finish off the day and that is the last Peak I've got to do and then as I said a moment ago it's all downhill after that I've got a slightly tired legs as I say I was up on Snowden last night just gone six o'clock I was on the summit so I think I've done about 26 27 kilometers in the last 24 hours so definitely feeling it a little bit but it's been a great day I'm so lucky with the weather and it's been nice and quiet as well so absolutely perfect well I'm nearly at the end of the line now completed the last Peak it's all downhill from now say great opportunity for me to show you at the entire route from a slight distance so uh have a look at this okay we've got crib got here the three Pinnacles done it again and up to Snowden down the Watkins Park the final Peak cleared to where I am now and you can just about make up the path which goes back down to the lake and that will take me back to Penny pass [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] off of the mountains I'm on the home straight I'm on the minus track making my way back to Penny pass car park all in all I think this is going to take about eight hours for me today to do this whole route back to Penny pass car park but I was a little bit slow obviously because I was putting the Drone up and messing around with the cameras and things like that I've done it in about just over six hours a couple of years ago so just goes to a show depending on you know how quickly you move and how often you stop that really determines the how long it takes to go around so I think if you allow somewhere between six and eight hours depending on your Fitness and how often you stop you're probably not going to be too far off so either way it is a long day out lots of scrambling lots of hiking and I've got really tight legs but I have had a fantastic day so all that's left for me to say is thank you for watching I hope you've enjoyed the footage don't forget to hit that like button and also subscribe if you'd like to see more content like this thanks once again [Music] thank you thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: The Bald Scrambler
Views: 2,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snowden, mount snowdon, mt snowdon, Yr Wyddfa
Id: xnK5x8HHYRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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