A Night In A Mountain Cave | This Trip Went Wrong! - Cnicht Part 1

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in mid-september i took off on an adventure to a small but iconic mountain called knick the plan was to make my way across a low peak called year due on a first day finishing up at a cave around 400 meters up on the mountainside where i'd spend the night with views of knik i was then going to make my way up to the summit on the second day before attempting a summit movie in celebration of my first year on youtube while i did get my night in a cave pretty much everything else on this trip went wrong the paths shown on the os map that i'd planned my route by didn't actually exist so i made my way through this evergreen forest blissfully unaware that the upcoming terrain would be some of the worst i'd ever traveled on and the weather was about to turn too this is what happened on what would turn out to be one of my most unsuccessful trips since i started the channel today sucked [Music] so we've gone straight into a fairly brutal climb up the side of yeah i do yeah this is a 388 meter little peak so hopefully when we get to the top of that we will see commit and then we're gonna make our way down and have a look for this cave it is about half three so i reckon about four hours of daylight four hours to find this cave let's do it [Music] we're in this evergreen forest which is just a mass of blow downs everywhere it's crazy it's really slow going the path just disappears and you're just always climbing over stuff difficult ground to walk on so be nice when we come out of it we'll be able to see about hopefully soon and it beautiful i love evergreens [Music] god knows where the park's gone see i can't jump down there because i can't it's too far i'm gonna follow it along a bit this way see if there's a better way over that ain't happening wading in ferns up to my shoulders currently this is kind of crazy i'm in full water prius now more for tick protection than anything else oh my god i hate it i hate it i hate it okay let's see if we can get over this bit here the thing is it's so slippery now ah i can't i'm too heavy with a rucksack all right rucksack's gonna have to come off no oh okay i don't know if you just saw that but i just lost my checking pole over this wall so we're definitely going over now oh how climb was it on that's uh over 14 kilos but over the wall wow what's a day this is turning out to be oh god just rambles everywhere as well phones is one thing this is hard man really hard this way [Music] hey friends hi we're going the right way two hours max now to find that cave so let's get going this cave is around here somewhere i just gotta find it i would be so relieved to find it we've got left now hour and a half a day like i reckon let's do this [Music] found it [Music] oh my god look how cute is this [Music] that is the little cave it looks pretty dry in there let's connect let's have a look inside wow this is cool look at that view [Music] [Music] hi you guys i am so glad to be in this lovely little cave i've lost my drone so i'm kind of gutted i'm just taking 10 minutes to be annoyed about it and then i'm not gonna let it ruin the rest of the trip um it's falling out my waste bag at some point i don't know where i've had a look around where i can just around the cave but it's dark now i think it's gone so that's that but yeah this is wicked so let me show you around my cave so here's the front of the cave and listen my stuff and there's the back of the cave okay i've had a good check over for ticks i think i'm all right my clothes it's actually just this top is slightly damp i'm just gonna leave this stuff on because my body heat will dry that just fine i love it in here it's well cozy although it does make you think wow what if this rock collapses above my head because it is a massive rock looks fine lost my drone today i doubt i get squished to death by a giant rock as well that'd be too much bad luck in one day when i i'm gonna get my hair all played up if the tick's about i like to get it all plaited so it's not sort of hanging around getting bugs in it then i'm gonna make some nice food i'm so hungry i kind of skipped a meal earlier because i was in a rush to find this place before it got dark so i'm really looking forward to just having a nice hot noodle dinner some jerky and then get ready for bed look at this on the ceiling so pretty would you reckon that is sparkly got my dinner [Music] super noodles so good is so peaceful up here so today was hard now i know i just did recently a crazy trip in a renault really bad weather bad visibility that seemed more nuts than this one but i don't know why this was harder it was really really hard from the moment i got out of the car straight uphill like really steep the forest was crazy with all the fallen trees having to throw yourself over really high walls furs up to here honestly and then once you get out of all that the ground is just like so boggy and spongy that it is so difficult to walk because you're just constantly twisting your ankle and basically walking like a clown and it was driving me completely nuts and it's funny because when i planned this route i thought oh you know that cave is so close to the car it must be no more than three miles i wouldn't have thought i thought i'm just gonna be sitting around all day doing nothing because it's so close i'll just be there really early but yeah in the end it was a race to get here before the sun went down so those three miles i don't even know if it is three miles but that took me four hours yeah it took me four hours to do three miles yeah i mean that that is crazy that's like that's more than an hour per mile and i don't know if i got across in the filming just how difficult it was because it was so difficult and i was so worried about losing light before i got here that i didn't really film i just took the odd bit on my gopro mostly really really crazy and i didn't see anyone at all on the way up here until i got here to this cave and there were four really nice guys here hiker guys i think they thought this cave was going to be bigger than it actually is and they were going to camp in here i think but um yeah they wouldn't all fit in here so yeah i've got the cave tonight that's all good i'm glad i'm here now but i had had enough earlier it is one of the first times i think that i've really not enjoyed it and i thought what am i doing that this is just not fun and i know i'm always saying how amazing the outdoors is now and it is it's absolutely amazing but today sucks i don't know why it slept so much it just did suck and that's the truth of the matter so i will always tell you the truth so i guess we'll see what tomorrow will bring we'll reevaluate in the morning have a nice night here and then see what's occurring oh wow how cozy is that my god i love it so much i'm so comfy and so warm ah i love it just hear the wind outside this cave learn about feel so sheltered if you asked me now if today was worth it i would say yeah totally totally worth it to be here in this place right now and to have this experience worth it right i'm gonna get some sleep i know what i was morning you guys it's such a beautiful morning it's so still and quiet just been watching all the clouds come through in front of cena so gorgeous so i'm just gonna have some breakfast and then decide what i want to do with today i'm not sure yet it was clear when i woke up lost visibility and then all came in i'm gonna try it [Music] hi guys i'm all packed up and what i think i'm gonna do today is i'm gonna go look for my drone fast while my rucksack is really light so most of my water's gone and some food's gone so i reckon i'm over three kilos lighter than it was yesterday so while i'm light i'm gonna go have a look i don't have much hope because there's no sort of standard paths here it's all you know go wherever you like and find him exactly where i went i don't think it's gonna happen but i'm gonna have a look and then i'm gonna see how i feel about going up there hi cave thanks for having me [Music] [Music] oh my god it was honestly absolutely horrendous [Music] you
Channel: WildBeare
Views: 407,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wild Camping, Cnicht, female hiker, hiking, cave, mountain
Id: Xyzkem9hp5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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