This was INSANE! Hiking SNOWDON (Yr Wyddfa) Wales' Highest Mountain

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[Music] Hello everybody welcome back to CJ explorers we are Charlotte and Corey and in this video we're going to take you to the highest peak in Wales Mount Snowden we arrived into snowdonia last night and we checked the forecast and today they're like the perfect day to go for a hike so we are here we have decided to start at the lamborghs I hope I pronounced that correctly I definitely don't think I have but it is where the railway starts it's the main route the most popular one it's the longest one but the most family friendly the easiest so before we do that I want to show you guys a bit of a trial by fire to begin with isn't it yeah I get those legs working as soon as you get on the trail aren't we Steve is sent as soon as you start but this path they say is the easiest and most of it it's pretty gentle until the final section where there's quite a bit of incline to get to the summit those clouds are a little bit they're coming down because it's really humid isn't it [Music] you shall pass you may enter Snowden well we're starting I feel like we're fishing on the trail now we passed like the cement road going up to the trail we're on the more Rocky path now that wasn't really a seat that was a good leg Banner just to start it I was like Wow but I think now it's gonna gradually kind of ease off a little bit but we've got a view of a huge aquarie over there Little Village down there in the lake this is supposed to be the least interesting view of all of the Snowdon routes but it's supposed to be the most manageable the most family friendly the most popular and you do get views I think sometimes of the little Railway going up and it's very beautiful I'm not going to look at that big rain cloud behind me I'm just gonna hope the weatherman was correct I've said no rain today but we're very excited let's crack on it's been a steady stream of people going in both directions I think a lot of people have done a sunrise hike but it's a bit of a risk because it can be so cloudy here but already we are sweating it's hard I think we've already gained about 50 meters in elevation and it's been about 15 minutes that naughty cloud is raining on us it's raining as we go and after just saying we're not going to get any rain today this drops but it's just a tiny sprinkle that's okay well it seems to have opened up now and flattened out we can see the path right ahead of us right over the distance but it's a nice wide path and very clear to follow lots of people on this Trail so you really haven't got much chance of getting lost they say the most dangerous time of year to walk this in Winter and coming back down the slopes the perfume get obviously icy but otherwise it seems like a pretty clear to follow Trail I haven't seen the train we did see the train go back down with like supplies but I haven't seen as a passenger train yet so I can see the railway track next to us so hopefully we can see the train pass soon hoping the train comes first in a minute because we're right next to it look really cool [Music] the transcoming plasma is very very slow so we went in here for a few minutes and waiting for it to go faster to get the hill but it's going to go right past us so I thought we stopped now and catch it while we can [Music] how you doing hun doing okay I think we're nearly halfway there nice breeze um I think I'm ready for a little picnic break soon we've got a flask of tea and some sandwiches right this is going to be our halfway tea break like 100 feet on from the halfway house you can get like teas coffees I think some snacks but we've got our own picnics so and we have our own tea which I'm very excited for right time to get back on the trail and we are actually quite chilly um so make sure you bring a jump I'm very happy that I have my jumper because the wind is actually getting very chilly now we're getting higher but I'm hoping those clouds seem to be going in that direction there's a lot of Blue Sky coming so fingers crossed the sun might come back because now we're getting to higher up the temperatures dropping I would like the sun to come back please we can see the train we've got a few now I've gone past that we keep seeing them chugging away and it looks like they go very steep on those top bits I'm sure it's a fun way to get a Snowdon especially if you've got some younger kids or you don't really want to do the hike and that's quite scary too to be honest quite near the edge [Music] the sun has come out whoa it's going again a bit steep up there hon oh that does look steep okay like that you must be gutted if you just turned around and walked back down and now the clothes is all dispersed and you can see the top looks like hopefully if it stays like that we'll be able to get epic view from there so just go straight up there no yeah not sure I've always hop up over there earlier but that could be a different route yeah yeah presume we're just going to follow up that looks like the top you can see people up there yeah little ants now we are soon [Music] right so I did take a photo uh the information board the bottom so here's a halfway house we just up for a break just around here and I think we're around here and yeah we're literally go straight up um snow and ice thankfully we're not got snow and ice today should be too dangerous and straight up so it should be up there Lake OH Lake OH or cool down spot a bit of hot hun hot again hot cold hot cold hot cold oh [Music] oh my God it's pretty steep I think I'm going to stay about here looks pretty amazing where are we there is a view I guess you are rewarded going up this hike okay for final stretch I think I can see the actual Summit marker oh okay I've probably got about one and a half case to go incline how's the view epic yeah I keep turning around see the muscles pumping depression is on this left leg but the wind's picked up and it is chilly I think honestly still be cold but actually right now it's really nice Are We There Yet nearly nearly nearly there we're getting higher than the clouds though and I'm not sure if that's going to limit our view I feel like I could see more when we're a little bit lower there's still a chance for the weather to clear so fingers crossed Jesus it's like a line up to the top of every wrist look how busy it is wow okay a little while to go still actually [Music] okay that looks really cool so we are now at the park where all the paths are merging into one I think this is the pig and miners track and it looks like a really epic trail and if you understand now what they say this one is a really good one but I'm really cold so we're gonna Rush up to the top I can see now why this is such a popular route it's just epic it's so epic this this final bit right up to the summit I'm very excited to get there it's definitely cold but um I think the views are worth it for sure well these guys have got the other route to the top and that is on the train as you can see it goes all the way up which is pretty epic to be honest I think I drive a height because it just looks so Steep and I'm a bit nervous of the height on that Railway track there's mineral that is [Music] foreign [Music] very excited let's go are you excited Jesse I am straight to the top oh is this a queue it's cute classic we've got a queue queue for the summit pick let's join it [Music] [Music] nearly at the top my second that's in the queue to touch the top we've just been killing for like 15 minutes Summit I've ever been to and I just touched that with my stick [Music] dude we made it to the top of Snowden foreign [Music] well we are just creating a little time lapse but as we wait I thought I'll give you an update on our experience of the top of Mount Snowden it was definitely an experience it's just super super busy and I guess it's because that's it's just really really busy and that's why a cue started to form so he gets the top and take your photo on the summit and I kind of see both ways I mean it's polite obviously to let everyone have their turn and get in the photo but at the same time like it's colder there are people standing around people get annoyed because other people are pushing in or they're not realizing so they're just going and getting their photo or they don't understand like the cute etiquette so they're just getting their photo you say it's a bit strange but at the same time you do want to get the photo of the summer or you do want to at least go up there and touch it and stand up there so it's a strange one I'm not sure what will be better would it be better to have just everyone do what they want or is there a cue let us know in the comments there's also a cafe up there which is nice as a toilet so it has a little toilet break which was good and you can get like teasing coffee snacks and souvenirs and that is where the train stops too but we just went in there we had a little break and we had some snacks looking at the view watching the clouds roll in and roll over us which was really cool to see but yeah very very busy well coming back down is a bit of a toe cruncher you want to have good shoes shoes that fit or maybe some hiking sandals because your feet are just kind of pointing down the hallway especially that bit just before crossing under the bridge again at least it gets a little bit warmer as we go back down the sun has come out the top of the mountain we can we can see it I did put the Drone up to have a little look in the top of the mountain is beautifully clear at the moment so people up there are enjoying very very sunny top of Mount Snowden and Charlotte is actually struggling a little bit now my knees are hurting but I'm coming [Music] well that ends our time here hiking Mount Snowden if you have any questions be sure to ask them below and we hope they've enjoyed this video if you have please like And subscribe we really appreciate it and we'll see you in the next one bye foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: CJ Explores
Views: 10,070
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Keywords: snowdon, mount snowdon, snowdonia, hiking snowdon, llanberis route snowdon, snowdon summit, climbing snowdon, snowdon wales, wales, Snowdonia wales, walking up snowdon, snowdon vlog, snowdon hike, walking snowdon, easiest route snowdon, snowdon llanberis route, mount snowdon climb, cj explores, snowdon review, snowdon experience, snowdon climb, snowdon walk, mount snowdon hike, hiking snowdonia, llanberis, snowdon uk, Wales vlog, yr Wyddfa, Yr Wyddfa, JcE&x%
Id: 258XdiFCIY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2023
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