Slime Storytime Roblox | I might be poor Bacon but all my friends are Millionaires

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[Music] hello guys yeah good morning I still don't see Jacob online huh did someone just mention me thank God you are still alive where have you been I just met a very interesting girl these past few days I've been playing games with her is she your girlfriend nah we're just friends I want to introduce her to you guys can I add her here yeah yeah sure Jacob adds Kylie hi guys my name is Kylie nice to meet you guys hi I'm Harper nice to meet you too I'm Caleb I'm Alexa you a bacon what are you doing here I'm also a member of this group what are you guys friends with bacon we don't care much about that issue Alexa has been friends with us for a year now she is very kind and we also like her very much yeah anyway it's just an avatar everyone was bacon one don't pay too much attention to that uh you guys are really good people she's so lucky to be friends with you guys yeah they are my close friend whatever I think you should change your avatar it's embarrassing excuse me I don't need to change for anyone come on girls don't be so tense with each other let's play games together who knows maybe after we finish playing we'll be come closer yeah let's play the hood I'm sorry but tomorrow I have to go to school it's quite late now I need to go to sleep oh it's okay we can play tomorrow just ignore her the four of us can play together I also want to play games with you guys okay bruh the next day hi guys we can play games together today hold on what is this what's wrong with your outfits oh Alexa what do you think of our new outfit yesterday after you left Kylie bought it for us now we look like a group of close friends but except me you should also quickly buy an outfit like ours ha have you forgotten she's just bacon she doesn't have Robo to buy yeah she's just poor bacon I don't know when she will be able to buy it what why do you say that to me don't overreact to it like that that's what you deserve what what you calm down Alexa I think you should leave here for a while you being here Will Make Her uncomfortable huh why should I leave and not her she was the one who started the trouble first are you guys defending her or what don't raise your voice you're making us uncomfortable we don't don't want to see you right now can you just leave you guys fine sometime later with Alexa and Kylie seems like we're the only ones online is there anything you want to tell me I think we have nothing to say to each other so it's best for you to stay away from me wow what a coincidence how dare a bacon like you say such things in front of me you don't deserve to have friends people like you are just people who are despised by others what if I'm bacon what does that have to do with you why do you keep picking fights with me because I hate you for no reason I will steal your friend and make them kick you out of the group bruh you're not as nice as Jacob thought you're fake yeah so what what can you do to me I'll show everyone your true colors good luck with that they trust me more than they trust you no way they're loyal friends they won't fall for your trick really let me prove if they really need you oh do whatever you want we'll see about that once I'm done you'll be nothing but a bad memory I don't want to waste my time with you anymore I'll go play games while waiting for everyone to get online 30 minutes later with Kylie and the other I can't believe she did that to you yeah we were wrong to trust her she makes me feel so disappointed it's all my fault I made her uncomfortable maybe if I leave she will be happier no you don't need to go anywhere if anyone has to leave the group it should be Alexa oh here you are I've been waiting for you all this time you still dare to come come back after what you've done what are you planning to do to Kylie what are you talking about I don't get it don't play dumb anymore we already know everything everything how dare you bully Kylie you say she's selfish and ugly you also said that we are greedy people who only knows how to exhort money from others you are such a fake what no way I have never said that it was all made up by Kylie shut your mouth up you even threatened her if she told the truth you would hack her account I never do that don't believe what she says you've only met her for a day while we have been friends for so long but she showed us the messages you sent her messages what messages how can we trust you after everything we've seen you have to believe me I thought you were my friend Alexa shut up enough Alexa the evidence is clear I believed in you Alexa I liked you even though you were a bacon I thought you were kind and genuine now I hate you I like Kylie more Jacob no you need to leave the group there is no place for you here do you guys choose to believe her over me obviously I've known you guys longer don't you already know what my personality is like fine if that's what you want we're over Alexa left the chat want to challenge me no door one month later it's been a month since that incident no one wants to be friends with me either is this what I have to endure as bacon she joins thehood come on bro please forgive me this time I worked really hard to get to this level nah I don't care you have to lose for me to win so please try to again from the beginning no huh what just happened are you okay I heard your voice so I thought you needed help oh wow a bacon did you just help me yeah what's wrong nothing I just find it a bit interesting yeah I don't have ROBLOX to buy outfits so only poor people have this look do you have any group chat I used to have them but as you can see I'm bacon and new one likes bacon don't say that ju join my group are you sure um no why I don't want to cause you any trouble don't worry they're just simple guys come on give it a try um okay great an adds Alexa hello boys I'm back you just got back from playing the hood right I bet you'll lose again this time no this time I won it's all thanks to this friend she clearly saved me a life please introduce yourself quickly um hi guys I'm Alexa nice to meet you guys oh hi my name is Charles and I'm Gavin nice to meet you too thanks guys for what because you guys welcome me and not judge me just because I'm a bacen oh we don't care about that here we're just regular Gamers here girl I told you not to worry about them by the way how do you all know each other we actually be friends in real life oh really how so we're all heirs in our families heirs yeah that's unexpected Alexa let me tell you something people who are truly wealthy would never bully someone just because they're poor really absolutely it's about character not money that's good to hear no one has ever treated me so well they continue chatting sharing more about their lives outside of gaming sometimes in Roblox boys are so late how long do we have to wait I called them but noon picked up the phone so I think they haven't woken up yet we can wait a little longer in the meantime want to play games together how about toe yes so let's play that game together they play Tower of Hell uh why is it so hard I couldn't even jump over the front hey brat get out you're blocking our way if you don't know how to play go somewhere else what do I know you no you so if we don't know each other then why are you talking so much shut up bits excuse me Anna what happened I just left you for a few minutes these two girls are causing trouble for me huh isn't that Alexa she's your friend Harper and Kylie are you guys here too oh so it's you bacon I didn't expect you to still have friends you're bothering me just by being here get out of here we're not running anywhere you can't just bully us out of here Anna calm down calm down she's crazy like a rabid dog be careful not to get bitten what did you just say to me are you deaf or something that you can't hear let's go Alexa I don't want to be with this crazy girl anymore yeah let's go oh my god did you see Alexa's attitude how dare she talk to me like that I also didn't expect her to change like that she even made friends with that kind of evil girl we were right to listen to you and kick her out of the group see I told you girls where did you guys go I just met Alexa's old friends they're so mean and rude the girl you just met is called Kylie she looks down on me because I'm bacon she even made up a story about harming me and my old friends believed Kylie over me she accused me of things I never did and they all turned against me so we don't play with them anymore that must have been so hard that's terrible I'm glad you're with us now you don't have to worry about people like them anymore yeah uh but I still hate that girl if I meet her again I will definitely teach her a lesson don't be angry anymore let's does play games sure a few days later with Alexa and Anna why do we always have to wait for Charles and Gavin what took them for so long don't rush we still have plenty of time they texted me that they would be here in 10 minutes so please wait for a little longer hello me again oh let's go somewhere else Anna no we don't need to hide from them Alexa why did you have to leave so quickly look after she left us she was still just an ugly bacon even the girl following her look so normal come on guys you will embarrass them her friend will of course be just as useless as her do you think I'll be like Alexa and let you guys go Anna it's not worth it let's just go no Alexa we're not going to let them bully us oh really what now princess yeah that's right right princess because at least I know how to treat people with respect you guys are nothing but mean-spirited bullies who get off on making others feel small grow up and learn to be decent human beings it's lucky that Alexa isn't friends with you guys anymore well said Anna hey shut up we have more people if anything happens the losers will be you guys are you threatening us don't think I will be afraid of you really want to try what's going on Alexa and Anna you guys okay you guys are too late sorry we're a little busy what have they done to you haven't done any anything yet just threatening me you guys must be Alexa's old friends you guys better not bother Alexa anymore who are these brats H look at their clothes they are all expensive products no way maybe it's just a fake no one wants to be friends with bacon don't let them protect that bacon girl looks like that bankon girl is loved by you guys so much you think you know her so well maybe she even said bad things about you guys BR wow that's pathetic you all should be ashamed of yourselves what we all have avatars we all started as Bacons at one point bully someone just because they're a bacon that's low even for you for real you guys should really take a good look at yourselves what you said about Alexa shows how cheap and shallow you really are bro ah don't act so nice anymore you guys are all fake people like her don't think that wearing a few nice clothes will make you look special yeah they just pretend to be rich what a liar oh my God Gavin did you just transferred me 1 million Robux what yeah please keep it from now on you're richer than your old friends impossible so he's really rich now let's get out of here I don't don't want to breathe the same air as the fake people here anymore successful Revenge boys oh my God I want a million Roo too Kylie give us some what are you crazy I don't have that much Robo haven't I given you everything I have uh does that mean you have nothing left I'll have it again but not as much as him it's all because of you Kylie you broke us what the hell now you're blaming me after everything I've given you so didn't you come to us for roox that's why we're friends with you but it looks like you're out of Robux then you also become useless I don't want to wear this old outfit anymore old you just replaced it last month uh you talk too much I don't want to be with you anymore you always act like a princess giving alms to slave now you are poor you are no different from bacon you criticized you're not even as good as bacon now she is richer than you wait what was that are you guys really leaving of course and you too Jacob well I'll take this but you said you like me I just like your robox idiot what I hate you all Hey Olivia yeah what's up can I add my girlfriend sure I'm not U added aurorax hey babe who's this this is Olivia my girl Beast friend hi I love your avatar Lucas I didn't know you were into softies haha yeah I guess I am LOL nice to meet you Olivia can I talk to you in private please Aurora sure I guess I guess I'll wait for y'all then so what did you want to say I just wanted to tell you that I'm naughty kind of person to steal someone's boyfriend so you don't have to worry about that oh okay thank you I mean it Lucas and I have been friends forever and he isn't my type anyways that's really good to know I trust you Olivia you're welcome shall we go back to Lucas now yeah we probably should before he goes crazy Bor El well took you guys so long oh we were just getting to know each other yeah that's good that you are starting to become friends can I please add my other their best friend of course yep mom salivia added Mia back hey Olive who are these people this is Lucas and Aurora hello hello oh hey I'm Mia can I talk to you in private Olive Sure Mia we'll be playing Jailbreak while we wait for you guys yeah see you so what did you tell her she is too nice I couldn't threaten or black mail her what did you tell her I said that I wasn't the kind of person to steal her boyfriend and not to worry you were supposed to tell her to back off because you've liked Lucas for years but he loves her and she loves him she is just too nice to be mean too well whatever you say I just don't want you to get hurt because care I care about you don't worry there are plenty of other fish in the sea too I can get over him eventually if you say so should we go back to the others now yes sure y a l took a while I was about to say the same haha I guess we just got carried away talking yeah anyways we were just wondering if if you wanted to do a face reveal sure um yeah okay I'll start this is me hot gorgeous stunning I'll go next this this is me handsome nice hot I mean cool I will go next here's me slay Queen cute cool it's your turn now Mia okay wait let me find a good one lol goes to her sis to ask for a photo ma okay here is me love nice um um hum why because that's my best friend Sienna since elementary school bestie is that your real face um show your real face or we will kick you fine here oh my God what that's my cousin is that her actual face well my cousin's name is Mia so it's fake show your real face yeah why don't you want to it's just these kids at school bully me and I'm scared you will do the same we are your friends why would we do that I don't know fine here is me pretty gal oh God God what Olivia private chat me right now on it huh that's weird anyway are you Mia Sienna's younger sis yeah aha what a small world yeah LOL I wonder what they're talking about I don't know wait so that that means I've met you in real life before Oh my God yeah I didn't think about hat but I did think you were familiar he he yeah same Mia is Mia from school yeah I thought it was a bit Sue when she said she get bullied at school you have to agree she is kind of nice I guess yet I've been IPS with her for like three years and haven't known because we hadn't done a face reveal should we bully her online all so she doesn't know it's a yes so let's not for now but if she finds out we have to yeah okay good point what do we do about Aurora don't worry I'll figure something out we should probably go back to them now they're props for ELO yeah fact seon coming babe wait before we go I just wanted to tell you that your idea about faking or face reveal photos was great thanks I'm genuinely so glad they didn't catch us me too okay let's go babe you guys took ages what did you talk about oh just how gorgeous you both are a thanks that's so kind you're welcome where is Lucas he's so quiet right now I'm here oh L High hey awkward silence want to play the hood I guess no yes join me a while later hi can I join your group please yeah no sure I don't see why not yay thanks what's your name I'm Katie what about you guys Lucas Olivia Aurora Mia are you taking Mia uh no why no reason uh okay you guys want to play evade hell no no way I guess come on guys don't be mean thanks Mia um you're welcome talk to me in priv without Katie guys okay guys we seriously just let a pikme gel into our group yeah and plus she has a crush on Mia so she's like a pikme girl bit targeted at girls even worse to be honest nice she's cute and nice just except she's different kidding she's so annoying I just didn't want to be rude we need to kick her right babe yes yeah um I am am sorry it didn't mean Lucas explain what is there to explain he's cheating on you with Olivia I save it we're done good job girly you deserve your boy way better than him let's go uh so you're going to team up with Aurora and note your bestie obviously not when my bestie is a back stabbing Diva come on Aurora we can find better than them wait Aurora for what you can lecture about how we're meant to be together I'll pass come on Aurora right coming I guess this is goodbye beasties thanks for taking my side anything for you I was wondering if you'd be my girlfriend oh my god of course I would love to I promise I will treat you so much better than Lucas hey can I tell you one thing yeah you know Olivia and Lucas yeah what about them well it's kind of long story but they kind of kind of blackmail me what how what when well they told me they were dating and that if I told you then they would keep bullying me what do you mean keep bullying you they're my school bullies they faked their face reveal photos and acted like they were the opposite of what kind of people they really are I don't understand why did they fake their photos they wanted to make didn't get in the way off toer plan their plan has always been play people and then break their hearts wow that's a lot to take in you know what what we should get revenge but how before I tell you I need to ask something how long had you been friends with Olivia before she started blackmailing you about 2 years years then I found out when she met Lucas last year okay here's the plan we are going to need to find another boy though leave that part to me ABC if you want three free items ABC I guess I don't mind though I'm just looking for friends to be honest okay can we ask a big favor before we give feedings to I'm all ears explains what happened wow that's some story so are you in duh okay so I need you to act like Aurora's boyfriend all good yeah that's fine my name's Mason by the way okay let's join them they joined their game is that them yep good eye okay go guys you got this aha babe you're so funny ha I know gosh I love you um fancy seeing you here I was about to say the same babe who are these people Lucas and Olivia remember I told you about them oh yeah hey that wasn't cool what you did to Aurora I admit it it wasn't Olivia's idea you promised spill your guts everything I did was on Olivia's influence how is that we used to be so close and hang at each other's houses all the time just as friends though until this started dating Sienna yes your Beast friend since elementary we only dated for like one week because Olivia got jealous and forced us out of the relationship I remember her telling me about a onewe relo anyway after we broke up Olivia forced me to date her otherwise she would leak my address and personal details everywhere online that brings us here damn so why do you bully Mia how did you find out about that Mia told me that little has revenge to Sienna Olivia said it was the only way to make her pay for dating me Lucas why are you doing this you deserve it just both of you get out of me Mason and Mia's Lives message received whoa what the way you stood up for us back there was so kind and so attractive oh um thanks oh you don't like me back do you it's not that I don't like you it's just hey love hi babe how'd it go we taught them a lesson right Mason um yeah we did I have to go my mom is calling me K what's gotten into him I don't know shoot okay so basically he likes me and wanted to date me but I said I wasn't interested and it just went downhill from there oh well never really liked him anyway neither L Mao anyways I want to come over Sienna me parents are out of of town so it'll just be us um duh we will have so much fun I already know your address he yeah ahaa I'm free so come over whenever you can and we can start the fun hey Mom why can't I not see any colors you'll only be able to see color once you kiss your soulmate wait so you're saying I'll only be able to see color again once I kiss my soulmate yeah that's literally what I just said there you are hey Jazelle oh hey Jess what's wrong you look like you've been hit by a truck um yeah I still can't see any colors that means Jake isn't my soulmate well what are you going to do I guess I'm going to have to break up with him good luck with that hey babe oh Jake hey I was mean to tell you you're obviously not my soulmate so I think we need to break up break up I mean yeah that's actually what I came here to say well okay then are you coming to Olivia's party tonight yeah for sure I'll see you there I dare you to kiss Steve smelly Steve really do it ABC I didn't even shut up ABC ABC what the hell let her finish any day now you got it girl I'm actually confused what the hell don't question it baby anything for you Daddy wow I'm friends with 12 gays now girl you look like a Hannah my Hannah shut up at least I can pull unlike you L were they a girl right here exactly damn no need to worry you got me baby boy oh my gosh you two are so homo wow how gay of y'all you're too cute L anyways name age faces revealed I'll say yes me first I'm Lucas I'm 16 and this is me holy so hot of course you would say that girl what you trying to say looking handsome Lucas anyway me next I'm Kevin also 16 and this is me two little Emos haha it looks like Lucas's gay is Unleashed by Kevin's Pig huh no screw you go next Hannah Montana call me that again I swear I'm Madison the first 15 and this is me oh my God gorgeous oh so now you want Madison now it was a compliment something you can't get damn no worries you got me still Lucas not this again me next and last I'm Ruby I'm 16 and this is me gorgeous well it's nice to me no we're going to be good friends the next day golly gosh I'm so bored let's see who's online hey Who's online hello wake up now oh finally you guys are I was dreaming of hot Beach Boys why cries what the hell do you want it's 3:00 a.m. oh my God what is it now Lucas you know right never mind so what what did you call us here for all right I'm bored let's play Hello at least I get to see you this early that's all you wanted to say oh my God literally never answering you again who what chill y l should be more like my Lucas wary whatever anyways I can't sleep so why not let's play okay what should we play Then Eddie wedy I don't know maybe day Hood that's like every Roblox story good point LOL how about Royale High you think we're five you bits hey I play Fat game a lot exactly LOL these little girl shut up we're grown gay men anyways how about Arsenal oh F yeah I'm So Pro at that yay I'm down Lucas huh oh yay let's play they play Arsenal for 2 hours that was fun except for the part where Lucas and Kevin kept spawn killing us L get this grab girl anyway Kevin yes Lucas I really want to tell you something ooh I wonder what it is me too haha is that ey I'm all ears what what the hell no is that I you I uh yes Lucas has left the chat oh did I do something yeah you scared him with your inner emo Elmo but for real Kevin you did nothing just give Lucas some time Okie doie whatever he needs oh my God why did he just leave like that I'm sure Ruby and Madison understand hands but Kevin I really really like him I should probably go back and say so Lucas darling dinner is ready oh it's best to have a meal before going back welcome doll your food is on the table thanks Mom you an emmo you better shut up you look like Lucas D boys quit fighting and eat your dinner sorry Mom oh yeah Mom I was wondering if my friends could sleep over oh that's new you've never had a sleepover here before of course you can it will be good way for you to get close with each other yay a sleepover oh hell n you little you ain't joining us boy who said it was a sleepover for you l anyway son go have fun tell me if you need anything thanks Mom back in the group chat guys guys guys what the hell well welcome back Lucas it looks like the girls are switching sides finally L yeah I can't stand Kevin's several of AZ girl you drown yourself in perfume I don't want to hear it okay okay now continue Lucas oh yeah I was wondering if you want to sleepover at my house yes yes that sounds like fun I'm down I'll bring some drinks I'll be in charge of snacks and it'll bring this hot juicy ass to get party started oh my God the man is trying to pull he definitely got Lucas that's for sure F ke off I just daydreamed of hot Beach men again anyway 5:00 p.m. at 12:43 butt head street I'll Lucas warry all right well see y'all bits 500 p.m. at 12:43 Butthead Street holy they're almost here I'm so nervous when are your friends coming boy leave you aren't going to ruin this for me no I want to hang out with you guys I'll give you 40,000 robucks if you leave right now yes okay I'll leave thank you you're the best haha that little twerp thought oh my God they're here already panic panic panic Lucas oh hey Mom your friends are at the door love okay let's do this bits better respond maybe if you're a patient he's over here spamming like he doesn't Arsenal Kevin I swear shut the mouth up a there's my Lucas boy hey Lucas hey guys come on in you can leave the stuff on the kitchen table hey Mom these are my friends oh hello you guys look stunning what's y'all's names I'm the baddest bits Kevin more like emo s anyways I'm Madison mads for short and I'm Ruby nice to meet you what lovely names you have well make yourself at home ha look another emo boy what a bold young man calm down bro only fight little kids in Roblox okay anyways we'll be up in my room thanks Mom those two boys definitely in love you little ish well that was something totally LOL anyways we should definitely binge watch stranger things AG yeah during the film a Lucas I see you're getting tired W what no I'm totally awake whatever you say buddy boo Lucas slowly falls asleep on Kevin's shoulder oh my God so cute I knew you liked him wow I knew this would happen l so happy shut up bits you're going to wake him but yay I think I like Lucas well good news he likes you back yeah you should definitely be his little Eddy Wy all right shut up let me wake him oh my God he likes me hello Lucas hello wait I'm not ready new hold on I'm Earth to Lucas Lucas wake the mouth up huh what's going on why'd you wake me up you bits Kevin has something to say oh really well I'm all ears I think I like you hi why get out little twerp anyways Lucas I really like you you're honestly the best boy I've meet you look really cute and everything about you is just great will you be my boyfriend oh my God Kevin I like you too I thought you'd never asked shut up you knew the whole time girl we need a bit of emotion in the series for real especially because the editor is as at telling our life drama good point oh my God my emmo brother is gay I cannot accept this I'm going to rat him out to Mom L mom mom mom mom mom mom mom what is my Lord Lucas is gay he said yes to Kevin when he asked him out who Lucas is gay cares but Mom it's bad and who told you that for sure I didn't daddy told me I divorced him for a reason well I still think it's bad law no one should date the Steve gender Now you listen here you little twerp being gay is all right there is nothing wrong with dating the Steve agenda it's 2024 even though you're still little act like a grownup at least I don't care if my son is gay as long as he's happy that's all that lters you should think more before judging oh whatever it's all Lucas's fault this is why you're a dud hey hey Mom oh hey Lucas did your friends fall asleep not yet I'm just getting snacks oh all right twerp it's half 11 go to bed now girl I hate you both storms off so son I heard you were gay W what no what all you that hey it's okay if you are I'll always support you okay yes I am and I am dating Kevin slay my son dating a bad bad guys anyway it doesn't luk Caster to me as long as you're happy all thanks Mom bits hurry the hell up I'm starving here can they let me finish saying one damn letter L now anyways go have you fun with him and your friend's son thanks Mom a few weeks go by another day another sleigh back here again playing this Lego game well it's fun at least you always spice my plays up Lucas babe stop not in front warning everyone's words will be limited to a certain amount damn it can I please finish saying something how about learn top pronounce words damn words have been given good luck haha what the hell babe shut the mouth up you're losing words LOL he only has 10 words left ha I have infinite words each shut up Kevin shut you're going to lose all your words no this is unfair dude babe you playing with your life boy seems fun Eddie Okay Kevin you have your one more word don't no use it well he's speechless now well look someone's mad haha it's all right Kevin we'll try to understand you baby no time to be romantic dummy we got limited words you know what how about we play dahood they all agree and join the next morning no this isn't part seven we want to discuss something about our series since the editor is a pzy to tell it himself so our editor is losing interest in making these videos but he doesn't want to stop because of all the love and support he's been jetting from all of you throughout time he hasn't been getting any ideas for next Parts in our series he did have many ideas in the beginning of starting this account but they all just went away and now he doesn't know what he will do now with this series and this account in general he's still thinking about it but to be honest I don't want him to quit we all don't idiots what if my love life disappears what if my coming out story doesn't happen what nothing haha anyways y'all chill he is not giving up on us he just doesn't know what to do yeah let's just wait for a second you better not quit on us what exactly our lives are right now for real don't you dare I still got my gossips I never said that was I swear if you end up giving up on us then I'll make sure that everything you have is described you eer you better not quit or else I'll come through the screen and beat you the hell up these Dumas are just going off again on our dumb editor this is like the 10th what the hell oh hell no boy don't you tell me that you're giving up ever or else I will commit all felonies in this world oh my God hey Daniel what hey hey I need to tell you this huh I just met a girl and she asked if we can join her friend group um yes but wait Taylor are you sure that girl isn't toxic why are you so worried Daniel I just don't want us to get into any trouble because we're Bacons I understand your concern but she seemed really nice and friendly still appearances can be deceiving Taylor you might be right if she turns out to be troubled we will kick her out okay thanks I'm going to text her okay wait for you here 10 minutes later oh she doesn't go online then I will text her tomorrow it's okay best day the next day Daniel hello hello yeah I'm here sorry I was in the toilet the girl I said you yesterday replied and she's going to add us to her group chat oh okay hi Harry hi Katie can I add my new friends here yeah of course the more the merrier okay Katie adds Taylor and Daniel hi guys hi hi you two are Bacons yes any wrong with it no I don't care about your Styles I love bacon by the way ah you're so nice you guys are so kind even though we're just Bacons no problem at all we're here to have fun exactly we're really happy to have new friends okay what are your names I'm Taylor Daniel Harry Katie cool names oh my God unbelievable what I got Roo congrats bro yeah how much did you get 100,000 Robux and Taylor I will give you a half of mine you're so nice to me Daniel he's so warm no way I have a crush on him uh I received it thank you so much I'm going to change my avatar me too I'm done me too woohoo you're my best friend Daniel excuse me who are you ah hahaa so cool best day you too guys you're so cool now and how old are you 15 14 15 14 LOL guys want to do a face reveal cuz we did a name and age reveal great but I'm not confident with my beauty then I will go last don't worry Katie we do face reveal because we just want to be sure that new one of us is an old grandma grandpa or a kiddo your words comforted me a lot okay so I'll go first hot hey bro you're handsome but I'm hotter huh I can't wait Katie what do you think my gosh look at his handsomeness his nose his mouth I want to touch his muscles and my lips one of his lips Katie are you okay huh you called me I was thinking of dinner yeah dinner I showed my real face and you're here and think about your dinner I'm your dinner I hope so L you two are flirting each other no yes Baha anyways my turn bruh bro what are you doing I'm showing my real face no you're showing your real muscles it's so hot aha you like him or his muscles come on bestie by the way me next my gosh you're so hot bestie you're really my taste hottie don't make me guys me last you're so pretty girl beautiful haha okay perfect guys want to play into them sorry but I'm a newbie on Roblox and I don't know how to play that game I can help you Daniel thank you Katie wow love birds come on bro join me guys sure sure 2 hours later you are good at that game Daniel a good teacher makes good students haa guys I'm here Taylor I think we should leave oops it's 1:00 a.m. I need to go to bed me too good night girls see you see the next day wake up guys good morning bestie morning cutie hi girls and bro I'm super bored guys want to play rag doll sorry I have to help my mom clean the whole house I have to wash my pet ah so want to do fa SE time great idea we can talk to each other while we do housework or homework perfect so turn on your cameras hi hi your pet is so cute Harry like me right yeah haha Katie you're so cute and your voice is so sweet oh thank you 2 hours later my phone's battery ran out I need to go how coincidence me too I will be right back see you it's just you and me now I want to share with you something dude me too okay so let's say it at the same time okay one two three I have a crush on a girl what I like Taylor few thank God we don't like the same girl yep LOL we should join Roblox they're online okay on Roblox we're back girls yep hello guys want to be friends oh we already have enough people in our group oh come on please I really want to join you guys uh um okay yay you guys look so rich do you guys have robu yes so cool so perfect what do you mean what's your name hottie hey girl you called him hottie Taylor calm down well it's just a compliment but it feels weird fine whatever chill out girls and my name is Harry Daniel Katie and I'm Taylor by the way Harry do you have any fashion tips your avatar looks amazing uh thanks I have no tips ah she was trying to flirt with Harry okay Harry I like you what damn it just met each other a few second ago and you even just know my name it's not important babe sorry but I like Taylor what I like you too Harry want to be my girlfriend yes for sure what the heck how you dare steal my crush so what what can you do to me no way this is ridiculous well there's someone else in the group that I've been getting to know I actually like Daniel will you be mine no what the heck can you please give me some Robux baby boo excuse you don't call me that I'm not your bub and I have a crush and she's Katie what Katie want to be my Girlfriend yes she Jade you guys hurted me so you must make up for me give me Roo bro you're so toxic Clara and I'm going to kick you out do it Bey no Clara has been kick out of the group it's better now yeah bro Katie why didn't you say anything babe Katie are you there she's still online but she doesn't text us yeah it's so weird maybe she is so busy with something I don't think so hi Bratz what why are you mean to us it's normal I'm leaving this group and I'll quit Roblox why I'm so tired of Roblox and I'm so sick of you guys Roblox is just for babies and brats like you all haha and don't text anymore I hate you all BR what the hell are you saying I said too fast how about me I'm your boyfriend you're a useless boyfriend what you didn't even give me one Robo I regret for being your girlfriend by loser what happened to her I don't know but suddenly she changed it's so strange I want to ask her why she hated us let's go to her place okay Katie we need to talk what the heck my name is not Katie I oh yeah what she doesn't even remember her own name if I have a chance I want to punch that so why do you hate us are you stupid or something spit it out you guys have roox but you guys don't give me no no no I hate you for no reason yeah stop following me I hate you all wait Katie can I private chat you no I will give you 10,000 Roo for one question I ask you oops okay okay she's such a robot Seeker huh same thought in private chat what do you want do you remember our first kiss um yes when where uh I forgot I miss your break wind sound I will give you 500 Robux and you can fart yeah for sure oh she JT I did like what you said where's my robot fine what you tricked me guys she's not real Katie what I asked her about our first kiss and she didn't even remember Katie would never break wind in front of me but that fake Katie did it when I promised to give her Robux how awful I have a plan let's ask her to show her real face because Katie used to show her real face before then we're going to know who she is sure hey Katie we have a surprise for you what is it here you are Robo I love Robo Robo is my life BR what do you want show us your real face easy game here you are no way why are you why not me what's going on bye losers I have no clue of that and Katie changed no I will find out the truth I remember remember she has a Tik Tok account oh yeah she just post a new video on her account they check Tik Tok oh my God she said that all Social account of her got hacked so be careful damn it who did it let's comment oh she replied our comments she said she has a new Snapchat let's find her okay on Snapchat hi Katie hello hi guys we need to check first guys what do you you mean babe Katie do you remember our first kiss in your dream oh my God can you break wind in front of me what you better kill me yay it's her nasty what happened my cousin stole my phone and she used all my Social account without Tik Tok because I Logan Tik Tok on my PC unbelievable but why did she do that do you remember the girl we kicked out of the group the girl was always Bab about Robux that's right she's my cousin she was jealous of me and she want to get revenge then yeah how disgusting ni let's go to Clara's place and get Katie's phone back we need to teach Clara a lesson yeah she can't get away with this let's go come in who uh guys what do you want you stole Katie's phone and used her social accounts without permission she left it lying around I was just messing around messing around I I didn't think it would be such a big deal Clara you need to apologize and give Katie back her phone right now what Clara give me back my phone oh Clara I'm going to talk to your parents about this Katie please don't tell them I'm really sorry Katie I'll make it up to you I promise Katie's right Clara your parents should know what you've done Katie please I'll talk to them tomorrow think about what you've done Clara let's go guys Oh Katie and her friends leave Clara's house leaving Clara feeling deeply regretful and anxious about the consequences everything is fine now I'm so happy because you're here with me now me too okay guys what do you think about a double date yeah I and Taylor you and Katie I like it yep so let's do it now sure sure we should take her eot yeah she's always playing that game we need to give her a break from that I'm going to take her iPod hey Rose hey mom what's up sweetie I'm going to take your iPad away h why Mom you're on it too much so I'm getting grounded yeah for how long I don't know oh give me your iPad now please Mom please give me 5 minutes okay but only 5 minutes okay thanks Mom Emma go tell my friends hey guys oh hey want to play I'm sorry I can't why guys listen my mom is taking my iPad I don't know for how long but I hope I'm back soon I'm going to miss you guys I'm sorry bye I'm going to miss her me too you can have your iPad back now okay thanks Dad a few minutes later I can't find it I've been looking for it for so long and I already asked Mom where she put it and she doesn't know I miss my friends 6 years later I can't believe mom told me to go to the attic I hate going there hey I'll just do it I want to look at the family photos in the Attic this is so dark where's the light okay there huh is that my iPad it's not charged I'll go plug it in after that I wonder who thought it was a good idea to put my my iPad in the Attic it must be charged now I'll go get it okay let's see what I have in here Roblox oh my God Roblox I used to play this game so much I still have Robo left per and I have two friends H I don't remember them I'm going to play something bloxburg Meep City Pizza please oh adopt me I loved this game oh my God and they have pets now I have to play with her old friends Ryan oh my God you one believe Who's online Who Rose Salam is online Rose she's playing right now I can't believe she's finally back yeah let's join her okay Rose huh how do you know my name we were friends a few years ago yeah we used to play Roblox together I'm sorry but I think you're talking to the wrong person I don't remember playing Roblox with anyone no we know it's you Rose yeah remember that your iPad got taken away and that's why you were offline how do you know all of this I have to go I'm sorry please try to remember us at least please I will bye she doesn't remember us give her time Ryan it's been 6 years you're right I'm sure she'll remember us us I hope so that was so weird wait they look exactly like the two people on my friend list Ryan and Melanie I'm guessing those are their names but they don't sound familiar to me oh wait I forgot Roblox had chat Emma check it let's see it seems like I had a friend group with them oh my God this is from the day I got my pad taken away I still don't remember them but I guess we were good friends I can't believe they waited for me all this year I'm going to text them guys You There Rose do you remember us now well no but now I know we used to be good friends okay that's good we'll help you remember us thanks guys no problem I have a question what is it why are you guys headless and missing a leg haha dressing like this it's very popular now yeah kind of expensive though oh I get it I'm going to change my avatar my avatar is not so updated oh okay do you want some Roblox yeah we can give you some it's okay guys I still have some and I'm going to buy more right now all right see you bye I'm so happy Melanie Rose is finally back yeah I don't want to lose her again we won't hopefully Rose hey how much Roo did you buy girl like $25 worth of robu how did you get all those expensive things oh I had like 35,000 Robux on my AC what how did you have so much he he I have no idea want us play we'll show you the currently popular games oh okay became really good friends just like they were before also Rose ended up remembering them the end
Channel: Ella Roblox
Views: 46,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, slime, roblox story, text to speech, tiktok stories, roblox stories, roblox storytimes, tiktok storytime, roblox storytime, text to speech roblox, stories, roblox story time, roblox tiktok compilation, tower of hell, roblox obby, roblox tiktoks, adopt me, roblox tiktok storytimes, roblox tower of hell, roblox tiktok edits, roblox obby storytime, roblox tik tok, Slime Satisfying, tiktok, storytimes, gaming, obby, I might be poor Bacon but all my friends are Millionaires
Id: uLmtNDtNzB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 30sec (3630 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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