The Biggest Marble Run Ever 🎯 | Peppa Pig Official Full Episodes

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is a lovely sunny day Rebecca and Richard Rabbit have come to play with Pepper and George Mommy can we play Happy happy please I need to do my work today oh why don't you go and play in your room instead but we don't know what games to play oh there's lots of games you can play you could have a tea party or do a jigsaw puzzle we've already played with those things mummy what about your marble run you haven't played with that for ages marble run Pepper and George love their marble run what does it do you pick a marble and you put it in here and it goes Timber tumble all the way down to the bottom oh I'll show you ready steady go again and bye bye mommy you can go and do your work now oh thank you Peppa have fun can I have a go yes Rebecca you take this marble and you ready go that was fun and then you can add some more bits to the marble run let's make it the biggest marble run ever yay let's add this Wiggly bit and a windmill bit the marble will make it go round and round do you want to have a go George steady go it's going down and the wiggly bit out of there let's add more bits yes let's make the biggest marble run ever wow that looks good Rebecca now it's Richard's turn Richard has lots of marbles Ready Steady I thought I heard your marble run pepper can I join in Daddy no goodie let's make it bigger Daddy Pig loves building the marble run ah there are no more bits of marble run left in the Box never mind we can use other things like this jigsaw and this doll's house we want it even bigger Daddy I'll go and see if there's anything in the office we could use [Music] look daddy we've added some more bits and Bobs very good and I've found these tubes to make a tunnel wow the marble will go all around the room this is the biggest marble run ever let's try it out oh can I go first okay Daddy you have to put the marble in there marble is going all around the room it's going all around the world there it goes where's it going now the marble has rolled out of the bedroom down the stairs through the hallway and into the front room is a marble run it's bouncing everywhere [Music] ah go to the fish got you what was all that noise it was the noise of the biggest marble run ever and Georgia playing in their bedroom they have made a bit of a mess my goodness what a mess oh sometimes pepper you could do a tiny bit of tidying up then we wouldn't ever have to tell you off hmm children get told off grown-ups don't get told off that's one of the very few good things about being a grown-up yeah lovely and tidy right I'm off to the shops what did me come to okay but I don't think you'll like this particular shopping trip what are you going to buy eye at the shops I'm buying a bag of concrete daddy pig likes concrete oh again this is the concrete shop what does that sound mean Daddy it means you shouldn't Park here so why are you parked here it's all right because I won't be long hello Daddy Pig have you come to do some shopping just buying a bag of concrete it's so boring Peppa why don't you and George wait here and help me do my job thank you Miss Rabbit I won't be long no problem what job are you doing today Miss Rabbit I'm a traffic Warden oh what does a traffic Warden do I look for cars parked where they shouldn't be when I find one I'd give it a parking ticket like this oh there one bag of concrete say cheese see you later bye bye oh what's this it's a parking ticket ah [Music] daddy is a parking ticket like being told off uh yes Peppa it's like being told off mommy mommy daddy got a ticket that's nice what did he get a ticket for the cinema or the circus or I got a parking ticket oh well hopefully it was just a mistake oh yes maybe it was meant for someone else delivery for Daddy Pig thank you Mr zebra look it's a picture of me George and daddy in our car yes next to a No Parking sign it says I have to have a lesson to learn how to park Daddy has to go to school police officer Panda and police officer squirrel hello hello hello Mr Pig can I help you yes it's about the parking ticket it's just routine nothing to worry about you're not planning on leaving the country are you no are you ready for your parking lesson yes marvelous follow me foreign this is a No Parking sign it is important to look out for signs on the public Highway that's right police officer Panda will now show you how to park here is somewhere you can park there is no sign here here is somewhere you should not park there is a No Parking sign and that is the end of the parking lesson that's all very clear thank you police officer Panda and police officer squirrel just doing our job hello police officer Panda oh hello Miss Rabbit Say cheese what a parking ticket but that's outrageous I was only parked for a moment this sign was clearly visible and you were parked in front of it ho ho you're right it just goes to show that nobody is above the law and even grown-ups get told off Mandy Mouse's birthday today is Mandy Mouse's birthday as a special treat Mandy is going to cheese world with her friends Mandy what is cheese world it's the most fun ever there's a cheese River a cheese mountain and the cheese Skye wow and best of all is the Cheese Castle where you get to smell cheese you like cheese don't you Mandy yes Mommy welcome to cheese world have any of you been here before yeah I have oh hello Mandy nice to see you back again so as Mandy already knows everything at cheese world is about cheese that's right and we start by sailing on a river cheese this is River of cheese [Music] everyone Miss Rabbit are the boats made out of real cheese no the birds are made out of plastic Babe's made out of real cheese would be bizarre ah the cheese river flows past Hills and trees of cheese this is the cheese Mountain [Music] is this mountain made out of Realties no but this is exactly what it would be like to sail through the cheese Mountain if cheese mountains existed hello everyone welcome to the cheese airplanes wow no has anyone flown one of these planes before I have of course hey there Mundy can you show your friends what to do yeah if you pull the lever the plane and if you push the lever the plane goes down All Aboard your airplanes there's the cheese sun and the clouds are cottage cheese I can see the whole world and it all cheats was that fun yes do it would be the most fun ever hello Mandy Mouse lovely to see you at cheese world again hello grumpy rabbit have you told your friends about my castle of cheese I told them the castle of cheese was the best bit all right it's where we get to smell real cheese no pretend cheese here Follow Me if You Dare into my castle of cheese let's start by smelling a mild cheese smells good I like it too not much of a smell now for some decent glitch strong cheese [Music] that's more like it a proper stinky one it smells like my daddy's socks I know boys and girls we come to the strongest cheese in the whole world here goes [Music] That's What I Call cheese it's the nicest smell I've ever smelled you do so love cheese don't you Mandy yes Mommy I like smelling cheese and I like eating cheese even more funny you should say that because it's time for your birthday cake and it's a cheesecake happy birthday this is my best birthday ever Grandpa Pig's birthday Peppa and her family are dressed in their very best clothes today is Grandpa Pig's birthday a party a party we're going to a party you know it's not really a party Peppa what do you mean it's just a nice quiet meal in a restaurant on Grandpa Pig's birthday and you haven't been to a restaurant before have you no so that will be fun won't it yes pepper and her family have arrived at the restaurant nice we can sit here no Peppa come back why we have to be shown to our table by the waiter have you booked a table where with Grandpa Pig please follow me hello hello shush pepper these people are having their own meals remember it's really a party oh Peppa George happy birthday grandpa is this my birthday card yes we made it ourselves it's lovely but it's sad it's not a real birthday party I think I'm a bit too old for a real party Peppa I think Grandpa would rather have a nice quiet meal with party hats that's not a hat it's a napkin the napkins are to stop food and drink getting on your best clothes would you like to order drinks Madam could we have a bottle of water please of course can I get you anything else party hats please party it's yes because it is my Grandpa's birthday a Grandpa Pig's birthday I'll see what I can do Peppa they don't have party hats in Posh restaurants like this thank you are you ready to order food yes please on the menu today we have dried fish with seaweed cheese strained carrots on a muscle cream of sweet in a vegetable soup um I think I might try the uh strained carrot on a muscle cough uh cream of sweet for me please perhaps the dried fish ah same again please and for the children please spaghetti Pepper and George love spaghetti the spaghetti is knit on the menu but I will ask the chef Peppa you can't ask the things that aren't on the menu drained carrot him sweet add fish and for the children the chef has made spaghetti tea oh [Music] actually it's my birthday could I have the spaghetti too please and me and me and me everybody loves spaghetti would you like some cheese on your spaghetti cheese balloons of course [Music] this is starting to feel like a birthday party the only thing missing is the cake oh happy birthday grandpa big blow out the candles grandpa birthday party music please Pepper and George are at Granny and Grandpa Pig's house today to me Mr Labrador is here in his new ice cream van is queuing for ice cream muff hello Mrs cat what flavor would you like as the vanilla ice cream nice oh I don't know I haven't tried it yet it is Mr labrador's first day selling ice creams oh it's delicious would you like one yes please it's the strawberry flavor like oh I better check that's nice as well I want a strawberry ice cream what what one George cream thank you is the mint ice cream good lovely [Music] um four mint ice creams please thank you Mr Labrador it is Pepper and George's turn ice cream please ah I seem to have run out of strawberry ice cream Dan can I have a vanilla ice cream please oh there's no vanilla left either actually I've got no ice cream left at all ice cream maybe I've tried too many myself yes maybe you did Mr Labrador loves ice cream don't worry my little ones let's make our own ice cream instead can we yes we used to make ice cream for your mummy when she was a little piggy oh homemade ice cream that sounds lovely pop a board now take it back out screen music please good idea Peppa [Laughter] right let's make ice cream first we pour some milk into a jug then we add some cream now what flavor would you like your ice cream to be we do have raspberries and strawberries from the garden yes let's make raspberry and strawberry ice cream and they go then we pour all our ingredients into a freezer bag now we need to make it very cold we'll put the ice cream bag into this bag full of ice and salt and wrap it all in a towel now for the fun part we shake it up and down for five minutes you can start shaking Peppa ice cream ice cream shake shake shake ice cream ice cream is what we make very good pepper [Music] shake shake shake ice cream ice cream is what we make one last check for me and I think it might be ready yes [Music] it's the best ice cream in the world yum yum granny come on canons come for ice cream of course they can Peppa oh in that case we'll need to make a lot more ice cream [Applause] ice cream the best ice cream in the world all of Peppa's friends are here for ice cream [Applause] can I have banana can we have raspberry can I have blueberry please here you go [Applause] it's delicious have you got carrot flavor oh I don't think so yes we do made with carrots from my very own garden mmm thank you Peppa I love ice cream we all love ice cream Mr Labrador yes but I really love ice cream pepper and her play group are visiting the museum follow me here is Miss Rabbit hello everyone has anyone ever been to a museum before yes good then you know that in a museum you can look but not touch because everything in a museum is very delicate oops yes these old things break easily but today we're going to visit the science museum here you can touch everything yeah yeah press the ends pull on that rope and try to lift the weight it's too heavy heavy now try that rope with the pulleys on it whoa no no how does that work well it's uh the system increases the mechanical advantage proportionally to the number of pulleys yes that's what I was going to say my little brother Edmund is super clever [Music] oh look a tube hello [Music] hello oh where are you I am here where I can't see you let's find the end of the tube here I am hello oh [Music] susing or maybe in the future this could be used for talking to people a long way away you mean like a telephone oh yes telephones exist already don't they magic balloons get your magic balloons here are they really magic balloons uh no not really but they're still pretty amazing want to see yes please all we need to do is rub it like this and then the balloon is sticking to the wall magic no not magic but static how does it work no idea protons are said to have a charger of plus one electron unit well electrons have a charger which explains static what does that does that bang hello children here is grumpy rabbit now it's time for some dangerous science don't be alarmed there is a responsible adult in charge me foreign [Applause] put your hands against mine on the count of three push one two three four yes that's called propulsion but real rockets use Rocket Fuel to blast off who wants to fly in this rocket it has to be someone small there's not much room inside perfect and you get Advent and this is completely safe for children too yes the rocket just flies itself no I meant off you go oh my oh my goodness stuck in the museum as a high ceiling that is how rocket propulsion works was fun it was brilliant it was uh unbelievable Science Museum pepper is going to a children's festival Daddy what is it that wants to see and I just hope it doesn't rain otherwise it can get a bit muddy don't worry it won't be muddy oh I like mud this is the Children's Festival welcome to the festival at the Children's Festival there are so many fun things to see and do here is Susie Sheep hello Peppa hello Susie isn't this great it's brilliant there's so much going on what shall we do first we've got making things sandcastles storytelling yes I like stories yeah this is the is the Dory tent all of Peppa's friends are here hello children if you want a story about a pirate say aha good once upon a time there was a pirate he found a desert island and he dug up some buried treasure the end ah what an adventure that story makes me miss the sea I must set sail at once and find that desert island Captain dog loves The Sea it's just the story daddy you don't need to set sail oh yes no need for me to set sail ever again I like the children's festival yes and not a drop of rain we've been really lucky this year I told you it wouldn't be muddy a little bit of mud would be nice this way to the making things tent um today we're going to learn how to make something from the olden days who wants to make a basket hmm okie dokie how about knitting in olden days hat how about a dragon all the children are making dragons looks like the real thing they are mythical creatures you're a bit of a clever clogs aren't you actually the correct term is child prodigy making things was fun and we've still got lots to see and do tomorrow tomorrow are we staying here tonight we certainly are yes I was hoping we could find a hotel nearby but I thought camping would be more fun yay camping great this is the camping area hello Peppa are you camping too we're not camping we're glamping what's clumping it's like camping but with lots of Home Comforts we've got a bathroom with a basin and a bath and a toilet and we've got a living room and a TV wow glamping looks great Daddy are we glamping no we have our own little tent hopefully it's not too difficult to put up it shouldn't be a problem after all I am a qualified structural engineer Mummy Pig put the tent on the poles please that's it easy as pie hooray are you enjoying the festival it's brilliant yes and it's lucky it hasn't rained too right when it rains this field just becomes mad we like mud but mud and camping don't go so well together it's not going to rain night night everyone night night pepper and her family are sleeping in their little tent at the Children's Festival oh dear it is starting to rain pepper and her friends are watching their favorite television program super potato am I a bird am I a plane no I'm a Potato I love watching super potato me too super potato is the best fruit and vegetables Keep Us Alive always remember to eat your five always remember to eat your five we have we seen this before I know all the words by heart yes they show the same story again and again and again brilliant isn't it yes and we will remember all of the words forever yes we remember all of the words forever everyone is so tiny on TV in real life they are big how are they big and Tiny and how do they get in our TV it's some sort of magic it's not magic it's science Edmund elephant is a clever clogs would you all like to see how they make TV yes please okay let's go to TV Land this is TV Land stop you work here um no then I'm afraid you can't come in but we are children and we want to see how TV is made oh in that case in you go thank you wow hello there here is Miss Rabbit have you come to see how we make television yes very good follow me hello everyone hello you see he's not tiny he Ed we're ready for you now super potato The Show Must Go On This is where the magic happens it's not it's not a jig it's science you're a bit of a clever clogs aren't you yes okay we're ready to go lights camera and action fruit and vegetables Keep Us Alive always remember to eat your five and Scott that was amazing the camera now turns all of that into magic bits the go to a thingy on the roof the thingy since the magic bits across the sky to the TV aerial on your roof unless you have this and down into the TV Susie Sheep and her mummy are at home watching television fruit and vegetables Keep Us Alive always remember to reach your thoughts would any of you like to be on TV yes please we just have to put you in front of the camera okay action what do I do just say something anything okay I'm Peppa Pig this is my little brother George wow pepper and JoJo on TV and this is Daddy Pig hello Peppa it's for you I can see you on TV am I tiny yes you are tiny can I be on TV again of course now we've recorded that you can be on TV every day hundreds and hundreds of times hurry [Music] hurry everyone loves TV the petting farm mummy and daddy pig are taking Peppa George and Rebecca Rabbit to visit a Petting Farm mummy what is a Petting Farm it's a place where you get to meet tiny little animals you can feed them and you can stroke them oh I love equal animals there's just one important rule of the farm before and after meeting the animals we have to wash our hands yes daddy this is the petting farm oh there my lovelies I'm Mrs Badger the farmer hello no before we meet the animals there's one thing we have to do we have to wash our hands that's right first we use some soap it's all bubbly I love Bubbles and now some water and wash them nice and clean verbally scrabbley scrabbley bubbly wash them nice and clean what kind of animals have you got here Mrs Badger we've got chickens here are the chickens it's time for the chicken's lunch would you like to feed them yes please okay have a bag of bird seed each okay what lucky chickens yes they certainly are well fed no who wants to hold a baby chick [Applause] they're so little they're so fluffy they're so sweet it's true baby chicks are little and fluffy and sweet Mrs what other animals have you got we've got guinea pigs we see the guinea pigs of course but before you see them you need to watch that's right wash wash wash your hands wash them nice and clean bubbly wobbly bubbly wash them nice and clean here are the guinea pigs I'm a floppy little bodies you can pick them up and stroke them if you like ah you you were lovely adorable aren't they that's not quite the word I would use and they make excellent pets can we have a guinea pig Daddy please we haven't really got the space to keep a guinea pig you don't need much space uh and they probably need lots of looking after no guinea pigs are very easy to look after and I but Peppa um you might not want to do that forever and then you could always look after it for her uh look at the time I think we have to be getting home oh yes look Rebecca there's your mummy she's come to meet you here is Mummy Rabbit with the baby twins Rosie and Robbie hello Rebecca hello Mommy oh look cute little baby rabbits yes my little baby brother and sister really are cute can we cuddle them please Mummy Rabbit of course you can Peppa but there's something you need to do first what [Music] was rubbish Ed now you can cuddle Robbie and Rosie have you had a nice time today yes mummy we fed seeds to chickens we helped the baby chicks we stroke the guinea pigs and now best of all we're cuddling baby rabbits everyone loves the petting farm the potatoes fruit and vegetable quiz fruit and vegetables Keep Us Alive it is good to eat five fruit and vegetables every day children Mr Potato has come to find out how much we all know about fruit and vegetables we know everything about fruit and vegetables and I know everything about carrots good because today we are going to have a fruit and vegetable quiz what is a quiz a quiz is where I ask you a question and if you know the answer you press the buzzer we will need two teams Peppa Rebecca and Pedro will be on one team Susie Denny and Mandy will be on the other team let's begin [Music] our first question is which of these is not a vegetable lettuce radish celery or a car a car is not a vegetable that is right next question a chocolate biscuit is a fruit yes or no yes it's a fruit my daddy it's five chocolate biscuits every day have another guest Pedro is a chocolate biscuit a fruit uh no that's right hooray and now the fruit or vegetable questions fruit or vegetable I hope what is a ubry fruit or vegetable s is a fruit yes watermelon fruit or vegetable a watermelon is a fruit yes hey cabbage fruit or vegetable a cabbage is a vegetable yes a tomato fruit or vegetable [Applause] fruit a tomato is a vegetable not a fruit no a tomato is a fruit not a vegetable would you like to call a friend yeah yeah please call a friend tell me which of your friends might know the answer then let's telephone Edmond the elephant [Applause] it's for you hello hello Edmund is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable some people think a tomato is a fruit because it has seeds but in the 19th century the Port Authority of New York classified Tomatoes as vegetables which was subject to a 10 import tax so I will say you are both right well done Edmund the elephant are you ready for the last question of the quiz yeah yes I hope it's a question about carrots Rebecca you all talk about carrots I like carrots name that vegetable name that vegetable I will describe a vegetable and you will tell me what it is I am orange and I grow in the ground what am I uh Rebecca what's your favorite vegetable a carrot that's right a carrots both teams win their fruit and vegetable quiz [Applause] everybody wins with fruit and vegetables [Music] detective potato Pepper and George are watching detective potato on TV help me detective potato I can't bicycle this is your bicycle uh no it is not then this is your bicycle yes it is yes thank you detective potato detective potato is great at solving Mysteries he's the best attack in the world right that's enough potato for today we're going to the shopping center I love the shopping center what are we going to buy at the shops a big bag of gravel I'm trying out a new concrete mix idea oh this is the shopping center first Daddy Pig has to find somewhere to park Hmm this floor is full so where do we park daddy don't worry there are lots of other rules oh that looks the same yes that's why you must always remember what floor you park your car on so you can find your car again I don't believe it not a single space brilliant well done pepper the car is parked now we take the lift to the shops important do we press let's see are the shops on floor six or floor three here we go floor five for the shops here is Miss Rabbit's gravel shop hello Daddy Pig hello Miss Rabbit one bag of gravel please help yourself it's heavy so I hope you don't have far to go I only have to carry it to the car my goodness that is a bit heavy hope you find your car I'm always losing my car in that huge car park [Music] Daddy just the number of the floor we parked on so what floor did we park on ah good question let's try level six it doesn't seem to be here oh dear daddy pig has lost the car uh let's try another floor this is fun Peppa likes going up and down in the lift here are police officer Panda and police officer squirrel is there an is there anything we can help you with Daddy has lost our car well it's not really lost I've just forgotten exactly where I parked it a lost car in a place of hundreds of cars where everywhere looks the same this will be a very hard mystery to solve name please Daddy Pig Daddy Pig a dress can't we just look for the car I'm afraid not this will take time to solve it's not like on the television where they solve mysteries in a Flash [Music] At Your Service that is a mystery only I can solve thank you but we don't need any help we have the situation under control quiet please I need silence to work this is your car uh no this is your car nope this is your car yes that is our car detective potato has solved the mystery oh well done that was amazing it's all in today's work for a potato [Music] Chris family are opening their name ah yes socks just what I always wanted I've got socks too lovely I wonder if you've got socks Peppa uh I hope not hooray a toy car don't be sad if it sucks George again what a fantastic Christmas yes all I want to do now is sit back and do nothing for the rest of the day Peppa George careful oh you might tripping fool ow my arm oh dear Peppa has tripped and bumped her arm hmm I think we should call Dr Brown Bear foreign speaking a bumped arm you say and on Christmas day I'll be right there [Music] so Peppa bumped your arm have you yes can you wiggle your fingers that's very good but just to be safe we'll take a trip to the hospital this is the hospital Miss Rabbit is the nurse who's next yes that will be me wait we have a sick child oh a child a child yes that's more important than me Miss Rabbit will take you from here Peppa yes just follow me please oh Miss Rabbit the hospital is all Christmasy looks lovely doesn't it hello Peppa oh hello Pedro why are you here I bumped my arm I banged my leg and they got a sticker wow sit yourself down and tell me where it hurts here on my arm can you wiggle your fingers a little bit can you say banana that was a joke to make you feel relaxed yes good we just need to take a picture of your arm with the X-ray oh what's the X-ray it shows us the bones inside your body have work it uses a cathode and anode controlled beam of electromagnet It's Magic oh the X-ray shows your arm will be fine Peppa and for being so brave you get a sticker thank you Miss rabbits look I got a sticker that's nice oh Pedro you look sad I'm sad because for the Christmas hasn't been what haven't you got your Christmas present no not yet right who's next ah good at Last Christmas Father Christmas yes is much more important than me oh Father Christmas set yourself down Mr Christmas and tell me where it hurts oh no I'm not here because I'm Ill I'm here with Pedro's Christmas present thank you you wonder what it is hopefully it's not it's not socks toy but sorry I'm a bit late but I got my tummy stuck in a chimney those chimneys get smaller every year oh dear tummy's stuck in a chimney maybe I should just give you a quick checkup open wide say ho ho ho for me please good you're fine have a sticker thank you Miss Rabbit for looking after everyone at Christmas time just doing my job Father Christmas just doing my job merry Christmas everybody Merry Christmas Pepper and George are Spanish and Grand paos hello Pepper and George bye see you later bye hello Pepper and George egg granny pig is wearing a space suit why does a space person oh granny is playing another little game with her friends I'm doing an important historical reenactment it's about when people first landed on the moon a long time ago and if he wants me it's just an excuse to have Cups of Tea and some cake system checks complete granny rocket is ready for Blast Off wow a rocket yes it's grumpy rabbits he's kindly lent it to us for the day what excitement I'll just get the rocket ready for his blast off to the Moon [Laughter] going to the moon no Peppa it's time pretend we are going to pretend the garden is the moon and do the things they did on the first moon landing we will plant a flag and we will collect moon rocks just be careful of my Rockery don't worry Grandpa Pig we will be very careful well while you play your game I think I'll make myself useful getting the tea and cakes ready have fun all aboard everyone 10 9 8 oh well I suppose these harmless little garden Games Keep granny happy three two one [Music] goodness gravity rabbit rabbit rocket has really taken off why does the game have to be so noisy it this was just meant to be pretend retained what would be the sun in that come to the Moon we certainly are it's a space adventure of a lifetime if we're really going to the Moon I suppose our reenactment will be even better rocket has landed on it's one small step for granny pink one giant leap for grumpy rabbit come on Pepper and George the Moon is very bouncy yes Peppa we can jump very high on the moon [Laughter] these games of grannies I hope they're not messing up my garden [Laughter] counted a flag to show that they had been there excellent George I collected rocks look we can take that Moon Rock home with us get Grandpa Pig mention Cups of Tea for later yes I think we've earned it let's go home the rocket is flying back home my goodness Granny's Garden game is getting even noisier how did the game go we went to the Moon super it's true we really did go to the Moon of course you did granny Pig and we brought you back Moon Rock lovely it will sit very nicely in my Rockery I love Space Adventures everyone the electric car ever and George are in their bedroom George is playing with his toy car s oh the car is broken what is it George car don't worry George it isn't broken it just needs new batteries there hey Daddy's home that's not Daddy oh it is Daddy hello have we got a new car no I'm just trying it out it Aly it's an electric car s on batteries in just like George's toy car you've got your toy car just like George's shall we go for a drive yes please yes then let's go [Music] oh the car is broken does it need new batteries oh yes of course we just need to charge up the battery [Music] look the battery is charging up the electric car is fully charged up right is everybody ready yes Daddy then let's go wow this car is so quiet yes electric cars are quiet until they start talking what do you mean talking it's time you met Roger hey Roger hello my name is Roger hey Roger hello Peppa Roger is very clever he always knows which way to go and he can park all by himself wow I can even drive by myself we sit back and relax daddy pig let me drive okay if you say so [Music] don't worry Daddy Pig I am an expert driver [Applause] stop it is police officer Panda and police officer squirrel hello hello what's going on here then driving with no hands daddy pig I wasn't driving yes you were no I wasn't well if you weren't driving then who was car driving in itself was it yes it was well I'd better talk to the car then hadn't I hello car hello well what in the wide world was that he's called Roger and he's very nice yes he can even drive himself can you now well to drive on these roads you need a driving license oh so Roger do you have a driving license oh of course oh I see well in that case everything seems to be in order [Music] Roger can do everything George's car can sing along yes I can sing car car electric car traveling near and traveling far knows exactly where you are news exactly where you are oh where are we we are now arriving home At Your Service well side in the night oh yes I'm used to it okay Roger sleep well well thank you Peppa you too Peppa loves Roger everybody loves Roger the electric car the electric car Deborah and George are in their bedroom George is playing with his toy car thank you oh the car is broken what is it George car don't worry George it isn't broken it just needs new batteries there hey Daddy's home that's not Daddy oh it is Daddy hello have we got a new car no I'm just trying it out it looks it's an electric car it's a car that runs on batteries instead of petrol just like George's toy car Daddy's got a toy car just like George's shall we go for a drive yes please then let's go [Music] oh the car is broken does it need new batteries oh yes of course we just need to charge up the battery foreign is charging up the electric car is fully charged up right is everybody ready yes Daddy then let's go wow this this car is so yes electric cars are quiet until they start talking what do you mean talking it's time you met Roger hey Roger hello my name is Roger hi Roger hello Peppa Roger is very clever he always knows which way to go and he can park all by himself wow I can even drive by myself the sit back and relax daddy pig let me drive okay if you say so oh don't worry Daddy Pig I am an expert driver it's a magic car stop it is police officer Panda and police officer squirrel hello hello what's going on here then driving with no hands daddy pig I wasn't driving yes you were no I wasn't well if you weren't driving then who was car driving itself was it yes it was well I'd better talk to the car then hadn't I hello car hello well what in the wide world was that he's called Roger and he's very nice yes he can even drive himself can you now well to drive on these roads you need a driving license oh so Roger do you have a driving license oh of course oh I see well in that case everything seems to be in order [Music] safely amazing Roger can do everything George's car can sing yes I can sing car car electric car traveling near and traveling far knows exactly where you are lose exactly where you are oh where are we we are now arriving home hooray thank you Roger At Your Service will [Music] died in the night oh yes I'm used to it okay thank you Peppa you too Peppa loves Roger everybody loves Roger the electric car Breakfast Club pepper and her friends are going to play group earlier than usual this morning good morning children good morning who knows why we have come to play group early today isn't because today Danny that is the reason is it because you like her so much well I do like you all but it is not the reason is it a very special day today yes Pedro we have all come to play group early because today is Breakfast Club and who knows what we do at Breakfast Club is correct everyone loves eating breakfast and why is it so important to have a good breakfast because breakfast wakes your mouth up so we can do lots of lots of walking don't talk yes yes thank you Peppa I eat breakfast because it tastes nice yes Pedro and breakfast gives us energy to use throughout the day uh what is energy energy is the strength and vitality required for physical or mental activity that's right Edmund [Music] so Rebecca what do you use your energy for I use it for hopping very good I use energy for thinking what's he doing Edmund is thinking yes I was thinking Edmond Elephant is a clever clogs it can take a lot of energy to think and now we will all choose what to have cheese gem porridge yogurt I have carrots for my breakfast please yes you may can I have cereal please of course you can Madame Gazelle can I have toast please yes Susie I shall make you some toast does anyone else want toast no thank you okay the bread goes in here and we push this lever down the toaster gets very hot so please do not touch it and wait for it it's coming any minute cut it wow can I have toast please everybody wants toast for breakfast well in that case I will have to use the big toaster [Music] everyone wait for it here it comes [Music] [Applause] everyone has caught their toast again again no children eat the toast you have first can I have honey on my toast please can I have marmalade please of course children I'm having strawberry jam on mine I'm having honey marmalade and strawberry jam on my toast I'm getting lots of energy in my tummy so am I hi I'm getting strawberry jam energy I'm getting honey jam and marmalade energy lots of energy and now it is time for us to do a breakfast bounce follow me use the energy from the food to get our bodies and Minds ready for the day copy me children egg Apple yogurt pancake and toast which one for breakfast do I like the most toys in the future Peppa is a Susie sheep's house this evening mummy sheep and Mummy Pig are going out don't worry mummy we can look after the house while you're away that's very kind of you Susie but we have a special babysitter coming that'll be her now hello everyone hello it's my cousin Charlotte sheep is the babysitter hello Charlotte thanks for coming we won't be out late you can watch TV and I've made you some pizza oh thank you you two be good we will bye bye how old are you Charlotte I'm 17. 17. that's very grown up you can do anything you like when you're grown up that's right you can drive a car and even stay up late wow in the future when you're grown up you'll be able to do that too [Music] but grown-ups also have to go to work you know that sounds fun can we stay up late with you Charlotte sorry it's your bedtime now oh night night sleep well night night [Music] Susie yes are you awake yes I wish I was grown up me too when we're growing up we will be downstairs watching TV and eating pizza yes and babysitting I'm going to the cinema and staying up all night in the future we will have a yellow car no blue yellow and blue I'll drive so will I [Laughter] daddy dog will be a space man yes I'm off to space and George will be a dinosaur dinosaur [Music] a Freddy Fox will be a policeman hello hello what's all this here then this is our grown-up car can you beep your horn for me please very good off you go then bye bye what will your job be I will be a nurse but in my lunch break I will fly a plane good afternoon everybody we are now flying all around the world what your job be Peppa my job will be doing important work on my computer [Music] and a swing [Music] and I will marry Pedro or Danny and I'll do that too and we will live with all our friends hello and all our children will be there the two will look after all these children we will next time everybody few Mummy Pig and Mummy sheep have arrived back home hello has everything been okay yes everything's been fine hello are you two still awake yes Mommy we were thinking about the future it's very tiring being grown up yes it is we need to get some rest yes you do good night little ones good night grown-ups pepper and Susie need a good night's rest to be ready for the future fire station practice today is the mummy's fire station Practice Day hello Mummy Pig are you ready for action yes Miss Rabbit mom and what you oh there won't be much to see ba not mostly just sitting around and drinking tea Daddy Pig we do proper fire service training here ready steady go is our motto and to get that right we need to practice yes stay and watch daddy pig might learn something this is the fire service control room time for a cup of tea I think what did I tell you we need a cup of tea to get ready for the day in an emergency we have to be ready in seconds this first practice will show you just how ready we are when I ring this Bell the tea drinking stops the helmets go on everyone slides down the fire pole [Music] into the fire engine and off they go [Music] follow me outside for the next bit [Music] [Applause] remember Ready Steady go you just saw ready now watch our steady you have to be very steady when using the fire hose mummy's Ready Steady go mummy dog fixes the hose to the fire engine mummy Pony rolls out the hose and Mummy Pig points the squirty end at the Target turn the water on water [Applause] the target is hit and the fire is out that looks fun it's hard work daddy pig is it really yes just feel how heavy this fire hose is oh yes that is heavy and that's even before we've turned the water on turn wrong okay sorry [Music] it is not easy to hold a fire hose steady but was hard work now you see why we need to be super fit yes and how do we get super fit on the fire station and obstacle course this is the fire station obstacle course running through this keeps us fit and healthy so that in an emergency we can keep going we've shown our ready and our steady now let's practice our go ready steady go first obstacle is the inconvenient Wall go go [Music] next is the confusing crawling tube oh where am I so here I am across the sea soul of General upsets Tippy Toe tires one two one two one two up the sloping rope walk [Music] and down the yippee zip wire [Music] oh dear Mummy Pig is stuck oh [Music] I'm fine Peppa actually this mud is quite nice hey Mommy [Music] Everyone likes fire station practice especially when there are muddy puddles to jump in real pigs metal detector Pepper and George are visiting Grandpa and Granny Pig hello hello my little ones what have you got there George robots it's a robot called Mr Robot shall I show you how it works yes please Mr Robot can walk all by himself but you need to use this it's called a key oh you put the key in here like this and turn it very impressive it stopped the long grass is stopping it from walking perhaps you could cut it Grandpa Pig yes maybe later oh it must have fallen out when Mr Robot was walking don't worry George I'm sure we can find it can't we Grandpa yes I have the very thing for finding lost keys in Long Grass now where is it the lawnmower is right in front of you Grandpa Pig but I'm not looking for the lawnmower I'm looking for this my metal detector metal detectors are good at finding lost keys oh it's not in the box it's the metal detector lost as well I'm afraid so oh dear sorry George the key is lost forever who can that be hello everyone hello Mr Fox what can I sell you this morning I have a solar powered torch a wooden frying pan an electric gnome nothing for us today thank you Mr Fox unless you've got a metal detector metal detector well why didn't you say so oh I've got a metal detector right here fantastic it's just like my old one it's got three settings finding things good at finding things and really good at finding things excellent we'll take it now we can find George's lost key [Applause] [Music] detector work Grandpa I'll show you imagine I have lost this coin I turn on the metal detector and swing it gently from side to side I'm looking for it here I'm looking for it there but Grandpa you put the coin here I know Peppa I'm just pretending to look for it why don't you pretend to look for it here here you say I found something it's a coin yes Grandpa it's the one you just put there yes Peppa and that's how you find things with a metal detector can we have a go of course let's find that lost key here there here we found something no it's a nail oh keep looking okay stop doing here this is fun George wants to find the key what is its Grandpa it's the key hooray now we can wind up Mr Robot no George never wants to lose the key again don't worry George if the key falls out again we can find it with my new metal detector oh you found something really big it's your old metal detector Grandpa Pig it was hidden in the long grass all the time excellent now I have two metal detectors when one gets lost I can find it with the other but what if they both get lost then I'll cut the grass box Pepper and George have been sailing with Granny and Grandpa Pig [Music] I'm rather thirsty shall we have a deuce in the clubhouse yes ah the clubhouse is a bit stuffy Grandpa Pig not much fun for Pepper and George that's all right granny we only want a juice it is very quiet in the clubhouse could we have four fruit juices please do you have a membership card sir of course very good sir here are Mr Stallion and Mrs Corgi ah Grandpa Pig good to see world binch sorry what are all these people doing here granny I don't know Peppa mostly sleeping I think oh what's this box music I like music but it looks like this one hasn't played music in a long time four fruit juices thank you Grandpa a jukebox just not playing music it might play music if we put a coin in uh we don't want to disturb anybody oh grandpa there wouldn't be a jukebox here if they didn't want us to play it I suppose so let's choose something quiet of course coin please thank you [Music] Now where's the rock and roll music here we are [Music] [Music] this girl music is what you want to play disco music I'll show you have you got a coin of course thank you groove on down let's go down this is disco music [Music] what a racket why don't you play something good it's terrible what do you think is good music then hip hop has anyone got a coin look grandpa has coins okay here you go [Music] this is hip-hop music [Music] is dancing like a robot wow is somebody having a party it is grumpy rabbit excuse me sir but are you a member no but I'm with him uh hello grumpy rabbit oh hi there I heard music found a jukebox does he play my kind of music and what Dare I ask is your kind of music heavy metal of course and I suppose you need a coin thanks old chip [Music] this is the only music to dance to grumpy rabbit loves dancing to the Jukebox everybody loves dancing to the Jukebox botanical gardens today Pepper and George are going to the botanical gardens Miss Rabbit is head Gardener welcome to the botanical gardens where we grow plants from all around the world our first Garden is a wildflower Meadow nice when you've tidied it up a bit this is what Wildflower Meadows are meant to look like Daddy Pig ah it takes a lot of effort to make it look this messy the butterflies and bees like it that's right Wildflower Meadows are very good for butterflies and bees would you like to see the other Gardens yes please this is the hot house it's it's very hot in here yes Peppa it is where we grow plants that come from very hot places we have cacti palm trees and this is a Venus fly trap why why Sly trap because it traps flies watch [Music] Venus flytrap has caught a fly George Let's Play Venus fly traps I will be the flight s now I'll be the fly and you be the fly trap Buzz Venus fly traps do not run oh dear George is a very sad Venus flytrap sorry George both be flies [Music] calm down little flies about in here don't worry the next room is much cooler this is our cold house is it the North Pole Garden sort of the proper name is Arctic tundra Garden oh ice cream there's ice cream grow at the North Pole Miss Rabbit no our fridge is broken so we're keeping them here to stop the melting would you like one yes please thank you Pepper and George love ice cream even in the cold follow me this is the rainforest Garden wow Miss Rabbit why is it called a rainforest we call it the rainforest because it's a forest and it rains a lot I Make It Rain every hour on the hour it's nice the rain in the rainforest is lovely and warm a room where it rains when you want we need something like this at home we've got one daddy pig it's called a shower oh yes and through here is Mr rabbit Mr rabbit is in the experiment room hello everyone my job is to make new plants how well butterflies and bees do it by taking pollen from one flower to another the flowers then make seeds that grow into new plants Hmm this flower smells lovely oh this pretty flower doesn't smell of anything when I put that pollen from one on to the other the seeds made a new flower that smells lovely and looks pretty um that does smell lovely you can do it with vegetables as well I put this small tasty carrot together with this big not very tasty carrot and made a big tasty carrot uh no actually I made a small not very tasty carrot oh would you like to see the Children's Garden now yes please it has a very special water feature a fountain no a waterfall no A Great Big Muddy puzzle Wow Come on George Peppa loves all the botanical gardens especially the sand castle it is a lovely sunny day Peppa and George have come to the seaside I'm going to make a sand castle I want to make a sand castle too and me okay George and me will show you how put sand in your bucket turn your bucket over [Music] with your Spade [Music] good now lift up the bucket [Music] pepper George mummy and daddy pig have made four sand castles nay here is Pedro pony hello Peppa hello Pedro do you like our sand castles yes but it would be better if you had walls joining them together like this good idea Pedro yes lovely wolves the walls have joined the castle together now it's one big sand castle we'll visit the seaside too with her daddy that's a good Castle thank you Wendy I like the walls nothing like good strong walls what are they made of straw sticks bricks sand excellent let's make something in the middle like what how about the biggest sand castle in the world yes we need a heap of sand Wendy Pedro Pepper and George are making a hill in the middle of the castle and on the very top it looks great yes really good now it needs the bubbly bits what a bubbly bits all castles have bubbly bits on top of the walls like this ah Wendy Wolf is using Pebbles to make the Castle's bubbly bits and it needs need Flags George are collecting little sticks and some seaweed to make flags it needs windows to make Windows there what a fantastic sand castle let's add a moat what's a moat you'll see we dig the moat all around outside the walls good idea everyone help dig we have to fill them out with water look at water from the sea [Laughter] [Music] the moat is full of water is finished hooray I wish it could be my home and I could live in it you're too big to live in a sand castle pepper here is Mr Crab he's come to take a look at the castle hello Mr Crab is in oh I don't think Mr crab has a hoe he can live in our Castle yes in you go Mr Crab oh but how does he get across the moat he needs a bridge George has found a piece of driftwood Mr Crab likes the bridge but he can't get inside the castle we just need to make a little door [Music] crab is the key of the castle it's the best sand castle in all the world ever super potato movie The Pepper and George are going to see the super potato movie at the cinema saber potatoes get your super potatoes here oh could we get a super potato please daddy is it made of plastic Mr Fox it's better than that it's made of potato made of potato yes it's a potato well in that case I have two of these would everyone please take their seats the film is about to start oh now does anyone need to go to the toilet good then let's go in the cinema where the film will be shown hello Rebecca I've got super potato me super potato to the rescue shush pepper the film is about to start super potato the movie [Music] Far Away In the Land of fruits and vegetables there is a problem help my foot is stuck we need a rescue someone call for super potatoes did someone call my name by the power of vegetables I am here my hero Mommy I need you okay come on them sorry excuse us this rabbit is in the projector room is this this is the projector what's a projector it's the machine that shows the film you're watching see oh yes yes two I get to watch super potato six times a day wow I wish I was a superhero you are a superhero to us Miss Rabbit you do all the important jobs yes I have just cleaned the toilets you'll find them down the corridor on your left thank you Miss Rabbit hurry up Mrs carrots about to be rescued again someone call for super potatoes did someone say my name I am on my way [Applause] What's Happening Now Mrs carrot got stuck in the mud I'm the power of vegetables I am here my hero I want to be a super potato when I grow up here comes the song bit oh fruit and vegetables Keep Us Alive always remember to eat your five oh ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome to the stage super Potato by the power of vegetables I am actually here did you enjoy the movie children yes show us how you fly how do I fly like this am I a bird am I a plane no I'm a Potato oh dear super potato is stuck in the cinema roof help cool for super that is potato quick call for Miss Rabbit Miss Rabbit Miss Rabbit did someone call my name oh I'm on my way yay help help [Music] Miss Rabbit to the rescue oh whoa this rabbit has rescued super potato wow when I grow up I'm to be Miss Rabbit Miss Rabbit looking for things pepper and her family are in the kitchen Mummy Pig is making an apple pie is the apple pie ready yet mummy no Peppa it has to cook in the oven well it looks like we'll just have to wait yes what are you all doing we're waiting for the apple pie well it's going to take time to cook why don't you all wait somewhere else oh okay foreign puzzle but I can't find anything to write with we'll find you something Daddy come on George [Laughter] George we need to find something for Daddy to write with George has found Mr Dinosaur fight with Mr dog George has found a toy train you can't fight with a train oh look it's on that could bite with this come on George we found something to write with oh a crayon just what I needed thank you Pepper and George hmm oh can we look for something else okay let's play a looking game find something that is the shape of a square a square yes there must be something Square shaped in this room can you see a square George country or just found a clock hmm that's a circle oh we need to find a square very good you found a square for now now you you mind something that makes a squeaky noise say that makes a squeaky noise cry looking in the bathroom something that makes a squeaky noise George George has found a towel cows don't squeak towels are very quiet oh squeaky just rub a duck that makes a squeaky noise look what we found oh excellent now see if you can find something the color of blue blue okay [Music] Pepper and George have found a ball that's that's not blue that's red oh Pepper and George looking mummy and Daddy's bedroom ah there's nothing blue here Peppa and George look in the office did you find anything there was nothing in the whole house that is blue hmm have you looked in the mirror daddy the mirror is not blue what is it George is blue that's right Peppa George mummy mummy we've been looking for things oh I've got something you can look for what is what did he it's round round and flat on top a bit like a hat hat and it tastes yummy yes the apple pie is ready I am looking for things and I love finding things especially when it's apple pie Roman day Pepper and George are at Granny and Grandpa Pig's house they are painting pictures of Polly Parrot my goodness what lovely paintings Pepper and George look at my pretty picture Polly pretty picture parlor Polly Parrot copies everything that is said I'll put them up here for granny pig to see when she gets home but where is Granny Pig oh she's just out playing with her friends [Music] here is Granny Pig with her friends little ones have you had a nice morning yes thank you Granny why are you wearing funny clothes we have been doing historical reenactment what's hysterical redemactments it's when you dress up like it's the olden days and sit around drinking tea we do more than just drink tea today we were being Romans what's Romans Romans were people who lived a very long time ago and I am the emperor the emperor was the boss of all the Romans oh goodbye see you next week granny Pig bye granny can we be Romans too yes Peppa here are some helmets now what do we do we March around saying baby [Applause] what does that mean granny it probably means anyone for another cup of tea no it means I came I saw I conquered very Richie granny Pig loves being a Roman George love being Romans 2. Pepper and George have been doing some lovely pictures this morning my goodness they're very good they look just like Polly Polly the Romans like making pictures too you know did they yes they used colored pieces to make pictures known as mosaics here's one I made this morning can we make a mosaic what a good idea you'll need some colored Pebbles follow me I've got a whole bag of pebbles in my shed this is Grandpa Pig's shed here we are lots of colored Pebbles George what should we make a picture of dinosaur good idea George you find the green pebbles for the dinosaur [Music] and I will find blue Pebbles and make a lovely Skye Pepper and George are making a Roman Mosaic of a dinosaur George adds some green Pebbles Peppa add some blue Pebbles George the red ones can be the eyes [Music] well done Pepper and George my word you've got rather muddy time for a bath before mommy and daddy pig come to pick you up no oh dear George does not want to have a bath but watch the dance I and you're a Roman you yes yes have a Roman bath Pepper and George are having a Roman bath it's not it's me here are mummy and daddy pig ah tempus fugit what does that mean it means time flies and with these crowns of leaves you are both Roman emperors hooray Heather and George love being Romans everybody loves being Romans pepper and her family are visiting cousin Chloe's house for the day hello hello Chloe as it's such a sunny day we thought we'd have a picnic in the garden oh that would be lovely come on Pepper and George race you this is a good spot for a picnic hmm yes oh look at all the flowers in the grass yes let's pick them I will pick the buttercups I will pick the daisies no George you need to find your own flower to pick oh George has found some very pretty flowers George don't pick the flowers in the flower bed only pick the flowers in the grass [Music] Chloe is collecting buttercups pepper is collecting Daisy George is collecting grass don't pick grass George pick dandelions like this one [Music] Peppa George would you like to see a trick with buttercups yes please George do you like butter George does not know if he likes butter let me see yes Judd you do like butter I hold a buttercup under George's chin and it shines yellow that means he likes butter hi Peppa do you like butter you do it's true I do like butter I've got a trick I can do with daisies oh what's that if I put a daisy under your chin and it shines yellow then um then that means you like cheese really yes George do you like cheese cheese yes George does like cheese oh there's no yellow are you sure you like cheese George I think they are the wrong type of daisies oh don't worry there is something we can do with daisies we can make a daisy chain what's a daisy chain I'll show you first you take a daisy and make a little hole in the stem take another Daisy and thread it through that hole then make a hole in that Daisy stem and Fred another Daisy through that hole look a daisy chain wow let me try make a hole in the stem threaded Daisy through this is fun we can join them together to make one big daisy chain necklace there now you are the daisy Queen Peppa yes I am the daisy queen look at me look at me hello George I am the daisy Queen you need to be something else oh George you can be a lion and these dandelions can be your Mane George is a Dandy lion no George likes being a lion children come and get your food everyone I am the daisy Queen and this is George the lion and I know a trick to see if you like butter Daddy you do like butter I do that's very clever pepper can I try hmm yes daddy also likes eggs and tomato cheese and cake wow how do you know all that mummy because he's got bits of egg tomato cheese and cake all down his front Daddy Pig loves picnics everybody loves picnics perfect day Peppa and her family are going to a shopping center today that's a big shop it's not one shop Peppa it's lots of shops all under the same roof wow but we're not shopping today shops no mummy's here for a perfect day experience this is Miss Rabbit's Spa hello Mummy Pig are you ready for your perfect day experience yes I think so but what exactly is it oh lots of lovely things you can have a massage have your fingernails painted oh have a herbal face wash oh that all sounds lovely do we have to do it too Daddy no Peppa we can go and find our own perfect day oh goody bye mummy see you later are we going to find our perfect day daddy hmm I don't know it's just shops and shops and Magic moving stuff yes that pepper is an escalator can we yes yes hold my hand get Susie hello hello Peppa where are you going we're going to the top where are you going we're going to the bottom pepper has reached the top quick Daddy I need to go down to find Susie I'm coming to find you Peppa I'm coming to find you Susie ah you're going the wrong way Peppa and George are back at the bottom Susie is at the top I think that's enough escalators for now tiny then we can use the lift I need to find per then let's take the lift it's not working someone else is using it we just have to wait but I need to find Papa look what I've got Susie's in boxes how did you do that in the photo booth I'll show you this is the photo booth you sit in here puts the money in there and then it flashes not flashing I think it's broken oh I missed it there's more smile when does it flash ah I missed it again it's your funny face and the last one has it finished yet I think I might be in that one here are the pictures look at all all those funny things again again I think it's time we pick up Mummy Pig yes thank you I did pepper did you yeah yeah we went up and down the magic stairs and we saw Susie and did some funny pictures that does sound nice home time [Music] perfect day my perfect day starts when we get home Daddy what's your perfect day daddy pig is jumping up and down in muddy puddles everyone is jumping up and down in muddy puddles it's the perfect end to a perfect day
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 5,339,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2d cartoon, Made for Kids, Pre-school, TV, cartoon, cartoon for kids, for kids, funny peppa pig, kids animation, kids cartoon, kids education, kids entertainment, kids playing, kids stories, kids stories about baby, kids videos, pepa pig, peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, peppa pig full episodes, peppa pig song, peppa pig songs, pig peppa pig, pop it, preschool, safe cartoons for kids, toddler, video for kids
Id: tIdV_oO1K7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 21sec (7221 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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