🔴LIVE: Hey Duggee Series 2 Part 2 | Hey Duggee

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foreign [Music] maybe it was that spooky sound or these spooky Footprints well Dougie does have his spooky badge he could help you find out okay [Music] idea about following these spooky Footprints Dougie yeah look at those [Music] floating over the water let's investigate okay oh Nigel what on Earth has given us such sore heads hello Mr Mr Crab did you see where the ghost went I can't see anything with this stomping headache foreign [Music] look it's by that wall [Music] come on huh where did it go [Music] how did it get there oh a woof woof quickly squirrels you'll have to take the long way out how strange come on Nobby coming [Music] hey you scared me that makes me really angry I can hear it it's getting nearer [Applause] foreign look there's Mercury there's Venus there's Mars and Jupiter and Saturn too yes all the planets are out here so much space for playing yeah space playground Dougie uh wolf um there are no playgrounds in space squirrels huh paddling pools woof bouncy castles wolves tree houses a wolf but there are lots of other things amazing things oh like the Milky Way is it made of milk no dang it just looks a bit milky oh woof woof ah yes the asteroid build [Music] and Cosmic comets magnificent wow and here near the end of the solar system is Pluto whoa are we going back now oh but we haven't seen anyone yet well nobody's sure if there is anyone else in space but here but what about Amy a big purple ones or little cute ones or invisible ones well space on and on how far nobody knows so there could be other creatures out there somewhere squiddles time to harvest dig in as they say [Music] [Music] oops sorry one [Music] foreign [Music] not exactly squirrels oh there's more oh woof but how can we collect all that don't worry squirrels doggy nose he has his Harvest badge [Laughter] we can use a tractor [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh dear hmm can you fix it Dougie oh a wolf [Music] it looks like the animals want to harvest as well Dougie can we pick more food while we wait oh whoa you do some painting too Dougie oh woof I love these what color should the bee be that is yo [Music] that looks brilliant Betty Michael a fire engine I'll paint it uh Reds [Music] who would like to go next please [Music] water what color should it be [Music] trash I go it's a lizard lizards oh Dane rolly it's a bit messy I'm going to paint this orange inside the lines but we don't have any orange paint don't worry squirrels Dougie can help you make some oh because he's got his color badge [Music] a hoof woof woof that's right you can make Colors by mixing other colors together so if you mix yellow with red you get orange whoa whoa next grapes they should be purple but how do I make purple ducky by mixing and blue I made purple [Music] so what can we collect for the campfire Dougie a wolf sticks what kind of sticks oh Dougie can tell you because he has his stick badge oh woof woof yes you'll need little sticks medium sticks egg sticks this one no that one's In Bloom this one that one's possibly a bit wet this one I think that one's being used this one yes you can use that one because it's lying on the ground yes find yes yes yes yes [Music] oh six a wolf yes yes yes oh six yes yes yes what eyes on a stick did you just say stick huh whatever I ever found a stick yes rolly we've all been collecting those not like this it's special what an amazing stick a woof it's not a stick squirrels it's a stick insect it looks like a stick stick it smells like a stick stick it tastes like a stick fit you see if a stick insect gets scared of something and wants to hide it can look just like an ordinary stick [Applause] wow a stick stick stick stick it I don't remember you having a Wizard's costume doggy oh wolf huh oh a wand too it even makes a funny noise where did you come from Little Bird huh you're not tweeting little birdie your voice doesn't sound right huh yours doesn't either Nori you sound like tag do I oh I do no he's got my voice and I've got happies you've got my voice tag and I've got yours Nori don't worry I sound like rolly yes Betty and I think you'll find that I sound like me yes what's happening doggy will know let's find him [Music] hurry what'd you say Daddy rabbit [Music] oh [Music] our voices have swapped listen I sound like happy and I sound like Nori la la la la I really loads now and I sound clever all the animals voices have changed too ribbon see what should we do Dougie Dougie did you just smile a wolf oh how peculiar but don't worry squirrels Dougie knows what to do he has no no his voice badge no no no no we have to remind the animals wow but where's the food ducky oh you sandwiches Halloween what will we eat when will we sleep oh woof never fear squirrels Dougie has his Island badge he knows what to do [Music] so what do we need first Dougie oh woof oh good idea wood for the fire I'll get it a wolf big leaves to make a shelter we'll also need to find fresh who knows how long we'll be here for I may well be an old Octopus by the time we return home luckily among the Shipwrecked crew is Dougie who's expert knowledge means we can survive [Music] the island is still a mystery to us who knows what dangers it holds [Music] we have discovered many strange animals in the jungle such as the pencil snake the fire cat and the mischievous poodle monkeys who creep into our camp and steal our precious supplies Thoughts with Dougie's help we have been able to make a life for ourselves on the island finding water from the stream and food we even made a home for ourselves of sorts and Rowley found us a pet a goat who we named Tuesday I love her what Tuesday loved was eating hey what's for lunch not again Tuesday it was a hard life some might say it was barely a life at all [Music] a woof yes Dougie perhaps it's time for a little nap really has the right ideas squirrels come on then everyone [Music] once upon a time there was an arithmetic problem [Music] and then the algebra was set [Music] oh look sleepy squirrels doggy I can't get to sleep well ducky could help you tag because ah he's got his sleeping badge [Music] there are lots of different ways to get to sleep tag oh woof woof see how it is getting ready for her catnab now oh yeah meow well doggy I think that's done the trick ah still can't sleep doggy it's too light oh but lots of animals sleep in the daytime tag oh woof woof look they're nocturnal hmm like the badger he burrows underground where it's nice and dark I'm going to Bubble like a Patcher I can't sleep I feel shaky doggy me too my tummy feels all wobbly inside aren't you scared ducky of anything oh oh yes Dougie used to be scared of something once but then oh he managed to get his Brave banana badge so what were you scared of Dougie a wolf [Music] when Dougie was a pup he spent many a happy afternoon wandering the hills and mountains oh [Music] these lessons have really paid off what did you do Dougie a woof woof woof well Dougie decided to think of something that made him really happy [Music] [Music] so he wouldn't notice the things that made him weirdly scared perhaps you could try and find your own happy places to make you feel Brave okay [Music] I'll go first think happy thoughts happy thoughts happy thoughts [Music] happy thoughts happy thoughts [Music] what's my happy place hmm [Applause] [Music] thank you oh thank you you saved the day that's quite all right no job is too small Bob brilliant girl and her baseball sidekick huh what trip trip oh dear Dougie you didn't quite turn off the tap oh wolf trip oh but I like water yes happy but we can't waste it off it won't run out the tap will make more no Nori the tap doesn't make water whales make water then it bounces on jellyfish Over the Sea the little bugs catch it in little buckets and put it in the tap that's right um that's not exactly it squirrels huh then where does water come from a woof Gaga gonna show you he has his water everyone loves water [Music] that's right Dougie the water we drink starts in the sea let's see it's so big and blue and lazy and wet so is this the water we drink doggy No Tag it's not ready to drink yet when is it ready Dougie well first the sun has to do its job the wolf when the sun heats the sea little drops of it go up and up into the sky and can you guess what they turn into words [Music] they turn into a hug [Music] wow look at us we're clouds too we're so fluffy and lights we're moving [Music] this is unbelievable oh no traffic jam looks like you'll be stuck here for a while I like your hat move hi where are you going we're going to Tropical Lake we're going there too yay [Music] are we nearly there yet doggy are we going to be stuck in traffic forever if only Dougie had a badge that would help you mean like this one huh yes of course Doug here has his traffic badge he knows what to do ah good idea Dougie you'll take a shortcut around the traffic [Music] we're moving isn't the a303 a more direct route oh yes I forgot about the roadworks on beehive bypass [Music] [Applause] laughs we're in front of all the traffic yay oh dear what's wrong with that alligator I think he's broken down my beautiful pineapples looks messy I told you to slow down hello what happened to you we were on our way to the tropical Lake to sell my refreshing pineapples but my beautiful cartoon he hit the bomb and his tail went novels everywhere blocking the road [Music] and I can't clear the road by myself what does she like Mom Enid likes dressing up oh yeah we could have a dressing up party for her oh Dougie could help oh because he has his dressing up badge and a wolf the dressing up box oh [Music] I'm going to be a pirate Avast me hearties I'm going to be a farmer vegetables Ahoy I'll be a knight whoa easy boy [Music] a fireman and I'm going to be a plumber very practical so everyone's dressed yes rip it yes oh woof jolly good just in time here comes Enid remember Ina doesn't like loud noises rolly you've scared her away sorry never fear I will not have my nap time until we have found her me you and me and us [Music] I see her she's over there she's locked in a tower mouth not for long onward scribbles yay how are we going to cross that fear not tag for I Nori the pirate have sailed the six C's Seven Seas and I will see you to the other side on my pirate ship sail watch out for the sea monster [Music] hold tight everybody land ahoy hooray we made it but look a dragon hello a fire breathing dragon however will we get past coming through [Music] that wasn't in the script it must be lovely living together not with Moe's constant banging it ruins my cooking maybe that's a good thing the smell of your food is terrible that terrible smell comes from all the rubbish in voles flat huh none of that stuff is rubbish foreign I was wondering where this toothbrush went [Laughter] rubbish what I don't know what you're laughing at worm what with all that awful music you play [Music] it has to be loud to cover your grunting that's it feel the fun how dare you oh don't grunt yes you do I thought that was you Badger it is not and you broke my cooker it wasn't my fault they don't seem to get on do they maybe we could help them but how I know we could aim them a soothing song No rolly you're too loud I'm not loud oh you're so annoying warm I know you are you both are and you what I was trying to say was wicked splashing puddles happy you didn't let me finish not all of us like getting wet happy don't we no we like getting muddy no we don't I don't see no one ever lets me say anything yes we do no you don't we do do we no this isn't getting us anyone stop it stop what her grunting I thought oh woof Dougie could help you he does have oh he's getting on badge why don't we go back to the clubhouse and talk about it calmly so how do you feel when you're not getting on that's easy not very happy and how'd you feel when you are getting on uh Happy a wolf any ideas on how you could become Happy by wolf having fun together why are we wearing hats Dougie a woof woof all guests must wear hats to a royal wedding tag oh what about the fruits let's just say it's tradition okay wow oh welcome to come in glad you could make it have you been working out my what a beautiful hat oh doggy and the squirrels and fruit oh how marvelous why water Hanson table a steamed guests let me compliment all of you on your truly Splendid headgear [Applause] but today the most enchanting creature I have ever met will wear the most beautiful hat of all [Applause] a wolf yes doggy I'm ready oh wolf wolf hmm where is Shea darling are you there my darling oh she is very shy you don't suppose she's changed her mind breaking tiger will find your bride [Music] right to be where are you oh ouch what's that noise it's coming from over there hello sweetlings YouTube oh thank goodness Sharia I've got my wedding trickster you're the bride who else lovey we'll get you out [Music] my beautiful dress I can't get married like this that's all right choo choo we'll fix it Geronimo there she is [Music] Admiral Grandad good morning Betty and there's my gran hello happy oh hold on bus driver my bag hello Grandad hello and my grand [Applause] son hey well they're a lively bunch whoof woof yes who would like to go first shall we Thug yeah let's show them the brooch last summer tag and I were skating in the park come on [Music] oh when I suddenly realized I'd lost my brooch where's my brooch who helped grandma oh [Music] man I found it oh and just hate it here all on your own I did a day I'll never forget oh no me what a lovely story oh so who's going to go Betty and I were out hiking this way to the Beauties part isn't it that way Admiral grandad but this seaweed only grows in a northwesterly direction yes and you're quite right to him come on you South now but here don't Cutlery fish always swim South before lunch exactly this way lost oh oh you're funny Granddad we're already here now well spotted Betty you've passed my test I also spotted this no one likes a show-off bet here it's a hole there now this this is from when happy and I went on a painting Expedition there I was painting the Lush canopy the iridescent colors of the Butterflies the toned muscularity of the bear while happy is tore through the extraneous and within a few Strokes captured the very essence of the scene let's organize the pencils by color oh orange cream yellow red no rolly this is a pen we're organizing pencils see now let's organize the blocks by shape pink yo rolly yes we need to organize them by shape otherwise they won't fit oh Tangles triangles circles squares it fits now let's organize the toys bye shape no by size oh slow medium large we've organized everything inside let's organize everything outside it's small medium shape square round oh color pink green blue oh Brown I must organize the animals yes yes oh shape triangles circles semicircles we are by far the best shape I'd Rather Be Square what a shape oh who put me with these two where's Nigel Nigel [Applause] oh what if we organize them by color orange I don't think so Gray no cool man green pink red blue yellow oh why can't you be one color how are we going to look after a plant rolly um don't worry doggy can lend a hand because he's got his looking after bears are we looking after Pippin well Dougie oh wolf I wonder where Philly's frog and flea are now delivery for the square Wheels you mean the squirrels it's a postcard what does it say Greetings squibbles we are now over the snow cone mountains it is very cold here Mr Filius frog herbs Pippin unlike himself is getting enough Sun messed up as the ink in my pen as Frozen would you like some more Sunshine Pippin [Music] oh no Pippin's leaves keep falling off [Music] should we go delivery for the squizzies you mean the squirrels thank you dearest squirrels and Pippin we are now forging our way through the hungry rainforest the creatures here are many but they are not all friendly [Music] [Applause] we expect dipping's leaves are falling off by now but that is nothing to worry about it's going to be okay [Music] it's so cold Dougie are you sure Pippin's okay squazzles squirrels oh there's squirrels traveling is hard work you cannot stop for even a moment the life of an adventurer is an odd one they're so brave oh there's more it will be cold at home so make sure Pippin is kept nice and warm now we must continue with our arduous trip how will we keep Pippin warm oh woof there you go Pippin nice and cozy you see squirrels comedy is a delicate and complex practice that covers a wide variety of tests and genres all of which have a shared purpose to turn a frown upside down yes let's start at the beginning it's believed one of the first recorded jokes originated in ancient Egypt from ancient Egypt comedy developed through various forms such as pictures laughs words stage [Music] and of course Cinema where one of the great silent comedians was Stanley squeak here's a clip from one of his classic silly shorts [Music] I thought comedy was supposed to be funny uh wolf you're right Dougie different people find different things funny well I know what I find funny Dr Pluto's fun facts huh it's a book where Dr Pluto tells you fun facts about the world did you know it's impossible for anyone to lick their own elbow [Music] [Applause] [Music] but I'm not laughing yes really sometimes something might be fun but not necessarily funny he bears are funny what a busy bears oh it's only my favorite show [Music] knock knock who is it it's me it can't be me right because I'm me no you're you I'm you then who's me me oh hello squirrels what are you doing we're walking in the countryside oh that sounds lovely yeah there's butterflies there's worms watch out sorry and fools we love the countryside ew that's wet oh that's prickly oh that's not a puddle ah the countryside is making me tired are we nearly home Dougie oh [Music] good idea Dougie let's sing a song and you'll be back before you know it but we don't know any songs don't worry squirrels Dougie does because oh woof he has his singing badge just copy him oh wolf wolf [Music] [Music] okay huh what was that it was me it's Mrs Weaver the beaver a wolf yes and I'm trying to get my cups to sleep what is it Mom oh they're so sweet are they the ones making that horrible sound huh my Cubs are really tired and they won't sleep while you're making all that noise we're only singing Mrs Weaver don't you like singing I love singing as a matter of fact I come from a long line of beavers that love to sing you must be really good then where I'm not bad oh [Music] [Music] boy [Music] oh boy [Music] what hey naughty monkey it's us your favorite cousins it's been ages since we played nice tree house such cool stuff this trampoline is awesome how do you play with this oh I get it hey check out this swing you don't mind if I make up Banana Split naughty monkeys [Music] I could fly here forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] looks like you need some help Lord him again oh hmm [Music] where are the balloons in the balloon box of course not to let you a party so who should we invite Enid good frog yeah chickens I suppose [Music] we're making ducky paper chains [Music] oh mine don't look like Dougie oh mine aren't holding hands shall we ask Dougie yeah oh oh like that thanks Dougie [Music] okay invitations ready dressed to impress wow of SVP a-s-a-p [Music] be there or be square ribbon come to Dougie's supplies [Music] cool man [Music] that's the decorations done what's next birthday cake thank you bread raisins that's the cake made now let's decorate it with all the things doggy likes custard spaghetti lettuce and sprinkles that's everything ready yeah what I'd really like to see is what real life is like for real locals like you us yeah the colors the day to day of your lives besides the sounds the smells the smells yeah like what is head Ace Ace rolly collects them but just the odd ones amazing show me more huh this is the rest of my collection [Applause] a box of sharks wonderful huh I like to park these all in a row just like real cars only very small is our balloon it used to be even bigger I really like it now what else can you show me the doorbell and this is the door amazing oh squeaky do any of the other squeak also no this is the tap it's just like magic yeah I'm learning so much about your lives do you want to see more yeah show me everything yay this is Enid she's a cat oh so cute these are the chickens this is our bucket this is a window and here's the Roof oh be careful up there squirrels and this is a bird we don't know why he likes it here but he does that's so funny [Music] this is frog does she do ribbits this is outstanding [Music] [Applause] it's very proficient riding there rolly if you're going to be Sailors you need to familiarize yourself with all areas of the boot the ship's wheel a wolf is where you steer a wolf up there is Rose what can you see up here also this smart speed the diving board oh look what I found a massive telescope oh it's not working [Music] and this must be the dressing up box yeah and that eye patch very striking a point I see a bite it's a fishing boat hello hello [Music] where are they going fisherman hey they don't like other boats near them disturbs the fish I see an octopus first is it so anti-social a shark oh no not them again no [Music] plush why is everyone running away from us oh forget them have you seen that Island yet uh yes hi oh good this is definitely where we left it um our medicine it's going to make us feel much better so where is it we buried it you'll have to dig oh of digging excellent let's get it aboard shall we sun is really heavy that's not medicine oh it's a key what does it do well Dougie can tell you because he has his key badge keys can be used for all sorts of things a woof woof woof they can start something open something yeah oh keep something safe [Music] so what does this key do Dougie we don't know but we'll find out through trial and error what trial and error um it's a bit like a game I suppose [Music] I'm doing a trial [Music] s file [Music] error [Music] yes I did it what's inside norie it's oh another key it's shaped like a fish so let's ask a fish excuse me Mr fish do you know what this key opens if you ask me that three seconds ago I could have told you [Music] where did that come from [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] try them all on Dougie [Music] welcome everybody to our fashion show for our new winter fall spring summer doggy collection my outfit is full of sleepiness and fluffiness I call my creation pajamas I made an outfits for Dougie to wear every day of the year it has 365 buckets [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] he's nearly as gorgeous as you are darling yeah I wonder who's next [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well there is one more outfit but who made it why Dougie of course woof [Music] is redesigned a classic [Applause] well made but clean lines good work doggy and good work squirrels [Music] well done squirrels you've earned your fashion badge whoa as a young man I had dreams of being oh oh your love I won't it's like silly it is I wanted to be a imagine that I wanted to go faster and higher than any other move has ever gone before why didn't you oh life got in the way these molehills don't Mound themselves you know and now it's too late my cousin Eric just tried cucumber for the first time and he's eight it's never too late to try something new yes but still it's too difficult what with everything being so fuzzy up here fuzzy yes not like the crystal clear views of the underground world ah beautiful day when I was little everything used to be fuzzy then my mum said happy I think you need glasses and I said who said that but I was only joking because I know my mum's voice it's time mum over here happy oh so I've got some glasses see and now everything isn't fuzzy anymore so maybe if you had glasses yes but then you could be a stunt mole puppy there you are you've been ages mom needs glasses actually how do you know well he said he can't see only win can't see where your glasses happy I I should add you can't wear someone else's glasses rolly [Applause] yes yes Dougie can help you because he's got his drawing badge hmm [Music] oh oh his glass is bad but I already have glasses huh why don't you wear them all because they always fall off my nose when I'm practicing my stuff again just time for one more thing [Applause] oh okay
Channel: Hey Duggee Official
Views: 2,506,595
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hey duggee, hey duggee official, duggee, hey duggee video, hey duggee videos, hey duggee song, hey duggee full episode, hey duggee full episodes, hey duggee episode, hey duggee episodes, duggee full episodes, duggee full episode, hey duggee clip, duggee clip, duggee clips, cbeebies shows, cbeebies episodes, cartoons for kids, hey dugge, duggee hug, hey duggee badges, accessories badge, series 4, duggee live, hey duggee live, learning with duggee, series 2 part 2
Id: nT4VvDej1Qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 34sec (3874 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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