Building with Duggee! - 20 Minutes - Duggee's Best Bits - Hey Duggee

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[Applause] [Music] ah dougie it's bucky your old rocking horse did you have bucky when you were little doggy oh yes dougie rode bucky all the time when he was your age [Music] yes indeed that's why dougie has his rocking horse badge wow show us show us woof huh [Music] that was amazing woof don't worry dougie we'll fix him good idea squirrels [Music] he's not coming oh [Music] goggles [Music] oh he's as good as new isn't he dougie that's um [Music] oh all ready to paint the clubhouse squirrels yeah i'm using aqua marine early spring crimson sunrise wild violet yellow stop stop stop stop stop stop stop what's wrong tino hmm it's missing something oh no not brown hmm i know art it's missing art what's cart now that is art really yes squirrels no more brushes no brushes but what are we going to paint with we'll paint with everything good good good [Music] potato [Music] [Music] stencil sprinkles good good and stop ribbit is it finished tino hmm now it's finished wow do you like it dougie oh um it's very colorful uh woof splash i made a bath i made a tunnel i made a window i made a door and i made some steps [Music] folding building painting stacking hello hello [Music] look what we've made with your boxes a castle wow yes and who lives in a castle here come the bravest knights the realm of dougie has ever seen so happy the tall sanori the darings yes sir petty the terrifying so tag the tough gooey and sorrowy the square let's go play in our castle whose flag is that [Laughter] why look who it is oh those naughty mice hey what do you think of our new castle that's not your castle that's our castle a woof woof yeah wow so much space space oh hello naughty monkey do you like our bigger tree house oh dear there isn't anything for monkey to do maybe doggy could make something woof [Music] [Music] naughty monkey we made you some monkey bars [Music] ah poor sheep we should make them something i think this would be fun [Music] ah just right for the modern day elephant let me speak to my structural engineer doggy [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] yes we can build anything you want anything yes [Music] cool man [Music] oh finished [Music] we've made you this oh haven't the squirrels done well today doggie oh wow [Music] finished it works [Music] oh [Music] it's flying [Music] i say squirrels you're very good at this kite flying business let's go higher is brilliant i can see my house from here oh watch out for that tree that's not a tree tag that's hello [Music] look at us we're flying what are these we love flying we're going to live oh henny seems a bit upset yeah let's try and cheer her up let's make her a kite but henny's big really big so we have to make a really really really really big kite i've drawn up a plan first we need sticks think big rolly really big sticks material think big a really big bit of material string think big really really big string paint brushes think i know really big paint brushes [Music] it's looking great squirrels let's see what henny thinks oh it's you i thought you were more of those terrible beasts beasties yes those horrible flying ones they were everywhere you mean ah kites yes we made you one oh what do you do with it we'll show oh i see this is terribly jolly yeah jolly snappy snap slap good kite flying everybody right we've got a plan but we're going to need peace and quiet and a nice cup of tea first thing lollipop sticks can't quite reach let [Music] bad news the sales been compromised lucky i've got my biker scarf [Music] but how does the boat get into the bottle if i may i know a thing or two about steering vessels into difficult harbors [Music] wow have you come to make a cup no you have come to make a cup oh the craze part of you and you and you are part of the clay you have to let your hands help it become what it wants to be you must use your heart only then will it share its secrets i'm doing it i'm throwing it's revealing itself i'm at one with the wheel very good finished now all we have to do is put them in a kiln kill a wolf it's a type of oven are we going to eat them goodness no pottery must be hated to become real are they still hot the cops were excited now they are calm you may paint them oskinayoni yay woof have we revealed ourselves uh yes the cups are now here let us see what your heart have discovered it's me riding a unicorn he's called ian my cup is full of birds i like lots of handles because i've got lots of arms i like hugs i'm a rabbit i see how you made this with your heart yes like the new cup we made for dougie do you like it tatsu oh she's always doing that woof uh-huh yay where does this bit go dougie [Music] what about these what's this where do these go what about this stuff or this all these what's that what's i think dougie needs a little space to make the surprise squirrels okay let's go play wasn't quite finished really that goes there no it's the other way no it's not put that there take that away oh look what you've done it wasn't me it was rolly it was not a woof woof that's right if you want to help you've got to work together together a wolf doggy could show you how he has got his teamwork badge [Music] now we're getting somewhere [Music] team teamwork [Music] teamwork [Music] teamwork we made the surprise it's a slide yes squirrels a very special slide a helter skelter [Music] [Music] [Applause] good teamwork everyone oh [Music] hey
Channel: Hey Duggee Official
Views: 37,965,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hey duggee, hey duggee official, duggee, hey duggee video, hey duggee videos, hey duggee song, hey duggee full episode, hey duggee full episodes, hey duggee episode, hey duggee episodes, duggee full episodes, duggee full episode, hey duggee clips, hey duggee clip, duggee clip, duggee clips, cbeebies shows, cbeebies episodes, kids cartoon, cartoons for kids, hey dugee, hey dugge, hey dougie, hey duggie, hey dugie, hey dougy, duggee hug, hey duggee badges
Id: QZeuXm6ecU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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