Discover the Colour Wheel! 🎨🌈 | Full Episodes for Kids | Learn Colours | Colourblocks

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oh what is it I'm sure I've seen one before it's a um what do you think blue I think it's uh lver but what does it do let's find outow exciting but what is it it's a round and roundabout round like a wheel with seats for four colors it's a color wheel okay everyone take a seat red blue yellow green Oh I thought it would spin round and round and round and round H maybe we're sitting in the wrong seats yes what if the color wheel only works when we're in the right order yay all change red first yellow next green and blue it worked four colors on a color wheel this makes me happy looks like someone's having fun red means stop I I see it's a round thing it's a color whale purple oh any room for us I'm afraid not orange there are only four seats oh let's try pulling that Laver here it [Music] goes imagine that 1 2 3 4 5 five six six seats room for us all but we have to sit in the right order red goes first again orange is a bit red so I think it's me next woo and orange is a bit yellow so now it's me now who goes next Green is close to Yellow so naturally I sit here and green has blue in it it so this seat is for me we've saved the best till last purple goes in between blue and red six colors on a color wheel red orange yellow green blue purple wow this looks brilliant yay it's Canan and M genter my printing crew we love a spin room for two more red means stop we're going to need a bigger wheel an eight color wheel look who wants to pull the next lever I do [Music] wow we have to find the right places for magenta and Canan well I look a bit like blue so I should go here yeah and I look a bit red so I should go here oh yes okay everyone take your seats red orange yellow green cyan blue TPO [Applause] magenta eight colors on a color [Applause] [Music] wheel ah there there you are welcome to purple's mixing Factory today we're going to carry out some amazing color mixes to see what we can make there are colors all around us they're right before our eyes if you take two and mix them up you're in for a surprise color mixing mixing colors you can try it too choose two colors mix them round discover something new take red like a strawberry add yellow all buttery stir them round what have you found it's orange just like me let's try another color mix a new surprise for you take two colors mix them round discover something new take yellow like the sunshine add blue just like the sea stir them round what have you found it's green naturally let's try another color mix a new surprise for you add two colors mix them round discover something new let's start with red add some blue then mix them in a vat stir them round what have we found purple imagine that remember red and yellow orange hats yellow and blue green mat blue and red purple cat now everybody stand and cheer our old friends black and wh are here yay take any color and at White you'll turn that color pale that's light black has a different set of Tricks darkening colors when it's mixed take all the colors bold and bright black makes them dark white turn some light mix up black and white together get a shade like Stormy Weather the color of a rainy day black and white mix to make [Music] gray um purple I have a question okay red ask a we've discovered how to mix to make orange and green and purple and light and dark colors and gray too but what about me you yes how do you mix the color red and me how do you mix blue oh um I I I really don't know we do it's the pranking cre that's right C magenta yellow and black we know how to mix lots and lots of colors including red and blue color mixing mixing colors with the printing crew we can mix up lots and L we'll show you that it's true let's take some magenta add yellow such a bright thing give it a St and see what's there red exciting let's get racing with C zoom in magenta to we'll Mix A Lot what have we got you've made the color blue cool I know blue and yellow can make green but can the printing crew mix it if we take some yellow and a touch of C turn what have we found it's green just like I am w we can make lots of colors and we can make even more you watched our color mixing we've put on quite a show now it's your turn to mix it up go on exciting my friends are coming for lunch and everyone's bringing their favorite food I've brought red strawberries red tomatoes and red peppers yummy yay I'm the first guest to arrive and I've brought lots of different types of food orange satsumas orange tangerines and orange oranges all different but all very orangey knock knock hi yellow what food have you brought I've brought yellow bananas yummy yellow corn CBS and yellow peppers ooh I've got Peppers red peppers I've brought Peppers too green peppers naturally peppers can be different Colors oh I love it what else have you brought green green peas and lettuce that's green too hello everyone I've brought all my favorite blue food blue blueberries um but that's only one type of food sh there aren't very many blue foods greetings the guest of honor has arrived purple is here hello purple hello your majesty I've brought some purple plums some purple figs and some purple passion fruit everything you need for a royal Feast we've got lots of fruit and vegetables in lots of different colors it's lunch time yum tangerines go perfect with satsumas one strawberry one tomato one red pepper oh yummy may I please try a tomato red of course yellow me uh where are my blueberries oh thanks red ah cool back to Blue now would you like something yellow to eat oh yes please thank you ah red food now I have red and yellow food I'd like to try some purple food and some orange so fast delicious can I try something green please can I have that looks great on my plate again let us have let us BL those are my sorry too slow red me peace yes please Yum Yum Yum an orange and a plum look at our plates they're a lovely combination of colors H not all our plates oh I'm okay have you tried other colors blue um I almost tried a banana once well why not try one now bananas are super scrumptious oh bright yellow and pale yellow inside well uh it's really cool y yay wowers fantastic try some orange and a strawberry don't forget the figs ah red orange yellow green blue and purple a plate of Many Colors is the coolest lunge of all down anchor huh I'm not sure I can eat eat all these Blue bries by myself huh if only there was someone I could share them with huh I wish the other blocks like the sea as much as me huh blue whale wait that's not blue whale huh all that I can see see see is the surface of the bright blue CCC hello by the depths to meet you my name's blue blue way well I never I'm deep blue and look I'm a darker blue than you and I'm a brighter blue than you yes well everything's bright up here up here on the surface when you go underwater it gets darker the deeper you go want to see yes please down we [Music] go right let me show you around this is my deep blue diving helmet these are my deep blue boots and this is the deep blue sea wow it's so beautiful so dark and well Deep Blue Lo wao we're stuck oh uh what do we do now H not to worry I know just who to call Deep to Sky deep to Sky can you hear me over copy this is Sky reading loud and clear hello everything all right over um actually Sky the old sub's a bit stuck don't suppose you could give us a lift could you over oh of course where might I find you [Music] over look for the bright blue boat over bright blue boat bright blue boat oh I can see it very bright and easy to spot help is on the way over and out hey that's got it [Music] so cool what is it that there is a magnet I mean the color it's a blue like us but different it's sky blue like me I'm sky blue I'm a paler blue than you and I'm a brighter blue than you lovely to meet you fancy of light that would be amazing blocks away this is so cool autopilot on let me give you a tour this is my sky blue Pilot's hat this is my sky blue notebook and this is the sky blue sky dreamy isn't it wo look how high up we are I never realized how big the sky is and you look so bold and bright against it it's very light up here a bit too light for me not to worry deep let's get you back down buckle [Music] up this is my bright blue boat this is my bright blue anchor and this is my bright blue bowl of blueberries would anyone like one these are delicious very nice let's do this again [Music] soon see you next time hi am I on time it's okay red the color Courier hasn't arrived yet a journey of color Discovery oh I love it [Music] all aboard the cooler carrier yay I get to sit down first exciting here's my seat and I'll sit here under sky blue please fasten your seat belts and put your travel trays in the upright position we're ready for take off the sky the limit as we take to the there are lots of new things to discover out there new mixes new colors some dull and some bright so come and clamber aboard the color block [Music] Spight we're all on a color Journey to Discovery we're having fun but we've just begun there's a world of new things to see I'm ready to fly I'll fall through the sky with my friends yellow and blue who's that in a tree naturally me green is here to join in by Royal command I ask you to land so purple can take its place don't forget me I bring the energy orange always wins the race we're all on a color Journey a fight of Discovery we're having fun but we've just begun there's a world of new things to see [Music] someone's made a new sign oh they're friends of mine say magenta the printing cre who's next it's pink with milkshake to drink and a pink straw to sip it through there's a space in between yellow and green it's the place for lime to shine look who's out and about you can hear Brown shouts it's color exploring time I'll sit by you orange we're all on a color Journey a FL of Discovery we're having fun but we've just begun there's a world of new things to see we've mixed different colors and learned to make something new we've discovered silly colors making patterns color sorting it's a color world for me and for you we've mixed and added more finding colors in between but we're still on a journey always searching always learning there's still a world of things to be seen here come black and white to join our F and the Grays watch them go and two extra Pilots IND go and violet looking for a new Rainbow red orange yellow green blue Ino Violet one more block to go deep blues down below is everybody here yes but there is still empty spaces that's right it's time to discover other new colors what a wonderful light we're all on a color Journey of Life of Discovery we're having fun but we've just begun there's a whole white world of new things to see [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Colourblocks
Views: 52,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: colourblocks, colorblocks, colours, colors, kids videos for kids, cartoons for kids, colors for kids, colours for kids, learn colours, learn colors, cbeebies, kids videos, kids animation, kids entertainment, kids education, kindergarten, colour wheel, kids learn colours, family time, full episodes, full episodes for kids, kids cartoons, 123
Id: 8F4BclYLpxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2024
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