Peppa Pig Tales 🍳 Making Mother's Day Breakfast 🌸 BRAND NEW Peppa Pig Episodes

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[Music] Peppa pig tails let's jump in h jum eggs Tomatoes ooh coconut and jelly it's Mother's Day and Peppa and George are making a very special surprise breakfast for mummy oh you started mommy's breakfast without me what's on the menu little chefs toast ooh everything on toast ah well let's get [Music] cracking watch out for that pepp well done George a little too much uhoh careful George we have to make mommy's breakfast extra special to show how much we love her that's right yay [Music] toast Tada y it's time for Jam George mommy loves jam on toast ah George loves jam on toast too oh mommy pig is very excited for her lovely breakfast in bed oh but the breakfast is smelling a little burnt the toast daddy the toast one second [Music] Peppa maybe this toast can go on the bottom good idea quick mommy pig will wake up [Music] soon George George loves J so much he has eaten all of the Jammy toast lucky there's lots of other things egg and beans tomatoes and cucumber cheese and mustard jelly a whole coconut y maybe I should check on them oh one two three happy Mother's Day oh uh oh oh what a surprise we made everything on toast everything except [Music] Jam mmy Pig loves her everything on toast Mother's Day breakfast even without the [Music] jel today Peppa and George have come to play in a special bouncy maze we're in a bit of a rush so quick as you can please yay bye Mommy and don't get lost the first room has a big bouncy castle inside [Music] hello sorry we can't play we're in a bit of a Rush come on George Peppa has gone through the blue exit but George has gone through the red one by mistake this room has a soft tunnel with suy sheep inside hi hi Susie me and George have to go fast because we're in a rush bye oh George this room is extra bouncy hi Rebecca is this the way out we're in a rush yes [Music] through hooray we found the way out well done Peppa but where's George uh I thought he was behind me maybe he's lost in the Maze lost we have to find him George isn't lost he's just having lots of [Music] fun do you know where georgees he w't that's way but Mummy Pig is not as good at bouncing as Peppa we're coming George it's okay mommy falling is just as fun as bouncing weee um there he is we're coming George [Music] wa hooray we found you phw it's time for us to go home no George doesn't want to go home he's having lots of fun in the bouncy maze well then we'll have to come and get you Peppa and George love playing in the bouncy maze got you I won't ever lose you again look out belowe now we really have to go and so does mommy pig today Peppa and Mummy Pig are riding the bumper cars at Potato City can't catch me Rebecca oh yes I can come on Peppa we found a new ride it's a water ride it's so splashy I love splashy rid splashy mommy pig isn't sure she loves splashy rides uh why don't we go on a ride without splashes like uh this bench oo what fun wee we can go on that after Come on Mommy y everyone has arrived at the new water ride celery stick Falls uh-oh St oh it is very splashy very very splashy adults in the front please that means you Mummy Pig right here oh right um okay Joy the [Music] ride oh this is quite lovely the ride is going very high up spash Splash we all have to [Music] spash not everyone loves to Splash [Music] YooHoo would you like a small Splash a big splash or a humongous Splash um a humongous Splash please Okie DOI ready no five against one off you go the celery stick Falls are very fast and very splashy there we are nice and dry oh not again yay yay that was amazing and very very splashy mommy what are you doing the splashes were amazing let's go again now Mummy Pig loves humongous splashes everyone loves humongous splashes din Sho today Mummy Pig has brought Peppa and George for a special visit to the toy shop hello I'm looking for a mummy and two little ones for a special toy shop treat have you seen them that's us is it well what are you waiting for let's go hooray oh this is where you're able to create your very own special toy ooh just swipe through to choose you could pick a robot or a princess or a silly monster or a dinosur I didn't know you like dinosaurs dinosaur dinosaur dinosaur George loves dinosaurs they're his favorite I guess we know what he'll be making her o good choice lovely a Spaceman a monster a superhero Peppa and George love making their own toys they both like very different things mine is a robot dinosa fantastic now with a little toy shop magic the machine will make your toys lovely now you just need to pick an outfit for your toys there are lots of different outfits to choose from but Peppa and George think these outfits are perfect for their new toys h perfect in they go oh dear the toy machine has put the wrong clothes on the toys the machine mixed up their clothes Miss Rabbit oh yes oh well they still look like fun toys to me and very creative fly egg is fun wee wait for us Peppa wee wow what is this room this is a special new toy machine just stand here in the midle Peppa what is it doing stay still what was that Tada the machine has made a little toy that looks just like Peppa look George I'm tiny and so are you Peppa and George love making toys in the toy shop but George really loves being a toy too back soon mommy bye daddy pig has to pick something up from work so Peppa and George have come with him to his office sorry Mr rabbit pH George really likes all the buttons in the lift W oh dear all that button pushing has broken the lift whoopsy George don't worry George I'm a bit of an expert at lifts you know ah uh the buttons in the lift aren't working hello welcome to the lift is this lift magic no it's voice activated which means we just have to tell it where to go much easier oh hello lft we would like to go to my office please the lift is working again floor two office of bees but it hasn't taken them to Daddy Pig's office no not office of bees office please FL Six office cheese I love cheese I said a fish floor 16 a fish silly magic lift the lift doesn't seem to understand Daddy Pig's voice I'll try can we go to Daddy's job now arriving at the top [Music] um not the top daddy's job please Peppa and her family keep trying to get to Daddy Pig's office but the magic lift takes them to the wrong floors and spooky floors hello oh and even party fls but none of them are the right floor until my office [Music] hooray hello Mummy Pig we just had a little trouble with the lift be there soon pepper and George really loved the magic lift but daddy pig much prefers to take the stage hello Peppa and her family are ordering lunch at a sandwich shop Peppa we don't order at the counter in this sandwich shop we order at the special screens oh sorry why don't you have a go at ordering a sandwich Peppa ooh you can select different toppings for your baguette by pressing the pictures I'm very hungry I want a really big long bouette please lettuce tomato and lot of cheese pepper is adding lots of cheese and her sandwich is getting bigger and bigger I know you're hungry Peppa but that might be a bit too much cheese oh okay now press the send button so the chef can make your order the chefs have received Peppa's order from the machine and are hard at work making it it looks so yummy and cheesy now it's George's turn to pick his sandwich look that children's meal comes with a special surprise surise George can't wait for his special surprise now it's Mummy Pig's turn to order I'll just have my usual tomato and mushroom with six pickled onions two cheese slices olives no cucumber half a red pepper and a Sprinkle of chili sauce and a whole wheat poppy seed baguette um did you say cucumber supply supp George no supp uh oh George no I suppose it's always good to try new things Peppa and George are enjoying their lunch while they wait for mommy's extra special sandwich M it's very chees dinos shur surprise m Pig sandwich is being made it's a bit bigger than she expected [Music] uh it's ready mommy oh how um big oh I don't think I can eat all this on my own would you like some oh it's a bit spicy M what very tasty I might have a new favorite everyone loves their sandwiches even if they aren't exactly what they meant to order hello hi Peppa and her family have come to the Balloon Shop to collect a special balloon for a garden party Miss Rabbit can we have our fancy Planet friendly recyclable balloon oh wow Bon the Balloon Shop is full of balloons Miss Rabbit oh you found me I've been lost in the balloon since Tuesday Morning must be lunchtime by now it's Wednesday Miss Rabbit oh anyway here are all your fancy Planet friendly recyclable balloons ready for the party all but we only ordered one H who um it says here 1,000 balloons for Mummy Pig's party oh but we don't need this many and we can't waste them what do we do I know we can share them Peppa and her family are giving the extra balloons to everyone in town you oh thank you and one for both of you here you go red balloon green one for you only 992 to go this is going to take forever uh-oh and we have to go and set up the party I have a great idea grab some balloons and follow me everyone [Music] hooray it is time for the party and everyone is beginning to arrive hello Suzie here's your balloon thank [Music] Youk Miss rabbit has used the balloons to turn the garden party into a balloon party Miss Rabbit can make anything with a balloon or anyone here you go it looks like me and this one looks like me this is the balloon careful [Music] Daddy and don't worry if you pop a balloon because we have lots of extras bnk punk punk punk everyone would have loved Mummy Pig's garden party but everyone loves the balloon party even more today is Pancake Day so Peppa and her family are meeting at a fancy pancake restaurant hello I'll be your Chef today I make the pancakes right at your table and you get to help what kind of Pancakes can we make any you can think of we have lots of yummy ingredients I'll have the special mushroom pancake please one bananalicious banana pancake with extra bananas for me please coming right up Miss Rabbit is good at making pancakes thank you now a little color [Music] then out the [Music] mushrooms bananas and extra bananas ooh and now for the best bit smelling eating y flipping it exactly woohoo Miss Rabbit is very good at making pancakes [Music] wao taada yay FW now what would you two like in your pancakes I would like a chocolatey chocolate pancake with chocolate please you clearly have a sweet tooth and you George oh peas and tomato for George and pineapple coconut cabbage H and this no that's Red Hot Chili Peppa Peppa and George like all kinds of ingredients on their pancakes and locks of them Tada yay want to help me flip yeah now on the count of three we'll give them a gentle little flip one one two Peppa and George have flipped their pancakes very high and on to Mr Bull's plate oh yummy m t very much M it's sweet and savory crunchy and spicy oh delicious it's a special surp surprise pancak pancake Peppa and George love making super special surprise pancakes looks like we'll have to make another for you two yay but they really love eating them when they're done welcome to the ice cream shop it is a very hot day so Peppa and George are playing ice cream shop here you go Mr daddy p P oh thank you what would you like Mrs Mummy Pig I'd like a banana split please hooray ooh what's a banana split Granny it's a type of dessert first we need to cut a banana in half nanana oh now we add ice cream cherries and whipped cream ah George likes adding the ice cream careful don't squish the banana and Peppa really likes adding whipped [Music] cream don't forget the cherry on top here is your banana split Mrs Mummy Pig this looks delicious oh please could I have a nicker boa Glory a noori what's that Madam it's a type of ice cream sunday can you only eat them on Sundays not that type of Sunday you can eat them anytime I'll show you we need need ice cream fruit merang and cream Peppa and George add all the ingredients into the glass and now you can decorate the top then decorate with Wafers colorful sprinkles and sauce here you are Madam this looks wonderful now everyone has been served what kind of ice cream would you to like h a rainbow one rainbow Peppa and George use lots of different colored ice cream pink for strawberry Brown for chocolate yellow for banana Nana then they add their toppings let's mix it all together [Music] um oh Peppa and George have mixed all the colors together together we've made a muddy puddle not rainbow ice cream I'm afraid we don't have much ice cream left all we have is vanilla my favorite Peppa and George like making special ice creams but they love vanilla ice cream the most today Peppa and her family have been at the supermarket outside the Supermarket is a toy machine yay ooh Mandy Mouse has got a toy look Mommy a yoyo well done Mandy Peppa George would you like a go on the toy machine yes please how does it work Miss Rabbit you just buy a token and put it in the slot then A ball rolls all the way down to the bottom of the machine and there's a special surprise to toy inside dinosaur George would like to get a dinosaur toy how fun you can have one try each here you go [Music] yay yay George's token makes the machine light up and play music A ball rolls all the way down to the bottom w w I this sh oh George has got a toy screwdriver a screwdriver how useful dinosaur don't worry George I'll try to get the dinosaur too now Peppa's token makes the machine light up and a different ball rolls all the way down to the [Music] bottom oh Peppa hasn't got the dinosaur but she she has got some very nice stickers Dina what lovely toys you got but look our ice cream is starting to melt so close I have a feeling the dinosaur will come out next time please can we have one more go Mommy please oh go on then one more try Peppa and George pull the lever on the toy machine but this time no balls pop out a oh dear I wanted to see what toy you were going to get not to worry Mummy Pig I can fix it I just need to find my screwdriver nope NOP screwdriver ah thank you [Music] George yay yay whoops Miss rabbit has fixed the machine too much now all the balls have fallen out I'd better put these back but I think you earned this for helping me fix the machine dinosur thank you Miss Rabbit this is for you I everyone loves the toy machine and George really loves dinosaur today Peppa and George are playing grownups oh gosh oh gosh where is my bag and my hat we're off to work now Mommy oh and what job do you think you'd enjoy when you're grown up dinosur George wants to be a dinosaur H I think I would enjoy being a dentist then I will make sure everyone's teeth are nice and healthy H interesting all right you've got lots of clean teeth mommy here's a sticker for being so brave don't forget to brush your teeth who's next [Music] silly George dinosaurs don't go to the dentist they go to Dr hamster the vet W but you can have a sticker anyway I think you'd make a very good dentist [Music] you and you you'd be an excellent dinosaur George but I'd also like to be a bus driver then I could take all my friends to the park tickets Please next stop the park stop you forgot us come back vro vroom you have to stop at all the bus stops if you want to be a bus driver Peppa oops sorry I think you'd be a brilliant bus driver Peppa but I don't just want to be a dentist and a bus driver I also want to be a teacher oh then I'll teach everybody how to paint you you can paint a butterfly using handprints like this dinosaurs don't go to school George perhaps you could open a school for dinosaurs but when I'm grown up I also want to jump in muddy puddles and George will be a dinosaur and they will always love jumping in muddy puddles even when they are grown up or dinosaurs today Peppa and her friends are going to the Sweet Shop hello Miss Rabbit I'd like to buy everything in the Sweet Shop please here is my coin Peppa and her friends each have one coin to buy a suite with here is my coin too and mine and mine wow what a lot of of money but I'm afraid it's not enough to buy everything in the shop oh yes one coin is perfect for trying my new sweet making machines [Music] though just choose a machine pop your coin in the slot and push the big red button M strawberry laces n but strawberries are fruits not sweet my sweets are made with delicious real fruit much tastier and much healthier yummy strawberries they look like hair you're right I've got a strawberry pony tail my turn my turn Emily Elephant has found a rainbow lollipop machine for this machine you have to push the buttons to choose your favorite fruity flavor H yellow banana ooh you love red apples and pink raspberries and blue blueberries and green apples you like all the [Music] flavors so fruy look it's a big binning ball that's a candy floss machine why don't you pop your coin in and give it a go it tastes like coconuts it looks just like you Suzy and now it looks even more like you what is that only one way to find [Music] out but I thought this was a sweetie machine not a money machine can I use this to buy some real sweeties you don't need to that coin is a sweee pepper it's a chocolate coin chocolate hooray yay Peppa loves a sweet treat from the Sweet Shop everyone loves a sweet treat from the Sweet Shop yummy tasty food yummy tast today on the cruise Peppa and her family are at a very special type of restaurant this is a special type of restaurant called a buff just take a plate and choose the food you want to eat enjoy oh goody the restaurant buffet has lots of different foods to choose from what would you like to eat Peppa spaghetti is my favorite right you are but we mustn't take too much we can always come back and get some more oh good idea and what would you like George juice thirsty are you I think we can rustle up some orange juice let's see here aha the orange juice machine is very loud and it hasn't made very much orange juice at all oh juice we'll just have to make some more delicious I can't can't wait to [Music] finished you were hungry Peppa can I get some more now please oh of course let's go hooray Grandpa Pig is still trying to make George a cup of orange juice oh dear could we have some more oranges please Miss Rabbit right away Peppa has found a very special pancake machine just one pancake Please Mr Robot I can always come back and get more M Splendid aha granny pig is very excited to eat her spaghetti ah finish oh thank you pancake robot but now Peppa is thirsty too can I get some juice as well granny of course Grandpa Pig can get you some I do wonder what's taking him so [Music] long Grandpa Pig has finally made a cup of orange juice in fact Grandpa Pig has made lots of cups of orange juice a the machine has finally stopped making orange juice silly Grandpa you don't need to make all the juice you can always come back and get more Peppa loves the buffet restaurant and George really loves orange juice woohoo the treasure train is on its way CH yay Peppa Pig and Danny Dog are driving a train full of gold silver and [Music] broccoli is broccoli treasure yes it's special broccoli made of sparkly diamonds Peppa and Danny aren't really driving a train they're using their imagination to pretend hooray Stop in the Name of um rubers oh no Pedro pony and Susie Sheep are pretending to be Train Robbers can we have all your treasure please no oh okay you're supposed to steal the treasure Suzie oh we have stolen all the treasure hooray ah um what do we do now you escape oh yes yeeha come back you naughty robbers Now Peppa and Danny are pretending to be police officers they're going to catch the robbers you caught us no we didn't because um ha your boat can fly um Madame Gazelle can ships fly real ships cannot fly oh but pretend ships certainly can hooray wow now Pedro and Susie are in a flying boat oh um our train can fly too yay uh-oh hey police officers Peppa and Danny have almost caught the robbers home [Applause] time is it a giant no it's a Daddy Pig and he's coming to take you home [Music] Cheng what are you doing Peppa we're pretending to fly our boats and trains daddy oh my what an imaginative Bunch you all are oh aha Peppa loves imagining things everyone loves imagining things hi today Peppa is going to Rebecca Rabbit B bye [Music] [Laughter] mommy today Peppa is already at Rebecca Rabbit's Bur she's come to play a new video game called carrot catcher do you want to play yes please I'm amazingly really excellent at games oh dear Peppa doesn't know how to begin the game um I am amazingly really excellent at games but maybe it would be more fun if you started the game Rebecca oh yes I knew that first you pick your bunny then you hop around and catch the carrots oh yes um Peppa is amazingly really excellent at video games but she might need a bit of help with this one how do you catch the carrots please Rebecca like this yay I'm good at this oh my turn wow Rebecca rabbit is amazingly really excellent at this game wow you're really good at catching carrots Rebecca I've had lots of practice do you want to play together now we can be a team yes woohoo got it yay here's one there's one new high score hooray Peppa and Rebecca make a very good team Rosie Robbie what are you doing hello you two have you seen the twins they've run off with our Lune we'll catch them we're good at catching carrots and baby [Music] bunnies B one Rosie gotcha here's another one Robbie got it m still good Peppa and Rebecca are very good carrot catchers yay hooray lunch is saved you in fact Peppa and Rebecca are amazingly really excellent carrot catchers today Peppa and her family are at the supermarket they're going to pay for their shopping at the two huh sorry got to nip to the L use the self checkout if you like the self checkout lets you scan and pay for your shopping all by yourself it's a big shopping robot would you twoo like to scan the shopping yes please hello customers hello shopping robots please Place bags in the bagging area um B yes George mommy's handbag is a bag this bag is the wrong bag the shopping robot needs shopping bags this bag is the right bag please scan shopping Peppa and George like scanning the shopping item not scanned try again oh um be item still not scanned try again there is a rather long queue waiting to use the shopping robot not scanned it's not working item not scanned item not scanned item item item item items scanned yay please put 10 cartons of juice in the bagging area 10 we don't need that much juice um cancel juice more juice added please put 60 cartons of juice in the bagging area canel H oh this should do it Mummy Pig is very good with computers and shopping robots how do we beat this mommy the pineapple doesn't have a little sticker to scan we have to find it on the screen pine cones no pine nuts no ah Pine Apple here we go yay item is too light oh um um How About Now item too heavy error error error error this one how about now [Music] now press the button on the side everyone in the supermarket is trying to help too many errors oh oh no the shopping robot is broken sorry everyone I'm back who's next me oh terrific everyone loves going shopping please scan shopping but not everyone loves the shopping robot today Peppa and Susie are playing in the treehouse oh hello Suzy do come along in help awfully terribly kind they're pretending to be grown-ups we should have a big delicious Cupa gosh we are having lots of weather aren't we someone is at the door sorry to interrupt your mommy is here to take you home suszie a but we were going to have a tea party like grownups can we ever sleep over in the treeh house Grandpa please oh um of course you can you and Susie can sleep in the treehouse and Grandpa Pig and I will camp out here to look after you Peppa and Susie are very excited to have a sleepover in the treeh housee here are your sleeping bags pillows lots of cuddly toys and the best bit a special Starry Lantern wow wow Tada all finished huh suppose I don't need these Grandpa Pig is excited to sleep in the T too W ah or perhaps I do once he has rebuilt it it is bedtime now so Granny and Grandpa Pig are going to their tent good night you two we're just here if you need us look Susie my Shadow's really big oo mine is a bird tweet tweet and mine is a butterfly it's really l loud granny Pig we need you oh is everything okay there was a really loud noise [Music] gosh oh my goodness is it a monster oh oh No Monsters here here just Grandpa Pig snoring oh Peppa and Susie love sleeping in the treeh house what's what's all this then even with Grandpa Pig snoring next door Peppa Pig and her friends are a aquarium today they're all pretending to be fish what what's that this is an octopus it has eight long wibbly wobbly legs actually an octopus only has two wibbly wobbly legs the other six are wibbly wobbly arms [Music] ripip wow I wish I had a rainbow tail let's be mermaids Suzie but we don't have mermaid tails but we can pretend hooray Peppa and suie are pretending they are merid with long lovely tailes hello seahorses we can swim around just like you it's so pretty what is it this is an oyster it has a pearl inside a pearl what's a pearl it's a very lovely shiny object can we open it and see it an oyster only opens when it's ready so we'll just have to be patient I can't see the pole excuse excuse me Mr oyster can you open please we're being really patient can you go ah like at the dentist [Music] um a it's not [Music] working it's so tickly let's tickle it open mermaid Peppa and mermaid Susie are trying to tickle the oyster so it'll open they tickle and tickle and tickle but the oysters still won't open it's not working we'll never see the Pearl we'll just have to wait it's The Pearl it's so pretty the oyster has finally opened the Pearl inside is very lovely indeed whip wob whip wob but I want to see the Pearl can we make it open please no Danny we have to be patient everyone knows that being patient can be tricky but Peppa and Susie know that the very lovely Pearl will be worth the wait today Peppa is playing with toy [Music] blocks o careful George this is a very small town and you're a very giant dinosaur that gives me an idea do you want to play Giants George George is very excited to play Giants with pepper hello police officer panda what a lovely quiet normal day in Toyland and definitely no sign of hello I am giant [Music] Peppa a giant two giants Peppa and George are imagining their Giants in a pretend toy Block World hello Birds hello clouds hello everyone our ball is stuck in that very tall tree we can help you with that we are very tall Giants whoopsie okay George there you go Susie hooray giant Peppa and Giant George love to help their friends in Toyland they helped the passengers to get on the bus [Applause] [Music] oh and help the boats go very very fast stop it's the bridge you broke earlier oh don't worry we can fix Peppa and George are experts with toy blocks they fix the toy bridge in no time at all thanks joint Pepper and joyant George stop uh I mean go hooray woo woo oh goody hungry I'm hungry too the food in Toyland is too small for giant Peppa and Giant George dinner time so they will have to have real food instead careful George today mommy pig is going for a relaxing day at the star oh sorry Mommy Pig I've got to close early today I've got the sniffles oh I was really looking forward to my spa day why don't we make a spa at home oh that's a great idea Peppa Peppa is very good at having ideas hello Mrs mommy welcome to the spa oh Peppa has turned the living room into a very special Spa first we are going to um what happened at the spa mommy well we normally start with a nice cup of lemon water I can do that I'll get you some lemony water Mrs Mommy here you go oh oh M thank you Peppa this is the lemoni water I've ever seen what's next next I'd like to have a foot bath yay what's a foot bath it's a very small bath just for your feet okay time for your very small bath just for your feet Miss says mommy come on Daddy Peppa and daddy pig are making their very own foot bath this ought to do the trick Ah that's so relaxing Peppa has turned the foot bath into a regular bath here are the boats you ordered Miss Peppa you have to have Bubbles and toys in the bath wonderful I'll suggest this to Miss Rabbit what's next mommy next it's time for a massage uh um here lie down on the sofa and I'll show you how it works Peppa finds the massage very tickly your turn mommy ooh it's very different to my normal massage it's a special Peppa massage Cho now the last thing I do at the bar is have a mud mask which is a mask made of mud yes a special Spa mud that's good for your skin I don't think we have any special Spa mud here though I've got an idea Peppa is very very good at having ideas we don't need Spa mud when we've got mud puddles they're just like muddy puddle face masks Peppa loves a spa day especially when it involves jumping in muddy but today Peppa and George are at a fun fair hi Peppa have you been in the fun house yet what's a fun house it's a special fun fairhouse that has lots of silly rooms and funny hallways can me and George go into the fun house please please hello Miss Rabbit two for the fun house to enter the fun house Mummy Pig must buy tokens from Miss Rabbit but the tokens cost more coins than Mummy Pig thought oh thank you Mummy Pig right this way ooh this is the rickety rackety Bridge pass through to see the rest of the fun house Peppa is moving very slowly and carefully across the bridge but George thinks it's fun to go very fast your way is much better George Wee congratulations now you need to follow the arrows this way George these mirrors are so wobbly the funh house mirrors make Peppa and George look very silly indeed this mirror makes me look so tall and you look like you have a very big head [Music] George that one makes you look really round round and this mirror makes me look like Miss Rabbit that's because I am Miss Rabbit follow me to the twisty turny tunnel the funh housee tunnel spins round and round ooh and it's very windy look after the tunnel we get to go down the slide yay I'll help you George I wonder what's taking so long I hope they're not lost how was it the fun house was really fun how fitting everyone loves the fun house because the fun house is very today Peppa and George are helping daddy pig tidy some old boxes what's this daddy Ah that's my trusty old camera Peppa you press the button to take a picture cheese and it prints the photo out look I can see it can I have a go please say cheese Chee cheese Now Peppa is taking photos with the [Music] camera this camera is really fun CA have fun but there isn't much photo paper left so use it wisely George loves taking lots of [Music] photos oh dear it's run out of photo paper oh but I love taking pictures H why don't we use my phone's camera instead it can even add filters to a photo Daddy Pig's phone camera has given George a pretend mustache come on George let's take more photos Peppa and George are having lots of fun taking pictures the phone camera has given mommy pig a flowery filter say cheese and Grandpa Pig has a very fine [Music] hat Peppa George and daddy pig have come to the park to take even more photos ooh hello Mr and Mrs [Music] bird oh say cheese Mr boo cheese what a funny photo daddy pig wants to take a photo with Peppa and George by the Ducks say cheese everybody 1 2 3 cheese Peppa and George are sticking all the f photos from the day into a scrapbook look at this one George but some of the photos are blurry oh the photos don't have to be perfect they just have to remind you of a lovely day everyone loves taking photos and everyone has had a very lovely day today Peppa and her classmates are visiting a chocolate factory can I try some chocolate please Miss Rabbit you can Peppa but we've got to make it first oh Peppa is very excited to make chocolate how do we make it Miss Rabbit with this machine hello machine can you make me some chocolate please thank you machine yay now can I try some of it please not yet Peppa we need to decorate it first follow me everyone is very excited to decorate the chocolate too you can decorate one chocolate bar each ooh it looks like a muddy puzzle yes but don't jump in it Peppa and you can add whatever decorations you like from the table as long as it's yummy mine is a carroty chocolate B squeak delicious mine is a Cheesy chocolate bar squeak yum yum and mine is a spaghetti chocolate bar oh because strawberry laces look like spaghetti phw scrumptious can I try some chocolate now please Miss Rabbit almost Peppa the chocolate needs to cool in the fridge first the fridge is very cold and makes the liquid chocolate Harden into bars and [Applause] done can we please try some chocolate now Miss Rabbit not yet pep oh wait yes you [Applause] [Music] cany delicious scrum dly option sque H is something wrong Peppa no I just really liked it when the chocolate was all running like a muddy puddle oh ho then it's lucky I have one more treat for you all it's a chocolate fountain it's just like a giant chocolate muddy puddle and lots of nice healthy fruit to dip too thank you Miss rabbit Peppa loves muddy puddles especially when they're made out of [Music] chocolate today Peppa and her friends have come to a special Adventure Park come on edman you can do it it's really fun well done Edmund yay this room has a balance beam you have to walk across it without falling into the ball pit if you all keep working as a team you'll get all the way through without falling into the ball pits I'm good at balancing follow me now George Peppa and Edmund elephant must cross the B beam but Edmund is finding the balance beam a bit difficult try going sideways Edmund we can do it together hooray everyone has made it across the balance beam now they must swing across this room this looks tricky it's just like the swing in the park Emily watch this wee Peppa is very good at swinging hooray Hold On Tight [Music] George here you go Edmund but Edmund elephant is feeling a little nervous about it why don't we go together Edmund as a team good idea y hooray we did it it thank you Emily everyone has made it across the big swing good teamwork everyone one room to go this is the final room but there is no way across the ball pit we can't jump that far and there's nothing to swing on this room is a bit of a puzzle nobody knows how to solve the puzzle and get across oh I've got it but Edmund elephant is very good at puzzles I'm a clever clogs you know everyone has made it through the Adventure Park that was very clever Edmund Edmund and Edmund elephant can't wait to do it all over [Music] again are volcanoes real Madame Gazelle they are o but do not worry children there are no volcanoes close by except the little pretend ones that we are going to make for today's very special science experiment oh we will make our volcanoes using glue and newspaper like this first you dip the paper in the glue and then you stick it all to the beaker and voila a volcano everyone is enjoying making their volcanoes the glue is very sticky and messy and soon they are all finished wonderful children now it is time to paint your Creations let's make ours red Peppa ours can be blue green like a big tree real volcanoes are dark and gray with red lava but Peppa and her friends are making their mini volcanoes bright and colorful [Music] now it is time for the science experiment but first everyone must put on special gloves glasses and coats to make sure they are safe you all look like wonderful scientists children now we are ready to make lava but do not worry the lava we are making is just pretend and very safe first we add some vinegar to our volcanoes be careful not to spill perfect and now I will add a secret magic ingredient to each of your volcanoes nobody knows what the special magic ingredient is finally take your cup of baking soda and pour a little inside the volcano then stand back Madame gazelle's volcano is erupting just like a real volcano y children hooray wow the lava is red ours is blue candy cat and Gerald giraffe's lava is green and very f I think we made too much lava no candy you made a muddy puddle everyone loves making volcanoes but everyone really loves making colorful muddy [Music] puddles wow wow today Peppa and her family are visiting the arcade h w w [Music] w well done you got a high score that's because Peppa and I are experts at all of these games look at all these tokens Peppa if you collect lots of these you can trade them in for a huge prize wow a prize squeak look at all these tokens can we play that game next of course Peppa mommy pig is showing Peppa how to play carrot poop she is bopping the carrots whenever they pop up popop [Music] pop would you both like to have a go yes please [Music] po more token does this mean we can get a really big prize daddy daddy daddy pig is playing the dancing game Daddy Pig loves dancing wow I'm a bit of an expert at dancing you know your turn Peppa wow yay phew that was fun but is there a game we can play all together I know just the game Peppa and her family are playing a balloon game whoever fills their balloon with water first wins yay [Music] did we get another high score yes your score was so high that you have all won the jackpot now you can trade in all your tokens for a huge prize W let's [Music] go hello again Peppa here are all our tokens Can we please have our prize of course with this many tokens you can get a marvelous extraordinary oneof a kind pencil hooray a pencil Peppa loves winning lots of tokens with her family at the arcade and Peppa really loves her brand new pencil it is bedtime but George isn't sleeping so neither are Peppa or daddy pig what now we've already read every bedtime story there is one book we haven't read I've been saving it for an emergency the very long and very boring story to help sleepy pigs fall asleep the very long and very boring story to help sleepy pigs fall asleep yes the very long and very boring story to help sleepy pigs fall asleep oh once upon a time there was a hero named super [Music] Peppa um yes super Peppa wee she spent all her days helping the people in her neighborhood [Music] uhoh until one day she heard about a jumping giant who wouldn't stop shaking the town the giant won't stop jumping I'll help you super pepper found the jumping giant D oh yes George the jumping dinosaur super Peppa tried everything she could to stop the jumping dinosaur from jumping like asking him very politely yes uh excuse me Mr Dinosaur sir excuse me they tried some bedtime music this will put him to sleep so relaxing but the music only gave the dinosaur more energy super Peppa tried giving the jumping dinosaur a warm b w she tried giving him cozy pajamas she even tried Counting Stars One 2 3 4 5 that's everything we did there's nothing left to try the bedtime story has helped George fall asleep hooray thank you for your help Peppa sweet dreams thank you Daddy B now I'm not tired can you finish the story The today Peppa and her playgroup are at a juice factory they're learning how juice is made and this is the fruit squeezer it squeezes all the juice out of the oranges can I try squeezing oranges Miss Rabbit of course you can all try everyone is having lots of fun squeezing the oranges but it is very hard work my hands are tired that's okay because next up we have the juice stomper the stomper has big boots to stomp out all the juice from the strawberries o can I try stomping Miss Rabbit yes everyone can try Pop these boots on and stomp away it's just like jumping in muddy puddles well done everyone now follow me this is where the juice is put into cartons we have to match the flavor with the picture on the cartons what flavor is this one it's red is it strawberry well done Mandy press the red button to fill it up and how about this one it's green so Apple spot on Suzy and this one it's lots of colors well done Peppa you've created a brand new type of juice it's rainbow [Music] juice everyone thinks the rainbow juice looks very delicious indeed this is The Tasting Room it's where we make sure all the juice taste scrum didly UMES o but to make it fun you have to guess what flavor each juice is Peppa and her play group love tasting juice yum this is orange juice M this is apple juice this tastes like all the juices at once that's because it's your special rainbow juice Yum Yum Yum Peppa loves learning about juice and Peppa really loves her dinner delicious rainbow juice today mommy and Peppa have brought George to the doctor for a checkup hello I'm Dr Peppa Pig hello Dr Peppa Pig I'm nurse Miss Rabbit and this is Dr Brown Bear ready for your checkup George No George has never been to the doctors before he is a little nervous don't worry George the doctors just want to make sure you feel good exactly come on in and don't forget your little red [Music] book first Miss Rabbit and Dr Brown Bear need to check George's height step this way please George No but George isn't sure he'll like the height measurer how tall am I miss rabbit wow you're getting very tall Peppa you'll be a big grownup soon George wants to know if he is very tall too wow you're so big and tall George now it's time to check George's weight with a special machine called scales this machine will tell us how much you weigh George and it's really good for bouncing George loves bouncing and freeze mhm and un freeze now it's time to listen to George's heart with a special tool called a stethoscope this might be a little cold the stethoscope is very cold oh try this George you can listen to my heartbeat too George likes listening to Peppa's heart yay you did very well today George so you get a sticker and one for Dr Peppa Pig for being so helpful too hooray Peppa and Rebecca Rabbit are making a pillow for today careful don't fall on the fort almost got it wo squeak we did it now we need to decorate the inside H something else is missing oh oh something to eat [Music] mommy what a beautiful pillow for can we have something to eat please of course I'll be right back don't go anywhere Let's Pretend the pillow fort is really big inside wow catch [Music] Peppa Let's Pretend the floor is really bouncy like a trampoline it's so [Music] bouncy oh no the ball bounced over there let's bounce after [Music] it this floor is green so let's pretend it's squatchy but the ball isn't here maybe over there this room is blue so let's pretend it's [Music] cold there's the buol hoay hey let's get out of here um which way did we come in Peppa where are you we're lost in the pillow fort I'll come get you no mommy the fort isn't built for grown nuts oh I can fit through anything Mummy Pig is stuck oh Mommy your wiggles are breaking the for sorry you all that pretending has made me even more hungry good thing I brought you some food now we just need to find it under these pillows today Peppa and her family have been shopping at the supermarket goodbye Supermarket Super Market is that a robot no Peppa it's a vending machine you put money in to buy the food and drinks inside can we buy something from the robot please okay we can each choose one thing as a special treat yay Peppa is very excited to buy something from the robot vending machine here you go Peppa goodbye coin now press the button that matches the thing you would like I would like an orange juice [Music] there it is hooray deicious dinosaur George has found a biscuit shaped like a dinosaur here you go George now press the button with the [Music] dinosaur dieo I think I will have H that drink oh dear it's stuck Daddy Pig's drink is stuck on a sandwich the sandwich is in the way naughty sandwich we'll need to buy the sandwich as well so the drink will fall down with it oh it's stuck again naughty pineapple ah let's buy that [Music] too it's stuck again [Music] again the drink has finally Fallen all the way down to the bottom goodies I can finally have my drink oh no my drink has turned into Fizz Oh Daddy why don't you choose something else from the vending machine good idea oh the vending machine is empty that's because we bought everything [Music] wao today Peppa and her playgroup are on a trip to a bug Museum follow me everyone squeak big box this room is all about ants it even has some big robotic ants to look at don't worry it's not a real ant it's a big robot ooh I love [Music] robots wo ants work together as a team to bring food to their [Music] Queen would you like to try being ants can I be the [Music] queen yay yay Peppa's friends are racing against the ants they have to get the foam Leaf to Queen [Music] [Applause] Peppa well done everyone you worked as a team just like ants this room is all about bees it even has be costumes for dressing up you look the bees knees can you find your way through the Beehive like real bees well go everyone loves being bees but the Beehive is very confusing they're [Music] lost bees follow the sun to find their WAYZ we can follow the sun too everyone is following the sun to find their way just like real bees beautiful work everyone y the last room has something very special inside sque it's so pretty but nobody knows what it is inside is something very colorful is it a parrot it has big wings or a dragon and it used to be a caterpillar [Music] h w it's [Music] a [Music] butterfly Peppa and her friends love learning about all the bugs at the Big Bug [Music] Museum pretty cool hey Peppa daddy we're getting shoes for George not you oh yes today George is buying some new shoes hello Miss Rabbit we need some new shoes for George George's shoes are very old well you're in luck the shoe shop has lots of shoes we'll find George the perfect pair hooray first we need to measure your feet pop your foot in the measurer please Miss Rabbit is measuring George's feet to help him find shoes that are the right size your feet are very small that's because George is a baby no George is not a baby follow me oh we keep all our very small shoes over here which shoes you like George shoes those are bowling shoes George loves to go bowling and he loves bowling shoes are you sure you want those shoes George shoes shoes those are tap dancing shoes aha they're very noisy George loves to make lots of noise maybe too noisy shoes they are clown shoes uhhuh ah George loves clown shoes they're too big and George is very small shoes shoes George tries on lots of shoes tall ones little ones oh and even silly ones but none of them are quite right shes dinosur they are slippers George they are not shoes shoes these are just like your old shoes shoes George would like new shoes that are just like his old shoes jolly good we'll take them please Miss Rabbit Miss Rabbit you I'm under here sh George loves his new shoes and he loves the shoe shop everyone loves the shoe shop it is morning and Peppa is having some delicious breakfast what's happened to this cereal April fools April fools what's that today is April Fool's Day it's a day where people make each other laugh by playing silly jokes like I just did with your cereal I like silly jokes can we do one on Daddy that's a great idea daddy pig is reading on the sofa But Mommy Pig and Peppa have come to play a joke on him could you please pass my glasses Mummy Pig of course Peppa and Mummy Pig are playing a joke on Daddy Pig thank you that's strange these glasses have made it even harder to see a oh these are joke glasses very funny but you won't be able to play another joke on me I am much too clever for that Peppa is playing another joke on Daddy Pig oh no I can't open this tube crisps can you help me Daddy of course [Music] Peppa that gave me a fright April fools you got me again Peppa well done would you like to help me play an April Fool's Day joke on mommy p Peppa Peppa and her family have finished dinner and are now eating dessert aha me and Peppa have made a tasty chocolate cake for dessert haven't we Peppa yes how lovely it looks [Music] delicious my Fork doesn't seem to work try with your hands Peppa and Daddy are playing a joke on Mummy Pig this isn't a cake this is a sponge with icing on it April fo what a clever joke that reminds me George brought some biscuits for you Peppa yay thank you George I love this [Music] April fools Peppa loves April Fool's Day everyone loves April Fool's Day almost got you Peppa is trying very hard to open a pinata and get the treats inside because today Peppa's play group are learning about a Mexican holiday called cinco de mayo oh children we need more decorations for the classroom room to make the class look extra happy so let's make some pom pom flowers pom pom I like that [Music] word just attach the cardboard stem to the middle of the bowl of tissue paper and voila wow aha aha oh I can't make the flower I will help you this is tricky oh dear everyone has made a lot of pom pom flowers did we make too many of course not now our classroom looks extra extra happy next we're going to make some delicious guacamoli GUI guacamoli it's a Mexican treat made of avocados and you eat it with carrots or cucumber or special crisps called to [Music] guacamole guamo guamo Madame Gazelle is peeling an avocado and adding some lime juice and salt to the Bowl now we just need to MH it all together oh M guacamoli would anyone like to try some guacamole yes please M delicious y yummy guamo yummy guamo wonderful Peppa another way to celebrate Cinco Deo is to sing yumy guac YY guac guac and dancing is another important part of Cinco [Music] Deo Peppa has hit the pinata and all the sweets are pouring out Peppa is enjoying her first sinko Deo and really enjoying hi whoops sorry everyone today Peppa and Mummy Pig have come to Miss Rabbit's yoga class Namaste everyone Namaste is how you say hello in a yoga class please take off your shoes and find a mat does anyone know what yoga is is it where you balance on one leg or when you bend into funny shapes almost yoga is a fun kind of exercise that helps you feel Zen which means relax oh we'd like to be Zen please let's start with some breathing everyone close your eyes and breathe in slowly through your nose 1 2 3 and out through your mouths 1 2 3 everyone is finding breathing very relaxing but Emily and her mommy's trunks are making little whistle sounds now let's do some stretching reach up high into the [Music] sky and bend down and touch your [Music] toes Peppa Danny and Emily are all very good at stretching but the grown-ups are finding it a little trickier you're very good at yoga Mr Bull I've had lots of practice and relax everyone lay down on your front then lift your chest up this is called Cobra pose is this right that's perfect oh but you don't need to do the sounds now place your hand hands and feet on the ground and your hips up as high as you can like this this is called downwood dog that's perfect Danny you're a natural finally everyone stand up straight put your hands together and lift one leg to the other leg this is called tree pose Peppa loves all the [Music] poses well but balancing is quite hard sorry Miss Rabbit my tree was a bit wobbly no need to apologize Peppa yoga is to help feel relaxed and Zen and nothing is more relaxing than a good giggle Peppa loves yoga class and Peppa really loves [Music] laughing who's ready for an advent venture to the seaside hooray Peppa and her family are going out for the day oh dear I think I forgot to put Petrol in the car never mind let's take the train to the beach hooray Peppa and her family are catching a train to the seaside tickies please we're going to the seaside and Mommy didn't put Petrol in the car how exciting I love the seaside I think it's time for some lunch Peppa let's look for the dining Carriage Daddy Pig and Peppa are walking through the train to the dining Carriage it is very wobbly ooh oh this Carriage must be for passengers who want to sleep W this Carriage must be for people who want to play on the train wow hi Danny hi Gerald we uh-oh this must be the cinema Carriage excuse me Peppa and daddy pig have found the dining Carriage this Carriage must be for people who want [Music] lunch is that your tummy rumbling Daddy I'm afraid the train is broken down oh dear we'll have to take the bus now Peppa's family are waiting to catch the bus to the seaside all next up the [Music] seaside W the bus has broken down I think I think somebody forgot petrol again now how will we get to the seaside well we can walk the seaside is just down the hill this was the best trip to the seaside ever I can't wait to see how we get back home today Peppa and her class are going on a school trip hello everyone who's ready for a school trip in my lovely new yellow bus oh what happened to your old blue bus Miss Rabbit it broke down at the weekend whilst I was taking a nice relaxing Drive oh dear Miss Rabbit's bus is unable to race so it's in the garage for some small repairs that bus is going to need some big repairs Peppa and her friends have never been on a big yellow bus before seat belt check check then off we go whoops let's try again Miss Rabbit isn't used to driving the yellow [Music] bus [Music] [Applause] y the yellow bus is a bit fast for Madam gazelle Miss Rabbit can the yellow bus play music the yellow bus can do lots of things it can do this this this and of course course this the yellow bus can play music very loudly could we tear the music down a little bit of course Madam gazelle why don't we sing a song instead the yellow bus wheels go around and round round and round round the yellow bus wheels go round all day long let's play I Spy good idea I spy with my little ey something beginning with r Ro nope rabbit nope it's a really big lorri wo hello hello Mr B hello Peppa's playgroup have arrived for their school trip so it's time to get off the bus oh I wish we could stay on the yellow bus all day don't worry I'll be back in the bus to take you all home later Everyone likes riding in the big yellow bus everyone except Madame Gazelle Peppa and her family are flying in an airlane wooo yay I love flying in airanes but not everyone loves flying in airanes oh hello Madame Gazelle George and I love flying do you love it too actually I have never been on an airplane before and I am scared huh oh oh H oh I know what to do miss rabbit please can you make the plane go really really high I don't see why [Music] not it's really fun when the plane goes High Madam gazelle look we're nearly in space too high too high oh can we go lower instead Miss Rabbit certainly oh too low too low H let's do a loop [Music] tooop I don't think that worked either George look Madam gazelle that cloud is shaped like a bird do you see yes I see and that one is shaped like a relaxing desert island [Music] [Applause] D it's no good I will just close my eyes and wait for this to be over oh dear hello would you two like an activity book They're lots of fun ooh oh yes please would you like to do some coloring in with us Madame Gazelle well I suppose that might keep my mind off things and so Peppa gge and Madame Gazelle did some relaxing coloring for the rest of the flight look at these the line work the attention to detail incredible a Star Plus hooray we've landed already but I was having fun that wasn't scary at all I told you flying is really fun thank you for helping me Peppa and George now I cannot wait to fly [Laughter] home pea and her family are out in the [Music] car but they're having a bit of trouble oh dear the car won't start you've broken down don't worry I'll take you to the garage I'll be back in a jiffy Mr Bull is Towing the car away to be fixed George and pepper like being towed H aha oh dear I see well we can fix it oh good but we'll have to order a new part it won't be easy or cheap oh oh dear how long will it take it will take as long as it takes but how will I get to work there's lots of cars you can use while yours is being fixed follow me there's lots of spare cars at the garage pick anyone you like a motorbike this is perfect let's take it for a test drive wo daddy pig likes riding the motorbike [Applause] hello but motorbikes don't keep you dry in the rain H maybe we need something a bit tougher let's try this Peppa has found a monster truck which is very [Music] tough [Music] I think a monster truck might be a bit too tough for what we need sorry what about something nice and spacious like this bus a mommy pig likes the bus very much ooh it's ever are so roomy and peaceful oh dear but everyone thinks it's a real bus there's only one car left for Peppa and her family to try it's a bit smelly that's because it's my Lorry for collecting the recycling so you can't take that one I'm afraid I'm not sure we'll ever find a car as perfect as our car well that's lucky you took so long to pick a new car that we managed to fix your old [Applause] one thank you Mr Bull thank you Granddad dog Peppa's family like driving different cars but they like driving their family car most of all
Channel: Peppa Pig - Official Channel
Views: 2,410,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peppa pig, peppa pig full episodes, pepa pig, peppa pig song, pig peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, funny peppa pig, peppa pig songs, cartoon, for kids, kids videos, kids animation, kids entertainment, kids education, preschool, cartoon for kids, video for kids, kids playing, kids cartoon, kids stories, kids stories about baby, peppa pig tales, peppa tales, pappa pig, pepa, pig peppa, pep pig, pippa, rube goldberg machine, marble run, marbles
Id: BCvQP5r4ph8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 39sec (7299 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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