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thank you write down the assignment okay are you done well yeah sure kind of [Music] all right let's say our goodbyes Miss heavilyevna we can all go to the principal we can all ask him not to fire you it's randovich's fault that creeps bro right okay let him settle it down everyone let's just calm down and not start a war all right leave renovich alone okay but you're getting fired because of him everybody knows that Valia there are moments in life when fighting is futile the best thing you can do now is just step aside and keep silent but it's just weakness or wisdom I know that it's hard for you to understand now I hope you'll understand when you grow up uliana excuse me I'm waiting for you in the car I'll be right there well that's it you have your next class get going now or I'll catch hell yeah [Music] oh [Applause] hello there Liliana what do you want to say goodbye to my favorite teacher well goodbye then it's a Pity to leave school how many years have you worked here ten you could have kept working I warned you I need to be loved listen Ilya if you think that your dad's money will help you live a careless life then you are wrong if it's empty here no money will help you do anything worthwhile what shove your fine words where the sun doesn't shine you should have understood this long ago that money decides everything and we have lots of it we have nothing else to talk about of course you walk away there's no comparing us you're a loser what did he want to hurt me as badly as he could [Music] perhaps it's for the best you know I'll go to Moscow closer to my son oh my goodness stop lying to yourself you hate Moscow as for grishna he's 18. he doesn't need your help girls parties remember you already gave birth to Grisha at his age I nearly got kicked out of school Grisha had stomach aches or bad colds all the time and volerica took over for me so many times yeah but you made it we divorced by the way if you remember uh no I don't want that for my son so let work and studies come first for him and you think he's going to listen to you all right you've grown boring uliana you're 36. your son's grown up and your free and beautiful why the hell would you go to Moscow why don't you go to a resort and have an affair with someone instead sveta what a fair normal men are long gone when there's a will there's a way you should change your image color your hair and put on a prettier skirt perhaps men would appear suddenly I'm happy with the way things are dear uliana I guess I won't live to see your wedding well I guess you won't yes hi Valera oh my gosh but is he okay all right I'm on my way [Music] what is it turns out Grisha got arrested [Music] hi good evening good evening oh nice you're a woman maybe we'll be lucky with the fourth passes mom what's the difference we're only here for one night it does matter ninoshka anything can happen sometimes life can change in a few seconds don't you think so what's your name Liliana I'm Ina surjivna ninoshka my daughter it's nice to meet you nice to meet you foreign [Music] is this really a compartment car yes it is oh great look we can arrange my transfer to the lounge car I'll make it up to you I promise yeah I'll ask the train really thank you very much not at all hello Dima Dima dimaio sorry can't hear you hold on yeah it's been such a mess here yeah yeah yeah you can't believe it ah yeah yeah I'll come tomorrow we'll deal with this all right sure no no need to I told you I'll do it I told you good evening um we'll discuss it when we meet later be careful please those are important drawings all right actually you took my place sorry I always confuse the top and the bottom I'm sorry I'll move my things right now I apologize hello yeah yeah nothing changed tomorrow night at your place just like we agreed to before yes yeah all right great yeah sounds good just the first lines of our Hit Parade right after that the new spot coming excuse me is this necessary I want to hear the news Well actually you're not alone here so I don't care and maybe we don't want to listen to your news uh do you mind ladies listen to anything you like that's three against one would you lower it please just lower there's a draft well it seems like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed or perhaps you're one of those women who just can't stand men but why would you say that well we've only met a few minutes ago and you've already reproved me several times here actually it most likely indicates your poor upbringing and not my bad mood your husband is a lucky man you really are a source of very good manners I am divorced I'm not surprised are you still insulting me no I'm trying to defend myself you never give in to a woman I gladly give way to women when they're pleasant but as for passive aggressive nervous [ __ ] women I I have no tolerance for them I'm done with you Juliana where are you going I go dine Solitude have a nice meal if you ask my opinion I'll be straight with you you weren't a bit kind to her just the opposite you weren't nice at all well actually I think that you're a rude man am I that's not good I've been terrible I'm sorry it's been a crazy day for real sir there are no seats in the lounge car you'll have to go into the compartments foreign [Applause] wow are you following me I have to why is that I'd like to apologize for my behavior earlier I didn't mean to be rude to you I'm sorry um it was uncomfortable how about how about I offer you dinner is that a bad idea all right how can I redeem myself just try being silent can I die next to you there's no spare seats anyway sure I guess I've seen you somewhere before you're an actor no you're mistaken I've got a camera hyper faces I don't know maybe you saw me in the street in the dream you're being ridiculous people like you don't walk in the streets die nice Zoo look at you what you're drinking wine yeah tell you what I'll tell the bartender to bring you another glass and it'll be on me oh thank you handsome that sounds great you bribed her what else could I do excuse me sir yes can I get a chicken fried steak and uh uh a glass of wine for the lady there at the bar please yeah of course and for me I'll have a vegetable salad please so are you going to Moscow for business I'm visiting my son you're a typical citizen of Saint Petersburg then and you are typical of Moscow you don't like Moscow it's a bit snobbish that's actually a snobbish remark by the way again you've broken all the glasses I'm sorry Victoria oh you're sorry your apologies cost me a lot that's it Igor I'm done you can be sorry but you're fired no I'm broke I broke it what it's not this young man's fault we did it yes that's correct clean it up the broken glasses to Our Guest bill [Music] hold on hold on hold on don't run I'm feeling sick just take it slowly just take it real slow okay great shot you should have drunk less calm down I I told you that it was an accident that's all an accident how's that they tied You Up made you drink excessively and then made you break the shop window is that your story I'm really sorry Dad I'm sorry get in the car we'll talk at home why is your son in Moscow he thinks that there are more career prospects in Moscow my husband and I were born there you said you didn't like Moscow right no I don't that's why I moved to St Petersburg after graduating School my husband also moved to the North Capitol to teach at a university by the way and that's where we met and you decided to stay in Petersburg forever I did but my husband didn't like the Petersburg climate I understand him when I divorced Valera he moved to Moscow our son followed him too your son is right you know they say Moscow is Moscow well yes lots of Temptations I mean there are night parties and alcohol and money but Temptations are everywhere it'll just feel more comfortable when your son is near you more control but it's just an illusion well perhaps so you don't want to go to Moscow no not for a moment you know I don't like Moscow much either my story is very much like yours but reversed I've lived in Moscow for only 15 years but I was born and raised in Petersburg actually well why don't you move back to St Petersburg if you don't like Moscow I have work and a house and friends in Moscow right if you'll please excuse me ladies and gentlemen but our dining car is closing closing how is that you must work all night unfortunately we have already worked for an extra hour today no but I want some more champagne did you hear my girlfriend come on bring more champagne Now quickly sorry but the bar is closed open it then sorry but I can't do you know who you're talking to do you know who I am I can buy your dining car with you and your whole train in it do you think that you're smarter than me huh you big dumb waiter sorry bud the rules are the same for everyone hey you don't work here anymore geez let's leave I don't want to listen to this at all me neither waiter bring the bill please it's just another example that money spoils people you know the absence of money doesn't make people any better many people became robbers and murderers because of poverty these are extremities just like your theory that all rich people are bad people and that they're losers here take this apply it do it quickly and in a minute I want you to go to bed don't go to bed yet I want to hear how he got into this problem Dad I've explained it a hundred times we were celebrating a birthday that's how it happened and you decided to impress your new friends what does that matter I had no idea it would be like this I didn't know Dad all right I'm really sick now um I'm never gonna drink again really but why did you break the window I don't remember hey Dad come on don't bother me about this I know I messed up and I'm sorry what else do you want to hear don't bother how's that krisha you need to study and you're doing God knows what Dad would you relax I'm studying at your own your own University right huh so what krisha do you think I'm gonna cover for you don't do it then do you think I won't make it without you I've got my own life all right your mother will come tomorrow and we'll talk about your life with her but Dad hold on a second could we could we not uh tell Mom what happened to me she already knows you were arrested and about the shop window does she know that I drank too much as well not yet but I'm not gonna hide it learn to be responsible for your doing son now go to bed already the Lust For Pleasure spoils a man not the money as you seem to think it does as soon as this lust takes over a man he always finds a chance to fulfill his desires even if he's poor well I don't know I think appetite comes with eating and the more money that he has the more things he desires well what about philanthropists and charity well those are definitely exceptions good evening passengers we'd like to announce that the dining car was still serving food in 10 minutes the dining car in 10 minutes he thinks he's allowed to do anything and his father's the same way I was totally fair to him and what did I get I still got fired it's a shame and nothing can be done no nothing do you know how long the train stops here it is about 10 minutes all right I'm sorry why talk about sad things tell me a good joke I don't think it's the right time for jokes though and we'll wake up the entire train well tell me about yourself then I'm afraid my biography would put you to sleep actually no but that's not fair you know everything about me and yet I know nothing about you still all right what do you want to know then where do you work for example I'm a builder that is interesting a floor man no I'm an engineer we we build houses in Moscow in the center of the city uh a lot of big projects Moscow has changed a lot yeah I can even show you around the new sites of the city when we get there you know know if I'll have much time [Music] it's time for bed yeah you go and I'll uh I'll come later [Music] thank you very much goodbye goodbye goodbye thank you valodia thank you very much too let me help you carry your things to the cab oh no thank you someone's meeting me I see well this is goodbye all the best then all the best to you Juliana let's meet this week uh I'll show you our new projects sure all right I'll give you my phone number uh okay could you hold this please [Music] uh [Music] all right may I sure [Music] this is mine I'll call you for sure Vladimir Roman I didn't know you were meeting me here and thank you this is Roman my cousin all right nice to meet you all right let's go come on velodia my mittens oh right sorry I forgot them I'll call you I'll call you in a couple of days I'll explain everything to you later perhaps [Music] I thought Valera would mean he's got something urgent at school [Music] all right let's go let's go oh wait how's Grisha he's all right he slept well and went to a lecture today I'll tell you everything in the car so how was your trip did you meet her already good yeah I'll try not to be late say hi to Ileana is your ex-wife here yes she came to see Grisha good afternoon good afternoon I'm surprised at how you can have a normal relationship with her well we're all grown-ups we talked good afternoon we made a decision and we split up with no drama good afternoon good afternoon well that's is she going to stay with you no we're doing repairs we can hardly fit ourselves Juliana will stay at her teachers that's right otherwise Natasha could just get jealous of her why would she be jealous she knows that I love her and uliana and I just have a common baby she's she's a good person she just can't fix her personal life and that's all there is to it well perhaps that's why she's alone why but she's nice and kind clever and mellow easy going and yet you divorced her well you know how it happens first off you know um my son grew up and we we fell off a bit to say the least family but convenient cohabitation I suppose we grew very different very different what are you looking for my car keys as usual I gave them to Natasha she's meeting with Juliana all right by the way Jenna why don't I introduce you to her they're practical and reliable she needs someone like you you'll be my pleasure I suppose laughs come in come in hmm is this gracious well it's not valeris well that's weird Grisha was never into this stuff oh I always felt that nothing good would come out of his moving to Moscow come on Juliana the boy had a drink he's regretted it a hundred times what is this now we only have to find condoms and drugs and we'll get the full picture yeah I'm sorry Mr flipovich yeah good morning Mr flipovich forgive me I had no idea it would be like this Tatiana what would you do in my place to be honest I'd have fired the fool already Mr flipovich but you're Kinder than that there's a limit to everything Tatiana am I fired now am I oh Mr flipovich oh my God say no uliana please just don't jump on Grisha straight away I can really see how worried he is Valera I know how to talk to children how sorry I forgot it's your vocation I'm home krisha I miss you so much all right you're gonna strangle me what is it hmm well all right that's it let's talk [Music] sit down are you going to uh preach to me now but I do want to take you home to Petersburg mom no why do that look look I've made a mistake I admit that to you but what does Moscow have to do with it and haven't I tried beer in St Petersburg or what well have you tried it took a few sips at lekka's place at the New Year's party oh I see I found cigarettes as well do you smoke no I don't smoke cigarettes well why are they there then one of my friends left them here okay I took them from you is that clear mom I'm not a child I am an adult now and if I want to drink or smoke I can drink and smoke and legally but I don't want to do it no I won't do it Mom I mean it Mom that's all Tatiana Tatiana you're gonna drown this place stop crying already thank you Mr flipovich you're very kind I promise I won't let you down again I'll be very very in town already make me some tea right now you want the usual green without lemon or sugar and coffee for me please a little cinnamon cream and no sugar no thank you and with sugar please don't mess it up like you usually do thanks laughs I don't understand why she's getting paid she's a lousy secretary uh Hey Dimitri can I sit at my desk please sure go ahead thank you very much no really why are you nursing her she's my secretary not yours she's still young and inexperienced that's okay she'll improve moreover she's pregnant and pregnant women are absent minded that's amazing you're as doe-faced as you were at the University of elodia today she messed up with the ticket tomorrow she's gonna forget to remind you about an important meeting trust me man well I took a compartment instead of a lounge card didn't kill me and moreover I met someone a Charming young teacher no better train I can see that you're shining like an orange all right tell me more man come on we talked to the home night my friend we didn't even notice how time passed either it's like lemon Top's poems yeah yeah is that all what else do you want African passion there was none we talked about everything she even promised to meet me if she finds the time I really hope she finds the time and figures it out oh I'm sure that she's going to find the time women usually cling to men like you you know she doesn't know who I am and why is that I told her I'll make construction engineer that's bold bologna men usually paint themselves in bright colors to impress women and you did the opposite here man look at you I don't want to lie to her it just happened you know she doesn't like rich people is it Envy you think no there's another story it doesn't matter anyhow now she has a reason for it I didn't know how to get myself out of this get yourself out of it you lied and that's that my friend no the truth is that lying makes me sick I'll have to tell her the truth next time I see her what next time do you mean velodi are you getting yourself a mistress you better take care Alexander's gonna tear your head off stay out of this I'll deal with my personal life on my own well it's your personal life but don't forget that you're playing with fire here so have you seen it by the way she's an amazing woman there and I mean amazing all right yeah yeah good [Music] nice [Music] stop ready you're as fascinating as ever I love working with you thank you just don't leave a single wrinkle on the photos and work with the waist please at least five centimeters should be removed it'll be okay don't worry and yet I look my age in the photos I see that's nonsense you don't look older than 20 my dear don't worry no artem I'm serious I'm 29 and young leeches are lining up they want to take my place oh come on who who'd replace you you're miles away from those adolescent girls you know how to cheer a person up by the way is velodia coming to see you I doubt it he doesn't like shows he's weird about that all men like shows and he doesn't there are a ton of pretty girls there well considering his position he can allow himself to be weird he's more fond of Opera ballet theater at least he doesn't make me go to these snore fests I'm so glad uliana when did we see each other last 10 years ago last time I came to Moscow was the school reunion ah time flies so fast so you look so pretty but your eyes are sad how come I don't even know where to start we'll start with tea [Music] we're going to have tea with pastries I found the recipe in this magazine you'll tell me everything and it'll feel better then I don't know where to start I mean it all happened in a single moment Tatiana I got fired from work and my son Grisha got arrested he got drunk and smashed a shop window he says it won't happen again but I'm scared it will don't you remember how you nearly got kicked out of school in the 10th grade stroganova turned Us in we had a party and didn't invite her huh a party you were drinking champagne I barely managed to convince the principal from expelling you do you think that I'm worried about Grisha for no reason dear Eliana I think you need to fall in love all right that's it see you tomorrow at eight don't be late oh sorry Mr petrific I blacked out we didn't sleep the baby was fussy we can't seem to get one good night's sleep these days I don't care about that at work you need to work not sleep all right to home uh-huh listen when you drive sleep you risk my life by the way you think about that or I'm gonna start thinking about a new driver all right let's go it was a crazy day I even became your relative you know I'm sorry I just didn't want that lady to know more than needed you know I understand she's a beautiful lady by the way very beautiful yeah very unusual [Music] thank you [Music] Alexandra can you stop making these bows the whole house is full of them why what's wrong I like making them you seem irritated thank you it was delicious yes father's cook excelled himself we'll only order from him now Kira will come tomorrow and clean this up I'm tired after the photo session why don't we go to the bedroom I'll massage you a little bit go to bed I really have to get some work done right now all right Don't Wake Me Up When you go to bed [Music] oh look Vasca is so funny yes he works in an Israeli clinic now I know he writes to me sometimes and invites me to visit him maybe I'll go [Music] why are your eyes shining so bright it's my fellow Traveler he's offering to meet me tomorrow well is he good looking he is but it's not the most important thing don't even think about it just say yes I'll say yes the negotiations went very well the contract is in the bag you look like a puppy dog with two tails I slept well thank God have you talked to Alexandra's father yet I had no time okay why are you holding back we'll lose those contracts if it's too hard for you just let me do it that's a great idea do it go ahead and do it my friend yes you know I hate it when you get into these romantic moods of yours you look like an idiot you still thinking about that teacher man yes I am yes I am I am and what about her grabbed you sound I don't know how to explain it she's real you see she's so alive she says what she thinks she doesn't try to adapt or find out what I think that's it but she doesn't know who she's looking at why should she pose in front of an engineer oh Dimitri Philadelphia all women think about the same things money and marriage even better if it's in the same package like you are today I'll tell Juliana Who I Really Am and I'll talk to Alexandra you're a simple fool you know remember Alexandra's father's not going to forgive you okay come here I need something sure tanush order me two tickets to the Bolshoi for tonight please all right Mr flipovich two tickets tonight VIP seats no not VIP seats uh although that's good take the best seats you can get please well yeah come in and sit down hello good afternoon worker hello lyanna I thought Grisha would be home but he called and said he would be late yes you look beautiful today oh I look as usual no I really mean it you're blossoming actually this color suits you very well right Natasha yeah the color is good but the cut could be better only we're friends right sure um don't take offense all right you dress well but kind of conservatively do you think so yes I do there are a lot of good shops now we could go shopping if you want why are you criticizing her she looks great Juliana you look beautiful I wanted to make it better did I offend you no I'm not offended at all don't worry let's go shopping tomorrow all right it's a deal then I'm here for like five minutes hold on five minutes I thought we could chat and why aren't you wearing a hat mom I invited a girl to come to the exhibition and I really like her she said she would think about it did she think about it she did and she agreed but she said that she could only come today oh is it okay if we all go together she's awesome and I'll introduce her to you I promise all right Romeo go ahead go ahead wait thank you you're very beautiful goodbye do you have money bye yeah you need to wear a hat when you go out all right and don't be too late tell him not to be late all right all right Valera well I'm off well I'll walk you thank you Natasha Goodbye Oh yeah look you have a a stain on your pants there I do yeah it's not safe what's this hello no no I can't come now I'm well I'm gonna be late for a meeting yeah no we'll talk tomorrow it's fine yeah [Music] hey my friend give me a ride to the subway to the subway yes what was that why do you have to criticize her so harshly why not let her wear what she wants and stay an Old Maid maybe she was going to the theater with a man more likely she's going with her teacher you know I think I have the perfect guy for uliana do you do you remember genka from economics ah is it that boring bloke who came to your last birthday that guy is he really boring of course he is all right I won't introduce them oh Valera don't listen to me I got too excited and said too much he's not that boring let's set them up hmm do you think she'll agree to meet with him well why not we'll invite her out for coffee at a cafe and Jenny will show up let's do it you think and we'll introduce them huh Alina wants to go we'll go to a cafe after that have you falling for her huh take care I've known Polina since first grade she's cool but very capricious uh don't worry I'll deal with it guys why are you running so fast we're lagging behind see yeah I told him it was a good guess with the Opera I've long waited to see La Traviata but I never had good company to go with I haven't been to the bull show in a long time that's great oh hey look we have a little Spare Time to Kill there's a nice restaurant let's go get a bite I want to eat food let's just take a walk you're not letting me take a swing express myself impress you romance you properly or to pull the wool over my eyes in other words you know all these attempts to flirt seem like deception and I don't like deception I can't stand any kind of lie you hate lying more than rich men oh yes and why do people lie well I don't know there are many reasons for instance have you heard of White Lies White Lies are still lies I believe people are afraid of responsibility and that's why they lie if a man lies to me I'll never trust him again all right you're you're not the easiest person quite the opposite be yourself Alodia you know I've got an offer my son told me that there was an exhibition nearby we can go check it out all right let's go then thank you why do we go to that exhibition we should have stayed at the cafe thank you guys it was a wonderful evening and you're welcome anytime you want to go again let me know velodia this is it the exhibition Grisha told me about that's right it's called snowy feelings beautiful isn't she beautiful you think are you afraid to compliment another woman in my presence like it will offend me not really or maybe she's not quite your taste some men are afraid of beautiful women are you not really but you are afraid such women usually demand a lot from their favorite man right look here you're beautiful and I'm not afraid oh come on valodia I'm a realist I perfectly understand that hold on a second here she's much more beautiful than I am I don't think so mom ah Grisha actually I was hoping to run into you here are you following me hold on are you serious no honey we're just wasting time before we go to the Bolshoi meet Vladimir this is my son Grisha nice to meet you nice to meet you where is your girlfriend uh she's over there over where she's over there Mom which one and the red hat that's all right why haven't you introduced us to each other I'll do it later I thought actually perhaps we shouldn't go to the exhibition we might arrive late for the theater let's let's let's get going I'll get a taxi okay yeah okay where did you find him Grisha what do you mean by that Mom do you even know who he is why don't you tell me he is one of the richest men in all of Moscow he's on TV every day Mom ah the Cab's waiting we're ready all right we're off now it was nice to meet you son yeah same goodbye thank you but don't stay out too late okay she's very pretty all right Mom ENT thank you you want to hear something funny Grisha thought you were some oligarch can you imagine am I gonna be rich now I don't know perhaps you'll get a big bonus at least one can help right I left the bullshoi tickets at home valodia look it's all right let's just take a walk instead no I'll do it just let me try to buy some here hold on hold on don't worry don't worry about it do you have any tickets we only have VIP inside seats in the pit I'd like side seats in the pit how much will it be for two thank you so much a subscriber you are calling whatever melodia he switched off his phone and didn't come to the presentation all he does is work and work so tell me how did you first meet him he and my father did some big business in the 1990s they were business partners in several projects and I don't know my father liked him he thought that velodia would be a good match for me you know do you know what he told me when we first met what he said he was loyal and that he wanted to get married once and forever it's a dreamer well you're lucky I guess all right home yes hun be careful thank you valodia the Opera was wonderful well if you liked it that much you know we can go again so when are you going back to St Petersburg the day after tomorrow at 10 o'clock so soon but it's not going to be your last visit to Moscow is it your son is here well of course this is for you sir thank you oh there's no need no valodia thank you but I'm used to paying for myself why do women always have to complicate everything I know it's silly but I'll feel more comfortable all right I give up but only for this time next time I'll resist your feministic streak fiercely and I will I'll defend the rights of men it's a deal easy easy here here easy easy oh watch the door watch the door this way that's it oh sit right here all right then let's get you comfortable okay uh send me the phone ah just a second here currently has it turned off to hell with them I thought the subway closes later I didn't think it was so late either what are we going to do we'll take a taxi I'll even let you pay that's fine I spent all my money at the restaurant I don't have any more then we catch a taxi give you a ride first and then I go home in the same taxi it's not a big deal no it's uncomfortable there's a backup plan felodia if you were going to invite me to your no better I want to invite you to visit my artist friend he lives a few steps from here right around there no it's late already Liliana creative people don't sleep at night they create at night all night he'll be happy to see us please just say yes I'll persuade him to draw you I I promise you won't be sorry he's a really really fun guy hmm yeah we'll wait for the subway to open and then you can ride it all right yes you convinced me great let's go let's go Leonid is a very talented artist you're gonna see for yourself right now take a look this is beautiful you're a very talented indeed I imagine you must be very famous right me famous if not for valodia I'd be no one he organized an exhibition for me organized how's that well not exactly organized all I did is made this loon enter the artist Collective and everyone immediately loved him and started promoting him that was his beginning I I helped him get to where he is today you know and look at him now let's have some tea and after that lean it will commit himself to painting you he will draw you if you let him me oh I'll make some tea let me help you where's the kitchen over there on the stove kettle's over there there turn the cupboard and Waters in the top I will find my way we're in the kettle yeah are you hiding the fact that you invested your money in this I'll explain it to you later it just so happens that I am just a simple builder in her eyes really yeah it just happened please don't act surprised just play along all right I've put on the kettle and found the cups right here damn the fuse is blue for the third time today all right candles are in the cupboard light them up I'll repair the fuses and be right back hello Dima I know I'm sorry I know it's late uh do you know where velodia is oh I see sorry then goodbye I love looking at the fire me too we have a lot in common don't you think the Leonard is also a musician not just an artist I never saw him play I guess some guests left it it's a pity I wanted to ask him to play you know what I wanted to learn to play guitar but my mom made me learn to play the piano instead it's very sad for me too I used to play a little bit really yeah well would you play for me oh no I haven't played in a hundred years I forgot everything felodia please it's impossible to say no to you just promise me you won't laugh [Music] foreign [Music] we'll keep going [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] this is actually my favorite romance we are very much alike you were right [Music] I finally fixed the fuses they haven't changed them at All in This Old House all right let's get to the portrait ah you're an early bird Dimitri the work day has just started and you're already busy so tell me Dimitri do you do you ever go to sleep ever I'm like Napoleon four hours of sleep and I'm ready for new victories you are a wonderful man and I'm lucky to have you however right now I can't even think one minute about work at all listen to me Alexandra called yesterday looking for you what did you tell her what can I say nothing well yes I was with Juliana with the teacher if you remember Love Is in the Air I'm confused Dimitri I feel sorry for Alexandra but what you chose quite a Time at the very moment when we're signing a contract with her father no less you're biting the hand that feeds me although it is your business I'm just the little man don't bend my ear good morning good morning it looks delicious you didn't even sleep for three hours I couldn't sleep like when I was younger I remember how you couldn't think of anything except your studies mm-hmm I don't even remember when I got married do you think I'm jumping in too soon here take this what is this discount coupons for a romantic dinner for two well thank you but it's Shelly yeah oh Leanna sit I'll open it morning come in close the door hello all right Juliana are you ready hold on what is this wait am I ready for what you forgot I can't believe it for shopping shopping I can't go [Laughter] well I'll go get ready stroppuff are you asleep I haven't gone to bed yet should I send the portrait to the home address or to work oh to work got it [Music] oh that was an evening I didn't sleep all night me too I was arguing with stropov with stroppuff yeah about the yeah are you going to the theater with strap off is that it I really hate you Alexandra I thought we'd go to the theater together and then I just I got worn out from work but you know that I hate the theater I know did you forget about the show as well I did I hate you I really hate you [Music] here we are hello finally you're here me Juliana this is Jenna Dee let's drop the formalities call me Jenna or simply sherbet there you go thank you oh please say Jenna you're an economist oh is it written on my face no it's just all of valera's friends have been that profession ladies let's order something to eat right away oh thank you it's my treat our treat the both of us our treat no it's uncomfortable this dress looks very good on you see thank you it cost half of my salary but I couldn't resist well uliana gets State bonus as an honorary teacher you're beautiful and talented if I had half of your brain oh I would have divorced Valera a long time ago I guess this is why I married you I guess so okay boys we need to celebrate our shopping go and get us something tasty huh [Music] well what do you think what is it Mr flipovich said they're for his house he did he ordered new ones a week ago okay listen what is this another mistake I'm going to fire you you know that oh won't do go and fix it this one too take all of them Natasha's jealous of me I see you bet Juliana's great isn't she a little impractical in my opinion but we'll fix it women can be tamed you know don't try too hard will you hmm but a decent man with a good salary and serious intentions is a rarity today well yes take a closer look at him all right I will here's the thing you know Valera and I care about your life oh really thank you thank you look here it's definitely him the CEO of the Orion Construction Company sponsors this Gallery here's an article about him right here is that girl it's not your mother is it his girlfriend's a model and an oligarch's daughter what does he need for your mother then don't you know those Rich bastards are all the same they try to get lots and lots of women into their beds I have to tell my mother about him look what if it wasn't him man I didn't see him well I did here you go tell artem I'll be there in an hour all right bye I can't talk anymore paintings are here so how many are there six open them who is that a woman I think well it's not a man this painting wasn't in the office I know them all we didn't take anything extra thank you you can go now listen yeah I guess these guys are caught was doing panic stay here I'll go all right then uh hello oh we need to get to Orion show your passes please passes uh we we had passes but we lost them and we've got an appointment here we are going to work in Orion an appointment with whom with the director with the director you say whom are you going to play well we're loaders to the director loaders to the director yes we're looters good morning Vladimir good morning this young man here is saying that you have an appointment with him hmm an appointment an appointment come in young man let him go by thank you come on come on I'll wait here an appointment you say all right sit down please sit down can you tell me in 10 minutes I don't need 10 minutes why are you pulling my mother's leg and I have to report to you is that right oh oh I see now of course it's below your dignity to explain anything to us mere mortals here we're all the same to you big CEO types you think that us simple people are just like insects and you can do whatever you like with us oh we're gonna need more than 10 minutes you want to order something I have no money I'll pay for you oh you'll pay for me do you think you can buy me like you give me an ice cream and I stay mute all rich people like you think exactly the same do you think that all people who achieve something in life are creeps I don't know about everyone but you are well are you gonna say that you two are over or what ah I thought so what if I say that we are over do I look like a complete idiot to you or what to the studio Alexandra your man's here go for a walk go [Music] all right well I need to tell you something tell me what I have another woman it was her portrait that I saw right what portrait they've brought it today together with your paintings who's the [ __ ] anyway don't you dare call her a [ __ ] yeah I'm pregnant are you going to leave me knowing that I am pregnant foreign [Music] I'm almost ready I won't be late oh but why what happened I'm sorry I can't explain right now sorry but anymore [Music] right here Mr yakovich here are the documents for the new contract of Vladimir flipovic will come to sign it but I'm not sure that you're going to like this contract considering the new circumstances considering what kind of new circumstances I understand that it's none of my business but I can't be silent when it's happening behind your back you know what I mean sir right how long are you going to beat around the bush listen I understand that it's a merger of the family capital and you're doing it for your daughter am I right but consider velodia has another woman now so instead in view of the new circumstances currently at play right now I am offering you a new project your money and my implementation well Leanna have some tea at least please don't grieve so deeply honey I just really don't understand what happened I don't know but do you know him well no I just know that he works as a builder somewhere somewhere well what if he's married or you know something like that [Music] who's here so late [Music] I Tatiana petrovna oh hello Grisha Grisha Mom we need to talk I've brought you something that you'll be interested in well so any questions concerning the contract nothing about the contracts although I have another question how is it how are you in Alexandra it's all fine with Alexandra who's the other woman I'm sorry for being so straightforward it looks like a little bird told me the truth I've been offered another contract but okay don't worry velodia I know how you work and anything can happen I believe in you and I believe in your work we're signing the contract as for Alexandra well I know my daughter and I can't blame you for for finding another woman for that no more condoms honey are you crazy [Music] I need to get pregnant immediately okay well that's great news but don't worry the baby is going to have elodia's last name well then you've really found the wrong man here well the right man doesn't work [Music] thank you what can I do if he hasn't slept with me for two weeks he thinks I'm just going to give him to that [ __ ] [Music] even I feel sorry for the guy sorry being sorry is not for you not for people like you do you think I don't understand why you sleep with me your friend is a cheap success in everything he's done and you're always overshadowed by him at least here you can hurt him [Music] what do you think I am a stupid blonde do you want to know the truth of why I am with you because I can keep you on a short leash that's why [Music] crap you're so clumsy pour some salt on it quickly no I'll wash the trousers later ah here we go oh God I think he likes her huh we've made some progress he asked for her phone number give it to him then do you think she likes him um it's hard to say Still Water Runs deep but they're a good match together he's secretly married or a mean person what are you mumbling about stop setting mom up she already I'll get it she already what cheese in the pot oh come in have some tea with us well thank you hello hello by the way eat with your mouth closed I could hear you from the hall [Music] are you cold they're setting you up can you imagine that huh well well matchmaking has always been an honored occupation oh and the strongest marriages are entered into with cold heads go ahead and pour got it [Music] hello jenity hello this is for you oh thank you all right here's the plan First We Take a Walk Through The Boulevard no thanks I don't want to take a walk it's very cold that's fine if we go quickly uh look I have a coupon two dinners for a discount at the Romantic Botticelli restaurant oh Botticelli there their prices are high I know of a Pancake Cafe that's really nearby but we can use those discount coupons and I want to eat there so much come on let's go oh let's go the limit come on let's go [Music] it's so tasteless here well I like it today I most Stoner to offer you a brand new menu excuse me we have these coupons what is this do you call this a discount yeah uh-huh the thing is we serve this meal with expensive port wine can we have it without port wine sure I can ask you see that they're simply fooling us with these all these flyers are lies unfortunately no sure you have the right to refuse but the price will be the same the port wine is included sir oh we don't need your port wine what if I simply don't want to report wine excuse me what if it isn't port wine at all excuse us no no no no no of course you've stuck an expensive label on cheap wine ridiculous goodbye yes goodbye we should have taken a walk no way they're really swine in there yes really I stopped going to restaurants a long time ago why waste crazy money if I can do uh uh something more serious huh which is for example I'm saving up for a flat to to create a family with someone I can rely on someone you can rely on of course yes this is who I am a woman has to match me it's not easy you know to live with someone yes I guess so a bird in the hand is what interests me not two in the bush what's important to me are these things a good occupation for example not a fashion girl no but a teacher [Laughter] that well for example or a doctor but the main thing is love for for children don't you think so I'm a romantic deep down me too why don't we have some old wine like students I know a place you'll like it it's right up here actually Jenna why not [Music] well you see I told you I'm a romantic here you go cheers Here's to Us huh take care it's hot [Music] I've just imagined us sitting together on a seashore it's warm hot even I'd say it's nice The Tide is humming we're watching the the sunset ride huh he said would you like a ride discounts for lovers look it's just for us huh let's go the limit okay then another time that's all right a man can afford it once in a lifetime let's go no I really don't want to go [Music] we're looking at the Starry Sky Full of mysteries that's good we understand each other without words isn't that nice large Circle 20 minutes 500 rubles small circle 300. small circle yes small good well the sun is already rising and we're still on the beach there's no need for words anymore is there right hahaha I don't want anything I'm feeling sick well how about some fruit salad then no I'm finished yes I'm on my way all right okay I need to go now to an ultrasound at 10. do you want me to come to the gynecologist are you crazy do you remember what you promised me huh what did I promise do you see my behavior no drama and no hysteria and nothing I'm just waiting for you to send back that portrait I didn't promise you that [Music] hello hello I'm from the reproduction sensor can I speak with Alexandra Michael Nova she's not here what should I tell her it's her husband tell her that the doctor won't be available this week we can offer her an appointment next week or another doctor hold on one second IVF is in in vitro fertilization yes that's right will you tell her yes I will thank you thank you goodbye [Music] for the road well what's this I already had dinner and I'm gonna sleep on the train Chris is waiting at the subway is that Jenna near the green car yes that's him hmm he seems interesting don't you think he is I suppose I guess you're right he's not a con man of any kind which is rare now he's very practical for a change I don't think I'll get lost with him hmm yes that's right but your eyes say it all you do not like him it doesn't matter I need to think rationally now I'll get my teaching job back I'll get back home and find a place in another school well all right let's say goodbye for now you know oleana when I was your age it didn't work out for me with anyone that I loved I took care of myself I decided it was not for everyone I never found real love school was my home and pupils my family and I only now realized that I was very wrong one has to fight hard for love I mean to the last drop I don't want it I don't I don't want any more pain or a broken heart I'm sorry to bother you on your day off but I need a distraction I've made some new notes for our project together get distracted from what from household chores all right if it goes according to the plan the construction will be completed by 2014. you now if we get new investors what if we get new investors oh I understand [Music] when did you first sleep with Alexandra um so she told you didn't she oh bologna it was nothing serious I was gonna end it you know how things are oh I see [Music] Grisha get a haircut you were terribly Shaggy and please no more surprises or it will end up badly and you'll get kicked out of the University you know it's no big deal if it gets kicked out young people somehow think that parents are bound to pay for them and that parents can keep on financing them it wouldn't work with me don't worry I'm not claiming any of your money a young man believe me no one knows what might happen you seem to be a cheapskate Grisha what can't you see it [Music] either this heel says he's sorry or he leaves the car not a problem Grisha Grisha Grisha hold on now come help me [Music] Leona where are you going you know Jenna I'm sorry but I think Grisha is right let's go I'm glad that we're breaking up go pack your things you'll be back at the bottom of that or with your stupid [ __ ] and do it immediately I bet you she's mom I'm sorry I screwed it up for you and Jenna I didn't mean to I just it's all right Grisha but you need to build your personal life again mom it's okay Grisha I've always taught you right the bitter truth is better than sweet lies you were right about everything honey and I want to thank you for the magazine you're still upset about velodia krisha you know why I don't think I've ever left anyone as much as him [Music] I just really want you to be happy again all right all right goodbye I love you bye go on I don't like to be seen off you know I know okay okay see you soon love you foreign [Music] no tickets leave the cars please fast train is leaving Platform One fast train is leaving Platform One [Music] there's a company called Orion you know it [Music] good evening well accuse her what do you want you have another charge no I thought since it's serious between you and my mom and you're done with that other woman then well maybe all right let's go find a warm place we'll talk like normal people [Music] Juliana [Music] polodia how did you get here me by the first train I'm sorry but I know everything and you are married you're my only bride Juliana you but you lied to me I understand that you could have found someone much better than me but I won't let you do it now [Music] felodia I'm not cold it's okay fair heat breaks no bones I guess they're gonna send us on a well-deserved parental rest in a couple of years right it's too early what do you mean we're going to have a baby [Music] really hey we're we're having a baby how about that yes I guess ah yes [Laughter] I love you mmm [Music] foreign [Music]
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Id: w8BcZkyoVfQ
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Length: 94min 35sec (5675 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2023
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