🔥 How to download and install Microsoft Office for free - Word, Excel, PowerPoint 🔥 LATEST 2023🔥

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I know why you are here, lets get right into it.  Open your browser and search for MS Office ODT.   ODT stands for Office Deployment Tool.  Click on this link will get you right to   Microsoft download page. Find the  download button and click on it.  Once downloaded, right click on the  file and click "Run as Administrator",   this will prompt you with Licensing Terms.  Select the checkbox and click Continue button.   It will prompt you to select a folder to extract  the files. Let me Make a new folder in my Desktop   and name it MS Office.   Click Ok. The files are extracted successfully.  click Ok here and go to my Desktop to find the   files. Here is my folder. In this folder you will  see a setup.exe and multiple configuration file.   You would need the config file for 2021.   To Install, you need windows power  shell. From your windows menu, type shell   and launch Windows Power Sheel.   you may run dos command to change  directory to the setup.exe folder   or HOLD Shift Key Down and right click your  mouse and select "Open Power shell windows here".   you will see that power sheel window with the  current folder in the prompt. In this prompt   type this command exactly like this -  setup.exe space forward slash configure   space give the configuration xml file  name. For that copy the file name and   simply right click on the power  shell window to paste it or   from the menu, select Edit and then click  Paste. Remember we copied only the file name,   so you need to add the file extension  .XML here. The Installation will start,   when prompted, click "Install 32-bit"  button, your MS office is installed.   From the windows menu, Launch PowerPoint,  complete the wizard. Click Accept, Click Next,   if you want to share data to Microsoft, click  Yes, I'm going with No and clicking Accept   and finally click on Done button.   Congratulations, you have your MS Office  Installation completed. Thanks for watching.   For more such useful videos, subscribe to Dzyner  By Design. See you in another video, bye now.
Channel: DzynerByDesign
Views: 163,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dzynerbydesign, powerpoint hacks, msoffice, download, install, powerpoint, word, excel, microsoft powerpoint, install microsoft powerpoint, download microsoft powerpoint, how to install powerpoint, install latest version of powerpoint, powerpoint presentation, ms, powerpoint 2022, easy way to intall power point in your pc, power, point, milestone creator, how to download and install powerpoint, 2022, latest version, power point tutorial, powerpoint for beginners, microsoft office for free
Id: sclyPf6TYkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 9sec (249 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2022
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