🔆 20 Coastal SOLAR LIGHT Dollar Tree DIYS & Hacks! Summer Beach 2024

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hold up I am on my way I'm in Mo let's go to the yeah let's go [Music] outside we can [Music] hang welcome to crafty Beach this is Julie today I have 20 Coastal solar light DIYs for you using items from the Dollar Tree I love crafting with solar lights and they have some new ones this year like this one with a little butterfly and a little jar and I thought I could do something cool with that so I'm going to combine it with one of the Shor living bottles this one's like a bluish green color and I wanted to see if I could make a cute little solar light for like my outdoor table something that would be kind of a Decor piece but also light up at night I want to completely get rid of the wire Al together on that with butterfly so I just went ahead and pulled it all the way out and that worked pretty well now you can leave the top of your solar lights like whatever color they are I'm not a big fan of black um with Coastal so I'm going to go ahead and just use some painters tape tape off the like you know the little solar panel on the top and I'm just going to paint mine just to kind of make it blend in give it more like the coastal color scheme I have like a khaki spray paint so I'm going to put some rope around the sides of it but I think the Khaki spray paint will kind of blend in so I'm just going to prop it up actually on just a little tape dispenser and spray that with some spray paint it doesn't have to be perfect I'm basically painting it for the top of it um because I am going to cover the sides of it when I go to put it all together I wanted it to be like um just a cool little piece that you could put on a table so that fits in there with the little steak that's already on there because I pulled off you know the steak that goes into the ground so it leaves like a little plastic piece and I thought I probably need to weigh it down a little bit since I'm going to have it outside and it can be a little windy here so I'm just going to use some Dollar Tree pebbles in the bottom to weigh it down I wasn't concerned with decorating this part too much because with the design on the glass you can't really see through the bottle very much so I'm just going to fill it up a little bit with the Pebbles just enough to give it a little bit of weight since it's going to be outside they have these bottles in all different colors I like the blue one I think it looks really beachy and then I can put the little jar like right on the top of it now since I'm working with glass and since I'm working with something outside I'm going to try to do E6000 for this part to make it a little bit more permanent and I just put that around the the top of the bottle and put the plastic jar right on top and now I'm going to fill it up with some Dollar Tree tan sand I was surprised though this one has a hole in the bottom and I didn't even realize it um I guess it's the only one that I've seen that was like that and so I did get a little sand in my bottle which I didn't mean to but you can't really tell I decided just to fill mine up with hot glue you can always put like I don't know like a piece of tape or something over that too but yeah there's definitely only a hole in the bottom of the butterfly one so learn from that so I'm just going to fill it up with a little bit of sand until I think it looks good and I want to do like a little beach scene on the top of this so sand and seash shells is what I'm thinking I'm going to use some of these little tiny um glass bottle seashells they come in bottles like this haven't been able to find them in a couple months in my Dollar Tree I hope that they um continue carrying these because I love these little tiny seashells um I'm just going to kind of scatter those all around and then I get these little starfish on Amazon I just got a new package of them they're so cute I do have those Linked In My Amazon Shop link down below so starfish some seashells now we can work on the light part here so I'm just going to go ahead and remove my painters tape on that and then I also want to kind of decorate the side on that and I'm going to go ahead and arrange my seashells the way I want them but the great thing about this is that I'll be able to take the lid off if it kind of gets messed up gets knocked over or whatever so I can arrange my seashells make sure they're all like on top and cute I thought it needed just one more seashell and then I just have a scrap piece of Dollar Tree rope that's going to be perfect to go around the edges um it'll probably go around about twice and so I just hot glue that to the edge and that's just another little bit of Coastal decorating touch um not completely necessary since I painted it but I think it's still added a little bit more Beach decor and this just turned out so cute it was really fun to put this one together and you can use like whatever kind of seashells or beachy items you can think of to put in there but basically it's like just a little jar that is attached to a solar light so it is definitely a fun one to try every year it seems like they get slightly different um solar light so I always like to try some of the new ones to see if I can come up with some new ideas like this one so I'm just going to screw that on top of the jar and then I thought a little bit the Rope looked really good so let's add some twine to the bottle too just add a little texture down there around the neck of the bottle so I just take some Dollar Tree twine tie it off right there at the neck and just wrap that around a few times just to give it a little bit more fun fun I'm going to glue that here on the back the end and it is complete it's kind of hard to show you I have to show you this way because I don't want to mess up my cute little beach display in there so as you can see um it has like the top part it looks really cute even in the daytime with a little beach scene in there and that beautiful blue bottle the stones in there kind of add a little bit of a Decorative Touch too um in addition to weighing it down so let's turn off the lights let me show you what this looks like at night it is nice and bright and it lights up that little beach scene right inside the jar I thought this would be really cute for my table like out in my Florida room something that is functional and really super cute I love solar lights I love like the ambients they give you okay up next they have these new solar lights this year too I'm going to combine it with a fun noodle to make cool like nautical pilings um light display by using just a fun noodle I thought I could do like the three logs like you know at a pier where you like can tie up your boat and so I'm going to take the fun Noodle and I want to cut it in three different lengths um so there'll be some variety we can tie them all together it's got a hole in it so I can go ahead and put the solar light in it I thought this decorative one would be be perfect and I'm using that little pool noodle knife from the Dollar Tree works great for cutting this down and I'm going to display it all just on one of those chunky wood like rectangular signs from the Dollar Tree so that is what it's going to look like I only had a red fun noodle so we're going to make it work I want to make it look like wood though so for the base I do want that to kind of look like wood kind of like Driftwood so I'm using like this beach comr um color by Apple barrel and I'm just painting the wood plaque I thought the wood plaque would be a nice heavy base um something that would hold up outdoors and be really cute and this solar light DIY just turned out amazing so after I paint it I'm just taking some antique Wax By Waverly and distressing in One Direction I kind of blend it with a baby wipe and it's going to give me like a wood grain kind of give it that distressed Driftwood look that I wanted now this is the contact paper that I'm going to use it's kind of like um a light to a medium like wood grain on there and I thought I could cover the fun noodles with this to kind of make them look like nautical piling so I'm going to measure I can do one across settle do like the medium and the small one so I just measure they have lines on the back so it makes it easy to cut and just see how much I need to go all the way around I do want to overlap so it's sticks a little bit better to itself than it actually sticks to the fun noodle so it is important to overlap it a little bit so I'm trying to get it lined up straight easier said than done but you can kind of pull it off until you're happy with it start starting in the middle seemed to work a little bit better for me and I'm just going to roll that on and it's going to make it look like wood since it's made out of a fun noodle it should be hold up well outside too and I think the contact paper will too so I have enough for the the smaller one of the fun noodles too so I'm going to cut that one down to size and peel and stick on this as well now um I'm going to do the same thing on all three of them I did think about using the contact paper for the top of it as well but I found that it really did not just stick to the foam especially like the cut foam tops of it so I had to come up with another plan for that but what I came up with actually seem to work pretty well so here is our third and final log and this looks like it's real contact paper you could also use like the uh wood contact paper from the um Dollar Tree they have it too I think it would work fine I just happen to have this it is probably a little bit better quality than the one you're going to get at Dollar Tree but this is our final nautical piling and I I've made one of these Maybe for Fourth of July one time I kind of remember making one of these but it's always a fun idea to try to try to make some faux wood here so we have all three pieces and then now we have to deal with the tops of them I want to disguise like the red I don't want that to show through so I'm going to try to mask it with some white paint and I also want to cover the holes in the center of two of them that won't have lights I'm only going to do the light on the tallest one of the nautical pilings so I just take some white duct tape and I just kind of cut it um where it would cover the hole but not like stick out on the sides of it and then I want to leave my third one open like that cuz it's a perfect size for a solar light now to disguise the red I'm going to paint it white so I'm painting it white it's going to match that duct tape too um it doesn't have to be perfect I just want to disguise the red because we're going to be covering it with something else that you might be able to see through and I don't want you to be able to see that it is a red fun noodle under this so I just kind of carefully um paint over the um duct tape actually worked pretty well um and the sides of it and then this one doesn't have any duct tape so I just kind of go around the top of it and then I also go like inside a little bit anywhere that you might see a little little bit of red peeking out and then I thought to cover the top of it I wanted something Coastal beachy but something that I would be able to stick to it since the contact paper did not want to stick to the top and I decided to try burlap I had a scrap piece of burlap from the Dollar Tree so what I'm going to do is just cut out a square of that larger than the um Pier post for each one of those so I just went ahead and cut out three pieces of that I'm not going to cut them out into circles I'm going to cut them out later to size right now we're just going to do it with squares since it's going outside I have a lot of luck with that tacky glue from the Dollar Tree holding up well outside so I put a nice coat of that on top of the white paint and then just lay my burlap right inside of there I'm going to kind of push it down with a paper towel make sure it is all adhered before the glue dries and we're going to do the same thing here with the other two it's a nice thick glue I've used it for like gluing shells on things outside and just really impressed with the strength of this I thought it might be um better than Mod Podge cuz Mod Podge is going to be like water soluble so I did the same thing there with the shorter one for this one I'm going to do the same thing I can always cut the hole out when I trim up the r rest of the burlap so that looks pretty good and it dried up really fast I didn't want to use heat on it because the foam will kind of melt a little bit and then once I get it on there I just go around and cut it down to size that way I get a perfect cut make sure I don't have any red peeking out around the corners and it definitely goes with you know that wood feel and the nautical feel so that was a good solution for the top of those now for this one I need to have a hole in the center too you can see through it so you can see exactly where you need to cut and doesn't have to be perfect right here because it's going to be covered up with that cute little solar light that I got at the Dollar Tree it has like a really great design on it and it does a really cool pattern so I'm going to go ahead and remove the tape from the battery make sure this is good to go and I'm going to leave the um stem on mine but I don't need the steak that goes into the ground and then I am going to go ahead and see how I want these on here I kind of liked it with the two taller ones in the back and the shorter one in the front so that is what we're going to do with these I'm going to hot glue these down I couldn't really think of um something that was going to be strong enough to hold it um you know in the process like you know I I really need this to get done tonight so I didn't have time to let any other kind of glue set up so I use hot glue from time to time outside and I have pretty good success with the girly glue so After figuring out exactly how I want this laid out I'm just going to use a pencil to sketch that out so I know exactly where to put my hot glue before I put my fun noodle back on there so I'm going to do one at a time and I'm going to fill the whole fun noodle up just like that lots of glue it's okay if a little bit of it comes out around the sides I want it to be nice and strong and then we're going to do the same thing here with the other two nautical pilings now we have an island here where I live in Florida that is between the ocean and the Lagoon and um it is really fun to go to the Lagoon they have these like nautical pilings everywhere where people can tie up their boats and stuff like that when they go to restaurants and stuff like that so super fun so that's what it looks like so far now I want to tie them together since they're nautical pilings I don't really have enough room to do like two rows of rope so I'm going to do like one rope and then I'm going to like wrap it around twice so I start here in the back and I just hot glued that to the back of the piling like that and then I'm going to go around one more time I did hot glue it on the front too just to kind of keep it in place and and then hot glue it here on the back and we can just cut off the rest of that rope and that's just Dollar Tree rope so that's what it looks like so far now it's time for the light all you got to do is put it right down inside that Fen noodle isn't that so cool I think it turned out really fun and wait till you see this all lit up I love the design even in the daytime it was wanting to light up for me there and and making the nautical pilings that kind of look like wood that contact paper is pretty impressive looks really good the base is pretty simple I didn't really want that to stand out too much it's more of a functional piece and look at that beautiful pattern that the solar light is emitting all over the place I think this is going to be perfect for my front porch I'm so excited to put this out these solar lights are so much fun and they really last for a long time so there it is our nautical pilings solar light DIY hey guys if you're enjoying today's video don't forget to hit that like button I'd really appreciate it okay back to crafting now this is a newer candle holder I found and it's kind of a bronze color so I picked up a matching bronze solar light from the Dollar Tree I think this color is really pretty and I thought we could do something like that just pull it off leave the light fixture on there and kind of display it as a candle so this is going to be kind of a tabletop display I think I'm going to put this like on like a little table out in my floor room but I wanted to kind of give the base a little bit more of a beachy touch so I just took some school glue and I just do a coat of school glue all over the bottom I thought we could make it look like sand down here so once I get it coated I'm taking some Dollar Tree tan sand and sprinkling all over and I always like to spray it with some of their spray adhesive if I can find some to kind of glue it down from the top too doesn't have to be perfect but I wanted as Sandy Bottom for the candle holder now I did want to add like just a few seashells down there to kind of make look like a beach and so again I'm going to use some of those mini seashells from the Dollar Tree and I'm going to use some of that tacky glue again because that seems to work really well with outdoor things and especially with seashells I'm only going to do a couple of seashells you're only going to be able to really see this from the front if you were going to make it like for a candle it would be like like a candle on a table for an outdoor table you could decorate both sides and I'm also going to add a Dollar Tree starfish to it from the shore living line like that kind of have it dangle down in the middle of the circle you could also do that on both sides as well if you wanted to so just using some Dollar Tree twine I want like the top of the starfish to kind of be tied off and then I can attach it and let it dangle down inside that ring the candle holder is actually pretty cool so I just tie the twine on the top of it like that hot glue it in place and wrap that around to give that like wrapped look you often see on starfish I'm also going to tie it just so I can kind of have a knot here in the back to kind of have something to hang down like that and wrap it around is what I'm thinking so I'm going to start just by hot gluing um the rope that I already have on there a little bit just to get us started and then I can just wrap that twine around the candle holder like that I get it nice and tight and then I am just going to tie that off here on the back of it and then I can kind of hot glue that down there in the back and I think one more row is perfect it just gives a little bit of texture to this little solar light holder and even though it's a candle holder it's going to actually be like a solar light holder so it's looking pretty cute I'm liking the sand and the seashells and definitely that little short living starfish and you could just sit that in there I want it to be a little bit more permanent I don't want it falling out so I'm just going to kind of fill up the candle holder itself with hot glue um and I had to use quite a bit and just stick that little solar light light down inside I left the plastic part on this one so it just sticks down in there it was a little bit skinnier than a candle so that's why it needed the extra hot glue in there to secure it in place and this is how it turned out the little bronze solar light in the bronze Dollar Tree candle holder and we have our little hanging starfish a little Sandy Beach there at the bottom a really fun way to do a little solar light DIY and this is what it looks like lit up at night so it turned out really pretty I don't often leave the little light Parts on the the um solar lights like that but for this one it was definitely needed super cute I like it okay guys are you ready for another solar light this one's going to be another bronze one and I also found a jar with a bronze lid from the Dollar Tree and I thought we could kind of put them together and see if we could get this to work it's a square jar and it's like very iridescent and really pretty so I kind of take it apart I pull the light out as much as I can get it it doesn't have a lot of wire on there and then I figured I could just poke a hole in the lid of the jar like that and put the light bulb down inside and the bronze colors go together great now at first I tried with a nail I'm trying to put a nail here in the center because I just need to drill a little hole here in the center and I can only find these little tiny roofing nails in my husband's stash that wasn't working very well so I switched it up to a little screwdriver hammered that inside and drilled a little hole there in top just trying to make that a little bit larger if I can so there's enough room for that light bulb to come through I kind of switched it up to a larger screwdriver and it just kind of worked as a punch as you can see there without having to break out a drill or anything like that and you can just pop the little light in it just like that so I was worried that it wouldn't be bright enough but it actually turned out pretty well the light bulb actually just goes straight through that hole and lights up the jar now to connect it I'm just going to use some E6 6,000 and some hot glue combination and um not mixing the two different glues together and I lay the lid on there that's going to give me the short shortterm long-term hold um of both of those glues now it's time to decorate the jar isn't this jar so pretty I found this little palm tree um the shore not the shore living the fairy garden Beach section at the Dollar Tree and it's a really nice size little palm tree it's got a little life ring on it fits perfectly in here and it pretty much takes up most of the jar so I just hot glue it to the bottom so it won't fall over inside there if it gets knocked over and then again using some Dollar Tree tan sand to fill up the beachy area and then we can't have a beach without seashells so I'm going to use some of those little tiny seashells kind of scatter those around kind of turn them the right way so they look good in there and just a little bit of everything to fill out like the beach scene the beach theme with these solar lights is just so much fun you guys know I love Beach or Coastal theme for everything so once I got the beach scene on there I just screw the lid on the top of the jar and then I thought it needed a little something um to cover the sides of the solar light just to give it a little bit more texture so I'm just going to use some burlap that same piece of burlap I had from earlier I'm just going to cut down a strip of it by pulling out a strand and making just a burlap ribbon that is just the right size for the sides of that solar light and it really did kind I know that they match like the bronze and the bronze but it was just a little bit too much metal going on up here and so I just attach the burlap ribbon that we made with some hot glue wrapping that around the top and just a perfect little bit of coastal texture that was needed on this solar light DIY and it's hard to show you any of these today cuz if I turn them sideways they will all mess up so let me show you here how it turned out with the square bronze litted jar from the Dollar Tree with the bronze solar light with that cute little palm tree we got a surfboard we have seashells in there super cute and this is what it looks lit up at night it kind of gives you like a cool effect the palm tree is actually pretty tall in there but the rest of the jar lights up nicely and this is a cute little solar light that you could just put about anywhere I made solar lights last year and they did so well I just had to do more this year I'm planning another video too if you guys like this one okay for the next one we're going to use this little candle holder that I found at Dollar Tree it's already got a rope handle on it so it's perfect for nautical and then we're just going to use one of the regular silver um solar lights but just the top of it we're going to fill this one with some Dollar Tree seag Glass so it's really important to remove your labels on that one because it's going to be shining all the way through and these are like light blue um like a royal blue green I'm just going to kind of alternate different colors mix it up and I was thinking that the solar light will shine through the Dollar Tree seag Glass and make it look really pretty and it did turn out so cool so excited my Dollar Trees have all been stocking up on the seag glass maybe for summer but I always stock up whenever they have it I love it so as you can see you can fit the top on this but only on this Inside Edge so I just run some E6000 around the very inner Edge edge of the top of that jar and sit the solar light on top again I removed a little light ball the light portion from most of these because I find that it works a little bit better now um you can even make it have a longer handle I'm going to do that with just some twine I'm going to tie that into a knot and just extend the hanger that way I can hang this outdoors and it's going to have a longer hanger but you could always use the shorter one that's already attached if you find this Shir your Dollar Tree as well but this is how it looks hanging up this is really cute you can hang it from a porch you could hang it from a tree even and it looks cute in the daytime too with the silver and the Beautiful sea glass inside but the magic happens at night isn't that so beautiful it lights up so pretty it just illuminates all the way through all the seal glass and it even makes the jar look tinted doesn't it so pretty and this one was really easy to DIY so our little seal glass solar light jar hey guys um I wanted to let you know about my Facebook group I always have it linked in the description below you can find out when I post new content content and um also have a Facebook Instagram Tik Tok and Pinterest my handle is Crafty Beach on YouTube on all of those I would love to see you over there I'm trying to get monetized on Tik Tok so if you can help a girl out I need some more views over there I've got enough followers but I don't have enough views yet I need 100,000 in a month so it's a lot now for the next DIY I picked up a jar from the Dollar Tree that's got like a swirl pattern on it and I'm going to try tinting it this is the dishwasher safe Mod Podge I chose this one because I want to be able to have it outside and regular Mod Podge outside is going to be water soluble so as you can see it's first time I've used this and I've never tried tinting before and I was blown away by how easy this is so as you can see I poured a little bit of that dishwasher safe Mod Podge I think I picked that up at maybe I got it on Amazon but I know that they do have it at Target and some food coloring from the Dollar Tree I do one drop of blue and one drop of green and as you can see it really did a good job giving me that like teal color that reminds me of the ocean now I'm going to take that and paint the outside of the jar to do the tinted glass look I've always thought that you had to uh bake this so I always thought it would be like a big challenge but I was learning that you don't really have to bake them and especially since I'm using the dishwasher prooof Mod Podge it does say that you probably should cure it for 28 days before you get it really wet so keep that in mind if you're going to put it like out in the weather but I just went over the whole jar with a thin coat of that dyed Mod Podge look how beautiful that looks I was told that you know it looks darker than it is so I probably could have stopped with one coat but I was worried that after it dried it was going to get super faint and not be that tinted anymore but it actually looks pretty pretty at that point I just dried it with my heat gun so I didn't know if it would get lighter but I decided to be safe rather than sorry and I just went over the whole thing with another coat um a little bit of The Mod Podge seemed to go a long way as you can see I didn't mix up very much and I still had lots left over but I I thought that I really thought that Ting glass was a lot harder than this now that I've actually tried it I am going to be doing this a lot because look how beautiful that Dollar Tree clear glass looks it looks like I bought it that way I had to show it off to my husband so I have the second coat on there I'm going to make sure to get it good and dry I don't want to mess it up it looks so pretty and I think it kind of looks like ocean waves right and I thought you know we might as well put seashells in it um just for a little bit of decoration you can't see in it too well but I think you can tell that they're seashells so I just took all different kinds of those little miniature seashells from the Dollar Tree and Scattered them in there and then we can do just the silver top from one of the solar lights from the Dollar Tree and it fits on here really well so all I have to do is do some E6000 right around the top and lay that on there I love those little tiny um bottles of E6000 cuz mine always call LGS hate that and those are just a perfect amount now I'm going to use some twine this is the thicker twine from Walmart it's a little bit thicker than the twine from Dollar Tree and I'm actually going to make a handle for this one to show you how you can kind of hang it if you you know the last one had the hanger already on there this one is going to be um kind of a DIY version so I just hot glue the twine to the sides of the jar like that there's a little lip around the top of that jar and then I can wrap more twine around to fill that area in it's going to help enclose that too and again I'm just using hot glue whenever I'm using like rope I find that the hot glue works really well so I'm just going to wrap that around until it fills in that area about three times and just hot glue the twine down there to the back and now we have a super easy hanger and it turned out so cute so my first attempt at Ting glass was a huge success so pretty this is what it looks like during the day that bluish green color and doing it on that jar with the swirls and some seashells peeking out from the inside look really pretty during the day and look at that when it's lit up at night you can really see that there's seashells in there I wasn't sure if you'd be able to see in there and it looks beautiful lit up with the Mod Podge who knew I love it and it was really easy to do I'm definitely going to be doing that again don't worry now for the next DIY I think this is a Shor living candle holder I found it in the sh living section it's tinted like blue and then I also found this cool like teal candle holder from the Dollar Tree so I thought I can combine them two together they are different colors of blue but I think they kind of look cool together the one from the shore living line is a very subtle colored glass and the base is very colored so nice contrast the sticker on the bottom of the sh of living glass thing was a nightmare to get off I did get some of this adhesive remover at Dollar Tree the other day um it's kind of like a googan it seems to work pretty well but I did have to get the label off kind of first and then get the rest of the residue off now for this one I thought we could use some more of the little fairy garden sea creatures I found like a clown fish a seahorse and we're also going to do a starfish to make it look like the bottom of the ocean since we have a blue tinted jar I thought that'd be really fun so we're just going to attach those with hot glue so they don't fall all around and I want it to look like kind of like the ocean floor in there so since this one's already blue I don't really need to ttin it but I guess you could if had like more of a clear one but that's what it looks like so far that fills it up pretty nicely and I'm going to use white sand for this one um just because you're not really going to be able to see I think the color of the sand through the blue jar anyway to represent the bottom of the ocean now as you can see the solder light is too small to fit in there but I'm going to show you how I fix that now let's start putting it together this is the candle holder I found this in blue this blue color I also found it in pink and it's really weighted down I thought this would be a great base for an outdoor solar light display like this and I just sit the jar right on top gluing that in place now since a solar light top was too small I'm going to make it wider by attaching some of that Walmart twine to the outside of it it's going to make the perfect thickness to actually fit as a lid on the top of that so I just start there at the top hot gluing that in place and we're just going to wrap that twine all the way around it's going to add a decorative touch but it's definitely also going to be functional so all the way down to the bottom I hot glue the end and trim off the excess sometimes this wmart twine is awfully hairy too so I just burned off the fuzzies with my lighter on that to make it look a little bit better and it sits on there really well like that and I really like the texture of that twine it's kind of a cross between Dollar Tree twine and um rope the size of this so I'm actually going to add some more of it around the base here between the candle holder and the jar to provide a little bit more texture kind of make it all go together so I just wrap that around a few times to kind of cover that area of the candle holder trying not to move it around too much because I want that E6000 to sit up to attach it but this is how it turned out we have our little seahorse clownish and starfish in the sand in the little blue tinted jar it's kind of like a blue iridescent on that like teal heavyduty base that hopefully will provide a little bit more weight to the bottom of it so it won't fall over now this is what it looks like lit up at night super cute you can still see that blue tent of the jar which kind of adds to the underwater theme that I was going for and the lid fits on there perfectly with the twine on there super easy super cute and very Whimsical okay next DIY I'm going to combine one of the little Dollar Tree like fish bowls and one of the glass candle holders and one of those fun butterfly solar lights so I thought we could do something fun here I'm going to um I found some Sea Life toys at the toy section at Dollar Tree and I'm going to use the dolphin in that now if you don't have those or can't find those you can always use the little wood Dolphins from the shore living line as well so for this one I want to remove the butterfly but I don't want to remove the wire because I want to have the dolphin jumping out of the water is what I was thinking and so I'm just going to remove the little plastic clip take the butterfly apart leave the wire on there the these are the sea life creatures I found and I thought a dolphin would be perfect cuz I can make it look like the bottom of it was the ocean we have a little dolphin jumping through the air um above the ocean like that in the little glass Fishbowl so kind of all fits together I was thinking I could attach it it can dangle down inside there now I don't really like the fact that it's just blue um Dolphins usually aren't this color so we're gonna give our little dolphin a makeover with some elephant gray acrylic paint and it's okay if a little bit of the blue shines through um but I think it looks better painted than it did maybe it makes it look a little bit less like a toy but I always check the toy out at Dollar Tree too because you never know what you're going to find you could find some cool little sea creatures like this I don't remember Dollar Tree ever having the sea creatures before so It's relatively new find now to attach the glass Fishbowl to the glass candle holder again I'm just going to do some E6000 it works great especially glass to glass like that and set the Fishbowl right on top like that super cute I like the glass on glass effect and then for the ocean I'm going to use some of the crushed glass from Dollar Tree this is the blue I thought that would represent the ocean it's kind of a darker blue but I think it'll work so I don't want to put too much in there because I want the um dolphin to be jumping out of it so I'm just basically covering the bottom of it with that to represent the ocean then we can try to make that sit on the top even though that solar light is way um smaller than the top of the Fishbowl now this is the dolphin we have to try to figure out how to attach that to the wire but I think we can make it work now this is black again and I don't really want the top of this to be black um the solar light I don't think it's really going to go with my Coastal Vibe so this time instead of painting it um or taping it off I thought it'd be easier just to cut down some packaging of 4 a square and again I'm going to do the Khaki spray paint and just spray paint it until it's a color that I like a little bit better and it'll kind of blend in because I think I'm going to have to use rose to make a lid for my fish jar so just turning it around and I do craft in my garage that's why I am able to spray paint out there I just try not to get it on my camera if I can now once I have that painted and dry we can start working on the lid for this so my plan is I can take some Dollar Tree rope this is like the thinner rope I guess I'm going to start right here on the top and hot glue it to the around the top top of it so basically I need to make a large lid that's going to be the perfect size to go over the top of the globe so let me show you how I do that I'm just going to hot glue that all the way around when I get to here instead of wrapping it around the solar light I'm actually gluing it to the Rope itself because again I need a lid and I need it to be a lot larger than the solar light is itself and this was just a scrap piece of rope I actually just did whatever length I had on there and hope for the best now it's time to try to figure out how to attach the dolphin to the solar light to have it kind of suspended up in the air has a wire on it so I just took my Crut weer and poked a hole here in the top of my dolphin and then I just have to try to figure out how to get the wire in there I want it to be tight enough that I can kind of secure it in there without a whole lot of um effort so I'm just kind of straightening the wire out with a pair of pliers and I put a little hot glue on the tip and I tried to just kind of stick that wire down inside that hole that we drilled in our dolphin to try to attach it I found that the hot glue was not really necessary but it was a little bit easier if I did it upside down like this I just held the wire with pliers and stuck the dolphin right on there now I'm just testing to see if it is like the right height where it's jumping out of the water that it's not too low or anything like that and it looks good now I do a bead of hot glue around the outer edges of my rope lid that way I can glue it to the jar itself and kind of mold it around that like Globe shape like a fishbowl so I just kind of push that down on the sides and look at that my rope was the perfect size to make a new lid for the top of this and then to bring a little bit more rope I'm also using that Dollar Tree juk twine to decorate the candle holder down below just to make it all kind of go together um anytime you can use like rope burlap it's going to give you that Coastal texture it looks really great with Coastal crafting so I just wrap that around a few times until it looks good hot gluing down my end and that's all there to it this turned out so cute I love the dolphin jumping I'm just going to clean up the twine burn off some of the fuzzies my son is going to be home from college soon and he is going to love this one I just know it so this is what the Fishbowl looks like during the daytime you can't really even tell that it's a solar light right the seal glass makes a really cute ocean we have the dolphin jumping above and all lifted up on that candle holder to make it look a little bit more substantial and this is what it looks like at night just like the seag glass from the Dollar Tree that crushed glass looks really pretty lit up and we have our little dolphin jumping which is super Whimsical and fun and this was a really fun Coastal uh solar light DIY as well as you can see you can even see like the dolphin fin and their reflection on that at night now this almost feels like cheating this was from Dollar Tree Plus for $5 they have a solar Lantern look at it it's perfect for Coastal it's white it's distressed um it's got a battery in it that is charged by solar to light the candle inside the Lantern and so it just needs a few Coastal touches so I just have to figure out how to pop the lid off of this I'm telling you Dollar Tree plus I try to avoid it sometimes because I'm like you guys left nothing for me to do but once you get a corner started on this you can just pop that off trying to be careful I didn't want to break any of the plastic clips and I don't want to mess with the wiring there from the solar part of it I'm just going to make it look Coastal by adding some Dollar Tree tan sand it's kind of inevitable to um get it in the candle I'm just going to use my heat gun to blow the sand out and I want my sand to be rather deep in this so I'm going to add a little bit more and then we're going to add sea Treasures to that I picked up some seashells um from the Dollar Tree and I'm going to add some starfish as well these are kind of cool you know they look real they have the plastic seashells at the Dollar Tree now too which would totally work for this but I kind of wanted real seashells for this one so I'm just kind of staining them up I made the sand pretty deep so I can kind of stand the seashells up around wherever I want them to be and I also want a little bit of variety in there so I'm going to use some of the tiny shells as well kind of mix it up different colors different patterns I don't want too many seashells in there but I thought some of the larger mini starfish would be cute too so I put one of those on each side and just make sure that I have enough seashells in there little starfish here on the other side and how easy was that honestly it really needs nothing this Lantern is perfect for $5 it is a bargain I was so excited when I found this at Dollar Tree the other day yay so here it is our Dollar Tree solar Lantern basically it was $5 all I had to do was add some sand seashells couple starfish and it is the perfect Coastal Lantern for outdoors solar it's got a to light that cute little candle in there it flickers really nicely this is what it looks like lit up at night as you can see it's so pretty and I would definitely add something to yours if you pick one up um instead of just leaving it plain I think it really makes it extra special I found the metal lanterns too that are $3 but they are nothing compared to this one this one's so pretty hey guys if you visited my new website yet crafty beach.net is my new website remember crafty beach.net it's notom if you go there I'm going to post a blog post every time I post a new YouTube video so you can go on there find out what you want if you click on it you can go down and find a photo of all of my DIYs that you can pin on Pinterest so that you can remember that you wanted to make them if you scroll down you can find the YouTube video that shows you exactly how how I made them and I'm going to have everything by season right now I just kind of have Easter some spring and Coastal I also have a link to my Amazon shop if you need to find something on my shopping list and I also have a link to my Etsy shop for my adorable little crafting memes and printables if you'd like to support my Etsy store so remember it's crafty beach.net please come check it out okay for the the next solar light this is one I made last summer it's actually a lighthouse solar light DIY and it turned out so cute I wanted to share this DIY with you and so this is another one of those little vases from the Dollar Tree I got this one in yellow because I kind of thought about doing like little cutouts for the windows but I decided against that so it doesn't really matter that it's yellow cuz I'm going to cover it up anyway but this is going to be an outdoor version of a lighthouse one that you can use outside I'm going to use another jar lid from the Dollar Tree and one of their little candle holders that come like four in a pack the little glass ones and the only difference is that jar lid was one that was one piece um and so it's not the two pieces like we used before I'm going to use some of this vinyl top liner from the Dollar Tree to cover the outside of this I wanted something fairly weatherproof because this is going to be a solar light um Lighthouse and I wanted stuff that would be really durable so I could sit this out side so I want to try to find a way to use like this shelf liner to make it look like a nice Stone Lighthouse very simple kind of the design on this one I wanted it to be really durable to be able to be outside so I can't go real frr like I did before but I also decorate it so it turns out cool now this was a little difficult to get this on I think the burlap was more forgiving like wrapping this around but you can kind of see how I lined this up to R wrap this because I want it to be you know tighter in the skinnier parts of the lighthouse and I'm just using hot glue to attach that to the jar and to um the material itself trying to pull it as tight as I can and then I was sure exactly how to cut it before so I'd made it a little bit too long so now I can just go trim that shelf liner um flat against the bottom of our vase and I love this um shape of vase for these Lighthouse DIYs CU you're already going to get that great shape I'm going to cut mine here cuz it wasn't super tight um and make another seam most of the way down and glue that on top of each other there just to tighten that up because it was gapping a little bit on one side of my lighthouse and that did um help with the shape a little bit just trying to get all of my seams as flat as I can since it's got that great like modeled Stone appearance you really can't see the seams very much and this one I want it to be weatherproof so I'm going to do my lid face down like that I don't want there to be like anywhere that's going to be able to hold water or anything in like in my final design and so I'm just going to kind of have have the base um be there for my little solar light and then I'm just using a black Sharpie and I'm just going to draw like three little simple like little Arch windows on the front of this super easy to draw on this shelf liner and I really like that stone appearance I was trying to find something to give me a like an old stone feel for a stone Lighthouse so just trying to make those as even as I can we have three little windows I added to the front again I'm trying to make this as weatherproof as possible so I don't want it to be something that's going to blow over all the time in my weather by sitting it outside so the first thing I do is you use some Dollar Tree Pebbles um you can use whatever you've got just something to weigh down like the bottom half of the vase so it's not topheavy or anything like that and it's going to make it a little bit more stable because it is glass I don't want it to break now I'm going to use some more of that multi-purpose cement from Dollar Tree to try to make this as secure as possible hot glue does not hold up great outside I do have to use it for a few things on here but I'm trying to not use it if I can and that worked great I just glued that lid right on there and then I'm going to combine the little solar light cap from the Dollar Tree and that little tiny candle holder that comes in the four pack from the Dollar Tree it's like a little tealight um holder I thought that would be the perfect size for the top of our little Lighthouse so I just do a bead of that multi-purpose cement along the base of that combining that with a little bit of hot glue to help keep us going and we're going to sit that just up right like that gluing that to the jar lid the jar lid is important because it gives me a place to um put that on but it's also kind of an important part in a light house shape then once I get that on there I just go ahead around the rim of that little candle holder and I'm just going to glue the top of the solar light directly on just this top part that's all that's necessary it's going to glow up that little um candle holder that we put on there and make the little light up part of the lighthouse so it fits on there perfectly it's almost exactly the same size which is why I chose that little candle holder for the top and that is how it looks so far it's coming together I do want to add a little bit of Decorative Touch to it but I also want stuff that is going to really you know hold up well outside in the weather and I thought a fishing that would be great but I wanted something durable and something from the Dollar Tree so I decided to use one of these little rug underl mats from the Dollar Tree kind of looks like fishnet right and it's made out of that like rubbery material so I think it's going to hold up really well and I kind of wanted to drape like fishing net on the back and like the like one side of the lighthouse I thought that would be really cute so I just cut out a little piece of that rug liner trying to figure out exactly how I want to attach it I kind of really only want it on one side of our little lighthouse so once I get it kind of figured out I want to do it like on the right side kind of like that we can start attaching it I'm going to go ahead and start gluing it on first with a little bit of hot glue um and then I can always trim it down later so I do a bead of hot glue on that back seam and then just glue that down there and again I'm only going to have it on one side so I just go ahead and trim off the excess right there and um I know some of you guys have said you've used this for fishing nut before I've had this forever and I've never used it and you guys are right it makes a great fishing nut nice small size I also kind of loop it around I want it to look like it drapes down the side of it but I also don't want it to be super long so I trim it up a little bit and I just kind of want it draping out one side of the lighthouse just somewhere that I could add a little bit more decoration to this because this is super functional um I made everything really durable to be outside and so it's not as decorative like as the first one that we made the candle holder and I decided to T take some little Dollar Tree seashells and just kind of hot glue those onto the fishing net hopefully this will hold up with the hot glue if it doesn't I'll just go back with like some stronger glue um all of my um Windchimes have held up really well that I used hot glue on out in my Florida room except for one um I had to glue on um like with some stronger glue but I was really surprised how well they hold up so I thought three seashells would be a really cute decoration and there's our very simple little Stone a lighthouse and it is also a solar light so I think that is so fun and I know I told you guys that I made this last summer it has been on my front porch all year and it is still in perfect condition so that shelf liner was really a great idea to cover this and the solar light still works perfectly so this is what it looks lit up at so cute and the candle holder worked great for the top of the lighthouse I think I used enough basic items for this that it's just really held up well to the weather so this is what it looks like like during the daytime and this is what it looks like at night I absolutely love this one for the next one we're going to try three of the summer plastic seashell cups these are little iridescent like seashells and I thought these were really cute because they're kind of opaque and I thought we could do three of them put them together and make like a hanging solar light Arrangement um with the little solar light stick from the Dollar Tree now they had these at the Dollar Tree also they have a clear blue mermaid tail that I think would be really cute with this as well um I chose these because they were more opaque I thought it would look really good with the lights ins theide of them so I just need the bottoms of the cups and I just need the tops of the solar lights and we can start putting these together now the first thing I'm going to do is just start hot gluing some rope around the edges of these because again they had like the little screws there for the cap and I just want to kind of cover those up and make it look a little bit more Coastal with this Dollar Tree rope it doesn't take a lot to cover that up and then I'm going to cut that down and glue it to it now now we're going to go in and do the same thing on the other three so basically I am doing the Rope on the little plastic cups separately from doing the Rope on the side of the solar lights that way I can take them apart if I need to and replace the lights and you'll see how I String all these up as well so just covering up that screw part on all three and mine just worked perfectly if you just went around with the Rope about three times and I hung this in my Florida room it's kind of in front of my curtains I don't know if it's charging properly there so I'm probably going to have to move it thinking about hanging it right outside my Flor room like maybe above my bench out there um and maybe it will work a little bit better because I think maybe I just blocked all the light from it but I'm just going to burn off the fuzzies on those ropes to clean those up a little bit and then we can start putting the little solar lights on them now you guys asked for solar light DIYs of the coastal feel and I think I may have won a little crazy making 20 but I wanted to give you guys a wide variety and lots of ideas that you could use so I just Ed that Dollar Tree twine I just cut out a rather large piece and glue that on the inside so we can make little hangers I want to hang them all together like in one little Arrangement kind of like you would hang like a windchime or buoys or something like that but just with seashells so I do that on all three so right now they're still kind of all separate pieces but they all have long rope handles now I just do a bead of hot glue all the way around and just glue on one of those little solar lights to the top kind of sandwiching in the handle that's going to make it the handle a Little Bit Stronger [Music] and then I'm going to go ahead and do the same thing here with the other two I don't know if you guys have allergies really bad right now where you live but where I live in Florida I have been suffering for weeks my eyes are completely swollen shut in the morning now they're like oh crusted shut oh my gosh I have been struggling so hard with my allergies all of my normal things are not working and I'm really not wanting to go to the doctor to get a prescription for some steroids but I probably should today I reverted to trying some herbal medications for it and actually I think I might have had a little bit better effect with them but it's so embarrassing I can't wear my contacts and everywhere I go my eyes are all swollen it looks like um I've been in a fight or something hopefully it's about over because I can't take much more of it so as you can see I'm just tying them to each other like right above their solar light I just Loop that around and tie it and I do that on both of them you want to make sure that you don't get them so close that the light from one um is too bright for the solar panel on the bottom because again they only turn on when it's dark so I tried to stagger them like completely kind of one completely on top of another and that seemed to work I also wanted them to hang a little bit straighter so I'm just going to glue the twine on the sides of the little solar lights and as you can see that one in the middle is a different kind of light um that's why I put it in the middle because it was different but I guess some of those lights from the Dollar Tree do have that smooth surface on the side so if that's what you're looking for you might be able to find those as well again they have so many varieties I couldn't believe it and I just just leave the silver on these I think it's fun it adds to the coastal feel and this is how they look hanging during the daytime very cute white shells I'm going to use these year round but these would be great for a beachi Decor these would also be great for a party for decorations and these are how they look lit up at night I think that the opacity of the plastic I think it makes them really bright like they really glow white and I think they turned out really fun I like that that I grouped them all together like that and I actually hung these on the side of my barbecue girl last year and they're still going strong okay so this is also from the sh living Line This is my favorite one it says sand of my favorite Beach they have these like different sayings and stuff like that but if you can't find the beachy ones like this the sh living line I think they kind of have these kind of year round you could kind of take the paint off and kind of make it your own if you wanted to but not the sand for my favorite Beach but sand from my favorite Dollar Tree I'm just going to cut the end off of a baggie to make it easier to get it in there without a funnel I'm going to fill it up not all the way because I do want some area to be able to light up with my solar light and this is one of the metal solar stakes from the Dollar General this is the one that was was only a dollar it's smaller and I thought that would be a good fit for this smaller jar again we're using those little bottled seashells from the Dollar Tree I put a good variety in there and make it look real beachy on the top of our sand and see this has like a small top so I think this Dollar General um $1 metal solar steak um is going to be a good fit cuz it's a lot smaller as you can see so if you needed something smaller diameter definitely Tech check Dollar Dollar General and it was cheaper so win-win right so I was trying to decide the metal just pops right off on this one so I thought I would just cover this one with burlap as well using one of those burlet bags from the Dollar Tree I just used the little metal ring that was on it for reference to know how big to cut this and that looks pretty good I was trying to decide if I should include the silver part or just leave the black plastic it doesn't really matter but I was struggling to get cut a straight line but I think I got it I decided to just go with the black plastic eliminate a piece and just hot glue that all the way around now the only trouble I had with the Dollar General um solar light compared compared to the Dollar Tree one is it has an onoff switch inside which is great but it did kind of get in the way for this project and I'll show you what I mean I do want to have some hangers on this so I do go ahead and take some Dollar Tree twine and just kind of tie that around kind of leaving that um until I go ahead and get the light on there so I just hot glue the lip and I was just expecting to be able to put that on there but I think the little power switch was like like kind of getting in the way um so it didn't want to go on there super flat and it was trying to like turn off the um button on there so I just pull it off and we're going to kind of um use that twine that we just used for the hanger to kind of fill that in I think then that just kind of gives me a surface to glue onto the top of the jar and problem solved so I wanted to show you that you could even do it with like the skinny bottle bottles like that um especially if you have a smaller solar light like that one from Dollar General now I kind of wanted like um a hanger I kind of wanted it have like four strings though so I do another piece of twine knotting that off on the other side and that gives me like four strings that I can like pull up to the top and kind of just knot them all together to make a little hanger for this so this little bottle can hang always a fun option especially for a bottle and it's small so it's not going to be very heavy and that's how it looks and this is how it looks hanging in the daytime it's super cute I always love these little sand bottles with a little burlap on the top not real obvious that it is a solar light during the day but I kind of think you could use this you know um just sit it on its bottom but I kind of like it hanging and this is how it looks at night with some cute little Dollar Tree shells in there super Coastal and fun I hope you guys are enjoying all of these Coastal solar light DIYs I had a really great time putting all of these together I did 20 so I did half of them new and then half of these I did last year but I really liked them so I wanted to share them all with you to give you lots of fun solar light ideas okay this isn't a plastic cup but it is plastic these are those little terraniums from the Dollar Tree so I thought hey why not it's a giant light bulb let's see if we can make this one into a solar light too and let's see if we can make it Coastal while we're at it so again using some of the beach fairy garden these were a great excuse to use these as I have so many Beach fairy garden figurines from this year and I use so many today okay so I just glued the little palm tree right in the center of the light bulb like that that's about all I think's going to fit in there it's not super big now it does have the hole in the side of it and so that does pose a little bit of issue because I do pour a little brown sand in there so I can't do very much because I don't want it all dumping out on the side of the hole now I was trying to determine could I attach the little solar light to that hole in the back but I found it was really distracting if you looked through the light bulb you could see the black plastic you could see the big silver thing sticking out of the side of the light bulb and it just kind of seemed unnatural there so I'm just going to leave the ho open and we're just going to replace the top of the little light bulb with the solar light instead it's not what I originally planned but it worked so much better that way so I just glue around and this is a little bit wide for um the solar light and I do want to hang it as well so before I go ahead and put it on there I'm just going to put some twine in there and glue that on the inside of each side so that I can hang this and I actually hung this from like a plant hook out in my Florida room so one of those smaller ones from Dollar General would work better because it was a little wide um for the top of the light bul but we'll disguise it a little bit with some Dollar Tree rope just to make it look more intentional and to cover up all the area there that we had to expose by taking the top of the light bulb off so just using that thinner Dollar Tree rope I'm just going through and filling that in I'm also um kind of sandwiching in that hang hanger which is going to make the hanger stronger as I hot glue the Rope over the sides and again if I could do this over again I would probably use the smaller one but I didn't have a smaller one at the moment so we're going to make it work so once I get there I'm going to cut that off and glue that down trying not to dump all of my sand out but I think the little palm tree with a little surfboard is so cute in there and there is a little hanging light [Music] bulb I think we made it work and it lights up really well so this is how the little light bulb terranium from the Dollar Tree looks combined with a solar light and of course we gave it that Coastal beachy touch with the rope and the little palm tree and sand inside super fun and this is great to hang because it's plastic so if it falls you're not going to have to worry about broken glass or anything like that and it's actually held up pretty well I have this hanging next to my door out in my Florida room and if it gets super windy I might get a little sand on the ground but so far so good with this one and it's a fun way to use those little terrariums from the Dollar Tree if you are a lucky enough to find one this is another smaller scale but I found this candle holder at the Dollar Tree too I think it's slightly Coastal just because it's that beautiful like blue color but it's got that beautiful like silver like like bracelet around the top of it like collar and I thought that would actually match like the silver on the top of the solar light so we could do something really pretty but I thought that pattern on the jar would look really pretty at night if we lit that up so I'm just going to kind of weigh mine down a little bit just to have something in it to weigh it down so I just Ed some white Pebbles from the Dollar Tree nothing that's really going to take away from the color on that and then we can just attach that just straight on with no rope or burlap or anything on the sides I do kind of want to make a hanger for this one as well it's always nice to have that option to um hang something up especially a tiny one like this and I'm just going to hot glue all that on the ins inside of the jar kind of like we did before and then when we glue the solar light on there it's going to kind of seal that on there and I'm using this one on my table in my Florida room as well I just kind of lined some of the smaller ones up and they look so bright together all in combination so I just hot glue that on there it's a perfect size for that small jar and again we're just leaving the silver sides to kind of go with the silver Glam effect but of course it needs something Coastal right these are the little blue starfish I get these on Amazon they are linked in my Amazon shop below I get the the ivory colored ones but also the blue ones and they are so cute and fun to DIY with so check those out if you need some little tiny starfish to decorate with but I just glue that onto the front of the solar light just to give it a small coastal touch you could always do that on both sides as well but I think that's pretty good I don't think it needs anything else so this is how one of the solar light DIYs look if you just leave it exposed I did find in one of these DIYs that some of them have the smooth silver silver outside but most of the ones I found had that texture on it but either way they're both pretty cool but look at this is how it looks at night isn't that beautiful the light that it disperses everywhere is such a beautiful pattern so I'm really glad that I picked up this little candle holder as well and that's not a short living candle holder that's just in the regular like candle a but as you can see just combining um any kind of textured glass like that it's going to give you a beautiful effect at night okay this one I wanted to go bigger so this is one of the those large jars from the Dollar Tree and then this isn't a solar light this is a battery operated light but it's also from Dollar Tree it's got a little onoff switch on it and it's got a little light bulb inside that's filled with like little string lights all wound around but it's the perfect size for this large jar so I thought we could do kind of a beach scene with the fairy garden stuff but do it on a larger scale so I love all the beach items they have for fairy garden this year they have this little lounger beach chair and a little beach Arrow sign and I'm going to use the also that little sand bucket over there and that little shorebird and I'm just going to be attaching these with hot glue to the bottom of the jar just to make sure they stay in place kind of scattering these all over so we're going to do like a really fun beach scene but light it all up with that Dollar Tree light I thought the little sand bucket goes well with those items and then I had a little bit of room left so I do do this shorebird as well there's so many cute ones I tried to only buy one of each I think I might have got a couple of the sea turtle one though because I love it and just make sure those are all secure now once I get those hot glue down I'm going to go in like I did on the sea turtle and we're going to fill in the bottom of the jar with Dollar Tree sand to make it look like a little beach scene so just sprinkle enough enough in there to kind of cover the bottom but not really cover any of the cute Decor that's what it looks like so far super cute super beachy I think and this jar is really nice um I've used the smaller ones before but um I've never seen it in this large size but look how perfectly the little battery operated light like fits on top of that wide jar I think that's going to work perfectly so I'm just going to attach it with hot glue the onoff switch is on the top of it so you should still be able to turn it on and off you should also be able to still change batteries if you wanted to and it's also got the little me metal hanging hook on there so that you can hang this as well now I did kind of want to like cover up the edges of the jar where you could screw the lid on and kind of cover up that light um to make it look a little bit more Coastal so I just cut down two pieces of that white nautical rope from the Dollar Tree and we're just going to go all the way around with those to cover up the little screw ridges that were there on the side of the jar and give it a coastal feel I kind of wanted to see what it would look like using a different kind of Dollar Tree rope so we're going with the white one for this one and it did kind of give a different vibe to this now I'm going to go ahead and cover this as well just to kind of continue that rope theme and just going around and around with this one um until all of it's covered except for the very very top and make sure you don't burn yourself I think I burnt myself on this one it hurts so bad that hot glue gun I love it but man it is incredibly hot so that looks pretty good and I can't really show you too well because ever all the sand kind of dumps to one side but let me show you what this looks like this is how it looks turned on but in the daytime so that white nautical definitely gives you a different feel to the top of this but there's our little beach um scene right inside and you could hang this with rope with the hangers or you can sit this around this would be great indoors or Outdoors for summer I I think this is what it looks like all lit up at night and make sure you get your little strings of hot glue there I think I had a couple of them dropped inside but I really like the look of that white nautical rope a little bit different definitely larger scale on this one and you can turn it on and off okay next DIY is one of these little LED lanterns from the shore living line at Dollar Tree this one is like the palm tree so very tropical now this does have a little candle already in it um I'm not going to use it that way though we're going to convert this into a solar light project and I was able to find a square solar light at Dollar Tree so I thought that would work really well right on the top of that so I just popped out the little candle and see how that fits in there just perfectly I found though that out of all my Dollar Trees these were probably the hard hardest ones to find cuz I did try to go back and get another one and I went at like three stores and I couldn't find another one but I kind of want to still make it as a steak so I'm trying to figure out how I can take it apart add it to this piece and then make a steak for my Landscaping now I wasn't that impressed with these lanterns so I only bought a couple of them I kind of wish I would have bought more cuz they're really cute with this so I'm going over the wood with just a blue paint it's just a Caribbean Blue that I lightened with white and we're going to go over there but I'm also making sure I don't get like any paint like in the cracks of the design CU I don't want it to dry that way I'm not going to worry about the inside of the lantern box cuz you're not going to be able to see it so just going on all four sides and doing a thin coat of paint it doesn't take much to um paint that like raw wood from the Dollar Tree just trying to clean up any of the cracks there with the tree as well using a Cricut weeder seemed to work pretty well and then just kind of wipe off the excess paint with a paper towel I don't want it too thick and then I also am just going to since I already have that paint mixed I'm just going to paint the top of the solar light that same color just to make it like you know kind of blend in a little bit with the box and make it look like it's all one piece so I just paint all the way around the ER panel and all four sides just of the top though now trying to put it together this has a steak like inside there and it has like a square base now I thought that I could just glue it on there but there were some little notches on there and I thought I could just glue them on like that but I found that the little notches that were sticking up really were causing me issues and not wanting it to glue down but then I figured out a better way um I'm just going to take this and go ahead and like install the steak by flipping it around and then putting hot glue on the bottom of the base and feeding it through the lantern like that and gluing it to the bottom and that construction worked better definitely sturdier and the hole where the candle was made the perfect hole for the yard steak now it's just a matter of putting this together I'm going to leave the little windows on there I think that's fine I don't think that's going to cause any problems I just need to attach it and again I'm just going to use a little bit of hot glue all around the edges just because I don't necessarily want it to be permanent with the solar light because you know Dollar Tree Electronics you can't always trust them and then I just put the solar light on top it's a perfect fit with these and just put my steak back on there and it's ready to go I think it's so pretty I love this DIY as well so let me show you this is how it looks again in the daytime it's nice and pretty it's Coastal and blue you don't really necessarily know what it's going to do until you light it up in your landscaping and you might want to have it like in an area that doesn't get a ton of rain I had it here in my Landscaping like out front like under it wasn't under my roof line or anything like that and we get some torrential downpours here in Florida and it was falling apart from getting wet so you might want to protect it maybe put it in a house plant on your porch or something like that but it is still super cute and they have these again this year next Dollar Tree solar light DIY I'm going to use one of these little Shor living jars this is the bumpy one that's like that beautiful like teal color and it's great because it's already got like a wire hanger on it everything and another one of these little solar lights from the Dollar Tree I didn't realize how many different varieties of the solar lights they have at the Dollar Tree they have like four or five maybe more now I kind of want to cover up that little metal pattern on the outside of it so I'm just going to use some Dollar Tree rope this is like I think the thinner one and I just start gluing that all around what I want to do is sit this on top of the jar to light the jar up but I want to kind of just make it look a little bit more Coastal and so I thought rope would be a good option so I just go over the sides cut that down to size and glue it on I think [Music] um I made this one way and then I kind of went back and fixed it a little bit once I saw what it looked like in the dark but at first I just screwed off the base like that and left the little light thing on there and I'm just going to um hang it like that so I just attach it with hot glue because I do kind of want it to be removable if the little light goes out I can always replace it with a new one cuz hot glue is usually pretty easy to disassemble if you want to and that looks really cute like that but what I found was when I went and tested this in the dark the little light fixture if you leave it on there it kind of focuses all the light right there instead of lighting up the whole jar which is what I wanted so I just popped that off and took the plastic piece off and reattached the top I did that on a couple of them and I I went back on both of them and removed that I usually removed that piece on all of today's DIYs now I thought it was a little plain so I thought we could take it up a notch by adding a Dollar Tree Shor living sand dollar to the front by just hot gluing that onto the glass if you want that to last a little bit longer you're probably going to want to use like E6000 or something like that but we're going for convenience today and that's how that one turned out I'm going to show you a similar one that I did too this is also from the Shor living line it's that same color but this one is like a fish scale or mermaid scale all over and I'm going to kind of do the same treatment on this one and I kind of display these the same way in my Landscaping out in front of my house but this one's really pretty too I think now I kind of wanted to do the same thing that we did with the last one but instead of the Sand Dollar we're going to use one of the little starfish from the Dollar Tree I like the contrast of the white on the blue I think that's going to look really cute I can kind of make a pair they're the same color but they're different they have different items on them they have different patterns on them so I just hot glue the little starfish to the front of that jar as well and then we can start diying the little solar light to go on top now these solar lights make sure you test them before you buy them pull out the little cardboard piece because man some of them I did not test and I I think I had to throw away like three maybe more maybe three or four because I didn't test them so lesson learned but I just hot glued that on the top of my jar and then I'm just going to go around and finish this one off with rope just like I did with the last one you can do the Rope part after you attach them to the jar like this or you can do it while it's still attached to the steak just kind of whatever you want I do want to just kind of cover the top of it um again so if I do want to switch out the solar light to a new one like next year I would be able to do that pretty easily so just leaving the little solar panel there on the top exposed so we can expose that to the light and if you want wanted to weigh these down to make them sturdier to put on the ground that would be really easy with pebbles or rocks or something like that but what I'm going to do is hang mine now this is what they look like in the daylight our little jar solar lights I think they're so pretty and then what I did to display them in my garden is I found some of those little um plant hangers I guess they're called from the Dollar Tree I picked up two of these one for like each side of my sidewalk like near my entryway and I hung them in my landscaping and so let me show you what these look like at night outside this is the one with the Sand Dollar this one's probably lit up a little bit more than the other one cuz I do have some like dusk Town lights on the front of my garage but this is the other one that's a little closer to the garage and this is how this one looks hanging at night all lit up I think they're so pretty I might reinforce them to the hook with a little bit with maybe um some wire or something um just because we do get a lot of wind and storms here in Florida and I actually ended up not doing that and they've held up fantastic they're still going strong one year later okay next DIY I'm going to use one of these large like canning jars from the Dollar Tree this is another version of the solar light I find that the light on top of it is pretty much the same size as you can see it is like a smooth um shiny surface on the outside but it's definitely going to fit fit even on this like large jar I wanted to do kind of like a dangly Coastal display in this one so I'm just filling up the bottom of it with some Dollar Tree tan sand to kind of give me that beachy vibe I don't want to decorate it too much but I do want it to have a little bit of decoration so again I'm using some of those little tiny starfish that I get on Amazon these are the ivory ones they are different sizes but they all come together um sometimes they you only get the tiny ones and but sometimes you get those larger ones too I like the variety and so I'm just going to kind of like toss some of those in there what don't want to hang down inside the solar light is one of those little dangly sand dollars so I thought starfish on the bottom would be a nice touch to go with a little sand dollar and these are from the shore of living line these are little wood beads with little hanging Decor I'm going to use the sand dollar for this one I'm not a big fan of the Navy on there though I really kind of want to stick with the beachy blue in the white and it's too long anyway so I'm just going to go ahead and take them all off and then just alternate like turquoise and white from the beads that were already on there but then I have to determine how long I want it to be because I want it to be able to like hang down in there I think I ended up going with like five beads and then tying that off and then I thought we could attach that to the solar light and like Let It dangle down inside the jar and again this is a canning jar from the Dollar Tree but definitely the larger one so there is little hole where the little light comes out so I'm actually going to take advantage of that and just try to glue my twine into that with my hot glue I was afraid it wasn't going to stay in place though so I also like hot glue down like the very top bead to the plastic on the underside so that the light will shine down on it but like be like right next to it and dangle down inside the jar like that now it fit in there perfectly with just friction so I just popped it on there no glue at all but I do want to cover the sides where like all screws in there on the jar to make it look a little bit more finished this is that Mac rope that I've just recently been able to find at Dollar Tree but you could always use like any kind of cotton twine like cooking twine um stuff like that it's going to give you that same feel this I like it because it's like working with the J twine but you're going to get a different feel when you use that white color and I'm just stringing that all the way along the sides of the jar but also on the sides of the solar light as well all the way to the top and I try to show you but it messes up all my starfish so you're just going to have to wait be patient but I do kind of want to break up the colors on the top so I thought I would use a little turquoise paint and paint like half of that Mac rope this beautiful like turquoise color it's like the same color as the wood beads inside kind of give it like a two-tone effect and it definitely painted really well it's okay if I don't get like complete coverage it's going to give it that little bit of that Coastal Farmhouse feel that I'm always going for with these DIYs but this was really easy to put together and I think it's definitely really unique and it turned out really pretty so we're going to give that a quick dry and and then I can show you how this little DIY turned out so there's our blue and white macra lid with our blue and white beads hanging down to display a beautiful little wood cut out of a sand dollar and finish it up with some Dollar Tree sand and some little tiny starfish on the bottom so that's how it looks like during the daytime and then this is how it looks all lit up at night I think it's so pretty I love the little dangly effect of that I think that makes that jar candle like really unique I guess it's a jar light not a jar candle right and they do have those little dangly wood beads again this year with this sh living line super fun in there okay next DIY this is another one of the canning jars from the Dollar Tree but this is the smaller one wanted to see if we could do something really easy and fun with with a solar light from the Dollar Tree and some of those glass stickers I do have um some of the shore living ones and I thought maybe we tried the dolphin one now this one I really need the lid so without like the canning top I think we can make this work by attaching the little solar light to the lid because I'm going to need it to be removable and you'll see why here in a little bit so the first thing I'm going to do is just put hot glue around the rim on the top of the solar light and just glue that directly on top of the canning lid it is a little bit smaller um in diameter and they're different colors but we'll cover that up and make it work I'm just using some of that thicker twine from Walmart and I'm just gluing that on I'm going to wrap that all the way around the jarid and also the sides of the solar light kind of making them look more uniform and like I did it on purpose but since this is not rope this is the twine it's going to take a little bit more to wrap that around and hot glue it on I'm also going to go in and kind of clean it up with a lighter just to burn off some of the fuzzies now what I thought would be really fun to do with this jar was to kind of do like a colored water like make it look like ocean water inside and then like do a dolphin on the side I kind of wanted to do fish but I didn't really have anything but you could be really cute if you wanted to make a fish or something like that with your Cricket or if you did have a fish but this isn't going to fit so what I'm going to do is cut this down and just use the smaller dolphin um and just put that on the side of my jar now one thing I noticed with these glass stickers that I've never noticed before with this is that I did get a little bit of bubbling and it's obvious at night I don't know if that will go away the jar was clean and so I don't know but I just take it and fill the whole jar up with hot water and I thought we could dye it I don't go all the way to the top because I don't want the water to get messed with the electronics of the light but I'm just going to add some blue food coloring and mix that up I thought that that was maybe a little too blue so I do go pour some of that out and add a little bit more water to tone it down a little bit to give me a beachy blue and then that's why I needed the jarlet is so that I can go in there I can change out the water I can empty it out if I need to I could always fill it up with something else like sand and shells if I got tired of the water look but I thought this was another fun variety and something different from what we've already done so here's a little solar light DIY filled with some blue water and a little glass sticker from the shore living line little dolphin as you can see it looks great during the day but let me show you what it looks like at night see how it's got like the air bubbles in there and I did try the other dolphin too after I cleaned and made sure there was no dust on the jar and it did the same thing so it must be something with the glass sticker so maybe another kind of decal would work better also I found it would be great for parties but the blue food coloring in there did not last for too long maybe you need to add a lot okay guys You' made it all the way to the final reveal of all 20 of our Dollar Tree Coastal solar light DIYs be sure to comment your favorite DIY in the comments below don't forget to like this video If you haven't and I'd really appreciate it if you subscribe to my channel enjoy the final reveal [Music] I get a little bit breath my thoughts are too big can I get some comfort please I guess should have been honest a break to my heart it'sing down baby I'm like a river that's over the sooner you know it the less do we heard let me speak the truth I know you don't want to face it you think it's too late but I can see past the rain won't you L it on me turn the be and burn it let's make up a big bon fire on the beach with the Stars as our [Music] lighter and throw our problems in the [Music] flame throw our problems in the [Music] flame we fell down to the bottom so bottom up pleas we're going to get over this I see the smoke in the mirrors I'm holding the key one step away from salvation you're like the ocean setting me free out in the open I'm picking up speed no bad thoughts [Music] penetrate hold me like this is the time our destiny calls not leaving this incomplete won't you lay it on me turn the B and burn it let's make up a big PA fire on the beach with the Stars as our lighter and throw our problems in the flame throw our problems in the [Music] flame and throw our problems in the flame throw our problems in the [Music] flame I get a little bit breath my thoughts are too big can I get some comfort please look ahead the sea is coming I know we've been through a lot but just wait wait for better days to come and carry us like wind in our [Music] Sals p on tight I can smell the shore it's right in front of us if we just hold on tight this Vision that I saw is getting closer every da ooh we are dreaming of [Music] the years now on this boat and we all know where we belong just wait ooh wait for our home to show on the horizon soon we'll be there hold on tight I can smell the sh right in front of us if we just hold on tight this Vision that I saw is getting closer every done ooh we are dreamers of the shore when we can't read the [Music] sky we just s With The Wind that we've got and when we're drowning in doubt Just Keep On Believing we are dreamers of [Music] the sure [Music] I could never get enough this [Music] Soul all the crashing sound of the breaking waves down here now I've been sitting here most the day don't know why it's so hard to away I can almost hear the ocean talking to me saying what are you waiting [Music] when I is it open it would never get easy than this it would never be more to miss so what are you waiting for if life is an open [Music] door no one in this world knows where I [Music] am so I think I'll stay for as long as I [Music] can sure could use a word of advice just see things clearly now wouldn't that ni dear ocean won't you talk to me and say [Music] what are you waiting for When Love is at all Open [Music] Door yeah what are you waiting for [Music] cuz it would never get e than this it would never be more difficult to miss so what are you waiting for oh it would never be EAS than this never be more to so what are you waiting for life's an Open Door [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] without my love for the [Music] ocean I will be long gone by now it's some kind a devotion that brings me down that without my love for the old I will be no one no [Music] one you holding mind in a TI GP when I walk all over you and your blood is in the water you go straight through my heart through my heart [Music] la la la la la la la [Music] [Music] [Music] with have my love for the [Music] ocean I would be longer by [Music] now I guess my love is for the ocean not for you no not for you thank you so much for making it all the way to the end of today's video that always helps my videos do so much better if you watch the entire thing I also want to give a huge thank you to all my crafty Beach bom members for supporting my channel here on YouTube so I want to give a huge shout out and thank you to Karen o'haren Melinda Elizabeth Jamie job Susan Ed Edmonds Carrie R Tracy Knight Nancy wner Julie Miller Jana Fairington Pamelia Ren Maria Grace Donna Shriner Sandy C and Lindsay thank you so much for being a member here on my channel if you would like early add free access to my videos all you have to do is hit that join button under today's video it's $4.9 9 cents a month you're free to cancel any time if you'd like more Beach DIYs I've got you covered here is more right here all you have to do is click this video and until next time happy crafting
Channel: Crafty Beach
Views: 39,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crafty beach, solar light diys, solar light, solar lights, solar light diy, dollar tree solar light, solar light dollar tree, dollar tree solar light diys, dollar tree solar light diy, coastal solar lights, coastal solar light, beach solar lights, beach solar light, summer diy, patio diys, beach diys, coastal diys, dollar tree shore living, dollar tree summer diy, luau party ideas, coastal decorating ideas, dollar tree shore living 2023, dollar tree beach decor diy
Id: rN3KaU7HSTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 47sec (6887 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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